Home Smell from the mouth Who smells more like a hamster or a guinea pig? Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig? Compare with chinchilla

Who smells more like a hamster or a guinea pig? Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig? Compare with chinchilla

Both animals are a hamster and guinea pig- fluffy animals, nimble, capable of creating a favorable atmosphere for a child. To make a choice, it is necessary to take into account the character and characteristics of the future neighbor.

Let's look at who is best to get for children and what you need to pay attention to when choosing a rodent.

Who is better and who is worth buying

An analysis of the characteristics of animal care will help you make a choice - a guinea pig or a hamster. For example, a pet like a guinea pig is not very picky about careful care, like a dog or cat. If you take proper care of your pet, it can live up to 6 years. Pigs are active during the daytime, and at night they sleep, just like the owners of the house.

The owner of a guinea pig needs to periodically scratch its fur. They are very calm animals. They can play with children and are not aggressive at all. These pet rodents can be trained. Even schoolchildren can take care of pets.

When choosing a hamster or guinea pig, it is worth considering that hamsters are not recommended to be left to roam freely around the apartment. Because they can get into any hole.

You also need to know that the Syrian rodent can be very aggressive and two individuals cannot be housed in the same cage. In addition, hamsters of any breed become more active at night. You can buy a hamster for a child who has reached school age. This is not a suitable option for babies, as little friends can bite and are also quite fragile.

Benefits of mumps

When considering the options - a hamster and a guinea pig, it is worth noting the pros and cons of such an acquisition.

Advantages of a sea rodent:

  1. Does not require complex care.
  2. Can get along with other pets.
  3. Trainable.
  4. Doesn't show aggression.
  5. Loves to be held.
  6. It has big sizes than a hamster
  7. With good care it can live 6-10 years.

Pets are distinguished by their friendliness and calm character. They express goodwill with whistling sounds. They do not require special care.

Trained individuals are able to stand on their hind legs, roll a ball and follow the owner. Even a child can take care of an animal. It requires a spacious house where the animal can move a lot. You should place a wheel in the cage. The animal can be released for walks around the house, but it is necessary to monitor the pet so that it does not climb into hard-to-reach places.

Sawdust is great as bedding, as the animal loves to burrow in it. If you do not ensure regular cleaning, then over time the sawdust will begin to smell strongly.

The cage should have a drinking bowl with clean water. To allow your animal to grind its teeth, place a piece of wood or mineral stone in its home.

A simple diet is suitable for the diet. These can be grains, fruits, herbs and vegetables. Rodents especially love to feast on fresh cucumbers, apples and sweet peppers. They should not be fed with cheese, potatoes and meat.

It is worth considering that they do not take well to loneliness, so it is great if other rodents also live in the cage.

Advantages of a hamster

Hamsters, unlike pigs, have a more finicky character. The Dzungarian or Syrian pet prefers to live alone in a cage.

Small animals should not be allowed to wander around the house, as they can get into small openings. If you touch a sleeping animal, then if it unexpectedly awakens, it can bite strongly.

Pets begin to be particularly active in the late afternoon. At the same time, they begin to rustle and rustle. The cage should be kept away from the sleeping area. It is better to place the rodent’s home away from drafts, sun rays and heating equipment.


  1. Don't take up too much space.
  2. Not required special attention.
  3. They are inexpensive.
  4. Easy to care for.

With good care, small rodents can live 3-5 years. It is better to get one for those who like to watch their pets from the outside. The animal likes to live separately. The cage can be of medium size, inside of which there is a house for sleeping. It is necessary to regularly clean the den, as the hamster loves to stock up on food.

In order for the animal to lead an active life, it is better to place a running wheel in the cage. A special filler or sawdust is suitable for bedding. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the diet, as there are foods that can harm your pet’s health.

Choosing a pet

Both animals are similar in terms of care and nutrition. Differences are noticeable in abilities and character. The pig is easy to train, and hamsters do not like to be treated too closely.

With quality care, pigs live up to 6 years, and hamsters reach old age as early as one year. The hamster feels great alone, unlike the pig, for which this option is unacceptable.

Both animals are more common pets than the rodent degu, the common gerbil or the chinchilla. You can play with it or watch the antics of animals. If your baby likes to pet his pet, then a pig will do, but hamsters generally value freedom.

It doesn’t matter which pet the choice was made for. But for any animal it is necessary to provide high-quality and decent care.

