Home Coated tongue Frequent chills without fever. Causes of chills without fever, what diseases there may be

Frequent chills without fever. Causes of chills without fever, what diseases there may be

Weakness and lethargy, a feeling of cold throughout the body, but no increase in temperature - this condition is familiar to almost everyone. Chills without fever occur for many reasons, but it always brings with it discomfort, disrupts the usual rhythm of life, and makes you expect the worst.

A feeling of impending illness, discomfort, coldness throughout the body, frozen hands and icy feet (they are cold to the touch), often sweating, sometimes even chattering teeth - all these are signs of chills. In such cases, despite severe chills, body temperature does not increase, and sometimes even decreases slightly.

With chills, rapid fatigue occurs and the desire to lie down. Unpleasant symptoms cause a feeling of illness, and people say about this condition: “chilling”, “freezing”, “chilly”.

If a child has a chill, the baby will be lethargic, pale, children’s teeth often chatter, their arms and legs are cold, there are signs of illness, but there is no temperature, they are capricious, cry, and go to bed at an inopportune time.

These symptoms occur for many reasons, but their nature is similar - it is a spasm of the blood vessels that are located under the skin. The narrowing of their lumen results in muscle spasm (which is why teeth often chatter).

Although chills are not a disease, but only a symptom of a disease, it is precisely this that often forces one to pay attention to the state of health.

Causes of chilliness

Chills without fever occur for many reasons. Among them will be both psychological and medical. Sometimes chilliness occurs only at a certain time - at night and then they talk about night chills, and in other cases it becomes a constant companion or occurs once, only as a consequence of certain obvious reasons. In the first two cases, chilliness will signal a complex disease that will require drug treatment. In isolated cases of chilliness, warming procedures will be enough to remove the unpleasant sensations.

Among the reasons for this condition are the following.

  • Viral diseases (flu, ARVI, intestinal infections). Here, chilliness is the result of general intoxication.
  • Stress, when chills are a reaction to psychological stress.
  • Hypothermia. Here, vasoconstriction is a natural reaction to cold.
  • Hormonal imbalances. In cases where hormones are also responsible for thermoregulation.
  • Vascular spasms as a result of impaired activity circulatory system.

Sometimes chills occur with fever. In such cases, it is caused by vasospasm, but it is much easier to recognize it; you just need to measure the temperature.

Shivers at high temperatures in the case of infectious diseases. Here, chills are always a sign of a viral or bacterial infection.

The main types of causes of chills

All causes of chills can be divided according to the nature of their occurrence. Depending on its nature, the methods by which this unpleasant condition can be eliminated will depend. Some of the most common types of chills include:

ARVI and influenza

One of the signs of the initial stage of a cold is a feeling of chills. If you experience a feeling of cold throughout your body, a feeling of weakness and chilliness, and along with them an unpleasant sore throat, most likely it is a cold or flu.

In a child, chills during a viral cold or flu are even more pronounced; his limbs will be cold, his skin will be pale, and the baby will literally shake and his teeth will chatter.

Treatment of symptoms that occur consists of rest, warm drinks (preferably Herb tea). If you suspect you have a cold, you can take a hot foot bath or a hot shower. This will help keep you warm and activate the body's defenses to fight viruses.


Sometimes severe chills, a feeling of cold inside, chattering teeth, and cold extremities occur as a result of hypothermia. Moreover, chills without fever appear after a person finds himself in a warm room; it is the result of muscle contraction, which in this way tries to restore impaired thermoregulation in the body.

To get rid of chills, you need to drink warm tea with lemon and honey, take a good hot shower or take a hot foot bath. In addition to eliminating discomfort, it will help prevent colds.

Disruption of the circulatory system

If the circulatory system is disrupted, chilliness may also occur. Here, signs of chilliness are a consequence of narrowing of small capillaries. It happens:

  • At sharp changes blood pressure (BP). This is how blood vessels react to this factor. Changes in blood pressure should be suspected in cases where chills occur after physical activity, excitement, at certain times of the day.
  • The cause can be determined by measuring blood pressure and taking appropriate measures to normalize it. In this case, consultation with a cardiologist or neurologist is important.

  • At vegetative-vascular dystonia(vascular weakness). Today this problem is becoming more widespread.
  • VSD can be suspected in the presence of dizziness, tinnitus, general weakness and symptoms of chilliness.

