Home Coated tongue Immunity after vaccinations. Critical age: when a child’s immunity is weakest When a child’s immunity is formed

Immunity after vaccinations. Critical age: when a child’s immunity is weakest When a child’s immunity is formed

Children who attend child care institutions get sick more often infectious diseases than those who, up to a certain age, are in conditions home care. However, children who get sick more often are likely to be less likely to get sick in the future.

It is believed that children who get sick more often preschool age(and these, in most cases, are precisely those children who go to kindergartens) are exposed to the influence of many different viruses, “training” their immune system. Therefore, they get sick less in the future.

Immunity is the body's ability to resist various factors that can cause diseases, that is, viruses, bacteria, some fungi. There are two types of immunity - nonspecific, that is, the kind that a child has from birth, and specific - acquired immunity, which is produced after contracting a certain disease or after vaccination. Main feature this type of immunity is the memorization of various pathogens (factors, causing diseases) that the child’s body encounters with the possibility of their subsequent recognition and fight against them.

Immediately after birth, the baby's immune system is immature. Of course, the baby has some innate protection, largely due to the antibodies it received in the womb. Breastfed children also receive immune protection factors from their mother's milk. But the baby’s immune system begins to strengthen significantly when the child is exposed to bacteria and viruses from environment. Various pathogens activate the production of natural antibodies, and the child is better able to fight infections in the future. This means that children around whom there are the greatest number of sources of infection with early age are likely to have a stronger immune system when they start attending school.

The idea that children who get sick more often in preschool age benefit from this to increase immunity in the future is just a theory. There is enough research to support this. In particular, an observation of the health status of 4,750 children conducted in 2013 by the US Department of Pediatrics showed that those who attended children's groups and were sick more during the first five years of life subsequently experienced a decrease in the incidence rate (according to the same diseases) by 60 percent.

It is not known exactly how long antibodies remain in the human body, as they are so numerous and the immune processes are quite complex, but one recent discovery gives us an idea of ​​the potential of human defenses. Monitoring of people born in 1955 and surviving the 1957-1958 influenza pandemic showed that even after 50 years the concentration of antibodies to this virus in the blood is quite high (we are talking about the so-called “Asian” flu pandemic, which killed about 70 000 lives).

Some parents mistakenly believe that a sign of a significantly weakened immune system is, for example, colds that periodically occur in a child. But we should not forget that this is what helps to potentially form strong defense baby. During illness children's body learns to respond adequately in response to various pathogens. If the child is sick colds only three or four times a year, then there is no need to artificially strengthen the immune system.

The human body is configured to fight infections. In any case, sooner or later, our children will be exposed to pathogens from the environment. It's just a matter of time. It has been proven that healthy life in adulthood depends on how the child’s immune system was strengthened during the first 3 years, while the foundation of immunity is laid in the 1st year of life.

So don't be afraid of seasonal diseases! Of course, I'm very sorry for the baby. However, illness is something of a charge for the immune system. He learns to fight back against viruses and bacteria and produces protection. The next time you meet a familiar enemy, the body will instantly react, remembering the method of fighting. This means that the disease will pass unnoticed or in mild form.

It should be noted how important correct actions with the child during and especially after the disease to consolidate the positive effect in the baby’s body. When a child has a slight runny nose for several days, without coughing, fever and significant deterioration general condition and she is led to kindergarten Feeling unwell immediately after the end is acceptable. But those parents are wrong when they force events after a more serious illness in the child - influenza, bronchitis, otitis media and others.

The deeper the disease affects the child’s body, the longer the recovery period should be. This also applies to strengthening the body’s potential for further resistance to such a disease. All parents remember physical measures to help protect themselves from illness. We emphasize that emotional peace and a friendly attitude towards the baby during the recovery period are also necessary.

Immunity - most important property human body. Immune defense is complex and multi-stage, it begins to function in the prenatal period, improves and develops continuously throughout life, protects the body from the penetration of substances foreign to it.

There are two main types of immunity: hereditary (species) and acquired (individual). Species immunity makes a person immune to many animal diseases (for example, canine distemper) and is inherited by subsequent generations. Individual immunity is developed throughout the life of each person and is not inherited.