Guinea pig and hamster are active, interesting and inquisitive furry animals that can bring joy and fun to small children. The first representatives of land animals are well suited for children from 3 years old, the second ones will become good friends for older ages. Which is better: a hamster or a guinea pig for a child? The material below will help you decide which rodent to get and make the right choice.

Pigs are easy to tame and do not require much care. With good care from the owner, the animal can live on average 5 years.

The period of activity in guinea pigs occurs during the day, decreasing in the evening. Unlike hamsters, they will sleep peacefully at night without disturbing the owner with their vital activities.

Character and training

Guinea pigs are distinguished by their friendliness, sociability, and calm nature. They can easily live next to cats and dogs, spending time in the same company without quarrels or discontent. They love to be pampered in the hands of their owner, to whom they feel great affection, exposing their fur coat for scratching. Noticing the presence of the owner, these animals begin to whistle loudly, expressing their good feelings and joy.

Pigs are completely devoid of aggression: they will never attack or even defend themselves, preferring to quietly retreat. If desired, the animals can be trained to perform a variety of tricks, since they train easily and successfully, which attracts the attention of children. A trained pig can follow its owner everywhere, stand on its hind legs or roll a small ball with its muzzle. When answering the question of which rodent is smarter, the advantage remains with the pig.


A 6-year-old child can take care of the animal every day, but if you get an animal for a preschooler, an adult will need to take care of the creature. You will also have to monitor the baby so that, out of ignorance, he does not harm the pet, otherwise the injured pig may lose confidence in the owner.


A guinea pig needs a spacious cage in which it can lead an active lifestyle, moving freely inside the apartment. The condition is mandatory, since inactivity will lead to obesity and will not allow the animal’s legs to become strong.

The cage is located in a quiet place, protected from drafts and coolness, so that the pig does not catch a cold. There should be no wires nearby, since the nature of the rodent will certainly manifest itself in the ability to chew through hard objects. It is important to provide the cage with a special house where the pig can sleep or hide.

Essential plaid accessories

It is better to use regular sawdust as bedding, because pigs are big fans of burrowing, and the material should be harmless. You need to clean the cage periodically, as the sawdust will smell unpleasant. It is necessary that the cage has a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder filled with food, fresh grass or hay. To help your pig grind down its teeth and claws, offer it a mineral stone or a hard piece of tree bark.

A running wheel should become a mandatory attribute of the cage, giving way to a mirror and ladders. Every day, the guinea pig must be let out for walks around the house, remembering to keep an eye on the animal, as it can end up in a hard-to-reach place and get stuck.


Guinea pigs are not picky eaters. They enjoy eating a variety of grains, herbs, vegetables and fruits. For herbs, they prefer lettuce leaves, parsley and dill, fresh dandelion leaves and spinach. Among fruits and vegetables, they can be fed fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and carrots, apples, peaches and strawberries. Unlike hamsters, pigs cannot be fed meat, potatoes and cheese.

A distinctive feature of a pig is that it eats its own feces, which contains a vitamin that is beneficial for its body. If an animal begins to eat uncleaned excrement on time, it will completely Small child can repeat after the animal, planning to independently evaluate the “delicacy” of the pig.

Pros of a guinea pig

About the benefits of a guinea pig:

  • they are easy to care for;
  • you can do training;
  • complete absence of aggression;
  • they love to be held;
  • get along with other pets.

Another compelling argument for getting pigs is the opportunity to buy a hairless animal of the “Skinny” breed if the child is allergic to wool. When choosing a guinea pig as a pet, you must remember to regularly clean the cage to avoid unpleasant odor in the house.

What you need to know about hamsters

Unlike pigs, hamsters are creatures with a finicky nature. B, otherwise the instincts of rodents, which tend to defend their territory, will lead to fights. It is undesirable to let hamsters out for walks around the house, since the rodent is able to crawl into even the smallest hole, from which it will be difficult to rescue it.


They are distinguished by a degree of aggressiveness and pugnacity, which can manifest itself unexpectedly for the owner. If you touch a sleeping rodent, it may become frightened and, waking up urgently, bite its owner painfully. By following the basic rules of care and communication with the animal, unpleasant moments can be easily avoided, receiving only positive emotions from the hamster.


The moment of activity in animals occurs at night; all day they rest quietly and sleep soundly. Towards evening, the hamsters begin to rustle, rustle and in every possible way remind of their existence. Sometimes they disturb their owners' sleep at night. For this reason, it is better to move the cage away from the sleeping area so that the animal cannot be heard.


Communication with a hamster will be of a specific nature: he does not like long sittings in your arms, preferring unobtrusive attention in the form of short strokes on the fur. If a child is not inclined to constantly communicate with an animal, it is better to get a hamster than a guinea pig.


