Home Stomatitis My first hedgehog: tips for beginners. Personal space or how to choose a suitable housing Hygiene at the hedgehog station

My first hedgehog: tips for beginners. Personal space or how to choose a suitable housing Hygiene at the hedgehog station

In the article I will consider the question of how to choose a hedgehog breed for your home. I will give the basic requirements for care and how to maintain it at home: place, drinking water, walking, cleaning, house. I will list the main foods that you can feed him, what he eats, and whether he hibernates in winter. I will cover the issue of the hedgehog’s proximity to other pets.

How long do hedgehogs live at home?

The average lifespan of these animals is wildlife 3-5 years.

Homes for this mammal are provided more than Better conditions than in the wild, so they live longer in an apartment. The number of years lived is influenced by the origin of the hedgehog.

An ordinary hedgehog in an apartment can live up to 10 years.

However, if you take an adult animal from the forest, it will become very stressed and will only live for a couple of years.

Therefore, it is better to take a young hedgehog. In many cities there are special clubs for hedgehog lovers where you can purchase such a baby.

Average life expectancy of other hedgehog breeds:

  • eared: 3-6 years;
  • white-breasted: 4 years;
  • African pygmy hedgehog 5 years old;
  • Algerian 3-4 years;
  • Chinese 5 years;
  • Ethiopian 3-4 years.
If you want to have a prickly pet, you can buy a hedgehog

Since most species of domestic hedgehogs come from the southern regions, they require additional warmth. If this condition is not met, their lifespan will be shortened.

To prolong the life of your pet, you should follow the following rules:

  • proper and rational nutrition;
  • several hedgehogs cannot be kept in one cage at once;
  • timely contact a veterinarian.

How to choose a hedgehog breed for your home

There are the following types of hedgehogs:

African hedgehogs

They are divided into:

  • Algerian.
  • White-bellied.
  • Somali.
  • South African.

African dwarf albino

These hedgehogs love warmth and high humidity.


  • Daursky.
  • Chinese.


This type prefers high temperature, but not too high air humidity.


  • Amursky.
  • Eastern European.
  • European.

Eastern European

This genus is adapted to Russian conditions.

The best option for an apartment is the African pygmy hedgehog, because it is specially bred for keeping at home.

This species has good immunity and small dimensions.

Rules of care and maintenance


A hedgehog cannot move freely around the apartment and do without a home, since there are many dangers for him here.

Basic requirements for living conditions for a given mammal:

  • temperature 22-25 degrees;
  • the house must be protected from drafts and from direct impact rays of the sun ( the best option- place the house on the table);
  • there should be at least half a meter free inside (the best option is an area of ​​60x90 cm);
  • the surface must be flat;
  • a hedgehog apartment should be well ventilated on one side and retain heat on the other.

House for a hedgehog

Placement options include:

  1. Cage: it is better to use special cages for guinea pigs or rabbits. The minimum size is 60x90 cm. The bottom must be solid and level. There should be a distance of 2-2.5 cm between the rods.
  2. Dune: made of plastic. Outwardly it resembles a terrarium. It is rare to find the required sizes, so you have to keep the lid open.
  3. Residential rack: has several floors. Ideal for keeping two hedgehogs. This type of housing is expensive.

Home cleaning

At least once a week it is necessary to thoroughly clean the hedgehog's house.

Cleaning products can be:

  • soap: it should not have a strong smell, since their sense of smell is very developed;
  • chlorhexidine solution (2 tbsp per 1 liter of water);
  • disinfectants (ZooSan, Alaminol, etc.);
  • unscented wet wipes (for children);
  • soda: for 1 liter of water take 6 tbsp. l.

The detergent must be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water.

If your pet is afraid, then it is better to postpone cleaning or playing until later.

Drinking bowl

For drinking, you need a heavy bowl made of ceramic or plastic with a weighting agent.

Ideal sizes: width 7-12 cm, height no more than 3 cm.

The materials of the container must be of high quality and free of foreign odors. Tap water cannot be given.

There are special nipple drinkers. They are easy to use and more sterile. However, when using it, the hedgehog must strongly arch its body, and it can also damage its teeth by biting metal or get its tongue stuck in the tube.

When purchasing a hedgehog from a breeder, you need to find out how the pet took water. If it was a drinking bowl, then the transition to the bowl should be gradual.

