Home Dental treatment Sanatorium-and-spa treatment: regulatory documents, indications and contraindications, scope of examination, design. Normative legal acts regulating sanatorium-and-spa treatment in the Russian Federation Recommended sanatorium and resort treatment

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment: regulatory documents, indications and contraindications, scope of examination, design. Normative legal acts regulating sanatorium-and-spa treatment in the Russian Federation Recommended sanatorium and resort treatment

Sanatorium spa treatment- this is one of the types of social security, which involves providing vouchers for citizens who have had certain diseases for their treatment in sanatoriums, using favorable natural and climatic factors.

The legislation provides:

circle of persons entitled to Spa treatment;

ь conditions for the provision of vouchers (free of charge or at a reduced price);

l circle of bodies that provide vouchers;

ь additional benefits when using sanatorium and resort vouchers (fare for the patient himself, for the person accompanying him, provision of a voucher for the accompanying person);

the possibility of receiving compensation instead of a voucher.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", disabled people and children with disabilities have the right to sanatorium-and-spa treatment in accordance with an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person on preferential terms. Disabled people of group I and disabled children in need of sanatorium treatment are entitled to receive a second voucher for the person accompanying them under the same conditions.

Non-working disabled people, including those in stationary institutions social services, spa vouchers issued free of charge by authorities social protection population. Working disabled people are provided with sanatorium and resort vouchers at the place of work on preferential terms at the expense of funds social insurance.

Persons who have become disabled due to accidents at work or occupational diseases, expenses for sanatorium-and-spa treatment, including payment for vacation for the entire period of treatment and travel, the cost of travel for the disabled person and the person accompanying him to the place of treatment and back, their accommodation and meals, are paid from the funds of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and professional diseases.

The federal law "On Veterans" provides for the priority provision of working war invalids with vouchers to health resort organizations at the place of work, and non-working war invalids - providing free vouchers pension authorities. At the request of war invalids, instead of vouchers to sanatorium organizations, they are given appropriate monetary compensation once every two years. Monetary compensation may be paid to war invalids who have medical contraindications for sanatorium treatment in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Working members of the Great Patriotic War as a matter of priority, they are provided with vouchers to sanatorium-and-spa organizations at the place of work, and non-working participants in the Great Patriotic War - by bodies providing pensions.

Also, combat veterans are provided with vouchers to sanatorium organizations as a matter of priority.

Citizens engaged in work with chemical weapons are guaranteed free annual provision with vouchers to sanatorium organizations, compensation for the cost of travel to the place of treatment (round trip) on the territory of the Russian Federation in the amount corresponding to the fare in reserved seat car in rail transport.

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to first-priority free annual provision with a voucher to a sanatorium-resort (if there are medical indications with the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work) or another health-improving institution, and if it is impossible to provide a voucher, to monetary compensation in the amount of its average cost.

The procedure for providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment, and in case of impossibility to provide a voucher - payments monetary compensation determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site are guaranteed first-priority free annual provision with a voucher to a sanatorium-resort or other health-improving institution (in the presence of diseases, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation), and in case of impossibility to provide a voucher - payment of monetary compensation in its average cost. The procedure for providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment, and if it is impossible to provide a voucher, payment of monetary compensation in the amount of its average cost, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Vouchers for sanatorium treatment can be purchased from various sources - compulsory social insurance funds, funds from budgets of various levels, funds compulsory insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases, funds of individual legal entities and individuals.

The procedure and conditions for providing vouchers to employees and members of their families at the expense of compulsory social insurance are defined in the regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this provision, vouchers are provided for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation for the prevention of diseases (hereinafter referred to as sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation) and for sanatorium treatment in connection with the need for sanatorium aftercare (hereinafter referred to as aftercare) immediately after inpatient treatment diseases such as acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, surgery for coronary artery bypass grafting and aneurysm of the heart, surgery for gastric ulcer, duodenum, removal of the gallbladder.

Vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation, as well as for aftercare immediately after inpatient treatment, are purchased at sanatorium and resort institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation that have licenses for medical activities and food conformity certificates issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort institutions is 14-24 days. For persons with diseases and consequences of spinal cord injuries, according to the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the health care institution that sent the patient to sanatorium-resort treatment, the terms of sanatorium-resort treatment can be increased up to 45 days.

Vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation are purchased by employers - payers of the unified social tax (hereinafter referred to as insurers) in accordance with the applications of employees and in the presence of medical certificates issued by the relevant healthcare institutions.

Acquisition of vouchers to a sanatorium for children with parents is carried out in accordance with medical reports for the sanatorium treatment of a child.

The insured, at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds, independently bears the costs of full or partial payment for the cost of a voucher for sanatorium treatment or health improvement of employees and their families based on the cost of staying in a sanatorium and resort institution for one person per day and the duration of stay established federal law on the budget of the Fund for the corresponding year, as well as on the basis of the allocations provided for by the regional branch of the Fund to the insured for these purposes.

The distribution and issuance of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation to employees, for which compulsory social insurance funds are used, are made taking into account the provision of vouchers to the employee no more than once a year based on the decision of the commission (authorized) for social insurance of the insured. The specified commission is formed from representatives of the employer, trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees.

Certain categories of employees, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are provided with vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation as a matter of priority.

A voucher for sanatorium treatment in a sanatorium for children with parents is issued to a working parent for joint treatment with a child aged 4 to 15 inclusive. In this case, expenses from the funds of compulsory social insurance are doubled and carried out within the limits of the allocations established for the insured for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation. Shurygina Yu.Yu. The content and methodology of social and medical work: Educational and methodological manual / Yu.Yu. Shurygin. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the ESGTU, 2009. - 121 p. (S. 21-30).

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Sanatorium-resort treatment can be considered the most natural, physiological. In many diseases, especially during remission, i.e. after the disappearance of acute manifestations, it is most effective. Along with natural healing factors, physiotherapy methods are widely used in the resorts, using appropriate equipment, diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises, massage, acupuncture, all this allows you to minimize the use of medicines and, in many cases, completely abandon them.

