Home Stomatitis The doctor prescribed a prednisolone injection to treat obstructive bronchitis. Chronic obstructive bronchitis: treatment with modern means

The doctor prescribed a prednisolone injection to treat obstructive bronchitis. Chronic obstructive bronchitis: treatment with modern means

Bronchial asthma has a tendency to periods of exacerbation, which significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. A person begins to be bothered by attacks of suffocation, coughing and severe shortness of breath, and such symptoms do not disappear after taking bronchodilators and are dangerous for the development of status asthmaticus. This is what prompts an asthma patient to seek medical help from a specialist. When prescribing specialized treatment for such conditions, the doctor must prescribe hormonal medications. Let's consider the role of Prednisolone in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid drug similar in action to hydrocortisone. Available in the form of tablets, solution in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous injections, eye drops And external ointment. In severe asthma attacks and status asthmaticus, after eliminating the life-threatening condition, they often switch to taking the tablet form of the drug.

Transformation of Prednisolone occurs in the liver, and to a lesser extent in the kidneys, due to the interaction of glucuronic and sulfuric acids. As a result of this merger, it is formed inactive metabolite, which is excreted from the body through the biliary tract, as well as in the urine.

The drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours its maximum accumulation in the blood is observed.

Properties and benefits of the drug

The drug's activity is many times greater than that of other hormones - Cortisone and Hydrocortisone.

Prednisolone for bronchial asthma often prescribed because it has the following desired effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory. The drug suppresses the release of inflammatory mediators that produce mast cells and eosinophils; reduces capillary permeability; enhances durability cell membrane to damaging factors. In general, all stages of inflammation are affected.
  • Immunosuppressive. Associated with a decrease in the activity of both the lymphocytes themselves and the inhibition of the release of their inflammatory mediators (interleukins, interferon gamma).
  • Antiallergic. This is one of the most important actions of the drug, since it is aimed directly at suppressing reactions caused by the allergen, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and the content of eosinophils in the bronchial epithelium.

The drug also affects beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial system, resulting in a decrease in sputum production and its viscosity. In addition to the above properties, Prednisolone has an effect on metabolic processes in organism. On the part of protein metabolism, there is an increase in the formation of albumin and a decrease in globulin. When exposed to lipid metabolism triglycerides increase and fatty acids, on carbohydrate - an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development of hyperglycemia. The drug also affects water and electrolyte balances by retaining sodium and water in the body, as well as increasing the excretion of potassium.

Compared to Cortisone and Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone does not lead to strong changes in the concentration of water and electrolytes in the body.

All of these properties of the drug justify its use in severe asthma and even in other severe forms respiratory diseases, in particular with obstructive bronchitis.

Prednisolone for status asthmaticus

If a patient experiences a life-threatening attack of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to immediately begin intravenous jet administration of Prednisolone with simultaneous monitoring of indicators blood pressure. Afterwards, the drug is started to be injected into a vein.

If intravenous infusion is not possible, it is initially possible to administer Prednisolone intramuscularly, maintaining the same dosage. Only after the patient’s life-threatening condition has been eliminated can treatment with the tablet form of Prednisolone be started.

Tablet form

Prednisolone tablets are usually prescribed by your doctor if inhaled prednisolone is not effective. Initially, a high dosage of the drug is used, followed by its reduction to the minimum allowable. Taking Prednisolone tablets during the first course of treatment is not recommended for longer than 16 days. Typically, the entire daily dose of the drug is prescribed to a patient with asthma for use at one time. If the dosage is too high, the dose can be divided into 2-4 times per day.

Prednisolone can also be taken in a double dose every other day, and the data clinical trials indicate greater efficiency this method therapy.

For children, the required amount of the drug is calculated taking into account body weight. Reception hormonal medications should always take place in the morning - from six to eight o'clock in the morning, after or during meals.

It is important that the dose of Prednisolone is selected according to the severity of the patient’s condition!

A temporary increase in the amount of the drug is possible if there is a risk of exacerbation, for example, in the presence of a stress factor. Cancel medicine it is only necessary gradually, and the longer the Prednisolone therapy lasted, the slower the dose should be reduced.

Side effects

Prednisolone taken for asthma can contribute to a number of side effects from many organs and systems. As a rule, this is due to prolonged use of the drug or an incorrectly selected dosage:

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms (hiccups, vomiting, nausea), loss of appetite, bloating, ulceration of the gastric or intestinal mucosa (duodenum), which increase the risk of bleeding, may be disturbing.
  • On the part of the heart, disturbances in heart rhythm and a decrease in the frequency of its contractions and an increase in blood pressure may be observed.
  • From the outside nervous system- headaches accompanied by dizziness, sleep disturbances, convulsions. Very rarely, hallucinatory and manic-depressive syndromes and disorientation in place and time can be observed.
  • Metabolic disorders - an increase in blood glucose levels leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, and impaired adrenal function leads to the formation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome in a person. Weight may increase and appear increased sweating and peripheral edema, as a result of excess fluid and sodium accumulation.
  • Allergic manifestations - the appearance of rashes on skin accompanied by itching. Low probability of occurrence anaphylactic shock against the background of drug administration.