    To eliminate the state of chills, hardening will be required, contrasting souls, a Russian bath or sauna followed by a cold shower or a swimming pool is good. Treatment by a neurologist may be required.

  • If blood pressure is disturbed as a result of long-term diets. Long-term diets with unbalanced diet can provoke disturbances in the body, which will manifest themselves as chills without fever. To eliminate it you will need balanced diet, quitting smoking (provokes vascular spasms), hardening and physical exercise.

Chronic stress

Among the reasons that cause constant chills would be chronic stress. In this case, along with cold extremities and a feeling of internal cold, symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, impaired attention and memory will occur.

Among the short-term feeling of chilliness there will be post-traumatic syndrome. In case of complex accidents, fractures, or other injuries, symptoms of chills may occur. But they will appear after first aid and will be the result of stress and trauma.

A state of chills occurs with isolated severe stress. Moreover, the feeling of cold appears as if during difficult situation, and after its completion.

To relieve chills in stressful situation You should drink a warm drink with a sedative (valerian, mint, chamomile), if you can lie down better. At chronic stress Treatment by a psychotherapist and a neurologist will be required.

If a child is shivering after a stressful situation, then to relieve the unpleasant symptom it is enough to provide him with rest (it is better to let him sleep), give him a warm herbal hour with mint, valerian, and cover him warmly.

A feeling of chills is characteristic of some thyroid diseases. The fact is that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland are also responsible for thermoregulation in the body. If necessary hormones is not produced enough, a feeling of chills occurs. So, chilliness is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, goiter, some forms of tumors.

Hormonal imbalances during menopause can also provoke a feeling of chills. In this case, chills without a rise in temperature occur during periods of increased physical or emotional activity, with sudden mood swings, often at night.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes the answer to the question of why it freezes must be sought in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The occurrence of chills is provoked by infectious processes in the stomach, intestines, and some diseases of the pancreas. Here you will experience chills after eating; it is also accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Acute inflammatory processes cause an increase in body temperature, but chronic forms, more often provoke chills when normal temperature.

To eliminate discomfort, you will need to consult a gastroenterologist, undergo examination and treatment of the underlying disease. It will not be possible to eliminate the unpleasant feeling of cold and chills by itself.

Infectious attack

In case of a viral or bacterial infection: ARVI, influenza, sore throat, viral gastroenterocolitis, food poisoning, hepatitis, chills will be among the first symptoms.

It is freezing here without temperature due to general intoxication of the body. Along with chills, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting will appear, a rash or blisters is possible, general weakness and fatigue are very strongly felt, and often occurs increased sweating. Viruses or bacteria have already launched their activities, but the immune system has not yet begun active actions. When the temperature rises, the chills will stop being so annoying.

At infectious cause chills will require urgent consultation with an infectious disease specialist, testing and treatment of the infection.

Causes of night chills

Chills at night occur for several reasons.

  1. The onset of menopause often causes chills without fever in women.
  2. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can also cause chills in the middle of the night. In this case, the feeling of cold occurs due to wet linen and sheets.
  3. Untreated hemorrhoids provoke an inflammatory process in the rectum, which causes a feeling of chilliness in the middle of the night.
  4. Violation of thermoregulation in diabetes mellitus occurs most often at night.

To eliminate night chills monitoring of the patient's sleep will be required, as well as several tests (for sugar, for occult blood). Complaints should be addressed to a therapist.

If chills without fever occur, the cause is always a violation of thermoregulation and spasm of small capillaries directly under the skin. This is only a superficial reason causing these sensations. In order to establish hidden factors, you will need to consult a doctor and conduct some tests.

Sometimes chilliness is initial stage inflammatory disease, and its harbinger is chills, and temperature becomes a logical continuation of the disease.

Get treatment and be healthy!

Chills are a feeling of coldness and chilliness. We can safely say that this feeling is familiar to many. Chills are often a companion to acute infectious diseases and are accompanied by a rise in temperature. But it happens that a person periodically gets chills for no reason at all, while the temperature remains normal. What are the possible reasons for this condition?

Chills due to hypothermia

A person may shiver after. When exposed to low temperatures they turn on defense mechanisms body: peripheral vessels spasm and blood flows from the extremities to the internal organs. The legs and arms turn pale and become cold to the touch. To keep warm, the body turns on another protective mechanism - muscle contraction, which produces heat. Outwardly, all this manifests itself as chills.

