Home Children's dentistry Orvi during lactation. A mother’s cold while breastfeeding: how to treat it and what antiviral drugs can be taken during lactation? Symptomatic treatment for acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers

Orvi during lactation. A mother’s cold while breastfeeding: how to treat it and what antiviral drugs can be taken during lactation? Symptomatic treatment for acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers

Acute respiratory diseases (ARI), or, as they are called in everyday life, colds, are a group of diseases caused by various viruses, mainly affecting the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and causing general intoxication of the body (its symptoms are headache, muscle pain, lethargy, weakness). It would seem that acute respiratory infections are not like that terrible diagnosis, because almost every person “catch” this infection at least once a year. But a cold in a nursing mother is a special case.

The duration of a cold ranges from several days to several weeks. Infection with acute respiratory infections occurs by inhaling droplets of sputum containing viruses that enter the air from sick people when coughing, sneezing and talking.

Susceptibility to acute respiratory infections in nursing mothers is very high: their respiratory organs constantly work under high load, since milk production requires high energy consumption and a large amount of oxygen.

The main signs of all types of colds are fever, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, sore throat, and cough.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections should begin as early as possible. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor who can recommend appropriate therapy. At home, a sick mother should wear a disposable mask, which must be changed every 2 hours. There is no need to stop breastfeeding if acute respiratory infections occur, except in cases of prescribing medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding.

Mother and baby need to continue breastfeeding, because...

  • With mother's milk the baby began to receive protective antibodies, produced by the mother’s body against the pathogenic agent even before the mother’s disease began to manifest itself clinically. Interrupting feeding deprives the baby's body of the necessary immune support; he will have to fight the possible invasion of viruses on his own. The chances of getting sick in a baby who is weaned during the mother's illness increase.
  • When weaning the baby from the breast, the mother will have to pump at least 6-7 times a day, which elevated temperature very hard. If, due to the lack of full pumping, the mother develops stagnation of milk, mastitis may develop against this background, as a complication of the underlying disease. No one drains the breasts of milk better than a baby. With breast milk in the background high temperature nothing happens, it does not curdle, does not go rancid or sour, as is often claimed.
  • When boiling breast milk most protective factors are destroyed.

    A nursing mother can lower her temperature paracetamol(or medications based on it), aspirin cannot be used. It is advisable to reduce the temperature only if the mother does not tolerate it well, because An elevated body temperature is, after all, a protective reaction of the body, and viruses multiply worse at elevated temperatures.

    In order to prevent acute respiratory infections or treat them, you can instill them into the nasal passages GRIPPFERON, which has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.

    In addition, suppositories can be used when treating nursing women. VIFERON, representing a complex of recombinant alpha-2b human interferon in combination with tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid.

    It should be remembered that in case of a viral infection, the use of antibiotics is not justified. Antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses, so symptomatic therapy is carried out aimed at reducing intoxication and increasing the body's defenses. Of course, in some cases, the doctor may suspect the presence of a bacterial complication, such as a sore throat or pneumonia, and prescribe an antibiotic combined with breastfeeding (you need to check this information with your doctor). If you need to appoint a specific antibacterial agent, which is not combined with breastfeeding, then breastfeeding should be stopped for the duration of treatment, and the milk should be expressed by hand or with a breast pump and poured out.

    Symptomatic therapy includes prescribing plenty of warm drinks. This is an important measure that prevents drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and helps to thin sputum, sweating and reduce the level of intoxication.

    To reduce cough, expectorants are prescribed to thin the mucus, for example AMBROXOL (LAZOLVAN), which allows you to cleanse the bronchi and restore their functions. Preparations, main active substance which is bromhexine, are contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women.

    When coughing, nursing women will also benefit from herbal preparations based on licorice root, anise, ivy, thyme, thyme, plantain and other herbal ingredients that promote the removal of mucus from the bronchi, for example BREAST ELIXIR(take 20-40 drops several times a day), GEDELIX, TUSSAMAG, BRONCHICUM, DOCTOR MOM.

    Can be useful for a runny nose vasoconstrictor drops easing nasal breathing NAFAZOLINE (NAPHTHYZIN), XYLOMETAZOLINE (GALAZOLIN),TETRIZOLINE (TIZIN), OXYMETAZOLINE (NAZIVIN). They can be used no longer than 3-5 days. The drug will be useful plant origin- oil drops PINOSOL, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

    If you have a runny nose, you can use sprays to moisturize the nasal mucosa. AQUAMARIS, SALIN, prepared on the basis sea ​​water. These drugs thin out mucus, improving its discharge, and help normalize the functioning of the nasal mucosa.

    For a sore throat, it is possible to use local antiseptic (antimicrobial) drugs HEXORAL(solution, spray), CHLORHEXIDINE, IODINOL(gargling solution), lozenges SEBIDIN, STREPSILS. Used to lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa LUGOL'S SOLUTION (water solution potassium iodine).

