Home Tooth pain What is the most dangerous type of transport. The safest mode of transport: statistics in the world

What is the most dangerous type of transport. The safest mode of transport: statistics in the world

Introduce modern life impossible without transport. But once upon a time he was not there! Just think, the first wheeled cart appeared in Mesopotamia in 3500 BC! The need to carry heavy loads forced man to use animal strength. Then he invented a boat, a sail, and built the first ship. The invention of the engine gave new impetus to further development transport and the emergence of its new types. Transport has undergone a long process of development and further improvement since those ancient times. And now in the 21st century, life without transport is not only difficult, for many it is almost impossible. Society is developing, the modern rhythm of life requires from a person increased activity, so the need to travel longer distances increases.

Nowadays, being in another country or even another continent within a few hours is no longer a problem. Humanity has achieved amazing success in the development of transport. For ease of movement by humans, the following were invented:

  1. Water transport.
  2. Air.
  3. Ground.

Now people have cars, trains, planes, helicopters, ships, yachts, motorcycles, ATVs, buses, and trams in their service. The list goes on. Moreover, new types are also appearing, for example, the electric car. Progress cannot be stopped.

With the advent of such a variety of means of transportation, the problem of overcoming long distances was decided. However, another question has arisen that concerns everyone without exception, which type of transport is the safest. The safety criterion when choosing a particular means of transportation is perhaps the most important.

Surely everyone has thought at least once about what is safer to drive. There are a lot of misconceptions and erroneous conclusions. For example, some people think that driving your own car is the most reliable way movement. This is argued by the fact that following traffic rules and being attentive on the road is the key to safety. However, we should not forget that there are many unscrupulous drivers on the road, and some do not even know the traffic rules. Sad but true. Only one thing is clear: there is no absolutely safe form of transport. However, humanity will never be able to completely abandon transport. But do not despair and go to extremes, limiting yourself on trips and long journeys. Everything is not as sad as it might seem.

To determine the most safe look transport, you need to turn to statistics. Interestingly, according to research, air transport is the safest. This fact causes surprise and distrust among most people. This is partly due to large sizes the planes themselves. When a plane crash occurs, a large number of people die, and the scale of the tragedy seems enormous. However, in reality this is not at all the case. The organization of flights is approached with great responsibility and caution. There is always pre-screening at airports. Airplanes must undergo a technical inspection (before each flight!). If you analyze the statistical indicators for the year, you can see that many people die in car accidents. more people. In Russia, more than 35 thousand people die in one year. The ratio of fatalities in plane crashes and car accidents is 1:1000.

Airplanes are becoming safer. There are (fortunately!) fewer and fewer accidents due to technical faults. In crowded cities where the roads are congested, the likelihood of getting into an accident increases. However, many (almost 85% of the population) continue to think that airplanes are more dangerous. Fear of flying leads to the development of aerophobia. It’s hard to fight it, and to convince a person that the plane is the most safe means, almost impossible. However, the facts indicate the opposite. More people die on the roads in 4 days than in 10 years of airplane flights.

The Boeing 737 is considered one of the most reliable and safe aircraft. If we look at the average frequency of flights, we can say that every second there are about 1,250 Boeing aircraft in the air. The accident rate is as follows: for every two million flights (possibly) 1 aircraft. Indeed, reliability is high! Moreover, the chances of survival in a plane crash are much greater than in any other accident. This is confirmed by studies conducted in the USA: out of 53,487 people, 51,207 survived as a result of plane crashes. In the event of splashdown, the chances of survival increase by 50%. The next safest modes of transport after airplanes are water transport and rail.

All data and facts indicate that the safest is still an airplane. You should not be afraid of flying and refuse to fly, thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to see new countries, experience the beauty of the world and broaden your horizons. Experienced pilots and crews do everything to ensure flight safety.

Comparative characteristics of modes of transport in terms of safety.

When choosing transport, many passengers are guided by their own preferences. Moreover, every second person is mistaken about the relative safety of a particular type of transport. Many people focus on safety when choosing transport. At the same time, there is an opinion that the safest is the train. In this article we will dispel all myths regarding the safety of movement.

