Home Smell from the mouth Innocently killed. Prayer, in your own words from a simple person, for the innocent victims

Innocently killed. Prayer, in your own words from a simple person, for the innocent victims

November 21st, 2017 , 11:00 am

Innocently killed

Uncle Petya lived in our house, on the floor above. He crawls out onto the balcony and sits all day. Our parents calmly allowed us to play in the yard, because Uncle Petya was watching everyone.

He couldn't go anywhere, he had no legs.

Photo: Social networks

Uncle Petya used to be a tank driver. His tank was burned on the Kursk Bulge. He himself miraculously survived, but lost his legs. Uncle Petya did not return home because there was nowhere to go. His family was shot in his native Belarus, and there was no one left from his village.

He was a good grandfather, blessed memory.

Have you all already discussed the speech of a high school student from Novy Urengoy in the German parliament? Did you speak about the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron” and “innocently killed people who wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight”?

I’ll also speak out.

I remember one story from Uncle Petya. He was in Stalingrad. Once, on Victory Day, we asked him how it was there. Uncle Petya did not speak, but only said that he asked God to kill him quickly.

It was so unbearable there.

I'll insert a video of a boy from Novy Urengoy performing, okay? Two minutes, watch, listen, for those who haven’t watched yet.

The boy talks about how Georg Johan Rau, a German soldier, survived the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron” and then disappeared after being captured. According to the schoolboy, Herr Rau did not want to fight, which means he was killed just like that.

You know, I don’t want to join the crowd of jingoists and beat up the boy with them. This student is simply a fool, his teachers need to be driven out of the profession, the gymnasium should be closed, and the organizers of the performance should be expelled from Russia.

Yes, I know that the organizers are GazProm’s partners in the construction and operation of Nord Stream. And yet, I will repeat: expel from Russia.

There are things that cannot be let down.

Do I believe that there were innocent people in Hitler's Germany? Wait, didn’t Hitler and the Nazis come to power through legal means?

Didn’t the Nazis go to war with the goal of getting an estate in Ukraine? Isn't this what their Fuhrer promised them?

Since when did a German wartime soldier become an innocent dead? He wanted to live peacefully - I believe this, he definitely wanted to live peacefully - on an estate in Ukraine, fucking Slavic slaves, after the war.

Everyone had a bad time in that war. Both ours and the Germans, of course. But there is one significant detail - it was not we who attacked, but they attacked us.

No matter how terrible Stalin was, we did not burn prisoners of war in ovens. We didn't arrange mass shootings, did not completely kill the entire population of the villages. Look, Uncle Petya has no one left. And Herr Georg Johan Rau's whole family is alive.

That's the difference, that's it. And it does not allow us to feel sorry for those who came to us with a sword.

I believe that the Russian Foreign Ministry is obliged to demand an apology from the Bundestag. Let every deputy learn and tell the story of at least one Soviet soldier in that terrible war. About him, about his family, about how they were all innocently killed by their grandfathers, considering themselves a superior race and dreaming of living on our land.

You can say anything. Another question is how what was said relates to reality.

During the Second World War, 17,893,200 people were called up for military service in Germany, i.e. over 25 percent of the country's population. Can we say with certainty that every single person out of these seventeen million, every fourth German, was personally guilty and deserved to die, for example, simply because he was drafted into the army, given a rifle and sent to the front?

In October 1944. Hitler signed a decree conscripting young people from the age of 16 into the army. summer age those. every boy who turned sixteen was obliged to appear at the military registration and enlistment office and go to war, otherwise he was considered a deserter, and is it necessary to explain what awaited him according to the law of war? What alternative did this boy have? What is his fault? After all, he, by the way, also defended his homeland. Before his eyes, fathers and older brothers went to war and gave their lives for their homeland. Even if he didn't want to fight, what could he do? Hide from the police in the basement and wait for the Reds to come? Do you seriously think so?

There is such a thing as “Historical Context”. It is impossible to consider any historical events apart from him. It was not Hitler who first came up with the idea that Jews are so bad. Anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe has existed since the adoption of Christianity. Hitler expressed those positions that were already popular in society. Otherwise, his party would not have received a majority in the parliamentary elections of 1932. Back in 1881, the Berlin Movement collected 250 thousand signatures on a petition presented to the Reichstag, which demanded that the rights of German Jews be limited and that Jewish immigration to Germany be prohibited. By the beginning of the First World War, most German parties included anti-Semitic demands in their programs.

