Home Smell from the mouth Domestic hamster: care and feeding. Domestic hamster and care for it Hamster in the house care

Domestic hamster: care and feeding. Domestic hamster and care for it Hamster in the house care

Keeping hamsters is quite simple, as they are completely unpretentious in care. When these animals appear in a house, they quickly get used to their owner and easily adapt to life in captivity. Most popular breed hamsters for home care– Dzungarian. Along with them, Syrian rodents are also widespread. Despite the minimum care requirements, certain recommendations must be taken into account.

Choosing a house

It is necessary to transport the animal from the pet store home in a special plastic carrier. You can replace it with a three-liter jar. At home, you should not immediately move the hamster to the main home. We need to give him time to get used to it.

A house for a rodent depends on the size of the pet. Dzungariki are small breed, which can get by on one floor.

For larger animals, for example, Syrian hamsters, several levels are made.

The most popular houses for rodents:

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To properly equip your home, you will need the following equipment:

  1. 1. Filler. So that you don’t feel it near the house with a hamster bad smell, it needs to be washed regularly and filled with filler. It must be granulated or compressed. You can use sawdust, which animals like to bury themselves in before going to bed.
  2. 2. Feeders. The home should have a drinking bowl and two feeders: for dry and fresh food.
  3. 3. Devices for pointing teeth. Hamsters' teeth grow throughout their lives, so they require special means for their point. These can be mineral stones, wooden blocks, dried branches of fruit trees.
  4. 4. Running wheel. Thanks to him, rodents keep themselves in excellent shape. It should not have slots for paws and fingers.

Hamster running wheel

In addition to all of the above, you can purchase mazes and a walking ball for your hamster.

Walking ball for hamsters

You need to choose a place for the house right away and not move it, because this animal does not like frequent changes. His home should not be in a draft or near small children. It makes no sense to often release the animal from it. To realize energy, he has enough space in his home. Caring for a hamster within a cage is easier and safer.


In order for the animal to be active, it must be fed properly. To do this, purchase specially developed ready-made mixtures, for example, JR Farm, Benelux Special hamster 2/1 complete mix and dessert, Fiory Criceti, Vitakraft Menu Vital. They include peas, nuts, seeds, and corn.

List natural products that can be given to hamsters:

  1. 1. Cottage cheese and kefir. Dairy products contain protein, which is good for your pet's teeth, coat and nails.
  2. 2. Boiled eggs, fish, meat. Raw meat should not be given to rodents; it must be boiled. The best option for this component of the diet is beef, turkey, chicken, pork, and veal.
  3. 3. Porridge- rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  4. 4. Vegetables- fresh cucumbers, peeled tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, green salad, Chinese cabbage. Carrots and pumpkin - only in treat form. Potatoes are prohibited.
  5. 5. Fruits, especially apples, pears, bananas, grape pulp. The seeds and stalks must be removed from them.
  6. 6. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, Walnut, almonds, hazelnuts. But it must be taken into account that cereal crops cause intestinal blockage because they contain large amounts of fatty acids.

Particular attention is paid drinking regime pet. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed every day, and he should drink 7–10 ml of filtered liquid per day.

Rodents eat 2 times a day. Since the main waking time of animals is night, most of the time nutrients they get it late in the evening. This rule also applies to perishable foods - they are given at night, and the remains are removed from the cage in the morning. Hamsters are very sensitive and easily poisoned. Particular attention should be paid to the freshness of food.

Dzungariki, unlike Syrian hamsters prone to illness diabetes mellitus. Therefore, they should not be fed with fresh sweet fruits.

Very heavy food for rodents - potatoes, onions and garlic. Fatty, spicy and salty foods, sweets are prohibited:

  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate;
  • mushrooms.


Animals are highly stressed. It can be triggered by:

  • lack of water;
  • change in daily routine;
  • the lighting is turned on in the house in which the animal sleeps;
  • careful control and inhibition of offspring growth;
  • introduction of other rodents.

You need to care for your hamster in such a way as to minimizeoccurrence of stressful situations. You cannot talk loudly or make sudden movements near the cage, as this is often perceived by the pet as danger. Animals behave calmly if they are spoken to kindly, quietly and with love.