The animal's cage should be located in a quiet place, avoiding the proximity of heating devices, open sun and drafts. can be medium in size with a special house. Like a guinea pig, a hamster needs shelter and a private place to sleep. By the way, the house needs to be cleaned regularly, since the hamster tends to stockpile food.

Necessary accessories in the cage

It is necessary to install a running wheel on the territory of the cage so that the animal has the opportunity to lead an active life. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed regularly, the feeders should be filled with grain food, periodically feeding the pet with fruit and vegetable desserts, and sometimes meat. A special kind of bedding or sawdust is suitable, but wood will not protect the house from the smell.

Hamsters tend to identify the bathroom in the cage, so after cleaning, you need to provide him with several paper napkins so that he can build one. If you decide to get a hamster, you will need to clean the sanitary area every 3 days, general cleaning 1 time per week.


Since the rodent sleeps during the day, it needs to be fed at evening time. during the day, strictly observing that there are always grains in the feeder. Every day the animal should be treated to lettuce leaves, carrots or banana slices. requires attention, since there are products that will not benefit the health of the rodent. When in doubt, it is better to make sure that the treat is acceptable in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is important that the cage contains fresh branches of fruit trees such as apple, pear or rowan so that the hamster can grind down its teeth and claws. Before offering cut branches to the rodent, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. When caring for a hamster, you should regularly inspect its possessions for supplies. Hidden food often spoils, exposing the animal to food poisoning.

Pros of a hamster

About the benefits of hamsters:

  • do not require much attention;
  • do not take up much space;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost.

A hamster will be good company for a calm schoolchild who will not impose his communication on the animal, content with observing the life of a funny rodent. Despite the hamster's isolation, you can always try teaching him to sit on his master's shoulder.

Making a choice

Land animals are almost identical in the basic rules of care and nutrition. The difference is found only in character and abilities. The guinea pig is a fairly intelligent rodent that is easy to train. With a hamster it will be more difficult in this regard. Another important point The difference between a hamster and a guinea pig is that the pig lives longer. With good care, she can live up to 6 years, while hamsters begin to age at the age of 1 year, and at the turn of 2-3 years the animal dies.

It is common for all children to want to have a pet with whom they can play or watch the antics of the animal, having fun in its company. If your baby likes to cuddle animals, the guinea pig will be very happy to have an affectionate owner. Hamsters prefer peace and freedom, so school-age children will be an ideal owner for them.

Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig?

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Sooner or later, every family thinks about purchasing a pet. The choice of small animals is quite large; hamsters and guinea pigs most often attract the attention of children.

Representatives of the rodent family are considered the best option, since you don’t need to waste time walking, they take up little space, you don’t need to train them to a litter box like cats, etc. Which one should I get? You can make a decision - a guinea pig or a hamster - by learning better the positive and negative sides breeding of each species.

One of the differences between this herbivore and a hamster is that it lives much longer, 5-6 years, with good care - up to 10. For many animal lovers this is very important. Getting attached to to a pet, the owners are taking his death very hard.

These are quite large animals: the body length can reach 25 cm, and the weight can range from 700 to 1000 g, with a maximum of 1.5-1.8 kg. Therefore, the cage must be spacious, at least 60x40 cm. Animals cannot be placed in aquariums, because there is no air circulation in them, fungus may appear, and the smell from feces will be strong.

It is better to use hay as bedding, but you can also use sawdust, granular or regular. Hay is an important part of the animal’s diet (up to 60%), a source of vitamins and other useful substances. In addition, the animal is fed grain and vegetables. If he does not receive enough hay and solid feed, this can lead to overgrown teeth, malocclusion, as a result - the inability to eat.

Rodents are diurnal. They are not very mobile. Occasionally, when hungry, they emit a loud whistle.

They get bored alone and need to communicate with members of their own species. Typically, rodents take food from each other's mouths, poke their faces, lick their ears, and exchange droppings. Communication with a person will not be a substitute. Therefore, it is better to have at least two animals at once. You need to choose a large cage so that there is enough space for both inhabitants.

Let's figure out how a hamster differs from a guinea pig. Its lifespan is about two years. At proper care– 3-3.5 years. The rodent is small in size. The largest varieties reach 15 cm, dwarf varieties - 4-8 cm. Accordingly, they need less living space.

Hamsters, unlike pigs, are nocturnal. They are very mobile and require special devices to maintain motor activity, for example, a running wheel.