Thus, we see that at that time anti-Semitism was not considered something out of the ordinary. This was normal for at least 37% of Germans who voted in 1932.

The next point is offensive war. Throughout the history of Europe, states constantly waged wars of conquest among themselves (Yes, including to expand living space) and this was nothing unusual. Everyone did it, all the time. This continued until the appearance nuclear weapons. After defeat in the First World War, Germany lost over 67,000 sq. km. its lands (over 12% of its territory), all overseas colonies, and also pledged to pay a huge amount of reparations - 269 billion gold marks - the equivalent of approximately 100 thousand tons of gold. (Germany was able to fully repay this debt only in 2010) The national pride of the Germans was humiliated; people longed for the return of their lands, a change in the unfair conditions of reparations and revenge on the Entente countries. Therefore, the ordinary German citizen had no remorse regarding the justification of an offensive war. From the point of view of the majority of Germans of that time, it was a completely justified war that restored historical justice.

The last thing is the attitude towards the Slavs and the USSR. Here it must be said that the political and business elites of all leading countries feared communism like fire. After all, the Bolsheviks wanted to change all previously existing rights. They declared their intention to organize world revolution, seize property, change power and renounce all debt obligations issued previously. What government would like this?

For the entire Western world, the USSR was a terrible bogeyman and the propaganda of these countries waged an active fight against Bolshevism.

The most implacable opponents of the NSDAP in the struggle for power were the German communists sponsored by the USSR. In the 20s and early 30s, bloody clashes between reds and browns constantly took place on the streets of Germany. Not rarely with fatal. Naturally, the National Socialists, led by Hitler, hated the USSR as the country of victorious Bolshevism, their ideological enemy, and even helping Communist Party Germany. This hatred fits very well with the theory of racial inferiority. Recognizing your enemies as second-class citizens removes many psychological barriers. Firstly, this is a blow to the German communists, and secondly, an excellent justification for cruelty on the eastern front.

In the country of victorious National Socialism, the entire huge propaganda machine worked to create a terrible, inhuman image of the USSR. It was almost impossible to hear another opinion, since all communists began to be subjected to severe repression starting in 1933.

Before the attack on the USSR, Hitler, among other things, issued a decree directly allowing any killing of civilians: “For actions committed by Wehrmacht personnel and service personnel against enemy civilians, there will be no mandatory prosecution even where those acts constitute a war crime or misdemeanor."

You see, there is a big psychological difference between when you commit a war crime (for example, the murder of a civilian) for which you can be tried by a tribunal and sentenced to death, and when you “clear living space from the Untermensch” for your people, this cleansing is sanctioned and welcomed by management top level and everyone around you is doing the same, both senior and junior officers, and your comrades. After all, everyone knows that if you don’t get them now, then they will get you later. You are a liberator and hero of the nation, an example for others.

The inhabitants of the Third Reich existed within their relative frames of perception just like all people at any time. What may seem barbaric to us now, living in the 21st century, in peacetime, with access to a variety of sources of information, looked self-evident 75 years ago. For the people of that time, their reality seemed as natural to them as our present is to us.

For example, remember yourself in October 2013. How many people could have imagined then that the protests on the Maidan would lead to the fact that six months later Russian soldiers will they enter Crimea, annex it to Russia, and in Donbass will Russians and Ukrainians kill each other? In the reality of October 2013, this was completely impossible and there were no dill or vatniks. But less than a year has passed, and the consciousness of people on both sides of the border has changed dramatically: from good neighbors, we have become almost the main enemies. Think about it, are they really all Ukrainians/Russian murderers, fascists and the most terrible people in the world? Probably not, it’s just how our reality turned out this moment. And in a hundred years it will be completely different, and our great-grandchildren will be surprised at us.

Likewise, all Germans and Wehrmacht soldiers were not notorious thugs and haters of all living things, just as the soldiers of the Red Army were not all heroes/villains. They were ordinary people, just like us. They simply lived in their reality. In which God forbid anyone ends up.

Take care of yourself and be more tolerant.

Uncle Petya lived in our house, on the floor above.

He crawls out onto the balcony and sits all day.

Our parents calmly allowed us to play in the yard, because Uncle Petya was watching everyone.

He couldn't go anywhere, he had no legs.