Caring for hamsters involves following the following rules:

The running wheel, which all animals love, is both a toy and an exercise machine that helps the animal keep in shape. You can set up a playroom for your pet, for example, from a large box. From time to time, temporary labyrinths and obstacle courses should be set up to entertain your pet.

Taking care of a hamster is not too difficult. The main thing is to monitor your pet’s diet, give it a little attention and clean the house more often.



Dental careYour animal's teeth need to be cared for constantly and carefully. If the food is not hard enough, the teeth begin to grow very quickly, preventing him from eating.
Cleaning the houseIt is necessary to clean the home several times a week. In this case, the animal is temporarily moved to another place, for example, to a small jar. The bedding is changed and the cage is washed with detergent. The toilet is cleaned as it gets dirty
WalkingThe place for games must be equipped in a special way. For example, build an obstacle course. Animals love small obstacles or various labyrinths
Nail careAn animal's claws need to be carefully looked after, especially if the pet is already old. They are carefully trimmed using special manicure scissors. You should not use a nail file, because the rodent may become frightened by it and attack its owner.

If you want to have a hamster, then you need to remember that this is not a soft and funny toy, but a living creature that needs appropriate conditions and careful care. It is necessary to follow certain rules when caring for a hamster.

The article will be divided into two blocks:


To keep your little pet happy, we recommend that you read the following tips on how to care for hamsters.

Keeping hamsters– this is quite a troublesome task, despite its apparent ease. First of all, remember - the order that the hamster establishes in his cage cannot be disturbed. You only have the right to maintain basic hygiene: wash the feeder, clean the toilet, update the bedding if necessary, etc. Never make any rearrangements in the cage, because... this can cause serious stress for the animal.

The hamster treats his house. It is inviolable from the hands of others, but care must be taken to ensure that spoiled food does not end up in the hamster’s bins. As for replacing the bedding, remember - everything is good in moderation - so if you completely remove all the sawdust, the hamster will not feel the native smell of the home and this can become a serious cause for frustration and worry. You will bring the hamster to nervous breakdown, caring for him in such an unacceptable way for him. Once a week is enough to restore order in the cage.

But as for toilet, then it must be kept clean and tidied up daily if you do not want the hamster’s favorite smell to spread throughout the entire apartment. Cleaning the toilet should be mandatory procedure daily care.

It also makes no sense to let your hamster out of the cage often. Regular jogging around the house will not lead to positive results, because the hamster can run away or hide, chew doors and other furniture. To realize their energy, hamsters only need the space of their own home and running wheel. Caring for a hamster within the confines of a cage is much safer and easier.

You shouldn’t often move your hamster’s cage from place to place depending on your mood - similar moving do not have the best effect on mental state hamster It is necessary to keep a hamster in comfortable and stable conditions, so taking the rodent outside the apartment is not a good idea.


Now let's move on to the questions proper feeding hamsters, since nutrition most directly affects the physical health of the hamster.

The main part of a hamster's diet should be dry food, which is easy to find in specialized pet stores. Dry grain mixtures are very useful for hamsters, as they contain many essential vitamins and microelements, in addition, hamsters wear down their teeth by eating grains.
Nuts and seeds- one of the most favorite delicacies of hamsters, however, they can cause harm in large quantities, so there is no need to follow the whims of the animal.
The nutritional characteristics of hamsters are determined by their genetic fitness to receive the right amount. liquids from juicy foods, so if you think that your animal has enough water with food, you can remove the drinking bowl from the cage. If you feed your pet exclusively dry food, then having a drinking bowl in the cage is a must.
Vegetables and fruits are also important food. The animal can be fed with foods such as raspberries, pears, carrots, and apples. But citrus fruits are completely unsuitable for this role.

To those who care physical health hamster, you need to know about the feeding regime. You need to feed your pet a maximum of twice a day. It is also necessary to take into account that the main time hamsters are awake is at night, which means that they need to receive the bulk of their nutrients in the late afternoon. The same rule applies to perishable foods - they should be given to hamsters at night, and the remains should be removed from the cage in the morning. Hamsters are very sensitive, so they are easily susceptible to various poisonings. Please contact Special attention on the freshness of food.

Care should be taken when feeding hamsters the following products nutrition – berries and fruits, which contain a large amount of water - they very easily absorb toxins and can cause poisoning of the pet.

Greenery(dill, parsley, lettuce) should be given in small quantities. At the same time, you need to pay attention to ensure that it is thoroughly washed and grown without chemicals.