What to do?

The action plan for hypothermia is simple - you need to warm up. To do this, you need to go into a warm room and change clothes. You can crawl under the blanket. To quickly warm up, warm drinks, such as tea, are recommended. If the above manipulations do not help, you can take a warm bath. As you warm up, thermoregulation processes are restored and the chills disappear.

Chills in psycho-emotional disorders

Recurrent sensations of chills and muscle tremors are accompanying anxiety disorders. provoke the release of catecholamines into the blood. High concentrations of these hormones lead to muscle tension. This causes muscle tremors, chills and a desire to wrap yourself in something warm. A sharp dilation of blood vessels can soon lead to the opposite effect - a feeling of heat in the body. As they say, from one extreme to another.

Chills caused by stressful situations are also accompanied by rapid heartbeat and short-term breathing. In addition, anxiety and restlessness arise.

What to do?

If such situations are familiar to you, you need to master stress management techniques. When situations like this arise, focus on your breathing. Pay attention to how you inhale cold air, how it passes through chest and then exhale. Breathing should be calm and measured.

You can eliminate muscle tension as follows. Take a comfortable position and squeeze the muscles of your feet very, very hard for a few minutes, relax. Then squeeze your calf muscles and relax. So, going up the body, do the same with all muscle groups. Fix your attention on sensations muscle tension and subsequent pleasant relaxation. These manipulations will relieve tension, eliminate trembling and chills.

Chills in infectious diseases

Chills can be a harbinger of infectious diseases. For example, the first symptoms are often weakness, fatigue, and chills. And only then the body temperature rises, and symptoms arise.

In addition, chills can also be observed with a number of other infectious diseases, for example. A typical attack of malaria begins with chills. Hands and feet become cold, lips turn blue. The chills are severe and can last about half an hour to an hour. And then it is sure to be replaced by fever and an increase in body temperature. After six to twelve hours, the heat gives way to sweat and the temperature drops. This is a typical picture of an attack of malaria.

What to do?

Chills may be a sign of an infectious disease. If, in addition to chills, you are also bothered by any other symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. This is a reason to conduct an examination of the body.

Chills with anemia

Chills with blood pressure fluctuations

Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure may be accompanied by chills. So, when the blood supply to the skin deteriorates, the hands and feet are cold to the touch, the person shudders and it is difficult for him to warm up. In addition, the satellite low blood pressure are weakness, dizziness, and a tendency to faint.

High blood pressure can also cause chills. Thus, it is accompanied by chills, alternating with fever and redness of the face, headaches, anxiety, fear, and tinnitus.

What to do?

Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure represent real threat for life. In case of hypotension, it is necessary to find out the cause this state and influence it. In case of moderate hypotension, the doctor may prescribe medications that increase blood pressure.

A hypertensive crisis requires immediate medical attention, because this condition threatens the development and. To relieve this condition, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Chills during menopause

It is characterized by physiological changes in hormonal levels, mainly by a decrease in estrogen production. This hormone affects the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. When there is a lack of estrogen, the thermoregulation center receives a conditioned signal that the body is overheating. Therefore, “cooling” mechanisms are automatically activated: the heartbeat quickens, peripheral vessels dilate, and sweating increases. All this is accompanied by a feeling of heat in the body and redness of the face. This condition of a woman is called “hot flashes”.

However, with rapid cooling, a mechanism for resuming normal heat exchange may be activated. In this case, there is an increase in heat production by narrowing peripheral vessels, as well as muscle tremors. At such moments, the woman feels chills.

What to do?

Women in menopause You should avoid overheating, give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and, of course, do not forget about hats in the summer. If the symptoms of menopause poison a woman’s life, then you can resort to, that is, the use of tablets containing female hormones.

Chills in endocrine diseases

The thyroid gland is an organ that plays a critical role in thermoregulation. With a disease such as hypothyroidism, the production of the hormone thyroxine decreases. A low concentration of this hormone in the blood leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in heat production. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include not only chills, but also low temperature, slow heartbeat, dry skin, lethargy, apathy.

Also accompanied by chills. When glucose levels rise, in addition to chills, a pronounced feeling of thirst occurs,

If chills without fever appear, what could be the reason? This question worries many people who have encountered this problem at least once. What is this phenomenon, what are its symptoms? How to treat chills? It is necessary to consider in more detail.

