Home Tooth pain Strategy for a dairy products company. Development of a marketing strategy for a dairy industry enterprise

Strategy for a dairy products company. Development of a marketing strategy for a dairy industry enterprise

What is hematuria

Hematuria is a term denoting pathology in the medical dictionary. If you explain in simple language, hematuria is a disease that forms in the urinary system in men, manifesting itself by the presence of a certain amount of plasma in urea (excess of erythrocyte mass). Why is so little known about her?

Medical workers do not distinguish hematuria as a separate disease, but it requires immediate treatment. It always accompanies such terrible urological pathologies as impaired performance of the kidneys, urinary tract, prostate cancer, minimal plasma coagulability in the body, and the like.

Types of disorders with hematuria

Hematuria is the first alarm bell of the occurrence of certain pathologies that cause the release of blood from urine.

Depending on how the pathology manifests itself, there are:

Blood when urinating
  • macrohematuria. Red blood cells are found in large numbers and accumulate in the urinary system. The color of urine in this disorder varies from pinkish to dark brown, sometimes blood clots flow out;
  • microhematuria. In this case, the amount of erythrocytes in the urine is so small that it appears only when a urine test is taken in the laboratory, and microhematuria is found only in this way.

There are three types of violations:

  • type of initial hematuria;
  • type of terminal hematuria;
  • type of total hematuria.

Terminal hematuria is manifested by the fact that blood is found only when the last portion of urine is ejected. Caused by diseases of the cervical urinary tract and inflammation of the prostate gland.

Classifications of symptoms for hematuria

When the act of urination occurs, some types of hematuria are distinguished:

Severity of the disease
  • initial types. The symptom manifests itself as follows: a blood clot or a slight diffuse inclusion is present when the first portions of urine are released;
  • final types. Plasma manifests itself in the final stage of urine emission, its finishing part;
  • total views. The plasma spreads throughout the entire portion of urea (this is the most dangerous phenomenon).

These types are the most important points, which cannot be left out of sight when the attending diagnostician determines the result of the analysis.

Types of hematuria

Depending on the type of disorder, the following types of hematuria are used in terminology:

Disease research
  • Extrarenal. This type comes and acts in conditions not related to the functions of the renal and urinary systems (included due to diseases of the plasma and plasma-forming substances of the body).
  • Renal. It tends to disrupt the functions of the renal system (kidney pathology that needs to be treated immediately, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, damage to the renal glomeruli).
  • Post-renal. This type of disorder occurs at a level below the renal system (the urinary tract is affected, that is, urolithiasis, cancer, trauma).

Symptoms of hematuria

Pathology in the form of hematuria often manifests itself as follows:

Weakness and dizziness
  • urination is impaired;
  • urine color changes;
  • the thickness of the urinary flow decreases;
  • pain occurs in the lateral part of the abdomen (right or left);
  • feverish beating;
  • worm-like blood clots;
  • pain in the subscapularis and lower back;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • constant thirst for water;
  • pale skin;
  • shades of the skin and eyes are yellowish or greenish;
  • inability to pass urine.

Why is blood formed in urine?

It is necessary to establish the answer to the question - if it manifests itself this symptom, then what is hematuria and what are the causes?

The following pathologies can cause the appearance of plasma in urine:

Causes of blood in urine
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • injuries to the genitourinary system caused by any factors, including frequent indiscriminate sex;
  • endometriosis;
  • varicose formations;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • inflammation of the cecum (appendicitis);
  • papillomas and warts;
  • hemophilia;
  • scurvy;
  • physical loads;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • infection of the excretory systems;
  • radiation therapy;
  • disturbances of blood flow in the body;
  • collagenosis;
  • tuberculosis or purulent discharge;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • plasma impurity from the vagina or penis, as well as intestinal bleeding.

Male hematuria

In men, plasma occurs in urine for a number of additional reasons:

Groin pain
  • cancer tumors in the prostate gland;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs that produce the seed;
  • congenital renal pathology;
  • impaired plasma coagulation;
  • necrosis of the papillary system;
  • pathologies in blood vessels;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • heavy loads on the body using physical stress.

Female hematuria

Bloody vaginal discharge in women has its own reasons, let’s highlight the main ones:

Lower abdomen hurts
  • neglect of anal care;
  • prolonged use of tight underwear;
  • pathologies associated with cystitis;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • surgical interventions in the uterine part and vagina;
  • urethritis;
  • the occurrence of pregnancy and postpartum condition;
  • genitourinary infection;
  • urethral trauma subsequent to wearing catheters, cystoscopic intervention;
  • consequences of taking anticoagulant drugs.

Pediatric hematuria

Young children, unfortunately, are also prone to this pathology.

Causes of occurrence bloody discharge The following were the children's genital organs:

Kidney problems in children
  • renal excretion disorders;
  • nephrotic syndromes;
  • infections of the urinary system;
  • obstruction of the urinary duct;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • cystic reflux;
  • edematous phenomena;
  • trauma to the external genitalia;
  • availability foreign body in the urethra;
  • metabolic nephropathy;
  • thrombopathy;
  • vasculitis;
  • hereditary nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • the presence of cysts of different sizes;
  • inflammation of the urethra or prostate glands;
  • use of dangerous medications.

Infants and small children experience symptoms of the disease with temperature fluctuations or pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the abdominal area appears when stone formations of the kidneys or urinary ducts are present. Also, children with constant infectious accompaniment, congenital disorder of the urinary tract, or a malfunction get hematuria metabolic process organism that causes stone formation.

Plasma in the urethra of pregnant women

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is detected by the doctor at any time. The disease causes anxiety for both the patient and her treating healthcare professional. Plasma discharge from the urethra in pregnant women should not cause any particular concern, but just in case, the woman must be examined. Most often, plasma in the urine of patients “with hope” is idiopathic, that is, it appears for no reason.

In pregnant women, hematuria is something that should disappear on its own after childbirth, then you don’t have to worry about possible pathologies of the body. Extremely rare situations are those when hematuria recurs already during the postpartum period, but then it is a factor indicating pathology in the renal system and urethra.

Pregnant women experience manifestations of hematuria syndromes for the following reasons:

  • stone formation;
  • inflammatory processes of the renal system or renal failure;
  • anticoagulants affecting the urinary tract;
  • hormonal change;
  • mechanical effects of fruits on the renal system and urethra;
  • ruptures of venous tissues around the circumference of the renal calyces.

Regardless of the outcome of the diagnosis, it is necessary to take all measures to establish and eliminate the cause of the pathology, because such conditions are dangerous for both the woman and her unborn child.

How to cure hematuria?

As soon as a person determines negative symptoms, he must immediately consult a medical professional, because timely therapy is the key to a healthy and happy existence. Therapy of the manifested disorders will give impetus to the cure of diseases that accompanied hematuria and which became its causative agents.

How is hematuria treated?

Drug therapy

First of all, this is antibiotic treatment. It is used to treat bacterial infections. It is also possible to use shock wave lithotripsy, which can crush kidney stones, and in the future they will be eliminated independently through the urethra.

In the most unpredictable and advanced cases, surgical intervention is prescribed. In this case, the operation depends on the complexity of the diagnoses. And, as the most effective option, combination methods of treating the disease are used. Consists of the possibility of surgical intervention, radial therapeutic methods, or, in difficult cases, chemotherapy.