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment is contraindicated for persons suffering from infectious diseases, including venereal diseases, mental disorders, as well as for those who can be harmed by staying at the resort - in the acute phase of various diseases, with a tendency to bleeding, with neoplasms, especially of malignant origin, and women in the second half of pregnancy, as well as in the presence of obstetric pathology.

Depending on the predominance of one or another natural factor, resorts are divided into climatic, balneological and mud therapy.

climatic resorts. The biological effect of the climate is diverse: it calms and tones the nervous system, improves the regulation of life processes (activates metabolism, the function of respiration, blood circulation, digestion), increases resistance infectious diseases.

The desert climate is characterized by long hot and dry summers with very high average air temperatures, low humidity, and intense solar radiation. This climate encourages profuse sweating, facilitates the function of the kidneys, and therefore is indicated for nephritis.

The climate of the steppes is also hot and dry, but is characterized by sharper temperature changes between day and night. In the steppe resorts, koumiss treatment is additionally used.

The climate of the forest-steppes of the European part creates gentle conditions. With it there are no sudden changes in temperature, moderate humidity is observed. There is no suffocating heat in summer, and severe frosts in winter. The resorts of this zone are widely indicated for various chronic diseases, including the cardiovascular system ( ischemic disease hearts, hypertonic disease).

The mountain climate is clean air, intense solar radiation, especially ultraviolet radiation, low barometric pressure and a relatively high oxygen content, especially in high mountain areas. The climate has a tonic and hardening effect, it is indicated for people suffering from functional disorders. nervous system, chronic compensated diseases of the lungs and heart.

The coastal climate (sea coasts) is characterized by purity and freshness of air with a high content of ozone and sea ​​salts, intense solar radiation, the absence of sudden temperature changes. It has a tonic, general strengthening and hardening effect.

The climate of the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland, as well as Pacific Ocean characterized by relatively high humidity, cool air and water temperatures. It is indicated for the elderly, with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The climate of the southern coast of Crimea (Yalta, Alushta) is close to the Mediterranean - it is warm, with low humidity, with a long sunny stay, with a long bathing season.

The climate of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is characterized by high humidity, therefore, for those suffering lung diseases it is less favorable. This climate of the humid subtropical zone is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems.

Balneological resorts. Balneotherapy is understood as a set of therapeutic methods based on the use of mineral waters. Mineral waters, which are formed in the bowels of the earth under the influence of various geological processes, contain various salts in ionized form (hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfide nitrate waters, etc.). According to the gas composition, carbonic, hydrogen sulfide, radon, and nitrogen waters are distinguished. In addition, depending on chemical composition waters are released containing biologically active microelements, iodine-bromine, ferrous, siliceous, arsenic. According to the amount (and grams) of mineral salts dissolved in 1 liter of water, waters of weak (2-2.5 g/l), medium (5-15 g/l) and high (more than 15 g/l) mineralization are distinguished. In addition, take into account the acidity of mineral water, its temperature.

The mechanism of action of mineral water baths is determined primarily by the specific chemical effect of gases and salts dissolved in water. The latter, irritating the skin receptors, have a local, and then a general effect (on skin vessels, sweat, sebaceous glands) reflex action.

Baths of carbonic mineral waters improve myocardial contractility and coronary circulation, reduce increased arterial pressure, expand the vessels of the skin (redness reaction), activate the function of the endocrine glands and the central nervous system. Such waters are available in the resorts of Kislovodsk, Arzni (Armenia), Darasun (Chita region).

Natural hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) baths cause a sharp expansion of skin vessels, which facilitates the work of the heart, promotes the healing of skin lesions, and the removal of protein breakdown products from the body. They have anti-inflammatory, resolving, analgesic and desensitizing effects. They affect the cardiovascular system in a similar way to carbon dioxide baths. Hydrogen sulfide baths are typical for the resorts of Sochi-Matsesta and Pyatigorsk.

Natural radon baths have a specific effect on the body due to the alpha radiation that occurs during the decay of atoms of the radioactive gas - radon. They have a pronounced sedative and analgesic effect, improve heart activity, and normalize blood pressure. Under the influence of radon baths, the processes of healing and resorption in nerve fibers, muscle and bone tissue.

When taken orally mineral water has a chemical effect due to the trace elements, salts, gases contained in it. It also has properties to cause thermal effects. Indicated mainly in diseases of the organs digestive system. Mineral water is best taken at the source - pump room. At the same time, the natural properties of water are preserved. Mineral water is taken 3 times a day - before breakfast, lunch and dinner, less often - after meals. You need to drink water slowly, slowly, in small sips. The duration of the drinking course is from 3-4 to 5-6 weeks. Reception of mineral water for 15-30 minutes. before meals increases secretion and increases acidity gastric juice, 1-1.5 hours before meals, on the contrary, reduces the secretion of gastric juice and reduces its acidity. Therefore, in diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and acidity of gastric juice, drinking mineral water is prescribed for 10-20 minutes. before meals. With normal secretion of gastric juice, patients drink mineral water for 30-45 minutes. before meals, and with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 1-1.5 hours before meals. Great importance has water temperature. Cold water excites secretion, warm water inhibits and has both an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Therefore, with peptic ulcer, patients take heated mineral water.

Drinking mineral waters for medicinal purposes is indicated for chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis in remission, consequences surgical interventions on the stomach, with chronic constipation, enteritis, colitis.

A contraindication to the appointment of mineral waters for drinking is exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, pain. Such treatment is also contraindicated for diarrhea, especially if it is aggravated by the intake of mineral water.

The specificity of the action of drinking mineral waters depends on their chemical composition.

The hydrocarbonate waters of the Borjomi, Darasun, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Morshin and other resorts, used for drinking, regulate the secretory and motor functions of the stomach depending on the time relative to food intake, and reduce stomach and intestinal spasms.

Chloride waters increase the secretion of gastric juice and increase its acidity. Sulfide waters, for example, Batalinsky water (Pyatigorsk) reduce gastric secretion, have a laxative and choleretic effect.

Weakly mineralized waters containing organic substances (for example, Naftusya) have a diuretic property, they are used for urolithiasis and infections urinary tract.

Biologically active substances contained in some waters, being absorbed from gastrointestinal tract have a specific effect. So, iron prevents the development of anemia, iodine stimulates redox processes in the body, enhances the function thyroid gland, bromine contributes to the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.