To reduce the risk of adverse reactions, the attending physician often, simultaneously with Prednisolone, recommends that the patient consume foods rich in proteins and vitamins, as well as potassium supplements and antacids.

In case of an overdose of Prednisolone, symptomatic therapy is carried out. If you abruptly stop taking the drug or reduce its dosage incorrectly, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, which is characterized by a worsening of the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Only strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician can protect against the development of the above symptoms.

Self-administration of the drug and adjustment of its dosage are strictly prohibited!

When should you not take Prednisolone?

There is an absolute restriction on the use of this drug, even if vital signs, is the presence of a person intolerance to Prednisolone. Since the drug contains lactose, it is not prescribed to people who are intolerant to this substance.

Particular attention should be paid to prescribing the drug in the presence of the following concomitant diseases:

  • For pathologies of the digestive system (gastric ulcers, gastritis and ulcerative colitis).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (new myocardial infarction, severe heart failure, high blood pressure).
  • If a person has diabetes, Itsenko-Cushing's disease and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • During or during a recent infectious disease. In case of severe infectious process Prednisolone is prescribed only simultaneously with specific therapy.
  • Eight weeks before and two weeks after vaccination.
  • With severe changes in the functional capacity of the liver and kidneys.
  • For osteoporosis and glaucoma.

Prednisolone for asthma in pregnant women is used only if there are vital indications, when the benefits outweigh the risks of its use. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation.

Possible interactions and monitoring of treatment

The simultaneous use of Prednisolone for asthma with a number of other medications can provoke deviations in both laboratory parameters and worsen the patient’s well-being. The most common possible interactions to avoid are:

  • Diuretics, as well as Amphotericin B, in combination with Prednisolone increase potassium excretion. Amphotericin B also increases the risk of osteoporosis and heart failure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with drugs that contain sodium increases the likelihood of developing edema and an increase in blood pressure.
  • Concomitant use with cardiac glycosides aggravates hypokalemia and provokes the occurrence of ventricular extrasystoles.
  • Taking with anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Combined use with paracetamol or cyclosporine increases toxic damage liver.
  • Simultaneous use with m-anticholinergics provokes an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with immunosuppressants can provoke the development of infectious diseases or lymphoma.

During hormonal therapy, it is important to monitor changes in indicators laboratory research: electrolyte levels, blood sugar.

Compliance with all the rules for taking Prednisolone for bronchial asthma can guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and the elimination of symptoms that cause the severity of the patient’s condition.

Prednisolone – synthetic hormonal drug, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This remedy can relieve unpleasant symptoms after just 2 days; it would seem that this is a panacea for all diseases.

But there are many controversies and debates regarding its use citing the side effects caused by this medicine. In this article we will tell you why Prednisolone is taken, how it works, whether it is prescribed to children and pregnant women, what are the contraindications of the drug, and why it is dangerous.

Properties, action and use of the drug

If the drug is taken for a long time, then the activity of fibroblasts is inhibited, the combination of not only collagen, but also connective tissue, protein in the muscles is destroyed, protein synthesis in the liver increases.

Due to inhibition of lymphocyte growth during long-term use the production of antibodies is suppressed, which has a positive effect on immunosuppressive and antiallergic properties.

Due to the influence of the drug, the reaction of blood vessels to the vasoconstrictor substance increases, because of this, vascular receptors become more sensitive, the removal of salt and water from the body is stimulated, which affects the anti-shock effect of the drug.

In the liver, protein synthesis is stimulated, the stability of the cell membrane increases, which leads to a good antitoxic effect.

Taking Prednisolone increases the synthesis of glucose by the liver. Elevated blood glucose levels increase insulin production.

Prednisolone has the following effects:

It is important to take this remedy correctly, due to indiscriminate use, fat accumulation is observed, calcium absorption by the intestines is impaired, and its leaching from the bones and excretion by the kidneys increases. A high dosage of the drug increases the excitability of the brain, reduces the threshold of convulsive readiness, stimulates increased secretion stomach of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Many people are interested in the question of how long the drug lasts. Medicines available in tablets naturally take longer to take effect. The tablets have 2 types of dosage: 1 and 5 mg.

The action of Prednisolone begins from the moment it enters the gastrointestinal tract. circulatory system and forms bonds with proteins. If the blood contains less protein, then Prednisolone has a negative effect on the body as a whole, therefore, when treating with this drug, regular blood monitoring is necessary.

On average, the drug has an active effect 1.5 hours after its use, which continues throughout the day, after which it decomposes in the liver and is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. Prednisolone injections for intramuscular injection begins to act after 15 minutes, when administered intravenously – within 3-5 minutes.

In tablets

The medicine in tablet form is effective for the following conditions:

Prednisolone helps with severe flows allergic diseases, such as:

  1. Bronchitis.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Anaphylactic shock.

Prednisolone is taken for diseases that are associated with low production of corticosteroids, for example:

  1. Adrenal gland dysfunction.
  2. Addison's disease.
  3. Adrenogenital syndrome.

Somatic indications for taking this drug:

In injections

Indications for the administration of Prednisolone injections are associated with severe conditions that require urgent care. Injections are administered both intramuscularly and intravenously for the following conditions:

  1. Brain swelling.
  2. State of shock.
  3. Adrenal insufficiency.
  4. Toxic crisis.
  5. Swelling of the larynx.
  6. Poisoning.