First of all, it should be said that chills are not the disease itself, but its symptom, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the root of the problem.

This term refers to a spasm of blood vessels. Chills and the symptoms of the condition that causes them are similar in almost all cases. First, the patient suddenly becomes cold and begins to tremble violently. Then problems arise with the muscles of the face, and then the whole body. Fever and aching bones appear. A person begins to feel weakness and is overtaken by a fever. In this case, the disease can manifest itself both in the morning and at night. Depending on the factor that causes chills, the highest peak of manifestation of the disease can be identified.

Chills are usually accompanied by a rise in temperature due to muscle spasms, which increases the amount of heat in the body. Therefore, if chills appear without an increase in body temperature, then this is an abnormal situation that requires the intervention of a specialist.

As you know, male and female organisms differ from each other in their structure and functioning. Therefore, speaking about the sources of the disease, we can distinguish general causes and special ones, characteristic only for women.

Severe chills without fever may result from hypothermia. Under the influence of cold blood vessels sharply narrow, blood flow slows down and the person begins to experience a feeling of chilliness. If you have a chill, what should you do? You should drink hot tea, take a warm bath and wrap yourself in a woolen blanket. If such treatment is suitable and the signs of the disease disappear, then there is no need to worry.

If a cold infection enters the body, chills and weakness without fever occur, and the whole body begins to ache. They appear because the body begins to fight the virus that has entered the blood, but the body temperature may not rise. The best remedy in order to get rid of chills, it is to steam your feet in hot water, drink tea with raspberries or honey, and then go to bed and fall asleep for a few hours.

If the appearance of chills without fever is caused by the presence of an infection in the body, then the disease will be accompanied by the following symptoms- vomiting, nausea, headaches and weakness of the body. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, once inside a person, begin to release harmful toxins and poisons. In this case home treatment is not suitable, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

You should always remember that chills do not happen without a reason. Therefore, if there was no hypothermia and there are no infections in the body, perhaps the cause of the phenomenon was long-term stress and stress. In such situations, the body begins to use certain protective mechanisms, including chills without fever. IN in this case The treatment will be as follows. You need to isolate yourself from factors that cause stress, make an infusion of calming herbal infusions or tea with lemon and berries. You need to take a well-deserved rest and try to relax.

The body's reaction in the form of this disease often manifests itself with high blood pressure. If a person suffers from hypertension, the blood vessels constantly change, which impairs blood circulation in the body. From chills with high blood pressure you can get rid of it in several ways. One of them is to take Corvalol, which helps lower blood pressure. You definitely need to relax and wash yourself cold water. If attempts are unsuccessful, it is better to go to the hospital, where the attending physician will advise and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Night chills most often accompany patients with disorders of the vegetative-vascular system. Such people always have cold hands and feet, and it is often difficult for them to warm up. To prevent chills at night from interfering with sleep, constant hardening should be carried out. You need to go to the bathhouse more often, and then “dive” into a snowdrift, or contrast during bath procedures cold water with hot.

The causes of chills without fever are quite diverse. In particular, the source of chills includes a thyroid disorder or diabetes mellitus. In the first case, the organ begins to secrete a special hormone that regulates temperature processes in the body. If a person has diabetes, the pathology often causes circulatory problems. Due to the disease, the blood vessels are affected and thinned, causing blood flow to be impaired.

The development of the disease in older people is associated with irreversible aging of the body. Many people experience worsening heart failure and arterial hypertension. A combination of diseases leads to disruption of metabolic processes that are responsible for the production of heat in the body. Because of this, older people may experience constant chills without fever, which only a specialist can help get rid of. Also, this group of people often experience chills after taking a large number of medications, which is side effect drugs used.

It should be noted that chills at night are most often felt when nervous tension, diabetes mellitus or ARVI.

Causes of the disease in women

In the case of chills without fever, the causes in women should often be sought in changes in hormonal levels. The condition is explained by the fact that every girl experiences many body changes during her life. Due to different situations, such as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and menopause, the hormonal balance changes. This leads to disruption of thermoregulation processes in the body, which, in turn, causes chills without fever in women. Such conditions also cause pain, in the evenings the pressure may rise, and internal spasm begins.

Chills at normal temperatures may occur in nursing mothers. This happens due to the underdevelopment of the milk flows, due to which milk stagnation occurs and symptoms of the disease begin.