Other methods are used internal use mineral waters are gastric lavage with a thick probe, duodenal drainage ("tubage"), irrigation of the oral mucosa, rectal procedures (enemas or special "intestinal shower" installations), inhalations.

Mud spas. Therapeutic muds are various types of silt deposits formed at the bottom of reservoirs, sea estuaries, lakes and differ in their origin.

Silty sulfide muds are formed in salty reservoirs with a high degree of water mineralization and contain hydrogen sulfide, methane, and carbon dioxide. Examples of resorts with silt mud are Evpatoria and Saki (Crimea), Odessa, Pyatigorsk, Lake Shira (Eastern Siberia).

Sapropelic muds are formed at the bottom of open fresh water reservoirs with stagnant water. They contain a large amount of organic matter and some salts. Sapropelic muds are widespread in the central and northern regions of the European part and in Western Siberia.

Peat mud is formed in marshy places as a result of long-term decay of plant remains. They are a dense mass of dark brown color with a high content of organic substances. Peat mud is used in the Baltic resorts (Kemeri, Mayori), Morshyn (Ukraine), etc.

The origin of silt mud, sapropels and peat is associated with the vital activity of microorganisms, resulting in the accumulation of biologically active substances in them. active substances(enzymes, hormones, colloids, organic acids) and gases. Different types of mud have some common properties - high moisture and heat capacity, low thermal conductivity. Thereby heat mud (44-45 "C) is tolerated by patients much easier than the lower temperature of the water bath. The effect of mud on the focus of chronic inflammation is manifested by analgesic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. However, it must be remembered that mud therapy, even local, is highly loaded and special attention should be paid attention to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Below is a list of diseases in which this or that sanatorium-and-spa treatment is indicated.

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Heart defects: resorts with hydrogen sulfide or radon waters are recommended. If a metabolic disorder (obesity, gout) is noted simultaneously with a heart disease, treatment is equally indicated both in the Caucasian Mineral Waters and in resorts with hydrogen sulfide and radon baths - Sochi, Matsesta, Tskhaltubo. With a combination of heart defects with diseases of the lungs and bronchi - Kislovodsk, with a combination with diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines - Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk.

Diseases of the heart muscle (myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy) - the resorts of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Matsesta are shown.

Hypertension: in the presence of severe sclerosis cerebral vessels, coronary arteries and kidney sclerosis spa treatment is contraindicated for patients. Only patients with stage 1 hypertension of phases A and B can be sent to the southern resorts - Yalta and Odessa.

Myocardial infarction: resorts with carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon waters - Vyborg resort area, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Druskininkai, Zelenogradsk, Kobuleti, Crimean Primorye, resort area of ​​Leningrad, Vladivostok, New Athos, Otradnoe, Palanga, Riga seaside, Svetlogorsk, Svyatogorsk, Sigulda , Sudak, Sukhumi, Feodosia.

2. Obliterating vascular diseases. Thrombophlebitis.

Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities: in the absence of ulcers and gangrene on the extremities, as well as disorders of the cerebral and coronary circulation (angina pectoris) - spa treatment in resorts with hydrogen sulfide waters: Archman, Baku, Klyuchi, Nemirov, Pyatigorsk, Sernovodsk, Sochi-Matsesta, Surakhany, Chimion.

Thromboangitis obliterans 1 and 2 stages of circulatory disorders in the extremities (only during remission, in the absence of a tendency to generalize the thrombotic process, frequent exacerbations, blood changes) - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Pyatigorsk, Sergievsky mineral waters, Sernovodsk, Sochi-Matsesta, Surakhany, Ust-Kachka.

Residual phenomena after phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (not earlier than 3-4 months after the end of acute or subacute phenomena) sanatorium treatment at resorts: with radon waters - Belokurikha, Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo; with thermal weakly mineralized siliceous waters - Alma-Arsan, Arasan-Kapal, Goryachinsk, Issyk-Ata, Talaya. The consequences of thrombophlebitis, accompanied by trophic changes in the skin (ulcers, infiltrates), as well as varicose ulcers - sanatorium treatment at mud resorts: Anapa, Bakirovo, Baku, Borovoye, Druskininkai, Evpatoria, Pyatigorsk, Saki, Staraya Russa.

3. Diseases of the digestive system.

Chronic gastritis, diffuse and focal with increased, decreased and normal secretion and motor-evacuation function of the stomach outside the exacerbation phase - sanatorium treatment at resorts: with waters drinking cure- Arzni, Berezovsky mineral waters. Borjomi, Borovoye, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Izhevsk mineral waters, Karachi, Kemeri, Krainka, Mirgorod, Pyatigorsk, Svetlogorsk, Sestroretsk, Staraya Russa, Talaya, Truskavets, Feodosia, Khilovo, Pyarnu.

Functional diseases of the stomach with impaired secretory and motor function without symptoms of pronounced gastritis - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Anapa, the Apsheron group of climatic resorts, the Vyborg resort area, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Gudauta, Crimean Primorye, the resort area of ​​Leningrad, New Athos, Palanga, Pyarnu, Sudak, Sukhumi, Feodosia.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission or fading exacerbation (in the absence of motor insufficiency of the stomach, tendency to bleeding, penetration and suspicion of the possibility of malignant degeneration), as well as diseases of the operated stomach due to ulcers, postoperative gastritis, non-healing ulcers, anastomosis diseases ( not earlier than 2 months after the operation with a strengthened postoperative scar and a satisfactory general condition) - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Berezovsky mineral waters, Borjomi, Goryachiy Klyuch, Jermuk, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kuka, Odessa, Pyarnu, Pyatigorsk, Tashkent mineral waters water, Truskavets.

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestines: enteritis, enterocolitis, typhlitis, sigmoiditis, colitis - sanatorium treatment at resorts with mineral waters drinking treatment as in gastritis.

Functional bowel diseases with violations of its motor-evacuation function - resorts and sanatoriums as in the treatment of gastric ulcer.

chronic diseases liver and biliary tract resorts of various etiologies: Arzni, Archman, Borjomi, Borovoye, Goryachiy Klyuch, Darasun, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Izhevsk mineral waters, Issyk-Ata, Karachi, Kemeri, Krainka, Krasnousolsk, Kuka, Mirgorod, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets, Yumatovo.