A complete transfer to the container is carried out until the animal learns to drink from it.

Buy a special drinking bowl from a pet store that hangs on the outside of the cage.


Hedgehogs need to be walked for 3 hours every day. An apartment is suitable for this. While walking, you should constantly monitor the hedgehog, as there are many dangerous things in the apartment.

Diet and feeding

For adults and little hedgehog The diet is different:

  1. For small children: very small children are fed from a pipette after 2-3 hours with water diluted with boiled milk (ratio 2:1). After eating, your pet needs to massage its belly. Milk porridge, lean meat, and a boiled egg are added to the diet per month. Dairy products are removed when the weight reaches 300 grams.
  2. Adults: purchased bloodworms and other insects, lean meat and fish (raw and cooked), boiled liver, fresh fruits and vegetables. An adult is fed 2 times a day, 50 g.

Milk should be given rarely, as hedgehogs do not digest it well.

You can pamper your pet with fresh fruit juice

Do pet hedgehogs hibernate?

In autumn the animal hibernates. Before its onset, it is worth increasing feeding. Before hibernation, the animal becomes lethargic. It is worth preparing the place in advance: any place where the temperature is not higher than 5 degrees. For it you need to make a nest from sawdust. The animal remains in this state until spring. In apartments where it is warm, they rarely hibernate, which reduces the number of years they live.

The hedgehog's proximity to other pets

The hedgehog is an undemanding animal.

Understand whether a pet can get along with any other pet, perhaps through experience. Cats, when they learn that a rodent has needles that can be pricked, stop being aggressive. The same thing happens with small breeds of dogs as with cats.

The hedgehog is capable of friendly relations with all residents of the house

If the dog is large, then it will try to kill the hedgehog. They get along with rodents and guinea pigs. But on for a long time They cannot be left in the same cage.

At proper care he can live longer a long period time.

Hedgehogs – snorting, prickly lumps – leave no one indifferent. These cute and touching pets are increasingly becoming residents of home apartments.

However, caring for hedgehogs is not easy. Ten thousand needles, which are regularly renewed, the night tramp and the remains of vital activity throughout the house. And also a sea of ​​positive emotions from a wonderful pet.

What will tip the scales? Let's figure it out together.

Which hedgehog is suitable for an apartment?

If you meet a hedgehog in the forest, say hello to it and pass by. Do not flatter yourself with the hope that a wild forest pet will become your good friend and will be able to get used to life at home.

Eared hedgehogs are best suited for keeping in an apartment, as well as dwarf African hedgehogs . The latter are a special breed artificially bred by man. African pygmy hedgehogs do not trample, do not have an unpleasant odor, and eat ready-made cat food with great pleasure. They do not hibernate, and their summer regime is not much different from winter.

With good care, pygmy hedgehogs live for about 5 years; they are very attached to humans and are completely unsuited to life in the wild.

As for long-eared hedgehogs, as the name of the breed suggests, they distinctive feature are long 5-centimeter ears that stick out funny in different directions.

Long-eared hedgehogs They love warmth very much, drafts are dangerous for their lives. The breed of these animals is listed in the Red Book. The lifespan of pets can reach up to 10 years.

There are other breeds of hedgehogs that are suitable for home care. But if you decide to have one exotic pet, do not buy it from the market. Contact breeders, of whom there are many today, to be sure that the hedgehog is young and healthy.

What does a healthy hedgehog look like?

A healthy young hedgehog should be active and moderately well-fed. Here are a few more signs that can help you identify a healthy pet:

  • Clean needles and fur
  • No scars or damage
  • Beady eyes. Clean, shiny, without crusts, not sunken or convex

Setting up a cage for a hedgehog

Like any other pet, a hedgehog needs its own secluded corner. Of course, prickly animals move around the house with pleasure, but at the same time they should have a place where they can relax and enjoy peace and quiet. The enclosure for a hedgehog should be quite spacious; the ideal size of a home for a hedgehog is 76x76 cm.

You should not place your hedgehog in a cage with iron bars. The fact is that hedgehogs very easily arrange escapes from it. The enclosure door must close tightly.

A prickly pet's house should have: a drinking bowl, a place for a toilet, a play area and a place to rest. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so the sleeping area should be darkened. It could be a box or a handbag, or a separate small house.

