Home Dental treatment Does the name Lyudmila carry happiness? Names on the Internet: Women's lucky names

Does the name Lyudmila carry happiness? Names on the Internet: Women's lucky names

An attempt to connect the two has already been made. And then another note happened on the website 7d.org.ua. Russian sociologists, it turns out, have determined how female names correlate with the success of their owners. As it turned out, life success and luck depend in some way on... Names such as Svetlana, Anna, Ekaterina, Maria and Julia contribute to the love of Fortune, but less so than the name Olga. In second place are Natalia, and the happiest female name turned out to be Elena's. Their career is supposedly guaranteed. And financial success and prosperity are achieved faster and easier by those who received “masculine” names from birth - Evgenia, Alexandra and Valentina.

Russian sociologists are, of course, not “British scientists,” but some doubt arises. The best way to dispel it would be to appeal to the “voice of the people.” That's what we'll try to do now. Our people, as you know, are gray, but wise, so the decision about who has the happiest female names is up to them, but before that, some statistics pulled from the network. To trust her or not - judge for yourself.

The happiest male names are:
Alexander, Anatoly, Igor, Dmitry, Sergey, Mikhail, Oleg, Alexey, Nikolay, Victor, Maxim, Mark, Savva, Andrian, German

The happiest female names:
Anna, Alla, Diana, Daria Zina, Livia, Galina, Lyudmila, Lydia, Leah, Julia, Zhanna, Lilia, Ekaterina, Leila, Vladislava, Henrietta, Linda, Olga.

Now, as promised, the word is to the people.

All my friends Katya are very confident girls, they know what they want and achieve it accordingly, they radiate with happiness and well-being. I haven’t seen a single Ekaterina the slut, except for “The Thunderstorm”, perhaps...

It’s definitely feminine Marina, everyone I’ve met is ABSOLUTELY happy in all aspects, I can’t name a man who’s so unequivocally happy.

I often meet people in life with the same names and their destinies are also very similar.
For example, Tatiana is all lucky, both personally and financially, they all have loving, caring husbands and good families.
But Natasha, on the contrary, is not very lucky as a woman. By the way, I don’t want to offend anyone...this is my personal life experience. Maybe it's the other way around for you.

I went through all my acquaintances and realized that I had met different Tatianas, both successful and unfortunate, and simply super women and bitches, the likes of which the world had never seen... And I also came across different Natalyas... including me. I don’t know, it didn’t work out for me personally personal experience attitude towards a person’s name as one of the characteristics inner world or luck in life..

All my friends Anna (including my sister) are unlucky in their personal lives.... The Lenas who surround me are really ugly, besides, many have become very ugly after giving birth. Natashas are stupid... Katya can also be included there.

I'll start with myself. My name is Natalia, I think that the name is not very lucky, I have little luck in life.

And Elena (these are my personal observations) are really very “punchy”, sometimes even arrogant. Plus, all my Elena friends had a huge amount of selfishness and practicality.

The last and most rational judgment:
- You are given a name and your task is to make it either happy or unhappy - you don’t have to blame it on a combination of letters.
It would seem logical and fair, but I still want to believe in miracles. Yes, girls?

Karpova Karpova

So, a story from the USA. A single dad is looking for support on the Internet: he persuaded his girlfriend, who wanted to have an abortion, to give birth. She gave birth and gave him the child to raise. Fully. He pays even more in alimony than the judge said. He is not interested in the child and has no pretensions to him at all. Everyone is happy? No! Dad, who is now completely responsible for his son, sometimes gets angry with... with his son! Calls mom names empty space" By the way, the child is 18 months old today. Dad complains that he's a single parent and Mom doesn't care about them! At the same time, he regularly receives alimony, he does not sue for visits with his son - well, what else does a person need? After all, he wanted this boy so much, I don’t understand.

PS all the cries from the series: she will regret it!!! - I consider it unproductive. Is not a fact. But his position, of course, made me laugh. Enjoy yourself, man. And remember that you are lucky, because you are paid even more alimony than you were awarded.
Next is the translation of the article.

