Home Oral cavity The most unsafe transport. The safest mode of transport: statistics in the world

The most unsafe transport. The safest mode of transport: statistics in the world

Any movement by transport is more or less risky, but there are nuances. We often use cars, the metro and other types of urban transport, we fly less often by plane and travel on trains, and we don’t get on ships every year. How to determine the degree of security?

“The greatest danger in life is taking too many precautions” - Alfred Adler.

Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about a 100% safe form of transport. There is none, period. But there are more and less dangerous ones. So which means of transportation - flying, land or water - is best to trust with your safety and security? Statisticians have calculated how many deaths occur for every 160 million km or 150 billion km of travel done in different types transport, and compiled the following safety rating.

1. Airplane

So, according to experts, the safest mode of transport is an airplane. Amazing, isn't it? Many people experience paralyzing fear at the mere thought of possible flight. How can you be sure that this bird-like colossus will not crash onto the ground at some point, getting caught in a flock of birds or getting caught in a thunderstorm...

But nevertheless, it is in flight that we are least at risk of becoming a victim of a disaster. The numbers show this: 0.6-0.7 deaths per 160 million km of travel – the smallest figure among all modes of transport.

According to the statistics of plane crashes, they happen due to a combination of rare circumstances, the likelihood of which is minimal. One plane crash equals a million flights - these are the data International organization civil aviation. And according to statistical calculations of the International Air Transport Association, in 2012, out of 29,600,000 flights of airliners of Western manufacturers, there were 6 crashes, and not a single one in Europe. The risk of crashing with a plane is approximately 1 in 8,000,000, and the risk of death is 1 in 45 million flights. Moreover, a person can spend 123 thousand years in the cabin of an airplane and never come close to death.

This reliability of air transport is associated with several factors. Firstly, before taking to the skies, each aircraft undergoes a thorough check, and absolutely everything is analyzed: from the operation of instruments and systems to the slightest defects in the coating. Moreover, the airship is inspected not only by technicians, but also by the captain himself, because he is obliged to accept it in excellent condition.

Secondly, security systems are constantly being improved. Each aircraft has several overlapping systems installed. As a result, even if one of them fails, its functions will be immediately performed by the other. So if, for example, one of the engines fails, the plane will still be able to take off or land safely.

Thirdly, landing tactics are changing. If previously it was customary to land the plane softly, now it is recommended to do it roughly, for better adhesion of the landing gear to the runway. However, even if the worst happens, the victims have a much greater chance of survival compared to other modes of transport. Thus, from 1983 to 2000, 568 air accidents were recorded in the United States, but only 5% of the passengers on board died in them: out of 53,487 people, 51,207 survived!

Having analyzed 26 major accidents in which the airliners hit the ground hard, broke into pieces and caught fire, experts found that approximately 50% of the participants in the disaster were saved. And here I want to ask a question: if everything on an airplane is so reliable and safe, why are millions of people afraid to fly and why does it have such a bad reputation? It turns out that the whole point is that news of any plane crash is immediately picked up by many media mass media and is shared around the world with hundreds of photographs and videos detailing the crash. As a result, viewers and readers get the impression that flying is unusually dangerous.

2. Train

70% of Russians, according to a survey conducted from 2011 to 2013, feel most secure in a train carriage. Although, according to statistics, according to this criterion, this type of transport is inferior to an airplane. There are many more collisions and crashes on the railroad than in the sky, but they are not as widespread and do not receive such public attention as similar accidents in aviation. And the mortality rate here is higher: 0.9 per 1.6 million km of travel.

But we ignore the numbers and continue to treat trains with special confidence. However, there are undeniable reasons for this. Firstly, a train is a ground mode of transport that moves along its own special path. Secondly, its movement is controlled and directed by the dispatch service. Thirdly, it is customary to strictly observe safety rules on the railway. Therefore, major accidents with numerous casualties are rare here.

However, strict adherence to safety rules is typical for railway employees, but not for the majority of passengers. According to statistics, main reason accidents on the railway - lack of discipline. Thus, 65-75% of victims were injured at the moment when they tried to cross or move railways in unspecified places, 25-35% - by violating safety rules at stations and platforms, and 9% - due to carelessness when boarding and disembarking from the car.

3. Bus

This is one of the safest types of land transport: there are 0.5 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. According to a VTsIOM survey, the majority of Russians feel most comfortable on a bus, while the subway and planes, in their opinion, are the most dangerous.