    In addition to the above treatment methods, homeopathy is no less important and effective, since antibiotic treatment often involves giving up breastfeeding, and during these seven days (sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for 10 - 14 days), the child can get used to bottle feeding, and even Mom may lose milk. Treatment with homeopathy will not affect breastfeeding. 3-4 days will be enough for full recovery mother.

    Be very careful when taking medicines. The fact is that your baby will also take these medications with you - they very quickly pass into breast milk. There is a group of drugs that are contraindicated for women while breastfeeding. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but seek advice from a therapist - he will recommend the most successful treatment option.

  • Treatment of colds is not difficult, unless we talk about women feeding their children with breast milk. Lactation is a unique and difficult process. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during this period consists of the correct choice of non-traditional and pharmaceuticals that do not have a negative impact on the baby. In this article we will study how to treat ARVI while breastfeeding.

    All mothers experience increased pressure on their lungs due to lactation. Therefore, women are vulnerable to airborne infections. ARVI is not considered dangerous disease, but the disease can harm the baby.

    The course of the disease in breastfeeding mothers can be divided into 3 periods:

    1. Penetration of the virus into the body or incubation period, which can last about two days. Afterwards a fever appears, a runny nose, and the throat tissue becomes inflamed.
    2. The body's response. This period begins 3 days after the first signs of the disease appear. The production of interferons that resist infection is activated.
    3. Recovery. Comes individually. Usually the stage begins 6-9 days from the onset of the disease. If the symptoms do not disappear, then the development of complications is possible.

    If symptoms of the disease occur, a nursing woman should immediately visit a doctor.

    Risk of infection for breastfeeding mothers

    ARVI is a disease in which adenoviruses or pathogens enter the body. The nasal mucosa begins to swell, becomes inflamed, there is fever and deterioration in well-being. The woman feels bad.

    Taking synthetic and herbal preparations allows you to speed up the healing process. But this is not enough to avoid infecting a child.

    Attention! If a mother who is breastfeeding is infected with the virus, then there is a risk of infecting the baby. It is necessary to protect the child from infection by any means.

    Baby protection

    How to treat acute respiratory infections while breastfeeding and how to prevent the virus from infecting the baby - questions that can be answered experienced doctor. The first is compliance with simple conditions:

    1. Do not interrupt feeding. This is necessary because immunoglobulins, which are responsible for the formation of immunity in the baby, are supplied to the baby with milk. These same components prevent viruses from infecting babies.
    2. Hand washing. Viruses do not only spread through airborne droplets. Microparticles from mucous membranes can get onto the palms through sanitary napkins.
    3. Wear a protective mask. A nursing mother, if she is sick, should wear a gauze or cellulose face covering to minimize the amount of virus that enters the space.
    Important! To reduce the risk of a child's illness, the mother should ask loved ones for help in caring for the child. This way she will have less contact with him.

    Following simple rules will protect the baby and maintain lactation. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek help from specialists.

    Is it possible to feed a baby breast milk if the mother is sick?

    Mother's milk is the most important thing for a baby strong medicine from all of us . There are some rules for how a sick nursing woman should behave:

    1. You cannot express milk. It loses its valuable qualities. The baby should be fed under normal conditions.
    2. You can't boil milk - it loses nutrients and healing qualities.

    Together with nutrition from the mother, the baby receives antibodies, which enable the little person to overcome the cold.

    Methods of therapy for lactation

    The treatment method for ARVI during breastfeeding in women should be selected by the doctor individually. To speed up the recovery process, a sick mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Maintaining bed rest. Calm environment and relaxation - prerequisites speedy recovery, no matter how severe the disease is.
    2. Drinking enough water. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to naturally cleanse the body. Sticking to this simple rule, you can effectively fight fever. It is preferable to drink hot tea, decoctions of fruits or berries, which contain a lot of vitamin C.
    3. Proper diet. During illness, appetite often disappears. Therefore, you need to eat when you want - there is no need to force yourself. You can eat light foods, such as chicken broth.

    If the disease progresses, the woman’s condition worsens, medications are prescribed, including antibiotics.

    Medicines for nursing mothers

    Compliance with the above rules will help you quickly cope with the disease. Cure ARVI without taking it medicines sometimes it's impossible. Below are pharmaceutical options that can help you achieve a speedy recovery.

    Antiviral agents

    Today there is a wide variety available that can be purchased in regular pharmacies. The assortment puts a person in a difficult situation - which drug to choose. It is impossible to treat ARVI in a nursing mother using Arbidol, Remantadine and Ribavirin due to the likelihood of disturbances in the development of the child.

    The use of "Anaferon" and "Aflubin" does not give a positive effect - such drugs belong to the group of homeopathic drugs.

    The best option would be products with alpha interferon - “Viferon” and “Grippferon”. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the attending physician.


    Medicines to reduce fever should only be used if the thermometer reading exceeds 38 degrees. During lactation, you should drink antipyretics containing active component paracetamol.