Local application

Indications for local use the following:

It is correct to use Prednisolone during pregnancy only in cases where the need for use for a woman is higher than possible risk for the baby. This drug passes through the placental barrier and has an effect on the fetus, and the dosage is selected individually based on the patient’s condition.

Indications for prescribing Prednisolone for bronchitis

Prednisolone helps well with chronic bronchitis, which is complicated by obstruction. Of course, this drug is a serious drug, but when bronchodilator therapy does not have an effect, this drug is prescribed in tablets against the background of ongoing treatment with bronchodilator drugs.

For chronic bronchitis, aggravated by elevated temperature, Prednisolone is used for quite a long time. Only then can you count on a successful result.

Many people are afraid to use this drug; of course, this is a serious medicine, but with its help you can quickly remove the obstruction and return to your normal lifestyle.

Dosage, side effects and contraindications of Prednisolone

However, it is important to drink most of it in the morning. To ensure that side effects have minimal impact on gastrointestinal tract, you need to take the tablets during meals, with a small amount of water. The following recommendations must be followed:

The intervals between dose reductions should be no more than 3 days; if the drug has been used for a long time, then the daily dose should be reduced more slowly.

Prednisolone therapy should not be abruptly stopped; withdrawal should occur more slowly than its prescription.

If an exacerbation of the disease occurs during therapy with this drug, allergic manifestation, surgery, stress load, then the dosage of the drug must be increased 2-3 times, namely:

In critical situations, the injection can be repeated after half an hour.

Prednisolone eye drops are instilled for adults, 2 drops three times, for children, 1 drop. Local application of the ointment is possible 1 to 3 times in a thin layer on the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Prednisolone, like everyone else medications, has contraindications for its use, namely:

The drug has an effective effect on the body as a whole, but it is combined with a considerable amount unwanted effects. Below we consider the most famous side effects, affecting many systems.

Endocrine system

This drug causes disorders of the endocrine gland, manifested in the form of destruction of proteins that are used to produce glucose by the body, this has a Negative influence on metabolic processes. Long-term use of Prednisolone leads to a lack of protein in the blood. Due to which the body produces harmful progesterone.

If there is a lack of protein in the plasma, then growth disturbances and failure of sexual development occur in children.

Against the background of endocrine system disorders, blood sugar levels rise, which naturally has a negative effect on people with diabetes. At the same time, fats are formed and deposited in the tissues, which leads to excess weight.

There is a violation of the mineral balance, there is an excessive withdrawal of calcium and potassium, resulting in the accumulation of salts and water. All this leads to the formation of edema and thinning of the bones. If you take Prednisolone for a long time, women experience disruption of the menstrual cycle, and men experience sexual dysfunction.

Of cardio-vascular system

Violations by of cardio-vascular system. Due to the removal of potassium from the body, the myocardium often suffers, which leads to an abnormal heart rhythm. A too slow rhythm may develop, leading to cardiac arrest, heart failure develops, and blood stagnation forms in the vessels. The situation is made worse by the retention of water and sodium in the body, which leads to the formation of more blood volume and increased stagnation.

Nervous system

Often, while taking this drug, there is a disturbance in the nervous system, which leads to increased blood pressure and vasospasm. All this causes blood clots - the main cause of strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, in people suffering from a heart attack, tissue scarring occurs slowly.

Side effects from the nervous system affect spasms blood vessels, stagnation of blood vessels, which leads to headaches, increased brain pressure, insomnia, convulsions, and dizziness.

Other systems

Long-term use of Prednisolone also has a negative effect on:

Prednisolone is a fairly serious drug that is prescribed in difficult cases when therapy with other methods does not produce the desired results.

Due to the fact that it has many side effects, the drug should not be consumed for a long time. The dosage of the drug, the duration of the therapeutic course and the time of completion of the course should be carried out according to the formula developed for the individual patient, based on his body characteristics.

Recently, chronic obstructive bronchitis has been given a new definition - chronic obstructive bronchitis. The disease is difficult to treat and causes a lot of complications from the respiratory system.

The chronic form of obstructive bronchitis is dangerous due to impaired ventilation of the lungs. The disease occurs as a result of prolonged irritation of the alveoli in the bronchi by various substances. Diffuse begins in the bronchial tree, the lumens narrow, making it difficult for the accumulated mucus to escape.

Obstructive bronchitis easily passes from acute to chronic form, since it can proceed for months without significant symptoms. This type of bronchitis is not always the result of a complication of influenza or ARVI. Among the causes of obstructive bronchitis are:

  • active and passive smoking
  • regular inhalation of air contaminated with ammonia, chlorine, organic and inorganic dust, silicon, acid fumes
  • age range after 40 years
  • genetic factor
  • frequent in the nasopharynx
  • tendency to allergies
  • recurring respiratory diseases
  • poisoning, injuries, burns

Primary acute bronchitis with obstruction in most cases develops against the background of viral or bacterial infections. Degenerative processes in the lungs lead to the fact that the bronchi produce more mucus than they are able to remove.