In order to prevent changes in blood vessels in the body, you need to follow several simple rules. Firstly, hypothermia must not be allowed. A strong drop in body temperature can lead to various kinds negative consequences. Secondly, it is necessary to avoid serious emotional stress. As a rule, people are nervous about work or personal relationships, so it is necessary to approach what is happening as confidently and calmly as possible. In some situations, it never hurts to get help from a specialist. Thirdly, you should not overexert yourself physically. And fourthly, you should not neglect going to your doctor.

It must be remembered that chills and fever are two phenomena that, as a rule, accompany each other. And if you feel unwell without an increase in body temperature, it is better to seek advice from a professional and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Many people, if it is “freezing” but there is no temperature, do not pay attention to this alarm signal own body. This wrong approach is a superficial attitude towards one’s health, since chills without fever also have its own pathological causes.

If such a suspicious symptom periodically reminds you of itself, then you need to consult a specialist, undergo diagnostics, and determine the causes of internal discomfort.

So, if chills appear for no reason, and there is no fever or other symptoms of a cold, this does not mean that everything is fine with your health. If the patient listens more carefully to his own body, he will feel certain changes in his overall well-being. At first it is uncontrollable trembling throughout the body, then barely noticeable problems with masticatory muscles facial joints, then severe chills in every part of the body.

Violation possible temperature regime, but the mark on the thermometer does not increase, but decreases to a minimum value. The patient is characterized by a loss of strength, there is a desire to lie down and sleep, there is no timely response to provoking factors environment. A person feels that he is getting sick, but the body temperature does not rise. Even in such a clinical picture, it is necessary to undergo treatment, but first contact your local physician to determine the cause of the growing malaise.

Before studying the causes of severe chills without fever, it is important to understand what is happening in the body at this moment. In essence, this is a vasospasm, which was preceded by a certain provoking factor. As a result of this imbalance, the vessels narrow pathologically, and the decrease in lumen interferes with normal blood flow. This suggests that all important processes are slowing down, and the body is at risk of internal imbalance. That is why such a symptom cannot be ignored.

Classification of pathogenic factors

If chills without fever appear at night, the causes of such an unpleasant condition depend on the state of the nervous system, age and gender of the patient. For example, a child may have a bad dream and wake up scared. Adult women often suffer at night from hot flashes and other symptoms of approaching menopause. Muscle mass men voluntarily relax after a physically tiring day of work, so the appearance of chills is possible.

It is important not to forget that the causes of chills without fever in women and men can be pathological. In this case, we are talking about symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, flu and colds that have to be treated conservative methods. Also not excluded hormonal disorders, a jump in blood sugar to a critical level.

The conclusion suggests itself: physiological factors are temporary in nature and disappear immediately after the main “aggressor” is eliminated. Concerning pathogenic factors, in such a clinical picture it is necessary conservative treatment, specialist supervision and mandatory diagnostics.

Prerequisites for the appearance of chills

Chills are not an independent disease, but just unpleasant symptom, which reduces the quality of life, gives rise to anxious thoughts about the course of pathological process. It can occur at any age, at first it is unnoticed by others and the patient himself, but soon increases in intensity.

Among the prerequisites for the appearance of chills, it is necessary to highlight the following changes in the patient’s life:

  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • instability of blood pressure (chronic hypertension);
  • stressful situations, shock;
  • diseases endocrine system;
  • ARVI, colds, flu;
  • weakened immune system;
  • infectious processes.

Since chills, as a symptom, cover many diseases, doctors strongly recommend responding to its appearance even in the absence high temperature bodies. This will help speed up diagnosis, ease the course of the disease and ensure a speedy recovery. If you experience a feeling of chilliness, you should immediately consult a doctor - to be on the safe side.

