Home Wisdom teeth Social mortgage under the President. Memo to citizens in need of improved housing conditions

Social mortgage under the President. Memo to citizens in need of improved housing conditions

Owning your own property is still a dream for many today. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a special program that allows local residents to obtain apartments on a mortgage on favorable terms.

The program has been implemented since 2005. The acquisition of real estate under it occurs with the direct support of the state. Control over the process of obtaining housing is carried out by the Housing Fund of the Republic.

Purpose of the Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The State Housing Fund is a non-budgetary organization under the President. The main tasks of the department:

  • Monitoring the execution of all implemented federal programs on the territory of Tatarstan;
  • Finding and implementing new ways to finance projects outside of budgets Russian Federation and Tatarstan;
  • Acting as an investor in the construction of new housing, adjacent areas, and infrastructure facilities;
  • Accumulation of funds received from debtors for the purchase of real estate for a social project.

Important: find out details about economic indicators Housing Fund can be accessed on its website without logging into your personal page - gilfondrt.ru.

Conditions for participation in the social mortgage program

Receiving a social mortgage from the state implies certain conditions. They are:

  • The program participant’s high need for their own housing in order to improve current conditions. According to the decree, one person in a family must have at least 18 m².
  • Favorable interest rate. The borrower is offered to take out a mortgage at only 7% per annum. This .
  • The loan repayment period can be up to 28 years.
  • If a childless young couple took out a loan for real estate and during the payment process they had a baby, the state offers one-time assistance in the amount of 200,000 rubles to repay part of the debt.
  • It is possible not to make a down payment due to objective, compelling reasons.

Important: To take part in the program, the participant must write an application and submit it to the local administration. The document is reviewed for three days. After this, the potential participant in mortgage lending has the right to register and receive a mortgage for their home.

How to get a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan?

After reviewing the application, you must proceed as follows:

  • Conclude an agreement with the Housing Fund for a social mortgage.
  • Create your own page on the fund’s website and fill out an application for real estate. A list of apartments participating in the program is also indicated here.
  • Deposit your savings into the Housing Fund account for new apartment. In the future, they will play the role of a rating for a social program participant.

As a result, the winner is the one who has the most points (investments), and the requirements meet the stated ones.

Features of cash payments

Social mortgage payments are made both standardly and taking into account some features. For example, it is permissible to repay a debt with both money and self-produced products if the borrower is an entrepreneur, farmer, etc. In addition, you can pay the amount for the apartment with your own labor.

Property that has not been fully purchased is allowed to be rented out, which improves the debtor’s chances of promptly repaying the entire loan amount.

Advice: Today the law on . It is worth taking advantage of this to reimburse part of the funds spent on purchasing a home.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal page

To become a full-fledged participant in the program, you need to register on the Housing Fund website (mail.gilfondrt.ru) and create your own page. To do this, you need to enter your personal data.

A ready-made profile allows you to track the movement of the queue of applicants for real estate, all payments made, as well as all cash receipts to the account from the state in the form of a subsidy. When registering on the foundation’s website, a program participant receives a personal code to log into his account (mail.gilfondrt.ru/private). The citizen is also provided with a personal login and password.

After the property has been received, it is in his account that the citizen can track the payment schedule, the balance of the loan outstanding and other detailed information.

Important: Only those persons who have received permission to participate in the site can register on the site. social program under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Let's sum it up

So, it becomes clear that such a socio-mortgage program from the President of Tatarstan allows young families to acquire their own housing without causing much damage to the family budget. Everyone who has a personal page and their own account on the ZhF website has the right to respond to his offer and get their own cozy nest.

The result is a minimum of wasted effort and time, plus loyal program requirements from the state. Under such conditions, buying your own apartment becomes possible even for a low-income family. By the way, you can try to spend .

ABOUT social mortgage A lot has been said and written. Probably every Tatarstan resident knows that this is a way to provide housing in installments at seven percent per annum with a payment period of up to 28 and a half years. Let us remind you that mortgaged apartments are distributed in this way: 45 percent - to state employees, the same amount - to employees industrial enterprises participating in the financing of the social mortgage lending program, the remaining ten percent goes to the most vulnerable categories of citizens and especially valuable personnel (at the discretion of local authorities).