Cover the floor in the hedgehog's home with sawdust and do not forget to renew it in a timely manner.

There are cases when hedgehogs that are particularly capable of training have learned to use a tray with litter for the toilet, as cats do. If you have enough patience, and the pet is still young and ready to learn, try to accustom your hedgehog to such cleanliness.

A hedgehog is an amazing animal that just by looking at you makes you smile. In children's fairy tales, he is a wise and kind forest dweller, caring and generous. It is not surprising that many people dream of having a prickly charmer at home. Before you do this, you need to think about the fact that keeping hedgehogs at home is different from keeping a dog, cat or parrot.

Meet the hedgehog

Who doesn’t know these cute little animals that are found all over the world! The hedgehog is an omnivorous animal, covered with approximately 10 thousand renewing spines, leading a nocturnal lifestyle. The height of the animals is 12-45 cm, hedgehogs weigh from 0.3 to 1.5 kg.

You definitely need to make a house in the cage; privacy is important for the hedgehog. Wooden house the inside is lined with grass, moss, leaves or hay. In such a nest house, the hedgehog will be happy to tinker and sleep.

Nobody canceled hibernation!

The animal's hibernation period occurs at the end of October - beginning of November.

How to prepare your pet for this important stage in his life:

  1. With the arrival of autumn, more high-calorie foods are introduced into the hedgehog's diet. So the hedgehog will accumulate body fat- energy reserve during sleep.
  2. In a calm, cool place, where the air temperature does not exceed +5 0 - +7 0, a shelter is equipped. The nest can be built from rags, hay, dry leaves, straw.
  3. If you notice that the hedgehog is becoming lethargic and not eating well, you should take it to the nest and not disturb it. Usually hibernation lasts until the end of February - beginning of March.

Hedgehog and other animals in the house

If you really want to have a hedgehog, and there are already other animals in the house (cats, dogs, hamsters or parrots), is there any hope of making them friends? Experts give a clear answer: no, in real life There can be no friendship between animals.

In the best case, all the monasteries of the house will live, simply not noticing each other and communicating only with the owner. A hedgehog will not make friends with either a dog or a cat, since these animals perceive the world differently and do not contact each other.

You should not place a hedgehog in the same cage with hamsters, rats, or chinchillas - this can end sadly for the rodents.

What to name your pet?

And now a pet hedgehog has been acquired. He has a cage and bowls. Now he needs a name. Every time you feed your prickly pet, you need to say the name out loud. Then, over time, the hedgehog may begin to come running when the owner calls.

What names are suitable for these funny animals? Rustle or Shurshun, Stomper, Thorn, Hedgehog, Chucha. The choice of name depends on the imagination and preferences of the owner, the main thing is that it is not very long, and the sounds in the name are pronounced clearly.

Choosing the right and safe home for your hedgehog is perhaps the most important thing when creating a comfortable and happy existence in your home.

There are a great many options for hedgehog dwellings, but before moving on to choosing them, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements for the location, size and design of the correct “hedgehog apartment”.

1. The home for your pet should be located in a warm place (maintaining the temperature at 23-25 ​​degrees year-round) and safe place, difficult to reach other animals (if any), protected from drafts and direct sun rays, preferably at a sufficient distance from the battery. In this case, a table or cabinet that matches the size of the home is best. It is strictly not recommended to place the hedgehog on the floor.

2. Any “hedgehog apartment” should be spacious. It should have at least half a meter of free space, in addition to the space occupied by the wheel, house, bowls and other accessories. The area of ​​the home itself must be selected based on its internal content, clutter and the possibility of free movement between things. The ideal size is considered to be an area of ​​at least 60x90 cm, and a height such that there is free space above the installed wheel (about 6-10 cm, at least).

3. The surface of the dwelling must be continuous, i.e. flat. A bottom in the form of a mesh or lattice is not allowed. Such surfaces, in addition to poor heat retention, will 100% lead to your pet disfiguring its limbs.

4. The animal should not have the slightest opportunity to get out of its abode. Hedgehogs are good at climbing and in any convenient opportunity they will try to sneak out of their home for a more detailed study of yours, and this usually does not lead to anything good. For a little hedgehog Big world promises a whole bunch of trouble.

