Home Wisdom teeth How many years does a guinea pig live? How long can guinea pigs live at home How long can a guinea pig live

How many years does a guinea pig live? How long can guinea pigs live at home How long can a guinea pig live

Parting with a pet is a difficult but irreversible moment, therefore, before purchasing an animal, it is important to understand how many years nature has allocated for it, and how many can be added on top as a bonus through independent efforts.

Our article will tell you how long guinea pigs live at home, what factors influence age indicators, and will also explain how to extend the life of an animal and how to convert a rodent’s age to human age.

Unlike other rodents that live 2-3 years, guinea pigs are considered long-lived, which is what captivates future owners.

Small animals that originated in countries South America, gained popularity around the world after the visit of Europeans, who transported them to other continents. Numerous breeding works, which made it possible to develop new species, shortened the natural life expectancy. , can live up to 10 years. IN in this case the duration depends entirely on external conditions environment (climate, predators), so it can be 5 times lower.

At home, guinea pigs live from 5 to 7 years.

Lifespan depends on many factors, most of which are determined.

IMPORTANT! The age record was set by an English rodent, which was slightly short of the 15-year mark (it was 2 months short).

The influence of interbreed differences

Factors that influence the lifespan of guinea pigs include breed (although of all the reasons it plays the least role).

Existing varieties can be divided into 3 large groups.


Abyssinian guinea pig

Such pets require careful care of their fur and On average they live about 5-6 years. These include:

  1. . It is distinguished by the maximum length of the hairs and the obligatory bangs covering the eyes.
  2. . The bizarre growth of the coat is characterized by a multidirectional arrangement, forming curls with clear boundaries (“rosettes”). For animals performing at exhibitions, the number of these curls is important (the owner of the least number loses).
  3. Sheltie. It is similar to the Peruvian, but has a peculiar comb on the head (the fur is located in the opposite direction).
  4. Coronet. Long-haired result of crossing Sheltie and Crested, distinguished by a “crown” of wool.


American guinea pig

Owners of short hair are distinguished by a wide color palette, do not require complex care and can live up to 8 years. These include:

  1. Crested. The woolly white “rosette” on the head takes the shape of a “crown”.
  2. American. One of the most popular types of animals with short hair. The classic version with a smooth, shiny coat that does not have “rosettes” or “crowns”.
  3. Texel. The hair has a curly structure and is prone to frequent tangling, so it requires more careful care than other representatives of this group.
  4. Himalayan. Rare breed with a unique color siamese cat. Despite the lack of official recognition, the coloring gained popularity, which affected the final cost.
  5. Royal (“rex”) It has no guard hairs, but has dense and elastic fur.
  6. . The thick coat has chocolate or light sand colors and consists of hard hairs.


Skinny guinea pigs

Brought out by the labor of dermatologists, live about 5 years (in rare cases the mark reaches 8). These include:

  1. Skinny. Wool is present only on the paws and face.
  2. Baldwin. They have elastic skin, devoid of hair follicles. A newborn animal is distinguished by the presence of a fur coat, which disappears within a couple of months after its birth.

Among those presented, short-haired ones live longer, which is explained by ease of care and the absence of specific gene diseases.

IMPORTANT! It is worth giving the position to the breeders. Thanks to hard work they were able to achieve a promotion average duration life in hairless breeds. Initially, these pets were different weak immunity, reducing the maximum age to the level of other small rodents (hamsters, rats).

Factors influencing life expectancy

How long a guinea pig lives depends not only on its breed. The final figure consists of a number of other more important factors.

Cage for guinea pig should not be high, but wide

At home, the animal is constrained in activity, so it is important to support and stimulate it physical activity. For this you will need:

  • or a terrarium (40x30cm for 1 pig), providing freedom of movement;
  • a set of designs for games (tunnels, bags, socks and other popular toys), which brings not only physical but also moral satisfaction;
  • periodic walking, allowing you to stretch your paws over a larger area at home or outdoors.


For your pet's health, it is important to monitor:

  • the condition of his coat, preventing the formation of tangles, loss of color and hair loss;
  • number of baths, resorting to washing only in necessary cases and using special hypoallergenic shampoos(be sure to dry the animal with a hairdryer after bathing to avoid hypothermia);
  • the quality of the litter, avoiding questionable or unsuitable fillers according to individual criteria;
  • health of the eyes and ears, clearing them of accumulated dirt and checking their general condition;
  • length of teeth, having them filed by a veterinarian as necessary (excessive length can lead to fatal outcome due to starvation);
  • claws, shortening them with a claw cutter if it is impossible to grind them down on your own;
  • temperature conditions during swimming (not<32°) и в обычное время (18°-22°, а для бесшерстных пород – от 22° до 24°).