However, the more often they talk and write about social mortgages, the more more questions it causes among the population. What we were convinced of during the “direct communication” that took place in the editorial offices of the newspapers “Respublika Tatarstan” and “Vatanym Tatarstan”. The executive director of the State Housing Fund (SHF) under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Talgat Abdullin, answered phone calls from readers. We received so many questions that we are forced to publish answers to only some of them.

Nikolay Galkin, Chairman of the trade union committee of ElAZ (Elabuga), calls on behalf of the enterprise staff:

— ElAZ employees are interested in what is the minimum and maximum amount of income per family member to register for a social mortgage? And is it necessary for a person to have real estate or movable property to participate in the program?

“The minimum and maximum are determined by the amount that needs to be paid for the apartment, depending on its cost and the installment period,” answers Talgat Midkhatovich. - Should do right choice, and not try to choose a more luxurious and larger home if you do not have sufficient funds to pay for it. In my opinion, with an average per capita family income of four and a half thousand rubles a month, you can already rent an apartment in installments. There is no upper ceiling. I don’t think that a person with a large income will turn to a social mortgage. He will be able to buy himself any apartment anyway.

As for property, its presence is not necessary, since the mortgaged apartment itself is the subject of collateral. Until the citizen pays for it in accordance with the contract, he will live in it for hire. And if he does not fulfill his contractual obligations, he will get into trouble. Except for objective circumstances due to which a person will not be able to repay the loan for some time. Then, for a certain period, we “freeze” mortgage payments, but the current payment for housing and communal services remains.

Zainur Malikov from Mamadyshsky district asks:

— Is it true that rural residents can also purchase housing using a social mortgage, only on different terms than city residents? Our administration could not give me a sensible answer. Perhaps they simply do not have the information. Or is there no such thing as a “rural” mortgage?

- There is, you can be sure. It was decided that housing stock will highlight cash to those villagers who have already begun to build houses for themselves and are incurring certain costs. So that they can continue and complete construction, we will provide them with loans through banks, also at seven percent. Large amounts of funds are allocated for the development of villages and villages (not counting regional centers, which are subject to the same conditions as cities). In addition, villagers can get a mortgage at a rate of not eighteen, but 21.2 “square meters” per person.

During the “direct communication” questions were often asked: what is the amount of the down payment, can it be paid using an existing apartment? And up to what age can a person take part in a social mortgage?

- Before retirement age. And the amount of the down payment will depend on your capabilities and when you want to get an apartment. After registering and concluding an agreement with the housing stock, paying the first thousand rubles, you will already have the right to take part in choosing an apartment. Those who score more points or, more simply put, deposit more money, will be the first to receive housing. The smaller the contribution, the longer the path to “hour X”. There will be high quotas for prestigious houses ( high level down payment), for houses that are simpler or have inconvenient floors - and the contributions are lower. An old apartment can also serve as a down payment. We can enter into an agreement to purchase it, but the family will live in it until they receive new housing.

— Are there any benefits for those who served in Chechnya and Afghanistan?

— The social mortgage system is built in such a way that all its participants have equal rights. True, some categories of citizens, including young families, Afghans, war veterans, may be provided with independent subsidies and subventions from the budget (federal, republican or local). And they can be used to pay for the apartment. But the issue of receiving subsidies is not related to the issue of providing housing. It's just up to the recipient and local authorities authorities - how to manage money. In this regard, you should contact your local administration.

On the line - Irina Nikolaeva from Kazan:

- I'm a state employee. My husband, son and I are registered in a three-room non-privatized apartment - in a Khrushchev building. We have less than eighteen square meters per family member. But I own a one-room small family home, where my mother used to live, who recently died. Can I count on participating in a social mortgage in such a situation?

