Home Dental treatment Where to fully examine the body. Full diagnostics of the body “Optimum”

Where to fully examine the body. Full diagnostics of the body “Optimum”

Where can I take the full course for free? medical examination in Moscow?

It is almost impossible to undergo a full qualified medical examination in one single place, because highly specialized specialists never work in the same clinic. The therapist or cardiologist will not be able to examine prostate gland. I agree with Valentina that the therapist will not be able to deliver accurate diagnosis, where a qualified narrow-profile examination is required. There are health centers in Moscow where you can get free consultations and recommendations:

Cancer screening is often not included in a full medical examination, but as we all know, it is very important. The press service of RIA Novosti has information that consultation on oncology issues in Moscow is possible not within a limited period of time, but for permanent basis. Appointments must be made 1 month in advance. If someone does not fall into this time slot, there is a waiting list. And everyone will still be able to undergo a free oncology examination. Those wishing to undergo such examination in mandatory must have compulsory medical insurance policy and Moscow registration.

Where can you check oncology in Moscow for free? In 2006, on the initiative of leading oncologists in our country, the non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life” was created. It was created to draw attention to the problems associated with treatment oncological diseases, with their prevention and timely diagnosis. Federal telephone hotline NP "Equal Right to Life" (8 499 2715759). The programs carried out by this non-profit partnership have already been implemented in 106 cities of Russia. Now Muscovites can be screened for prostate, cervical, skin, breast, colon and rectal cancer. Moscow's chief oncologist Anatoly Makhson believes that awareness and early diagnosis cancer is very important factor in the fight against this disease. As the doctor notes, the equipment diagnostic centers and hospitals with modern equipment allows people to undergo free screening in full. Free consultations leading oncologists of the country and examinations are carried out within the framework of the program non-profit partnership"Equal right to life." You can find out about this by calling the hotline.

Not only in Moscow, various promotions are held to check your health for free. For example, you can check the spine. Usually "RIA Novosti" and " Russian newspaper covers this information in detail:
www rg ru

It will not be difficult to get a consultation with a therapist; it is much more important to get a consultation with a highly specialized specialist in a timely manner and diagnose the disease.

But not everything is so sad: science and medicine do not stand still. There are many ways to check your body for hidden diseases. With the help of experts, MK analyzed the most popular ones and found out how effective they are.

You can suspect something is wrong based on minor changes in condition. For example, you feel tired even after a vacation. Or you can’t cope with excess weight, although you are on a diet and go to gym. The skin looks dull, the hair has become brittle... Even disorders that are not clearly pronounced at first glance can signal serious illnesses. And while people ignore the problem, silent killers are slowly gaining strength.

However, today there are many ways to comprehensively test the body for hidden diseases.

The first is self-examination

What changes indicate hidden diseases?

The skin on your face has become pale, veins are visible in the temples and forehead - you may have anemia.

The skin of the face has become grayish or bluish - this happens with heart disease. Unnatural eye shine and bulging eyeballs– signs of problems with the thyroid gland.

In the evening your eyes swell - perhaps there are problems with your kidneys and heart.

Hair is dull and breaks - this happens with anemia and lack of vitamins.

Bright red tip of tongue and spider veins on the skin - signs of liver problems.

Rashes in the décolleté area – it is worth checking the functioning of the reproductive system.

Bluish nails are a sign of heart disease.

Yellow nails – there are liver disorders.

Nails are very peeling - this happens with diabetes and problems with blood vessels.

Splitting the tips of the nails - in women this is a sign of problems with the ovaries.

Second - diagnostics from photos

Today you can download a medical application for a smartphone that determines a person’s illness from a photograph. For now, unfortunately, it is available to a limited number of people, but soon everyone will be able to use it. No special skills are needed for diagnosis. You take a photo of your body and upload it to the program. It analyzes the image and produces a list possible diagnoses. Today this technique is used only to determine skin pathologies, but it has great prospects. The main disadvantage of photo diagnostics is that the program does not make a final diagnosis and does not offer treatment.

Third - computer scan of the whole body

Modern official medicine does not approve of computer scanning and suggests another way to check the body for hidden diseases. It's called a "check-up".

Fourth - basic examination according to the “check-up” program

Comprehensive check-up testing came to us from Europe several years ago and during this time it has become very popular. The service is offered by almost all major clinics and medical centers.

The general check-up takes place in 2 stages. First you take the standard set laboratory tests, undergo hardware diagnostics (ECG, X-ray, ultrasound, etc.) and visit specialists, and then, based on the data received, the doctor makes general conclusion about your health and gives its recommendations.

Today, a general check-up is considered one of the most reliable methods of comprehensive examination of the body. It allows you to identify risk factors for serious diseases and the diseases themselves at an early stage.

Alas, this method also has a disadvantage - the general check-up program is not enough to diagnose all hidden diseases. The fact is that a basic check-up includes only standard laboratory tests, and in many cases more in-depth research is required.