Uncle Petya used to be a tank driver. His tank was burned on the Kursk Bulge. He himself miraculously survived, but lost his legs.

Uncle Petya did not return home because there was nowhere to go.

His family was shot in his native Belarus, and there was no one left from his village.

He was a good grandfather, blessed memory.

Have you all already discussed the speech of a high school student from Novy Urengoy in the German parliament?

Did you speak about the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron” and “innocently killed people who wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight”?

I’ll also speak out.

I remember one story from Uncle Petya.

He was in Stalingrad.

Once, on Victory Day, we asked him how it was there. Uncle Petya did not speak, but only said that he asked God to kill him quickly.

It was so unbearable there.

I'll insert a video of a boy from Novy Urengoy performing, okay?

Two minutes, watch, listen, for those who haven’t watched yet.

The boy talks about how Georg Johan Rau, a German soldier, survived the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron” and then disappeared after being captured.

According to the schoolboy, Herr Rau did not want to fight, which means he was killed just like that.

You know, I don’t want to join the crowd of jingoists and beat up the boy with them.

This student is simply a fool, his teachers need to be driven out of the profession, the gymnasium should be closed, and the organizers of the performance should be expelled from Russia.

Yes, I know that the organizers are GazProm’s partners in the construction and operation of Nord Stream.

And yet, I will repeat: expel from Russia.

There are things that cannot be let down.

Do I believe that there were innocent people in Hitler's Germany?

Wait, didn’t Hitler and the Nazis come to power through legal means?

Didn’t the Nazis go to war with the goal of getting an estate in Ukraine?

Isn't this what their Fuhrer promised them?

Since when did a German wartime soldier become an innocent dead?

He wanted to live peacefully - I believe this, he definitely wanted to live peacefully - on an estate in Ukraine, fucking Slavic slaves, after the war.

Everyone had a bad time in that war.

Both ours and the Germans, of course.

But there is one significant detail - it was not we who attacked, but they attacked us. No matter how terrible Stalin was, we did not burn prisoners of war in ovens. We did not carry out mass executions, we did not completely kill the entire population of the villages.

Look, Uncle Petya has no one left.

And Herr Georg Johan Rau's whole family is alive.

That's the difference, that's it.

And it does not allow us to feel sorry for those who came to us with a sword.

I believe that the Russian Foreign Ministry is obliged to demand an apology from the Bundestag.

Let every deputy learn and tell the story of at least one Soviet soldier in that terrible war.

About him, about his family, about how they were all innocently killed by their grandfathers, considering themselves a superior race and dreaming of living on our land.

A Yamal schoolboy, speaking on November 19 in the Bundestag, spoke about the life story of a German soldier who ended up in the “Stalingrad Cauldron.” In his speech, the student called the Wehrmacht soldiers “innocent people who died.” These words caused a wide resonance in Russian social networks.

Students from Gymnasium No. 1 of New Urengoy came to Germany under the Wintershall exchange program and took part in the Central Mourning Meeting in the Bundestag, presenting projects dedicated to the memory of the victims of war and tyranny. The event is organized by the German People's Association for the Care of War Graves.

One of the schoolchildren, Nikolai Desyatnichenko, told the story of soldier Georg Johan Rau, which he managed to reconstruct with the help of German social activists. Rau fought at Stalingrad and ended up in a prisoner of war camp. According to the school student, the soldier did not return home; only last year his family learned that he had died in captivity in Beketovka in March 1943.

Desyatnichenko visited the burial place of Wehrmacht soldiers near Kopeisk. “I saw the graves of innocent people who died, many of whom wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight. They experienced incredible difficulties during the war, which my great-grandfather, a war veteran who was the commander of a rifle company, told me about,” the student said.

Concluding his speech, Desyatnichenko expressed the hope that “common sense will prevail throughout the Earth and the world will never see war again.”

The network was outraged by the speech and advised the student to visit death camps; some declared their readiness to send appeals to the Ministry of Education regarding the speech of the high school student.

Blogger and social activist Sergei Kolyasnikov from the Sverdlovsk region has already sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB and the presidential administration with a request to check the schoolchild and the Novy Urengoy gymnasium itself, as well as the Wintershall educational exchange program for violation of Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Rehabilitation of Nazism”.

The social activist sarcastically remarked: “Our Nazis are now victims of war and tyranny. This is an interesting exchange program.”