The most unsafe and dangerous mode of transport in the world: statistics

Oddly enough, the most dangerous type of transport can be considered a motorcycle. In total, 42 people die per 100 ml miles. This great amount, since there are several thousand people per year.

In second place are cars, minibuses and buses. You yourself often witness car accidents. 1.2 people die in car accidents per year. Just think about these numbers.

Not included in the ranking unusual species transport. That is, there are no dog sleds and spaceships. Otherwise, a spaceship could be considered the safest. But since no one makes intergalactic daily flights yet, statistics speak in favor of the plane.

Many people believe that an airplane is the most unsafe form of transport, and this is completely wrong. It is customary in the world to calculate the risk of displacement as the number of victims per 100 million miles. As a result, it turns out that the death rate from the plane is only 0.6 people. In 2016, there were 21 plane crashes, with a total death toll of about a thousand people. You will think that this is a lot. But in fact, more cyclists die each year around the world.

Despite the misconception of many, the airplane comes first among safe transport. The mortality rate is very low. Perhaps this is due to the higher speed than the train. Accordingly, it turns out that an airplane flies these 160 kilometers faster than a train. Therefore, the mortality statistics are lower. In principle, mortality directly depends on the speed of transport. On average, per 100 ml of miles, 0.9 people die when traveling by train, and only 0.6 on an airplane. That is, the mortality rate on trains is one and a half times higher than the mortality rate on airplanes.

Nowadays, many people have a lot of phobias about traveling on airplanes. This is due to the fact that colossal accidents occur almost every year, which all the media talk about. But this does not mean that flying on airplanes is very dangerous. In fact, many more people die from car accidents. The most interesting thing is that most people believe that there are no survivors after a plane crash. Actually this is not true. A third of all passengers die. While in a car accident half.

Statistics from insurance companies also speak in favor of the aircraft. In case of a car accident the payments are small, but in case of a plane accident they are simply huge. Therefore, we can agree that no one would pay huge amounts of money if plane crashes happened very often.

According to statistical estimates, which were based on the number of victims in plane crashes, aviation was the safest mode of transport. The second and third places belong to water and railway transport, respectively.

The most interesting thing is that passengers, on the contrary, consider the plane the most dangerous form of transport. This is due to the fact that the media publicize any plane crash. At the same time, few people talk about train accidents. If you resort to statistics, when traveling by plane every day, the probability of death is very low. If you use air transport every day, you could get into a plane crash in the 21st century.

There are certain statistics on the most reliable modes of transport. This is confirmed by Insurance companies. The most money is given when insuring water and air transport.

Security Statistics:

  1. Airplane
  2. Train
  3. Bus
  4. Automobile
  5. Minibus taxi
  6. Ship
  7. Metro
  8. Bike
  9. Motorbike

According to statistics, you can safely use air transport, it is truly the most reliable.

As you can see, people's opinions and statistics are completely different. Many people are afraid of an airplane, although in fact this type of transport is the safest.

VIDEO: Safe mode of transport

To understand whether it is dangerous to fly on airplanes, you should turn to official statistics. In 2013, 31 plane crashes were officially registered. It is important to realize that these tragic events happened not only with Russian planes, but throughout the world as a whole, and these flights also included cargo transportation, and not just passenger ones.

It is clear that the number of accidents on highways is much higher. Thus, according to official statistics, only in the first half of the year in the territory Russian Federation There were 62,984 reported road traffic accidents, which is approximately 346 accidents per day.

As for rail transport, the statistics here are less deplorable, but the indicators are far from being comparable to aviation ones. Yes, only on Gorkovskaya railway in 2013, there were 17 accidents in which 12 people died. Unfortunately, there are no general statistics on railway accidents for the world as a whole, but in some countries, for example, in India, the situation is much worse than in Russia, so it becomes clear that the number of accidents in absolute terms in air transport is much lower than the same indicator on highways or railways.

When analyzing disasters, it is, of course, worth taking into account the widespread use of cars. But the number of flights per day is quite comparable to the number of trains leaving the stations every day.