As a manuscript Nigmatullina Olga Yurevna FORMATION OF BRANDING STRATEGIES FOR MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Abstract of the dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences Specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management national economy(marketing) Orenburg-2013 2 The work was carried out at the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Bashkir State Agrarian University" Scientific supervisor - Bakieva Alfiya Mufitovna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Official opponents: Alexey Alexandrovich Kopchenov Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing FSBEI HPE "Financial University under the Government" Russian Federation» (Chelyabinsk branch) Arguneeva Olga Nikolaevna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Commerce and Organization entrepreneurial activity Institute of Management FSBEI HPE "Orenburg State Agrarian University" Leading organization - FSBEI HPE "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" Defense will take place on December 23, 2013 at 9.00 am at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.181.04, created on the basis of the federal state budget educational institution higher professional education "Orenburg State University" at the address: 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, room. 170215. The dissertation can be found in the library of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Orenburg State University" (OSU). The abstract of the dissertation is posted on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation http://vak2.ed.gov.ru and on the OSU website www.osu.ru. The abstract was sent out on November 21, 2013. 3 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORK Relevance of the research topic. Forming a favorable image of a company in the minds of consumers, increasing its competitiveness and ensuring long-term business efficiency largely depend on the development of branding strategies. The use by advanced enterprises of new methods of conquering the market and increasing the number brands, which do not have significant differences from each other, significantly complicate the process of competition and necessitate an in-depth study of the process of developing branding strategies in an enterprise. The problem is deepened by the ambiguity of the category apparatus for the formation of branding strategies, and the insufficient development of the scientific and methodological base, taking into account the specifics of Russian economic practice. In the current situation, it is relevant to clarify and systematize the main economic categories for the formation of branding strategies, develop a mechanism for the formation of branding strategies, providing for a comprehensive study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, conduct a marketing study of customer perception of brands and assess the effectiveness of branding in the enterprise. All this predetermines the scientific and practical significance of developing branding strategies, which becomes a unique factor that distinguishes an enterprise’s product or service, as well as a key intangible asset of the enterprise, comparable in importance to material resources. The degree of knowledge of the problem. The theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of branding are reflected in the works of many foreign and domestic scientists. The essence, principles, features of the branding concept, issues of brand formation at an enterprise are reflected in the works of such scientists as Bablenkov I.B., Budnik A.V., Godin A.M., Guseva O.V., Dmitriev A.A., Korol A., Moiseeva N.K., Ryumin M.Yu., Sadriev R.F., Slushenko M.V. Methodological basics marketing research of branding and assessment of brand loyalty are laid down in the works of E.P. Golubkov, I.V. Filimonenko, G. Churchil, I.P. Shirochenskaya. The problems of assessing brand value are discussed in the works of such scientists as Aaker D., Bagiev G.L., Doyle P., Seifullaeva M.E. Problems of strategic brand management are considered in the works of Ansoff I., Burtseva T.A., Zakharychev L.S., Yochimsteiler E., Kotler F., Kotlyarov I.D., Lambin J.-J., MacDonald M., Nabiev R .G., Chernatoni L. However, despite the many theoretical developments in the field of branding, it should be noted that the practical aspects of the formation of branding strategies have been little studied, and the methodological basis for conducting market research in the field of branding has not been sufficiently developed. It is also necessary to note the lack of a clear algorithm 4 for the formation of branding strategies, as well as the lack of understanding by the management of most Russian companies of the new communication concept of marketing, in which branding is given priority special attention. In-depth scientific research in the field of branding is largely hampered by the lack of an extensive research information base. The insufficient level of knowledge about the problem of developing branding strategies justifies the need for further research in this area. The purpose of this dissertation research is the development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: 1) formalize marketing planning procedures by developing an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies; 2) supplement the methodology for situational analysis of the dairy market of the Republic of Bashkortostan; 3) identify indicators of communication effectiveness of dairy product branding using marketing research; 4) propose an original approach to the formation of branding strategies and test it using the example of dairy product brands; 5) develop recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of branding. The object of the study is a set of product and corporate brands of dairy industry enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of forming enterprise branding strategies. The area of ​​dissertation research corresponds to clause 9.26. “Development of a system for positioning and market promotion of product brands, brand creation and brand management” Passports of the specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (marketing). Author's contribution to the study. In the presented work, the author made a contribution to the formulation of research objectives, the development of theoretical and methodological principles, conclusions and scientific and practical recommendations. The names of the co-authors who took part in the study are indicated in the list of main publications on the topic of the dissertation. All results that constitute the scientific novelty of the dissertation and submitted for defense were obtained by the author personally. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the following scientific results: 1. Marketing planning procedures are formalized through the development of an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies, which involves a sequence of preparatory, analytical, design and 5 final stages. This algorithm allows you to formulate an enterprise branding strategy through the use of techniques that provide a comprehensive analysis based on systematization of indicators of the external and internal environment of the enterprise and consumer perception of the brand (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05). 2. The methodology of situational analysis has been supplemented commodity market a block of qualitative indicators of the state of branding, which include the period of origin, origin, territorial coverage of brands, subject focus, scope and affiliation of brands, structure of the enterprise brand portfolio, types of umbrella brands, communication image and target audience of the brand, product-brand relationship, priority in the product group and price segment of the brand. Using the totality of these indicators allows us to identify the main factors influencing the formation of branding strategies (clause 9.26, Specialty Passport 08.00.05). 3. Indicators of communication effectiveness of branding were identified (attitude towards the brand, level of acquisition, brand awareness, level of trust in the brand, customer loyalty to the brand, satisfaction with products under a specific brand) in the process of marketing research of the regional milk and dairy products market. Indicators of communication effectiveness make it possible to determine the effectiveness of interaction between the seller and the consumer in regional markets, which is proven by testing the indicators on the example of the dairy products market of the Republic of Bashkortostan (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05). 4. The author’s approach to the formation of branding strategies is proposed based on the use of a loyalty matrix, the feature of which is a variable combination of indicators of branding communication effectiveness: the level of acquisition and brand loyalty. Testing of the loyalty matrix made it possible to formulate strategies for strengthening loyalty, revealing loyalty, converting loyalty and building loyalty for various brands of dairy products (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05). 5. Recommendations have been developed for assessing the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, involving the formation of an information database, the choice of assessment methods and the calculation of a system of indicators depending on the branding goals. Three levels of branding are identified, which represent the basis for analyzing the degree of achievement of branding goals: operational, tactical and strategic (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05). The practical significance of the study makes it possible to use the methodological developments of the dissertation research in the formation of branding strategies; the results of the study can be applied by manufacturing and trading enterprises in order to increase the validity of decisions made and will help increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions. The methodological recommendations contained in the dissertation research can be used in the educational process of the Faculty of Economics of the Bashkir State Agrarian University when teaching the courses “Marketing”, “Marketing Research in Commodity Markets”, “Marketing in the Tourism Industry”. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the problem of forming branding strategies, as well as regulations RF. The solution to the assigned tasks was carried out using methods of systemic, situational, factor, structural and portfolio analysis, survey methods, observation and expert assessments. Degree of reliability and testing of results. The reliability of the results obtained is due to the use as an information base of a study of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, statistical data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Federal service state statistics for the Republic of Bashkortostan, corporate information of Allat CJSC, as well as empirical data obtained as a result of marketing research and expert assessments conducted by the author. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research: - were reported and received approval at scientific and practical conferences: international (Volgograd, 2008, Orenburg, 2013, Moscow, 2013), all-Russian (Kirov, 2007, Ufa, 2008, Ufa, 2011); - used by Allat CJSC to analyze the situation on the dairy market, formulate branding strategies and assess the effectiveness of branding at the enterprise, which is confirmed by the implementation certificate; - used by the author for teaching academic disciplines: “Marketing”, “Marketing research in product markets”, which is confirmed by a certificate of implementation. Publications. Based on the results of the study, 9 works were published, including 3 in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, with a total volume of 2.2 pp., incl. copyright – 2.0 p.l. MAIN CONTENT OF THE WORK The dissertation is presented on 213 pages and consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 9 subsections, a conclusion, a list of sources used, numbering 134 items, contains 40 figures, 41 tables and 21 appendices. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the goals and objectives, the object and subject of the study, the degree of knowledge of the problem, scientific novelty and practical significance of the work. The first chapter, “Scientific, theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies”, examines the economic essence of the 7 concepts of “brand” and “branding”, defines the role of branding in the communication concept of marketing, and analyzes methodological approaches to the formation of branding strategies. An algorithm for the formation of branding strategies is proposed. In the second chapter, “Branding in the dairy market of the Republic of Bashkortostan,” an analysis of market supply, demand and consumption of dairy products, an assessment of the competitive environment of the market was carried out, and the composition and structure of brand portfolios of dairy processing enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan were studied. Based on the conducted marketing research of consumers, the main factors influencing the purchase decision-making process and the profile of the buyer of dairy products were identified. In the third chapter, “Formation of branding strategies in the product market,” based on information obtained through marketing research, indicators of branding communication effectiveness were assessed. Based on a comparative analysis of tools for developing branding strategies, a new tool is proposed - a loyalty matrix. Recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of branding have been developed and a wide range of methods for assessing brand value as the main indicator of the economic effect of branding has been applied. In conclusion, the main conclusions of the dissertation research are summarized and recommendations are made. PROVISIONS FOR DEFENSE 1 Formalization of marketing planning procedures through the development of an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies The author has studied the theoretical aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise. The main trends in the modern market economy are identified, which determine the need to develop branding strategies. Satisfying the basic needs of customers, increasing competition, shortening product life cycles, increasing uncertainty in the external environment, the development of the information society, and the emergence of a communication concept of marketing necessitate the formation of branding strategies taking into account consumer perception of the brand. The author understands a branding strategy as a long-term plan for targeted influence on a brand in order to increase customer loyalty to the brand, promote it in the market and long-term increase its value. The methodological basis for the formation of branding strategies is strategic marketing planning, which involves choosing a branding strategy that reflects the strengths of the enterprise, the state of the external environment, customer preferences and helps the enterprise gain competitive advantages. 