What should you not give?

It is best to avoid feeding dairy products. Only cottage cheese and kefir are allowed once a week. Protein food(chicken meat, boiled egg) can be given no more than twice a week.

Foods that are very difficult for hamsters to digest are garlic, onions and potatoes. Salty, spicy and fatty food, as well as mushrooms, honey, chocolate, sausages, cheese, canned food and smoked meats.

Be careful and attentive to your pet, and he will be healthy and cheerful.

When it's time to start pet, many people prefer hamsters. This is due to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to keep a large animal in their apartment. Some do not have physical space, as they live in communal apartments or in small areas. Often the cause is an allergy to a particular animal. And sometimes there is banal laziness, since the same dog needs to be constantly walked, cleaned, fed, played, in a word, given a lot of attention. Hamsters are another matter; they do not require much attention; by and large, caring for pet hamsters does not cause any significant inconvenience. It is enough to allocate a place for the cage in which the baby will live. Every day you will be greeted by a sleeping pet, one look at which already lifts your spirits. Especially when the animal begins to look for and explore something.

Pet hamsters, caring for and maintaining them also requires some effort. You need to know their character, behavioral characteristics, what to feed and how to care for them. But don't be alarmed, it's not difficult and takes very little time.

Like every animal, a rodent has certain advantages and disadvantages. Before starting it, you need to be prepared for everything described below. There are several of the most popular species: Syrian, Djungarian, Roborovsky's hamster, Angora, albino, Campbell's.

An interesting feature is their lifestyle; domestic hamsters are solitary and live alone in a cage. Some people will definitely want to buy not just one hamster, but several. Put everyone in one cage. But Georgians will not get along well together, and you can often watch hamsters fight. Sooner or later someone will hurt or kill someone. The exception is the Roborovsky hamster, which is the smallest species among all domestic animals. They can be placed side by side, provided that there is enough space for each individual and they are all of the same gender.

Advantages of keeping hamsters at home:

  • They take up little space because they live in the territory that you allocate for them.
  • They don’t eat a lot, on which they can save significantly.
  • They don’t make noise, sit in their cage and live their lives without disturbing anyone.
  • They are not vindictive and quickly forget insults.
  • Can be tamed to the arms, shoulder and even to the nickname.
  • Often you don’t need to buy additional special food; if you know what you can feed your hamster, then what’s already in the refrigerator is enough.
  • Children love them very much and it’s mutual.
  • They can always cheer you up.
  • Low price.
  • No need to walk around the house for a long time.
  • There is no need to collect wool from all over the apartment.

For many, these benefits will be enough. This is especially true for those who do not have a lot of money. At one time, I myself lived in a communal apartment, where 4 people lived on 12 square meters. In such a situation, you won’t be able to get anything other than a hamster, even a parrot (it creates a lot of noise).

But everyone has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of keeping hamsters:

  • You need to clean the cage often, otherwise there will be an unpleasant smell.
  • If you are not careful, it may escape from the cage and then you need to look for the hamster throughout the apartment. And the small creature is not easy to find.
  • They try everything, even the owner’s finger at the first meeting.
  • In winter they can hibernate and should not be disturbed at this time. When they wake up, they need to be well fed, after which they go back to sleep.
  • Untamed rodents often show aggression, especially when trying to contact them.
  • They need to be groomed every day, but this is a drawback of all pets.

If you travel frequently or leave your apartment for several days, it is better to give up the idea of ​​having any pet.

We decorate the home

Keeping and caring for a hamster at home primarily means having housing. You need to take care of it even before you get a pet. A cage or aquarium is best suited for this purpose, depending on the type of hamster. For smallest species(Roborovsky's hamster) needs an aquarium or terrarium. Because there is a chance that the animal will crawl out between the bars of the cage. For large rodents best choice there will be a cage. But under no circumstances use a jar, some people do this. In it, your pet will feel like in prison.

Pay attention to the size of the future home. They should be sufficient to keep the hamster comfortable. A kind of minimum, a cage of 50x30 centimeters. The bars are vertical so that the animal does not climb along them to the very top of the structure. This will be a significant height for him, and a fall could be fraught with consequences. The distance between the bars should be such that the pet cannot crawl out between them.