    Remedies for sore throat

    Tissue inflammation oral cavity should be treated with products intended for local impact. The most harmless method is solutions used for rinsing and containing antiseptic components. You can use Chlorhexidine, Hexoral, Iodinol.

    Self-cooking solution takes a little time. Dissolve a teaspoon of sea and regular salt in a glass of warm water. Three drops of iodine are added to the mixture. Sore throat Treat by rinsing three times a day.

    Lollipops “Sebidin” or “” will help relieve pain. You can use sprays “Ingalipt”, “Cameton”, “Camphomen”.

    Remedies against rhinitis

    To treat rhinitis, they resort to drops and sprays that have a vasoconstrictor effect. Drops are considered gentle. For nursing mothers, Sanorin, Noxprey and Naphthyzin are suitable.

    Unconventional methods for the treatment of ARVI in nursing mothers

    Many mothers are afraid to take medications, even if their doctor has approved their use while breastfeeding. On the one hand, this is correct, since many means traditional medicine have side effects and are harmful to the baby. You can use them instead traditional methods cold treatment.

    Among the most popular means alternative medicine that can be used to treat viral infections in women during lactation include the following:

    1. Milk with . To prepare the medicine you will need half a liter of warm milk, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey. Everything gets mixed up. Additionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of butter. It's better to drink before bed.
    2. Iodine with garlic. 5 drops of iodine are added to a glass of water. This drink should be drunk with a clove of garlic.
    3. Mustard powder. Powdered mustard is poured into socks, which are worn at night.
    4. Onion. Onions baked in the oven are eaten to speed up recovery.
    5. Radish with sugar. You can bake radish in the oven for 2 hours, pre-cut into small pieces and sprinkled with sugar. The resulting mass must be filtered. Drink juice 1 tbsp. spoon 5 times a day.
    6. Honey-garlic inhalation. You can make inhalations of garlic and honey. You need to breathe this composition for about a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, you can drink tea with raspberries.

    On a note! Inhalations can also be made from chamomile, thyme, eucalyptus leaves, birch, and boiled potatoes in their jackets.

    Drinking plenty of fluids also helps to heal. For this, tea with raspberries, linden, chamomile, honey and lemon is suitable.

    Preventive measures

    To avoid getting sick, of course, you need to take preventive measures. For nursing mothers, as well as for other people, the first recommendation would be healthy sleep. You need to go to bed between 22:00 and 00:00. Sleep duration should be up to 8 hours.

    Helps protect yourself from viral diseases healthy eating. In winter, you need to eat more grain porridges, nuts, vegetables, meat products and fish. In the summer, you should eat all the fresh fruits and vegetables you can.

    In winter, you need to pay attention to the intake of vitamin C. If you cannot eat oranges, eat berries such as cranberries, lingonberries, currants, sea buckthorn, and rose hips. Even when dried, they retain a large amount of ascorbic acid. There is also a lot of vitamin C in sauerkraut.

    Attention! Nursing mothers should not forget about this important rule like hand hygiene. They must be washed with soap every time before contact with the child.

    According to many experts, sick mothers should visit more often fresh air, especially in sunny weather, because it is under the influence of ultraviolet radiation that vitamin D3 is produced, which is responsible for the state of immunity.

    The common cold is not as dangerous as acute respiratory infections. In order not to harm the body of a young mother and her child, you need to know how to treat ARVI while breastfeeding.

    Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding must be correct so as not to harm the mother and child

    Every year, or even several times a year, almost all of us fall ill with respiratory diseases. The nose runs, coughing, sneezing occurs. But there is a misconception that colds and acute respiratory viral infections are one and the same disease. An incorrect comparison entails an inadequate approach to treating the disease with the ensuing complications. This is especially true for risk groups, which include young children, the elderly, and pregnant women. ARVI in a nursing mother also requires special attention, since the condition of the newborn baby depends on this. Therefore, it makes sense to find out the differences various conditions, their nature of occurrence and main symptoms, and at the same time, remember what is possible for a nursing mother with ARVI.

    Causes of ARVI and colds

    ARVI is a number of respiratory diseases, which include influenza. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, those who have not been immunized and have weak immunity. The body's defenses, in turn, weaken due to many factors, which include chronic diseases, previous operations, bad habits, unhealthy diet, etc. The most optimal air temperature for the spread of infection is from -5 to 5 degrees. It is in such an atmosphere that viruses quickly multiply and penetrate the nursing mucosa, to eliminate which requires adequate treatment of ARVI during lactation.

    Colds manifest themselves due to hypothermia and low immunity. But at the same time, pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate into the body, but internal ones are activated, which mandatory is in the body of every person. There is a cough, sore throat, etc. The disease does not pose a threat of powerful intoxication, the culprit of which is the acquired virus. As a treatment, you can use folk remedies, a course of multivitamins.