There is also a distinction between active and passive immunity. Active immunity produced by the body itself after suffering an infectious disease or administration of a vaccine (vaccination) that contains weakened or killed infectious agents. Passive immunity appears after the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body, which are contained in serum (as well as the transfer of antibodies from mother to child during pregnancy through the placenta). Active immunity develops over time and lasts a long time; passive immunity appears immediately, but soon disappears. Accordingly, active immunity (vaccines) is used for prevention, and passive immunity (serums) is used for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Immune response

Any substance whose structure differs from the structure of human tissue is capable of causing an immune response. It is not specific and specific. A non-specific immune response is the first stage in the fight against infection. This mechanism starts immediately after the microbe enters the body, is almost the same for all types of microbes and implies the primary destruction of the microbe and the formation of a focus of inflammation. Inflammatory reaction This is a universal protective process that is aimed at preventing the spread of the microbe. It is not specific immunity that determines the overall resistance of the body.

A specific immune response is the second phase of the protective reaction: the body recognizes the microbe and develops a special defense against it. The specific immune response, in turn, is also of two types: cellular and humoral. The body can neutralize a foreign substance (antigen) by producing active cells, capturing and digesting antigen. This cellular immunity. The main elements of the body's immune system are special white blood cells - lymphocytes. If the antigen is destroyed with the help of special chemically active molecules - antibodies, then we are talking about humoral immunity(from lat. " humor" - liquid). The role of antibodies is performed by proteins (immunoglobulins) in the blood.

Features of newborn immunity

A child's immunity begins to develop in the womb. During this period, the main role is played by heredity, that is, the characteristics of the immune system of the parents. Besides great importance has a successful pregnancy, lifestyle expectant mother(the nature of her diet, compliance with the doctor’s recommendations).

The synthesis of the fetus's own antibodies begins around 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. However, the fetus is able to produce only a limited amount of immunoglobulins. The basis of immunity in newborns is the mother's antibodies. The process of transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus occurs mainly at the end of pregnancy, so premature babies are not sufficiently protected from infections compared to babies born at term.

The state of the child's immune system depends on many factors, including how the baby is fed. The role of breast milk, the protective properties of which are well known, is especially great. It has been proven that breastfed children are less likely to get sick infectious diseases, since in breast milk contains many maternal antibodies and special cells that can absorb microbes. True, antibodies obtained in this way act only in the intestines. They protect the child well from intestinal infections. In addition, the proteins of mother's milk are devoid of allergenic properties, therefore breast-feeding is the prevention of allergic diseases.

Interestingly, the newborn’s immune system is in a state of physiological suppression. This is a natural protective reaction of the body, the meaning of which is to prevent the development of violent immune reactions that could develop when a newly born baby comes into contact with a huge amount microorganisms in the environment. The first 28 days of life are considered the first critical period in the formation of the immune system. At this time, the baby is especially susceptible to viral infections and exposure to microbes. In addition, another feature of the immunity of children in the first months of life is the inability to limit infection: any infectious process can quickly spread to the child’s entire body (this is called generalization of infection). That is why it is necessary, for example, to take very careful care of the healing umbilical wound.

The second critical period is 3-6 months of life. Maternal antibodies are gradually destroyed in the child’s body. But in response to the penetration of infection, a primary immune response develops in the baby’s body. It is characterized by the fact that it leaves no immunological memory. The next time the child encounters the same microorganism, the child will get sick just like the first time. During this period, children are exposed to various types of viruses that cause ARVI, and there is a high incidence of intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Also, childhood infections are severe and atypical if the child has not received maternal antibodies (the mother herself was not sick, was not vaccinated, and did not breastfeed). At the same time, food allergies may appear.

The third critical period is 2-3 years of a child’s life. There is an expansion of contacts with the outside world. At the same time, the primary immune response remains the main one in the functioning of the immune system. The local immune system remains undeveloped; children are especially prone to repeated viral infections and inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.

The fourth critical period is 6-7 years. The levels of immunoglobulins correspond to the parameters in adults, however, the local immunity of the mucous membranes remains imperfect. At 6-7 years old, many chronic diseases, the incidence of allergic diseases is increasing.

