Home Dental treatment Panavir for HIV infection. About the drug Panavir - treatment of herpes, papilloma and other viral infections

Panavir for HIV infection. About the drug Panavir - treatment of herpes, papilloma and other viral infections

Viral infections are familiar to each of us to one degree or another, starting with the fairly common cold on the lips and ending with serious diseases, for example, tick-borne encephalitis. Regardless of the type of virus and the disease it provokes, it is important to provide timely support to the immune system, since the lion’s share of success in treatment depends on it. The Russian herbal drug Panavir is designed to help fight a wide range of viral infections due to its strong immunomodulatory effect.

Panavir is a progressive Russian development. The drug has been produced by National Research Company LLC since 2008 and is produced at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The development of the technology was carried out on the basis of several research institutes. In 2013, the development team was awarded a government prize in the field of science and technology for the creation and production of Panavir. Meanwhile, the substance Panavir is not patented, and the drug itself is not listed on the WHO list of drugs, since the manufacturer did not submit the drug for registration in the EU and the USA.

What it consists of and how it works

The active ingredient of Panavir is potato shoot extract (a polysaccharide that belongs to the class of hexose glycosides). Excipients are used only to facilitate the administration or administration of the drug, depending on the form of release.

The drug stimulates the induction of endogenous interferons (literally increases the body’s own immunity) and prevents the synthesis of viral proteins - this is responsible for the antiviral and immunomodulatory effect

It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (for thermal irritation: burns, frostbite) properties. In the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, Panavir demonstrated significant wound healing function.

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Release form

The manufacturer produces a fairly wide range of the drug. Depending on the location of the infection and the area of ​​application, there are several forms of release of Panavir:

  • spray (Intimate and Inlight);
  • gel (3 g and 30 g);
  • suppositories (vaginal and rectal);
  • solution for injection (2/5 ampoules per package).

Contrary to misconception, Panavir is not available in tablets; confusion arose due to the fact that some patients call vaginal suppositories “tablets.”

All types of medicines, except gel and sprays, are available with a prescription. The shelf life of Panavir is 3 years from the date of production.

Who can take Panavir and who can’t?

Due to the fact that the maximum effectiveness of treatment depends on the method of delivery of the high-molecular polysaccharide, the indications for use for different forms of release of Panavir also differ.


The Panavir injection solution has the widest list of indications - this dosage form ensures the fastest possible penetration of the drug to the internal organs directly through the bloodstream. The solution in ampoules (injections) is used in therapy:

Intravenous injections of Panavir can be used in the treatment of children over 12 years of age and those who are not allergic to the components of the drug. According to research, the drug is also not contraindicated in pregnant women, but only if the health benefits to the pregnant woman outweigh the possible risk of complications for the fetus. The lactation period is an absolute contraindication for taking Panavir intravenously.

Rectal suppositories

Almost the same list of indications contains instructions for the use of Panavir rectal suppositories:

Suppositories should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age and those who are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the medicine. In rare cases, patients develop hypersensitivity as a side effect of using suppositories.

Vaginal suppositories

Panavir vaginal suppositories are used only as part of complex therapy for genital herpes in women over 18 years of age. In addition to being a minor, the list of contraindications includes individual intolerance to the drug or its components, pregnancy and lactation, as well as kidney and liver diseases. Despite the fact that cases of overdose when taking Panavir were not recorded in any of the studies, vaginal suppositories can cause a local reaction in the form of irritation and allergic itching.

The list of indications for the use of Panavir gel is also narrow - it is used only for the treatment of rashes on the mucous membrane and skin characteristic of herpetic infections. The list of contraindications includes: pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitivity to the components of the gel. Panavir gel may cause local skin irritation.

In the line of domestic plant-based antiviral drugs called Panavir, there is a special spray for treating the oral cavity called Panavir Inlight. Whether it can be used for children, how it acts on the oropharynx and whether it helps protect the child’s body during the cold season will be discussed in this article.

Release form

Panavir Inlight spray is produced in white bottles with a long spray nozzle and a transparent cap. Inside one bottle there is 40 ml of gel, which is sprayed onto the mucous membrane. The drug is also produced in several other forms (gel for external treatment, injection solution, suppositories), but they are not used in the treatment of children. That is why the throat spray is often called “children’s Panavir.”