But an empty cell is not suitable for normal life. The vast majority are equipped with additional accessories, but their quality is questionable. Therefore, it is recommended to replace them with better ones as soon as possible.

Each cell must contain the following:

  • Litter (filler)– needed to absorb all the unpleasant smell. A hamster can be toilet trained, but it will still pee where it decides. The litter absorbs all this, so it needs to be changed from time to time. Corn filler works well, it needs to be changed less often, and it does its job perfectly.
  • Running wheel – keeps the hamster active. These rodents are very active and energetic, so the extra energy needs to go somewhere. Otherwise, it may affect your health. The wheel should have a solid surface and spin easily. If a squeak is heard when moving, the animal may ignore the accessory.
  • The toilet is where the hamster will relieve itself. It happens that he does not know why this accessory is needed and uses it for other purposes. In this case, you need to toilet train him. There is also bedding inside, which needs to be changed every day. The pet chooses the place for the toilet himself. You have to understand what place he chose and just put the toilet there.
  • Bar or mineral stone– a mandatory attribute of caring for hamsters at home. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this and then wonders why the hamster chews the cage. He needs to grind down his teeth, which are constantly growing, so a special stone or wood is a must.
  • Feeder – used to store food. There should be 2 pieces in the cage. One is for food that does not spoil, the other is for fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking bowl - the animal will drink water from it. It should not be in a bowl, but taken out. Sold in every pet store.
  • The house is used for sleeping. He will play a special role immediately after moving to a new home. The hamster will hide in it to survive new changes. There you will be relieved of stress and will be able to go out to explore new territories. Often used as a food warehouse.

Not everyone knows how to care for a hamster at home. The place where the home will be located plays an important role. A draft is extremely harmful to the animal, so never place it near a window or on the floor.

Hamster diet

Caring for a hamster starts with proper nutrition. This is probably the topic where there are the most nuances. Domestic hamsters are very sensitive to food. Many products are prohibited for them. Chemicals are not digested at all. You need to be prepared for this.

The basis of the diet is dry food, which should be given at least once every day. They are rodents by nature and they constantly need to chew on something. Their teeth, which grow throughout their lives, are adapted for this purpose. When they bite into solid food, they simultaneously eat and grind it down. Otherwise, the hamster will chew on inedible objects, including cage bars.

You need to be able to choose the right food. There are domestic (cheap) and imported (more expensive). But don't look at low price. Russian food is of extremely low quality and requires additional purchase of vitamins. They also need to know how to give them, since even a slight overdose can have serious consequences. The imported one is well balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and supplements for a hamster. But not everyone wants to spend more where they can save. Therefore, the best option for most would be to buy cheap and expensive food and simply mix them.

Vegetables and fruits play for the hamster important role. They must be given so that the diet is complete. They are almost as important as water. Also, do not forget to feed your pet cereals and greens.

Some people are hesitant to give water. Judging by this, they don’t even have a clue how to care for hamsters at home. They absolutely need water. Moreover, it needs to be replaced with a fresh one every day.

What you need to know about caring for hamsters

The animal is highly susceptible stressful situations. Getting out of this state is long and difficult, so it’s better not to let it get to that point. To do this, you need to avoid the following situations:

  • Lack of water. When a person does not have the opportunity to quench his thirst for a long time, he will not be in adequate condition. A pet is no exception; caring for a hamster includes changing water every day.
  • Lots of lighting in the house. The rodent hides its treasures in it and sleeps itself. This often happens for the simple reason that there is simply less lighting and the influence of external factors.
  • Two hamsters in one cage. This is serious stress for both. They will not rest until one of them dies or retreats. But there is nowhere to go, since they are locked within four walls.
  • Contact with your pet last days pregnancy or in the first week after birth. It is not advisable to leave your scent on the brood, otherwise a situation may arise where the female eats her cubs.

After purchase, give your pet time to get used to the new environment. Try not to make loud noise near the cage. Make him feel safe. From time to time it is recommended to walk him around the apartment; for this you can simply let him go and follow him, or buy a walking ball. The animal will not escape from it, since it will be visible from afar.

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These small, furry rodents are one of the most popular pets.

Hamsters have won a strong place in the homes and hearts of caring owners thanks to their unpretentiousness, friendliness and intelligence. But despite all their advantages and popularity, the decision to place a new furry pet in your home must be approached with all responsibility.