    Pathogenesis of ARVI

    After pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the mucous membrane through Airways, in rare cases, through the conjunctiva, viruses settle firmly in the larynx, nose, etc. They penetrate deep into the epithelium, then into the bloodstream and gain access to the internal organs. The main symptoms appear:

    • myalgia - aches in muscles, joints;
    • fever;
    • sore throat.

    A respiratory infection is often not detected immediately, since the viruses multiply first; after 2-3 days, a person develops the following symptoms:

    • heat;
    • sore throat;
    • runny nose, sneezing;
    • headache;
    • dry, painful cough.

    Decay products from parts of healthy cells and viruses, entering the blood, cause additional unpleasant symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • vomiting

    In rare cases, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the intestinal cavity, causing severe inflammation. The patient is accompanied by diarrhea, stomach cramps, and complete loss of appetite.

    The body of a nursing mother is subject to stress even without illness

    ARVI in a nursing woman

    A young mother who is breastfeeding is already exposed to stress, including respiratory system. When producing milk, the body introduces specific enzymes into it that protect the baby from diseases and promote its development. A woman is highly susceptible to infection, but is particularly at risk when adequate treatment, the disease does not represent. But for a baby who receives everything vital from the mother’s body, breastfeeding during ARVI without following the recommendations can cause serious harm.

    In a young mother, the disease occurs in three stages:

    1. The virus enters the body. The first signs appear after 2-3 days: fever, high temperature, sore throat, lacrimation, runny nose.
    2. Approximately 2-3 days after the first signs of the disease, the immune system produces a response - interferon, which destroys bacterial colonies.
    3. After 7-10 days, the recovery period begins. The sense of smell returns, a surge of energy is felt, pain goes away, and the temperature returns to normal. If there are no such symptoms, complications have arisen in the body due to a viral infection.

    Important: as for babies, they have not yet developed immunity. Children under 6 months receive valuable components that enhance defense mechanisms through mother's milk, which cannot be said about bottle-fed babies. Therefore, it is important not to wean the baby from the mother’s breast for as long as possible.

    Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding

    Treatment for a nursing mother should be individualized. But there is an ironclad rule: at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. So, how to treat ARVI for a nursing mother at home, what measures to take:

    1. Drink at least 2 liters of warm drink - milk, water, herbal teas, fruit drinks, juices. When intoxicated and attacked by viruses, the body loses a large amount of fluid, so it is important to normalize the water balance. Fever, high temperature causes dryness of the mucous membranes, due to the consumption of fluid, the respiratory tract is moistened and the mucus is thinned. Toxins are eliminated from the body in various ways, including through sweat.
    2. Treatment of influenza and ARVI during breastfeeding involves rest and bed rest. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors; you should limit your activity. Human body for acute respiratory infection loses strength, and in order to continue the fight against viruses, it must be accumulated. Peace, silence, and being in a warm bed will save and accumulate energy.
    3. At high temperatures, intoxication, loss of appetite occurs. You cannot force a patient to eat, especially since a sore throat interferes with swallowing, and the sense of smell and taste are lost. Food is replaced by warm drinks of compotes, fruit drinks, juices, which contain no less useful substances. As good nutrition warm chicken broth is suitable, which contains components valuable for recovery. Will not be superfluous liquid porridge, puree.
    4. Clean room. The room in which the sick person is located must be periodically ventilated and moistened. In dry, stagnant air, viruses thrive and multiply, and the infected person again inhales pathogenic microorganisms.

    A nursing mother needs to drink at least 2 liters of warm liquid per day

    Treatment of a nursing mother with ARVI

    The above measures are included in complex therapy. When treating ARVI with hepatitis B, antiviral drugs are indicated. The prescription of medicines provides a list that contains only those items that will not harm the health of the mother and her baby.

    Important: it is a big mistake to use antibiotics to treat a viral infection. The components of such products are not able to influence aggressive and powerful force pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics for nursing mothers with ARVI are prescribed by the attending physician individually to eliminate complications - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.

    The important point is protection child's body from virus attacks. If the baby's mother falls ill with ARVI, a number of precautions must be taken:

    • Is it possible to breastfeed during ARVI - yes, this is a mandatory task; the beneficial components of milk will help keep the baby’s immunity at the proper level.
    • Wash your hands constantly, as the infection spreads not only through the air, but also through dirty hands and face. During ARVI, everyone uses handkerchiefs, which they touch with their hands in any case.
    • Wear a cotton-gauze bandage or mask to eliminate the risk of infection of the baby when breathing, coughing, or sneezing. Wear the item not only when in contact with the baby, but also at other times, thus the concentration of viruses in the air will be minimized.

    Important: if a woman’s condition deteriorates significantly, a feeling of heaviness, weakness, high temperature, fever, it is difficult to care for the child. In such cases, the help of loved ones is important, who must take care of the baby.

    Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding: drugs

    Following doctors' recommendations is just part of the therapy, which strengthens the body and improves immunity. In addition, it is necessary to consume medications for ARVI during breastfeeding of a certain type, aimed at eliminating symptoms and destroying viruses.