Received heredity

The only factor that should be taken for granted, because it will not be possible to make changes to the genetic code.


Food rich in all essential vitamins helps prolong the life of a small pet. Rodents are not able to generate vitamin C on their own, so they need additional medications. The daily diet should include:

  • – 60%;
  • twigs of fruit trees, crackers, hay – 20%;
  • fruits and vegetables – 20%.

General health

A strong immune system does not need vaccination, so it is enough to monitor alarming symptoms that require medical diagnosis:

  • lethargic state;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • stool disorder;
  • the appearance of alopecia and ulcers;
  • seizures;
  • loss of appetite, constant thirst or, conversely, refusal of water;
  • foreign discharge from the sinuses and eyes;
  • sticking of fur in the belly area;

Compliance with all conditions will help improve the quality of life of the animal, which will have a positive effect on the final figure of its age.

Note that in old age, which occurs after 6 years of age, pigs require greater care and more careful care. Age-related dental problems and a decline in the immune system require a review of the diet and an increase in the amount of vitamins.

Guinea pig age chart by human standards

Breeders do not recommend purchasing rodents older than 2 years of age. In this case, it is difficult to deal with existing problems. With a small pet, the system is built gradually, so its foundation is laid directly by the owner. Any health problems are the responsibility of the owner (except for genetic problems).

IMPORTANT! You can check the compliance of the seller’s declared age with the real age of the animal using. A month-old animal weighs about 0.5 kg. At 1 year and 3 months, the maximum values ​​reach 1 kg in females and 2 kg in males, and the minimum values ​​are 0.7 kg and 1 kg, respectively.

Due to the rapid development of a pet, 1 year of its life in relation to a person is about 10-15 years. Let's consider how many years you can give a guinea pig if you count by human standards using the example of the following table.

Guinea pig age (years) Human age (years)
0.04 (2 weeks) 0.52 (approximately 6 months)
0,5 6,5
2 26
5 65
7 91

*13 years were used as a calculation indicator (as the average of possible options). The figures are approximate and require individual calculations.

A popular pet, the guinea pig or cavy, is found in many homes. Animals are bought for children, they are bred for exhibitions and shows, as a hobby. Some breeders become so accustomed to their furry pet that sudden death becomes a real blow and shock. To minimize the experience and bitterness of loss, you need to know how many years guinea pigs live and what affects their life expectancy.

The guinea pig is a rodent domesticated thousands of years ago, distinguished by its funny appearance, good-natured character, intelligence, sociability and good health. They are unpretentious in maintenance, do not create problems at home and take up very little space. The average weight of an adult rarely exceeds a kilogram.

Wild pigs live no more than 8 years, but most often no more than five. This is due to the presence of predators, problems with food and diseases.

In captivity, animals live much longer, up to 15 years. There are cases where kavia lived for 20 and even 25 years. However, how long a guinea pig lives at home depends on many factors. Among them:

  • Breed,
  • Presence of diseases
  • Genetics,
  • Proper feeding
  • Tribal use,
  • Proper care.
  • Influence of breed on lifespan

Today, breeders have obtained more than 80 breeds of cavy. Breeds differ from each other in appearance, color, character, human orientation, hair or lack thereof. Many people think that this is where the differences end.

However, there is another important point - how long the animal will live depends on the breed.

Hairless guinea pigs will delight their owners for fewer years. They were obtained by long crossing within the same type, as a result of which not only a recognizable appearance was established, but also weak immunity. The first animals rarely lived to be four years old, but today, thanks to the partial influx of blood from ordinary pigs, their life expectancy has increased to six years. However, in order for the skinny to live a long life, it needs constant certain conditions of detention. The temperature in the room where the cage is located should not be less than + 22 and more than + 25 degrees. The animal's skin is equally susceptible to both cold and heat. Too dry air can cause peeling and cracking of the skin, and too humid air leads to the appearance of fungi, lichen and other skin diseases.

The life expectancy of Abyssinian and Curley guinea pigs is also not long and is about 7 years. This is also due to genetics and the characteristics of animal breeding. They are quite demanding to care for and are often susceptible to various diseases. Smooth-haired Satin and Dalmatian guinea pigs will delight their owners for about eight years.

Peruvians, as well as teddies, selfies, agoutis, rexes and alpacas, are distinguished by good health and unpretentiousness and live much longer - from 10 years.

