Home Wisdom teeth How to relieve a headache: home remedies and medications. Headache

How to relieve a headache: home remedies and medications. Headache

The causes of headaches are various: fatigue at work, a busy day, stress, staying in one position for a long time, which leads to muscle tension. A headache can occur if a person does not get enough sleep, or vice versa, if a person sleeps longer than usual. Of course, there are a lot of reasons for this disease, but let’s move on to its treatment!

Relieving headaches with tablets

Most people accept medications to remove headache. Commonly used medications include: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen and Naproxen. Most painkillers relieve pain within 30 minutes after administration. This is, in principle, quick way when fighting headaches, but it is important to remember the contraindications.

All medications should only be taken with a doctor's prescription, because they may not always be beneficial! For example, Aspirin is strongly not recommended for use before the age of 19. This drug may cause side effects(Reye's syndrome, which is fatal).

For headaches, you can take antidepressants, which will reduce anxiety, depression and enhance the effect of analgesics.

  • Amitriptyline.
  • Paroxetine.
  • Duloxetine.

Relieving headaches without pills

It is no secret that many people, experiencing headaches, still do not want to accustom their bodies to medications and prefer treatment without pills. IN in this case necessary:

  1. In order to relieve a headache, you just need to calm down and relax.
  2. A cup of warm sweet tea (preferably green, with herbs added) will help relieve headaches.
  3. It is necessary to massage the head and neck.
  4. You need to take a warm bath or shower, which will help you relax and relieve headaches.
  5. A walk is required fresh air, where you can focus on nature, find peace and relieve stress.
  6. Often, headaches can occur due to poor nutrition. Changing your diet, of course, will not immediately solve your problem, but over time the source of your headache will disappear. It is advisable not to consume foods that contain nitrates and nitrites, tyramines, sulfites, and salicylates. You need to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking.
  7. You need to drink plenty of water!

Quick headache relief at home

You can relieve pain at home very quickly, you just need to know what to do:

  1. The first thing you can do is apply a cold compress.
  2. Find a quiet and cool place where you can rest.
  3. Of course, at home there are all the opportunities to take a bath or shower, which will promote relaxation and relieve pain.
  4. As already mentioned, head and neck massage is very important. Light massage will help you take your mind off the pain. It is very good if you have to do the massage not on your own, but with the help of your family, so that you can completely relax.
  5. Effective and quick fix is sex. During lovemaking, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which promotes the release of endorphins.
  6. Are useful physical exercise. It is necessary to constantly stretch the muscles of the body. Yoga will help relieve muscle tension.

Folk remedies for headaches

In addition to the above, you should not neglect folk remedies.

Herbal remedies:

  • St. John's wort infusion: a tablespoon of St. John's wort is poured into a glass of boiled water. Drink only a third of it before meals.
  • Chamomile infusion: a tablespoon of chamomile flowers is poured into one glass of water, boiled for 5 minutes. Leave the resulting tincture for 20 minutes, strain and drink after meals (1/3 cup).
  • Peony tincture – the root is needed for preparation. The rhizomes must be infused with vodka (1:10). Take before meals – 1 teaspoon.
  • Tincture of clover, white lilac and rattle - you need to mix dry herbs. Brew the mixture with boiling water (half a liter) and let it brew. Half a glass, 5-6 times a day.
  • Tincture of thyme, lilac, cornflower - mix herbs in even proportions, 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoon and let it brew.

Don't forget about essential oils. To relieve headaches, you can rub lavender and mint oil into your temples. You can also take a bath and add essential oils of sage, basil and lavender. You can also use lavender, chamomile and mint oil when doing a massage.

Helps and honey, which can be eaten before meals, a few teaspoons, can be added to elderberry infusion, and eaten with viburnum.

Another remedy that will help quickly relieve pain is copper coin . It needs to be applied to the place on the head that is bothering you.

Drink plenty of water. Dehydration often causes headaches. This is because lack of water leads to decreased blood flow and oxygen to the brain. As soon as you feel a headache coming on, try drinking a glass of cool water. If your headache is caused by dehydration, drinking water will relieve or even cure it within minutes.