Then why is the number of bus-related accidents growing every year, especially in international transport and especially in the summer? Almost every week we hear reports about another crashed bus with tourists - falling into a river, falling off a cliff... The cause of numerous disasters is not bad roads, and the so-called human factor: fatigue of drivers who are continuously behind the wheel for several days.

4. Car

Car ride twenty times more dangerous than travel on the train. For every 1.6 million km of travel there are 1.5 deaths, or for every 1.5 billion – 1.6. Most the right way prevent an accident - follow the rules traffic and monitor the technical condition of the vehicle. It's simple: fasten your seat belt, don't speed, and don't overtake. If you have the financial opportunity, choose an SUV - it is more reliable than other types of cars.

5. Spaceship

7 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. This type of transport could be considered the safest if flight kilometers are taken as the main criterion. Thus, since the conquest of space, 530 people have overcome the gravity of the Earth, and only 18 of them have not returned back. Of all the launched spaceships, 2 American ones and one ours did not reach the ground. However, all disasters with fatal did not occur in Space, but during takeoff or landing.

Maybe it's with high level The rapid development of space tourism is associated with safety, and not just with curiosity. Flights are incredibly expensive, but the number of applicants does not decrease.

6. Ferry

20 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. Many people still remember the tragedy that happened in 1994. On the night of September 27-28, an Estonian ferry built in Germany in 1979 crashed. Of the 989 people on board, 95 were killed and 757 were missing. This is the largest maritime disaster in Europe in peacetime.

7. Bicycle

35 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. According to sociologists, a trip to the store by bicycle is 4.25 times more dangerous than a trip there by car. Most often, teenagers become victims of road accidents when they collide with a car. However, in Lately, despite such depressing statistics, the popularity of the bicycle is growing. This is a cheap, fuel-free, environmentally friendly form of transport, which also helps us fight the consequences of physical inactivity. The main thing is to be careful and use bike paths whenever possible.

8. On foot

41 deaths per 1.5 billion km. These numbers were a revelation to many. What happens: moving around the city on your own feet becomes dangerous? According to some reports, going to the store on foot is no less dangerous than going there by car. Of course, collisions with pedestrians on the sidewalk are not uncommon. But still, most often they die while crossing streets in places not designated for this or ignoring traffic lights.

9. Motorcycle and moped

An extremely dangerous form of transport! 42 deaths per 160 million km, or 125 deaths per 1.5 billion km. These are the real killers, and their drivers are suicide bombers: 20% of road deaths are caused by motorcyclists, although motorcycles make up only 1% of traffic. A motorcyclist has a much greater chance of losing his life than a motorist, because a motorcycle traveling at 70 km/h is the most unstable and dangerous vehicle in the world.

10. Broom and mortar

This traditionally “female” type of transport can perhaps be called the most dangerous. Imagine what could happen if pedestrians and drivers notice a lady flying above them on a broom. Someone will lose consciousness, and someone will try to throw a stone at the floating figure. Therefore, in order not to expose yourself to mortal danger, it is better to fly out for a walk or on business at night.

To feel more confident in the sky, experts advise choosing not small aircraft, but commercial airliners and those models whose reputation is impeccable: Boeing-777 (not a single passenger has died in 17 years), Airbus A340 and Airbus A330 (not a single passenger has died in 19 years). one fatality), as well as the Airbus A319 (in 11 years, not a single accident - only one breakdown).

To ensure that the journey in the carriage is not overshadowed by anything, you just need to consistently follow the basic principles of safety: do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors only after the train has stopped; When purchasing tickets, choose medium carriages, since extreme situations they are more stable than head and tail ones, and also favor seating facing the direction of the train. And, of course, don’t try to fly over a railroad crossing under the nose of an approaching train.

  • Do not use tourist buses in Egypt and similar countries.
  • Always wear a seat belt in a car and do not get into a car with an unfamiliar driver.
  • When riding a bicycle, be sure to wear a helmet and not ride at maximum speed.
  • Never ride a motorcycle or moped.

When choosing how to get from point A to point B, we take into account 2 factors - speed and safety. Long trips narrow your choice vehicle. Today we will discuss the degree of danger of popular modes of transport.

Public opinion

"Which one is the most safe transport? – this was the question asked by VTsIOM sociologists. Monitoring was carried out for 3 years. Throughout this time, the opinion of Russians has remained virtually unchanged. Considered safe:

  • Metro – 69%;
  • bus and tram – 68%;
  • trains – 51%;
  • cars -48%;
  • trolleybus – 40%;
  • ferries – 38%.