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Elena Kukushkina, in connection with the student’s speech, contacted the regional prosecutor’s office, the department of education and the gymnasium where Nikolai Desyatnichenko studies.

“I’m more concerned not about this boy, but about who oversaw his project. This is what struck me most of all - that in this report such words as “fought”, “fallen soldiers in battles”, “the so-called Stalingrad cauldron” are used to refer to the German invaders... The manner and presentation of the report itself was striking. These things need to be stopped completely. We will get to the point where we propose to reconsider the results of the Great Patriotic War", Kukushkina said in a commentary to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The New Urengoy gymnasium believes that the student is being bullied undeservedly. According to the teacher German language Novy Urengoy gymnasium Lyudmila Kononenko, the video does not reflect the full text of the gymnasium student’s report, and in no case does anyone from the delegation of Yamal schoolchildren who visited the German parliament justify Nazism and fascism.

“The purpose of the mourning meeting in the Bundestag is to preserve the memory of the horrors and victims of the war on both sides. German schoolchildren in the gymnasium researched and read the biographies of Russian soldiers who died on German territory, and Russian schoolchildren studied the biographies German soldiers who died on the territory of the Soviet Union,” said Lyudmila Kononenko.

The Sever-Press publication recalls that the project of German and Russian schoolchildren “Reconciliation over graves - work for peace” was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Together, within the framework of the project, they can look at the tragedies of the past, analyze what national intolerance and the desire to enslave entire countries and peoples lead to,” the publication quotes Vladimir Putin as saying.

The head of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, spoke in defense of the student, as Znak.com reports. According to him, Nikolai Desyatnichenko “shared his discoveries that not all Germans wanted to fight, many just wanted to live peacefully.”

“This in no way can be regarded as the boy’s attitude towards fascism. His speech, using the example of the story of this German soldier, calls for a peaceful existence throughout the Earth and rejection of war, bloodshed, fascism, suffering and violence as such,” said the head of Novy Urengoy.

Full text of the student's speech:

"Hello. My name is Nikolay Desyatnichenko, I study at a gymnasium in the city New Urengoy. I was offered to participate in a project dedicated to soldiers who died during the Second World War. This interested me very much, since I have been interested in the history of both my country and Germany since childhood. I immediately started looking for relevant information. First I visited the city archive and library. Then I tried to find stories of German soldiers on the Internet and other sources. However, later, in collaboration with the German People's Association for the Care of War Graves, I learned and studied in detail the biography of Georg Johan Rau. He was born on January 17, 1922 in a large family. Georg went to the front with the rank of corporal and fought as an air defense soldier in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943. Georg was one of 250 thousand German soldiers who were surrounded Soviet army in the so-called “Soviet cauldron”. After the fighting stopped, he ended up in a prisoner of war camp. Only 6 thousand of these prisoners of war returned home. George was not among them. For a long time the relatives of the German soldier considered him missing. And only last year, Georg's family received information from the German People's Union for the Care of War Graves that the soldier died from harsh conditions of captivity on March 17, 1943 in the prisoner of war camp in Beketovka. He may have been buried among the 2,006 soldiers near the camp. Georg's story and work on the project touched me and pushed me to visit the burial site near the city of Kopeisk. This saddened me extremely, because I saw the graves of innocent people who died, many of whom wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight. They experienced incredible difficulties during the war, which my great-grandfather, a war participant who was the commander of a rifle company, told me about. He did not fight for long, as he was seriously wounded. Otto von Bismarck said: “Anyone who has looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before going to war.” I sincerely hope that common sense will prevail throughout the entire Earth and the world will never see war again. Thank you for your attention".

The “innocently murdered” Wehrmacht: how Gazprom took children to the Bundestag to repent.

The most reliable and most effective way Reformatting any society, as we know, requires close work with its education system and with young people in general. Youth - by virtue of a series objective reasons the stratum is malleable and quickly absorbs everything that grown-up guys say, especially if all this is wrapped in an appropriate wrapper, to which is attached a bit of funding, which allows you to “expand” the ideological horizon and take a “new” look at certain historical events. And the speech of a schoolboy from Novy Urengoy in the German Bundestag, during which this illustrious winner of numerous history Olympiads (!!!) declared that the Germans at Stalingrad fell into the “so-called cauldron”, and his young soul was saddened by the fate of military graves.” innocently killed" Wehrmacht soldiers near Kopeisk - this thesis is clearly confirmed.