Doctors associate the prevalence of the disease with the unfavorable situation in megacities. As a rule, chronic obstructive bronchitis is more often diagnosed in men who smoke after 40 years of age.

If for two years the patient has experienced bronchitis with obstruction with a duration of episodes of at least 3 months, then he is diagnosed.

Classification of obstructive bronchitis

There are several types of bronchitis with obstruction syndrome.

Features of the pathology

Bronchitis in chronic form has its own characteristics:

  1. At first, the intervals between exacerbations are long, relapse occurs only against the background of another infectious disease, but extremely rarely. After two to three years, the patient is almost constantly in a state of relapse of obstructive bronchitis: shortness of breath at rest and whistling sounds during breathing.
  2. The chronic form of bronchitis with obstruction syndrome finally develops 7-10 years after the first diagnosis. Progressive shortness of breath transforms into respiratory failure.
  3. The shape of the fingers changes - due to chronic lack of oxygen, the fingers become like drumsticks, the nails take on a convex shape.
  4. The patient is bothered by the sticky cold sweat on the hands, and sweat appears both during exercise and at rest.
  5. Constant moist cough manifests itself throughout the day, intensifies at night and before dawn, sputum is very difficult to clear.
  6. In the morning, mucus comes out in greater volumes than during the day; it has a bitter taste and an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  7. The most comfortable position for the patient is half-sitting. In this position, a person feels less shortness of breath.
  8. In the chronic form of obstructive bronchitis, moist wheezing and harsh breathing can be heard without special medical instruments.

From distinctive feature is swollen veins in the neck: the result of constant shortness of breath. Due to oxygen deficiency, the skin becomes pale or even has a bluish tint.

In patients over 60 years of age, the signs of chronic obstructive bronchitis are similar to those of pulmonary emphysema.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis

The success of treatment largely depends on the patient himself and is aimed at reducing the rate of disease progression. First of all, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused the relapse of obstructive bronchitis. Smokers should quit bad habit, it is advisable for people who acquired the disease in hazardous work to change their profession.

First aid for pulmonary hemorrhage, which causes the lungs to bleed, main symptoms

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and go into remission, a whole range of drugs is prescribed:

  • Bronchodilators. The greatest effect of drugs is achieved by administering them through inhalation; in severe cases, the drug is administered intravenously. To relieve bronchospasm, the following are used: Eufillin, Atrovent, Salbutamol, Berotek, Teopek.
  • Mucolytic drugs to thin viscous sputum and reduce the volume of mucus produced. To stimulate the removal of excess mucus from the lungs, the following are prescribed: Bronchicum, ACC, Lazolvan, Gederin, Ascoril, Herbion.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate inflammation in the bronchi: Diclofenac, Phenylbutazone. Glucocorticoids are often used due to their effectiveness in the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis: Prednisolone.
  • Antibiotics. Indicated only in case of bacterial infection due to bronchitis. The decision to take antibiotics should be made by your doctor. The course of antibiotics ranges from 7 to 14 days, the drugs used are Amoxicillin, Flemoklav, Augmentin, Azithromycin.

During the remission stage, the use of expectorants continues; breathing exercises using the Buteyko or Strelnikova method are recommended. It is advisable to take a multivitamin complex.

Contraindications for treatment

During relapse of bronchitis should be avoided sharp changes temperatures: such jumps provoke coughing attacks. People with chronic obstructive bronchitis are prohibited from staying in a dusty, stuffy room with low air humidity.

Some heart medications also make cough worse: ACE inhibitors should be changed to similar drug, taking it during bronchitis is contraindicated.

Grandmother's method of warming up with cups during exacerbation of chronic bronchitis with obstruction is prohibited. It is not advisable to visit baths and saunas, so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process, especially when a bacterial infection is present.

In most cases, treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults takes place at home. There are indications for hospital treatment:

  • addition of pneumonia
  • symptoms of bronchial obstruction do not go away after home therapy
  • sudden development of acute respiratory failure
  • need for bronchoscopy
  • probability

During the period of remission, antibacterial drugs are not used in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

Inhalation with a nebulizer for COB - advantages

The effectiveness of inhalations with medicinal solutions using a nebulizer has been proven by medicine. For obstructive bronchitis, it is preferable to use devices that create an aerosol without increasing the temperature.

For bronchitis with obstructive syndrome, inhalation with essential oils and medicinal herbs prohibited. can cause allergies, resulting in increased swelling of the bronchi.