The severity of the consequences of a disaster on different modes of transport

As a rule, there are no survivors. However, the same dry statistics indicate that this statement is not entirely true. In 2013, out of 827 people on plane crashes, 311 died. In road accidents over six months in Russia, 7,801 people died and another 80,330 were injured.

As for railway transport, there is a high mortality rate in road accidents at crossings, but in most incidents while the train is moving, people receive moderate injuries and bruises.

About half of air crashes occur while the aircraft is landing on the ground. Interestingly, about the same proportion of accidents are caused by fatal pilot error.

What type of transport is the least dangerous?

Insurance companies help you understand which type of transport is the least safe, because they constantly study the statistics of disasters on land, in the air and at sea. It is interesting that the lowest rates for insuring cargo transported by sea and air transport, that is, the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome here is considered by insurers to be lower.

As for passengers, they are insured at a lower percentage for rail transport and when flying by plane. And traveling by ground transport (personal and public) is considered the most risky of all. possible types trips.

Cold statistics and public opinion on the safety of a particular type of transport are completely opposite. According to the first, air transport is considered the safest mode of transport; according to the second, air transport is the most unsafe.

Comparing statistical data with public opinion on the safety of a particular mode of transport shows a significant difference. Most respondents cannot explain exactly why they chose this particular type of transport. Statistics in this sense of the word have the most direct justifications.

Popular opinion

As an example, it is better to consider the results of a survey conducted in 2006 by the VTsIOM center. According to the survey results, air transport was the most unsafe mode of transport, and railway transport was the safest. 84% voted for the first, 15% for the second. Water and transport received mixed reviews. Thus, 44% consider it dangerous and 39% consider it safe; 50% consider road transport dangerous and 48% safe.

Air transport statistics

According to statistical estimates, which were based on the number of victims in plane crashes, aviation was the safest mode of transport. The second and third places belong to water and railway transport, respectively.

The reason behind the fear of flying among people is the media, which fan the flames of the slightest plane crash. The number of accidents in air transport is much less than in, but due to their mass nature, the media give them general publicity. According to ICAO estimates, there is only one accident per 1 million flights. So, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1/8,000,000. Therefore, it would take a passenger 21,000 years to die.

People also have preconceived notions about survivability after plane crashes. To debunk it, just look at the results of statistical processing of 568 plane crashes that occurred in the United States between 1983 and 2000. The death toll turned out to be 5% of the total. In more serious accidents, such as breaking into pieces, hitting the ground, etc., 50% of the passengers survived.

Statistics about road transport

The number of road accidents cannot be compared with the number of plane crashes. Statistical processing of road accidents in the Russian Federation for 2009 showed that in 203,603 road accidents, 26,084 people died and 257,034 were injured.

The safest mode of transport

Based on all of the above, we can confidently say that air transport is the safest on the planet. However, there is one more safe transport– cosmic. In the entire history of flights, only 3 spaceship crashed.


  • Road accident statistics in 2019

Very often I heard conversations and judgments about which transport is safer. They especially intensify after another disaster.

Some say that airplanes, despite the number of accidents and the hype around them, are actually very safe if you look at the statistics. That, they say, it’s faster to die under the wheels of a car.

Others say that trains are the safest. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, for example, traveled only by train.

So which is safer? As a person who loves to travel, this has always been interesting to me.

Let's try to figure this out.

In order not to be unfounded, we need specific numbers. Let's take statistics for Russia over the last 10 years (from 2005 to 2014) from the Goskomstat website - http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/enterprise/transport/#

The death toll in absolute numbers looks like this:

As you can see, the majority die on highways—thousands.

The figures for railway transport seem suspiciously small - after all, there were Nevsky Express with deaths, but for some reason these figures are not in the official statistics. It turns out, as follows from the explanations of the State Statistics Committee, the figures for railway transport only include those killed due to the fault of Russian Railways.

But it doesn't matter, we'll take it Additional information from Wikipedia:

This does not guarantee us absolute accuracy, but we will get missing information and about the Nevsky Express in 2009, and the explosion at the Volgograd station in 2013.