Prerequisites this symptom are known, now it is necessary to find out what happens in the body during the pathological process. There may be several scenarios for the development of the clinical picture:

  1. As a result prolonged hypothermia Vasospasm occurs, the lumen between the vascular walls narrows, systemic circulation is disrupted, and the internal processes. Externally, the patient's skin turns blue, and inside he feels chills.
  2. If this severe emotional stress, then spasm is also dangerous for the body, since it can provoke dysfunction internal organs and systems, prone to chronic course. The first thing the patient needs to do is calm down, and the same chamomile decoction will help with this.
  3. When do hypertensive patients feel chills?, very quickly get used to this state, learn to control it independently. Moreover, they consider it a harbinger of another attack arterial hypertension, therefore, take vasodilator drugs in a timely manner.
  4. Feeling of chilliness during ARVI- this is a protective reaction of the body, which for a sick person should become a kind of hint that conservative treatment should be started immediately.
  5. Hormonal imbalance in the body also has a negative impact on general condition vessels. It is very difficult to get rid of internal chills without fever if the cause of the pathological process is not determined and eliminated. First of all it is shown biochemical analysis blood, then - replacement therapy.
  6. If the infectious disease progresses, chills are not the only symptom. The patient feels nauseous, vomiting and diarrhea are possible, acute attacks migraine. In this way, toxic substances are removed from the body; the presence of temperature during partial intoxication is not necessary.
  7. Another common reason why chills occur without fever is weakened functions immune system . If you strengthen your immune system at home, the unpleasant symptom disappears without medical intervention in a relatively short time.

Having studied the features of this alarming symptom, it becomes obvious that to eliminate chills in some clinical pictures, immediate help from a specialist is needed, while in others, implementing home self-medication methods is quite sufficient. Based on the intensity of symptoms and frequency of relapses, another classification for patients can be determined.

Chills at any time of the day

When the patient cannot predict and anticipate the appearance of internal tremors, and moreover, does not understand the factors preceding such a condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Over time, uncontrolled attacks only become more frequent, thereby reducing the patient’s quality of life and mood. Among possible reasons constant chills without fever, the following anomalies can be distinguished:

  1. Allergic reaction. The symptom will not disappear until the main allergen is eliminated from the body. Additional appointment required antihistamines, use of folk remedies.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Chills can appear at any age, and the patient is characterized by cold extremities, poor tone and pale skin. It is important to treat the blood vessels, otherwise this condition will happen again.
  3. Thyroid pathologies. It is this unpaired organ that is responsible for thermoregulation of the body, which, in case of dysfunction of such important element the endocrine system is disrupted and requires drug correction.
  4. Climax. This natural cause, why a woman’s thermal regime is disturbed, hot flashes and bouts of cold sweat bother her. She feels internal trembling, cannot cope with uncontrollable chills.
  5. Menstruation. Many young ladies have noticed that chills appear during menstruation. The reason is obvious - impaired systemic circulation, increased volumes of blood flow, uterine bleeding.

If changes in your own body during menstruation and allergic reaction can still be controlled, then in the case of pathologies of the thyroid gland and when diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, a doctor’s consultation is required, full diagnostics and treatment.

About vegetative-vascular dystonia, how common reason chills

Sometimes it happens that during the day a person feels great, but during sleep a slight trembling runs through his body. At first it seems that you dreamed something terrible, frightening. When the situation repeats itself almost every night, it’s time to think about your health. The attending physician will answer the question of why it freezes at night after collecting medical history data. Most often, experts suspect the presence of the following pathologies in the body:

  • nervous tension, supplemented by insomnia, depression, migraine attacks;
  • diabetes mellitus, provoking vascular spasms in the resting stage;
  • complication of hemorrhoids;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • cold, ARVI.

Don’t prematurely overwhelm yourself with frightening thoughts about terrible diseases, to begin with, it is recommended to prepare warming tea and take a second warm blanket. If such actions do not help, and the unpleasant attack repeats again and again, it’s time to consult your doctor for advice. Then take blood and urine tests to monitor your internal state.

The patient should not wait until it “goes away on its own.” With this approach, the problem only gets worse and becomes more intense. clinical picture. Of course, it is better to enlist the support of your doctor, but home methods are unlikely to complicate the pathology on a global scale. Based on the etiology of the pathological process, the patient can be given the following valuable recommendations:

  1. When the body is hypothermic, they have a warming effect essential oils, which can be added to the bath or used for massage.
  2. If the reason is a lack of thyroid hormones, the doctor will first order a biochemical blood test, and then suggest replacement therapy.
  3. When you have a cold, warming tea and drinking plenty of fluids help you cope with internal chills and overcome a pathogenic infection.
  4. In the event of a stressful situation, its consequences still for a long time They will remind you of themselves, but first you can try to calm down and brew yourself some restorative tea.
  5. In case of disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, it is necessary to increase elasticity and permeability vascular walls using conservative methods, i.e. medication.
  6. If chills appear without fever, but in combination with cold extremities, the reason is an incorrect lifestyle. Men and women are advised to avoid bad habits, do more sports.
  7. Some people who like to eat a hearty meal before bed do not even realize why they have chills at night without fever. This is due to overeating fatty food, heaviness in the stomach.