8 The author proposed an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies (Figure 1), which includes four stages: preliminary, analytical, design stage and final stage. It emphasizes the importance of methods of situational market analysis and marketing research as the basis for forming an information base for the development of branding strategies. The mission of an enterprise is the raison d'être of the enterprise and determines its goals, including branding goals. According to the author, the mission of an enterprise from a marketing point of view is to satisfy people's needs. The main goal of branding is to increase the efficiency of an enterprise by creating and strengthening relationships between manufacturer and consumer. Currently, the formation of branding strategies begins already at the stage of determining the mission and goals of the enterprise. Analysis of the external environment involves studying market conditions (the relationship between supply, demand and consumption of products) and assessing the competitive environment of the regional market, which allows us to identify real and potential competitors and determine the degree of market concentration by individual enterprises. Construction of a competitive market map allows you to assess the positions of an enterprise relative to each other at the current moment in time, as well as predict their changes. Analysis of the internal environment includes an analysis of the structure of the enterprise's brand portfolio: the quality and quantity of the enterprise's brands, their dependence and relationship with each other. At this stage, the process of branding in enterprises is necessarily analyzed, that is, the actual use of various tools to achieve the efficiency of an enterprise using a brand. To study consumer perception of a brand, panel marketing studies of buyers are conducted, repeated at certain intervals. At this stage, consumers' attitudes towards the brand are assessed using techniques such as the ideal point method and the Fishbein model. The study of consumer perception of a brand also involves analyzing the dependence of product purchases on brand awareness. The final stage of the study of consumer perception of a brand is the assessment of consumer loyalty to the brand, which is carried out using time series analysis, the needs separation method, the scaling method and the Frederick Reichheld method. The selection and justification of optimal branding strategies is the most important stage in the enterprise brand management process. At the beginning of this stage, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of existing strategic brand management tools, the most popular of which are the BCG matrix, Tauber matrix, brand financial management matrix, brand sales return matrix, etc. 9 Preliminary stage Mission of the organization BEGINNING Branding goals Collection of secondary marketing and statistical information Analysis of the external environment Analysis of market supply Analysis of demand for products Analysis of product consumption Assessment of the competitive environment of the market Construction of a competitive market map Research of the structure of the enterprise brand portfolio Study of the brand management process Research of consumer perception of the brand Marketing Assessment of consumer attitudes towards the brand research Analysis of the dependence of purchases on the brand awareness of buyers Assessing customer loyalty to the brand Analytical stage Analysis of the internal environment no Sufficient information yes Comparative analysis of tools for forming branding strategies Construction of a tool for forming branding strategies Development of the content of branding strategies Determination of indicators of economic efficiency of branding END yes Branding is effective no Figure 1 Algorithm for forming branding strategies Final stage Assessing the economic efficiency of branding Design stage Selection and justification of branding strategies 10 When developing a new tool for forming branding strategies, it is necessary to take into account not only indicators of the economic efficiency of branding, but also communication efficiency, which refers to the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the consumer. This tool allows you to highlight different strategies for each brand. Assessing the economic efficiency of branding involves determining the effect expressed in absolute indicators and the effectiveness itself, expressed in relative indicators. The economic effect of branding is expressed by the additional revenue generated through the use of the brand. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to formulate branding strategies in the context of the communication concept of marketing, adapted to the enterprise environment, and ensures consistency, consistency and complementarity of strategies. 2 Supplementation of the methodology for situational analysis of the market Decision-making in the field of formation of branding strategies presupposes the presence of an information base, which is formed on the basis of situational analysis, which includes an analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. To improve the quality of situational analysis, the author proposed an approach to its implementation (Table 1), which includes an analysis of quantitative indicators of market conditions, an assessment of quantitative indicators of the competitive environment and a study of qualitative indicators of branding, which led to the addition of the situational analysis methodology, which allows us to identify the main factors influencing on the formation of branding strategies. The use of this methodology made it possible to determine that the requests of dairy product buyers are not fully satisfied. Table 1 Methodology for situational analysis of the dairy product market Indicators Calculation formula, source 1 2 1. Analysis of quantitative indicators of market conditions Production of products Statistical data by type F Production structure d i  i 100%, where d i is the share of production of the i-th type of product; Fi products F - volume of production of the i-th type of product; F - total production volume Cumulative production Statistical data Import of products Statistical data Inventories at the end of the year Statistical data Actual consumption Statistical data Population statistical data Potential demand D  Q  N, where D is potential demand, Q is population, N is the annual rate product consumption per 1 person 11 Continuation of Table 1 Demand level 1 2 P satisfaction U  100%, where U is the level of demand satisfaction, P D D D actual product consumption 2. Assessment of quantitative indicators of the competitive environment Number of competitors Statistical data Market capacity Statistical data V Market shares competitors S i  i 100% , where S i is the market share of the i-th competitor; V i - volume V of sales of the i-th competitor; V - market capacity (total sales volume) Market growth rate Ts  S;  S, where Ts is the growth rate of market share, S; and S - share of the competitor's market shares in the reporting and base periods, respectively n Average market share Sm  S i 1 i n 100%, where S m - average market share, n - number of competitors Average growth rate of market share Market concentration coefficient n T si, where Tm is the average growth rate of market share n V  V 2  V3 CR3  1 100%, where CR3 is the market concentration coefficient V, V1, V 2, V3 are the sales volumes of the three largest Tm  i 1 enterprises n Herfindahl Index HHI   S i2 , where HHI is the Herfindahl-Hirschman index Hirschman i q Competitive position Determined on the basis of market share indicators and the rate of its growth of the enterprise 3. Research of qualitative indicators of branding Territorial coverage Empirical research of brands Period of origin Empirical research of brands Origin brands Empirical research Subject Empirical research brand orientation Scope of the brand Empirical research Brand affiliation Empirical research Portfolio structure Empirical research of enterprise brands Types of umbrella brands Empirical research Communication image Empirical research Target audience of the brand Corporate information Correlation “productCorporate information brand” Brand priority in the product group Empirical research Price segment of the brand Corporate information 12 To increase the validity of the developed branding strategies, a competitive market map was built, which showed that the market leaders and main rivals are the branch of Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, the Ufamolagroprom branch and CJSC Allat. CJSC Davlekanovsky Dairy Plant and OJSC Belebeevsky Dairy Plant also have a good position. LLC Trade House Beloretsk-Moloko is in the least advantageous position on the market. In order to maintain and improve the competitive position, competition strategies for each enterprise were proposed. Currently, in brand management, special attention is paid to the position of the brand in the structure of the brand portfolio. Most milk processing enterprises in Bashkortostan have their own corporate brand (CJSC Davlekanovskaya Dairy Company - Davlekanovo brand, OJSC Belebeevsky Dairy Plant - Belebeevsky, etc.), aimed at highlighting the competitive advantages of the entire enterprise. Moreover, such brands are not only enterprise brands, but also umbrella brands representing a series of products. For example, the Davlekanovo brand represents both the enterprise itself and a series of its dairy products (drinking milk, kefir, etc.). However, there are also a large number of different holdings on the market that have a corporate brand and unite various enterprises under it, both in Russia (CJSC Allat includes Sterlitamak Dairy Plant and Neftekamsk City Dairy Plant, OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann and JSC Unimilk - dozens of factories throughout the country) and abroad (Danone with factories in Spain, France, USA, Ehrmann with factories in Germany, Russia). They have product and umbrella brands in their portfolio. Thus, companies operating in the Bashkortostan market usually have in their portfolio various types umbrella brands: 1) classic (“Vesely Milkman”, “House in the Village” from JSC “Wimm-Bill-Dann”; “Darenka”, “For Breakfast”, “Snezhok” from JSC “Allat”, etc.), under which produce traditional dairy products: drinking milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and others; 2) children’s (“Red Up”, from JSC “Wimm-Bill-Dann”; “Fruktoshka” from JSC “Allat”, etc.), under which milkshakes, curds, curd cheeses and yoghurts are produced for children of different ages; 3) dietary (“Bio Max” from Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, “Fitness” from Allat CJSC; “Actual” and “Bio Balance” from Unimilk OJSC); 4) special (yogurt and curd desserts under the brands “Miracle” and “Frugurt” from Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, “Dejone” from Allat CJSC, “Danone” and “Danissimo” from Danone). In addition to all of the above, large holding companies also have individual brands. For example, Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC produces sterilized milk “M” (“Milk with a capital M”), processed cheese “Omichka” and the product “Imunele”, containing the immune-active 13 complex. Under the brands “In the cell” and “Fruktoshka”, Allat CJSC produces sterilized milk and curd cheeses, respectively. The analysis carried out indicates a complex hierarchical structure of the brand portfolio of enterprises. The umbrella branding scheme pays off to a large extent. Its advantages are a reduction in marketing costs for a group of products under an umbrella brand, as well as the fact that it is easier to introduce a new sub-brand within an umbrella brand to the market than to create a new one. The conducted situational analysis of the dairy products market made it possible to identify factors influencing the formation of branding strategies, which include: features of market development; structure and relationship between demand, supply and consumption of dairy products; state of the competitive market environment; composition and structure of the brand portfolio of milk processing enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The advantages of the applied methodology are multi-criteria, the possibility of comprehensive market research, ease of application and use of available information. 3 Identification of indicators of communication effectiveness of branding By communication effectiveness of branding, the author understands the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the buyer of his products. Its indicators include brand awareness, purchase rate, trust level, brand loyalty, consumer satisfaction with products under a particular brand and consumer attitude towards the brand. Brand awareness is also called awareness. It refers to the level of consumer awareness of the brand. The volume of product sales depends on brand awareness, so it is necessary to study and increase it using various marketing communications tools. Based on the survey data, a relationship was identified between the level of awareness (fame) and the level of brand acquisition (Figure 2). Figure 2 Dependence of the level of acquisition on the level of awareness of a dairy product brand on the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011 14 Calculations show that the dependence of the level of acquisition on the level of awareness is expressed by the equation y  1.706  1.155  x , where y is the level of acquisition, x is the level fame. That is, with an increase in brand awareness by 1%, the level of product acquisition increases by 1.155%. Thus, it is necessary to take care of increasing the level of awareness of its brand if it aims to increase the sales of its products. To achieve this, a set of measures is proposed to promote rapid recognition of the brand by the consumer - the concept of ensuring brand recognition by elements, which involves dividing the brand into components (recognizability of color, shape, symbols, etc.). The most important indicator of the communication effectiveness of branding is customer loyalty to the brand, i.e. loyalty caused by preference for one brand every time a product is purchased. The author proposes a division of methods for assessing loyalty into general ones, with the help of which one can evaluate loyalty to several brands, and private ones, which allow one to evaluate loyalty to a specific brand. One of the most effective general methods for assessing brand loyalty is time series analysis (Table 2), which involves the use of a two-dimensional table that displays the number of customers who prefer a particular brand in two time periods. At the same time, the switching of buyers from one brand to another is analyzed. Table 2 Customer loyalty to milk brands in 2011, % 18.1 8.2 30.7 7.4 32.2 6.7 24.3 50.2 22.1 6.2 18.4 14.7 22, 2 14.1 70.1 6.6 9.2 7.4 1.4 1.4 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.1 6.6 6.1 4.0 69.8 2.2 4 ,1 61.6 3.1 7.4 33.8 3.7 8.9 3.7 4.1 6.7 12.1 39.9 12.1 4.0 13.2 6.6 Others 6, 0 2.2 58.8 21.5 13.3 36.4 “Honest Cow” “Darenka” “Prostokvashino” “Jolly Milkman” “House in the Village” “White Cloud” “Checkered” 9.7 87.6 “ Kirillovskoe" "Milk with a capital M" "Checkered" "White Cloud" "House in the Village" "Cheerful Milkman" "Prostokvashino" "Darenka" "Honest Cow" "Davlekanovo" "Kirillovskoe" Others "Davlekanovo" First study Stages of research, brands “Milk with a capital M” Second study 39.9 10.7 13.3 17.7 32.2 13.3 20.0 12.1 The results of the study indicate that the following brands of drinking 15 milk have the highest customer loyalty, as “Milk with a capital M” (87.6%), “White Cloud” (70.1%), “House in the Village” (69.8%), “The Cheerful Milkman” (61.6%), “Darenka” "(58.8%). These are brands that are very popular among consumers of dairy products in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Private methods for assessing customer loyalty to brands are the needs division method, the Reichheld method and the scaling method. Assessing loyalty using the needs separation method involves identifying the ratio of the number and frequency of purchases of a certain brand to total number shopping. For example, if a customer bought 12 packages of milk per month, of which 9 packages were “Milk with a capital M,” brand loyalty is 75%. The scaling method suggests identifying the degree of customer satisfaction with a brand. In this case, the satisfaction scale will look like this: 1 - “Completely dissatisfied”, 2 - “Not satisfied”, 3 - “Neutral”, 4 - “Satisfied”, 5 - “Completely satisfied”. Customer loyalty is determined by the formula: L 1n1  2n2  3n3  4n4  5n5, 100% (1) where n is the percentage of customers belonging to a particular gradation. The survey results showed that 5.1% of customers are completely dissatisfied with the Milk with a Capital M brand, 9.8% are dissatisfied, 18.3% are neutral, 53.7% are satisfied and 13.1% are completely satisfied with this brand. Consequently, L  3.7, which indicates the predominance among buyers of those who are satisfied with the brand “Milk with a capital M”. However, there are also many who are either neutral or not satisfied with milk under this brand, because... only approaches the value of 4 – “Satisfied”. The share of such buyers is significant – 33.2%. According to Frederick Reichheld's method (Net Promoter Score - NPS), loyalty can be assessed by asking the respondent only one question: “How likely are you to recommend this brand to your friends?” Based on the results of their answers, all respondents are divided into groups: 1) 9-10 – “promoters” – buyers who are loyal to this brand and are ready to recommend it to their friends; 2) 7-8 – “neutrals” – buyers who are generally satisfied with products under this brand, but do not have the desire to recommend it to their friends and acquaintances; 3) 1-6 – “critics” – are not satisfied with the products under this brand and are not going to recommend it to anyone. NPS represents the net loyalty score and is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “promoters” and “detractors”. According to the survey, among buyers of the brand “Milk with a capital M” there are 14.9% “critics”, 13.3% “neutrals” and 71.8% “promoters”, i.e. NPS = 71.8% - 14.9% = 56.9%. Consequently, customer loyalty to the brand “Milk with a capital M” is 56.9%. 