The main ingredient of Panavir Inlight is polysaccharides obtained from tuberous nightshade (this is the scientific name for the familiar potato). They include glucose, galactose, rhamnose, mannose and other saccharides. This complex was named Panavir, which was patented by the National Research Company.

In the package marked yellow, these are the only active compounds, and in the box marked green, there is another active substance - eucalyptus oil. The auxiliary components of the gel spray are castor oil (hydrogenated), sodium hydroxide, lanthanum nitrate, polyethylene glycol and water. There is no alcohol in the composition of the drug.

Operating principle

Polysaccharides in the spray are capable of:

  • Prevent viruses from entering cells.
  • Normalize the condition of the oropharyngeal mucosa, helping it recover faster from colds and other diseases.
  • Suppress the formation of viral particles.
  • Stimulate the local immune response.
  • Reduce pain and local inflammatory response.
  • Form a protective cover, soften and moisturize the mucous membrane.

The drug acts as an antiviral agent, affecting herpes viruses, rhinoviruses, molluscum contagiosum, influenza virus and other pathogens. The spray also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effects. In addition, Panavir has a healing and regenerating effect. The addition of eucalyptus oil enhances the antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and disinfecting effect of the spray.


The drug is often prescribed as a prophylaxis in winter to protect the body from viral infections and colds.

At what age is it prescribed?

The use of Panavir spray, which contains only polysaccharides, is allowed from birth. Since the presence of the eucalyptus component increases the risk of an allergic reaction, the use of this version of Panavir Inlight is recommended in children over 1 year of age.


Treatment of the oropharynx with a gel spray is prohibited only in case of individual hypersensitivity to any component of Panavir. If it appears after the first use of the spray, the drug is immediately discontinued.

Side effects

Panavir spray usually does not have a negative effect on the body of small patients when treating the oropharynx. Even frequent and prolonged irrigation in most cases does not lead to the appearance of negative symptoms. An allergic reaction to the drug is very rare. If a child has a predisposition to allergies, it is better to use Panavir without eucalyptus in his treatment or to prevent colds.

Instructions for use

Before spraying Panavir onto the mucous membrane, it is important to make sure that the nozzle is tightly fixed to the bottle. Irrigation should be carried out from the bottom up - the child should tilt his head as shown in the picture on the paper annotation for the spray. The nozzle should be inserted shallowly into the oral cavity - up to 2 centimeters.

If the spray is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then treatment of the oral cavity is recommended twice a day. The drug is sprayed in the mouth once in the morning and again in the evening, and for one procedure, 2-3 presses on the nozzle are used. To maximize the effect of using the gel, the product is used every day. If you have a cold or viral infection, you can use Panavir more often - up to five times a day.

For the youngest children, spray the spray on the inner surface of one cheek or apply it to a pacifier and let the baby suck on it. This treatment prevents the activation of the gag reflex. For older children, the medicine is applied to the mucous membrane of the mouth or throat, depending on the reason for using the spray.

Panavir Inlight in the nose

In case of inflammation of the nasopharynx or to prevent it, the doctor may prescribe irrigation of the nasal passages with Panavir Inlight, but this method of application is chosen less frequently, since during treatment of the nose a slight burning sensation, swelling of the nose and a temporary increase in rhinorrhea may occur. However, these symptoms are only temporary and soon pass, and the effectiveness of using the gel for rhinitis and for the prevention of a runny nose is very high, so Panavir for the nose is still in demand in the winter-autumn period, when the likelihood of a viral infection is increased.

Overdose and drug interactions

According to information from the manufacturer, even repeated and long-term use of Panavir is incapable of harming the human body, so there have never been cases of spray overdose. Also in the annotation for the drug it is noted that it is compatible with other drugs, for example, with antiviral drugs whose action is aimed at the influenza virus. The spray can also be prescribed and used together with antibacterial agents or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase Inlight Panavir at a pharmacy, a prescription from a doctor is not required. In addition, this product is not classified as medicinal, but as cosmetic. The average price of 40 ml of the drug is 330-350 rubles.