Cholelithiasis, with the exception of forms complicated by infection and frequent exacerbations, as well as requiring surgical intervention; dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder, chronic pancreatitis– sanatorium treatment at resorts with drinking waters: Borjomi, Goryachiy Klyuch, Dzhava, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Izhevsk mineral waters, Pyatigorsk, Morshin, Tashkent mineral waters, Truskavets, Uchum, Shira, Pyarnu.

consequences of inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity(periviscerites) - treatment in mud sanatoriums: Anapa, Angara, Baldone, Berezovsky mineral waters, Borovoye, Gopri, Yeysk, Karachi, Kemeri, Liepaja, Nalchik, Pyarnu, Pyatigorsk, Saki, Sergievsky mineral waters. Slavyansk; resorts with thermal low-mineral waters, as well as Borjomi, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Morshyn, Truskavets, Chartak.

4. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Glomerulonephritis of infectious and toxic origin in subacute and chronic stages with the preservation of kidney function, without anemia and cachexia - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Bairam-Ali, the Southern coast of Crimea, Yangantau.

Urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Arshan, Java, Zheleznovodsk, Izhevsk mineral waters, Kuka, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets, Istisu.

Chronic prostatitis- resorts: Anapa, Borovoe, Evpatoria, Yeysk, Kashin, Medvezhye, Odessa.

5. Diseases of metabolism and endocrine glands.

Obesity alimentary (due to lack of physical activity, dysregulation of fat metabolism of neurogenic origin), endocrine without symptoms of decompensation of cardiac activity - sanatorium treatment at balneological resorts: Arshan, Berezovsky mineral waters. Hot Key, Darasun, Jermuk, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Kuka, Nizhniye Sergi, Pyatigorsk; seaside climatic resorts: Gagra, Vyborgsky climatic region, the resort area of ​​Leningrad, New Athos, Odessa, Sudak, Sukhumi, the southern coast of Crimea.

Diabetes mild degree and of moderate severity - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Borjomi, Berezovsky mineral waters, Essentuki, Mirgorod, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets.

Gout - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Belokurikha, Borjomi, Darasun, Java, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Istisu, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets, Tskhaltubo.

Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism - treatment at the resorts: Berezovsky mineral waters, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Krainka, Pyatigorsk, Uchum, Truskavets, Shivanda, Shira.

Hypothyroidism and myxedema - treatment at the resorts of the balneological group: Essentuki, Pyatigorsk.

6. Diseases of the respiratory organs of a non-tuberculous nature.

Chronic bronchitis, tracheitis - treatment at climatic, seaside, mountain, forest resorts: Absheron group of resorts, Bakuriani, Berdyansk, Borjomi, Borovoye, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Gudauta, Evpatoria, Zeleny Mys, Kabardinka, Kobuleti, Crimean coast, Nalchik, Odessa, Palanga, Riga seaside, Svetlogorsk, Svyatogorsk, Sudak, Sukhumi, Feodosia, Shusha.

Pulmonary emphysema without pronounced cardiopulmonary syndrome (in the absence of circulatory disorders above 1 degree), residual effects of pleuropneumonia - sanatorium treatment is indicated at the resorts: Absheron group of resorts, Bakuriani, Bakhmaro, Berdyansk, Borjomi, Borovoye, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Gudauta, Druskininkai, Evpatoria, Kabardinka, Lazarevsky resort area, Nalchik, New Athos, Odessa, Sudak, Sukhumi, Feodosia, Southern coast of Crimea.

Residual effects of dry and exudative pleurisy- the same sanatoriums and resorts, mainly in warm time of the year.

Bronchial asthma in remission or with infrequent and mild attacks and without pronounced symptoms of cardiopulmonary insufficiency - treatment at the resorts: Bakuriani, Bakhmaro, Gelendzhik, Crimean Primorye, Koi-Sary, Nalchik, Sudak, Feodosia, South Coast of Crimea (mainly in warm season).

Pneumosclerosis, pneumoconiosis, silicosis: Southern coast of Crimea, sanatorium "Gornyak" (East Kazakhstan).

Bronchiectasis and chronic lung abscess in the phase of stable remission (with limited infiltrative changes, without purulent sputum with putrid smell, without symptoms of cardiopulmonary insufficiency above 1 degree and amyloidosis of organs) - sanatorium treatment at the resorts indicated above, with the exception of the resorts of Zeleny Mys, Kobuleti, Tsikhisdziri.

7. Diseases of the joints, bones and muscles.

rheumatic polyarthritis after acute attack rheumatism or repeated exacerbations, with a stalled process in the endocardium (clinically, laboratory, instrumentally confirmed, usually not earlier than 6-8 months after the end of acute and subacute events of heart failure above 1 degree), resorts are shown:

A) mud and with strong sodium chloride waters - Anapa, Bakirovo, Gopri, Druskininkai, Evpatoria, Yeysk, Zhdanov, Karachi, Kashin, Kemeri, Kirillovka, Krainka, Nalchik, Odessa, Pyarnu, Pyatigorsk, Saki, Sergievsky mineral waters, Solonikha , Staraya Russa, Ugdan, Tinaki;

B) with hydrogen sulfide waters - Baku, Goryachiy Klyuch, Nemirov, Pyatigorsk, Sergievsky mineral waters, Sochi-Matsesta, Tbilisi;

C) with radon waters - Belokurikha, Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo;

D) with thermal low-mineral siliceous waters - Alma-Arasan, Arasan-Kapal, Obigarm, Talaya, Guy, Naftalan, Sestroretsk resort, Surami, Sukhumi.

Chronic spondylarthritis, Bechterew's disease, spondylitis infectious origin subject to free movement of the patient, fractures with delayed consolidation or with painful callus, osteitis and periostitis infectious and traumatic, as well as periostitis after gunshot wounds with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, cotractures - sanatorium treatment at the resorts indicated above, osteomyelitis with fistulas are subject to treatment at mud spas. In cases where there are no sequesters and ulcers, treatment is indicated at resorts with hydrogen sulfide and thermal waters.