16 In order to create a loyal customer base, a loyalty management program is proposed, the goal of which is to retain customers by better satisfying their needs. Loyalty management is aimed at material and psychological incentives for customers, increasing the targeting of requests, increasing the size of a one-time purchase, generating feedback with customers, attracting new customers, etc. The conducted marketing research of dairy product buyers made it possible to identify indicators of the communication effectiveness of branding, which ultimately determine the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, expressed by such indicators as brand value, brand sales volume, market share. 4 Proposal of the author’s approach to the formation of branding strategies The study of scientific approaches used in the formation of branding strategies has shown that in strategic marketing planning matrix tools are most often used, which are based on indicators of market share, market share growth rate, industry attractiveness, competitive position , investment in a brand, etc. The author conducted a comparative analysis of various tools used in branding at the corporate level. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, but one common disadvantage can be identified that is characteristic of all. It lies in the fact that indicators of branding communication effectiveness are not considered. As part of the loyalty management program, a loyalty matrix is ​​proposed, the advantage of which is that indicators of communication effectiveness are taken as the basis for the formation of branding strategies: loyalty and acquisition level. The effectiveness of using the loyalty matrix as a tool for developing branding strategies is determined by the fact that it has great practical significance, because easily applicable to product market brands. Figure 3 shows the results of testing the loyalty matrix using the example of the main milk brands of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The loyalty matrix offers four branding strategies: The strategy of strengthening loyalty is appropriate when customers purchase large quantities of the company's products and are their absolute adherents, that is, there is so-called true loyalty. This is an ideal type of communication between manufacturer and consumer, and therefore, it only needs to be supported and strengthened by monitoring the quality of the product and a fairly high price for it that a loyal buyer is willing to pay. The loyalty disclosure strategy is applicable in situations where customers rate a brand highly ( high level 17 loyalty), but do not have the opportunity to often acquire it, that is, there is hidden (latent) loyalty. The task of the enterprise in this case is to implement measures that contribute to the transition of the state of demand from hidden loyalty to true loyalty. This is, first of all, increasing the accessibility of the brand, i.e. price reductions, periodic discounts on goods. Figure 3 Loyalty matrix in relation to milk brands in the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011. The loyalty conversion strategy is applicable in cases where the buyer purchases a brand, but does not experience either satisfaction or emotional attachment to it, but makes his own choice in connection with the offered discount or limited selection of goods, that is, there is false loyalty. The objective of such a strategy is to transform false loyalty into true one, for which the manufacturer must improve the quality of products, prevent price increases, and pursue an active brand promotion policy. A loyalty building strategy is recommended if the buyer is not a follower of the company’s brand and buys it only occasionally, that is, loyalty is low or absent at all. This strategy involves a radical revision of the entire marketing mix used by the company in the market segment under consideration and the formation of brand loyalty at all stages of product promotion from manufacturer to consumer. The proposed tool for developing branding strategies allows us to take into account one of the most important factors for a company’s success in the market – customer loyalty to its brands. IN modern conditions it allows the company to receive competitive advantage , win the intended market share and reach a fundamentally new level of development. The use of communication effectiveness indicators in the development of branding strategies is dictated by the need to implement the communication concept of marketing in the information society. The higher the values ​​of these indicators, the more effective the 18 communication impact of the company that owns the brand on its customers. In turn, the value of these indicators determines the values ​​of economic efficiency indicators. 5 Development of recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of branding Assessing the economic effectiveness of branding is the most important component of the algorithm for developing branding strategies, because It is the receipt of additional benefits that determines the need for an enterprise to use this type of marketing communications. In essence, a branding strategy is a plan for achieving goals that are developed at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. In economic science, the categories of economic effect and economic efficiency are distinguished. The economic effect of branding is understood as the absolute beneficial result brought by the company’s brand and expressed in value. The economic efficiency of branding, in turn, is determined by the ratio of the final useful results and the resources spent on branding and is expressed in relative indicators. The dissertation research proposes to evaluate the economic efficiency (effect) of branding (Figure 4) depending on the branding goals established at the operational, tactical and strategic levels. At the same time, it is important to determine sources of information and methods for assessing branding performance indicators (effects). The goals of branding at the operational level are to distinguish the company’s goods from similar products of its competitors, increase the number of buyers aware of the brand and gain a price advantage, since the buyer is willing to pay a higher amount for a higher quality and more prestigious product. The difference in the price of a branded and unbranded product - the price premium - is an indicator of the economic effect of branding at a given level of management. This is the primary indicator that characterizes the effect for which the company actually engages in branding its products. Indicators of the economic efficiency of branding at the level under consideration are branding costs per attracted consumer and the increase in brand sales per attracted consumer. At the tactical level, the goals of branding are to obtain excess profits due to the price premium for a branded product, to expand the boundaries of the market by popularizing the brand and increasing the number of loyal customers, and to win the competition. Indicators of the economic effect of branding at this level are the sales volume of the brand and the profit from the brand. The cost-effectiveness of branding at the tactical level is expressed by the brand's return on sales and the brand's market share. Sources of information for assessing indicators are corporate data of enterprises and government statistics. 19 20 It should be noted that assessing the economic effect and effectiveness of branding is currently very difficult, not only due to the fact that the information for calculating indicators is a trade secret of the enterprise, but also due to the fact that currently in most Russian enterprises traditionally, expenses and revenues are tracked by product rather than by brand. The strategic level of branding covers a long period of time and involves achieving global branding goals, which include increasing the company's shareholder value, making long-term investments in business development and using brand equity in new areas. The degree of achievement of these goals is demonstrated by the indicator of the effectiveness of investments in the brand, which is the ratio of the difference in the increase in gross income from the sale of products under a specific brand to the volume of investment in this brand. It serves as a criterion for comparing the effectiveness of alternative brand solutions and allows you to set priorities in financing brand projects. One of the most important indicators of the economic effect of branding is brand value. In the modern economy, a strong brand is considered as an intangible asset of a company, comparable in importance to material resources, and acquires a specific real monetary value. It is the cost that determines the additional income that the company’s brand will bring. The dissertation research assessed the value of the Darenka brand using following methods : cost, market, market comparison method, discounted cash flow method, total discounted value added method, royalty method and revenue method. It showed the economic effect brought by the company's brand. According to the author, the most reasonable method for assessing brand value is the discounted cash flow method developed by Inetbrand. The disadvantage of this method, which is the complexity of application, is generated by its advantages, the main one of which is the focus on strategic brand management. A brand in this aspect is considered as a tool for effective investment of company capital. When assessing it, a larger number of indicators are used, which makes the method the most accurate, and most importantly, the method takes into account future cash flows from brand sales, thereby implementing the concept of strategic brand management. CONCLUSION The dissertation research developed theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise: 1) the theoretical aspects of the branding concept were investigated, the main trends in the modern market economy were identified, which dictate the need for the formation of branding strategies. The role of branding in the communication concept of marketing, which arose as a result of the formation of the information society, is determined; 2) the concept of branding strategy was clarified and an algorithm was developed for the formation of branding strategies, which involves a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as consumer perception of the brand; 3) indicators were identified and trends in the development of the dairy industry were analyzed, taking into account the state of the raw milk market using the example of the Volga Federal District; 4) an approach to conducting a situational analysis of the market is proposed, including an analysis of market conditions, an assessment of its competitive environment and a study of the state of branding of milk and dairy products using the example of the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan; 5) a marketing study of buyers of dairy products of the Republic of Bashkortostan was conducted, which made it possible to study the factors influencing the purchase decision-making process and determine the buyer’s profile. As a result of the study, indicators of communication effectiveness of branding were also identified, which in the work is understood as the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the buyer of its products; 6) a comparative analysis of existing tools for the formation of branding strategies was carried out and a loyalty matrix was proposed, offering various branding strategies depending on a variable combination of such indicators of branding communication effectiveness as the level of acquisition and customer loyalty to the brand; 7) it has been established that branding goals may vary depending on its level (operational, tactical and strategic), on the basis of which recommendations have been developed for assessing the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, including identifying sources of information and methods for assessing indicators; 8) Based on application various methods In assessing the value of the Darenka brand, it was found that the most justified is the discounted cash flow method, which considers the brand as an instrument of long-term investment for the company. The conclusions and recommendations obtained during the dissertation research can be used by Russian enterprises operating in food markets and will help increase their competitiveness in modern conditions. 22 LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR IN publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: 1 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand awareness as the main factor in increasing sales volume / O.Yu. Nigmatullina // Economics and management: scientific and practical journal. – 2011. – No. 6(104) – P. 96-100. 2 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Methodology for assessing brand loyalty / O.Yu. Nigmatullina, A.M. Bakieva // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University: scientific journal. – 2012. – No. 2(22) – P. 81-84. 3 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand management strategies / O.Yu. Nigmatullina // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University: scientific journal. – 2012. – No. 4(24) – P. 75-78. Articles in collections of scientific conference materials: 4 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Brand management at OJSC “Ufamolzavod”: materials of the Interuniversity student scientific conference “Knowledge of the young for the new century” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina), A.M. Bakiyeva. – Kirov: Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, 2007. – Part 5: Economic sciences. – pp. 253-255. 5 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Branding as synthetic marketing communication: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers “Science and Youth: New Ideas and Solutions” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina). – Volgograd: IPK “Niva”, 2008. – Part 1: Economics and law. – pp. 59-60. 6 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Strategy for expanding the assortment at OJSC “Ufamolzavod”: materials of the II All-Russian student conference “Current problems of management and marketing” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina). – Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2008. – Economic sciences. – pp. 29-33. 7 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand as the main intangible asset of a company: materials of the IV All-Russian scientific-practical conference young scientists “Youth science and agro-industrial complex: problems and prospects” / O.Yu. Nigmatullina. – Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2011. – Economic sciences. – pp. 188-190. 8 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Algorithm for the formation of branding strategies as an element of strategic management of an enterprise: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economy of Border Regions in the Conditions of Modernization: Problems and Development Prospects” / O.Yu. Nigmatullina. – Orenburg: LLC IPK “University”, 2013. – P. 265-268. 9 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Analysis of the brand portfolio of enterprises in the dairy market of the Republic of Bashkortostan: materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Remote Conference “Economic Science in the 21st Century: Issues of Theory and Practice” / O.Yu. Nigmatullina. – Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2013. – P. 110-114. 23 24