Fifth critical period - adolescence(12-13 years old for girls and 14-15 years old for boys). A period of rapid growth and hormonal changes is combined with a decrease in lymphoid organs, which play a large role in the system immune defense. After a period of decline, there is a new rise in the incidence of chronic diseases. The severity of atopic diseases (bronchial asthma, etc.) weakens in many children.

Knowledge of the mechanisms of immune development and critical periods in the development of a child’s immune system is extremely important not only for doctors, but also for mothers. This is important for maintaining the health of our children and preventing the development of various diseases in them. And, as you know, prevention is always better than cure.

The formation of immunity in a child has 5 stages, each with its own characteristics, knowing which parents can provide for everything and avoid many problems.

Development of the immune system in children

Although the development of the immune system in children begins in utero, it receives a powerful boost from the moment of the first attachment to the mother’s breast immediately after birth. The first stage is perhaps the most difficult - 28 days. In fact, during this period he lives due to the transferred antibodies 1 if he used colostrum, i.e. if his mother breastfed him in the first hours and first three days after birth. But representatives of the older and middle generations are unlikely to have experienced it - this is colostrum. Because for more than 70 years in European countries, including Russia, unfortunately, children were deprived of this miracle product invented by nature. Now in maternity hospitals it is immediately handed over to the mother so that he falls to the breast and sucks these precious drops of colostrum. In order to take all the information about immunity from mom.

However, even without receiving colostrum, the child subsequently receives antibodies along with mother's milk. And why does a newborn have such passive immunity during the first 28 days? If you ask your mother, is the newborn child your own or someone else’s? Of course, dear, flesh of his own flesh. Look - he inherited his mother's genes. But also the father's genes. Therefore, biologically, the child represents a foreign organism. Why does the fetus develop inside the placenta? So that the mother's blood does not come into contact with the blood of the fetus. Otherwise there will be rejection. Since the child defended himself and all of him functional systems were aimed at resisting and not feeling the antigenic structure of the mother - he had very high suppressor activity. Those. activity to suppress the immune system.

Why do they say in the East that a woman after giving birth for 40 days should lift the biggest thing - a spoon, and nothing else. During this period, the woman gives the child immune structure. She wants to sleep a lot, just like a baby - and let her sleep so that the milk is full and active. If during this period she physically exerts herself greatly, this leads to fatigue and the milk does not produce its structure properly. As a result, every second child is born with allergies. The scourge of big cities.

Second period. How to boost the immunity of a 3 year old child

The second period in a child is from 2 to 3 years old, a period of pulmonary (relating to the respiratory organs) inactivity. And it coincides with the first period of stubbornness. The child already realizes that he is the head of the family, that everything is possible for him. And this is where powerful tensions arise. It is enough to observe the behavior of parents towards their young children. The question naturally arises - why is it not customary for us to raise children of this age like in the East: in Japan, in Korea? Where a child under 5 years old can do anything - even stand on his head. And we have? Anything that goes wrong is immediately “impossible”, a slap on the face (okay, if it hits the butt). Often.

The Secret to Immune Health

How to boost the immunity of a 3 year old child? It is known that if a child smiles, then he is resilient. One smile and a child's laughter give him more immune health than any drug. It has been clearly proven that if you laugh for one minute, it is equivalent to forty minutes of yoga. So which is better? Laugh heartily for one minute?! So is the child. But it's not always that simple. If a child is already sick with something, he most likely is not laughing. This is where a teacher for the immune system - Transfer Factor - will help. At the first symptoms of a cold, give your baby half a capsule every hour - within 24 hours the symptoms of the disease should go away. Then the child’s smile will be natural and he will be able to cope on his own.

Cross blood in a child

The child has the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th periods. Notice how smart the immune system works. On the fifth day, the child experiences a crossover, the so-called physiological blood crossover, when the number of lymphocytes increases sharply, and segmented neutrophils sharply decrease. This is the first cross. The second cross will occur at 5 years of age. And until the age of five, the child has very high lymphocytosis. This is the norm for him.