Pupils of Russian schools, who were taken out and financed for this trip by their “senior comrades”, in some kind of repentant manner tell us about the suffering of unfortunate German soldiers in the trenches on the Eastern Front, and the listener, apparently, should be properly “ahedzhak”, after which we all All that remains is to shed tears over the treacherous Soviet soldiers who lured the Wehrmacht into the distant depths of the Volga steppes, where they were killed in prisoner-of-war camps.

Nikolai Desyatnichenko, or rather the adults who gave him funds to travel to the battlefields, provided him with access to the archives and then took him like a talking penitent monkey to Berlin, where he began to talk about the “unfortunate” Georg Johann Rau, as if they didn’t even notice, that they equate a Soviet soldier who defended his homeland with a Nazi robber who came to our land to burn, rape and kill.

The verdict of these “innocent victims” was passed both by history itself and specifically by the Nuremberg Tribunal. All this rotten talk about some kind of “reconciliation” is not worth a damn, since in the end you can come to complete moral annihilation. Let us then compare the fighters of ISIS, banned in Russia, with our fighters - after all, among the extremists you can find people who were mobilized and sent to the front. Let us then equalize the rights of the Vlasovites - they generally fought against Bolshevism, and this message is extremely close to a significant part of our political and cultural elite.

You can then generally repent before all the invaders who have ever come to our land, find in each case some story of a small soldier, invisible against the background of Moloch’s war, with whom you can sympathize. And where there is empathy, there is understanding, and then - the stage of accepting one’s own “guilt”. And the fact that German schoolchildren will read the stories of Soviet soldiers should not be misleading, since there can be no symmetry in the glorification of evil.

These “reconciliation” programs should not exist at all, at least in this shape and form. For example, it is difficult for me to imagine a delegation of Israeli children who will read out heartbreaking stories about German soldiers who died during the suppression of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, and German ones about the fate of those who rebelled from among the Jewish population of the ghetto. Can't imagine? That's the same, but we are offered exactly such a model.

But it’s much, much more interesting who is funding and running numerous “historical reconciliation” programs all these years. And if you dig a little into a specific case in the Bundestag, it turns out that the paw prints of our largest gas monopolist are clearly visible there. Yes, yes, it is the Gazprom company that sponsors the Novy Urengoy Lyceum, where this delegation of repentant Russian children came from. The fact is that the sponsor of all these events is Wintershall, which is a long-time partner of Gazprom, in particular in the construction of Nord Stream. And the choice of a school from Novy Urengoy is also apparently not accidental - it is there that the joint projects of Gazprom and Wintershall are concentrated, where the latter has a blocking stake (25.01%) in the project for the development and development of sections of several Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field.

It’s clear that money doesn’t smell, but, Mr. Miller, do you and your management really care so much about our history and the tens of millions of dead Soviet soldiers that you participate (or silently indulge, which is essentially the same thing) in openly Russophobic anti-Russian provocations? Maybe you think that all this does not concern your business interests, but history, as you know, is a policy turned to the past, and using the example of the Baltic states, which for many years has been nurturing ideas of some kind of “reparations” that Russia owes it to pay for the alleged “occupation”, this is clearly visible.

You, Mr. Miller, may not care, but the Russian people, to whom, in fact, Gazprom belongs, do not care, and sooner or later there will be demand - both from you and from your management, who allowed all this bacchanalia.

“Pay and repent?”

The performance of high school students from Novy Urengoy before the Germans in the German Bundestag as part of an event dedicated to the day of “memory of the victims of war and tyranny” ended in a loud scandal. A Yamal schoolchild in his report called the Wehrmacht soldiers “innocent people who died” and spoke about the fate of Corporal Georg Johann Rau, who was surrounded in the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron”, and in March 1943 died in the Soviet military camp Beketovka from “difficult conditions of captivity " The young man also complained that this situation “greatly upset” him.“Georg’s story and work on the project touched me and prompted me to visit the burial site of Wehrmacht soldiers near Kopeisk. This made me sad. I saw the graves of innocent people who died, many of whom wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight. They experienced incredible difficulties during the war, which my great-grandfather, a participant in the war, told me about,” the schoolboy told German parliamentarians.

The video of the high school student’s performance immediately became the subject of widespread discussion in the media and naturally caused a flurry of outrage online.