Assessment of development strategies for dairy industry enterprises (using the example of enterprises in the Voronezh region)

The competitiveness of dairy industry enterprises is largely determined by a well-chosen development strategy. Currently, modern Russian enterprises have accumulated a wealth of experience in using them in their practice. But the most commonly used strategies are deep market penetration.

Processors solve the problem of shortage of raw materials in different ways. So, for example, the Dominant group of companies (Dominant Group of Companies), the largest agro-industrial holding producing sugar and dairy products, bought out GMZ Liskinsky LLC. Many enterprises resort to this solution in order to expand their raw material base. Thus Thus, regional factories are turning into ordinary collection points for raw materials.

Another option is to organize the collection of raw milk from private household plots. However, most processors are not yet in a hurry to cooperate with private traders, due to the unstable and simply low quality of raw milk with pronounced seasonality of supplies.

In order to create sustainable competitive advantages and strengthen their positions, medium-sized enterprises need to use the concept of branding and produce not only traditional, but also unique products. Enterprises can produce national products of a given region as unique products. The best strategy for medium-sized players is to produce highly specialized products aimed at a specific target audience. According to expert observations, a very small proportion of processors are engaged in the implementation of branding of their products, due to the limited financial capabilities. Only those processors that have established sales of high-margin products can use their own and borrowed resources, since they have a better chance of attracting investment resources.

Today, the food industry is intensifying its differentiated strategy. The food industry is characterized by a strategy of vertical, horizontal and mixed integration, differentiation of the business of enterprises into adjacent areas of the food complex.

An example of such a strategy is the experience of Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD), which develops a strategy of differentiation, integration forward, without investing in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Recently, the strategy of searching for new unoccupied market niches has become promising. For many businesses best strategy is the production of highly profitable products aimed at a specific audience. For example, the production of products from goat milk. The cost of this product is higher than that of the classic product. Therefore, the main markets are cities with high incomes.

The next fairly common strategy is to create products of different categories under one brand. This strategy is designed to gain the trust of consumers. Thus, milk, kefir, butter, fermented baked milk, etc. are sold under the Vkusnoteevo brand.

Having analyzed the behavior of domestic commodity producers in the Russian food market, one can be convinced that similar models are beginning to emerge at many Russian enterprises.

At the current level of development of society, the problem of the survival of an organization in the medium term obliges us to think about creating an effective trademark that will symbolize the company’s activities in the future. Brand development is one of the most important steps in forming your own audience for a future product. The main advantage of this strategy is that if you produce products under a well-known brand, then promoting a new product under the same brand will require much less money than launching a new independent brand. Dairy processing enterprises are implementing long-term planning and development strategies with the aim of radically restructuring the existing type of production, developing and introducing not only certain production technologies, but also the formation of other forms of behavior in their activities in a certain segment of the food market. During periods of intensified technological change, strategies aimed at innovative development should have a system-forming effect. Differentiation of strategic actions (technical and technological, institutional, marketing, innovative, etc.) are the key to structural transformations, expressed in the restructuring of intersectoral connections, which are intended to perform structure-forming functions. In order for an enterprise to ensure successful operation, it must be able to revive its key strategies; in extreme cases, the enterprise will lose its competitive advantages. The decline in the competitive position of an enterprise is characterized by its inability to catch up with the changes taking place in the industry. The industry landscape has transformed faster than senior management has been able to reconsider its core beliefs about what markets and customers to serve, what technologies to master, and how to achieve the best results. The main thing today is the ability of a commodity manufacturer to create products with a unique set of values, which allows it to develop new market segments and create barriers for potential competitors. Manufacturers must have foresight; tomorrow's competitive advantages must be different from today's. Imitating samples often turns out to be a proactive strategy for more imaginative competitors. The main task of top management is to create new industries and a new strategy.

In reality, the set of effective strategies is extremely limited and depends on market conditions, goals and capabilities of the company. There are at least four main types of strategies.

The first type is (power) violent strategy. It is typical for companies that produce a standardized, high-quality, mass product with low costs or at a moderately high price, which becomes a source of competitive advantage for the violent company. An example of this type of strategy is the activities of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company. This commodity producer is one of the leaders in the dairy market. Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC has a well-developed regional network: the company's distributors operate in more than 40 cities, sales branches operate in 28 largest cities Russia and CIS countries. Wimm-Bill-Dann markets high-quality products in a wide range, which allows us to provide consumers with quality products at reasonable prices. The company's assortment list is constantly expanding and currently amounts to 1,100 items. The company's products are designed for various categories of the population.

The second type is a patent (niche) strategy, typical for enterprises that produce highly specialized and poorly standardized products for a specific group. The manufacturer tries to control a small part of the market, gradually winning the maximum share of the corresponding market niche. Similar strategies are implemented by enterprises specializing in one of the market segments, for example, healthy nutrition. An example of such a strategy is the activity of the Piskarevsky dairy plant. The Piskarevsky plant was the first to produce products with bifid flora "Bifidok" and the first dairy products for diabetics with a sugar substitute. In addition, fermented milk products are produced that have therapeutic and prophylactic properties, improve metabolism, and enhance the immune system.

The third type of competition strategy is a commutative (adaptive) strategy. Enterprises implementing this strategy produce non-specialized products for small, specific niches in order to satisfy the short-term needs of a specific consumer. Increasing consumer value occurs due to the individualization of services.

This type of strategy is inherent in many regional dairy processing enterprises. However, on modern stage There are some features and specific differences in the application of this type of strategy.

Traditionally, food industry enterprises adhere to a cost-saving strategy, but this strategy achieves only short-term effects. But increased price competition has a negative impact on the quality of products. If trade barriers are removed on Russian market products from food companies from countries with developed market economies will begin to arrive. If it is of higher quality and at the same time more low price, then this will allow Western companies to win price competition and capture a large portion of the market despite short-term losses. Undoubtedly, domestic food enterprises need to use not only a low-cost and low-price strategy. The reason for using such a strategy is due to the instability of commodity markets and dependence on suppliers of raw materials and their prices.

The fourth type of strategy is an exploratory (pioneer) strategy associated with a radical transformation of old market segments. Enterprises using these tactics are doing business in search of revolutionary solutions. Today it is difficult to find an example of a dairy processing enterprise using such a strategy, because... it is more typical for high-tech and innovative types of business. milk processing strategy marketing

Gradually, the dairy products market is acquiring a civilized appearance. Increasing market competition is forcing enterprises to more specifically define a model of market behavior aimed at long-term development. Thus, the process of changing models of market behavior and the formation of market strategies by Russian food industry enterprises continues.

The marketing strategy of a milk processing enterprise is a system of measures in the field of production and sales of products for the long term.

Theoretically, every enterprise has “strategy goals” that regulate its activities. The “goal-strategy” complex sets the main directions for searching for market opportunities, maintains costs within the planned framework, and determines the number and qualifications of personnel. The goals communicated to each employee and the strategies developed and published at the enterprise force the staff to adapt their own goals to the goals of the enterprise, their own strategies to its strategies.

We conducted a sociological survey of managers and specialists8 of milk processing enterprises in the Voronezh region, which indicates different assessments of the competitive positions of enterprises, the degree of market competitiveness, and the competitive advantages of enterprises. Such assessments were caused by the inequality of conditions for small, medium and large enterprises. Government agencies control, it is unprofitable to spend a lot of time inspecting small processors, since even if violations are detected, the size of the penalties is small and does not justify the time and money spent on them. Therefore, the majority of administrative nitpicking and excessive audits fall on the share of large processors.

To develop economic development strategies for enterprises, it is important to evaluate the main goals that management sets for the enterprise. In practice, many agricultural enterprises are characterized by the “blurring” of the “goal-strategy” complex. The usual goals are making a good profit and developing the enterprise; strategies are established traditions and methods of activity. Such strategies lose their guiding and stabilizing effect, allow staff to show any creativity, justify any costs, and contribute to the scattering of forces and resources.

As the survey showed, enterprises are currently scattering resources to achieve many secondary goals, which prevents them from focusing on the main thing. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify the main goals that were named by respondents. This is an increase in the expansion of sales markets, strengthening positions in the regional market, maintaining the reputation of the enterprise, and expanding the range. It should be noted that “old” enterprises, unlike enterprises that arose during the period of market formation, along with those named, still cite the preservation of their workforce as a priority goal.

Figure 1 allows you to rank the main goals that management sets for the enterprise in order of their importance. This is increasing the profitability of production, strengthening positions in the regional market and expanding sales markets, maintaining the image of the enterprise. The survey data showed that there was a reorientation of views and market goals became predominant. Taking into account the fact that survival is not considered one of the enterprise's top priorities, this suggests that many business entities have already adapted to today's conditions.

Rice. 1.

Many respondents put the problem of provision of raw materials in the first place, as one of the most important components of the sustainable development of an enterprise. Domestic commodity producers are characterized by a desire for sustainable inter-industry ties with suppliers. Taking into account strict requirements modern market food supply and the need to produce competitive products, industry enterprises together with agricultural producers are working to improve the quality of milk.

According to the survey, most enterprises cooperate with large suppliers. Their share in the total volume of supplied raw materials ranges from 50 to 94%, which averages 72%.

Respondents were asked to rate the accessibility of entry into the market for their products. The majority of managers noted numerous administrative difficulties, which indicates weakness and low interest government agencies in supporting domestic producers. The main barriers were noted, firstly, administrative barriers (established by the authorities executive branch all levels of the procedure for registering enterprises, issuing licenses for the right to operate, providing premises and land plots, the procedure for importing and exporting products, quotas, etc.), secondly, economic barriers associated with imperfections in the tax, credit, investment, and pricing policies of the state , barriers associated with the existence of the shadow economy.