White blood cell count in a child

And sometimes, since the number of lymphocytes is a powerful reflection of the stress response, the child has a slightly different relationship here. In an adult it is very clear - if the lymphocyte count is more than 43%, then the person is overactivated. And if it’s less than 20%, then under stress it’s also a bad reaction. Those. lymphocytes are always a mirror of your mood, your adaptive capabilities. And from your analyzes you can very clearly see if your child is over 5 years old - whether he is under stress or not. The pediatrician will always make you want a blood test - and you can read it yourself.

Acute stress is characterized by leukocytosis and a decrease in lymphocytes, while in chronic stress the number of leukocytes will be normal and lymphocytes will be low. And the most difficult thing is for a child over 5 years old, when his reaction is more than 43 lymphocytes. In this case, Transfer Factor is a very big help.

The third period of immunity formation. Prevention of helminthic infestations

The fourth period of development of immunity. Puberty

The child has reached next period- period of puberty. For boys it starts from 12 to 16 years of age. For girls, this is usually from 9-11 years old, today already from 9. Previously it was from 14, but even now there remains such a category of people - from 14.

And myself a hormonal surge inhibits the activity of the immune system. That is why girls often develop acne vulgaris - youthful acne, both in boys and girls. Well, it’s not so scary for young men. And at this moment it is important that the child receives increased doses of the “teacher” - Transfer Factor. Because hormones themselves inhibit activity. Hormonal, immune, nervous - all these systems are interconnected. And therefore, during this period, those hidden, latent diseases that once existed in childhood arise. If a child under one year old has had some kind of bronchopulmonary infection, then the likelihood of him developing bronchopulmonary pathology in the future is very high. Especially during puberty. That's why children with bronchial asthma/link/ during this period of their lives - a huge number.

The fifth stage of immunity formation. Should tonsils and adenoids be removed?

The fifth stage of immunity formation is from 14 to 16 years, the last period when, as a rule, it ends puberty, and the body begins to grow even faster. There is a hyper-reaction to various influences. Sometimes, if they haven’t been removed before, they have to have their tonsils removed or their adenoids removed. By this age, the adenoids may already be so large that the child practically does not breathe. Do not rush to remove these organs - this is protection. Let your child suck on Transfer Factor Classic - chew and suck - everything will go away in 2-3 months. An additional enhancing effect is to instill thuja oil into the nose. The child will close his mouth and breathe with his mouth closed. During this period, it is advisable to support the immune system, which reacts too actively. It just needs to be toned down a little. Can you name at least one that has suppressor activity? Those. activity aimed at restraining active immunity. But in fact, the most powerful suppressor link is Transfer Factor - the only product that affects all parts of the immune system. That's why he is a teacher - where you need to direct, and where you need to restrain. It is very important.

1 Antibodies are special substances that are used by the immune system to recognize and destroy foreign objects - bacteria, viruses, etc.

2 Enzymatic digestion - the assimilation of food thanks to enzymes - substances that direct and accelerate metabolism in the body.

Question answer

06/03/2014. Alexandra.
Question: Youngest son almost 5 years. I have been giving him TF classic since January, 3 capsules a day. The immune system has become much healthier; even if I caught some kind of virus, everything passed much faster, without fever, slight runny nose and cough... What is the further treatment for a child of his age, if there is a delay in speech development due to oxygen starvation during childbirth ( natural childbirth)? The neurologist diagnosed "Pseudobulbar dysarthria".
Answer: We need to continue in the same spirit. And if it is possible to give more (up to 6 capsules per day) - only better. Or another, more effective regimen: add Transfer Factor Advance (Classic - 3 capsules per day and - 2 capsules per day).
As for the diagnosis, there is one wonderful specialist in childhood diseases and in particular those related to oxygen starvation - Aleksey Yaroslavovich Chizhov - he knows a lot about Transfer Factor and he also treated the children." Mountain air"with great success.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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Immunity is undoubtedly one of the important systems the whole body. Without immunity, a person would be constantly sick and would not be able to cope with the viruses and diseases around him.

The immune system is helped by various vaccinations that are introduced into the body with the goal of future prevention of a particular virus. Nowadays, there is a lot of debate about whether vaccinations against various diseases are really necessary. After all, vaccinations introduced into the body are of an unnatural nature and also cause harm to the entire body.

In addition, vaccinations greatly affect the immune system, which in rare cases cannot cope with the injected virus. How to understand whether it is necessary to vaccinate one or another virus?