— Calculations are made based on the total housing stock that you have. To do this, we take an extract from the state register. And if there are more than eighteen square meters per person, the answer is negative. IN in this case The state is not obliged to solve your housing issue. You can privatize an apartment, then sell both and buy the housing that suits you. You also have the right to use a regular mortgage: take out a bank loan, mortgaging both apartments, and buy a new one. Having sold your old home, pay off the bank and pay the remaining interest.

U Tatiana Panarina another problem:

- I'll be leaving soon. maternity leave to work in a private enterprise. Previously, our family stood in line for an apartment. At one time, it was said from high stands that those on the waiting list (for social or cooperative housing) would not be offended and would be among the first to enter the social mortgage lending program. Now they say that only public sector employees, employees of enterprises financing the program, and the poor can count on this. What happens, we were deceived? Even working in a private structure, with our salary we still won’t be able to afford a classic mortgage.

— Today, most enterprises are private. The same joint stock companies(“Tatneft”, “Kazanorgsintez” and many others) is also private capital. Let your company take part in financing the program, and we will solve the problem together.

“Our leadership is unlikely to agree to this.” Is it possible to publish lists of companies with which you have entered into mortgage agreements? I am sure that in order to solve the “housing issue” many would want to get a job there.

“And I advise you to do the same.” The fund has full list such organizations, we keep cumulative records of who paid how much. So we will provide this information.

Yarullin family he works in such an organization - at Kazanorgsintez:

— My wife and two children live in a communal apartment. We know that our company participates in the financing of social mortgages. How can we get housing under this program?

— It is enough to write an application addressed to general director"Kazanorgsintez" so that you can be registered. And in accordance with the law, management cannot refuse you this. After registration, the list of mortgage applicants is sent to the State Housing Fund. And we give everyone the opportunity to choose the appropriate apartments. About twenty employees of your company will receive housing this year.

- But the managers themselves decide who to register. What if they refuse?

- Nothing like this. Registration is mandatory for everyone. The only thing is that Kazanorgsintez has the right to include additional candidates in the list - regardless of how much square footage they have, even more than eighteen square meters per person. But if you have less than eighteen, you must turn it on.

Nail Ziyatdinov from Buinsk worries about her children:

— My daughter works as a doctor, her husband is a physical education teacher. The children left Buinsk for Kazan and live in a hostel where they are registered. Can they take advantage of a social mortgage?

— There are no problems, unless, of course, the area of ​​the housing stock they have in Buinsk does not exceed the standard.

Many participants in the “direct communication” were interested in why social mortgage contracts are carried out through the “Building the Future” fund cooperative?

— The fact is that housing is provided not on the basis of ownership, but by rent. And there is a need to manage it. From a legal point of view, this should be done by the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tajikistan. We do not want to hand over the housing we have built to the management of utility companies. Therefore, it was legislatively established that the right to manage the future housing stock is granted to the participants of the mortgage program themselves, united in a cooperative.

— What is the down payment required or what deposit should I make when joining it?

— Members of the cooperative pay monthly share contributions, the amount of which is determined by themselves, and these funds are spent by the cooperative. And the money that citizens pay for housing, including the down payment, is transferred to the account of the State Housing Fund, and the fund is responsible for it.

U Askhat Gataullina from Kazan this question:

— Six people are registered in a two-room apartment, including me. But my wife and I divorced. And although I now live with my parents, I have not left my previous apartment. Will I be able to purchase housing under the social mortgage program, but only for myself, without a family?

- You can.

- This is good. But the cost of square meters is constantly growing. Will this affect my mortgage repayment?

- No. You will pay for housing at the starting price, that is, at the price that was at the time you moved into it.

Many Kazan residents complained that in the regions of the republic people are already receiving housing on a social mortgage, but in the capital they still do not even accept applications for participation in the program.

— In accordance with the agreement on the division of powers and interaction between government bodies and municipalities, the registration function lies with the municipalities. Therefore, this question should be addressed to the Kazan authorities. There are problems with Kazan. Elections are coming soon, and the voter will ask the potential, and then the elected government: how soon does it intend to solve this problem?

- But in the regional administrations of Kazan, when refusing registration, they motivate this by the fact that they will soon start earning their own, Kazan mortgage...