It is interesting to see how people's attitudes towards air travel have changed. In 2011, only 22% of respondents named the plane as the safest mode of transport. The following year the number increased to 33%, and in 2013 it fell to 16%.

The director of the center, V. Fedorov, notes that information influences the indicators. Major plane crashes 2013 caused a drop in citizens' trust in aircraft.


Official data differs from the position of ordinary Russians. First, let's find out how the mortality rate is determined different means movement.

There are several methods. The most accurate and widespread calculation is the number of deaths per 100 million km or 160 million miles.

Each transport group has the most dangerous species cars, motorcycles, etc. But the average version “as a whole” is taken. American statistical bureau DERT in 2000. so calculated overall coefficient mortality:

  • Airplanes – 0.5;
  • buses – 0.4;
  • trains – 0.6;
  • minibuses – 1.2;
  • water transport – 2.6;
  • cars – 3.1;
  • bicycles – 44.6;
  • on foot – 54.2;
  • motorcycle - 108.9.

Based on the flight coefficient of 0.5, a person needs to fly 200 million km before (according to statistics!) an accident occurs. According to statistics, the safest mode of transport is an airplane. It is followed by rail and water transport. In order not to be unfounded, I will take the latest reports as a basis.

Aviation-safety.net has been tracking aviation accidents since 1996. From June 1 to November 1, 2017, 117 aircraft crashed or made an emergency landing around the world, killing 279 people.

In the first five months of this year, in Russia alone, 5,770 people died as a result of road accidents and another 71,461 were injured. Even the safest cars are unable to reduce this number.

According to regnum.ru, over 5 months, trains had the worst results: 41 people died, 172 were injured.

Airplanes take off every 3 seconds. Therefore, the figures are quite comparable and give general idea about the number of victims over the same period of time. Every year, about 1,000 people die from air transport crashes, and up to two thousand by rail.


The most safe means You can't call a car moving. In addition, the idea that it is impossible to survive a plane crash is also wrong. If you look at the incident registration resource table, you can see that in most cases there were no casualties. For every 500 disasters in the United States over 20 years, there were 5% of fatalities.

If we take only major crashes from the total, the mortality rate will be about 50%.

In 2007 Popular Magazine Mechanics named the safest seats on the plane. Journalists analyzed data from the US National Security Council for 30 years. They drew attention to the dependence of the number of victims on location.

The number of aircraft survivors as a result of accidents, depending on the landing site

Almost 70% of the survivors remain in the section beyond the edge of the aircraft's wing. 56% of those sitting above the wing survive. The main impact of a collision with the ground falls on the nose of the liner, so the tail is relatively safe.

There are also statistics on the safest planes. Here are the top five:

  • Airbus A340 - 341 aircraft of this type were produced over 24 years. Over 13.5 million flight hours, 5 accidents were recorded and not a single casualty was reported;
  • Airbus A330 – 577 copies. 1 incident per 14 million flight hours. A total of 8 units lost, 346 deaths;
  • Boeing 747 – 1 accident in 17.5 million flights. There are 941 ships in operation, 51 were lost as a result of accidents, 3,732 people died.
  • Boeing 737 NG – since 1997 3 tragedies occurred (1/17 million hours).

Interesting fact: The Boeing 747 is officially certified to fly without 1 engine (out of 4). Those. in case of failure, he can safely continue the flight to his destination, without emergency landings.

The Boeing 777 is considered the safest aircraft in the world. The total flight time of 748 aircraft since 1995 has amounted to more than 20 million hours. 3 people died in two incidents. One ship has been lost in its entire history. It is important to understand that the rating is compiled without taking into account military operations and terrorist attacks.

Motor transport

Oddly enough, the car we are used to is one of the most dangerous means movement, second only to motorcycles. Let's think about our safety in the car. The resource testauto.ru publishes data from the largest companies conducting crash tests. Based on this rating, we will determine the safest cars.

In the general rating column, Volkswagen Passat, Volvo XC-90, Toyota RAV-4, Toyota Prius, Mercedes E-class and C-class, Lexus GS, Jeep Grand Cherokee receive “excellent”.

The following passed the test as “good”: popular brands like BMV 3 series, Dodge Caliber, Honda Accord VI, Honda Civic Hathback V, Honda CR-V, Volvo S-70 and S-80 and a number of other cars.