The administered vaccine has an inactive part of the virus, but despite this it causes great harm immune system. But this only happens if the vaccine contained live virus cells, although this is done very rarely. Immunity to this species is developed after vaccination within a year, maximum one and a half years.

Basic vaccinations are made from inactive virus cells. IN in this case immunity will be fully restored in two weeks, a maximum of a month. This was the answer to the question: How long does it take for immunity to recover after vaccination?

After vaccination, you should not communicate with sick people for at least two weeks, because this will be an additional burden on the immune system. After all, the vaccination takes over most of the immune system in order to detect the antibodies of the injected virus.

How many days after vaccination is immunity weakened?

So how long does it take for immunity to develop after vaccination? The body after vaccination is weakened, since the entire immune system is busy recognizing the new virus introduced during vaccination. Each vaccine takes a different amount of time to overcome, and it also depends on what immunity you had before you were exposed to the vaccine.

If the immunity is strong, then the immunity will be weakened for no more than two weeks, of course, this depends on the vaccine received. If immunity was lowered or there was an immunodeficiency, then the battle between the immune system and the virus can last about a month, or a little more.

To prevent this from happening, before getting the vaccine you need to take the necessary vitamins to maintain immunity. And after that you can safely get vaccinated. Moreover, if you do this, the immune system will cope with the new virus much faster, because it is already strengthened.

Therefore, many doctors recommend taking special nutritional supplements to support immunity. Buy these biologically active additives available in the iHerb online store. A wide range of products to boost immunity will allow you to choose a supplement for both yourself and your loved ones. They are particularly effective:

  • . The supplement contains more than 60 active ingredients, which give the body a boost of energy for the whole day. These include powerful immune system stimulants: turmeric, green tea, ginseng and elderberry.

  • . The peculiarity of this supplement lies in its composition, which contains a mushroom mixture and astragalus root extract. These components actively fight unhealthy cells in the body.

  • . This supplement contains herbal components that activate the immune system. The composition includes 16 natural ingredients, as well as vitamin C and zinc. Can be taken by children over 10 years old.

  • . This is a special supplement that contains an active hemicellulose component (AHCC) based on a specific type of mushroom. The component supports the functioning of the liver, immune system, and is also a powerful antioxidant.

  • . The main component of this supplement is bioactive carbohydrate, which is obtained from baker's yeast. Beta Glucan has been shown to interact with immune cells in the body, increasing their activity. The effect of the supplement is enhanced by Meitake mushrooms.

    We must not forget that immune support is needed not only for adults, but also for children.
  • . This supplement is designed specifically for children aged 2 years and older. Its effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies.

  • . Orange chewing candies with vitamin C will please both adults and children. The supplement is not only tasty, but also healthy. Vitamin C supports immune function and provides antioxidant protection. It contains only natural ingredients. Suitable for children from 4 years old.

Before using supplements, be sure to consult with your doctor!

As you know, vaccination against hepatitis should be done once every five years. This is all because immunity to hepatitis lasts from five to seven years, but doctors advise getting vaccinated once every five years.

Everyone knows that hepatitis is very serious illness, and people with this disease feel very bad. That is why you should not neglect this vaccination.

You should also know that this vaccination must be done in three stages. The first stage is the first vaccination, the second vaccination should be repeated a month after the first. The third hepatitis vaccine should be given no later than six months after the second vaccination.

A child's immunity is at greater risk after vaccination. It is for this reason that after vaccination the child’s temperature rises. Also, doctors prohibit walking for a week after vaccination, since this period is the most dangerous for the child’s immunity.

A child’s immunity is not as strong as that of adults and should not be neglected. After a child is vaccinated, he should not be near sick people. Because the child should not burden an already weak immune system. And if the disease recurs, the child may develop immunodeficiency.

What happens to immunity after rabies vaccination?

If you are bitten by a rabid animal, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you are not sure that the animal was rabid, then in any case it is better to get vaccinated against rabies. As you know, there are debates around the world about the need for vaccinations.

If the person bitten is an anti-vaccination advocate, then he will have a choice: a healthy life or rabies, and then death. The choice is obvious. The rabies vaccine is valid for one year. Immunity begins to recover three months after vaccination. The vaccine itself does more good than harm, like many vaccinations.