The dairy market is characterized by a high level of competition, which forces enterprises to use various methods of competition. However, regional enterprises are pursuing an insufficiently active policy towards competitors.

During the survey, managers noted factors affecting consumer demand for dairy products. According to respondents, the demand for dairy products equally depends on the quality and price of the product. The price factor for whole milk products plays a more significant role, and the demand for animal butter and cheese is determined by quality parameters. Therefore, competitive strategies are formed in different segments of the dairy market in different ways.

Thus, we can say that enterprises use a limited number of competitive strategies. The main ones are improving product quality, by releasing products strictly in accordance with established GOSTs, and expanding the product line. However, this strategy requires large financial investments, and therefore is more typical for leading enterprises.


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As a manuscript

Nigmatullina Olga Yurievna



Candidate of Economic Sciences

Specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management

national economy (marketing)


The work was carried out in the federal state budget

educational institution of higher professional education

"Bashkir State Agrarian University"

Scientific supervisor– Bakieva Alfiya Mufitovna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Official opponents: Kopchenov Alexey Aleksandrovich Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing FSBEI HPE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Chelyabinsk branch) Arguneeva Olga Nikolaevna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Commerce and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities of the Institute of Management FSBEI HPE "Orenburg State Agrarian University"

Leading organization- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"

The defense will take place on December 23, 2013 at 9.00 am at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.181.04, created on the basis of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Orenburg State University" at the address: 460018, Orenburg, Pobeda Ave., 13, room. 170215.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Orenburg State University" (OSU).


Relevance research topics. Forming a favorable image of a company in the minds of consumers, increasing its competitiveness and ensuring long-term business efficiency largely depend on the development of branding strategies.

The use by advanced enterprises of new methods of conquering the market and the increase in the number of brands that do not have significant differences from each other significantly complicate the process of competition and necessitate an in-depth study of the process of developing branding strategies at the enterprise. The problem is deepened by the ambiguity of the category apparatus for the formation of branding strategies, and the insufficient development of the scientific and methodological base, taking into account the specifics of Russian economic practice.

In the current situation, it is relevant to clarify and systematize the main economic categories for the formation of branding strategies, develop a mechanism for the formation of branding strategies, providing for a comprehensive study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, conduct a marketing study of customer perception of brands and assess the effectiveness of branding in the enterprise. All this predetermines the scientific and practical significance of developing branding strategies, which becomes a unique factor that distinguishes an enterprise’s product or service, as well as a key intangible asset of the enterprise, comparable in importance to material resources.

Degree of knowledge problems. The theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of branding are reflected in the works of many foreign and domestic scientists. The essence, principles, features of the branding concept, issues of brand formation at an enterprise are reflected in the works of such scientists as Bablenkov I.B., Budnik A.V., Godin A.M., Guseva O.V., Dmitriev A.A., Korol A., Moiseeva N.K., Ryumin M.Yu., Sadriev R.F., Slushenko M.V. The methodological foundations of marketing research on branding and assessing brand loyalty are laid in the works of E. P. Golubkov, I. V. Filimonenko, G. Cherchil, I. P. Shirochenskaya. The problems of assessing brand value are discussed in the works of such scientists as Aaker D., Bagiev G.L., Doyle P., Seifullaeva M.E. Problems of strategic brand management are considered in the works of Ansoff I., Burtseva T.A., Zakharychev L.S., Yochimsteiler E., Kotler F., Kotlyarov I.D., Lambin J.-J., MacDonald M., Nabiev R .G., Chernatoni L.

However, despite the many theoretical developments in the field of branding, it should be noted that the practical aspects of the formation of branding strategies have been studied to a small extent, and the methodological basis for conducting market research in the field of branding has not been sufficiently developed. It is also necessary to note the lack of a clear algorithm for the formation of branding strategies, as well as the lack of understanding by the management of most Russian companies of the new communication concept of marketing, in which special attention is paid to branding. In-depth scientific research in the field of branding is largely hampered by the lack of an extensive research information base.

The insufficient level of knowledge about the problem of developing branding strategies justifies the need for further research in this area.

Purpose This dissertation research is to develop theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise.

In accordance with this goal, the following were set and resolved: tasks:

1) formalize marketing planning procedures by developing an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies;

2) supplement the methodology for situational analysis of the dairy market of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

3) identify indicators of communication effectiveness of dairy product branding using marketing research;

The object of the study is a set of product and corporate brands of dairy industry enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Subject of research is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of forming enterprise branding strategies.

The area of ​​dissertation research corresponds to clause 9.26.

“Development of a system for positioning and market promotion of product brands, brand creation and brand management” Passports of the specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (marketing).

The names of the co-authors who took part in the study are indicated in the list of main publications on the topic of the dissertation. All results that constitute the scientific novelty of the dissertation and submitted for defense were obtained by the author personally.

Scientific novelty dissertation research consists of the following scientific results obtained:

1. Marketing planning procedures have been formalized through the development of an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies, which involves a sequence of preparatory, analytical, design and final stages. This algorithm allows you to formulate an enterprise branding strategy through the use of techniques that provide a comprehensive analysis based on systematization of indicators of the external and internal environment of the enterprise and consumer perception of the brand (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05).

2. The methodology for situational analysis of the product market has been supplemented with a block of qualitative indicators of the state of branding, which include the period of origin, origin, territorial coverage of brands, subject focus, scope of application and affiliation of brands, structure of the enterprise brand portfolio, types of umbrella brands, communication image and target audience of the brand , product-brand relationship, priority in the product group and price segment of the brand. Using the totality of these indicators allows us to identify the main factors influencing the formation of branding strategies (clause 9.26, Specialty Passport 08.00.05).

3. Indicators of communication effectiveness of branding were identified (attitude towards the brand, level of acquisition, brand awareness, level of trust in the brand, customer loyalty to the brand, satisfaction with products under a specific brand) in the process of marketing research of the regional milk and dairy products market. Indicators of communication effectiveness make it possible to determine the effectiveness of interaction between the seller and the consumer in regional markets, which is proven by testing the indicators on the example of the dairy products market of the Republic of Bashkortostan (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05).

4. The author’s approach to the formation of branding strategies is proposed based on the use of a loyalty matrix, the feature of which is a variable combination of indicators of branding communication effectiveness: the level of acquisition and brand loyalty. Testing of the loyalty matrix made it possible to formulate strategies for strengthening loyalty, revealing loyalty, converting loyalty and building loyalty for various brands of dairy products (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05).

5. Recommendations have been developed for assessing the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, involving the formation of an information database, the choice of assessment methods and the calculation of a system of indicators depending on the branding goals. Three levels of branding are identified, which represent the basis for analyzing the degree of achievement of branding goals: operational, tactical and strategic (clause 9.26 of the Specialty Passport 08.00.05).

Practical significance The study allows the use of methodological developments of the dissertation research in the formation of branding strategies; the results of the study can be applied by manufacturing and trading enterprises in order to increase the validity of decisions made and will help increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions. The methodological recommendations contained in the dissertation research can be used in the educational process of the Faculty of Economics of the Bashkir State Agrarian University when teaching the courses “Marketing”, “Marketing Research in Commodity Markets”, “Marketing in the Tourism Industry”.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the problem of forming branding strategies, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The solution to the assigned tasks was carried out using methods of systemic, situational, factor, structural and portfolio analysis, survey methods, observation and expert assessments.

Degree of reliability and testing of results. The reliability of the results obtained is due to the use as an information base of a study of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, statistical data from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan, corporate information of Allat CJSC, as well as empirical data obtained as a result of marketing research and expert assessments carried out by the author.

Basic provisions and the results of the dissertation research:

Reported and received approval at scientific and practical conferences: international (Volgograd, 2008, Orenburg, 2013, Moscow, 2013), all-Russian (Kirov, 2007, Ufa, 2008 ., Ufa, 2011);

Used by Allat CJSC to analyze the situation on the dairy market, formulate branding strategies and assess the effectiveness of branding at the enterprise, which is confirmed by the implementation certificate;

“Marketing”, “Marketing research in product markets”, which is confirmed by a certificate of implementation.

Publications. Based on the results of the study, 9 works were published, including 3 in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, with a total volume of 2.2 pp., incl.


The dissertation is presented on 213 pages and consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 9 subsections, a conclusion, a list of sources used, numbering 134 items, contains 40 figures, 41 tables and 21 appendices.

In the introduction the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the goals and objectives, the object and subject of the research, the degree of knowledge of the problem, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the work are determined.

In the first chapter“Scientific, theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies” examines the economic essence of the concepts of “brand” and “branding”, defines the role of branding in the communication concept of marketing, and analyzes methodological approaches to the formation of branding strategies. An algorithm for the formation of branding strategies is proposed.

In the second chapter“Branding on the dairy market of the Republic of Bashkortostan” analyzed market supply, demand and consumption of dairy products, assessed the competitive environment of the market, studied the composition and structure of brand portfolios of dairy processing enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the conducted marketing research of consumers, the main factors influencing the purchase decision-making process and the profile of the buyer of dairy products were identified.

In the third chapter“Formation of branding strategies in the product market”, based on information obtained through marketing research, an assessment of indicators of branding communication effectiveness was carried out. Based on a comparative analysis of tools for developing branding strategies, a new tool is proposed - a loyalty matrix. Recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of branding have been developed and a wide range of methods for assessing brand value as the main indicator of the economic effect of branding has been applied.

In conclusion the main conclusions of the dissertation research are summarized and recommendations are formed.


Formalization of marketing planning procedures through the development of an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies The author has studied the theoretical aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise. The main trends in the modern market economy are identified, which determine the need to develop branding strategies. Satisfying the basic needs of customers, increasing competition, shortening product life cycles, increasing uncertainty in the external environment, the development of the information society, and the emergence of a communication concept of marketing necessitate the formation of branding strategies taking into account consumer perception of the brand. The author understands a branding strategy as a long-term plan for targeted influence on a brand in order to increase customer loyalty to the brand, promote it in the market and long-term increase its value.

The methodological basis for the formation of branding strategies is strategic marketing planning, which involves choosing a branding strategy that reflects the strengths of the enterprise, the state of the external environment, customer preferences and helps the enterprise gain competitive advantages.

The author proposed an algorithm for the formation of branding strategies (Figure 1), which includes four stages: preliminary, analytical, design stage and final stage. It emphasizes the importance of methods of situational market analysis and marketing research as the basis for forming an information base for the development of branding strategies.