To buy or not to buy?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that family members are not allergic to animal hair or bedding fillers. Second, but no less important, is the choice of location for the cage of the future pet. Hamsters equally do not like drafts, too warm or cold air, and dampness. They do not belong in a smoky room, on the floor or windowsill. It is important to remember that these are living beings and they have the right to demand that they be treated with dignity.

Other indisputable advantages of keeping hamsters include their low cost and ease of care, which does not require special skills. The small amount of food a hamster needs to full life, will not affect the family budget in any way, and his cage will not take up much space in the apartment.

What age is optimal to buy?

Unlike other pets, hamsters do not live long - on average from one and a half to three and a half years. If you decide to get a new pet, it is better to purchase it when it is no older than two months. Young hamsters quickly get used to a new environment, are easier to train, and are easier to train to a tray.

Who to choose - male or female?

The choice of the sex of a hamster depends entirely on the preferences of its future owners, however, if only one hamster plans to live in your house, then experts recommend purchasing a male. The procedure for determining the sex of a hamster is quite simple - you need to carefully place it in the palm of your hand or take it by the scruff of the neck and look at the distance between the genital organ and the anus. In females this distance is very small - no more than three millimeters, and in males - up to one and a half centimeters.

Cell selection

A cage with vertical or horizontal bars is the most suitable and comfortable home for a hamster. Its size depends on the breed of hamster. For dwarf hamsters - Djungarian and Roborovsky - the height and width are approximately 30 cm, length - 50 cm. For golden or Syrian hamsters, it is better to choose a larger cage - 40 cm wide and high, about 60 cm long.

Unlike Syrian hamsters, Djungarian and Roborovian hamsters are indifferent to climbing rods and other acrobatic tricks, so plastic cages (dunes) are quite suitable for them. Under no circumstances should hamsters be placed in tall and narrow aquariums - bacteria multiply very quickly here, there is high humidity and there is almost no access to fresh air.

Cage interior

To make your pet feel happy and healthy, he needs to not only be fed, but also entertained. Golden hamsters cannot do without climbing devices - various decorative branches, tubes, labyrinths, obstacles that create several tiers in the cage at once. Here, it is necessary to have a wheel with cross bars; it can be attached to the wall or installed on the floor of the cage.

Medium-sized sawdust, compressed or mixed with shavings, as well as fine sifted sand for dwarf breeds. All types of textile or paper bedding, including newspapers, cotton wool, and rags, are strictly excluded.

An important place in a hamster’s home is a house for sleeping and resting; here he can store valuable things. The house should be quite spacious and comfortable, preferably attached to the wall. Its design should provide easy access for washing and ventilation.

Having bought a cage and placed a hamster in it, immediately install a toilet in it with a special filler that absorbs odor and moisture. You need to train your hamster to go to the litter box with early age, otherwise it will be very difficult and often impossible to retrain him. The filler must be replaced once a week.

You can purchase a feeder in a store or make it yourself, taking into account the size of your pet. On average, the size of the feeder varies from three to ten centimeters, with a height of about one and a half centimeters.

You can use a small container - about 50 milliliters - as a drinking bowl. This volume will fully satisfy the hamster’s daily need for water. The water in the drinking bowl should be changed daily, and it is also very important to ensure that there is no wet sawdust around the container.

We buy only healthy hamsters

When choosing a hamster, it is very important to make sure that your future pet is healthy. A visual inspection and observation of his behavior will be enough to make sure that everything is fine with him. So, a hamster is healthy if:

  • He has a shiny, thick coat with no signs of hair loss. Scars spoil appearance animal, but do not talk about its poor health.
  • his eyes are clear, clean around and shiny.
  • There is no nasal discharge, the nose itself is healthy and clean.
  • the fur around the anus is clean, without signs of diarrhea or inflammation.

A hamster that has just been woken up should not show excessive anxiety or, conversely, apathy. Both options indicate a stressful state of the animal, which can subsequently result in high vulnerability and disease. Only Roborovsky's hamsters are characterized by increased fussiness in any circumstances.

Do you need neighbors?

Your hamster will be very sensitive if someone else lives in his cage. Therefore, there should be as many cages as you plan to have hamsters.

Getting used to the new home

In order for your new guest to quickly get used to his new conditions, give him a few days to leisurely explore his home. Once the initial stress has passed, innate curiosity will take over and the hamster will begin to explore its cage with interest, feeling increasingly confident.