He also expressed the opinion that many fascist soldiers “wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight.” It remains to recall that the Battle of Stalingrad became the bloodiest in the history of all mankind: Soviet soldiers - 478,741 (323,856 in the defensive phase of the battle and 154,885 in the offensive phase), German - about 300,000, German allies (Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Croats) - about 200,000 people, the number of dead citizens cannot be determined even approximately, but the number is no less than tens of thousands. A reasonable and rhetorical question arises: do Yamal high school students really believe that soldiers “who did not want to fight” carried out the most massive massacre in the history of the world?

Actually, there are no complaints about the teenager - he is just a product of the modern Russian education system and the Unified State Examination generation. Questions to ask educational institution and the leaders of this group of schoolchildren, who were required to see the report and agree on it before speaking in the parliament of a European country.

The deputy has already expressed her civic position Legislative Assembly Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, head of the Communist Party faction Elena Kukushkina.

“I’m more concerned not about this boy, but about who oversaw his project. This is what struck me most of all - that in this report such words as “fought”, “fallen soldiers in battles”, “the so-called Stalingrad cauldron” are used to refer to the German invaders... The manner, the presentation of the report itself was striking. These things need to be stopped completely. We will go so far as to propose reconsidering the results of the Great Patriotic War. This is outrageous,” she said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. The people's representative also added that a deputy request has already been sent to the district prosecutor's office in order to understand the situation and give a legal assessment of the scandalous speech.

It is also noteworthy that Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratasa also spoke at the same event, where he stated that “with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe was reunited again, and for Estonians, like for many other small nations, the seemingly endless nightmare ended . We live in happy, peaceful times. Our homes are free from foreign power and we feel safe." It is not difficult to guess that the talk at this Russophobic Sabbath was about Russia.

It would seem that the Nuremberg trial, which ended on October 1, 1946, should have forever put an end to the investigation of collective crimes committed by Nazi Germany during the bloodiest war in human history. However, more and more often from high stands and from the air of low-grade television programs there are attempts to revise a number of historical facts, and as a consequence, the results of the war. Liberal historians began to “forget” about the existence of a document called “ General plan Ost,” where the fate that was destined for our people was described in black and white. “Whether ten thousand Russian women will die from exhaustion or not from exhaustion during the creation of an anti-tank ditch, I am only interested in whether an anti-tank ditch is ready for Germany,” said one of the main initiators of the genocide of the peoples of the USSR, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler.

And the worst thing is that today, through the mouths of our own children, there are calls to repent for us, and not for those who treacherously attacked our Motherland in June 1941 and took the lives of more than 27 million Soviet people.

Today's Russophobe historians are very fond of speculating on the fate of the captured “Stalingrad” Germans. As a pupil of the Yamal gymnasium said in his report, “Georg was one of 250 thousand German soldiers who were surrounded by the Soviet army in the so-called Stalingrad cauldron. He ended up in a prisoner of war camp, only 6 thousand of them returned home. Georg was not among them, - the Novy Urengoy resident said with bitterness and sadness, - only last year the family received the news that he died from difficult conditions of captivity on March 17, 1943 in a prisoner of war camp in Beketovka.

However, the schoolboy forgot to mention that from 1941 to 1949 in the USSR various reasons Only 15 percent of the total number captured died or were killed, while the mortality rate for Soviet prisoners of war in Nazi camps reached 57 percent.

It is fair to note that the mortality rate among the captured remnants of Paulus’s 6th Army was indeed the highest. This is primarily due to the fact that the surrounded units were exhausted by hunger, severe frost and stubborn fighting. From the end of November to the end of December, 56 deaths officially occurred in the surrounded group due to “lack of food.”

From the very beginning of the offensive, when for the first time since the beginning of the war a mass of enemy prisoners of war appeared, the NKVD tried to take care of the safety of prisoners of war. Already on January 2, 1943, Order No. 1 of the People's Commissar of Defense was issued and was devoted specifically to the problems of prisoners of war and the establishment of their transportation, maintenance and nutrition in captivity.

When the Paulus group finally capitulated at the end of January - beginning of February, 91,545 Germans (of which about 2,500 officers and generals) were captured. About 10% of them were in hopeless condition and died. Almost all of them were exhausted. About 70% had dystrophy. About 60% had frostbite of the 2nd and 3rd degree with complications such as sepsis and gangrene. All this happened in a destroyed city. In order for the prisoners of war to survive, they had to be taken to prisoner of war camps that had already been created by this time. The closest one was about 5 hours’ walk from the city (Beketovka). (It is precisely this place that the high school student talks about in his speech).