The main criteria for grading are frontal and side impacts, rollovers, and child safety. You can familiarize yourself with other grades in detail on the specified website, but we have listed all the excellent students. The source calls the Volvo XC90 the safest car in the world with reference to EuroNCAP specialists. The device scored the maximum number of stars.

Interestingly, the rating system of some crash tests includes a “pedestrian” rating. Unfortunately, if you look at the table it becomes clear: these road users are practically not protected by anything. Be careful on the roads!

Safe seats in the cabin


Do you know what is the safest place in a car? Most people are convinced that it is behind the driver's seat. If a vehicle is hit on the side, the driver and the passenger sitting behind will have equal chances of survival.

The center of the vehicle is least susceptible to damage in an accident. That's why the middle between the two rear seats is considered the most safe place in car.

Public transport

It is least dangerous to occupy central places public transport. The logic is similar: the greatest probability of collision with cars moving on the left. Accordingly, passengers sitting by the window will be under attack.

It is also not recommended to sit in the back four rows. In the first seats, it is better to sit behind the driver's seat, especially if the seats are located with their backs in the direction of travel. The middle of the cabin remains the safest place on the bus.

Other payment options

This article discusses one option for calculating safety, from the point of view of passenger kilometers. The question can be resolved based on the number of deaths per billion hours. Then, buses will come out in first place, and planes will come down to third. If we take a billion trips as a basis, trains will become the leader, air travel will take seventh place.

All methods have advantages and disadvantages. Statisticians use various algorithms. It’s enough for us to know: it’s safer to travel over short distances by land, and over long distances – by air. Well, the safest transport is spaceship. He is beyond competition in any case. In the entire history of space exploration, 18 people have died.

We introduced you to transport safety calculation systems and introduced you to the course of sociological surveys. Now, the floor is yours. Which means of transportation is preferable for you? We are waiting for your comments!

Reading time: 7 min.

Every day, from the news feed, millions of people learn about car accidents, derailed trains, crashed planes and other accidents that result in a large number of deaths. The question arises, how to protect yourself from troubles and what type of transport is the safest? In order not to indulge in fear, we present to your attention a list of the safest transport in the world, according to this year’s statistical reports.

This type of transport is rightfully considered the most dangerous in the world. Statistics confirm this - 125 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. Anyone who prefers this type of vehicle seriously exposes themselves to danger, and very consciously. Motorcyclists make up only 1% of the total traffic on the highway, but a fifth of all accidents involve this type of transport. Motorists gave motorcyclists the nickname “crunchies” for a reason. The reason for this was a very low percentage of passive safety, enormous acceleration, enormous speed and psychological aspects: love of extreme sports and adrenaline rushes in the body. Motorcyclists often find themselves in the blind spot of cars because they are so small.

According to statistical reports, for every 1.5 billion kilometers there are 35 deaths. This is the most environmentally friendly transport, but at the same time one of the most unsafe. But, in truth, car drivers are more to blame for road accidents than cyclists themselves. It often happens that the car has only a few scratches, but the cyclist and his vehicle are between life and death.

Statistics in in this case put numbers to 25 dead people by 1.5 billion kilometers. The most dangerous incidents that happen in the metro are fires, crushes, and train collisions. A large number of people in a small closed space - panic and a huge percentage of casualties. IN Russian Federation The leader in such incidents is the Moscow Metro.

Traveling by water has always been a very risky undertaking. Of course, over many centuries of technological development, water transport has now become much safer, but nevertheless, for every 1.5 billion kilometers there are 20 deaths. Although the main cause of death remains not collisions with other ships, but passengers falling overboard.

Statistics here give the following figures: 7 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The danger of flying in outer space is in no way comparable to that on earth - traveling in space is 17 times safer than riding a motorcycle. During all the time of travel in Space, only three devices did not return to Earth (the only thing that negatively affects statistical reports- these are explosions during takeoffs of spaceships).

Minibus travel involves 5 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. This is one of the most popular modes of transport among the population. To protect yourself in a minibus, it is best to take a seat in the middle. The size of the car, stable grip and passive safety will all play a role here. Unfortunately, the main cause of accidents remains low level driver qualifications.