The decision, of course, may not be easy, but life is more valuable, and many agree to get vaccinated. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.” It’s better not to risk life and health, and get vaccinated against everyone mandatory vaccinations. Immunity can be easily raised if you follow the rules healthy image life and nutrition.

The discovery of vaccinations has brought humanity to a new level of knowledge. Thanks to this discovery, many deadly diseases were found correct treatment. At the same time, viruses are defeated not with the help of drugs, but with the help of the immune system itself. Which means Money this is not required.

People who refuse vaccination risk their own lives and those of their children. Of course, each vaccination has its own contraindications, and if there are any, the local doctor is obliged to tell you about it. In other cases, it is better to cast aside doubts about vaccinations and go for vaccination.

Few vaccinations are given in the first days of life that last a lifetime. Many doctors believe that it is necessary to vaccinate children, because this increases the child’s resistance to various viruses. Which of course is a huge plus.

Children's body with fourth day birth and until the age of five develops its own immune system, which it will need in the future. Without its own acquired immune system, a child will get sick very often in adulthood. And the diseases will continue until one develops one’s own immunity.

Health to you and your loved ones!

The body's defense system, whichprotectsfrom us harmful effects from the outside is called immunity. The stronger, stronger the protective force, the healthier person. There is a non-specific and specific immunity , each type is equally important. In order for our body to cope with bacteria and viruses in a timely manner and prevent the disease from developing, the immune system must be constantly strengthened. The formation of immunity and its renewal occurs throughout life. In the article we will analyze in more detail how a specificand nonspecificimmunity. What needs to be done so that he copes with his protectivefunction?

The concept of specific immunity

Both specific and nonspecific immunity begin to form from stem cells. Subsequently, their paths diverge: the nonspecific one sends its cells to the spleen, the specific one sends its cells to the thymus or thymus gland. There, each of them turns into antibodies, which already carry out their protective functions. The more nAOn its way, the immune system encounters microorganisms, the greater the supply of antibodies it has to fight various diseases. This is the answer to the question why domesticated, pampered children get sick more often than those who grow up outdoors, in the fresh air.

Acquired(specific) immunity is the body’s ability not to perceive certain infections; it is formed throughout life. Specific immunity in medicine is divided into two types: active and passive. How is specific active immunity created? ? Specific immunity is associated with phagocytosis. It appears after illness or during vaccination, when weakened bacteria and viruses are introduced. As soon as the immune system encounters a pathogen, antibodies are produced. A recurrent disease caused by the same viruses will pass in a milder form or completely bypass the body. Antibodies already existing in the body quickly neutralize enemies.

Passive specific immunity

For formation, ready-made antibodies are artificially introduced into the body. For example, breastfeeding also forms passive immunity; along with mother’s milk, the child already receives ready-made protective antibodies.

Active specific immunity is a reaction for a specific pathogen. For example, it appears after vaccination against smallpox. It should be remembered that the presence of antibodies in the blood, their active work, and resistance to pathogens depend on the general state of the immune system and its health.

Nonspecific immunity

Formation of nonspecific, as with specific immunity is associated with phagocytosis. Congenital is transmitted tomfrom parents with genes, it makes up 60% of all our defenses.

Phagocytes are cells that absorb organisms foreign to us. They are formed from stem cells, “instructed” in the spleen, where they learn to recognize strangers.

Nonspecific immunity operates effectively and simply: it detects antigens and immediately removes them. Important mission and the feature is not specific immunity- the ability to fight and destroy tumor cancer cells.

How is defense organized in our body?

The first barrier in the path of microbes is our skin, as well as mucous membranes. In addition to mechanical protection, they also have bactericidal properties, provided that they are not damaged. Protection is provided by the secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands. For example, after just 15 minutes upon contact with healthy skin the pathogen dies typhoid fever. The mucous membranes secrete secretions that are extremely destructive to microbes.

If the microbes are highly pathogenic or their attack is too massive, the mucosal and skin barriers become insufficient. In such cases, bacteria and viruses enter the body. Inflammation occurs, in which the inclusion of complex mechanisms immunity. Leukocytes and phagocytes get to work, and special substances (immunoglobulin, interferon) are produced to fight the “enemy.” Such reactions of the body are caused by nonspecific immunity.