If your choice falls towards a two-story (or more) hedgehog penthouse, which is extremely rare and essentially completely useless, then there are also a couple of important notes here. Transitions between the first, second and possibly third floors must be safe. If you decide to use a ladder, it should be continuous, i.e. without through lattice steps and always with the highest possible sides (several centimeters higher than the height of the hedgehog). If a ladder is not your option, then you can use a pipe, but it should be twice as wide as the hedgehog itself so that he can turn around in it safely if necessary. The pipe must have a solid surface (no holes or sides that can be felt by the animal’s paws), and must also be well and firmly attached. As for the area of ​​a particular floor, it should be equivalent. Floors are not suitable for a hedgehog different sizes, as is usually customary in the homes of chinchillas or squirrels. A different area will lead to the fact that your hedgehog, without using safe passages, will crash to the first floor in one second and, at best, will end up with fright, and at worst, with a fracture or a broken neck.

6. It is very important that your pet’s “apartment”, on the one hand, is well ventilated and the air does not stagnate in it, and on the other, retains the much-needed warmth.

After we have become familiar with the minimum requirements for any hedgehog dwelling, we will move on to a direct analysis of the most popular ones.


The most common and affordable option for hedgehog housing, especially for owners of one or two hedgehogs.

There are a great variety of cages, but not all of them are suitable for the comfortable keeping of a prickly friend.

The ideal option are cages designed for rabbits or guinea pigs.

The first thing to remember is the size (at least 60x90 cm), a continuous, flat surface of the bottom of the cage and the space between the rods (no more than 2-2.5 cm).

Young hedgehogs, weighing up to 300 grams, can easily squeeze between the bars and thus escape from the cage (hurt themselves when falling) or simply get stuck halfway, damaging their internal organs.

One more important clarification.
The cage should have wide doors and be easy to disassemble so that you can easily reach the hedgehog to interact with it, pick up bowls, a wheel or other items for cleaning.

On this moment The favorite cage manufacturer for us and many other hedgehog owners is FERPLAST.

In particular, the models of the “CASITA” (shown in the figure) and “ARENA” lines.

Such cages are made of high-quality and safe plastic, (wood) and metal, they are very convenient to open and disassemble, and have large sizes, the set includes a house, a bowl and other accessories that are not useful to a hedgehog (a hay bowl and a nipple drinker).

If buying a new cage is too expensive for you, you can purchase a used one. Recommendations for purchasing such a cage are identical to purchasing a new one, but with some clarifications. The cell must be in good condition, all doors and fasteners must work, plastic without cracks or marks from teeth, metal rods without rust.

After purchase, any cage needs thorough and hedgehog-safe disinfection (see the end of the article for information on how and what to clean the cage with).


Essentially this is the same cell, but with some nuances.

Outwardly, it looks like something similar to an aquarium or terrarium, but is made of plastic and weighs much less.

Unfortunately, dunes of an acceptable size for hedgehogs are extremely rare. We know of only one company that makes dunes close to the acceptable size - this is FERPLAST, model MAXI DUNA MULTY (shown in the figure).

The objective advantages of such a home include the fact that it is ideal suitable for hedgehogs who like to climb bars for no reason (yes, this sometimes happens), with problems with the musculoskeletal system or brain diseases.

The disadvantages include the insufficient height of the dune for the wheel, as a result of which the lid will have to be kept open, and this in turn can lead to the fact that a clever hedgehog will be able to get out or one of your pets (if any) will go to visit the prickly baby and annoy him with your presence. Due to the completely isolated space, the dune is poorly ventilated and the air will stagnate.

Plastic container

Convenient and interesting option for those who do not want to buy a ready-made cage for their hedgehog and approach the process creatively.

It is quite difficult to find one container of the right size for a hedgehog. In this case, you can buy 2 large or medium containers and make a safe transition between them (twice as wide as the size of the hedgehog itself). Thus, in one part of the hedgehog’s home there will be, for example, a play area, and in the other there will be a dining and sleeping area.

It is very important that the container you choose is made of high-quality plastic (no unpleasant chemical odor) and is high enough (higher than standing hedgehog at least 2 times). Containers intended for children's bedrooms are considered preferable, as the risk of buying dangerous products is significantly reduced.

If there are other pets living in your house, then it would be a good idea to find a container with a lid so that your hedgehog does not suffer from unexpected guests. In general, a lid is necessary in any case. It will prevent unauthorized escapes from the house.