Here statisticians give the following figures: 4 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The development of technology has also affected cars; now passive and active safety is at a completely different level. Unfortunately, motorists are the most dependent on other road users. You can be the most skillful and careful driver in the world, but this still won’t protect you from the fact that someone could crash into you and end up in the hospital, or worse.

Buses are in third place in the ranking; statistics show one fatality per 1.5 billion kilometers. If you want to travel safely, then this transport is for you. Sometimes it turns out that the bus route covers more than one thousand kilometers (for example, in Australia, a bus traveling on the Perth-Brisbane route travels 5,455 kilometers). But it is still quite safe to travel by bus.

The train is one of the safest modes of transport. Just think about it - only 0.2 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers of road. Railway in America and Europe is the safest in the world. In Russia, things are a little worse - 0.7 deaths on the same piece of road. If you calculate the probability of death on a train, it will be 1 in 431800 degrees (approximately 0.0002%). Investopedia reports that you are 1,000 times more likely to die in a car accident than in a train accident.

Paradoxically for many, airplanes are the safest transport in the world. The probability that you will die while flying on an airplane is 1: 8,000,000. The problem is that although airplanes crash very rarely, they always cause a large number of victims. Therefore, the media always covers such incidents and psychologically people begin to fear airplane travel. There are 0.5 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The Flight Safety Agency states that there is a 1 in 8 million chance of dying in a car accident. And self-destructive individuals need to take a ticket every day on a random flight for 21 thousand years in order to accomplish their plans.

Harmful to health and life-threatening transport are not the same thing. We react more often to the word death than to health. And the media never tire of stating harsh figures about what kind of transport, when and under what circumstances people die. Has anyone ever thought about which transport carries the healthiest passengers? Let's try to figure it out.

  1. the most dangerous type of transport is automobile;
  2. water;
  3. railway;
  4. air transport.

Survey on the most dangerous types of transport among ordinary people

  1. air transport;
  2. water transport;
  3. automobile;
  4. railway.

Reasons for the differences between the scientific approach and public opinion Almost everyone knows the official statistics, but this does not affect the level of fear of this or that transport. Psychologists are sure that a person’s fear of airplanes is due to the fact that in the event of an accident at altitude, the person simply will not be able to get out of the plane. Water transport is in second place because it is also impossible to get off the ship at a convenient moment. A person does not think about the frequency of accidents, but about what he will do in the event of an accident. To determine the danger of transport, the number of dead people is counted. To determine the harmfulness of transport, the influence of environmental factors on humans is studied.

Harmful modes of transport

It should be noted that the harmfulness of transport for the passenger and the driver is different. Drivers suffer more because:

  • constant tension and attention;
  • working with instruments;
  • inability to stretch when you want.

What affects human health in transport

  • speed: speeds above 60 km/h place significant stress on the body;
  • electromagnetic fields of vehicle electronics: radiation electromagnetic field in a subway car can be 1000 times higher than the electromagnetic background of the Earth;
  • noise level;
  • vibration level;
  • human factor.

The most dangerous types of public transport

A survey of Kiev residents showed that the most dangerous type of land transport is minibuses.

  • minibuses (drivers often violate traffic rules, are distracted while paying the fare, smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes);
  • buses (smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes, traffic violations);
  • trolleybuses (the creaking howling sounds that irritate Kiev residents the most);
  • tram (according to Kiev residents, the safest form of public transport of all that exists in the city).

Unfortunately, Kiev residents were not asked about the metro. But most likely, it would have been placed in 4th place, retaining the primacy of the tram. The metro is considered a harmless form of transport, but not during rush hour. Scientists cannot decide whether to include crowding of people in the harmfulness of transport, because this indicator is not constant. Disadvantages of the metro How harmful descent underground is is not a clear question, but the fact that vibration and noise in post-Soviet metro cars exceed the norm is a fact. Daily trips of more than 3 hours may cause hearing loss.

An airplane is the safest form of transport on Earth; even cars and trains are significantly inferior in safety to airplanes. Despite this, with each new disaster there are more and more aerophobes. Many people in the world are afraid of airplanes, mistakenly believing that other modes of transport are much safer. Is it true that there is a high chance of an accident? And can an airplane be called the safest mode of transport? We need to figure it out.

Statistics and odds

To determine that an airplane is the safest mode of transport, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the statistics. On average, seventeen disasters are officially registered per year. It is important to understand that these sad events occurred not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Over the hundred years of the existence of civil aviation, one hundred thousand people have become victims of plane crashes during flights. That's less than the rate of car accidents per year.