Surviving prisoners of war talk about this march as a death march: in winter, in the cold, without normal clothing, not all frostbitten dystrophies completed this route. In March, a special commission inspected one of the prisoner of war camps and assessed the condition of prisoners of war as follows: 29% healthy, 71% sick and weakened. At the same time, those who could move independently were considered healthy. Already by May 10, 1943, 35,099 of the inhabitants of the Beketov camps were hospitalized. By natural reasons Few were saved. In addition, it is worth recalling that in 1943 the USSR did not have the production of penicillin, and the first samples were developed by Soviet scientists only by 1944. The Western allies had vital samples of penicillin, but they flatly did not want to share them, nor did they want to open a second front.

Returning to our topic, the competent authorities should ask education workers why Russian schoolchildren are more interested in the fate of the German invaders, and not, say, the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Who knows, maybe it was this air defense unit, in which the “hero” of the scandalous report, Georg Johann Rau, served, that shot down in the sky the attack aircraft of Komsomol member Viktor Rogalsky, whose name will forever be remembered by the defenders of the hero city on the Volga. One day, the young pilot went to attack enemy tanks twice. The situation demanded it, and Rogalsky went on the attack for the third time. An enemy shell hit the plane over the target. The engine caught fire, flames engulfed the car, and the pilot had only one choice - to use a parachute. But to do so would mean falling into the hands of the enemy. Rogalsky sent the plane engulfed in flames into the midst of fascist tanks. Today his feat is immortalized on the canvas of the panorama “The Defeat of Nazi Troops at Stalingrad” of the Panorama Museum “Battle of Stalingrad”.

As a conclusion, I would like to add that by allowing such speeches, we risk reaching an agreement before the outcome of the war is reviewed. All calls to “repent” have one goal: to equate the Hitler regime with the Soviet regime and to annul all our gains. Then we will be forced to pay compensation to the “freedom fighters” - Bandera, Forest Brothers, Vlasov and other Nazi collaborators and will be required to give up Kaliningrad, Karelia, the Kuril Islands and other territories.

Let us remind you that this is not the first scandal related to the distortion of the history of the Great Patriotic War in Novy Urengoy. So, in 2013, in the local magazine “Nedelya” in the issue dedicated to Victory Day, an article was published in which the last message of the German Headquarters on behalf of Grand Admiral Doenitz, apparently taken from the Internet, was quoted, glorifying the exploits and courage of the Wehrmacht soldiers, “ covered themselves immortal glory" The reference here... is to the newspaper "Pravda" dated May 9, 1945.

Then, despite the protests of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and WWII veterans, the local court came to the defense of the editor-in-chief, who, however, apologized to the readers of the magazine for promoting Nazism and regretting the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Soviet army on the pages of his magazine six months after publication.

Let us note that the Yamal authorities have already commented on the speech of the gymnasium student and came to his defense, accusing critics of the report of “provocation.”

“The student shared his discoveries that not all Germans wanted to fight, many just wanted to live peacefully. This should in no way be regarded as the boy’s attitude towards fascism. His speech, using the example of the story of this German soldier, calls for a peaceful existence throughout the Earth and rejection of war, bloodshed, fascism, suffering and violence as such,” says the address of the mayor of the city of New Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz. – Adults’ interpretation of a child’s sincere words can be regarded as a provocation not only against the student, but against the whole Russian people and our attitude to the events of the history of the Great Patriotic War."

Well, it remains to remind the burgomaster of New Urengoy that we did not start this war. And its goal was the total destruction of the entire people of the USSR, and in addition to Germany, our homeland was also openly attacked by Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Italy, not counting 24 volunteer national formations. What “interpretations” and “unwillingness of individual German soldiers to fight” can we talk about against the backdrop of 27 million killed Soviet citizens?

An unexpectedly loud scandal turned into a history lesson in the German Bundestag, where, coincidentally, on the anniversary of the Red Army's offensive at Stalingrad, Russian schoolchildren were invited. And the position they expressed about the attitude of the Russians to that war was extremely unexpected. From the rostrum of the German parliament, high school students presented the soldiers of the Third Reich as the same “innocent victims” of the war as the defenders of Stalingrad - a city that was virtually razed to the ground during the fighting, on the streets of which lay tens of thousands of dead residents and soldiers who defended it. Exactly Battle of Stalingrad is called the most tragic and bloody battle not only of the Great Patriotic War. This is exactly what should have been said in the Russian schoolboy’s speech in the Bundestag, but the meaning of the speech, which, apparently, was not even written by the speaker himself, turned out to be completely opposite.

