Home Hygiene Presentations for basic kindergarten on traffic rules. Traffic rules for preschoolers

Presentations for basic kindergarten on traffic rules. Traffic rules for preschoolers

THE PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF WORK IS FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN OF SKILLS AND SKILLS OF SAFE BEHAVIOR IN THE SURROUNDING ROAD TRANSPORT ENVIRONMENT 1. Development in children cognitive processes, necessary for them to correctly and safely navigate on the street 2. Formation in children of skills and abilities to monitor the road situation, as well as the formation of sustainable positive habits of safe behavior on the street 3. Fostering discipline and conscious compliance with the rules traffic, culture of behavior in the road transport process

PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: Sequences - any new stage in a child’s education is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one. Visual – children must see, hear, touch everything themselves and thereby realize their desire for knowledge. Activities - involving the child in playful, educational, search activities in order to stimulate active life position. Integration - the integrativeness of all types of children's activities implemented in educational process. Differentiated approach - solves the problems of effective pedagogical assistance to children in improving their personality, promotes the creation of special pedagogical situations that help to reveal the psychophysical, personal abilities and capabilities of students. Age-specific – the same content is used for work in different groups with corresponding complication age characteristics children. Continuity of interaction with a child in a preschool institution and family - nothing convinces better example parents.

DIRECTIONS OF WORK OF DOWE EMPLOYEES: Head Distribution functional responsibilities between team members; Conducting briefings; Solving financial issues (purchase of equipment, literature, paintings, toys, etc.). Senior teacher Determining the place of the system for teaching preschoolers the rules of the road in the general educational space kindergarten, its connections with other areas. Participation in the development of projects and long-term plans for teaching children traffic rules and organizing a subject-development environment: – safety corners in groups; – information stands for parents; – platform for practical classes with children (on the territory of the kindergarten). Educator Creating conditions for teaching children traffic rules in groups: conducting traffic work - designing safety corners; – selection of literature, photographs on traffic rules; – production of attributes for games. Interaction with parents. Medical worker o Participation in assessment educational work in a preschool institution from the point of view of children's health status Musical director. Development of scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules. Selection of musical works. Instructor physical culture: Assistance in organizing a subject-development environment. Participation in holidays and entertainment according to traffic regulations. Conducting outdoor games with children according to traffic rules. Teacher assistants: Assistance in organizing a subject-development environment. Participation in holidays and entertainment according to traffic regulations.

FORMS OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN ACCORDING TO TRAFFIC RULES Forms of working with children according to traffic regulations Targeted walks to traffic lights, intersections and stops Different kinds Fine arts activities Various types of games Leisure activities, holidays, entertainment Teacher's stories, reading fiction Examination of didactic pictures and illustrations Conversations and discussions on traffic rules Observations of transport and pedestrians

Natalia Ustinova
Presentation on traffic rules: “Observe traffic rules”

Good evening, Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention presentation on traffic rules:« Follow traffic rules» . Target: "To form knowledge, skills and

practical skills for safe behavior in road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about Traffic rules". This presentation sent to repeat and consolidate the material covered. You can also use it at the beginning of a new one school year, after the summer holidays. I will be very glad if this presentation will be useful for colleagues at work.

After watching presentations We conduct conversations, make, together with children, models from waste material, plasticine, wall newspapers, various coloring books from which we make collages, create board games, puzzles and much more. All this can be used in everyday work or demonstrated at a parent meeting.

Publications on the topic:

“Traffic rules are worthy of respect!” Project implementation report on traffic rules"Traffic rules are worthy of respect!" The relevance of organizing work to prevent road traffic injuries is undeniable.

Summary of organized educational activities on traffic rules “Learn the rules of the road” Program content: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in public transport. Clarify children's knowledge of road rules.

Notes on traffic rules "Road Rules" Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 22 in the city of Yeisk, Yeisk district.

Lesson summary on traffic rules in the middle group “Traffic rules are worthy of respect” Lesson notes on traffic rules in middle group Topic: “Traffic rules are worthy of respect.” Program tasks: .

Teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "FAIRY TALE" in the village of Veseloye" of the Sudak-Levitskaya urban district Alla Yuryevna. I present to your attention my laptop.

Pedagogical project on traffic rules “Road rules - everyone, without exception, needs to know!” MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 46" Perm Pedagogical project on traffic rules "Road rules - necessary.

In Russian regions, actions and events are being held in support of the social campaign “Difficulties of Transition,” which is intended to explain to participants.

Entertainment for children of the senior group on traffic rules in the winter “Study and respect the rules of the road” Entertainment for older children. “Learn and respect the rules of the road.” Educator: Marchenko Elena Nikolaevna. Goal: Prevention.

Target: to develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior for children on the street and road, in order to prevent children from road traffic injuries.


    Give children knowledge about traffic rules.

    To form children's ideas about road safety when moving along streets and roads.

Place of use: This presentation can be used in directly organized activities with children to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road.

Guidelines: The material used corresponds to the age characteristics of preschoolers and is accessible to their understanding. The presentation covers a large amount of material on traffic rules. If necessary, for a conversation with children, you can increase the time for changing the slide. The work is intended for educators and parents.

Efficiency: Colorful and bright drawings depicting small animals attract the attention of children. By assessing the actions of others, children accumulate their own experience of behavior on the road.

Practical significance: Well-chosen material helps to track the level of knowledge of preschoolers and plan further work. The use of photographs of children themselves encourages children to obey traffic rules.

Alla Kovalenko
Presentation on traffic regulations

Good afternoon.