The mission of an enterprise is the raison d'être of the enterprise and determines its goals, including branding goals. According to the author, the mission of an enterprise from a marketing point of view is to satisfy people's needs. The main goal of branding is to increase the efficiency of an enterprise by creating and strengthening relationships between manufacturer and consumer.

Currently, the formation of branding strategies begins already at the stage of determining the mission and goals of the enterprise.

Analysis of the external environment involves studying market conditions (the relationship between supply, demand and consumption of products) and assessing the competitive environment of the regional market, which allows us to identify real and potential competitors and determine the degree of market concentration by individual enterprises. Construction of a competitive market map allows you to assess the positions of an enterprise relative to each other at the current moment in time, as well as predict their changes.

Analysis of the internal environment includes an analysis of the structure of the enterprise's brand portfolio: the quality and quantity of the enterprise's brands, their dependence and relationship with each other. At this stage, the process of branding in enterprises is necessarily analyzed, that is, the actual use of various tools to achieve the efficiency of an enterprise using a brand.

To study consumer perception of a brand, panel marketing studies of buyers are conducted, repeated at certain intervals. At this stage, consumers' attitudes towards the brand are assessed using techniques such as the ideal point method and the Fishbein model. The study of consumer perception of a brand also involves analyzing the dependence of product purchases on brand awareness. The final stage of the study of consumer perception of a brand is the assessment of consumer loyalty to the brand, which is carried out using time series analysis, the needs separation method, the scaling method and the Frederick Reichheld method.

The selection and justification of optimal branding strategies is the most important stage in the enterprise brand management process. At the beginning of this stage, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of existing strategic brand management tools, the most popular of which are the BCG matrix, Tauber matrix, brand financial management matrix, brand sales return matrix, etc.

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Figure 1 Algorithm for forming branding strategies When developing a new tool for forming branding strategies, it is necessary to take into account not only indicators of the economic efficiency of branding, but also communication efficiency, which refers to the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the consumer. This tool allows you to highlight different strategies for each brand.

Assessing the economic efficiency of branding involves determining the effect expressed in absolute indicators and the effectiveness itself, expressed in relative indicators. The economic effect of branding is expressed by the additional revenue generated through the use of the brand.

The proposed algorithm makes it possible to formulate branding strategies in the context of the communication concept of marketing, adapted to the enterprise environment, and ensures consistency, consistency and complementarity of strategies.

2 Supplementation of the methodology for situational analysis of the market Decision-making in the field of formation of branding strategies presupposes the presence of an information base, which is formed on the basis of situational analysis, which includes an analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. To improve the quality of situational analysis, the author proposed an approach to its implementation (Table 1), which includes an analysis of quantitative indicators of market conditions, an assessment of quantitative indicators of the competitive environment and a study of qualitative indicators of branding, which led to the addition of the situational analysis methodology, which allows us to identify the main factors influencing on the formation of branding strategies. The use of this methodology made it possible to determine that the requests of dairy product buyers are not fully satisfied.

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To increase the validity of the developed branding strategies, a competitive market map was built, which showed that the market leaders and main competitors are the branch of Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC

branch "Ufamolagroprom" and CJSC "Allat". CJSC Davlekanovsky Dairy Plant and OJSC Belebeevsky Dairy Plant also have a good position. LLC Trade House Beloretsk-Moloko is in the least advantageous position on the market. In order to maintain and improve the competitive position, competition strategies for each enterprise were proposed.

Currently, in brand management, special attention is paid to the position of the brand in the structure of the brand portfolio. Most milk processing enterprises in Bashkortostan have their own corporate brand (CJSC Davlekanovskaya Dairy Company - Davlekanovo brand, OJSC Belebeevsky Dairy Plant - Belebeevsky, etc.), aimed at highlighting the competitive advantages of the entire enterprise. Moreover, such brands are not only enterprise brands, but also umbrella brands representing a series of products. For example, the Davlekanovo brand represents both the enterprise itself and a series of its dairy products (drinking milk, kefir, etc.).

However, there are also a large number of different holdings on the market that have a corporate brand and unite various enterprises under it, both in Russia (CJSC Allat includes Sterlitamak Dairy Plant and Neftekamsk City Dairy Plant, OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann and JSC Unimilk - dozens of factories throughout the country) and abroad (Danone with factories in Spain, France, USA, Ehrmann with factories in Germany, Russia). They have product and umbrella brands in their portfolio.

Thus, companies operating in the Bashkortostan market usually have in their portfolio various types of umbrella brands:

1) classic (“Cheerful Milkman”, “House in the Village” from JSC “Wimm-Bill-Dann”; “Darenka”, “For Breakfast”, “Snowball” from JSC “Allat”, etc.), under which traditional dairy products: drinking milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and others;

2) children’s (“Red Up”, from JSC “Wimm-Bill-Dann”; “Fruktoshka” from JSC “Allat”, etc.), under which milkshakes, curds, curd cheeses and yoghurts are produced for children of different ages;

3) dietary (“Bio Max” from Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, “Fitness” from Allat CJSC; “Actual” and “Bio Balance” from Unimilk OJSC);

4) special (yogurt and curd desserts under the brands “Miracle” and “Frugurt” from Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, “Dejone” from Allat CJSC, “Danone” and “Danissimo” from Danone).

In addition to all of the above, large holding companies also have individual brands. For example, JSC Wimm-Bill-Dann

produces sterilized milk “M” (“Milk with a capital M”), processed cheese “Omichka” and the product “Imunele”, containing an immune-active complex. Under the brands “In the cell” and “Fruktoshka”, Allat CJSC produces sterilized milk and curd cheeses, respectively.

The analysis carried out indicates a complex hierarchical structure of the brand portfolio of enterprises. The umbrella branding scheme pays off to a large extent. Its advantages are a reduction in marketing costs for a group of products under an umbrella brand, as well as the fact that it is easier to introduce a new sub-brand within an umbrella brand to the market than to create a new one.

The conducted situational analysis of the dairy products market made it possible to identify factors influencing the formation of branding strategies, which include: features of market development; structure and relationship between demand, supply and consumption of dairy products; state of the competitive market environment; composition and structure of the brand portfolio of milk processing enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The advantages of the applied methodology are multi-criteria, the possibility of comprehensive market research, ease of application and use of available information.

3 Identification of indicators of communication effectiveness of branding By communication effectiveness of branding, the author understands the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the buyer of his products.

Its indicators include brand awareness, purchase rate, trust level, brand loyalty, consumer satisfaction with products under a particular brand and consumer attitude towards the brand.

Brand awareness is also called awareness. It refers to the level of consumer awareness of the brand. The volume of product sales depends on brand awareness, so it is necessary to study and increase it using various marketing communications tools.

Based on the survey data, a relationship was identified between the level of awareness (fame) and the level of brand acquisition (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Dependence of the level of acquisition on the level of brand awareness of dairy products in the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011

Calculations show that the dependence of the level of acquisition on the level of fame is expressed by the equation y 1.706 1.155 x, where y is the level of acquisition, x is the level of fame. That is, with an increase in brand awareness by 1%, the level of product acquisition increases by 1.155%.

Thus, it is necessary to take care of increasing the level of awareness of its brand if it aims to increase the sales of its products.

To achieve this, a set of measures is proposed to promote rapid recognition of the brand by the consumer - the concept of ensuring brand recognition by elements, which involves dividing the brand into components (recognizability of color, shape, symbols, etc.).

The most important indicator of the communication effectiveness of branding is customer loyalty to the brand, i.e. loyalty caused by preference for one brand every time a product is purchased.

The author proposes a division of methods for assessing loyalty into general ones, with the help of which one can evaluate loyalty to several brands, and private ones, which allow one to evaluate loyalty to a specific brand. One of the most effective general methods for assessing brand loyalty is time series analysis (Table 2), which involves the use of a two-dimensional table that displays the number of customers who prefer a particular brand in two time periods. At the same time, the switching of buyers from one brand to another is analyzed.

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Research results indicate that drinking milk brands such as “Milk with a capital M” (87.6%), “White Cloud” (70.1%), and “Domik v Derevne” (69.8%) have the highest customer loyalty. , “The Cheerful Milkman” (61.6%), “Darenka” (58.8%).

These are brands that are very popular among consumers of dairy products in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Private methods for assessing customer loyalty to brands are the needs division method, the Reichheld method and the scaling method.

Assessing loyalty using the needs separation method involves identifying the ratio of the number and frequency of purchases of a particular brand to the total number of purchases. For example, if a customer bought 12 packages of milk per month, of which 9 packages were “Milk with a capital M,” brand loyalty is 75%.

The scaling method suggests identifying the degree of customer satisfaction with a brand. In this case, the satisfaction scale will look like this: 1 - “Completely dissatisfied”, 2 - “Not satisfied”, 3 - “Neutral”, 4 - “Satisfied”, 5 - “Completely satisfied”.

Customer loyalty is determined by the formula:

1n1 2n2 3n3 4n4 5n5 L, (1) 100% where n is the percentage of buyers belonging to one or another gradation.

The survey results showed that 5.1% of customers are completely dissatisfied with the Milk with a Capital M brand, 9.8% are dissatisfied, 18.3% are neutral, 53.7% are satisfied and 13.1% are completely satisfied with this brand. Consequently, L is 3.7, which indicates the predominance among buyers of those who are satisfied with the “Milk with a capital M” brand.

However, there are also many who are either neutral or not satisfied with milk under this brand, because... only approaches the value of 4 – “Satisfied”. The share of such buyers is significant – 33.2%.

According to Frederick Reichheld's method (Net Promoter Score - NPS), loyalty can be assessed by asking the respondent only one question: “How likely are you to recommend this brand to your friends?” Based on the results of their answers, all respondents are divided into groups: 1) 9-10 – “promoters” – buyers who are loyal to this brand and are ready to recommend it to their friends; 2) 7-8 – “neutrals” – buyers who are generally satisfied with products under this brand, but do not have the desire to recommend it to their friends and acquaintances; 3) 1-6 – “critics” – are not satisfied with the products under this brand and are not going to recommend it to anyone.

NPS represents the net loyalty score and is calculated as the difference between the percentage of "promoters"

and "critics". According to the survey, among buyers of the brand “Milk with a capital M” there are 14.9% “critics”, 13.3% “neutrals” and 71.8% “promoters”, i.e. NPS = 71.8% - 14.9% = 56.9%. Consequently, customer loyalty to the brand “Milk with a capital M” is 56.9%.