Since with a lid, the access of air into the container will be extremely limited, or rather, even completely absent, before placing the hedgehog there, you need to take care of good ventilation. To do this, we recommend that you make holes with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm on top, around the entire perimeter of the container, and on the lid as well.

Homemade pen cage “Cubes & Coroplast”

Such “hedgehog apartments” are widespread throughout the United States.

They were originally conceived as homemade pen cages for guinea pigs, which vitally need a large amount of free space. However, over time, they found their recognition among hedgehog owners.

The undeniable advantage of this design is its relative cheapness, big size and the ability to arrange according to personal preferences.

If you choose such a home, there are several important notes on its design and location.

Since the “Cubes & Coroplast” pen cage (shown in the figure) is nothing more than mesh blocks, without installing reliable and safe sides (made of plastic or plexiglass) along the entire perimeter (at least twice as high as the one standing on hind legs, hedgehog), the animal can climb the wall and escape, or simply get stuck in the net on the way to freedom.

It is, of course, best to place the pen on a table or cabinet. However, if you are sure that the room in which the animal will be located is hidden from drafts, the floor is sufficiently insulated and the animal will not freeze, and pets (if any) will not annoy the prickly friend with their presence, then you can place hedgehog enclosure on the floor.

Residential shelving

Not the most popular in our country yet, but a very interesting and convenient option for owners of one or more hedgehogs.

The big advantage of such a home is that it fits perfectly into almost any interior and it is possible to place several hedgehogs in one place (isolated from each other).

Sometimes such a rack includes an area behind it for storing hedgehog accessories.

Objective disadvantages include high cost (houses of this kind are usually made to order only from high-quality, expensive materials) and too careful choice of the manufacturer (an ordinary furniture maker most likely will not be able to take into account all the nuances and make the rack 100% suitable for keeping an animal).

Speaking of the manufacturer
What should you pay attention to when choosing it and directly creating such a home?

The most important thing is the manufacturer’s understanding of who he is making such a structure for, materials of manufacture (no cedar), reliable doors, safe passages (if you want to make several floors), as well as good ventilation (a sufficient amount of fresh air should constantly penetrate into the living area). air).

Another important aspect is cleaning. The floor and walls of the home must be insulated from direct contact with animal waste products.

At the moment, the only domestic company that produces high-quality residential racks for animals is "Teremok".

We remind you that the dimensions of the rack you choose should not differ from those suitable for a hedgehog (60x90 cm at least), and the height should be such that there is free space above the wheel.


Perhaps the most unfortunate option for housing a hedgehog.

Terrariums/aquariums are usually designed for reptiles, which require completely different care, maintenance, temperature, humidity, etc.

In such a home, the hedgehog will feel uncomfortable due to poor ventilation, stagnant air and stuffiness (it will lead to skin chafing, needle loss, and respiratory diseases).

Another reason to refuse such a house is its weight. Such structures weigh a lot and are inconvenient to move and clean.

It often happens that hedgehogs with great pleasure begin to gnaw and eat the sealant that holds the walls of the terrarium/aquarium together, and this can lead to serious problems with health.

Can a hedgehog do without a home at all and move freely around your house?

The answer is no.
The big human world promises too many dangers for the little prickly lump.

So, what can you encounter if you allow a hedgehog to roam your home?

1. Climbing under furniture
Hedgehogs love all sorts of secluded and warm corners, so be sure that by allowing a hedgehog to move around your apartment without any restrictions, you risk finding it where you didn’t expect it at all (under a closet, chest of drawers, shelving, bed, stove, etc. .). At the same time, you will be very lucky if the animal is not stuck there and you can safely get it out without harming its health.

2. The house is like one big toilet
If a hedgehog wants to go about his important business, then he will do it exactly where he wants. Therefore, the hedgehog's unrestricted movements around the house will burden you with additional cleaning worries (think how time-consuming and unpleasant it can be to scrub hedgehog urine from the carpet at the same time).