1 slide:

You are welcomed by the teaching staff of MBDOU No. 70 in Shakhty, Rostov region.

We present to your attention our work to prevent road traffic injuries.

2nd slide:

The road...like life. Both in life and on the road, you never know what can happen, around what corner danger awaits.

Their lives and health depend on the behavior of pedestrians on the street. And children are the most careless participants in the movement. They neglect the rules of behavior, primarily because they do not pose a threat to them.

And therefore, you need to prepare yourself and especially children for various unforeseen situations on the road early age.

Slide 3:

Preschoolers lack protective psychological reaction to the road conditions typical of adults. The thirst for knowledge and the desire to constantly discover something new put the child in front of real dangers, including on the streets of the city.

I think that the sooner we introduce a child to the rules of the road, teach him the skills to behave on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents there will be on the roadway.

That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions.

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In our kindergarten, the Commission “For Road Safety” coordinates the work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

On this slide you can trace the work of the Commission “For Road Safety” with teachers, children, parents, as well as with society.

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To implement the assigned tasks, preschool educational institutions are creating the necessary conditions. There is a methodological room and traffic safety corners equipped, which contain a variety of advisory material, recommendations, materials from the commission “For Traffic Safety,” seminars, and video materials.

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The office is equipped with instructional material, periodicals(newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” and “Journey to the Green Light” magazine).

Information stands have been set up for teachers where you can find information about planned events, stages of the game - the journey “Adventures of a Traffic Light”, specific recommendations for teaching preschoolers traffic rules, etc.

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In our preschool educational institution No. 70, a lot of work is being done to prevent accidents in transport, with the parents of the pupils. This is participation in events: tournaments, quizzes, KVN, sports holidays, promotions “Child seat”, “Child is the main passenger”.

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Work in preschool educational institutions to prevent road traffic injuries is also carried out jointly with traffic police officers. Conversations are organized for children in which they can better learn the specifics of the work of the traffic police.

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The preschool educational institution has created information stands for parents, which contain the necessary information, reference, statistical, analytical materials, and advice for parents.

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Work with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with traffic rules is based on integrated approach and is carried out in three directions: organized activity, joint activity and independent activity.

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Various forms of working with children are used: educational activities, targeted walks, reading to children fiction, conversations, creating and acting out problem situations, didactic, active, role-playing games.

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During the warm season, all work on teaching traffic rules is transferred to the street. For this purpose, a transport area with external road signs, bicycles, scooters, and road markings with pedestrian crossings have been installed on the territory of the kindergarten. Children learn to cross the road correctly, at controlled and unregulated intersections, learn how to behave at a passenger transport stop, and become familiar with the rules of behavior for cyclists on the road.

To maintain children's interest in learning traffic rules, new forms of work with children and parents are being introduced using tools information technologies. In our Preschool teachers together with children they create presentations “The road is not for games”, “Make friends with the traffic light”, which are used to consolidate children’s knowledge.

Slide 17:

Children and adults of our preschool educational institution took part in the “Study of O. Koshevoy Street according to traffic rules.”

Purpose of the study:

Find out how many road signs there are

Find out if there are violators on the road.

Slide 18:

As a result of the work carried out, it can be noted that children have the necessary knowledge of traffic rules: they know road signs, purpose of the sidewalk, roadway, pedestrian crossing; know the types of transport, the rules of behavior for pedestrians on city streets and know how to use these rules.

And also, preschool educational institution No. 70, is an active participant in drawing competitions on road safety.

Slide 19:

In kindergarten, pedagogical experience in teaching children traffic rules has been summarized and systematized, a methodological piggy bank has been collected, which is equipped with:

Card index of outdoor games according to traffic rules;

Card index of didactic games for traffic rules "Road Games Library";

A selection of fiction to familiarize children with traffic rules;

Notes of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

A cycle of observations according to traffic rules, excursions, targeted walks along the street, to a stop, to an intersection;

Slide 20:

For increase pedagogical excellence pedagogical councils are held for kindergarten teachers, business games, seminars, consultations, open screenings on teaching children traffic rules.

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At the preschool educational institution, safety minutes are held daily, where teachers and children repeat the traffic alphabet.

When organizing classes and conversations, teachers proceed from the fact that at this age children better perceive material presented in the form of a game, excursion, competition, that is, with the active participation of the child himself.

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Movable, didactic games, simulation of road situations, trips to the “Country of Road ABCs,” riddles and tasks of cartoon characters help children learn to behave correctly in the surrounding road environment.

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To instill in children practical skills in following traffic rules, group walks along the sidewalk are conducted to observe transport, the actions of pedestrians and drivers.

All this allows teachers to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching children safe behavior in the road environment.

To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport environment.

Slide 24:

In the work to prevent child road traffic injuries, we use various shapes interactions with parents:

Reminders and leaflets appealing to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules;

Travel folders containing material about traffic rules that is necessary for learning by both children and adults;

Consulting material “Preschooler and the road.”

Great attention is paid to working with parents in kindergarten, because they are the ones who cross the road with the children more than once every day and are responsible for them.

Throughout the year, exhibitions of drawings by children of older groups are held: “Such different cars”, “Me and the road”, etc.

Slide 25:

About efficiency preschool work No. 70, we can already say from the above results that this system works and gives positive results.

But the work doesn't end there.

Every year kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them from danger on the roads.

We believe that this area of ​​work should always be under the close attention of teachers, parents, the traffic police,

This means that further search and improvement in the organization of work to prevent road traffic injuries is necessary.

Slide 26:

"Thank you for your attention".

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