    Treatment of ARVI in a nursing mother should be prescribed by a qualified doctor

    ARVI in a nursing mother: treatment with antiviral drugs

    There are a lot of drugs on the shelves of pharmacies, in the variety of which it is easy to get lost and confused. A young mother should be especially picky; treatment of acute respiratory viral infections when feeding a child requires certain types of drugs; the wrong selection can harm the child.

    Prohibited drugs include Remantadine, Ribovirin, Arbidol. Homeopathic medicines such as Aflubin, Anaferon are not highly effective and can cause allergic reactions in the body. Among the most the best drugs include those that contain recombinant human alpha interferon. Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding with the indicated names is prescribed only by the attending physician, since the schedule and doses provide for an individual approach.

    Treatment of ARVI during lactation: fighting a runny nose

    When intoxicated, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which causes a runny nose, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. To clear the airways, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed - sprays, drops.

    There are a lot of names that can be safely used by both nursing mothers and small children:

    • based on Naphazoline: Naphthyzin, Sanorin - short period of action;
    • based on xylometazoline: Ximilan, Otrivin - medium-term period of action.
    • based on oxymetazoline: Noxprey, Nazol, effective for 12 hours.
    How to treat ARVI in a nursing mother: lowering the temperature

    Any respiratory disease causes an increase in temperature. If the mark does not rise, it means that the immune forces are so weak that they are unable to fight viruses. There is no point in reducing the indicators to 38.5. Thus, the body attacks pathogenic microorganisms with its immunity and concentrates its forces on fighting the symptoms. In cases where the readings are above 38.5, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. For a nursing mother, medications are prescribed to reduce the temperature: ibuprofen, paracetamol. But the medicines must be in pure form. Diluted, that is, a combination of antipyretics with other components: Theraflu, Flukold can cause in the body of an infant allergic reaction and dangerous side effects.

    How to treat ARVI during lactation: relieving sore throat

    To minimize the risk of taking heavy drugs for the body infant, it is better to use local means. The safest medications for ARVI during lactation are liquids containing antiseptic components: Iodinol, Lugol, Hexoral.

    Hexoral is considered safe and at the same time effective drug for the treatment of ARVI during lactation

    Rinsing at home produces an excellent effect. Almost into a glass hot water add 3 drops of iodine, add 1 teaspoon of salt and baking soda. Rinse 5 times a day.

    To get rid of a sore throat, use lollipops that contain antiseptic and analgesic components: Strepsils, Falimint, in the form of sprays: Kameton, Chlorophyllipt.

    Important: before starting treatment for ARVI while breastfeeding, you must clearly understand: take any drug only as prescribed by a doctor, having previously agreed on the dose and schedule.

    Prevention of ARVI in a nursing mother

    Despite the fact that a young mother does not have a lot of free time, she still takes care of preventive measures she needs it. You should follow the basic rules included in the complex for the prevention of ARVI during breastfeeding, which strengthen the immune system and minimize the chances of infection with acute respiratory diseases.

    1. News healthy image life, no one forbids nursing mothers from playing sports. You can choose half an hour, an hour a day to do jogging, swimming, yoga, or gymnastics.
    2. Drink plenty of fluids. Not only does water have a direct relationship with the formation of milk in the glands, it also strengthens the body by cleansing it. With liquid, be it juice, fruit drink, compote, Herb tea, toxins and waste are removed, metabolism improves, metabolic processes. Scientists have long established that the immune system is formed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the fluid regulates the optimal microflora, which means that the defenses will be in perfect order.
    3. Fresh air. Nature itself prescribes for a young woman to walk with a stroller in the open air, which is beneficial for both her and her baby. Firstly, this movement, activity, which already has a beneficial effect on the mother’s body, strengthens her tone. Secondly, light walks bring positivity, invigorate, and give energy.
    4. Healthy eating. Yes, when breastfeeding you have to choose foods so that the baby does not have colic, allergies, or diathesis. But you shouldn’t give up steamed vegetables, healthy purees and cereals.
    5. Prevention of influenza and ARVI during breastfeeding involves hardening. You need to start strengthening your immune system with warm seasons, better in summer. Start hardening with contrast shower, then pour yourself over cold water every morning. Increased energy, vigor, increased tone, increased blood circulation.
    6. Refuse bad habits. Everyone understands perfectly well that a smoking, drinking mother has no right to breastfeed her baby. But there are still cases when a woman does not behave quite correctly. Nicotine and alcohol directly impair performance internal organs, the liver, kidneys, and lungs, which are directly involved in cleansing and hematopoiesis, suffer. Toxins enter the mother's milk and then into the baby's body.

    A nursing mother needs to take special care of her health and that of her baby.