If there is a need to take the animal, for example, to the veterinarian, it is not at all necessary to take the entire cage with you - it is enough to purchase a small carrier for rodents. It will come in handy later on spring cleaning cells. Alternatively, a well-ventilated cardboard box can be used.

How to handle a hamster?

Gaining your hamster's trust will take patience and some time. However, all the efforts spent on this will pay off in full - communication with your pet will bring you only joy. What are the do's and don'ts when handling hamsters?

It is forbidden:

  • make sudden movements or wave your arms near the hamster;
  • pick up a hamster that has just woken up or is sleeping;
  • drive into a corner or cover with palms;
  • scream loudly near the cage;
  • leave it on high surfaces - it does not distinguish distances and will definitely fall down;
  • grab by the scruff of the neck with a rough movement.


  • talk to the animal in a soft, calm voice;
  • when picking him up, do it slowly and carefully, clasping him under the front paws;
  • touch the hamster only with clean hands and give him the opportunity to sniff your hand first - this way he will quickly get used to your smell;
  • Give him a chance to calm down if he is scared.

What to do if bitten by a hamster?

Hamsters are harmless, but very sensitive and timid creatures. Therefore, sometimes there is a risk of being bitten, but not out of malice, but for the purpose of self-defense. Additionally, if your hand smells like food, your hamster may simply mistake it for a tasty treat. What to do if you are bitten?

Firstly, remain calm and not punish the animal - he did not do it out of malice. Carefully place it in the cage and treat the bite site with brilliant green, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, and apply a band-aid. If your hamster is healthy, then no dangerous consequences there will be no bite.

What and how to feed hamsters?

The main food of hamsters is solid grains such as wheat, oats, and millet. They also love to nibble on seeds and nuts, but these delicacies cannot be their main food; it is better to leave them as dessert. Hamsters satisfy their need for fluids and vitamins with juicy vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, pears, celery, cucumbers, beets, and corn. Garlic, onions, citrus fruits and cabbage should be excluded from their diet. Sometimes you can pamper your hamster with sweet berries in small quantities - strawberries, raspberries, grapes.

Feeding occurs twice a day - morning and evening. To determine the portion size and taste preferences of your pet, just watch him for a while. And don’t forget to give him a drinking bowl with clean water every day.

Water treatments and nail trimming

Hamsters don't like to bathe, so... water procedures need to be resorted to only when necessary. For bathing, a special shampoo for rodents is best, after which the fur should be blotted with a soft towel. If the room is cool and you are worried that it will freeze, you can lightly dry it with a hairdryer using a gentle stream of warm air.

Overgrown claws are cut off with great care using a special nail clipper or nail clippers.

Reproduction of hamsters

Hamsters are allowed to mate after both partners reach three months of age.

On average, the duration of pregnancy in hamsters is from two and a half to three weeks.

For about three more weeks, the babies born will feed on their mother's milk. During this period, it is advisable to add a small amount of protein to the female’s diet - a hard-boiled egg, a piece of cheese or boiled chicken. Before birth, a cage with expectant mother It is better to move it to a quiet place with low lighting.

If the female is young and has become a mother for the first time, she may abandon her cubs and even eat them. Unfortunately, if this happened before the babies reached at least ten days of age, then it will not be possible to save them. After 3.5 - 4 weeks, the cubs are separated, being housed in separate cages. They should not be allowed to stay with their mother for more than five weeks.

Newborn hamsters are hairless, deaf and blind. For the first few days, their main food is mother's milk, then they gradually switch to small grains. At the end of the first week, their fur begins to grow, and at the end of the second, their eyes open. Within a month, they will be completely accustomed to the world around them.

After the offspring are born, the male should not be in the same cage with the female - he will not harm the babies and even help in caring for them, but it is very likely that the female will become pregnant again, and this can be dangerous for her health.

Signs of illness in hamsters

You can determine if your pet is sick by the following signs:

  • wet fur and heavy breathing;
  • increased aggressiveness or apathy;
  • hair loss or skin sores;
  • chills, frequent stool(liquid or dry);
  • the presence of blood-sucking insects - lice, fleas.

Fluffy and playful, indoor hamsters are kept by many today as pets. These small animals are often given to children, who play with, feed and care for them. Rodents are not picky, so not only an adult, but also a child can handle their care at home.