For the chronic form of obstructive bronchitis, inhalations are recommended:

  1. Slightly alkaline mineral water(Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova, Narzan). For 1 inhalation, 4 ml of mineral water is consumed. The alkaline composition moisturizes the mucous membranes down to the small bronchial alveoli, where the medicine converts thick sputum into a liquid consistency. Procedures with mineral water allowed up to 4 times a day.
  2. Berodual. The most effective remedy for relieving the symptoms of bronchitis. The drug has a minimum of side effects and is indicated in severe cases to prevent an asthmatic attack. The interval between inhalations of Berodual is 4 hours.
  3. Berotek. Used to expand the bronchial lumen in chronic bronchial obstruction. Berotec is well tolerated, up to 4 inhalations per day are allowed.

Diet during an exacerbation of the disease is aimed at eliminating swelling bronchial tree, stimulation of immunity, replenishment of reserves. Food should be high in calories, at least 3000 cal/day, with a predominance of proteins.

Healthy foods:

  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese
  • fruits with vitamin C: orange, lemon, raspberry, grapefruit
  • Products with Omega-3 acids: fish fat, Cod liver
  • foods containing magnesium: nuts, bananas, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, Rye bread, buckwheat, olives, tomatoes
  • vitamins A and E: green peas, beans, spinach, peach, avocado, carrots

During the treatment of a relapse, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar and salt, limit the intake of allergenic foods (tea, chocolate, coffee, cocoa). Hot, spicy, smoked foods contribute to the development of bronchospasm, so they should also be excluded from the diet or eaten in small quantities.

The chronic form of obstructive bronchitis can easily develop into bronchial asthma, so this disease should not be left to chance. In the treatment of respiratory tract pathology, it is important to prevent irreversible changes in the bronchi and slow down the progression of obstruction.

Oct 25, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, often diagnosed in children early age. In children, the disease is much more complicated than in adults. The risk of serious complications (from pneumonia to asthma) is extremely high, so in case of bronchitis important given to timely treatment.

Principles of treatment of bronchitis depending on the type and form

Today in medicine the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • recurrent;
  • chronic.

There are also known forms of the disease such as:

  • obstructive;
  • chlamydial;
  • viral;
  • allergic.

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is considered a self-limiting inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree.

As a rule, this form of bronchitis is completely cured, all functions in the body are restored. It will take 10 to 20 days to fight the disease.

Acute bronchitis can be treated at home, after first consulting a pediatrician and prescribing treatment.

In the acute form, it is very important to prevent the occurrence of complications. General recommendations for a sick child - plenty of fluids and warm foot baths. As for pharmacotherapy, it is most often prescribed symptomatic treatment. Acceptable use combination drugs. Measures for acute bronchitis:

  1. Antibiotic therapy is indicated for children if the bacterial nature of the disease can be traced. In such cases, the sputum is usually purulent or mucopurulent. In the treatment of acute bronchitis today, drugs containing penicillin and macrolides are mainly used. In the typical course of upper respiratory tract disease, Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav is prescribed, as well as:
    • Bactrim;
    • Biseptol;
    • Ceftriaxone;
    • Flemoxin;
    • Flemoxin solutab;
    • Oxamp;
    • Augmentin;
    • Cefotaxime;
    • Cefazolin.
  2. Antitussive drugs (Sinekod) are used for unproductive coughs that bring suffering to the baby. Mucolytics or expectorants plant based(Acc, Mukaltin, Lazolvan, Askoril, Gedelix) will be needed for children with viscous and difficult to separate sputum.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs with a bronchodilator component (Erespal) are necessary if there is too much sputum and frequent coughing attacks.

    Application of antimicrobials medical supplies in acute bronchitis - very rare. The basis for this purpose is the bacterial nature of the disease. Most often they are recommended for children who take immunosuppressants.

Cases of acute bronchitis accompanied by bronchospasm require a special approach to treatment. There are a number of contraindications for the prescription of antitussive and antimicrobial drugs.

  1. Black radish with honey. You need to make a hole in the radish and add honey to it. After some time, juice will appear there, which should be taken 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is 7–8 days.
  2. Onion broth. Pour two glasses of onion peel into one glass of boiling water. Cook the product for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth and use it as a compress: apply gauze soaked in the medicine for 20 minutes, once a day for 3–5 days.
  3. Milk and oats. Add a handful of oats to a glass of warm milk. Simmer the resulting product in a clay pot in the oven for one hour. Use the entire amount of medication in 1 day.
  4. Bear fat. Mix 1 tsp. fat and 1 tsp. honey and consume orally 2 times a day 1 hour before meals.
  5. Fish fat. Take 1 tsp. 1 time a day in the morning before meals.

Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial bronchitis - gallery



With obstructive bronchitis, children literally suffocate from coughing in front of their parents. This form of upper respiratory tract disease is most typical for children in the first year of life. Treatment takes place in a hospital setting (in a medical facility), and less often the sick child remains at home.

Most often, obstructive bronchitis occurs in children from 1 to 6 years old.

Obstructive bronchitis is not an independent disease, but is a symptom of some other disease. Therefore, the root cause (most often ARVI) is treated. But the first and main recommendation is to provide the child with plenty of fluids, which will facilitate the outflow of mucus, and make sure that the air in the room is moist and cool.

Important! Since obstructive bronchitis is most often a symptom of acute respiratory infection or allergies, the use of antibiotics is useless. The exception is the obstructive form of the disease due to pneumonia.