3. Maintaining perfect cleanliness
In order to allow your hedgehog to go where he wants, all floors in your home must be kept perfectly clean, i.e. no crumbs (risk of eating something that could be hazardous to health), threads/hair (possibility of entangling limbs or neck, which can lead to suffocation or necrosis), burying in things (possibility of accidentally washing a hedgehog if it gets into your dirty clothes ). In addition to a clean floor, shelves accessible to the hedgehog should also be kept clean at all times. No access to various kinds of bags with various edible and not so filling, toxic and non-toxic detergents, in general, to any potentially dangerous things.

4. Temperature
Temperature probably plays a decisive role for a hedgehog. If the animal has the opportunity to walk around your apartment wherever and whenever it wants, then temperature regime in all rooms it should be kept at the same level (not lower than 23 degrees). Moreover, you will have to take care complete absence draft, otherwise the hedgehog has every chance of getting sick.

5. Possibility of getting burned by the battery
During the period from autumn to spring, the batteries in our homes work at their maximum. Since hedgehogs love warm and secluded places, there is a high probability that he will choose the area under the radiator as a place to sleep. Because of this it is great probably that the hedgehog could get burned and seriously injured if she was in his direct access.

6. Chance of injuring a hedgehog
Since our prickly friends lead an active nocturnal lifestyle, you have every chance of stepping on an animal in the middle of the night on the way, for example, to the toilet, and this in turn can lead to the animal, if not dying, then at least being crippled from your unexpected contact with him.

7. Hedgehog's personal belongings
Each hedgehog should have bowls for food and water, a wheel for running and a rest area (a cozy nest in the form of a house). Think about where you can place all this if the animal does not have a permanent habitat.

Remember! It is in a limited personal space that you create a safe and comfortable environment for a hedgehog to live a happy life.

Home cleaning

Since a hedgehog cannot clean up its house on its own, this responsibility falls entirely on your shoulders.

We carry out a complete cleaning of the home (replacing the filling, sleeping place, etc.) at least once a week. Even if at first glance everything looks clean and you don’t notice a strong odor, this does not mean that it makes sense to postpone cleaning for a few more days.

However, not every cleaning product is suitable for cleaning “hedgehog apartments” (remember how sensitive a hedgehog’s sense of smell is), so we have prepared for you a list of the safest ones.

Perhaps the most affordable option for cleaning.
The main rule is the absence of a strong odor, i.e. your choice should be the most neutral soap suitable for small children.

Chlorhexidine solution
Very good antimicrobial agent(also ideal for washing wounds).
Two tablespoons of concentrated chlorhexedine per 1 liter of water.

Special disinfectants
Widely used in veterinary clinics for sanitary cleaning and elimination of unpleasant odors.
Use strictly according to the instructions on the packaging (“Laina-super”, “ZooSan”, “Alaminol”).

Unscented hypoallergenic baby wipes
Ideal for cleaning up animal waste throughout the week and for wiping down the entire surface of the home while cleaning it.

Ordinary table vinegar Perfect for cleaning and disinfecting a hedgehog's house, as the acid it contains prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.
IN pure form vinegar cannot be used, therefore, as in the case of chlorhexidine, it must be diluted (ratio 1 to 1).

Just like vinegar, it prevents the growth of bacteria and is one of the safest and non-toxic cleaning products.
Used in a ratio of 1 liter of water to 5-6 tablespoons of soda.

Remember! Whatever cleaning product you choose, be sure to thoroughly rinse your pet's home with plenty of water to remove any residue. detergent and protect your pet from contact with it.

It is very convenient to keep a hedgehog outdoors, in an enclosure. Here he can live all year round and feel good and at ease, almost like in nature; in an enclosure his freedom will be limited only by the size of the territory presented to him. Here he behaves depending on the season of the year - in warm time The hedgehog is active, with the onset of cold weather it hides in a hole built for it and sleeps until spring.

In order to get closer to natural conditions The hedgehog should create an area in the enclosure similar to the edge of a forest, plant several bushes, sow herbaceous plants (quinoa, clover, nettles, etc.), scatter moss, driftwood, hollow tree trunks on the ground, where he could rest in the shade from the sun during the day, or create an extra shelter for outdoor recreation. Hedgehogs are terrestrial animals; in nature they run around a lot in search of food, so they should be provided with such conditions in the enclosure. Therefore, the enclosure for them should be larger in length and width and may be small in height. When setting up an enclosure, you must always remember that you will have to enter it periodically to care for the hedgehog, so the enclosure should have a door that suits your height.