Owners may not like the night fuss and noise of a rotating wheel when their furry pet wants to go for a run. For normal life, he needs to cover 1-2 km a day.

Not all hamsters like to be held. It's better to explain this to your child. They bite much more often than marine ones, for which this is only a way to show that you have hurt them.

Hamster and pig living together

If you appreciate the merits of both types of animals and decide to have both. To save space, you should not place them in the same cage for several reasons:

  1. The cage for a guinea pig should be large enough, the dimensions of the base should be 60x40cm. Typically, such cells have sparsely located rods. A small hamster can easily leave its boundaries.
  2. In nature, hamsters live alone and react aggressively to anyone who violates the boundaries of their territory. A larger neighbor, despite her size, may become the target of an attack. Then you won’t be able to do without bites and wounds.
  3. Size differences: A large pig can crush a hamster, especially a dwarf breed.
  4. Rodents have different eating preferences. Living in the same cage, they can feed on each other's supplies, which can affect their health.

Interestingly, guinea pigs are calm towards strangers of other species. They either don’t notice them, or use them to warm themselves and enjoy food. They fight mainly with their relatives for the house. But her living with a hamster is unacceptable.

Advantages and disadvantages of content

So, both hamsters and guinea pigs live in similar conditions. The choice between them may be influenced by the following features:

  • life expectancy (guinea pigs live much longer than hamsters);
  • cage size (much smaller for a hamster);
  • special feeding requirements (hay is an essential element when breeding guinea pigs);
  • lifestyle (day or night, solitary or collective).

Each of the conditions can be a plus or a minus, depending on the lifestyle and needs of the owners. The decision of who is more suitable for you, a hamster or a guinea pig, is made individually.

Pets are most often purchased at the request of children. A child needs communication with living nature. Psychologists and educators believe that showing concern for pet, empathy, emotions that a child receives when communicating with him help to form the best human qualities. An animal at home becomes an incentive to understand the world around us. Responsibility and careful attitude to nature.

On the one hand, it is easy, but on the other hand, it is difficult to make your choice in favor of any pet, especially if this animal is purchased for a child. Here you need to take into account the character of the future pet, the features of its maintenance and care. If you have already decided that you will definitely get a rodent, then the next question arises: guinea pig or hamster? Which of the animals will make the best company for a child, you will learn about this in this article.

Features of breeding guinea pigs

The guinea pig has a friendly disposition, not only towards humans, but also towards other pets. She can easily live in the same apartment with a cat or dog. Completely non-aggressive, never gets into a fight at the slightest danger or conflict situation runs away and hides. She is very sociable and requires special attention. She loves to be cuddled and stroked. Strongly attached to the owner. In the absence of affection from a person, he may fall into melancholy and even lose his appetite.

The small animal is very smart: easy to train. After just a few days of training, the rodent successfully performs simple tricks and commands: rolling a ball around a cage, standing on hind legs, responds to the owner’s call; if desired, the guinea pig can be taught to kiss. She is afraid of loud sounds, so you can’t shout or make noise near her; in the future, the stress she experiences can have a detrimental effect on her. nervous system animal.

Who is better in terms of home care? Caring for a guinea pig will not be a burden to you. She is distinguished by great vitality and mobility, so when choosing a home for her, choose a large, spacious cage. The rodent needs to lead an active lifestyle, otherwise it may begin to suffer from obesity. Be sure to buy him a running wheel and let him run around the house for a change. You will also need a water bowl and feeder. Buy regular or pressed sawdust as bedding; you can also use wood shavings. Don’t skimp on the filler: the rodent loves to burrow into sawdust and build a house or sleeping place out of it. You need to clean the cage once a week or as needed. The location for the cage should be chosen so that there are no drafts or direct exposure to the sun. Drafts can cause a rodent to catch a cold, and its body does not tolerate hot sun at all. At severe overheating the animal can die within a few hours.

The pig is also less whimsical when it comes to food. This is a completely herbivorous animal; meat and animal products cannot be included in its diet. Enjoys destroying grain crops, loves greens, vegetables and fruits. You can give your pig dandelions, lettuce, parsley, dill, the only condition is that the greens must be dried, without dew, water can cause bloating. Various berries - strawberries, currants, cherries - are also suitable for pet food. You can buy straw or hay for your guinea pigs at the pet store. Be sure to give her clean, fresh water.

Guinea pigs are long-lived. Their life expectancy at home with proper care can reach 8-10 years. When choosing, consider this point too.