  1. Antispasmodics (Salbutamol aerosol) will help improve airway patency.
  2. When allergic reactions or if the child has signs of allergic (asthmatic) bronchitis, second-generation antihistamines (Fenistil, Suprastin) are used.
  3. Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are used as anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Bronchodilators (Eufillin) are prescribed to expand the lumen and eliminate bronchospasm by relaxing the muscles.
  5. To combat bacteria, a combined antibacterial agent(Biseptol).

With obstructive bronchitis, it is strictly forbidden to treat a child with inhalations, bathe in a warm bath, or give mucolytics and immunostimulants. In addition, bed rest is contraindicated, since mucus is better removed in an upright position.

  1. Primrose root decoction. 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the primrose root and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. strictly before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 4–6 days.
  2. Elecampane decoction. Pour one teaspoon of chopped elecampane root into a glass of clean cold water. Leave for 12 hours. Take 1 tbsp every hour. l. for 6–7 days.

Important! All medications are prescribed only by a pediatrician!


Bronchiolitis is an acute viral infection of the lower respiratory tract that affects the small bronchi and bronchioles. Most often, the cause of this form of the disease is acute respiratory syncytial virus, less often - parainfluenza virus, parotitis, rhinovirus. As a rule, children are treated for bronchiolitis as an inpatient. Because they are highly contagious, they are placed in a separate room, and in cases of respiratory failure, resuscitation is required.

The disease is most severe in newborns and infants

Drinking too much can cause swelling in the bronchi and worsen the condition, so the use of fluid by a sick child is under strict control. Depending on the level of gases in the blood, oxygen therapy may be prescribed.

  1. Pharmacological treatment of bronchiolitis primarily involves the administration of bronchodilators (Salbutomol).
  2. Antibiotics are used to prevent re-infection (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed).
  3. Therapy is based on monitoring diuresis (urine volume), glucocorticoid therapy against inflammation, the use of oxygen therapy, and taking medications to maintain heart function.

Among the folk remedies for treating bronchiolitis in children are:

  1. Chocolate butter. Ingredients: butter - 250 g, cocoa - 1/2 pack, honey - 1 glass, sugar - 0.5 kg, pork lard - 150 g. Mix sugar and cocoa and bring to a boil. Cool. Then heat the lard and pour it into sugar and cocoa. Add butter and honey to the resulting mixture. Mix well. Give the child 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.
  2. Raspberry tea. Brew raspberry leaves (dry or fresh) with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10–15 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day.
  3. Carrot juice. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Or make juice in a juicer. Take 1 teaspoon before each meal for 5-7 days.

The effectiveness of inhalations for this form of bronchitis has not been proven.


Viral bronchitis is a consequence of influenza and parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus or adenovirus entering the lower respiratory tract. Any form of the disease can have a similar nature, therefore treatment, depending on the condition, can be outpatient (at home with regular medical supervision or during an independent visit medical institution), and inpatient (directly in a medical institution).

Note! For viral bronchitis drug treatment antibiotics are useless, since viruses are immune to these drugs. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only if the pediatrician has diagnosed the accession bacterial infection(Azithromycin, Zinnat).

Pharmacological treatment includes the use of:

  • antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol);
  • mucolytics (Acc);
  • antiviral agents (Viferon, Genferon, Kipferon);
  • blocking the multiplication of the virus, bronchodilators (Salbutamol) in case the child develops shortness of breath.

With a viral form of bronchitis, it is possible steam inhalations and aerosol (Berodual). Therapeutic massage and breathing exercises are recommended.

Therapeutic massage will help phlegm come out faster and easier

Traditional medicine also offers its own methods of combating viral bronchitis. By effective means are considered:

  1. Ginger tea. Pour 5 g of dry ginger powder into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10–15 minutes. You can use fresh ginger: finely chop and brew hot water. Drink 3-4 glasses per day for 5-6 days.
  2. Propolis infusion. Pour 20 g of propolis into a glass of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Take 15–20 drops three times a day for 1 week.
  3. A decoction of viburnum berries. Pour half a glass of berries into 500 ml of hot water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool and add 3 tbsp to the broth. l. honey. Take 4 times a day, 100 g. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

Medicines aimed at reducing temperature - gallery

Efferalgan Nurofen


Chlamydial bronchitis is a type of respiratory chlamydia and can occur similar to pneumonia, pharyngitis, and conjunctivitis. The causative agent of the disease is the pathogenic microorganisms chlamydia. Treatment of newborns and infants is often inpatient; older children and adolescents can get rid of chlamydial bronchitis at home. In the latter case, parents should limit contact with a sick child, take care of strengthening his immunity and maintaining hygiene.

Main medicine in the treatment of this form of respiratory tract disease - antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav). In addition, probiotics (Linex) and immunostimulants (Anaferon, Arbidol) are prescribed.

Very important! Use of medicinal antibacterial drug Bioparox is dangerous to health! Its sale is prohibited, permission for use has been revoked.