It is recommended to keep the spray at home at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius in a place where the gel will not be affected by sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. After the first use it does not decrease (the drug does not deteriorate).

Active substance - Panavir® (purified extract of shoots of the plant Solcinutn tuberosum -, the main active ingredient is a hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids) - 0.0002 g; excipients: sodium chloride - 0.045 g, water for injection - up to 5 ml.


Transparent or slightly opalescent, colorless or light brown liquid, odorless.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Panavir® is an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to various infections and promotes the induction of alpha and gamma interferons by blood leukocytes.

In therapeutic doses, the drug is well tolerated.

Tests have shown the absence of mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, allergenic and embryotoxic effects. In preclinical studies on laboratory animals, no negative effects on reproductive function and fetal development were established.

It has anti-inflammatory properties in experimental models of exudative edema, chronic proliferative inflammation and in the pseudoallergic inflammatory reaction test to concanavalin A.

An analgesic effect has been shown in models of neurogenic pain and pain caused by inflammation and thermal irritation.


The pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been studied due to its chemical nature and small effective doses.

Indications for use

Herpes virus infections of various localizations (including recurrent genital herpes).

Secondary immunodeficiency states due to infectious diseases.

Cytomegalovirus infection, including in patients with recurrent miscarriage. It is used in women with chronic viral infection and interferon deficiency in preparation for pregnancy.

Human papillomavirus infection (anogenital warts) as part of complex therapy.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in patients with long-term scarring ulcers and symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone as part of complex therapy.

Tick-borne encephalitis as part of complex therapy.

Rheumatoid arthritis combined with herpesvirus infection (in immunocompromised patients) as part of complex therapy.

ARVI and influenza as part of complex therapy.


Individual intolerance.

Lactation period.

Children's age up to 12 years.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy is only possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped while taking the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Panavir® should be administered intravenously.

The therapeutic dose of the drug is 0.0002 g of active substance (contents of one ampoule).

For the treatment of tick-borne encephalitis, Panavir® is used twice with an interval of 24 hours.

For the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase and symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone, 5 intravenous injections are used every other day for 10 days.

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis combined with herpesvirus infection, 5 intravenous injections are used with an interval of 24-48 hours, if necessary, repeat the course after 2 months.

For the treatment of ARVI and influenza, 2 intravenous injections are used with an interval of 18-24 hours.

Use in pediatrics

Panavir® is prescribed to children over 12 years of age at a dose of 0.0001 g intravenously once a day.

For the treatment of herpes virus infection, Panavir® is used twice with an interval of 2448 hours. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 1 month.

For the treatment of tick-borne encephalitis, Panavir® is used twice with an interval of 24 hours. For the treatment of cytomegalovirus and papillomavirus infections, Panavir® is used three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.

Side effect

The drug is well tolerated; possible complications may be associated with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If you notice any side effects , Tell your doctor about this.


No cases of overdose have been reported. The results of preclinical studies indicate low toxicity of the drug.

Panavir is a Russian-made antiviral drug that has a wide spectrum of action. Contains natural plant raw materials as active ingredients.

It was developed based on the discovery of Nobel Prize laureate N.N. Semenov about the powerful immunostimulating properties of biologically active substances contained in rapidly dividing cells of any plants.

The active ingredient Panavir strengthens the body's immune system, increasing its resistance to infections and viruses. When using Panavir and analogues of the drug based on Nightshade polysaccharides, the level of interferon, a protective protein that is produced in the body when infected with viral infections, significantly increases.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antiviral drug with a broad spectrum of action.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Panavir spray cost in pharmacies? The average price is 340 rubles.

Release form and composition

Panavir spray is available in two versions. One of them is called Inlight, and the other Intimate. It’s easy to guess from the name that the first type is used to treat infections of the oral cavity, and the second to treat the genitals. The active ingredients remain the same.

Spray composition:

  • active ingredient: Panavir (polysaccharides of Solanum tuberosum potato shoots) or eucalyptus oil and Panavir;
  • additional components: polyethylene glycol, lanthanum nitrate, sodium hydroxide, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, water.

Pharmacological effect

Panavir is a drug with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It contains Solanum tuberosum shoot extract. The main active ingredient of the extract is a hexose glycoside, which includes mannose, rhamnose, galactose, arabinose, glucose, xylose and uronic acids.