Trophic ulcers after a long non-healing wounds traumatic origin - mud resorts, with hydrogen sulfide and thermal waters.

8. Diseases of the nervous system.

Radiculitis, polyradiculitis, plexitis, neuritis - spa treatment is indicated at the end of the acute period, as well as in more late stages in the presence of an ongoing recovery of function.

A) Mud and with strong sodium chloride waters: Anapa, Baldone, Berdyansk, Gopri, Evpatoria, Zelenograd, Kashin, Kemeri.

B) With hydrogen sulfide waters: Baku, Baldone, Goryachiy Klyuch, Yeysk, Kemeri, Nemirov, Pyatigorsk, Sergievsky mineral waters, Chimion.

C) With radon waters: Belokurikha, Molokovka, Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo.

D) With thermal siliceous waters: Gorchinsk, Jalal-Abad, Talaya,

E) Resorts: Borovoe, Guy, Kisegach, Sukhumi, Tashkent mineral waters, Yumatovo.

Diseases of the central nervous system due to infections and after intoxication - the resorts listed above (as well as the resorts: Jermuk, Druskininkai, Odessa, Slavyansk). Treatment is not indicated in sanatoriums: Archman, Krasnousolsk, Menji.

The consequences of brain injuries that are not accompanied by severe disorders in the motor sphere (paralysis) are local neurological sanatoriums outside the resorts.

Consequences of injuries and other injuries of the spinal cord, its membranes (with the possibility of independent movement of the patient and the absence of significant disorders of the functions of the pelvic organs and the presence of signs of ongoing recovery of function) - treatment is indicated in local neurological sanatoriums, mud resorts, with strong sodium chloride and hydrogen sulfide waters , especially the Jermuk resort. More seriously ill patients should be sent only to specialized departments at resorts: Saki, Sergievsky mineral waters, Slavyansk, for a period of at least 2 months.

The consequences of cerebrovascular accident (4-6 months after a stroke, with the possibility of self-care of the patient and in the absence of severe mental disorders, but not earlier than 2-3 months after a dynamic cerebrovascular accident), treatment is indicated in local neurological departments.

Neurotic conditions with syndromes of hypersthenia and irritable weakness, with vegetative disorders, somatogenically conditioned, developed in connection with infection, intoxication, trauma - local neurological sanatoriums; climatic resorts: Bakuriani, Bakhmaro, Borovoe, Vyborgsky seaside resort area, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Zeleny Mys, Crimean coast, New Athos, Odessa, Otradnoe, Sestroretsky resort, Sigulda, Sudak, Sukhumi, Shovi, Yumatovo.

Neuroses: a) neurasthenia - with hyposthenic syndrome, with severe asthenia and vegetative-vascular disorders - local neuropsychiatric sanatoriums outside resorts are indicated; b) hysteria - local neuropsychiatric departments outside resorts and sanatorium departments at neuropsychiatric hospitals.

Raynaud's disease - resorts with mud and hydrogen sulfide waters.

9. Diseases of the female genital organs.

Shown treatment at the resorts:

A) mud and with strong sodium chloride waters;

B) with hydrogen sulfide waters;

C) with radon waters;

D) with thermal low-mineral waters: Goryachinsk, Jalal-Abad;

E) resorts: Guy, Jermuk, Naftalan, Tashkent mineral waters;

E) climatic resorts, mainly seaside, with water and mud baths or warm sea baths: Anapa, Berdyansk, Borovoe, Evpatoria, Gelendzhik, Palanga, Pyarnu, Feodosia.

10. Diseases of the skin.

Psoriasis in a stationary form without the phenomena of erythroderma and without exacerbation of the disease process in the spring and summer (treatment in the warm season) in resorts - a) with hydrogen sulfide waters: Baldone, Baku, Goryachiy Klyuch, Yeysk, Kemeri, Nemirov, Pyatigorsk, Sergievsky mineral water, Sernovodsk, Sochi, Surakhany; b) with thermal low-mineral waters, siliceous: Arasan-Kapal, Goryachinsk, Jalal-Abad, Obi-Garm, Talaya; c) with radon waters: Belokurikha, Molokovka, Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo; d) resorts: Druskininkai, Naftalan, Nalchik, Tashkent mineral waters, Usolye. Psoriasis with an exacerbation of the painful process in the spring-summer period - sanatorium treatment at the resorts: Druskininkai, Pyatigorsk, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta.

Atropatic forms of psoriasis ( initial forms not requiring bed rest) - sanatorium treatment at resorts with hydrogen sulfide radon and low-mineralized thermal waters.

Neurodermatitis - treatment at resorts with hydrogen sulfide, low-mineralized thermal waters, radon waters mentioned above.

Seborrheic eczema, seborrhea, chronic eczema, dermatitis due to skin irritation with chemicals that cannot be treated on the spot - treatment at resorts with hydrogen sulfide, radon and low-mineralized thermal waters.

Sycosis: only after a course of epilation on the spot, treatment at the resorts of Pyatigorsk.

Lichen planus (with the exception of acutely current forms with erythroderma phenomena) - the southern coast of Crimea.

11. Diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

Chronic nontuberculous catarrhal rhinitis and pharyngitis with frequent exacerbations - sanatorium treatment at climatic resorts (seaside, mountain and forest, mainly in the warm season): Anapa, Absheron group, Bakuriani, Borjomi, Gagra, Gudauta, Druskininkai, Evpatoria, Zeleny Mys, Kabardinka, Nalchik, Odessa , New Athos, Palanga, Riga seaside. The south coast of Crimea.

— treatment at the resorts: Gagra, Yevpatoria, Esentuki, Druskininkai, Nalchik, Saki, Southern Coast of Crimea, in the warm season.

There is a myth that a trip to a sanatorium is necessary for people with certain diseases, and healthy person spa treatment is useless. But the daily hustle and bustle, the fast pace of life with stress at every turn, poor nutrition plus the environmental situation worsening every day - all this weakens human body- slowly but surely. Moreover, with age, the likelihood of developing many diseases increases, and only with the help of prevention can the risk of the onset of the disease be reduced; The resort is the perfect solution for this.