  • To prevent dehydration, you should drink eight glasses of water a day.
  • Drinking water is especially important after drinking alcohol, as it causes dehydration, which leads to headaches and hangovers.
  • Use lavender oil. Lavender products are well known for their relaxing properties, but did you know that lavender oil is also very effective in treating headaches? Just take a bowl of hot water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Bend over the surface of the water and place a towel on your head. Breathe deeply with lavender vapor.

    • Alternatively, you can apply lavender oil externally. Try massaging your temples with lavender oil for a few minutes while breathing deeply.
    • Keep in mind that lavender oil should not be ingested.
  • Use rosemary. Rosemary can be very helpful in treating headaches. Try massaging your head with a little rosemary oil (which has anti-inflammatory properties) for instant pain relief. In addition, to relieve headaches, you can drink Herb tea from rosemary and sage.

    • To make rosemary and sage tea, add one teaspoon each of chopped sage and rosemary leaves to a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to room temperature.
    • Drink this tea two to three times a day.
  • Use cloves. Cloves can be used in several ways to relieve headaches. Here are some tips:

    • Gently crush a few cloves and place the pieces in a linen bag or a clean handkerchief. Inhale the scent of crushed cloves to relieve headaches.
    • Mix clove oil with sea salt and massage onto your forehead and temples. Clove oil produces a cooling effect and sea ​​salt enhances the massage.
  • Use basil oil. Basil is a very aromatic herb that can be used effectively to treat headaches. Basil acts as a muscle relaxant, so it is useful for treating headaches caused by tension and tight muscles. Drinking basil tea twice a day is an excellent home remedy.

    • Place a few fresh, washed basil leaves in a glass and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. Sip the tea slowly and your headache will gradually go away.
    • During headaches, you can chew fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure basil oil.
  • Use ginger. Ginger reduces inflammation of blood vessels, which is why it is often used in the treatment of headaches. Try adding an inch of fresh chopped or grated ginger root to a cup of tea and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. You can add milk or sugar to taste. Surprisingly, ginger tea is said to relieve headaches and reduce inflammation as quickly as aspirin.

    • Alternatively, you can steep fresh or dry ginger in water and inhale the steam to get rid of headaches.
    • Ginger candies can also help relieve headaches.
  • Use cinnamon. Cinnamon can help relieve headaches, especially those that accompany a cold. The easiest way to use cinnamon is to make a paste of freshly ground cinnamon and a little water. Apply this paste on your forehead and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. The headache should go away soon.

    • Alternatively, you can make a soothing drink by adding two teaspoons of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot milk. Add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness if needed.
  • Use peppermint. It is known for its calming properties, but can also be very effective in treating headaches. Use oil peppermint when massaging the forehead, temples and even jaws. Alternatively, apply fresh crushed peppermint leaves on your forehead for 15 minutes while breathing deeply.

    • Fresh mint leaves can also be used to make a soothing tea. Simply place washed mint leaves in a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for a few minutes.
    • You can also inhale mint by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to boiling water.
  • Eat an apple. Apples help with headaches as they can balance the alkaline and acid levels in the body, thereby providing relief. Try eating an apple (with the peel) as soon as you feel a headache coming on.

    • Alternatively, you can add two teaspoons apple cider vinegar, which has similar properties, into a glass of water. Drink this solution for immediate headache relief.
  • Before deciding how to get rid of a headache, you need to find out what caused it.

    A headache can occur unexpectedly at the most inopportune moment and is not always at hand. medicines allowing you to get rid of it.

    But there are ways to relieve headaches without the use of drugs. So, let's look at how to relieve headaches at home.

    Call this symptom are capable of serious illnesses requiring qualified medical care. But if we know exactly why they arose painful sensations, you can try to deal with them yourself.

    With the help of some simple ways You can relieve a headache without medication:

    • a walk (after being in the fresh air, getting rid of negative thoughts, the unpleasant sensations go away);
    • regular ventilation of the room (every hour for 10–15 minutes);
    • relaxation (sound of the sea surf, beautiful landscapes, meditation);
    • refusal of certain products (strong tea, coffee, tobacco products);
    • shutdown for a while mobile phone, computer, TV.