Neatly dressed and combed schoolchildren from Novy Urengoy on the podium of the Bundestag. Speech before German parliamentarians on a topic that is special for each of the residents of our countries.

The Urengoy gymnasium student reads almost the entire text from paper. And it is clearly clear that the speech was not written by him personally. There is too much of what is called clerical language, which has been developed over the years: “in collaboration with the People’s Union of Germany for the care of war graves, I learned and studied in detail the biography of Georg Johann Rau,” “the so-called Stalingrad cauldron,” “near the camp.”

In addition, no one in Russia ever called the operation to encircle the soldiers of Field Marshal Paulus the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron.” IN Russian history this has always been a feat of the people and the army, which was able to withstand the onslaught of the enemy.

Under the arch of the Reichstag, where orders for artillery attacks on Soviet cities were once given, the story of the “innocently killed Wehrmacht corporal” is heard. It's like this educational program: German high school students also make projects, talk about fallen Soviet soldiers.

“What was heard in the Bundestag is a kind of political statement that testifies to how our schoolchildren see the Great Patriotic War,”- commented deputy Nikolai Zemtsov.

Of course, the ninth-grader hardly realized how his speech would turn out. Moreover, it is unlikely that a schoolchild, reading from paper, generally understands the scale of that war, the losses that his country suffered, the horrors and suffering that it experienced. And not a hint about invaders and occupiers.

“So the child was so prepared. Of course, there’s no need to pin all the blame on him. We need to look at who taught him history and who worked with them before the trip,”- said the first deputy head of the international committee of the Federation Council Vladimir Dzhabarov.

The head of the Department of Education of New Urengoy hastened to assure that, in fact, all the accents were placed correctly. But the student simply became a victim of protocol.

“Nikolai, who spoke, had a more extensive, deeper study of the topic, but in the process of shortening the text (because he was asked to speak for no more than 2 minutes), it turned out that the emphasis was placed incorrectly,”- said Mikhail Tereshchenko, head of the Department of Education of Novy Urengoy.

Perhaps there were different words in another version of the text. But here is information that the soldiers who were captured Soviet troops near Stalingrad, they were already extremely exhausted, suffered from a typhus epidemic and were taken prisoner; in fact, being on the verge of death, the student clearly did not have a gymnasium. As well as information about how prisoners were treated in the Soviet Union. This is an excerpt from a book by German pilot Klaus Fritzsche:

"I would erect a monument to those simple to the Soviet people, which made life easier for me personally and many of my fellow prisoners. At the same time, I would like to pay tribute to many members of the leadership of the camps, who were distinguished by their humanity in their actions."

Klaus Fritzsche died only this year in Dresden, having survived captivity. He restored the destroyed Stalingrad and until the end of his days remained grateful to those who helped him in Russia, far from home. By the way, significantly fewer Soviet prisoners of war returned home than Germans.

“More than 60 percent of our military personnel died in German captivity, and 14 percent of the Germans, and many of those whom Hitler brought to exhaustion were captured as living corpses and yet we took care of them,” - the doctor told historical sciences Mikhail Myagkov.

Those who wrote the text to a 9th grader from Novy Urengoy did not achieve their goal. Instead of establishing mutual understanding between Russia and Germany, using a Russian schoolchild, they tried to convey the idea that Soviet Union is as guilty of the war as the Third Reich. But we have not yet forgotten Kyiv bombed at night, the feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the residents of the village of Khatyn burned alive, the prisoners of concentration camps, the millions of Soviet citizens who died at the hands of the occupiers. And if a boy from the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug were shown the film “Ordinary Fascism,” it is unlikely that he would be able to read the words “innocently” while standing in the Bundestag dead people", referring to Wehrmacht soldiers.

Oksana Desyatnichenko told the radio station "Moscow Speaks" that she contacted her son Nikolai after a barrage of criticism fell upon him in the media and social networks. Her son explained to her that in his speech he did not want to justify the Nazis.

“He only meant that, in fact, there were people on Germany’s side who didn’t want war, who didn’t get there of their own free will. That’s what he meant,” the woman explained.

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