The role of sanatorium rest in disease prevention

When rehabilitation is part of the treatment for diseases, after operations and injuries, there are no questions: the most complete one can be found in a sanatorium. But does a practically healthy person need sanatorium-and-spa treatment? Among people who go to the doctor in rare cases, there is a myth: if nothing hurts, then spa treatment is useless.

Perhaps, many people know the state when on the working days remaining before the vacation, there is neither the strength nor the desire to go to work. The body of any person requires regular rest, so we take a vacation every year. But do we always have time to take care of our health during the holidays? After all, most diseases at the initial stage are asymptomatic, and a person who feels great, in fact, is not. A stay in a sanatorium is the perfect combination of a wonderful holiday with the possibility of wellness treatments.

First of all, an examination will be carried out: either before the trip, or upon arrival at the sanatorium. Even if no deviations are found, you can take a course of recovery aimed at eliminating the consequences of constant stress, restoring working capacity and strengthening immunity. After the spa treatment, the body is completely restored, and in the event of the development of any disease in the future, treatment will take a minimum of time.

In the course of the studies, it was proved that a vacation spent in this way reduces the incidence of various diseases over the next year, including colds, by 2-3 times. Thus, Spa treatment is an excellent method of prevention to avoid unnecessary visits to the doctor. And the sooner the choice is made in favor of prevention, the more likely it is to maintain health for long years. Otherwise, sooner or later, diseases will manifest themselves: then a full and longer treatment will certainly be required.

Why do we need a sanatorium for a person aged

For people who have crossed a certain age limit, taking care of their own health becomes extremely necessary. Over the years, the work of all organs and systems worsens; elderly people often develop serious illnesses which, if not lead to disability, but last longer. Often the disease becomes chronic form or require serious treatment. cardiac, pulmonary, neurological diseases, disorders in the musculoskeletal system, vascular disease - each of these pathologies can make the patient dependent on other people. And who among us does not want to remain vigorous and active until old age? Therefore, staying in a sanatorium for people of age is:

  • a chance to restore lost functions, including mobility in the joints and spine;
  • the ability to maintain maximum motor ability and mental activity for many years;
  • the ability to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, restore vitality;
  • a chance to get rid of sleep problems, etc.

In addition, during the spa treatment, patients, along with a change of scenery, which is not bad in itself, get the opportunity to communicate with their peers with similar problems. This contributes to psychological relaxation and maintaining an active life position. In addition, when undergoing a course of treatment at a resort, a person expects, in addition to high-quality medical care, an interesting cultural program.

Sanatorium treatment - health benefits and more

The profile of the sanatorium depends on natural factors, today mineral waters, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, etc. are very popular. In addition, each sanatorium has its own specialization and is designed to treat certain diseases: circulatory organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, etc. .

In recent years, special complex programs have appeared, for example:

  • "Antistress",
  • "Cleansing the body"
  • "Women's Health"
  • "Shape Correction"
  • "Strengthening the immune system"
  • and even Antitobacco.

There are resorts that are popular with older people, and there are those that will attract families with children. In addition, in modern sanatoriums at the service of vacationers - health centers with swimming pools and sports fields, tennis courts and gyms, massages, etc.

Having planned a vacation in a sanatorium, first of all, you should consult a doctor and undergo some examinations. However, today in many health resorts you can undergo express diagnostics and get recommendations from a health specialist right on the spot.

How long does it take to recover at the resort

The classic program, as a rule, is designed for 21 days. But at will, the course can be shorter or longer - up to 6 weeks. In most cases, institutions take into account the employment of potential clients, so today a wellness holiday in a sanatorium can be issued for 9-11 days, there are also weekend programs. But, choosing a vacation lasting up to 14 days, it is better to abandon procedures with a serious therapeutic load. A full course of treatment in a sanatorium is enough for a healthy person to take once every three years, to relieve stress on weekends after busy working days, the patient's desire is enough.

Contraindications for staying in a sanatorium

For people who are considered practically healthy, there are also contraindications for staying in a sanatorium. Rehabilitation course should be postponed if available acute infection, including colds or purulent process. Weight loss (cachexia) of any origin is considered a contraindication. It is also not recommended to rest in a sanatorium for pregnant women after 26 weeks or with an obstetric pathology that a woman has, regardless of the period.

In our Everyday life busy with work and raising children, we sometimes allocate a minimum of time for ourselves, remembering health only when something is wrong and urgent measures need to be taken. But it is enough to take a wellness vacation in a sanatorium once every two or three years - this will bring invaluable health benefits. Various procedures, massage, mineral baths, swimming pool, hiking on fresh air in an ecologically clean area - there is plenty to choose from! In addition, in today's sanatoriums they cook excellent food, fitness centers and even beauty salons are open.

Oksana Matias, general practitioner

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

A sanatorium is an inpatient treatment, prophylactic and rehabilitation facility that uses various therapeutic methods to prevent diseases and improve general health, but, above all, to alleviate or eliminate the symptoms of certain chronic diseases. The sanatorium uses physiotherapy, diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises, promotes healthy lifestyle life. Successfully treated various states, accompanied painful sensations, (for example, rheumatic, endocrine, metabolic disorders and diseases caused by malnutrition). There are sanatoriums for adults, children, children with parents. Almost all sanatorium institutions located in the resort areas of the country, they work all year round - in winter and summer. Rehabilitation facilities for patients are equipped with sleeping quarters, canteens, rooms for diagnostics and treatment procedures, rooms for recreation and entertainment. Many sanatoriums have balneotherapy, a physiotherapy clinic, a medical beach, a swimming pool, various sports grounds, and a park.

As a rule, spa treatment is prescribed by a doctor. However, you can go to the sanatorium by own will paying for the treatment yourself. But in any case, a doctor's recommendation and a sanatorium card with the results of the patient's examination and the diagnosis of the disease are necessary. In all sanatoriums doctors-specialists of various fields work. Its profile depends on the natural factors of the resort in which the sanatorium is located. It can be specialized according to a group of diseases or a general profile. According to the diagnosis, the doctor selects the appropriate sanatorium in a favorable climatic zone. If there is a mineral spring, a study of its chemical composition is carried out in order to determine which diseases this mineral water is suitable for treating. Mineral water is used for baths or for drinking. If the water is warm, then the spring is considered hot.