Impact of diseases on lifespan

How long guinea pigs live at home is directly related to their health. The most common problems and diseases that threaten the life of an animal include:

Avoiding a disease is much easier than treating it. Most diseases manifest themselves as a result of improper feeding or violation of quarantine and detention conditions. Often the cause of death of a young animal is injury resulting from a jump, fall or careless handling of the owner. If a guinea pig is properly monitored and cared for, the animal will live a long time.

At the first symptoms of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Based on the test results, only an experienced specialist can make a correct diagnosis and offer treatment options for the disease.

The influence of living conditions on lifespan

You should also avoid any water treatments. Bathing is very stressful for Kavya. Another disadvantage is that the animal’s fur takes a very long time to dry and there is a high risk of catching a cold.

Proper nutrition

For a long and happy life, an animal needs a balanced and nutritious diet. It should be remembered that the guinea pig is a herbivore. Most of the diet should consist of plant and fresh food: fruits, vegetables, fresh grass and hay, branches of trees and shrubs, sprouted grains, root vegetables. There are special dry foods for kavias, but you need to be careful with them.

Some breeds of guinea pigs are prone to obesity and using this type of food will lead to many problems.

It is also worth remembering what you should not feed guinea pigs:

  • Any dairy products,
  • Any meat products,
  • Any fish products
  • Any bird
  • Sweet food
  • Fatty foods
  • Very salty food
  • Very spicy food
  • Any dry food not intended for guinea pigs.

Genetic predisposition

It is best to buy a guinea pig from a nursery. There you can see the living conditions of the animal, get competent advice from the breeder, and view the pedigree of the animal. If the guinea pig's ancestors lived a long time, then the animal of interest has every chance of living for many years. Another plus is that in the nursery you can make sure that there are no genetic diseases. Sellers in pet stores do not have information about the origin of the animal, as well as other nuances.

It differs from its wild counterparts in the width and roundness of its shape. The normal weight of a guinea pig depends on gender and breed. Males are larger than females, by about 20-25%.

The limits to which guinea pigs grow are influenced by genetics and the conditions in which the animal grew up and is kept. Monitoring the dynamics of parameters and comparison with the norm helps to monitor the health of the pet.

Conventionally, the life of a pig can be divided into 4 stages. The norms for weight and size may differ for different breeds, but for the dynamics of development they are common to all representatives of the species.

Life stages:

  • childhood - 0-3 months;
  • youth - 3 months - 1.5 years;
  • maturity - 1.5 - 5.5 years;
  • old age from 6 years.

The childhood period is characterized by intensive growth. The average weight of a newborn cavia is 50-140 g. The parameters are influenced by the age of the mother, living conditions during pregnancy, and the number of cubs in the litter. Usually the larger animals are those that were born first in the litter.

Baby guinea pigs are born quite large with fur and already with open eyes

How much a particular pig should weigh at 2 weeks can be determined by doubling its weight on the first day.

By the fifth week, the guinea pig's growth reaches 19 centimeters. Age is good for purchasing a pet. By this time, the animals are completely ready to be weaned from their mother.

Girls reach puberty around the 30th day of life, boys around the 70th day. . The rodent's body is still not fully formed, so mating at such an early age is not recommended.

In adolescence, the animal begins to show interest in the opposite sex. At 3 months, the difference in size between rodents of different sexes becomes clearly pronounced. The weight can be 10 times higher.

The formation of the body ends by the 6th month. The animal is ready to perform its reproductive function. The growth rate is decreasing.

The male is larger in weight and size than the female

The rodent becomes an adult at 15 months. Until these years are reached, kavias grow and gain mass. An adult guinea pig should weigh at least 700 g.

From the age of 4, age-related changes begin in the body. By the age of 6, your guinea pig may begin to lose weight. Reproductive function is disrupted, problems with the absorption of nutrients appear. Aging affects appearance, coat and mobility.

How big does a guinea pig grow?

The table below shows the approximate size of a healthy cavy, according to age. When comparing your pet’s parameters with the norm, you should take into account the specifics of its breed and individual characteristics.

Average table of growth norms

Age Body length
about weeks 8-9.5 cm
2 weeks 10-12 cm
3 weeks 14-15 cm
5 weeks 16-20 cm
7 weeks 21-23 cm
1 year 24-25 cm
15 months 27-35 cm

The record holders for size are rodents of the Kui breed. These guinea pigs grow to sizes 1.5-2 times larger than average: body length up to 50 cm, weight about 4 kg.