Compared to the first rodent, the hamster is more finicky in its maintenance. He leads a solitary lifestyle and does not tolerate any neighbors, even if they are of the same breed as him. Among relatives living in the same cage, there is a constant struggle for territory. Therefore, you need to place each rodent, if you have several of them, in different cages, since the stronger individual will always offend the weaker one. They are particularly aggressive Syrian hamsters. Throughout their lives, they may never get used to their owner and bite him at every opportunity. To avoid aggression, you need to be able to correctly pick up a hamster, not frighten it, and not touch a sleeping animal.

Like a guinea pig, a hamster requires a cage to live. The smaller the rodent, the larger its home should be. You can put wood filler or sawdust on the bottom. Do not use cotton wool, newspaper, or rough paper sheets as bedding. Khomka loves to hide, so a small house should be a mandatory attribute of his home. Rodents are very clean. It is not recommended to bathe them, because they take care of the cleanliness of their skin on their own. Cleaning the cage should be done once or twice a week. The hamster makes his own toilet. It should be cleaned as needed.

A naturally active animal constantly needs to release its energy somewhere. To do this, he needs to purchase various labyrinths and a running wheel. He should only walk around the house in a special ball, which can be bought at any pet store. You can’t let him go on his own journey, because he can easily get stuck somewhere or fall from a height. Hamsters have poor vision, but their hearing and sense of smell are well developed.

The food that suits him best is mixed feed, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and herbs. Must be included in his diet protein food– chicken, milk, cheese, cottage cheese. There should always be clean water in the drinking bowl.

The most unpleasant thing about its content is that it shows its activity at night. Therefore, it is better not to leave the cage with the pet in the bedroom at this time, it will still not let the owner fall asleep. At all, best place The location of the animal’s home is considered to be a place without drafts of average illumination. Be careful, because hamsters are highly susceptible colds. With proper care, hamsters can live for two to three years.

Which is better - a hamster or a guinea pig - for children? preschool age. There is no clear answer to this question. But when buying, remember that the hamster does not like excessive attention, he does not need affection and care. What suits him best is a calm home environment in which he will have the opportunity to live independently. But observing the life of a hamster is a very instructive and exciting activity. A hamster as a pet is more suitable for a schoolchild who will not impose his attention on him.

Pros and cons

Let's summarize, highlight the advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of a guinea pig:

  • Unpretentious in content;
  • Very friendly and affectionate;
  • Trainable;
  • A naturally intelligent animal;
  • Contact with other pets.

If you buy a rodent for a child to play with, then you won’t find a better pet, because pigs love to be given a lot of attention, love to be held, and never show aggression. For a child with allergies, you can choose a skinny pig; these are hairless, terribly funny and cute rodents. The negative points are that pigs have a stronger smell than hamsters, so they will need to clean their home and change the litter more often, but they do not require as much variety in food as the second pet.

Pros of a hamster:

  • Do not require special care;
  • Clean and independent;
  • Almost omnivorous;
  • They take up little space.

Among the minuses, we can note the fact that this is a gloomy animal, does not sleep at night and leads an active lifestyle. So, a hamster can run in a wheel all night, rummage through litter, tear napkins, and run through a maze. In a small apartment, the noisy sounds it makes will be heard. The animal leads a solitary lifestyle, does not tolerate being given excessive attention, and can bite and scratch. Hamsters are well suited for a child over six years old, since at this age the basic requirements for caring for a pet can already be explained to him.

After familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of keeping pet rodents, you will be able to make the right decision on which one is best to purchase. In any case, both animals are cute, interesting animals that can brighten up your leisure time.

Guinea pigs and hamsters - which one is better to choose? Guinea pigs and hamsters are small and nimble, curious and playful, they bring a lot of joy to kids. Guinea pigs are suitable for children over three years of age. So, whether you want to buy a guinea pig or a hamster for your child—we’ll discuss everything today.

It is very important for children to have an animal that can be petted; if it is not possible to have a large pet, then hamsters and guinea pigs are an irreplaceable option. If your child is still very small, then it is too early to get him a live pet; he will not be able to take care of it. A talking hamster repeating toy would be better suited here; all family members will have so much joy, and you won’t have to feed and clean up.

Guinea pigs are tame animals, very friendly and calm. They love to be scratched and petted. They themselves are ready to offer their back to the owner so that he can scratch it. When they see their owner, guinea pigs whistle, this is how they express joy and love. Pigs really need communication, they can even communicate with cats and dogs.