Treatment of the disease depending on the age of the child

In newborns

Most often, bronchitis in such babies is congenital, that is, the child fell ill with it in the womb. As a rule, at this age, obstructive and chlamydial forms occur, which require exclusively inpatient treatment under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

Congenital bronchitis, just like that acquired in the first days of life, is dangerous with complications, for example, pneumonia.

Drug treatment is used that is specific to the specific form of bronchitis; drug doses are prescribed by neonatologists taking into account age.

In infants

In infants, bronchitis occurs with difficulty breathing and a characteristic whistling sound, which frightens parents a lot. An important element to maintain the baby's immunity is breast milk. If the form of the respiratory tract disease does not exclude copious fluid intake, it is necessary to ensure drinking regime in case of outpatient treatment of a child. During treatment in a hospital, all necessary medications will be prescribed by doctors in the required dosage, taking into account the age of the baby. Recommendations for physical therapy will also be given.

It is important to remember that antibiotics are prescribed only if bacterial nature bronchitis, otherwise drugs in this group will simply be useless and, most likely, will do harm children's body how to help in the fight against the disease.

In older children (from 1 year)

Inpatient treatment of bronchitis in older children occurs in severe cases of the disease. More often, home therapy is indicated in compliance with the recommendations of a pediatrician, who prescribes pharmacological medications and gives advice on inhalations and other methods of physical therapy.

In teenagers

Treatment in adolescents also depends on the form of the disease and the course of the disease. Deserves special attention chronic bronchitis, in this case, enhanced treatment measures are required, as complications may follow.

Physiotherapy, breathing exercises, exercise therapy


Physiotherapy methods for bronchitis:


Exercise therapy is one of the main and mandatory methods in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. Physiotherapy promotes a speedy recovery, and also improves immunity, preventing reinfection infection. Sample exercises:

  1. Boat. Lying on your stomach, grab your shins with your hands and in this position rock back and forth.
  2. Bike. Lying on your back, raise your legs perpendicular to your body and rotate them one by one.
  3. Wheelbarrow. Take the child by the legs and ask him to “walk” on his hands in this position.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are also indicated for obstructive bronchitis; it includes a whole complex breathing exercises, aimed at freeing the bronchi from mucus, restoring atrophied mucosa and relieving inflammation.

Breathing exercises and massage - video

Other treatment methods: darsonval, diet, heating, postural drainage

  1. Bronchitis should be treated according to its type, since different forms of the disease have their own methods. Therefore, the main recommendation: at the first symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. If therapy is carried out at home, the room should be kept perfectly clean and wet cleaned at least once a day. Having a humidifier won't hurt.
  3. Personal hygiene standards must be observed. Wash your hands regularly, change bed linen every day, use disinfectants. It is better to use disposable handkerchiefs. These measures will help avoid the chronic form.

Doctor Komarovsky about bronchitis - video


First of all, parents’ actions should be aimed at increasing the child’s immunity; this is facilitated by frequent active walks in the open air, playing sports, balanced diet and a rich diet. Exercise therapy, breathing exercises, massage, UHF are aimed at preventing the recurrence of bronchitis. There is currently no vaccine (vaccination) against inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Measures to take:

  1. Eliminate foci of infection that provoke the disease or its new wave. Usually they are diseases of the ENT organs (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis).
  2. During colds, immunostimulating therapy should be carried out. Drugs: Arbidol, Aflubin, Anaferon. This will help avoid many diseases and strengthen the child’s body.
  3. It is necessary to use immunomodulators (Ribomunil, Bronchomunal, Biostim) for protracted forms of diseases.

The basic principles of treating bronchitis in children are timely consultation with a doctor for a correct diagnosis, competently prescribed treatment and the willingness of parents to take care of increasing the immunity of their children.

Nowadays, people are exposed to a large number of adverse health factors. This is a bad environment, polluted air, smoking, viral infections. All these phenomena can become the culprits of such extreme unpleasant disease, like obstructive bronchitis, in adults. Treatment of pathology must begin as early as possible. Otherwise, quite serious complications may develop.

Characteristics of the disease

Initially, you should understand what obstructive bronchitis is in adults. What it is? We are talking about a fairly serious pathology. It is characterized by progressive narrowing of the airways. This condition, unfortunately, is practically irreversible. The disease is associated with various diseases occurring in the small respiratory tract. In addition, it is characterized by emphysema, a process that destroys the parenchyma of the lungs.

Such phenomena provoke harmful substances, smoke that the patient encounters daily. As a result, a person begins to develop an inflammatory reaction to such influences.

Sometimes the disease occurs in a chronic form (COPD). This is an extremely serious and difficult condition. After all, COPD is incurable. Taking medications, using folk recipes They only help to slow down the development of pathology and significantly improve the patient’s condition.

However, witch doctors' recipes should not be underestimated. Traditional medicine plays a very important role in the treatment of this disease. important role. There are cases when patients recovered using herbs, infusions and decoctions as medicines.

Causes of the disease

What leads to the development of such a disease as obstructive bronchitis in adults? Symptoms and treatment, as well as factors that provoke pathology, of course, deserve special attention, but we should not forget about the causes of the development of the disease, because, as we know, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it.