    For quick disposal For headaches without the use of medications, it is recommended:

    • take deep breaths and exhales for 5 minutes;
    • sit up straight, with your shoulders back and your spine straight;
    • look into the distance (to relieve eye strain);
    • think about pleasant things (to remove nervous tension);
    • massage your head (using essential oils);
    • Drink a glass of warm water in slow sips and try to fall asleep;
    • wash your hair with warm water;
    • put a wet towel on your head and lie down (it’s better when the room is quiet);
    • if a person has cold feet with a headache, a hot foot bath may help);
    • cold hand baths (immerse your hands and forearms in cold water for 2 minutes);
    • acupressure (by influencing a point located in the middle of the foot).

    The causes of frequent headaches in women can be different: pain can appear due to stress and fatigue, or due to some kind of disease. At this link we will look at the main causes of headaches and methods of treatment.

    Pain associated with changes in blood pressure

    When increasing or decreasing blood pressure Headaches often occur.

    Proceed to self-treatment is possible only after measuring the pressure with a tonometer.

    Juice (carrot or beetroot) will help reduce high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is low, your condition may improve after drinking coffee.

    Pain caused by hunger

    With insufficient intake of carbohydrates in the body, weakness occurs, headaches appear, and it becomes difficult to perform mental work. To get rid of malaise caused by hunger, just eat chocolate and drink tea with sugar. Some people need protein products (fish, meat, cottage cheese). After meal unpleasant symptom disappears.

    As a result of compression of blood vessels

    A large number of blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

    If the body position is incorrect during work (especially for those who work at a desk or computer desk), the vessels are compressed, and less water is delivered to the brain. nutrients, headache appears.

    It is necessary to take short breaks after every hour to perform simple exercises and ventilate the room.

    Headache associated with eye fatigue

    Long-term intense work with documents can cause eye fatigue and, as a result, headaches. It can be eliminated without the use of drugs - you should relax your eyes, massage them with light movements through the eyelids.

    Closing your eyes, imagine a forest, a river and look into the distance with your inner gaze. People who wear glasses should take them off for a while to allow their eyes to rest.

    Against a background of stress

    Fatigue of the body and frequent stress cause headaches. To eliminate it, you need to relax, rest, and think about something pleasant. Meditation and short sleep help relieve headaches without pills.

    How to relieve headaches with medications

    The most appropriate medicine can be prescribed by your doctor, taking into account:

    • nature of pain;
    • localization of pain;
    • causes.

    Popular medicines - Askofen, Citramon.

    They contain caffeine, so they help cope with pain only with low blood pressure.

    Paracetamol eliminates headaches and minor malaise; you can take no more than 4 tablets daily with an interval of 4 hours. Duration of treatment - no more than 3 days.

    The following is effective for migraines:

    • Zolmigrena;
    • Dihydergotha;
    • Ditamine.

    Considering what they provide side effects, prescribed by their doctor.

    Nonsteroidal drugs:

    • Ketoprofen;
    • Indomethacin;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Naproxen;
    • Ibuprofen.

    Contraindicated in use non-steroidal drugs at:

    • severe stage of hypertension;
    • liver and kidney dysfunction;
    • pregnancy, during breastfeeding;
    • possible hidden bleeding;
    • allergic reaction to the drug.

    Headache caused by spasm is eliminated:

    • Drotaverine;
    • Buksolan;
    • Halidor;
    • No-shpa;
    • Papaverine.

    The duration of taking antispasmodics is 2 days. You should not take antispasmodics if:

    • glaucoma;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • allergies to drug components;
    • heart failure;
    • renal failure.

    Attacks of headaches that occur with contraction or expansion cerebral vessels, are relieved by taking analgesics:

    • Baralgin;
    • Analgin;
    • Nebagin;
    • Nobol;
    • Spazdolzin.

    The effect of their use occurs after 20 minutes. after administration and lasts 2 hours. Contraindications for use:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • dysfunction of hematopoiesis;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • allergic reaction to drug components.

    Nise, Ketorol - provide good effect, but have contraindications for use.

    A bursting headache inside the skull, aggravated by coughing, is dangerous. Taking headache medications does little to alleviate the condition.

    If such pain occurs, you should consult a doctor.

    Folk remedies

    Helps eliminate headaches traditional methods: aroma oils, medicinal herbs, clay.

    Aromatherapy - alternative method treatment. Helps to get rid of headaches:

    • inhaling the aroma of lavender, lemon, mint;
    • apply with massaging movements to temporal region peppermint or lavender oil;
    • bath with mint, geranium and orange oil (in a ratio of 4:4:2).