During treatment with Panavir, there is an increase in the production of interferon and an increase in nonspecific immunity. The drug has an antiviral effect due to the ability of the active substance to inhibit the synthesis of viral DNA in cells that have been infected by the virus. Panavir in therapeutic doses is tolerated normally, there are no negative effects (allergenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic) on the body.

The drug also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, produces a certain regenerative effect, and accelerates the process of scarring of ulcers. Also has an antipyretic effect. The ability of the drug to improve the functions of the optic nerve and retina is noted.

Indications for use

Spray gel Panavir Inlight is used to prevent and relieve symptoms of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi: ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections, viral; for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia. The drug can also be prescribed for the prevention of cervical cancer due to human papillomavirus infection. The use of Panavir gel after removal helps to avoid their reappearance.

Panavir intimate gel is indicated in the following cases:

  • Operations to remove condylomas. After such a surgical intervention, it is recommended to treat tissues, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • Venereal symptoms due to hormonal imbalance. When hormonal status changes, itching, dryness and burning may occur;
  • HPV with high oncogenicity. In this case, the spray acts as a preventative measure against cervical cancer;
  • Changes in microflora. If you have problems with immunity, the chance of developing infections and inflammations in the genital area is especially high. Such processes are characterized by changes in microflora, which becomes a signal for the use of intimate spray.

Unpleasant sensations, such as itching and burning, sometimes occur after sexual intercourse. In this case, you can again turn to Panavir for help. Moreover, the medicine is used as a prophylaxis against sexually transmitted pathologies. It can be used after completion of unprotected intercourse.

Most often, Panavir is used in complex therapy of human papillomavirus and human papillomavirus. It is prescribed against interferon-deficiency conditions. They can be diagnosed in women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future.

As it becomes clear from the indications, the drug (especially in the gynecological field) does not act as an independent medicine. This is only an adjuvant drug that is most often prescribed for preventive purposes, but it also contributes to more effective treatment through other drugs.


The only contraindication to the use of Inlight spray is individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Spray Panavir Inlight: instructions for use

Take out the nozzle intended for treating the oral cavity and ENT organs from the box and place it tightly on the bottle. Then insert the nozzle shallowly into the mouth or nose and press 2 – 3 times.

For the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as maintaining the mouth and nose in a normally functioning state, Inlight spray must be used twice a day - morning and evening for a long time. The spray can be used daily.

If necessary, Inlight Panavir can be used to treat the genitals instead of Intim Panavir by wearing the second nozzle included in the kit.

Spray Panavir Intim: instructions for use

Fit the nozzle included in the kit tightly onto the bottle. Then press the nozzle 2 - 3 times, directing the stream to the surface of the skin of the genital organs so that the gel covers it with an even and thin layer. You can rub the gel into the surface of the skin with light massaging movements or leave it to absorb on its own. In addition, by inserting the nozzle into the vagina, you can apply the gel to the mucous membrane, also making 2–3 presses. If you use any attachment not included in the kit, it can be inserted into the vagina no deeper than 2 cm.

The gel should be applied before and after sexual intercourse and can be used every day.

If necessary, Intim Panavir gel spray can be used to treat the oral and nasal cavity instead of Panavir Inlight, since their composition is the same. In this case, to spray the spray, you need to place the bottle on a table or other flat surface, tilt your head over it so that the nozzle enters your mouth or nose 1–2 cm, and then press it with your fingers 2–3 times.

Side effects

Side effects of Panavir dosage forms boil down to possible allergic reactions to the main active substance, or an auxiliary component in the drug. Usually the medication is taken without visible negative consequences.

The drug is non-toxic and can be used for a long time without fear of decreased effectiveness or irritation.


Preclinical studies showed low toxicity of the drug, and not a single overdose was recorded. If negative symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor and stop taking the medication.

special instructions

Medical consultation is required before use.

The use of Panavir Inlight spray can be combined with medications for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, as well as with anti-inflammatory drugs. It has no contraindications for long-term and repeated use. The spray is non-toxic, does not contain hormones and alcohol.

Panavir Inlight is not a medicine.

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