The growth of an adult stops at 1.5 years of age. By this age, a guinea pig of most breeds weighs less than 2 kg. Females gain 700-1200 g, and males 1000-1800 g. Body length does not exceed 35 cm.

Guinea pig weight table by month

Age Body weight (grams)
about weeks 50-120
0.5 months 90-180
1 month 145-240
1.5 months 200-300
2 months 350-400
3 months 500-700
6 months 650-800
1 year 800-1000
15 months 900-1500

The weight of an adult guinea pig is stable. Sudden changes in parameters are an alarming sign and require consultation with a veterinarian. Regular weighing and monitoring growth dynamics can help identify health problems in your pet in time.

Guinea pigs grow until they are 15 months old; after this age, significant weight gain can be a sign of obesity. The problem usually occurs against the background of a sedentary lifestyle and an imbalance in the diet.

Sudden weight loss can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the diet. The symptom is characteristic of a number of diseases. For some of them, losing weight is the only external sign. A thorough examination will be required to determine the causes.

Monitoring your guinea pig's weight

Experienced breeders monitor the weight of their young to ensure that the rodent is developing according to normal standards.

Information about the pet's parameters is also useful when the guinea pig becomes an adult. It is advisable to weigh yourself weekly.

Use a kitchen scale to weigh the pig.

In order to find out the weight of a guinea pig, you do not need special instruments. Floor scales are not accurate enough for people; it is better and more convenient to use kitchen scales. The animals tolerate the procedure calmly.

The device will show accurate readings when the pet is motionless. During weighing, you should distract the caviya with a treat or caresses.

Convenient weighing algorithm:

  1. Place the pig in a container of a suitable size.
  2. Place the bowl with the pet on a kitchen scale and record the weight.
  3. Remove the animal and note the mass of the empty container.
  4. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

In order not to forget the exact indicators, you can keep a special notebook - a diary. The measurement results should be entered along with the dates. The data will be useful to the veterinarian in case of illness, so it is advisable to take the notebook to the appointment.

Video: Guinea pig weight

Weight and size of guinea pigs

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Guinea pig vision

Now most people have Pets, from dogs and cats to snakes and spiders. And now you are faced with the question: what kind of pet should you get?

For a dog, the apartment may be too small (and toy breeds are quite expensive), there may be an allergy to cat fur, but you want to have a little furry friend nearby, whose care will not take much time and will be interesting to play with and watch with the animal. him (for example, you can’t play with fish).

In this case, it would be ideal as a pet. decorative guinea pig. After all, caring for them is quite simple, and they don’t require much space; a spacious cage is enough. It won’t cost much to feed a guinea pig either, because all its food is plant-based.

This little pet will get along well with other household inhabitants, if there are any. Therefore, you need to monitor them more carefully, because, for example, a cat can seriously harm the health of a new pet.


On average, a decorative guinea pig can live 8-10 years. But, of course, it all depends on you. It depends on how you care for her and what to feed her. There have even been recorded cases of pets living up to 15 years.

These animals are quite active, so at least once a day they should be let out for a walk around the house (under your strict guidance, of course).

It should be remembered that wild guinea pigs in their habitat quickly run away and bury themselves somewhere when they notice danger. These instincts are also present in domestic pigs, so due to excessive noise or something else, you will have to look for them for quite a long time. Don't lose your pets and they will live happily ever after.

First of all, they need to provide place to live. The most comfortable option for them would be a spacious cage with good ventilation measuring approximately 30*40 cm.

At the bottom of this cage you need to pour sawdust (about 2-3 cm), which is sold in any pet store. They need to be changed approximately 2-3 times a week. You should not use newspapers as sawdust. These animals do not tolerate heat and sub-zero temperatures well, so the room should always be warm enough, but in no case stuffy or hot.

It is important to have house for guinea pig. Any design you come up with or a purchased “shelter” will do. It is very important for pigs to have a place where they can hide if necessary. The absence of such a place can lead to severe fear and stress, which affects their life expectancy.

You need to install a special one in the cage drinking bowl for rodents with a ball, also sold at any pet store. It should be changed once a day, but the volume of such drinking bowls means that you have the opportunity to go somewhere for several days.

1-2 times a year, pigs need to trim their claws with special scissors or forceps, but do this extremely carefully, because if done incorrectly, a bleeding wound may appear. This must be done because, unlike wild breeds, domestic guinea pigs have nowhere to sharpen their claws. For prevention, you can install a scratching post.