    Use of medicinal plants:

    • For dizziness, a decoction made from hawthorn fruits helps (place 20 g of hawthorn in a thermos, brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, drink on an empty stomach).
    • Apply fresh knotweed grass to the back of the head (the effect resembles that of mustard plaster).
    • Place a cabbage leaf on your head and lubricate the area behind your ears and wrists with cabbage juice.
    • Pour 1 g of cinnamon into hot water, leave for half an hour, add sugar, drink in sips every hour.
    • Massage the temple area with lemon peel.
    • Fresh potato juice (1/4 cup).
    • Drink 2 cups of herbal tea (meadowsweet, sage, peppermint) daily.

    Clay, which has a healing effect, helps eliminate headaches:

    • Mix clay (150 g) with warm water to a paste-like state, spread it on a bandage and apply it to the head for 20 minutes from ear to ear.
    • Soak a lump of clay in water to the consistency of an ointment, add a little vinegar, apply the resulting mixture to the feet, wrap in film and put on warm socks.
    • Add warm water (1/4 cup) and 5 drops of menthol oil to 150 g of clay, rub thoroughly, put on a wide bandage and apply to the frontal part of the head for 5 minutes.

    Headache during pregnancy

    How to relieve headaches during pregnancy? During pregnancy, doctors strictly prohibit the uncontrolled use of medications.

    It is allowed to use Paracetamol, No-shpu, Citramon.

    You cannot take Analgin, Aspirin and Nurofen!

    Before you begin treatment for a headache, you need to find the cause that caused it. The underlying disease should be eliminated so that the headache stops bothering you.

    Headache (cephalgia) occurs in all people at one time or another and is caused by a variety of reasons. Let's look at what it is, what types of headaches are distinguished by specialists and based on what signs, as well as how to relieve a headache without drugs or pills.

    What is this

    Cephalgia is a very common symptom caused by great amount diseases, deviations in the functioning of the nervous and other systems of the body and its organs in atypical modes. It appears inside the skull, localized from the forehead to the neck. Most often the pain is caused by vascular diseases, accompanied by spasms of blood vessels inside the head, and nervous tension. Migraine is only special case cephalgia, and this should be remembered.

    The brain itself cannot hurt because it is free of pain receptors. Unpleasant sensations of tingling, drilling, squeezing, etc. occur in nine areas under cranium and less often in the neck area (as a rule, the back of the head suffers). There are more ways to cure cephalalgia than there are areas where it occurs. It can appear in the subcutaneous tissue, sinuses, mucous membranes, around the eyes and in the muscles of the head.

    Even children know how to quickly relieve a headache - take a pill (analgesic), but medications do not always and do not help everyone stop suffering from headaches. discomfort.

    Let's look at the main reasons why a headache may occur, their signs and ways to relieve or alleviate suffering.


    There are many methods for classifying cephalalgia, as well as signs by which it can be attributed to one type or another. Before starting treatment, we will try to understand the types of headaches, which will allow us to cope with the disease faster and more effectively, and we will tell you how to relieve headaches without pills in each case of its manifestation.


    Also in late XIX century, a book was published that described migraine and its differences from all other types of headaches, and a considerable part of the information was taken from treatises and notes of earlier authors (XVII centuries and older).

    Migraine is a fairly common type of pain that lasts for several hours. Moreover, suffering may not be constant, but wax and wane. They can lead to dizziness, nausea and fear of bright daylight. It is not for nothing that during an attack artifacts may appear during the visual perception of information: colored light rings, stripes, dots.

    The conditions for the occurrence of migraine have been a source of controversy among scientists and doctors for decades. Nowadays it is known that one of the parties was mistaken, and migraine is definitely not a disease of a psychological nature. This is a consequence of some physiological abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. If you experience extremely unpleasant sensations blood vessels in the brain expand, and it electrical activity increases greatly.

    Appears in a fifth of patients. Symptoms occur in certain situations(pungent odor, movement, excitement). To avoid suffering, you need to independently identify risk factors and try to avoid them. A painkiller tablet will help relieve the pain, but only slightly. Usually you have to be treated according to the “it will go away on its own” principle. How to get rid of a headache in this case, and even more so, to recover from it, is not known for certain.