Choosing a house for a hamster

Special attention should be paid to transporting a rodent and choosing a house for it, since these pets are special reasons may be subject to stress. You should not immediately place your hamster in a new home. After purchasing from a pet store, the animal can be kept in an ordinary glass jar for several days and given time to adapt.

At home, it is not recommended to keep rodents in jars, plastic containers or cardboard boxes. You can set up a large aquarium or, best of all, a cage for them. The house should be forty centimeters wide and sixty centimeters long. If a cage is selected, it is necessary to ensure that its bars were located horizontally. In this case, the pet will be able to move freely on all planes of its home.

Types of houses for hamsters

Today, pet stores offer a large selection of devices in which rodents can be kept. However, some pet owners make houses with their own hands.

Kinds houses:

Whatever house is chosen, it should be installed in a quiet place away from heating radiators, direct sun rays and drafts. The home should be placed so that other pets and small children cannot reach the small pet.

Proper house equipment

Choosing for a hamster suitable housing, it should definitely be equip:

Features of caring for hamsters

At home, caring for rodents involves feeding them, cleaning the house, and bathing the pet. The life rhythm of rodents depends on the time of year, which is also something you need to know.

What to feed a hamster at home?

In nature, rodents eat grains and animal products. At home, they should be fed carefully, having first studied what can be given to the pet as food and what it is forbidden:

When caring for a hamster great attention should pay attention to the drinking regime. Rodents drink from seven to ten milliliters of water per day, which should always be fresh and clean.

Hamsters should not be fed food from the table, since foods that are healthy for humans can be bad for the health of the rodent.

Nail care

U rodents Quite sharp claws that they need to sharpen and trim. Therefore, you should definitely purchase a mineral stone and a special nail clipper for your pet. The free edge of the claw must be trimmed regularly. This procedure should be carried out carefully. You need to try not to touch the capillaries. To better see where the capillaries begin, you can illuminate the claw with a daylight lamp. If the pet was accidentally injured, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Hamster hibernation

With the onset of winter, hamsters begin an economical lifestyle and can hibernate. This happens at low air temperatures, poor lighting and a poor diet. In a warm home environment, rodents awaken. It is not recommended to wake them.


Hamsters don't like water, so bathe they should be used carefully. This procedure is carried out only if the animal has an unpleasant odor or the fur is very dirty. Water should not get into your pet's nose, ears and eyes. The rodent will get scared if it is released into the water. Therefore, you need to hold your pet while bathing.

It is not recommended to use shampoos or other detergents. As a last resort, you can wash your hamster's coat with rabbit shampoo. After bathing, the pet should warm up, so until it dries, it should be wrapped in a cloth and held in your hands. After this, the hamster is wrapped in a dry, warm cloth, in which it should dry well and warm up.

Fight stress

Rodents can be stressed for no apparent reason, so they should be provided with comfortable conditions and stressful situations should be excluded.

Main reasons stress:

  1. Small children, dogs and cats should not be allowed near the pet's cage. They can frighten the animal with their behavior.
  2. Rodents are very afraid of noisy streets, and even a simple ride in a car can cause them to go into cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them out for walks.
  3. The house should only be cleaned when it is empty, after removing the hamster from it.
  4. Near your pet's home, you should speak in a moderate tone, and only address him kindly. Under no circumstances should you shout or raise your voice.
  5. Dirty litter, an uncleaned house, lack of water and food can also cause stress in the animal. Therefore, the rodent needs constant care.
  6. It is not recommended to move the cage from place to place. This change can cause stress in the hamster. Also, you should not change the daily routine to which your pet is accustomed.
  7. Hamsters thrive in the dark, and if you suddenly turn on a fluorescent lamp at night, they may begin to panic.
  8. A pet that lives alone may fall into depression, if you add another hamster to him. Therefore, another house is purchased and equipped for the new rodent. In order for hamsters to live together, they are raised together from an early age. However, when they grow up, each will need its own cage.
  9. When breeding hamsters, there is no need to constantly check newborn animals. The female will not like this and will start to get angry.

Hamsters love to live in peace and quiet, separately from their relatives and other pets.

Caring for a hamster at home is not difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules of care, choose a good house for your pet, equip its home with the necessary items and feed only permitted products.

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