Video: conditions for detention

To make the life of your little pets more interesting and varied, you can buy them various tunnels and labyrinths, but you should not use too difficult or high ones, since these animals have short legs.

Another tip for keeping such pets is keeping them in pairs. You can do without this, but then you should remember that the owner will have to give his animal enough a lot of attention, because guinea pigs need communication. With its deficiency, pigs begin to worry, which leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

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You should not take your guinea pig onto the sofa unless it is supervised at all times because it may fall and cause injury.


The lifespan of your pet largely depends on nutrition. It is very easy to choose a diet for a guinea pig, because they are herbivores. They eat various fruits, grass, hay(helps to grind teeth and promotes good digestion), special food, etc. But at the same time, certain proportions must be observed:

  • 60% of the diet should be special food for guinea pigs, because it already contains all those components that contain useful substances necessary for the life of pets.
  • 20% hay, grass, crackers (not to be confused with store-bought crackers that are sold for people. It is best to dry them yourself, or again, a pet store will come to the rescue).
  • 20% vegetables and fruits.

Of course, there are also things that guinea pigs should not eat:

  • any products of animal origin except milk and cottage cheese.
  • red cabbage (even though guinea pigs are big fans of cabbage in general).
  • sweets.
  • various fruits and berries that did not have time to ripen or, on the contrary, were overripe.
  • spoiled and damp food (check it carefully before giving it to your pet).

Pigs need to be fed 2-3 times a day(depends on individual characteristics). Serving is approximately 2-3 tablespoons. Guinea pigs need vitamin C, which they can only get from their food. Vitamin C should be given to pigs at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of water. This solution needs to be changed every day.

If you keep all these rules in mind and follow them, your guinea pig could become the new longest-living record holder!


Here, too, there are no special difficulties, because these pets very rarely suffer from viral diseases, they do not need vaccinations. However, they can catch various intestinal infections.

To protect them from this, you need to let them out for walks only on a clean surface, and carefully monitor the health of animals (if any) that come into contact with them. For complete peace of mind, you can take your guinea pig to the veterinarian once every 3-4 months.

Pet guinea pigs are ideal pets for those who don’t have time to devote much attention to dogs and cats, but still want a little furry friend.

This option is also suitable for fairly busy people, because caring for pigs is very simple, which even a child can handle. Of course, you want your pet to live a long and happy life, but in many ways this depends on you! Simple rules that you will follow as you care for pigs promise your pets longevity.

Interesting fact: Many people wonder: why is a guinea pig called that? After all, it has nothing in common with either one or the other. This animal comes from America (from overseas), which means it is a sea animal. It was nicknamed the pig because sometimes it makes characteristic grunting sounds, just like a real pig.

If you have questions, leave them below - we will definitely answer you!

It is believed that all domesticated guinea pigs, regardless of breed, have the same life expectancy, and the decisive factors that influence this indicator are care and nutrition. Breeders insist that long-haired and hairless pets have significant differences related to physiological characteristics and especially immunity.

On average, guinea pigs live 5-8 years, depending on the breed and living conditions. Proper care and nutrition will help extend the life of communication with your pet.

Guinea pig breeds and lifespan

Wild rodents are more resilient, and their lifespan in captivity is 15-20 years. In the natural environment, they live no more than 8 years due to destruction by predators and diseases.

Breeders have bred over 80 breeds of guinea pigs, differing in color, size, and coat structure.


The hairless guinea pig lives a long time, but needs special care

These breeds include Skinny and Baldwin. These are exotic rodents that have fur only on their faces and a little on their paws. At first, the animals could only live 3-4 years, but breeders managed to increase their lifespan to 8 years.

In order for a pet to please its owners for a long time, it needs to create the appropriate conditions. Due to the lack of fur, the heat-loving rodent is very sensitive to temperature changes, so the temperature should never fall below +22 degrees or rise above +25. It is advisable to place it not in a cage, but in a terrarium where there are no drafts.


The rosette guinea pig lives shorter than its relatives

These breeds include:

  • Teddy;
  • rex;
  • agouti;
  • Abyssinian;
  • Dalmatian;
  • self;
  • satin;
  • American Crested

These guinea pigs live 7-8 years. With proper care, the satin or Dalmatian guinea pig will please the owners the longest, while the rosette guinea pig (also known as the Abyssinian guinea pig) will please the owners the least of all. Her lifespan is 6 years. The pet is very capricious in care, susceptible to diseases, and needs constant communication. If it is not possible to give the animal a lot of attention, it is recommended to place a friend of the same breed with it so that it does not get bored.