    It appears when the vascular tone in the head drops and occurs as squeezing or tearing from the inside. When it appears quickly sharp pain, and when slow - aching. Lying down will help reduce the level of pain and alleviate it a little. IN horizontal position the direction of the hydrostatic stress vector will change, and soon everything will fall into place.


    Appears due to increased pressure in the tissues inside the skull. The most a clear symptom is a multiple increase in sensations during exercise: chewing, coughing, sneezing, physical activity.


    Deviations of a psychological nature. Appears due to tension, depression, neurosis or stress and only in the imagination of the sufferer.


    Manifests itself in the event of a violation of liquor circulation, which is caused by brain injuries and the presence of inflammation meninges. The speed at which symptoms appear and disappear is directly proportional to the degree of hypertension.

    These are the main types of headaches, but not all. According to Christian Baur, who published a book on this topic at the end of the 18th century, there are more than 80 varieties.

    If some types of diseases can be cured (in most cases they are primary), in order to get rid of secondary ones, you will have to remove the disease that causes them.

    Overuse pain, for example, is caused by long-term use painkillers, if you take medications against cephalgia, the abusive pain will remind you of itself every day.

    Types of treatment

    A patient who periodically experiences the same pain is not recommended to take any medications on his own to reduce pain. It is better for him to get a diary and record the nature of the pain and possible reasons her appearance ( monthly cycle in women, medications, fatigue, mental stress). If this phenomenon is prolonged, be sure to consult a specialist.

    Only A complex approach will alleviate or eliminate symptoms of chronic cephalgia. There are two ways to relieve headaches:

    • abortifacient – ​​immediate relief of symptoms of an attack;
    • preventive - will only help alleviate the degree and duration of suffering, carried out over many days, and sometimes months, by taking medications under the supervision of specialists.


    In this section, we will look at ways to relieve almost any headache at home.

    • Medicines - usually the patient takes analgesics on his own, just to quickly overcome the disease and continue going about his business. Choose the right remedy For your case, only an experienced specialist can, so before going to the pharmacy, be sure to visit a neurologist.
    • Massage – you can do it yourself or ask a loved one.

    The practice of massage is taken from Chinese Qigong. Five minutes of massaging each of the points shown in the picture gives a guaranteed effect:

    • on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows;
    • barely noticeable depressions under the outer edges of the eyebrows;
    • symmetrical areas above the edges of the eyebrows;
    • on the head in the center between the tops of the ears.

    • Physiotherapy - ultrasound, weak direct and alternating current of certain parameters, piercing human body, heat has long been proven that thanks to them you can easily and quickly get rid of headaches.
    • Osteopathy – an osteopath will restore the natural position using special techniques internal organs and get rid of causing pain spasms.
    • Another way to relieve headaches is physiotherapy. If the discomfort is caused by stiff muscles, for example, due to working in one position for several hours every day (for example, sitting in an office), you just need to periodically stretch your neck with circular rotations, bending, stretching and retracting your head. Experts recommend doing circular rotations in both directions with fixing the position of the head for 10 seconds in each of its 4 positions. It's the same with slopes.

    • Water and salt - at high blood pressure a glass of salted or mineral water(salt will remove some of the fluid from the cells), and if it is low or dehydrated (or a state close to it), a glass of water will help restore the body’s water-salt balance in a few minutes.
    • Caffeine – caffeine helps with low blood pressure, but you shouldn’t play with it, and in general, it’s not recommended to drink coffee if you have ailments.
    • Deep red and blue (purple) berries (cherries, plums, blueberries) contain many oxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. If you suspect or are certain of the presence inflammatory processes, such berries will become an excellent remedy to soothe headaches.
    • Mint has been used since ancient times as a sedative and relaxant. To reduce the discomfort of pain, you need to apply a compress of crushed mint leaves or with the addition of essential oil from this plant. Fresh or dried mint tea also helps.
    • Rosemary oil. A head massage, especially in the temple area, is done with rosemary oil. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Why does my head hurt? Discomfort can be caused by vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, even an uncomfortable position during sleep. How to deal with unpleasant sensations? Some people regularly swallow pills, while others benefit from physical therapy. How to relieve a headache without resorting to traditional methods? Everyone can choose the best solution pain syndrome.

    If the cause of discomfort is migraine

    When a woman tells her friend that today's meeting is canceled because she has a migraine, the friend always winces in sympathy. Few of the fairer sex have not experienced a migraine attack: these throbbing pains in the temple, eye, accompanied by nausea, darkening of the eyes, and dizziness. Many people become irritable and tearful during a migraine attack, and try to hide from others in a dark room or sit in silence.