Pigs are not at all aggressive, and this is important for children. They neither attack nor defend themselves. Buy a guinea pig or a hamster for your child - guinea pigs can be easily taught some tricks, so they are interesting to children. They can be taught to follow their owner when he calls, stand on their hind legs, and push a ball with their nose.

A seven-year-old child can easily look after a pig. Younger children will also be interested in this animal, but you just need to make sure that the baby does not harm this harmless creature.

Guinea pigs must be kept in cages, and the cage must be spacious, since the animal needs to move more, otherwise it will become obese or its legs will be weak. The cage must have a running wheel, but ladders and mirrors are not required. It is advisable to let the animals out of the cage every day to run around, but be sure to keep an eye on them; the pig may climb into a hard-to-reach place or even get lost in a large house.

The cage and the animal must be kept in a place where there is no wind; they are very afraid of drafts and can quickly catch a cold. Another important point: since this animal is still a rodent, there should not be any wires near the cage.

Install a special house in the cage, in which the animal will sleep and hide. The cage should also have a feeder for fresh grass and hay, a cup for feeding grain and a drinking bowl. It is better to lay simple sawdust rather than granular filler on the floor of the cage, because pigs love to bury themselves in them. These animals constantly grow teeth and claws, so they need to constantly grind them down. To do this, you need to place a mineral salt pebble and driftwood or tree bark in the cage.

The pig is primarily a herbivore. She eats grains, herbs, fruits and vegetables. These animals are very fond of herbs: dill, parsley, spinach, lettuce, alfalfa leaves, and dandelions. The grass should be collected away from the highway, preferably in the country or in the forest. They love vegetables: cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, apples, peaches, pineapple and even strawberries. Pigs are not allowed meat, citrus, raw potatoes and eggplants, and cheese.

A pig can even eat its own excrement, from which it receives vitamins that are useful for itself.

What are the advantages of guinea pigs? Pigs are not difficult to care for, even a seven year old child can easily take care of them completely.

They are easy to train.

They are not aggressive at all and very friendly.

They live in a cage and get along well with other animals.

They love to sit in your arms and when petted, they always sleep at night.

If there is an allergy sufferer in the family, then you can purchase a breed of completely hairless pig, without hair.

But pigs also have disadvantages: you need to clean the cage.

They are very shy, they can shit on the carpet during a walk or hide under a closet.

Buy a guinea pig or a hamster for your child - another pet rodent is hamsters. But they only live for two to three years with good care. It is better not to let hamsters roam freely around the apartment, since they can crawl into absolutely any hole, and to do this they can even become completely flat. Hamsters should not be left at a height; they do not feel it and may fall off.

There are Syrian golden hamsters, they are very aggressive and always fight, if you want to have several of these hamsters, then each of them should have its own cage. The hamster sleeps during the day and does not need to be touched. If he gets scared from sleep, he can bite painfully until he bleeds. The hamster is sociable only in the evening and mainly at night. He will make noise in every possible way, ask for attention, and shake the bars. It is better to put the cage away from the bedrooms, in the bathroom or kitchen at night, otherwise it will be impossible to fall asleep with him.

It is better to buy hamsters for junior schoolchildren. For children younger age They won't fit because they are very fragile and bite.

The animal cage should not be placed next to a radiator, in a draft or in the sun. The cage can have several floors, but there is no need to overload it with various objects. A hamster, just like a guinea pig, needs a house, in which he will store his supplies and sleep. He also needs a wheel and a drinking bowl. Sawdust or hay is poured onto the pallet.

You cannot put cat litter in it, otherwise your hamster will eat it. A small hamster usually goes to one specific corner, but a large one goes everywhere. The corner of the toilet needs to be cleaned every three days. Cells need to be done once a week.

It is better to feed hamsters in the late afternoon, because they sleep during the day. Feed once a day. A hamster needs a grain mixture, which can be easily purchased at any pet store. You still need to give every day fresh vegetables: beets, cabbage, carrots, and also white or gray bread. Fresh greens are a must for a rodent. In summer: lettuce leaves, alfalfa, spinach, dandelion leaves, cereal grass, and in winter: sprouted oats. Hamsters love berries and fruits, both fresh and dried.

Young branches of willow, apple, rowan, and hazel will also be beneficial. After two or three days, the animal can be given boiled meat, finely chopped eggs, cheese, and milk (no more than a couple of times a week). If you give a hamster a lot of food, he will begin to stock up on it and fill his cage to the top. Therefore, spoiled food should be thrown away immediately.

Buy a guinea pig or a hamster for a child - hamsters are suitable for phlegmatic school-age children.

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