The pathology is characterized by narrowing of the airways. As a result, the phlegm has no way out. This condition often leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

The culprits of the disease are:

  1. Frequent colds.
  2. Chronic forms of nasopharyngeal diseases.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Harmful conditions in the workplace. A person with air inhales particles of substances that contribute to the development of the disease.
  6. Heredity. If someone in the family suffers from obstructive bronchitis, then the pathology may develop in relatives. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Characteristic symptoms

Doctors say that there is still initial stage obstructive bronchitis in adults can be suspected. It is best to discuss the symptoms and treatment of the pathology with your doctor. After all, making a diagnosis on your own, let alone selecting therapy, can be very dangerous.

The manifestation of signs of the disease depends on the cause of the disease.

If as a result viral infection developed acute form disease, the patient most often experiences the following clinical picture:

  1. Cough. Dry at first, sputum begins to be produced over time. In acute bronchitis, the cough lasts from one to two weeks. If it does not disappear for a long time, then, most likely, bronchitis has become chronic.
  2. Very heat(reaches 39 degrees).

When acute bronchitis occurs as a result of a bacterial infection, it can be mistaken for a common cold. After all, the symptoms are very similar to such ailments: low temperature, moist cough, general state brokenness.

Acute obstructive bronchitis can be cured within a week. Of course, if it is diagnosed in time and the correct therapy is carried out.

If chronic obstructive bronchitis is observed in adults, the symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  • constant cough, worse in the morning;
  • body temperature is mostly normal;
  • developing shortness of breath, which can only be treated at an early stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very important to promptly detect bronchitis (obstructive) in adults. Treatment and diagnosis are carried out by a pulmonologist.

To accurately determine pathology, the following studies are used:

  • immunological tests;
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • listening to the lungs with a phonendoscope;
  • and respiratory tract washouts;
  • tomography of the lungs;
  • X-ray.

What to do if bronchitis is confirmed in adults? How to treat the pathology?

The patient needs to protect himself as much as possible from negative impact environment and other circumstances that could worsen his health.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Take medications and traditional medicine on a regular basis.
  2. Quit smoking, including passive smoking.
  3. Try not to be in places with gassed or polluted air.
  4. Apply preventive actions to protect against infections. Try to avoid crowded places and take medications to strengthen your immune system.
  5. Ventilate the premises more often and take walks.
  6. Do breathing exercises.
  7. Stick to the right diet. Eat foods rich in protein, potassium, vitamin C, and calcium. Please note: dairy products that contribute to the formation of sputum are contraindicated.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids (non-carbonated).
  9. Try not to salt your food.

Drug therapy

If obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in adults, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor (as in any other case and with any other disease). And only after a comprehensive examination of the patient has been carried out.

The following medications are usually prescribed:

  1. To liquefy sputum and expand the alveoli, the drugs Terbutaline and Salbutamol are used.
  2. For better sputum separation and cough relief, the medications Ambroxol, ACC, and Bromhexine are recommended.
  3. Antibiotics (tablets or injections): Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin.
  4. Hormonal drugs are rarely prescribed. They are recommended only if other medications do not help. The most commonly prescribed drug is Prednisolone.

Treatment with gymnastics, massage and inhalations

These methods are very effective for such a disease as obstructive bronchitis. In adults, treatment (and in children, in principle, too) includes massage, inhalations, breathing exercises, which helps to restore the body faster.

  1. Do steam inhalations. They are made with soda-alkaline and folk remedies.
  2. Method breathing exercises recommended after an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Another event provides excellent results. This is sound gymnastics. It works as follows. When pronouncing various sounds, vibration of the ligaments begins. It passes into the respiratory tract. As a result, the bronchi relax. The rules for conducting sound gymnastics are prescribed by the doctor for each patient individually.
  4. Massage chest- promotes contraction of bronchial muscles. This stimulates mucus production and makes breathing easier.

Traditional medicine recipes

Quite often, witchcraft recipes are included in therapy. They are quite effective in combating diseases such as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies must be discussed with a doctor. There are many recipes to alleviate the condition of a patient with obstructive bronchitis.

Here are some of them:

  1. A special collection of oregano (200 g), coltsfoot leaves (200 g) and linden color(150 g). Pour 3 tbsp into a thermos. l. herbal mixture, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day.
  2. All patients with obstructive bronchitis experience difficulty breathing and to improve the patient's condition ethnoscience offers this infusion. Pour 100 g of flaxseeds with half a liter of vegetable oil. Place in a dark and warm place. After two weeks, the infusion is ready, you need to strain it and take a tablespoon 4 times a day, washed down with egg yolk.
  3. Oil infusion bay leaf helps ease breathing. In addition, it improves blood supply to the bronchi. Finely chop fresh laurel leaves (100 g) and add 50 g of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Leave for 10 days, then strain. Rub the prepared infusion into the chest area overnight.

Patients' opinions

So, now you know what treatment should be for such a pathology as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Patient reviews indicate that medications, selected by a doctor, bring significant relief.

Quite popular and folk remedies. Many patients do inhalations. Improvement after such procedures, according to patients, occurs quite quickly.

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