    There are other ways to relieve headaches:

    • Physiotherapy. You can perform the exercises at the aura stage, when the fingers just begin to tingle, or at the very beginning of an attack, when pain appears. Helps against migraines:
      • Eyebrow pinching. With your fingers you need to grab the hair on the eyebrows along with the skin, moving from the nose to the temples.
      • Pressing on the inner corners of the eyes. Done very carefully index finger.
      • Toe squeezing. You should try to squeeze your thumbs first, and then your little ones. Focus, it's not easy.
      • Shaking the head from side to side. You should do it slowly, if you feel dizzy, stop.
      • Rubbing the back of the neck. You need to rub intensely, for 1-2 minutes, so that the neck turns red and starts to burn.
    • You can relieve headaches with a pillow with dry eucalyptus leaves. You can not only lie down and sleep on it. If you can't lie down, just inhale the eucalyptus aroma coming from the pillow. Laurel, mint, and lemon balm are also used for filling.
    • Apply lemon or orange zest to your head. You need to peel the citrus fruit, with inside scrape off all the white flesh from the skins and apply it to the side of the head where the main source of pain is located. The peel is applied to the scalp with the scraped side.
    • Place your arms and legs in hot water. You can enhance the effect by adding three tablespoons of mustard to a bath of hot water.
    • Peel the apple of sour varieties (Antonovka, white filling), cut into slices, salt with coarse salt and eat.
    • How to relieve pain caused by arterial hypertension?

      Often the cause of headaches is increased blood pressure. How to relieve headaches without medications? There are ways to help with acute attack headache. Some methods can be used to long-term treatment.

      • Eat 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon of viburnum, pureed with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.
      • Long time, approximately 1-2 months, take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice chokeberry 15 minutes before meals. It is advisable to use fresh juice. If this is not possible, 1 kg of rowan should be passed through a meat grinder and covered with 1 glass of sugar. Everything is thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator. The medicine is taken 1 tbsp. spoon before meals for a month.
      • Massage regularly with a wooden comb. Having parted your hair, run the comb first from top to bottom, to the ears, then to the forehead, to the back of the head. Change direction, do it carefully circular movements. If you have long hair, be careful not to tangle the comb.
      • Use cinnamon lotion. Add five drops of water to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. The finished mixture is applied to the temples and forehead. After application, lie down until the lotion dries completely, and then carefully remove the cinnamon from your head with warm water.
      • Put mustard plasters on your neck, occipital part heads, calves. For the procedure, medical mustard plasters or homemade mustard paste wrapped in gauze are used. The patient lies down on the couch, face down, with crossed arms under his head. Mustard plasters are applied for 5-10 minutes; if the mixture burns, it should be removed.

      For headaches to go away without pills, you need to normalize arterial pressure. The previously listed methods can only be used after home treatment Your doctor will allow it.

      When pain occurs due to damage to the cervical spine

      Osteochondrosis, muscle tension due to inflammation, is also a common cause of headaches. You can get rid of discomfort by following these tips traditional healers. Saves from unpleasant sensations:

      • Massage cervical spine spine using tennis balls. A long golf course should be filled with five large tennis balls. Taking the golf course by both ends, throw the balls onto your back. Massage collar area, neck, back of the head. Movements similar to rubbing the body with a washcloth are performed. To enhance the effect, you can lie on your back, place tennis balls under your neck and lie down for a while, turning your head to the sides.
      • Rubbing the head and neck with a massage brush with thick bristles. It is advisable to use a brush with metal or wooden teeth. Spiral movements from the back of the head to the neck, shoulder blades and back, from the back of the head to the forehead, temples, ears. The massage lasts at least 5 minutes.
      • If pain appears at work, you can try to relax your muscles by warming them up. Place a trash can on a chair in the corner. Throw crumpled paper balls into it. Imagine that you are a great basketball player. This will help you relax and forget about your headache.

      Of the many ways to eliminate headaches with damage to the cervical spine, the most effective are water procedures(shower, swimming, warming compresses) and massage.