In sanatoriums, various physiotherapeutic means are used, for example, mud baths, massage, physical education, thermal and cold procedures, etc. In addition, special diets are prescribed that have a positive effect on nutrition-related disorders, for example, an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood, overweight, diabetes .

What diseases are effectively treated in a sanatorium?

The following diseases are treated in the sanatorium:

  • Rheumatic diseases of the joints, muscles.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolism, including diabetes.
  • Skin and allergic diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Diseases caused by hormonal disorders.
  • The postoperative period (for example, the condition after amputation of a limb).
  • Diseases respiratory tract as well as allergic diseases.
  • Diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver and pancreas.
  • Disease of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Diseases of the nerves.
  • Children's diseases.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs.
  • Consequences of severe injuries.

People suffering from contagious diseases, with exacerbations of chronic diseases, with severe mental illness, as well as cancer patients, are not sent to the sanatorium. It is not recommended to be treated in the sanatorium for pregnant and lactating women.

Follow the spa regime

For greater effectiveness of sanatorium treatment, the patient must comply with the regime in force in the sanatorium. It is necessary to fulfill the assigned healing procedures and follow your doctor's instructions. People who do not comply with the regimen may be discharged prematurely. They may have to pay for medical services themselves.

In sanatoriums, not only therapeutic and preventive therapy is used, but they are also taught to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, while in a sanatorium, use the opportunity to acquire skills, such as yoga or autogenic training.

Spa treatment is complex use natural resort factors and special procedures for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients, as well as the prevention of various diseases. It is often prescribed to restore performance, improve health after injuries, heavy operations or illness. Treatment is divided into restorative, anti-relapse and rehabilitation. In the sanatorium, the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors and attends the procedures prescribed for him, for example, therapeutic gymnastics, massage or bath. Often, healing mineral water from local sources is used during the procedures. In the sanatorium, the patient lives according to a strictly established daily routine. Many people are on a diet.

Who prescribes spa treatment?

Sanatorium treatment is usually prescribed by the attending physician and the head of the department, and in complex or conflict situations- medical committee. Such treatment is indicated for all patients who have had a myocardial infarction or heart surgery. If you have other diseases, you should contact your doctor and find out if he will recommend a sanatorium rehabilitation. The patient can choose the type of spa treatment on his own, in which case the doctors select the necessary wellness program for him. Each rehabilitation institution has places for patients who are ready to pay for their treatment on their own. As a rule, the patient himself should ask if he is entitled to sanatorium rehabilitation (due to the presence of a certain illness, injury, etc.), since the doctor does not always inform the patient about this possibility.

Can I choose a resort?

Each sanatorium treats certain diseases. If the treatment of a particular disease is possible in several sanatoriums of the country, then usually, where and when the sanatorium treatment should take place is determined by the attending physician and (or) the insured. However, each person can express their wishes, which, if possible, will be taken into account when choosing an institution.

Usually the length of stay in a sanatorium is three weeks. However, depending on the disease and the age of the patient, the course of treatment may be shorter or longer (up to six weeks). In addition, after treatment in a sanatorium, the bulletin is usually extended, and the person returns to work only after a while. This period is needed in order for a person to get used to the rhythm of everyday life again.

In order for the spa treatment to be effective, not only physiotherapy procedures are important, but also a change of scenery. Today, spa treatment at home is often promoted.

Types of spa treatment

Natural, or natural, healing factors include the climate, mineral waters, and therapeutic muds. In nature, they are unevenly distributed. Areas with natural healing factors (mineral springs, deposits of therapeutic mud, favorable climate, etc.), as well as balneological and hydrotechnical facilities and medical institutions, are called resorts.

The first resorts in our country were opened by decree of Peter 1. These were Mineralnye Vody near Petrozavodsk and the Lipetsk resort. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, resorts arose in the North Caucasus (Caucasian Mineralnye Vody) and in the Crimea.

Sanatorium-resort treatment can be considered the most natural, physiological. In many diseases, especially in the period of remission, i.e. after the disappearance of acute manifestations, it is most effective. Wide application in the complex sanatorium-resort treatment, various non-drug types of treatment are found: diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises, massage, acupuncture.

Depending on the predominance of one or another therapeutic natural factor, resorts are divided into climatic, balneological and mud therapy.


Climatotherapy is the use of meteorological factors, i.e. features of the climatic and weather conditions of the area, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The climate is characterized by a set of constant meteorological features, while the weather is much more variable. Weather is the state of meteorological elements in a given place at any time.

Climate and weather have a complex, complex effect on the human body. Operating principles climate are the gas composition of the atmosphere, the relative content of oxygen in it, the degree of pollution, the presence of particles that carry electric charge(aeroions), Atmosphere pressure, humidity, precipitation, temperature, intensity of solar radiation, magnetism and other factors. Their effect on the body, as a rule, is combined.

Climatic zones and resorts.

The desert climate is characterized by long hot and dry summers with very high average air temperatures, low humidity, and intense solar radiation. Such a climate promotes profuse sweating and facilitates the function of the kidneys, and therefore it is indicated in chronic nephritis.

The climate of the steppes is also hot and dry, but is characterized by sharper temperature changes between day and night. Such resorts are indicated for those suffering from tuberculosis and chronic lung diseases.

The climate of the forest-steppes (the European part of the country) creates gentle conditions. With it there are no sudden changes in temperature, moderate humidity is observed. The resorts of this zone are widely indicated for various chronic diseases, including diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, hypertension, etc.).

The mountain climate is characterized by the highest air frequency, the intensity of solar radiation, especially ultraviolet radiation, low barometric pressure and relatively low oxygen content, especially in high mountain areas. The climate of these resorts has a tonic and hardening effect, it is indicated for people suffering from functional disorders of the nervous system, chronic compensated diseases of the lungs and heart.

The coastal climate (the climate of the sea coasts) is characterized by purity and freshness of the air with a high content of hydroaeroions, ozone and sea salts, intense solar radiation, which is enhanced by reflection from the sea surface, and the absence of sudden changes in air temperatures. An important feature of the coastal climatic zone is the possibility of using such a therapeutic factor as sea bathing. The seaside climate has a tonic, tonic and hardening effect.