In order to create a loyal customer base, a loyalty management program is offered, the purpose of which is to retain customers by better satisfying their needs. Loyalty management is aimed at material and psychological incentives for customers, increasing the targeting of requests, increasing the size of a one-time purchase, generating feedback with customers, attracting new customers, etc.

The conducted marketing research of dairy product buyers made it possible to identify indicators of the communication effectiveness of branding, which ultimately determine the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, expressed by such indicators as brand value, brand sales volume, market share.

4 Proposal of the author’s approach to the formation of branding strategies The study of scientific approaches used in the formation of branding strategies has shown that in strategic marketing planning matrix tools are most often used, which are based on indicators of market share, market share growth rate, industry attractiveness, competitive position , investment in brand, etc.

The author conducted a comparative analysis of various tools used in branding at the corporate level. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, but one can be identified general disadvantage, characteristic of everyone. It lies in the fact that indicators of branding communication effectiveness are not considered.

As part of the loyalty management program, a loyalty matrix is ​​proposed, the advantage of which is that the formation of branding strategies is based on indicators of communication effectiveness:

loyalty and purchase rate. The effectiveness of using the loyalty matrix as a tool for developing branding strategies is determined by the fact that it has great practical significance, because

easily applicable to product market brands. Figure 3 shows the results of testing the loyalty matrix using the example of the main milk brands of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The Loyalty Matrix suggests four branding strategies:

A strategy for strengthening loyalty is appropriate when customers purchase large quantities of the company’s products and are their absolute adherents, that is, there is so-called true loyalty. This is an ideal type of communication between manufacturer and consumer, and therefore, it only needs to be supported and strengthened by monitoring the quality of the product and a fairly high price for it that a loyal buyer is willing to pay.

The loyalty disclosure strategy is applicable in situations where customers highly value a brand (high level of loyalty), but do not have the opportunity to purchase it often, that is, there is hidden (latent) loyalty. The task of the enterprise in this case is to implement measures that contribute to the transition of the state of demand from hidden loyalty to true loyalty. This is, first of all, increasing the accessibility of the brand, i.e. price reductions, periodic discounts on goods.

Figure 3 Loyalty matrix in relation to milk brands on the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011

The loyalty conversion strategy is applicable in cases where a buyer purchases a brand, but does not experience either satisfaction or emotional attachment to it, but makes his choice in connection with the offered discount or limited choice of goods, that is, there is false loyalty. The objective of such a strategy is to transform false loyalty into true one, for which the manufacturer must improve the quality of products, prevent price increases, and pursue an active brand promotion policy.

A loyalty building strategy is recommended if the buyer is not a follower of the company’s brand and buys it only occasionally, that is, loyalty is low or absent at all. This strategy involves a radical revision of the entire marketing mix used by the company in the market segment under consideration and the formation of brand loyalty at all stages of product promotion from manufacturer to consumer.

The proposed tool for developing branding strategies allows us to take into account one of the most important factors for a company’s success in the market – customer loyalty to its brands. In modern conditions, it allows an enterprise to gain a competitive advantage, gain the intended market share and reach a fundamentally new level of development.

The use of communication effectiveness indicators in the development of branding strategies is dictated by the need to implement the communication concept of marketing in the information society. The higher the values ​​of these indicators, the more effective the communication impact of the brand owner company on its customers. In turn, the value of these indicators determines the values ​​of economic efficiency indicators.

5 Development of recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of branding Assessing the economic effectiveness of branding is the most important component of the algorithm for developing branding strategies, because It is the receipt of additional benefits that determines the need for an enterprise to use this type of marketing communications.

In essence, a branding strategy is a plan for achieving goals that are developed at the strategic, tactical and operational levels.

In economic science, the categories of economic effect and economic efficiency are distinguished. The economic effect of branding is understood as the absolute beneficial result brought by the company’s brand and expressed in value. The economic efficiency of branding, in turn, is determined by the ratio of the final useful results and the resources spent on branding and is expressed in relative indicators.

The dissertation research proposes to evaluate the economic efficiency (effect) of branding (Figure 4) depending on the branding goals established at the operational, tactical and strategic levels. At the same time, it is important to determine sources of information and methods for assessing branding performance indicators (effects).

The goals of branding at the operational level are to distinguish the company’s goods from similar products of its competitors, increase the number of buyers aware of the brand and gain a price advantage, since the buyer is willing to pay a higher amount for a higher quality and more prestigious product. Difference in price of branded and unbranded goods

– price premium – is an indicator of the economic effect of branding at a given level of management. This is the primary indicator that characterizes the effect for which the company actually engages in branding its products. Indicators of the economic efficiency of branding at the level under consideration are branding costs per attracted consumer and the increase in brand sales per attracted consumer.

At the tactical level, the goals of branding are to obtain excess profits due to the price premium for a branded product, to expand the boundaries of the market by popularizing the brand and increasing the number of loyal customers, and to win the competition. Indicators of the economic effect of branding at this level are the sales volume of the brand and the profit from the brand. The cost-effectiveness of branding at the tactical level is expressed by the brand's return on sales and the brand's market share. Sources of information for assessing indicators are corporate data of enterprises and government statistics.

It should be noted that assessing the economic effect and effectiveness of branding is currently very difficult, not only due to the fact that the information for calculating indicators is a commercial secret of the enterprise, but also due to the fact that currently most Russian enterprises traditionally conduct Accounting for expenses and income by product rather than by brand.

The strategic level of branding covers a long period of time and involves achieving global branding goals, which include increasing the company's shareholder value, making long-term investments in business development and using brand equity in new areas. The degree of achievement of these goals is demonstrated by the indicator of the effectiveness of investments in the brand, which is the ratio of the difference in the increase in gross income from the sale of products under a specific brand to the volume of investment in this brand. It serves as a criterion for comparing the effectiveness of alternative brand solutions and allows you to set priorities in financing brand projects.

One of the most important indicators of the economic effect of branding is brand value. In the modern economy, a strong brand is considered as an intangible asset of a company, comparable in importance to material resources, and acquires a specific real monetary value. It is the cost that determines the additional income that the company’s brand will bring.

The dissertation research assessed the value of the Darenka brand using the following methods: cost, market, market comparison method, discounted cash flow method, total discounted added value method, royalty method and revenue method. It showed the economic effect brought by the company's brand. According to the author, the most reasonable method for assessing brand value is the discounted cash flow method developed by Inetbrand. The disadvantage of this method, which is the complexity of application, is generated by its advantages, the main one of which is the focus on strategic brand management. A brand in this aspect is considered as a tool for effective investment of company capital. When assessing it, a larger number of indicators are used, which makes the method the most accurate, and most importantly

– the method takes into account future cash flows from brand sales, thereby implementing the concept of strategic brand management.


The dissertation research developed theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of branding strategies in an enterprise:

1) the theoretical aspects of the branding concept have been studied, the main trends in the modern market economy have been identified, which dictate the need for the formation of branding strategies. The role of branding in the communication concept of marketing, which arose as a result of the formation of the information society, is determined;

2) the concept of branding strategy was clarified and an algorithm was developed for the formation of branding strategies, which involves a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as consumer perception of the brand;

3) indicators were identified and trends in the development of the dairy industry were analyzed, taking into account the state of the raw milk market using the example of the Volga Federal District;

4) an approach to conducting a situational analysis of the market is proposed, including an analysis of market conditions, an assessment of its competitive environment and a study of the state of branding of milk and dairy products using the example of the market of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

5) a marketing study of buyers of dairy products of the Republic of Bashkortostan was conducted, which made it possible to study the factors influencing the purchase decision-making process and determine the buyer’s profile. As a result of the study, indicators of communication effectiveness of branding were also identified, which in the work is understood as the effectiveness of interaction between the manufacturer and the buyer of its products;

6) a comparative analysis of existing tools for the formation of branding strategies was carried out and a loyalty matrix was proposed, offering various branding strategies depending on a variable combination of such indicators of branding communication effectiveness as the level of acquisition and customer loyalty to the brand;

7) it has been established that branding goals may vary depending on its level (operational, tactical and strategic), on the basis of which recommendations have been developed for assessing the economic efficiency (effect) of branding, including identifying sources of information and methods for assessing indicators;

8) based on the use of various methods for assessing the value of the Darenka brand, it was found that the most justified is the discounted cash flow method, which considers the brand as an instrument of long-term investment for the company.

The conclusions and recommendations obtained during the dissertation research can be used by Russian enterprises operating in food markets and will help increase their competitiveness in modern conditions.

1 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand awareness as the main factor in increasing sales volume / O.Yu. Nigmatullina // Economics and management:

scientific and practical journal. – 2011. – No. 6(104) – P. 96-100.

2 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Methodology for assessing brand loyalty / O.Yu. Nigmatullina, A.M. Bakieva // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University: scientific journal. – 2012. – No. 2(22) – P. 81-84.

3 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand management strategies / O.Yu. Nigmatullina // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University: scientific journal. – 2012. – No. 4(24) – P. 75-78.

Articles in collections of scientific conference materials:

4 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Brand management at OJSC “Ufamolzavod”: materials of the Interuniversity student scientific conference “Knowledge of the young for the new century” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina), A.M. Bakiyeva. – Kirov: Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, 2007. – Part 5: Economic sciences. – pp. 253-255.

5 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Branding as synthetic marketing communication: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers “Science and Youth:

new ideas and solutions” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina). – Volgograd: IPK “Niva”, 2008. – Part 1: Economics and law. – pp. 59-60.

6 Kadyseva, O.Yu. (Nigmatullina) Strategy for expanding the assortment at OJSC “Ufamolzavod”: materials of the II All-Russian student conference “Current problems of management and marketing” / O.Yu. Kadyseva (Nigmatullina). – Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2008. – Economic sciences. – pp. 29-33.

7 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Brand as the main intangible asset of a company:

materials of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Youth science and agro-industrial complex: problems and prospects” / O.Yu. Nigmatullina. – Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2011. – Economic sciences. – pp. 188-190.

8 Nigmatullina, O.Yu. Algorithm for the formation of branding strategies as an element of strategic management of an enterprise: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economy of Border Regions in the Conditions of Modernization: Problems and Development Prospects” / O.Yu. Nigmatullina. – Orenburg: LLC IPK “University”, 2013. – P. 265-268.

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