“His ex wanted an abortion, he wouldn't let her, and once the baby was born, she agreed to give him full custody and still pay child support. At the same time, this dad, no, no, complains on the Internet about that mom, “dead mom.” Cool dude.

“We weren’t in a serious relationship when she got pregnant. She never met our son. Even immediately after birth, she had no desire to see him. We went to court and now I have 100% legal and physical custody of the child. Her name is on his birth certificate, but she does not have custody and has no right to visit him or make decisions, such as those related to his health or education. So she didn't want any of this. She pays 125% of the court's child support orders each month. She says that if I ever marry someone who wants to adopt our son, she will not be against adoption, but until this happens, she will agree to pay me for his maintenance.
I am raising our son on my own. He is now 18 months old and has never met her and I don't even have pictures of her. I'm burned out inside and I hate being a single parent. I love my son, but at the same time I resent him. My family of course tries to help when they can, but most of the time I do everything myself. I will never hurt my boy or ignore him, but I am exhausted all the time. I tried to go to court again so that we would be awarded separate custody of our son, but she again said that she wanted to have an abortion, but I didn’t, and again made it clear that she would never raise him. The judge said he couldn't force her to court him. I haven't seen her for almost a year, and last time I only heard about her that she is trying to get rid of stretch marks on her stomach with the help of a laser and spends a lot of time in the gym. I know she told her friends and family that she was an egg donor and not a mother. She has no feelings and the court won't do anything, which means I'll still be a single parent. Is there any remedy here legal protection for me?"



He was called a tyrant and despot with the outlook of a “company commander.” He hanged the Decembrists, oppressed the Poles, flogged peasants and soldiers, and killed poets. Any radical public figure of the 19th century wrote about him as if this king had personally strangled his talent. Agents from the ubiquitous Third Gendarmerie Division kept an eye on everyone.

Through his efforts, peace was maintained in Europe, torn apart by liberal revolutions. He stopped the violence of the Ottoman and Persian authorities against the Christians under their control. Under him, millions of acres of previously wild steppe were plowed up, increasing fourfold industrial production. Through his efforts, the Russian language was brought back into use by the educated class, and the surviving monuments of ancient Russian culture were saved.

He is the Russian Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich

Another look at historical figure and to the direction.



Hello, forum!
I am writing to speak out.
I hesitated, I just don’t have the strength anymore! The child can’t get out of his illness, he walks into the garden through a stump, everyone takes turns taking sick leave, but even in such conditions we can’t cope, everyone needs to work, work doesn’t allow us to take sick leave once a month
Life has turned into a series of continuous problems: how to cure a child, fulfill a plan at work, find someone to take sick leave this time
Will there ever be a silver lining? Now everything is going to hell
Please support kind words, no more strength



Need some advice. My daughter is 2.3. Doesn't go to the potty and, in principle, has absolutely no interest in it (his gaze doesn't even linger on the potty). The diaper is only for sleeping (he doesn’t pee in his sleep, just in case) and for walking. At home only in simple panties. He runs and runs, stops, squeezes his panties with his hand in front and pees. Exclusively standing. If I manage to move the potty in these split seconds, then I get hysterical - he doesn’t want to sit in anything. And in general, when he wants to go to the toilet, he always does it while standing. Nobody does that at home with her. In six months I will go to kindergarten. And now I’m wondering whether it will outgrow it, or what method to use to teach girls to go to the toilet while sitting!


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the name, like the zodiac sign, has a certain influence on a person’s character. But, as you know, if you sow character, you will reap destiny. A name is, first of all, an energy that is given to us from birth. For example, have you noticed that women with one name are usually happy in their personal lives, but not with another?

Let's take the most common ones in Russia. Eg, Elena. What is a typical Lena like? She is smiling, active, rarely plump, often pretty, men like her, knows how to “treat” them, for example, receive gifts... She likes to go to different parties, and is not inclined to sort things out.