      In case of intoxication of the body

      How to get rid of a headache due to poisoning medications, poor quality food, alcohol? Eat simple methods get rid of pain. At hangover syndrome the procedure is carried out in stages:

      • When you wake up with a hangover with a headache, you should take a cool shower for 10-15 minutes. Then rub your body with a hard towel until it turns red and wrap yourself in a warm robe.
      • Prepare the solution: into a clean glass boiled water add 10 drops ammonia, drink in one gulp.
      • If ammonia does not help, drink it in an hour Activated carbon– 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
      • After an hour, eat half a lemon and drink a cup of strong coffee with sugar.

      Other traditional methods:

      • Drink a glass of brine literally every hour. Cabbage pickle helps best with a squeezing headache, but cucumber, tomato and even zucchini pickle will do.
      • Drink a banana smoothie: mix a couple of peeled bananas, a glass of boiled milk and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink slowly. Due to the fact that milk acts as an adsorbent, the elimination of toxins is accelerated, and the headache goes away.

      How to eliminate a headache if its cause is food poisoning? It is necessary to remove toxins from the body, so the use of charcoal or other natural adsorbent (for example, flax) is mandatory. For headaches caused by poisoning, it helps:

      • Green tea with honey. This drink normalizes blood pressure and normalizes the condition of blood vessels.
      • Inhalation of aromatic oils: fennel, mint, tea tree, tangerine, juniper.
      • You need to drink a lot, after the water-salt balance is restored, the pain will subside.
      • Place a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead.

      The pain does not go away, becomes stronger, accompanied by severe vomiting and fever? Perhaps to food poisoning an infection has developed, so you should consult a doctor.

      Elimination of discomfort due to eye fatigue

      Headache due to eye strain long work at computer? Perform eye exercises:

      • Focus on an object nearby, then look into the distance. Repeat seven times.
      • Close your eyes. Without opening your eyelids, “look” left, right, up, down.
      • Warm your hands. Using warm fingers, gently massage the eyelids and the area near the eyebrows.

      Try to take breaks from work periodically. If you have vision problems, be sure to wear glasses.

      Ways to quickly relieve pain at home

      How to relieve a headache if it is caused by hunger? The answer is obvious - just eat. Choose foods that will saturate your brain: strong sweet tea, chocolates, a couple of spoons of honey. On for a long time eliminate hunger and relieve pain in the head porridge, protein food(meat, cheese), eggs.

      If you have a severe headache and can be treated at home, you can eliminate the pain in one of the following ways:

      • Apply a cold compress to the forehead and warm the back of the head (apply a heated towel or hot salt).
      • Reduce blood flow to the brain: sit straight on a chair, tilt your head back, but not throw it back far, inhale and firmly pinch the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb near your eyes. Hold for 1 minute and exhale.
      • Tie a wool scarf tightly on your head.
      • Drink tea with ginger. Grated ginger root can be added to chamomile infusion, tea with mint, and lemon balm.
      • Place a copper hoop on your head, which will lightly press your hair and scalp.

      Remember, these recipes are only used for rare headaches. If pain occurs regularly, it may be a sign of a serious illness.

      Emergency methods

      Do you have an important meeting the next day? The pain torments you in the morning, but pills don’t help? How to quickly relieve a headache without using medications? Sometimes get positive result The most unexpected methods help:

      • Pour 2 tbsp boiling water into a glass. spoons of apple cider vinegar and breathe in the steam for 7-10 minutes.
      • Eat a handful of unroasted almonds or seven plum kernels.
      • Drink the "Wine of Hippocrates." This effective method relieve tension pain. The recipe is prepared as follows: 200 ml of dry red wine is poured into an enamel saucepan, half a sliced ​​lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a head of cloves. The mixture is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. You should drink the entire glass, not in one gulp, slowly, so it is advisable to take the medicine before bed.
      • Use breathing exercises. This method helps with nerve pain. You need to sit on a chair with a backrest. Lean forward a little, place your palms on your knees. First, take 2 sharp, noisy inhalations and exhalations and hold your breath (for 10 seconds). The procedure is repeated 20 times. The main thing is to remain completely static, otherwise the pain may become stronger.

      Before deciding how to relieve a headache without pills, make sure that the discomfort is not caused by serious illness– height cancerous tumor, meningitis, encephalitis. If the pain does not go away for several days, it is accompanied by vomiting, and the person heat, you need to contact the clinic for medical care.


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