In most cases, what happens is that the person himself is to blame for the occurrence of this unpleasant feeling, when everything is trembling inside. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding such provoking factors and adhering to the rules of prevention. This is the only way to count on satisfactory well-being and excellent mood.

Separately, it is worth noting: during the day you should not overload yourself physically, otherwise trembling becomes a logical consequence of excessive muscle tone. This condition is more often characteristic of representatives of the stronger sex, but women should also beware of excessive physical work. Otherwise, internal chills will very soon turn into tremors of the limbs with further health problems.

Quick treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza

Preventive actions

If the causes of chills are identified and eliminated, this does not mean that a relapse will not occur in the future. However, this time the patient must play it safe, eliminate all provoking factors from his life and adhere to the basic rules of prevention. This:

  • hardening;
  • playing sports;
  • elimination of physical and emotional overload;
  • giving up bad habits and alcohol;
  • proper nutrition;
  • careful control chronic diseases body;
  • routine medical examinations;
  • timely response to the slightest signals from the body;
  • intensive vitamin therapy.

Only in this case can the patient confidently hope that the health problem will not happen again. However, the cause of chills without fever must be found out so that in the future you will know what to watch out for. To begin with, you can contact your local physician with a complaint, and then he will refer you for a consultation to a highly specialized specialist strictly for medical reasons.

If the problem is not neglected, but treated in a timely manner or if adjustments are made to your usual lifestyle, then chills without fever will no longer bother the patient at any age. In any case, for complete treatment you need to see a doctor.

Almost every woman is familiar with the feeling of chills; it does not cause surprise if it is accompanied by a fever, but it makes you nervous if the body temperature remains normal. Is this a serious symptom - chills without fever in women, and what to do about it, we will tell you in this article.

Causes of night chills without fever in women

How does chills generally manifest itself? The woman experiences vascular spasms in the periphery, trembling in the body, and wants to curl up in a ball. Chills occur as a result of random contraction of muscle fibers, so the body tries to generate more heat.

Night chills in women without fever are a common occurrence in diabetics. As a rule, women with diabetes have increased sweating, which is why their body quickly cools down even at normal ambient temperatures. It is not necessary that a woman gets chills at night only because of diabetes; a number of other diseases or causes can also cause the symptom:

  • Depression or persistent stress
  • Hypothermia before bed
  • Muscle strain during the day
  • Hyperhidrosis - increased sweating
  • Osteochondrosis and inflammatory diseases joints
  • Migraine

These factors provoke not only chills and trembling of the body, but also other symptoms: increased irritability, pain, myalgia.

Why do women get chills without fever?

Most often, the state of chills in women indicates the presence of cardiovascular disorders. Often the symptom is accompanied by an increase in pressure, while the vessels sharply expand and contract, and the body’s thermoregulation is disrupted.

If chills and nausea without fever appear in women, along with severe dizziness, the cause may be traumatic brain injuries, mainly concussions. The sensations may also be accompanied by vomiting, poor spatial orientation, and frequent fainting.

Attacks of chills without fever in women can occur due to some other diseases:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Pathologies autonomic system- may be accompanied by heart pain, panic attacks, feeling of cold hands and feet, swelling, painful sensations in muscles and joints
  • Chronic infections
  • Vascular spasms
  • Increased sweating
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Thyroid pathologies
  • Neurosis
  • Neuralgia
  • Inflammatory processes V urinary tract
  • Increased arterial pressure- in this case, trembling without fever may appear after physical exertion or excitement
  • Food poisoning- usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting
  • acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and others " colds“- they are not necessarily accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but chills “visit” the patient often. This is a natural response of a woman’s body to the penetration of pathological microorganisms. In this way, the body tries to inform a person about the disease. Chills at night without fever in women often occur as a result of a cold
  • Allergy - it happens that a woman shudders after contact with an allergen, this may be food product or any substance. Additional symptoms: skin rashes, breathing problems, weakness


Body tremors and a feeling of nausea are not necessarily symptoms of a concussion. This combination of symptoms occurs due to exotic diseases caused by the bites of mosquitoes, midges, flies and other insects that live mainly in countries with tropical climates. If you return from an exotic country with a feeling of chills, visit an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible, because there is a risk of “acquiring” a dangerous disease that is unusual for us.