The fact is that the name Elena corresponds to the sign Gemini, which add lightness and curiosity to her. Lena is not inclined to fall deeply in love, and, having broken up with a man, she usually does not make a tragedy out of it. In a word, Elena is the ideal lover. But not the wife.

The ideal wife is Natalia(this name corresponds to Scales). She is more strict than Elena, from the first impression - somewhat prickly, but principled and reliable, at the same time very selective in her affections... If the owner of this name is infatuated with someone, then it is hardly worth courting her. Natalya does not tolerate defeats in life, she can be vindictive, but in Hard time will always lend a shoulder. With age, she often gets fatter, at least not as prone as Lena.

Tatiana amorous and sexy, also proud, somewhat scandalous, and not inclined to listen to advice... It’s useless to “attack” her. With all this, Tanya often tends to enter into complex and even confusing relationships with fans. She is sometimes capable of falling in love, figuratively speaking, “on the edge of a cliff,” since the patron of the name is Scorpion- requires strong emotions. By the way, like Natalia, Tatyana will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Just twenty years ago, the third most common female name was Irina. Its bearers are extraordinary natures, not limited to family concerns. Often, Irina are excellent specialists, often leaders. These energetic ladies are able to supplant men in many areas, because they are under the protection of Leo. They also have a lot of determination.

For bearers of this name it is very important not to lose self-confidence. While they are “in the spirit”, all doors open for them. But if the energy drops as a result of suffering disappointments or illnesses, Irina can fall into a protracted streak of severe failures.

As for the situation, it often turns out far from rosy for these women. The main love, most likely, remains only a romantic memory. Irina experiences divorces and remarriages more often than others, since it is not easy for these strong-willed and emancipated women to find happiness next to men who, on the contrary, do not differ in strength of character. The motto of Irina’s fan sounds something like this: “Seize the moment of favor!”

Irins are characterized by rationality. Indeed, outside the sphere of romantic experiences, these women demonstrate extraordinary practicality...

One of the most colorful female names should be recognized as the name Olga. The woman so called has a dual nature: a cold mind and a warm heart. She has good self-control and behaves quite reasonably, at least without the obvious emotional outbursts characteristic of, say, Tatyana. Olga's mind is distinguished by a certain prudence: for example, she can lie and repeat the same lie after many years. And it won’t go astray if you have to repeat it. He has a specific mind and the ability to find the right path to achieve what he wants.

But if such a woman falls in love, her behavior changes radically. No one is capable, perhaps, of experiencing deeper feelings, and often with a tinge of extreme drama. From unhappy love, Olga can seriously and even undermine nervous system. The fact is that given name corresponds sign Taurus, ruled by the goddess of love Venus. And Venus is directly related to sex. It is believed that Olga has access to heights of pleasure unknown to most women. She might simply lose consciousness...

Such women are capable of making “slaves” from their parents, and later from their husbands. Often the husband satisfies Olga’s slightest whims, and does it with pleasure.

Another one of those who became Lately popular female names - Catherine. Full form rarely used. Katya, as a rule, knows her worth, and also knows well what she wants. She knows how, if necessary, to keep people (including the opposite sex) at the correct distance, she is quite selfish and at the same time somewhat mysterious... In short, Katya’s character is a typical city woman, often giving the impression of a “woman with pretensions.” Katya usually lacks simple human warmth, but she is focused on success in life and often achieves it, because this name corresponds to the sign Leo. The main obstacle on her way is the overestimation of her own mind. Such women live mainly by passions, although according to them appearance This is not usually the case.

Interestingly, two Russian female names are Hope And Lyudmila, extremely common in the recent past, are considered unlucky. Moreover, Nadezhda (sign Virgo) usually endures the hardships of fate quite passively, but Lyudmila (sign Libra), due to its explosive nature, often literally seeks adventures on its own head, for example, it can get married early and thoughtlessly... At the same time, the owners of these names often at the last moment have things that seem to have been “on track” falling through... Perhaps as a result of such bad luck, both of these names have now lost their former popularity.

Vadim Levin, astropsychologist

(Prepared by Irina Shlionskaya)

All female names bring good luck to some extent, but different areas life...