It is worth noting: there are no fewer crashes on cargo flights than there are on passenger flights, which is another argument in favor of choosing an airplane. The chance of falling is so small that a person is more likely to die from a lightning strike than from a plane crash. Statistical analysis led to the conclusion that public opinion regarding transport safety is based on fears and superstitions.

Flight safety

It is worth mentioning positive traits flights. This is the fastest mode of transport. We can also say that the safest mode of transport is an airplane. To agree with this statement, all flight histories must be studied. As you can see, the list of plane crashes is small.

Engine failure

Flying is the safest form of travel. This has been proven for centuries since the beginning of aviation. The plane flies thanks to its wings; during landing, takeoff and flight, its movements are controlled by engines. But what happens if they refuse?

If one engine fails, the passenger will not feel it because the plane can be controlled by the second engine. And even if both break down, the plane will not fall down at a right angle, but will glide in the air for about two hundred kilometers indefinitely.


It is not often that you meet a person who has not encountered turbulence while flying. Everyone describes it as pitching. What is it? Turbulence is when, when liquids or gases accelerate during external environment vortices are formed, irritating the external environment.

Many passengers wonder: can turbulence cause a tragedy? This can't happen. The plane is designed in such a way that in order for it to fall due to turbulence, a force is needed that can only be found in the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter.

Pilots try to fly around turbulence, and planes can experience incredible shaking, so terrestrial conditions the chance of falling from turbulence tends to zero. Only once in the history of mankind has an airplane crashed due to turbulence, when the pilot decided to fly over a volcano. Therefore, turbulence is only a comfort issue, not a safety issue.

Flying in bad weather

Pilots have an excellent understanding of weather conditions. A certain time before departure, they look at the forecast for the route to avoid getting caught in a storm. If the weather forecast does not comply with safety regulations, the flight is canceled or rescheduled to another day. Before starting their career, pilots undergo many tests on simulators, learning to act decisively and calmly in any situation.

How much does wind shear affect flight?

Wind shear is a sudden change in air movement and/or speed over a short distance in the atmosphere. This important factor, affecting the aircraft during takeoff and landing. It applies not only to airplanes, but also to other types of aircraft.

Wind shear occurs in the lowest layers of the atmosphere (up to one hundred meters in height). Modern aircraft have more mass, which makes them more inert. High inertia does not allow the aircraft to quickly change its speed. The aircraft maintaining this speed when flying through different levels wind causes a change in speed in the air. Because of this, the plane follows a trajectory lower than expected, making the landing dangerous.

What's really dangerous?

Icing is when the outside of an airplane becomes covered in ice. Occurs when flying in the sky with supercooled drops of water. This is very dangerous, since icing worsens the controllability of the aircraft and makes it heavier. The result could be an accident or even a plane crash. Even at the airport, the plane can become icy at sub-zero temperatures. Before the flight, the ship is treated with a special liquid that stops the formation of ice. They douse every external part of the aircraft: from the wings to the stabilizer. In the atmosphere, icing is unlikely, but possible.


There are three main causes of plane crashes:

  1. Staff error.
  2. Technical difficulites.
  3. Act of terrorism.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Personnel error

It must be understood that personnel error means not only the wrong step of the pilots during the flight, but also the unprofessional work of maintenance and operation specialists, technicians, dispatchers, and operators. After all, it is impossible to predict human actions, and flight is a complex sequence of technical processes that requires strict control.

Most plane crashes are due to the human factor, this is evidenced by official statistics. However, technology is moving forward rapidly. Every year, aviation engineers develop new automatic systems and design new generations of aircraft, which reduces the role of humans in flight to a minimum.

Technical difficulites

Bad and cheap equipment can easily fail at any inconvenient moment, but even high-quality automation fails. Equipment failure is a common cause of plane crashes; about a third of crashes happen precisely because of this.

The main causes of operational problems are malfunctions of the on-board computer and navigation systems. It is very difficult to find out the exact cause of these breakdowns. Taking this into account, airlines are purchasing new and safe planes, abandoning outdated models.

Act of terrorism

Since the middle of the last century, terrorist acts have become big problem affecting flight safety. Most often, terrorists hijack a ship or plant explosives on an airplane. Such disasters, unfortunately, take many lives.

Is it dangerous to fly on airplanes? As you can see, the statistics of falls are low, and their causes are rare situations from which no one on earth is immune.

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