From time to time, the artificial hole and enclosure must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and disinfected. Despite all the attractiveness of this animal, the terrible hedgehogs are dirty: a lot of droppings and food debris accumulate in the enclosure, which in warm weather quickly begin to decompose, causing bad smell. In an artificial burrow, the litter becomes damp after a while and has to be replaced with fresh one. If you do not periodically clean the artificial hole, the hedgehog will leave it and rest in another shelter that is less suitable for this purpose, for example, under a snag.

It is quite obvious that a hedgehog in an enclosure, as well as in a cage, needs food every day, so he needs to choose a reasonable, balanced food ration that meets his natural tastes. However, hedgehogs are unpretentious and omnivorous when it comes to food, so they gradually get used to eating a wide variety of food, you just need to strictly follow the feeding regime.

The hedgehog will give you many interesting sightings and you will soon fall in love with this prickly creature. But then autumn comes, and he leaves the hole less and less, eats less, and begins to prepare for hibernation. It is better not to disturb the hedgehog at this time, but, after putting more bedding on it, insulate the hole with hay or straw and leave it until spring, still periodically feeding it until it stops leaving the hole. Apparently, it’s also time for you to move to a winter apartment in the city, so cover the hole and its exit with hay so that the hedgehog can sleep warmer, and go home quietly. The hedgehog will wake up from hibernation when the snow melts and the weather warms up.

Aviary for hedgehogs

If possible, it is better to build an open-air enclosure for the hedgehog (garden enclosure). This is a large, stationary room covered with a metal mesh where the hedgehog can be kept all year round. The size and shape of the enclosure may be different, but the place for it should be dry and unobstructed tall trees from the sun. You can also keep a couple of hedgehogs in such a room, but separate artificial burrows should be built for each one, in which they will rest during the daytime. The holes should be located on opposite sides of the enclosure. In such a room they will feel as if they were in the wild: run after small animals, catch insects, dig in the ground in search of worms and other invertebrates, eat fresh greens and, when necessary, can bask in the sun.

The enclosure is built as follows: a pit (30-50 cm wide) is dug along its perimeter and four pillars made of water or gas pipes (40-60 mm in diameter) are placed in its corners. The pillars should go 50 cm into the ground and stand strictly vertically and firmly. After this, bricks are laid in the pit, fastened with cement mortar (one part cement and seven sand) so that a strip masonry is formed between the pillars, which is the foundation. Tarred boards 4-5 cm thick are laid on it. The holes at the upper ends of the pipes are plugged with wooden plugs so that the ends of long beams (60x100mm cross-section) can be nailed to the posts from above. Then they lift the upper beams and attach them with nails to the plugs at the upper ends of the pipes and the frame of the enclosure is ready. After this, the frame is covered with a metal mesh and the enclosure is ready. The top of the enclosure can be made of boards or covered with metal mesh. It is good to cover a plank roof with roofing felt or sheet iron. Before entering the enclosure, it is necessary to make a vestibule from boards with external or inside and hang two doors. The frame of the enclosure must be whitewashed inside with lime and outside with paint.

Equipment for a cage or enclosure. There should always be water and food in a cage or enclosure, for which it is necessary to have a drinking bowl and several feeders. In addition, debris in the enclosure should be removed using a broom and dustpan, and the feeders and tray should be washed after cleaning. hot water and clean dirt with a brush.

For hedgehogs, the most convenient and hygienic feeders are made of ordinary glass, plexiglass or porcelain; less convenient and hygienic are those made of baked clay. Copper and wooden feeders are not suitable. The former eventually become covered with copper oxide, which is harmful to all animals, while the latter absorb various liquids and develop an odor over time.

Drinkers should be made of the same materials as the feeders. Pneumatic drinkers are very convenient, in which the water remains clean longer and is not contaminated with food residues.

You should definitely install a house in the cage in which the hedgehog will rest after a walk. The house is made of 5-10 mm plywood of such a size that the animal can freely enter it and rest. An artificial burrow is installed in the enclosure for this purpose. To do this, a box (40x40 cm) is made from boards, a pipe 50 cm long, 20 cm wide and 20 cm high is attached to its entrance. This entire structure is buried in the ground and only the entrance to the hole is left.

The top of the burrow box (nesting chamber) must open in order to periodically replace the old litter with new one.

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