Numbers tell a lot about a name. For example, numerology can easily answer your question about what awaits you in the future and what your destiny or purpose is. Previously, we wrote about how to calculate the fate number by name. From this article you can find out great way interpretation of your name.

Meaning of the name

The most obvious factor that makes this or that female name lucky is the translation, its original meaning. Fate is determined by what was put into this name at the creation stage.
For example, if Victoria means “victory”, then she will be more likely to achieve success, because this in itself attracts success.
Anastasia means “immortal,” so women with that name are also very lucky, but this is manifested in their incredible resilience. Olga translates as “holy” or “wise,” so she is very happily married, rarely offends people without good reason, and there are many close ones. There can be many examples, but sometimes the translation does not mean something important, so traces of luck should be looked for in something else. Study the meaning and mystery of your name to find out where you might be lucky in life.


Most The best way to find out how lucky you can be is to check the energy of your name. Previously, we wrote about the 10 most energetically powerful female names. This is an indication that these ladies are luckier than usual. However, other names often contain secret keys to success.

Among the list of the most powerful names we can highlight Varvara, Victoria, Vladislav, Daria and Irina. Getting into the biofield of these women, any person feels their influence. If these ladies are angry, then they are feared more than others. If they are full of love and warmth, then when you get close to them, you will become infected with this warmth.
In principle, this property can act as an Achilles heel, but when the situation is stable and you need to win over a person, women with such names need to do almost nothing. This helps in love as well as business. If you are the owner of one of these names, you can make it your amulet.


The presence of various letters and their combinations in a name also greatly influences luck in one or another area of ​​life. In business and financial sector, as well as for promotion career ladder Firm-sounding names with a large number of voiced consonants will be useful: Arina, Diana, Lydia, Margarita, Daria, Inga, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Galina and so on.
Soft names like Svetlana, Inessa, Nina, Christina, Tatyana, Anastasia, Faina or Ulyana, lucky in love and family life. They are subconsciously perceived by men as softer, since they lack sound amplification.
The sound of a name is very important, but not only in terms of sonority. Common Slavic names are now slowly going out of fashion, and there are also completely forgotten and almost completely lost popularity names, such as Zinaida, Varvara, Yaroslava or Martha. However, they are quite strong due to their connection with Rod. Just keep in mind when choosing a name for your baby that it is not entirely euphonious for modern ear It is better to exclude options, otherwise your child will be subject to ridicule.
Now Western-type names or unusual and modern-sounding ones are gaining popularity: Madeleine, Martha, Nellie, Nika, Olivia, Rose, Vanessa and others. This brings children good luck, which develops into big success in all areas of life in the future. It has always been so and so it will be with all popular this moment names.

Rare names

The very last point is the rarity of the name. Vasilisa, Venus, Eva, Oktyabrina, Eleanor, Karina, Lilia- such women are always remembered, and men feel a certain zest in them, because they are rare and unusual names are very well imprinted in their memory.
Many ladies have probably noticed that the more unique the name, the more men like them, the more success they achieve in business. People have always been drawn to everything unusual. Be careful, because excessive attention can also play a cruel joke, because bad things are remembered better than good things. One wrong step, and no one will ever forget that you broke your heel before an important meeting, your son is a poor student, and your husband likes to drink. Attention can either give you luck or take it away from you forever.
We wish you that your name brings you only happiness. Remember that every woman has the right to success and good luck. Even if you don’t really like your name, it is not a curse, not an anathema, but a gift from parents and fate, which you must be able to unravel and decipher correctly. We wish you victories in all areas of life.

Confirmed by history and statistics.

Already at the stage of the ultrasound results, having received the news that a girl is expected, mothers begin day and night to choose the most unique and inimitable name for their future princess. Something that would determine her happy destiny and be a talisman for life. We have collected here the ten happiest Russian female names.