    It is important to protect and care for a young mother, not to mention her baby. After childbirth, a woman undergoes hormonal changes, she is tormented by depression, confusion, and fear, especially if she is a first-time mother. Relatives should keep an eye on her psychological state, help in everything, surround with love. The slightest trouble or breakdown can cause loss of milk, stress, and the mother’s condition immediately affects the health of her child.

    Pregnancy and childbirth have a positive effect on a woman’s body, rejuvenating it and getting rid of some diseases of the genital area, including the disappearance of fibroids and ovarian cysts, but at the same time the immune system weakens significantly and, as a rule, during lactation women often get sick colds .

    At the same time, treatment various diseases according to the usual scheme, it is not available to a nursing woman.

    Since almost everything active substances get to the baby along with the milk, but you can’t leave everything to chance, since you can infect the baby if it infection, or there is a risk of complications for the woman herself. How to treat a sore throat during breastfeeding, as well as other common diseases after childbirth, so as not to harm either the child or yourself? Before using any advice in this article, you should consult your doctor.

    Treatment of colds during breastfeeding

    Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding is complicated by the fact that During lactation, any synthetic immunostimulants are strictly contraindicated, since when they enter the child’s body with breast milk, they can activate his unformed immune system and turn it against his own body or simply cause allergies.

    Traditional medicine should also be used with caution, since most recipes contain active herbal ingredients, the reaction to which in an infant can be unpredictable. Danger of using any herbal infusions during lactation, the problem is that you can spoil the taste of milk by making it bitter, and then the baby will refuse the breast.
    Treatment of colds while breastfeeding is complicated by the fact that not all drugs that effectively eliminate colds and their symptoms can be used. Therefore, before treating a cold while breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor, preferably a pediatrician, he will tell you what is best to take and what to avoid.

    Colds, like flu, are viral diseases, for the treatment of which they are used in the first three days antiviral drugs, and then treatment is aimed at eliminating cold symptoms. Colds during breastfeeding, treatment, which, if carried out on time and in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, does not affect the amount of breast milk, and, on the contrary, stimulates the child’s immunity, since antibodies produced by the mother enter the child’s body with milk.

    So, a runny nose in nursing mothers can only be treated with drugs of natural origin, such as Pinosol, which not only moisturizes the nasal mucosa, but also relieves swelling, and also has a moderate antimicrobial effect. Can be rinsed before use nasal cavity preparations based on sea water, which are safe for both mother and child. Another effective drug that is even used to treat sinusitis during breastfeeding is Protargol, which contains silver ions that have an antibacterial effect. Protargol is also used to treat runny nose and colds in children under one year of age, since it is one of the few drugs that is not addictive.

    Another symptom of various viral diseases, is a cough, which if left untreated can lead to complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. The cause of a cough during a cold can be both viruses and bacteria that have attached themselves to the source of inflammation against the background of general weakness of the body. To treat cough in nursing mothers, you can use mucolytics based on natural ingredients, such as licorice root, thyme extract, ivy extract; mucaltin has proven itself well during breastfeeding, which also contains only natural ingredients. Cough medications containing bromhexine are strictly prohibited for nursing women.

    Feeding the baby is and remains a priority for a woman, since colds during breastfeeding can be treated without the use of antibiotics.

    How to treat a sore throat while breastfeeding

    Treatment for a throat during breastfeeding will depend on what caused the inflammation of the mucous membranes. The most common viral pharyngitis, a companion to influenza and colds., which can also occur against the background of hypothermia.

    To treat pharyngitis in a nursing mother, the doctor may recommend frequent rinsing with a warm solution of soda and salt, or an infusion of chamomile and calendula, which relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane. You can also use topical preparations that have an antibacterial effect and do not penetrate the blood, but remain on the mucous membrane, these include Hexoral, Legol, as well as Iodinol rinsing solutions.

    From drugs long acting, safe for mother and baby, the doctor will most likely recommend Lisobact or Faringosept. You can also drink warm milk with honey and butter at night, which will perfectly lubricate sore throat and will help remove pain. If your mother does not have allergies, you can also use cocoa butter, dissolving 10 g in warm milk and drinking it before bed. Cocoa butter has restorative, antimicrobial and healing abilities; it can be given even to small children from one year old for a sore throat and cough.

    Sore throat during breastfeeding is quite a common occurrence, since the first thing that affects the infection when the immune system is weakened is the upper respiratory tract. When treating, you should not rely on your knowledge; you should immediately consult a doctor. Only after determining the type of disease, the doctor can prescribe complex treatment, which does not exclude the use of antibiotics if there are compelling reasons.

    For catarrhal sore throat, you can get by with the use of local antibacterial ointments and throat sprays of various gargles, with purulent form antibiotics are used for this disease penicillin group. During the period of treatment of sore throat with antibiotics, it is recommended to transfer the child to artificial nutrition, and express breast milk to maintain lactation.