At the same time, specific immunity is activated, which forms protective factors - antibodies aimed at fighting a specific microbe. In many ways, the effectiveness and speed of antibody production will depend on whether the body has already been visited by a given pathogen.Specific immunity is providedalready existing antibodies. Familiar pathogens will be quickly destroyed. If there has not yet been a collision, then the body needs time to produce antibodies and to fight a new, unfamiliar “enemy.”

Structure of the immune system

Specific immunity is provided by lymphocytes o one of the methods: humoral or cellular. The entire immune system is represented as a complex of lymphoid tissue and lymphoid organs. Refer here:

    Bone marrow;



    The lymph nodes.

Also included in the immune system are:

    nasopharyngeal tonsils;

    lymphoid plaques in the intestines;

    lymphoid nodules located in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, respiratory tube;

    lymphoid diffuse tissue;

    lymphoid cells;

    interepithelial lymphocytes.

The main elements in the immune system are lymphoid cells and macrophages. Lymphoid organs are “warehouses” for lymphoid cells.

What weakens the immune system

What causes a person’s body to lose its protective properties due to a number of reasons,Towhich include:

    poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals;

    abuse hormonal drugs and antibiotics;

    chronic stress and fatigue;

    impact of radiation conditions, atmospheric pollution.

In addition, immunity may decrease after surgery, anesthesia, with large blood loss, burns, injuries, with intoxication and infections, with frequent colds, chronic diseases. A decrease in immunity is especially evident after ARVI and influenza.

It is necessary to highlight separately children's immunity. During the development of a child, there are five stages when immunity can decrease to a critical level:

    age up to 30 days;

    from 3 to 6 months;

    at the 2nd year of life;

    from 4 to 6 years;

    in adolescence.

In pediatrics, there is even a concept of FSD (frequently ill children), this includeskids,who get sick four times a year or more.

Strengthening the immune system

To strengthen protective functions, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen nonspecific and specific immunity.

Nonspecific immunity is strengthened if the general resistance of the body increases. As a rule, when they sayhthen you needstrengthen the immune system, they mean exactly nonspecific type. What is required for this:

    adherence to daily routine;

    good nutrition - content in food of the required amount of minerals, vitamins, amino acids;

    zanyatiyasports, hardening of the body;

    ateata drugov,strengtheningXand reinforcingimmunity, for example with beta-carotene;

Avoidanceplease frequent use antibiotics, keepthTeWithbonly doctor's orders.

Strengthening (creating) specific immunity

Specific immunity is created by introduction of the vaccine. It acts purposefully against any disease. It is worth considering that when carrying out active vaccination, that is, when weakened pathogens are introduced, the body’s protective reactions are immediately directed to the production of antibodies to fight the disease. As a result, the body's response to other infections is temporarily weakened. Therefore, before vaccination, it is necessary to increase and strengthen your own nonspecific immunity. Otherwise, there is a chance of quickly catching a virus.

The ability of the immune system to resist any “invasion” largely depends on factors such as a person’s age. For example, a newborn’s immunity has only those antibodies that were passed on to him from his mother, so there is a high probabilityvarious diseases. It has long been customary not to show the baby to strangers in the first month and not to take it out of the house in order to protect it from various specific antigens. In older people, the activity of the thymus gland decreases, so they often become defenseless against various viruses. When choosing immunocorrection, these age features must be taken into account.


Vaccination is a reliable way to acquire specific immunity and the ability to protect against a specific disease. Active immunity is formed due to the production of antibodies to the introduced weakened virus. By itself, it is not capable of causing the disease, but it helps activate the immune system, which responds specifically to this disease.

It is important to remember that after any vaccination a reaction can occur,andminor side effects in a mild form. This is normal, no need to panic. Uweakenedchildren often experience worsening chronic diseases after vaccinations, because the forces of basic immunity are directed to the productionantibodiesTointroduceddrug.respond better, frequency of development side effects does not exceed 2%. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to prepare the body and normalize nonspecific immunity. All the measures described above are suitable for this.

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