Maria Sharapova

One of the most popular and oldest names in the world. This name can be given to a newborn girl in almost any country in the world, and it will not sound alien or hurt the ears. According to the most common version, this name is of Hebrew origin, and in the Old Testament it is mentioned as Mariam. There is a lot of debate about the meaning of this name. Linguists claim that it comes from the word “bitterness”, that is, it can be translated as “bitter”, “rejected”. But there are other translation options - “desired”, “serene”.

One way or another, many consider it an honor to name a daughter after the mother of Jesus - a name, as they say, “prayed.”

The name Maria is femininity personified. This is a name with a very strong charge, with a long history. A woman named Maria lives a colorful life.

Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya went down in history as the wife of a Decembrist who followed him into exile. Maria Dmitrievna Raevskaya-Ivanova became the first woman in Russian Empire, to whom the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded the title of artist.

Athlete Maria Butyrskaya became the first Russian world champion in women's single skating, three-time European champion, and six-time Russian champion.


Elena Letuchaya

The Greek name most likely comes from the word "helenos", meaning light. This means that Elena is “bright”, “shining”, “chosen”.

There is even an opinion that the name Helen comes from the name of Helios, the sun god of the ancient Greeks. If we continue to consider those times where tunics were still worn in Greece, then the first thing that comes to mind is Queen Helen of Troy, because of whom the Trojan War began.

They say that Elenas are kind, amorous, very attractive to men and are often inclined towards creative professions. For example, one of the founders of the famous Russian Academy Elena Fabianovna Gnessina, a Soviet pianist and teacher, became the Gnessin music artist.

“The first after Chaliapin” was called by contemporaries the singer Elena Obraztsova, mezzo-soprano, People's Artist of the USSR. There are a great many famous actresses under this name: Elena Proklova, Elena Solovey, Elena Tsyplakova, Elena Safonova, Elena Yakovleva and many, many others.


Larisa Verbitskaya

In A. Ostrovsky’s play, the homeless woman Larisa Ogudalova cried and cried and died. In life, Larisas are most often active, assertive, purposeful, and with the bookish Larisa they are connected only by pride and the desire for moral purity. Larisas are very sacrificial, at least they will never leave without their help. These are people you can rely on.

Larisa is a Greek name and means “seagull”, although many say that it should not be written off Greek word"laros" which means "sweet". Larisa is always a bright individual.

The fate of the communist, writer, revolutionary Larisa Reisner was unusual: as a commissar of the General Staff of the Fleet, she traveled with the Volga-Caspian military flotilla along the entire battle route along the Kama and Volga to Baku and wrote a book about it.

The name of athlete Larisa Latynina is known all over the world: artistic gymnastics, absolute champion of the world (1958, 1962), Europe (1957, 1961), USSR (1961, 1962).

Larisa Luzhina, Larisa Udovichenko, Larisa Shepitko, Larisa Golubkina - our cinema would not be the same without these talented Larisas. Songwriter Larisa Rubalskaya and singer Larisa Dolina also contributed to the list of Russia's creative successes.


Olga Buzova

Most likely, this name was brought to Rus' by the Vikings. This is a pair name for male name Oleg, they believe that among the Scandinavians the “progenitors” of these names sound like Helga and Helgi. Both names mean “holiness.” Therefore, Olga means “sacred.”

The “main” Olga among Christians is the Grand Duchess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich, who ruled Kievan Rus for her son Yaroslav and canonized.

According to eyewitnesses, Olgas are active, strong-willed, independent women.

Soviet chess player Olga Rubtsova became the world champion and the first champion of the USSR, and then confirmed this title four more times.

Poet Olga Berggolts survived hell Leningrad blockade and dedicated her best lines to this page of the war. Olga Mashnaya, Olga Kabo, Olga Knipper-Chekhova proved that this name brings success on stage and in films.


Victoria Bonya

The name, derived from the Latin word for "victory", was especially popular in Russia in post-war years. With such a name, a woman has every reason to go through life with her head held high. Victoria is a contradictory person. Stubborn, with a keen sense of justice, collected, shy and sometimes even a little extravagant.

Victoria is ambitious, and her ambitions are completely justified.

Even the era was called Victorian after the Queen of Great Britain, who ruled England for 64 years.