Thus, let's adjust our table of deaths:

Now let's look at transportation statistics according to the same State Statistics Committee:

To compare data on transportation and fatalities, it is necessary that the measurements relate to the same type of transport. Unfortunately, data on deaths on roads and streets includes both transportation for a fee on buses, taxis, trolleybuses and other types of transport, as well as private trips in their personal vehicles and pedestrian deaths. It’s difficult to say how many private vehicles are on the roads every day.

It turns out that it is possible to correctly compare the number of transported and the number of dead only for four types of transport:

I got the coefficient in column 4 by dividing column 3 by column 2 and 1,000,000 (because column 2 is in millions).

What does this coefficient mean? In fact, this is the probability of dying on one or another type of transport. For example, the number 0.000000006 for railway transport, means that for each transported billion According to the theory of probability, people may die 6 Human.

We see that for maritime transport the probability is the highest and is 5 person for each transported million Human. And for air transport - almost 2 person for each transported million.

For people traveling long distances, the choice is usually between train and plane.

I always wanted to know how much the train safer than an airplane. Let's figure it out: divide 0.000001715 on 0.000000006 and we get 268 . IN 268 once!!! I never thought that there would be such a difference, but these are facts - with billions of passengers transported in 10 years, only 74 people died on railways, and with a number 19 times smaller, 14 times more people died on air transport.

Now I understand Kim Jong Il: if you transfer his entire country (25 million) by trains, no one will die, but if by planes, then according to the theory of probability, at least 42 people may die...

As for statistics on other modes of transport. Since January 2015, the form has been introduced statistical observation Form N Road accident "Information on road accidents", where in section 8 you can see information about passengers of buses, trolleybuses and trams who died in road accidents.

Information for January-September 2015 can be viewed on the traffic police website:

According to the traffic police, during this period the following people died:

- 82 bus passenger

- 3 trolleybus passenger

- 1 tram passenger

Considering that trams and trolleybuses carry even more passengers than rail, these figures look very good. And for buses, the statistics are only slightly worse than for trains. But again, these statistics have just begun to be collected, and final conclusions can be drawn in 2-3 years.

What conclusions can be drawn? Rail transport is the safest. The mortality statistics on roads, although huge in absolute numbers, relate for the most part to unorganized private trips in cars and to pedestrians on the roads. If you travel by bus, then you greatly increase your chances of completing your trip safely.

Calculate, what type of transport is the safest, not so simple. To build a beautiful and visual graph, at least two indicators are required - the number of dead or injured, as well as the number of people who use this type of transport. For air, rail and water transport, this data is not difficult to find, because thanks to tickets, every person is taken into account. But there are problems with automobile transport. It is not possible to track the movements of the average Russian from work, to work and to the store - no one registers at the doorstep of their home.

Our transport safety rating according to statistics for 2018 was compiled using various sources - from data from the National Union of Insurers, which keeps statistics of registered insurance cases from 2012 to the present, to data on transport accidents on the Rosstat website.

> 200 deaths per 1.6 billion km

Although the number of accidents involving motorcyclists has decreased by more than 70% since 2005, the motorcycle remains one of the most dangerous forms of transport. According to statistics, it turns out that every 1.6 billion km of travel is paid for with the lives of more than two hundred drivers and their passengers.

A motorcycle, like another two-wheeled vehicle - a bicycle - is characterized by increased vulnerability, so accidents involving motorcyclists are highly likely to end sadly. The reason is non-compliance with the rules traffic, and, surprisingly, the fundamental refusal of some drivers to use a helmet.

5.75 people per 1.6 billion km

Personal cars are in second place in terms of the number of road accidents. In just 1.6 billion km of travel, at least 5.75 people die.

The reasons include the reluctance of drivers to comply with traffic rules, the condition of the road surface, the increased wear and tear of the vehicle fleet due to the crisis and the deterioration of the purchasing power of the population. And also (due to the increase in the average age of life) and the aging of drivers. All these factors together serve as a guarantee that road transport in Russia will not be safe for a long time.