Long-haired rodents are characterized by good health and long life expectancy.

These centenarians, with proper care and maintenance, can live up to 10 years. They are distinguished by excellent health and immunity. In order for your pet to always look neat and tidy, you need to comb it daily, bathe it more often, and rub in vitamin ointments to keep its fur soft and silky.

Representatives of this group are the following guinea pigs:

  • texel;
  • merino;
  • Sheltie;
  • alpaco;
  • coronet;
  • Peruvian.

How to extend the life of a pet?

The lifespan of guinea pigs is influenced by the following factors:

  • nutrition;
  • conditions of detention;
  • care;
  • disease prevention;
  • genetics.


The pet's diet should be balanced: 60% consists of special feed purchased in pet stores, 20% - fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, another 20% - hay, crackers. Since such a rodent is prone to overeating and obesity, it is recommended to teach it to eat 2-3 times a day at the same time in order to immediately remove leftover food. There should always be water in the drinking bowl; liquid vitamins can be added once a week.

It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet dairy and fermented milk products, fish, meat, salty, fatty, spicy foods, as this may cause serious digestive problems.


The cage must be spacious so that the animal can move freely

A guinea pig needs a spacious “house” measuring at least 30 by 40 cm in length and width, and 50 cm in height. It is recommended to purchase a cage or terrarium of appropriate size with labyrinths, a wheel and toys. In a smaller area, the rodent will not be able to run and move freely, which will lead to a decrease in activity. A sedentary pet suffering from obesity will live half as long as its healthy and vigorous relative.

The cage should be kept away from heating devices, since dry air leads to dry skin, especially in hairless guinea pigs. It is strongly recommended to avoid drafts, as the rodent dies from pneumonia within 2 days. The air temperature should never fall below 18 degrees.

Water bowls and feeders need to be washed daily, and the cage every week. The sawdust should be of medium size (4-8 mm), since very small shavings get into the eyes and respiratory tract of the animal, and too large ones can injure the paws. In the case of long-haired rodents, large shavings will become entangled in the fur.

It is strictly not recommended to use newspapers instead of sawdust, since the guinea pig can be poisoned by lead from printing ink. Cotton wool should not be used as a covering. Otherwise, the threads will wrap around the paws and pinch them, which can cause necrosis of the limbs.


Using a special leash, you can take your pet for a walk outside.

Guinea pigs do not like water procedures, so they need to be bathed infrequently, but only when they become dirty. The hygienic procedure should be carried out in an isolated room without drafts, filling a basin with water at a temperature of +32 degrees. After bathing, the pet should be dried with a towel, you can use a hairdryer (if the rodent is not afraid of noise), and combed.

The guinea pig needs to be let out of the cage for a walk. The more active a pet is, the longer it will live. In the summer, you can take him outside on a special leash or harness, which are sold in pet stores. Before a walk, it is advisable to treat the wool with a tick and flea repellent.

You need to regularly examine your animal's teeth. Too sharp fangs interfere with vital functions, causing discomfort to the animal. It is advisable to visit a veterinarian every six months to assess your pet's condition. If necessary, your veterinarian will be able to file your teeth to the desired length quickly and painlessly.

Disease Prevention

Guinea pigs are susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, and problems with the digestive system. Warning signs indicating possible illnesses are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • shortness of breath and heavy breathing;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • convulsions;
  • matted fur;
  • discharge from the eyes or nose;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

If there are visible changes in behavior or one of the above symptoms is observed, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The specialist will determine the source of the disease and prescribe treatment. At the initial stage, you can improve the animal’s health in the shortest possible time, but delay can be fatal. It is strongly recommended not to self-medicate at home, since an incorrect diagnosis made on your own will lead to irreversible consequences.

In general, guinea pigs have good immunity and rarely get sick with proper care. They need to be vaccinated only in case of long journeys and only as prescribed by a veterinarian.


It is recommended to purchase a guinea pig from a nursery, since there you can get comprehensive information about the animal’s parents and track its pedigree. If there were long-livers in the family, there is every chance that the pet will live longer than its relatives. The buyer is required to warn about genetic diseases, if any.

In a pet store, the seller will not be able to answer questions regarding the origin of the guinea pig. There are no guarantees that the animal is healthy and has no pathologies. The same danger awaits buyers who purchase an animal “hands-on” from strangers. To protect yourself from the stress associated with the sudden death of an animal, it is strongly recommended to take a pet from trusted breeders.

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