    How to treat flu while breastfeeding

    Flu during breastfeeding is undesirable because with a 100% chance you can infect a baby with it, and, as is known, in young children this disease can cause complications in the functioning of the kidneys, heart and other vital organs. However, it is not only possible, but also necessary to feed the baby, since he does not have his own immunity to fight the influenza virus, and with breast milk he receives the mother’s antibodies, which help him fight the disease.

    Treatment for influenza while breastfeeding is not very different from doctor's prescriptions for a cold. All the same drugs that relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition than to treat a cold while breastfeeding are also used for the flu. In addition, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid you drink per day to relieve intoxication from the effects of viruses, let it be fruit drinks, rosehip decoction rich in vitamin C, tea with raspberries or honey.

    Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system during breastfeeding

    It is advisable to treat thrush during breastfeeding sparingly using recipes traditional medicine, such as douching, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, which restore the microflora of the mucous membrane and have an antiseptic effect. Also shown are suppositories or vaginal capsules that act on Candida fungus locally, without being absorbed into the blood, for this reason they are safe to use.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding

    Perhaps the most common problem with which women turn to a gynecologist during pregnancy and after childbirth is hemorrhoids. Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding must be comprehensive. Healing suppositories and ointments that relieve swelling, including heparin, are used. Swelling during breastfeeding contributes to the development of the disease, since blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted. Since it is not advisable to use laxatives during breastfeeding, women are advised to dietary food excluding foods that lead to constipation. It is also necessary to do special exercises to eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvis.

    Treatment of cystitis in a nursing mother

    Another common one in postpartum period the disease is cystitis, which occurs against the background of an unfavorable birth, trauma to the urethra and further infection of the urinary canal. Also Hypothermia may also be the cause of cystitis promoting the development of inflammatory processes.

    Treatment of cystitis during breastfeeding is carried out only after examination by a doctor; it is unlikely to be possible without antimicrobial drugs, and their choice during lactation is not so great. Your doctor may recommend suitable drug, based on cephalosporins, which can be used without stopping lactation. Also, recommendations for treatment would be to drink more liquid, including cranberry fruit drinks, which are famous for their uroseptic abilities.

    Poisoning during breastfeeding

    If a woman notices symptoms of poisoning, such as dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to urgently stop breastfeeding the baby and transfer him to formula until the intoxication of the body passes. If the baby feels just as unwell, you need to call ambulance to wash the body of toxic substances passed through breast milk.

    Hi girls. Another night I didn’t sleep again. Maxim often woke up and cried(((He also started coughing, probably due to a runny nose. I myself almost fell ill, all the signs of a sore(((((, I just keep my temperature under control. It’s even low at 35.1- 36.0. True, this doesn’t make it much easier, weakness and a terrible headache are still present. Maska also doesn’t have a fever, but it doesn’t seem to make it any better for him either. I don’t know if it’s possible to call a doctor at home if there’s no fever?

    And here's another article I found:

    What is the danger of a cold while breastfeeding?

    Acute respiratory viral infection(ARVI), or simply a cold, is a disease caused by the entry into the human body of a virus that affects the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, nasopharynx). The ARVI group includes several hundred varieties of viruses, including influenza, which is transmitted by airborne droplets and has a very high degree of susceptibility.

    Fortunately, newborns and children up to one year old who are breastfed and thanks to the immunity acquired from the mother are less susceptible to viruses. This, of course, does not mean that breastfeeding protects the child from ARVI 100%, but by taking the simplest precautions, you are quite capable of ensuring that the baby remains healthy.

    Unfortunately, treating colds while breastfeeding, for the most part, involves using folk remedies, and the inability to use many medications, including antipyretics. This can significantly prolong the treatment period and, accordingly, the recovery process. In addition, untimely or insufficient effective treatment, often causes complications, resulting in the need to take antibiotics. And when consumed antibacterial drugs, you will most likely have to give up breastfeeding - which is actually the main danger of catching a cold while breastfeeding.

    Do I need to wean my baby off the breast while treating a cold?

    Together with the mother's milk, her immunity is transmitted to the child, which reliably protects the baby from colds. Therefore, there is no need to stop breastfeeding while treating a cold. Except for those cases when ARVI begins to develop with complications, and the doctor prescribes the mother to take antibiotics or other drugs that affect lactation. In this case, you need to transfer the child to artificial feeding(temporarily), and do not forget to express milk regularly so that the body does not stop producing it.

    Cold symptoms while breastfeeding.

    In principle, the symptoms of a cold during breastfeeding are the same as when ARVI appears in any other period:

    Sneezing. This is one of the first signs, the appearance of which allows you to catch the disease at its earliest stage, and of course, in this case, treatment of colds while breastfeeding will be especially effective.

    Runny nose. As a rule, it begins with sneezing and is considered one of the main symptoms of ARVI, the appearance of which leaves no doubt that you have a cold.

    Temperature. Its appearance means that initial stage The disease has passed, and the virus has already entered the blood. In response to its appearance and to combat it, the body’s immune system begins to produce antibodies, which is actually why the temperature rises.