9.4 deaths per 1 million passengers

Among air transport, the greatest danger to human life is not international shipping, and long-distance. Especially if a person in a helicopter is forced to go to those lands where even the notorious Makar prefers not to send his calves. Perhaps this is what explains such a high number of casualties among helicopter passengers. For every 1 million people, at least 9.4 are injured. will have to fall with high altitude, and, with a high degree of probability, the injuries will be incompatible with life.

5 deaths per 1.5 billion km

Minibus taxis cannot be called the safest type of transport in Russia. According to statistics, every 1.5 billion km of route traveled by a minibus is paid for by five human lives. Among the reasons can be cited both the work of drivers for wear and tear, as well as design flaws of minibuses, the condition of the roads, unwillingness to comply with traffic rules and drunk driving.

2.84 victims per 1 million transported

In 2018, there were several major accidents involving intercity buses, including a tragic incident in the Voronezh region, when two buses collided, five people died and 17 were injured. In general, according to statistics, intercity and international buses are not safe - for every million passengers transported there are accidents At least 2.84 are injured or killed. In total, in 2018, travel on intercity buses caused the death of more than 600 passengers, and more than 13 thousand people were injured.

2.3 accidents per 1 million passengers

This category includes both international ships and domestic river carriers. In total, in 2018, 62 incidents occurred during sea and river travel, which ended tragically for five people. In general, according to NSS statistics, for every million passengers transported, there are 2.3 accidents.

Passengers on sea and river vessels are threatened not only by the elements of water, but also by fire. One of common reasons transport accidents - a sudden fire on board a ship, usually caused by a faulty electrical wiring. This is not surprising, given that Russia's domestic fleet is in poor condition, with almost a third of the vessels celebrating 40 years of service.

Chance of dying: 1:11,000,000

The safest transport in the world, however, in Russia it is not possible to obtain accurate statistics on the number of accidents per number of passengers. Data from the National Society of Insurers, which we relied on when assessing the danger of other modes of transport, are not available for them. The reason is the peculiarities of the insurance system in Russia; most air transport companies carry their passengers not only around the country, but also beyond its borders. Therefore, they use international insurance policies.

This is why an airplane is the safest mode of transport: according to statistics, The chances of dying in an accident on board an airplane are 1 in 11 million. For comparison, the chances of being struck by lightning while walking in a thunderstorm are 16 times higher!

0.17 accidents per 1 million passengers

This category includes both intercity and international trains, as well as regular commuter trains. In general, for 2018 the statistics for Russian Railways look excellent - for almost the entire year, from January to November, only seven incidents were recorded. Unfortunately, there were some deaths - one person died. In general, there are no more than 0.17 accidents per 1 million passengers.

More and more people prefer to use one of the safest modes of transport, and this cannot be explained by price alone. Indeed, for some destinations the cost of plane and train tickets is almost equal. According to the Russian Railways website, for 2018 on trains long distance Almost 8% more passengers were transported than last year. And the increase in the number of passengers on electric trains amounted to almost 3%.

0.09 cases per million transported

The trolleybus is in second place in terms of safety among modes of transport in Russia. According to NSS statistics, for every million passengers transported there are only 0.09 accidents. Most of them are banal “stumbled and fell.”

The reasons for the low trauma rate of a trolleybus are very simple - its volume and weight, as well as its low speed. In a collision, for example, with a passenger car, the car will suffer much worse. And the trolleybus passengers will get away with minor bruises.

0.04 victims out of 1,000,000 people

The safest transport according to statistics for 2018 in terms of the ratio of the number of accidents to the number of passengers. In total, out of one million people arriving from point A to point B, no more than 0.04 people are injured. In addition to safety, the tram has many advantages:

  • it moves more smoothly than a car or even a trolleybus;
  • less noisy;
  • completely autonomous from traffic jams (unless, of course, motorists try to drive along the tracks);
  • Of all urban transport, it causes the least harm to the environment.

Unfortunately, trams are gradually disappearing from small towns in Russia. The reason is the limited local budget, which simply cannot support a separate line. In just the past twenty years, the number of trams has decreased by more than 35%. Does this mean that the safest form of transport will gradually disappear from the urban landscape?

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