Fifth – extended check-up for hidden diseases

Extended check-up for hidden diseases is carried out in large clinics with their own diagnostic base. The possibilities of this survey are much wider. An extended check-up for hidden diseases allows you to determine the causes of hair loss, skin problems, chronic fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. Examination reveals diseases thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, decline of ovarian function, liver disease, risks of cardiovascular and some cancers. The examination includes not only standard laboratory tests, but also the determination of specific blood parameters. So, lipid profile allows you to diagnose atherosclerosis in time: reveals deviations in the body’s fat metabolism. A study of the level of sex hormones, when identifying an excess of some and a deficiency of others, can explain the causes of acne, obesity, disorders menstrual cycle in women and erectile dysfunction in men. An analysis of thyroid hormones allows you to determine disorders in the functioning of the organ - hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis. A blood test for glycated hemoglobin is used to determine diabetes mellitus, and C-reactive proteininflammatory process in organism. Based on a test for ferritin, an indicator of iron metabolism, the nature of anemia can be determined, some cancer, liver and kidney diseases. A lack of vitamin D leads to the development of osteoporosis, and a deficiency of this substance is also observed in hypertension, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Advanced diagnostics require more thorough preparation, but you will receive an accurate and sufficient full information about your health. At the end of the examination, the doctor will tell you what abnormalities the check-up revealed and give his recommendations. “Such check-ups are created exclusively on the basis of verified data from large scientific research. Based on the results of the check-up, the patient receives recommendations on how to prevent serious illnesses, clinical picture which have not yet fully developed, and there are only prerequisites that allow us to talk about their manifestation in the near future. A person can only experience some general symptoms, not related to clinical criteria disease as such. Already at this stage we know effective tools for preventing many diseases and improving the quality of life,” says urologist-andrologist Ph.D. Konstantin Antonov.

So, let's summarize. If something bothers you, do not waste time and money on dubious procedures. Better go through an extended check-up for hidden diseases. All men and women who are concerned about excess weight, chronic fatigue or sexual dysfunction.

If at first glance there is no cause for concern, stand in front of the mirror and carefully examine yourself. Often, with hidden diseases, the skin, hair and nails are the first to suffer. People with a hereditary predisposition to it should also be periodically examined for hidden diseases. diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and cancer. Doctors recommend that all healthy men and women undergo an extended check-up for hidden diseases for the purpose of prevention. Check your health regularly, at least once every 2-3 years, and then even a hidden illness will not hide from you.

In Moscow, several dozen health centers operate on the basis of city clinics. If the clinic you are assigned to has a health center, you can undergo a free preventive examination there. It can be done at any age, once a year, and the visit itself will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

You can undergo the examination without an appointment at any convenient time (according to the clinic’s opening hours). To apply, you will need a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

2. What procedures does the examination include?

Preventive examination consists of a number of procedures including:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement blood pressure and diagnosis of arterial hypertension;
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood using an express method, diagnosis of lipid metabolism disorders;
  • determination of blood glucose levels using an express method, detection of diabetes mellitus;
  • determination of total cardiovascular risk (the risk of developing cardiovascular complications over the next 10 years is assessed);
  • determination of the concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaled air (allows you to assess the severity of smoking and identify the fact of passive smoking);
  • spirometry - assessment of the main indicators of the respiratory system;
  • bioimpedansometry - determination of the composition of the human body, the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass;
  • express assessment of the heart condition using ECG signals from the extremities (carried out using a cardiovisor);
  • determination of the ankle-brachial index (detection early signs atherosclerosis in the vessels of the lower extremities);
  • measuring intraocular pressure and checking visual acuity (both studies are carried out using modern equipment, intraocular pressure measured using a non-contact method);
  • appointment (examination) with a dental hygienist with assessment of hygiene and diagnosis of oral diseases.

3. What happens after the examination?

After the examinations have been completed, you will be referred to an appointment (examination) with a doctor at the health center. He will give recommendations, including on correcting identified risk factors - unhealthy diet, excess body weight, smoking, low physical activity.

Health and time are one of the main factors influencing our lives. IN outpatient department Road clinical hospital them. K. A. Semashko you can take care of your health with minimal time.

They say that the medical examination of railway workers is carried out on the same level as astronauts, because the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the health of the driver. Particularly high demands have always been placed on the qualifications of doctors serving railway workers.

December 14 marked 82 years since the opening of the Road Clinical Hospital named after. N. A. Semashko. During this time, we have earned a reputation as reliable professionals. Having modern equipment is good. But it is even more important that the institution has qualified and experienced specialists who can correctly “read” the information received and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, you will only receive a picture; which will help little in treatment.

All doctors working in the clinic reconfirm their qualifications every five and undergo certification. Today our clinic provides the full range of medical services, which are required for the diagnosis and treatment of the most various diseases. In our clinic, doctors work in two shifts, so the patient can get advice from the necessary specialist at almost any time. All doctors providing paid services have the highest category.

In our clinic you can also get medical books, driving certificates, certificates for carrying weapons. We quickly and efficiently conduct medical examinations of people applying for work. Very high level we have a commission for people working for hazardous industries Moreover, our prices are among the lowest in Moscow.

Three months ago, a clinical diagnostic center with a day hospital was opened on the basis of the clinic. His postcard allowed us to expand the range of services and provide additional opportunities for our patients. Now they have the opportunity to undergo full examination body in one day, including passing the necessary laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics. For some examinations to the patient; a number of procedures are required. Availability day hospital allows you to make them efficiently under the supervision of a doctor. Here patients are given the opportunity to undergo medical procedures. For example, there is no longer a need for intravenous drips medicines at home.

What services does the clinical diagnostic center offer?

We employ doctors of all specialties: endocrinologist, surgeon, therapist, urologist, allergist-immunologist, rheumatologist, dermatovenerologist, hematologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, chiropractor, plastic surgeon...

The Center has installed modern equipment that allows diagnostics on early stages diseases. These services include, in particular, CT scan, Holter ECG monitoring, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray diagnostics, videoscopic research methods, PCR diagnostics. We are pleased to offer our clients modern and traditional methods treatment, diagnosis, care and individual approach. We combine professionalism with responsiveness and care, and high quality- with affordable prices.

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