Taking some medical supplies, promoting vasodilation, can lead to chills without an increase in body temperature. The symptom may appear due to anti-nausea medications - Motilium, etc. If you feel that you are chilling, but there is no temperature, remember what medications you are taking and read the instructions for them. It is quite possible that causeless chills are one of the side effects.

After transfer serious illnesses, which the body spends a lot of effort to fight, a person may experience chills for some time.

Intoxication or even just abuse of alcoholic beverages often provokes chills without fever, including in the fair half of humanity. In general, women are not recommended to drink alcohol; it is extremely dangerous for the reproductive system.

Physiological causes of body chills without fever in women

Women should not always be seriously afraid of feeling chills; sometimes the reasons can be completely “harmless” factors. Chills without fever may be the first sign of approaching menopause, pregnancy, or a manifestation of PMS. In these cases, the level of sex hormones changes, which leads to changes in the functioning of the ovaries. Disturbances in the normal balance of hormones affect heat exchange processes in female body, causing it to cool quickly.

How to distinguish severe chills without fever in women caused by “normal” hormonal reasons from a serious pathology? If the sensation is accompanied by hot flashes, pain in the lower abdomen, skin rashes, sudden changes in mood and other symptoms characteristic of “ Women's Day"It's probably not worth worrying about. However, to determine the exact cause, it is better to consult a doctor. Moreover, if body tremors have nothing to do with PMS, menopause is still far away, and you are sure that in this moment you're not expecting a baby.

Pregnancy can cause chills without fever, since at this moment the level of estrogen in the body changes, and this hormone regulates, among other things, thermoregulation. The functioning of the hypothalamus is disrupted, vascular tone changes, which causes trembling and increased sweating.

The reason for constant chills without fever in women may lie in a sharp restriction of nutrition. When a lady radically changes her diet, thus depriving the body of a number of useful substances, in addition to increased irritability, fatigue and weakness and trembling in the body may increase.

Treatment of chills without fever in women at home

If the chills are caused by “harmless” reasons, and you are sure of this, you can manage on your own, without visiting a doctor.

For mild hypothermia and associated chills, it is recommended to drink a cup of hot, but not scalding, tea. After this, you need to go to bed and cover yourself with two blankets to keep warm.

For chills caused by a cold, you need to steam your feet, drink warm tea, fruit drinks and herbal infusions, and then lie down under the blanket.

If the problem is fatigue, stress, it is useful for a woman to drink chamomile tea, listen to relaxing music, if there are no contraindications, you can drink Glycine.

It is important to understand that chills are not a disease in itself, it is a symptom that accompanies many diseases or disorders of the body. By getting rid of only the symptom, we do not eliminate the disease. Therefore, in case of serious disorders in the body that cause an unpleasant sensation, you need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Professional treatment of chills without fever

First, you need to contact a therapist who will conduct an initial examination and assess the condition of the patient’s endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland. Next, the doctor will give a referral for general tests urine and blood, and if necessary will send for additional examination or will give a referral to a highly specialized specialist - pulmonologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.

  • If a woman’s feeling of chills without fever is associated with an infectious disease, antibacterial drugs: Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, antipyretic drugs
  • In case of intoxication, diuretic drugs are prescribed: Torasemide, etc., and enterosorbents Enterosgel, Polysorb
  • Is it due to emotional stress? Assign sedatives natural origin and recommend visiting a psychotherapist
  • If chills are caused by disorders of the endocrine system, the endocrinologist will prescribe special medications to normalize the level of certain hormones, the deficiency or excess of which caused the disease. As complementary therapy prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures
  • In case of an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines
  • If sharp chills without fever often appear in the evening or during the day, and pressure surges are observed, you need to see a cardiologist and conduct the necessary examinations

It’s not so important: night, day or evening chill Without fever, a woman regularly appears. In any case, it is extremely important to consult a qualified doctor and undergo a series of examinations. Getting rid of the most unpleasant sensation is not enough - it is necessary adequate treatment. Self-diagnosis can greatly worsen the condition. Constant chills- this is not a joke manifestation for the human body, especially the female body.

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