Types of climatotherapy.

Aerotherapy is therapeutic effect open air. Only staying in the climatic environment of this resort, including outdoor walks, excursions, games, has a healing effect. Air baths are a special type of aerotherapy. For aerotherapy, special facilities are used: aeraria, climate pavilions, climate verandas. The therapeutic effect of aerotherapy is based on a dosed and increasing cooling of the body. This improves thermoregulation, increases resistance to low temperatures, i.e. hardens the body. Increased oxygen content in atmospheric air contributes to the improvement of oxidative processes in body tissues. They are shown to all patients in the period of recovery or weakening of the process, especially in diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Heliotherapy is the treatment with solar radiation. Sunbathing is a potent preventive and curative factor and therefore requires strict dosing. They should be carried out only on the prescription of a doctor and under strict medical supervision. The main factor in solar radiation is ultraviolet radiation.

Under the influence of sunbathing, a person’s working capacity and resistance to infectious and catarrhal diseases increase. Indications for heliotherapy are basically the same as for general ultraviolet irradiation, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Thalassotherapy - sea bathing treatment. According to the mechanism of therapeutic action, bathing in other open reservoirs approaches them.

Therapeutic bathing has a multifaceted therapeutic effect and is the most powerful climatotherapeutic procedure. Water acts on the human body immersed in it as a cooling temperature factor, as chemical factor due to the salts dissolved in it, as a mechanical factor - as a result of hydrostatic pressure and mechanical wave energy. Swimming is a type of physical therapy, differing only in that the movements are performed in an environment that reduces body weight, i.e. reducing physical activity. Breathing at the water surface is accompanied by inhalation of hydroaerosols and hydroaeroions.

Thalassotherapy trains the system of thermoregulation, activates the ventilation of the lungs, increases the vitality of the body, and contributes to the hardening of the body.

Sea bathing is indicated for functional diseases central system, with fatigue, chronic diseases of the lungs and heart in the period of remission and compensation.

Balneotherapy and balneological resorts.

Balneotherapy is understood as a set of therapeutic methods based on the use of mineral waters. Mineral waters are formed in the bowels of the earth under the influence of various geological processes. They differ from fresh water in terms of composition and physical properties.

Mineral waters contain various salts in ionized form. Depending on the predominant anion in the composition of a particular water, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfide, nitrate waters and waters of complex composition are distinguished. The main cations are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

According to the gas composition, carbonic, hydrogen sulfide, radon, and nitrogen waters differ.

In addition, depending on the chemical composition, waters containing biologically active microelements are released - iodine-bromine, ferrous, siliceous, arsenic.

The amount (in grams) of mineral salts dissolved in 1 liter of water is called mineralization. There are waters of weak (2-2.5 g/l), medium (5-15 g/l) and high (more than 15 g/l) salinity. In addition, take into account the pH (acidity) of mineral water, its temperature.

Baths of carbonic mineral waters improve myocardial contractility and coronary circulation, reduce high blood pressure, dilate skin vessels (redness reaction), activate the function of endocrine glands and the central nervous system.

Natural hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) baths cause a sharp expansion of skin vessels, which facilitates the work of the heart, promotes healing of skin lesions, excretion of protein breakdown products from the body, and has anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic and desensitizing effects. They affect the cardiovascular system in a similar way to carbon dioxide baths.

Natural radon baths have a specific effect on the body due to alpha radiation that occurs during the decay of atoms of a radioactive gas - radon. They have a pronounced sedative and analgesic property, improve heart activity, and normalize blood pressure. Under the influence of radon baths, the processes of healing and resorption in nerve fibers and muscle bone tissue are accelerated.

Iodine-bromine baths have a specific effect due to the microelements contained in them - iodine and bromine. Iodine, when absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, enhances the activity of the endocrine glands, bromine has a calming effect on the central nervous system, improves heart function.

When ingested, mineral water has a chemical effect due to the trace elements, salts, gases contained in it. It also has properties to cause thermal effects. As a result of such influences, the main functions of the stomach and intestines are normalized.

Mud spas.

Therapeutic muds are various types of silt deposits formed at the bottom of reservoirs, sea estuaries, lakes. Therapeutic muds differ in their origin.

Silty sulfide muds are formed in salty reservoirs with a high degree of water mineralization and contain hydrogen sulfide, methane, and carbon dioxide. They are black and have a creamy texture. organic matter they contain in small quantities. Water is 40-60%.

The solid phase of silt mud is a crystalline skeleton consisting of the smallest particles of clay and sand. The liquid phase filling its gaps is a colloidal mass in which gases, mineral and organic substances are dissolved.

Sapropelic muds are formed at the bottom of open fresh water reservoirs with stagnant water. They contain a lot of salts and water - 90%.

Peat baths are formed in marshy places as a result of long-term decay of plant remains. They are a dense mass of dark brown color with a high content of organic matter.

The local effect of mud on the focus of chronic inflammation is manifested by analgesic, anti-inflammatory and resolving effects. When carried out correctly, mud therapy procedures also have a beneficial effect, increasing the overall tone and reactivity of the body.

Mud treatment is prescribed for diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, the spine, joints, muscles), which do not heal for a long time. trophic ulcers and wounds, diseases and consequences of trauma in the central and peripheral nervous system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the stomach and intestines, some vascular disorders. Mud treatment, thus, is indicated for arthrosis, neuritis, radiculitis, adnexitis, metroendrometritis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases in remission.

Contraindications include acute inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyrotoxicosis, general exhaustion.


All therapeutic and preventive measures at the resorts are carried out in a complex and are based on three climatic and motor modes.

Mode I - sparing, or weak impact is assigned to debilitated patients during the period of adaptation.

Mode II - tonic, or moderate effect, helps to increase vitality and harden the body

Mode III - training, has the strongest effect.

In the transition from one mode to another, the intensity of all procedures prescribed to the patient, both natural and preformed, increases, as well as the climatic impact and all types of the patient's motor activity increase.

"Physiotherapy", L.M. Klyachkin, M.N. Vinogradova - Moscow "Medicine", 1988

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