The famous traveler Victoria Ostrovskaya, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society, created three sailing clubs for children and teenagers in Moscow and Kamchatka.

And thanks to Victoria Ruffo, Russians learned how intelligent and beautiful Mexican actresses are.


Anna Netrebko

Hebrew name meaning "grace". Among Christians, Anna is revered as the grandmother of Jesus Christ - that was the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary.

Anna doesn’t sit idle for a minute, she’s always busy. Anna is compassionate and capable of sincere sympathy. Most often in women with this name analytical warehouse mind. It is difficult to influence Anna - she is a “thing in herself”, she adheres to her own opinion in everything.

Anna is one of the popular “royal” names. Annas were in power or married to kings in many countries - Spain, France, England, and in Russia it was the famous Anna Ioannovna, the niece of Peter the Great.

It was a woman named Anna (Kern) who inspired the poet Pushkin to write the immortal lines: “I remember wonderful moment, you appeared before me..."

Anna Pavlova - this name doesn’t even need explanation. This woman became a symbol of classical ballet of the 20th century.


Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The most popular female name in Russia at the moment is confirmed by statistics. “Reborn”, “immortal” - this is how it is translated Greek name. In Russia, people have long prayed to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker when it was necessary to give birth safely or to quickly get out of prison.

They say that the name Anastasia helps its bearer to very naturally imitate the South Russian dialect and do the most spectacular splits. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Anastasia Volochkova took advantage of this.

But, thank God, history has preserved information about Anastasia’s more useful skills. Thus, the wife of Ivan the Terrible, named Nastasya, knew how to soften his strict disposition like no one else.

The singer of romances Anastasia Vyaltseva at one time pretty much turned the heads of fans of her talent.

And we looked at Anastasia Vertinskaya in the role of Gutierre in the film “Amphibian Man” with our mouths open in admiration. It's amazing how good she is!


Tatiana Navka

Maybe getting a name that means “organizer” won’t seem so romantic. However, do not rush to wrinkle your nose.

Tatyana is a rock name. It carries enormous strength and hardness. It, like a huge invisible wing, protects its bearer.

For example, Tatyana Pronchishcheva, who lived back in the 18th century, became the first female polar explorer of the Arctic, a participant in the Great Northern Expedition as part of the Lena-Yenisei detachment.

And on the birthday of archaeologist Tatyana Passek, the author of many valuable monographs, who worked during the construction of the Moscow metro, all archaeologists now celebrate their professional holiday.


Ekaterina Strizhenova with her husband

Pure, immaculate - this is what the Greeks wanted to say many centuries ago when they named their daughters the name Katerina. Although you cannot live by purity alone and you will not become famous.

Thrones and thrones - that’s what the famous Catherines of the world headed. For example, the Queen of France Catherine de Medici, the Portuguese princess, the wife of the English king Catherine of Braganza and, finally, two Catherines - the wife of Peter the Great and the second, who went down in history under the name the Great. Catherine the Second became famous as the most educated woman. It is to her that Russia owes the emergence of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens and, in principle, such a concept as “Smolyanka”.

The reign of another Catherine occurred during the era of the existence of the USSR: until 1974, the post of Minister of Culture of the USSR was held by Ekaterina Furtseva.


Natalya Vodyanova

“Native” and even “Christmas” - this is how this tender name is translated from Latin. Probably, apart from this, there is no need to say anything about Natalya - everything will be little and everything will be inaccurate.

Actress Natalya Gundareva is the real Natalya. You watch films with her - and it’s really like she’s family to everyone. Natalya Fateeva, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Varley, Selezneva, Andreichenko, Vavilova - these stars of Soviet cinema are also like family members for many, because their faces are familiar from childhood.

Let’s not forget about the sex symbols Natalya Negoda, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Natalya Gulkina, Natalya Rudina (singer Natalie), Natalya Ionova (singer Glyuk’oZa) and, of course, Natasha Koroleva. This is who was truly born to decorate this world.

Fame and success accompany Natalia, and the name for them acts as a lucky amulet.

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