    Weakness, aching limbs and loss of appetite. Their appearance is quite predictable and is caused by general intoxication.

    Cough. Its appearance is a natural reaction of the body, which is necessary to cleanse the respiratory system.

    Treatment of colds while breastfeeding.

    Timely treatment of colds while breastfeeding will greatly facilitate the recovery process, and most likely will help to avoid the use of medications at all.

    Before starting treatment, take care to protect all your loved ones, and especially your infant, from the spread of the virus and possible infection. To do this, you can use a regular medical mask. But just remember that it needs to be replaced every three hours. “Oxolinic ointment” (0.25%) also helps well; spread it on the inside of the baby’s nasal mucosa, this will prevent the penetration and development of the virus in his body. And of course, for greater confidence, no one is stopping you from using both methods at the same time.

    Let's divide the treatment of colds during breastfeeding into several stages:

    Increasing the body's resistance.

    Warm, plenty of drink. It is necessary throughout the entire illness, since high consumption fluid prevents dehydration and removes toxins from the body. Compote, fruit drink, milk with honey or tea with lemon. But be careful, honey and lemon, as well as raspberries, although they are considered excellent cold remedies, are strong allergens, and if the child is prone to diathesis, it is better to avoid using them. Another good drink for the treatment and prevention of colds is rosehip infusion; you can buy its dried fruits at any pharmacy.

    Antiviral drugs. As for the use of antiviral drugs and immunomodulators, here you can opt for a drug such as Grippferon, its use is permitted throughout pregnancy and lactation.

    Decrease in temperature.

    The need to reduce temperature during breastfeeding appears at temperatures above 38.0 degrees. High temperature can lead to “breast milk burnout”, after which breastfeeding will become, in principle, impossible due to the cessation of production and lack of milk from the mother.

    Rubbing. Increased body temperature can be brought down by rubbing:

    • Vinegar solution. To do this, you need to dilute the vinegar (not the essence) in warm water until you obtain a slightly acidic solution.
    • Vodka with water. To do this, mix vodka with warm water in the same amount.

    We wipe the entire body, legs and arms with a towel soaked in the resulting solution, and cover ourselves with a light blanket or sheet. Every 5-10 minutes we repeat the rubdown, but carefully monitor the temperature; it is not worth reducing it below 37.5 degrees.

    Paracetamol. The instructions for use clearly state that “contraindicated during lactation.” However, in case of emergency, to reduce high fever, the use of Paracetamol is considered acceptable. But again, before doing this, it is better to consult your doctor.

    But the use of other antipyretic drugs is categorically not recommended.

    Treatment of runny nose and cough during breastfeeding.

    Black radish. It is an excellent remedy that will help both in treating colds while breastfeeding and in getting rid of annoying coughs. Such beneficial features black radish is due to its composition, which allows it to be considered an excellent mucolytic, and its bactericidal properties make it, in fact, natural antibiotic. Again, we remind you that you need to be careful with the honey used in the black radish recipe, as it can trigger allergies in your child.

    Inhalations. If there is no temperature, then you can, in the old fashioned way, cover your head with a towel and breathe over a saucepan with boiled potatoes. In this case, the potatoes must be boiled unpeeled, that is, in their skins.

    It is much more convenient to use a nebulizer for these purposes, especially since as your child grows up, it will become your “lifesaver” in the fight against colds. Inhalations on this device are carried out using mineral water“Borjomi”, “Ambrobene” inhalation solution and saline solution, but in an amicable way, this should be prescribed to you by a doctor, since the effect of “Ambrobene” on lactation has not yet been sufficiently studied.

    The scheme for using a nebulizer may look something like this:

    • Do the first inhalation by mixing the Ambrobene solution and saline solution, as indicated in the instructions for use of the drug.
    • Three hours later, take a second inhalation with mineral water“Borjomi” (after releasing the gas from it).
    • And thus you alternate these inhalations throughout the day. As a rule, already on the 2-3rd day, a noticeable improvement occurs and the interval between inhalations can be increased to 6 hours, and after a couple of days you can abandon Ambrobene altogether and do inhalations 3 times a day and only with Borjomi.

    "Aquamaris" and "Saline". Excellent facilities to fight a runny nose.

    If within 2-3 days of treating a cold while breastfeeding, no visible improvements are noted, then you may need to take antibiotics, but only a doctor can prescribe them for you.

    Prevention of ARVI during breastfeeding.

    As you can see, it is quite possible to cure a cold while breastfeeding, although this process is accompanied by a number of difficulties. But it’s better not to let it get to that point and take care of ARVI prevention in advance. Strengthen your immunity and make sure that your diet is properly balanced and contains everything necessary for the body vitamins and microelements. In addition, if possible, avoid visiting places with large crowds of people, especially during periods of exacerbation of influenza and ARVI. And when visiting the clinic, wear a mask and smear your nose " Oxolinic ointment"(0.25%).

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