“I would only be glad if our capital could resolve this issue on its own.” We would have done a lot more then. But... This year we had six hundred million rubles available for the implementation of social mortgages in Kazan. Unfortunately, the city did not conclude an agreement on cooperation and did not provide land plots. As a result, no housing is built. And if you purchase it ready-made, the price of the apartments will be very high.

Today in the republic, 5,150 families are registered with social mortgages, of which 183 are in Kazan. 1285 agreements were concluded (86 in the capital of the republic). 480 families of Tatarstan residents improved their living conditions, including 49 from Kazan. Moreover, all figures for Kazan refer only to employees of industrial enterprises making payments to the State Housing Fund. In total, this year it is planned to provide apartments to 6,081 families, for which 365 thousand square meters of housing will be built, and next year 7,500 families (450 thousand “square meters”) should improve their living conditions.

Things are also not going well in Aksubaev, Agryz, Atna, Baltasy, Drozhzhany, Elabuga, Kama Ustye, Rybnaya Sloboda, Sarmanovo. But here the problem lies only in technical errors made local administrations when preparing lists of mortgage participants. There are about five thousand such families. You just need to finalize the documentation.

Residents of Naberezhnye Chelny are worried that six months ago they registered for a social mortgage, but no “movement” is visible.

— What are you talking about, Naberezhnye Chelny is the most active city in this regard. This year, more than 270 families have already received apartments, and in October five houses with 350 apartments will be commissioned in the motor city under this program.

Inna Nikitina I came to Kazan from another city and bought a room in a communal apartment here. I wanted to enter the social mortgage lending program, but did not find mutual understanding with officials of the Novo-Savinovsky district (by the way, the administration of this district received the largest number of complaints).

— I’ve been working for two and a half years government agency, says Inna Nikitina. — I came to the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district to get a list of documents for a social mortgage. But they didn’t let me, they said that only those citizens who account for no more than seven square meters of total area can participate in it. In vain I waved, like a flag, the newspaper “Republic of Tatarstan”, in which it is written in black and white that there should be less than eighteen “squares” per city resident. What should I do in this situation?

— File a lawsuit against the inaction of officials. But first, write an application to be registered with a social mortgage. Get it registered. And within a month, the administration is obliged to give you an official answer as to why you were denied registration. If you are not satisfied with the answer, appeal the actions of local authorities in court.

Call from Nizhnekamsk. Madina Ayatskova expresses doubt:

— It often happens in our country that they adopt a program, begin to implement it, and then make all sorts of changes. Social mortgages are very attractive to the population. Are there any plans to make changes to its terms? If yes, which ones?

— If any adjustments are made, it is exclusively for the benefit of citizens. For example, the program initially provided: upon the birth of a child to a young family participating in a social mortgage, they are provided with loan compensation in the amount of the cost of eighteen square meters of housing. Now the age limit has been lifted, and all families will be able to receive compensation, regardless of age. By the way, such lucky ones have already appeared in Arsk and Naberezhnye Chelny. Perhaps the interest rate on the loan will be reduced in the future.

— How much will the interest rate decrease?

— It largely depends on the decisions that will be made federal center. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the relevant structures to make the mortgage system accessible, and also to resolve the issue of compensation for bank interest from the federal budget.

Russian families that will have a second or third child from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 will be able to get a mortgage on preferential terms - at 6% per annum. In this case, the mortgage loan must be issued for the purchase of housing for primary market. In addition, those parents who already have an existing mortgage taken out after January 1, 2018, upon the birth of a 2nd or 3rd child during the program period (until the end of 2022), will be able to refinance the loan balance at the same 6% . In both cases, interest rates above 6 percent are borne by the state, so the new state program has already been popularly called “mortgage subsidies in 2018 for families with children.”

On June 7, 2018, Vladimir Putin, answering during the next “Direct Line” to a question from a large family that already has three children born before 2018 (and therefore not subject to this program), instructed the Ministry of Finance to expand the subsidization of mortgages under 6% per annum for families in which not only the second or third was born, but also subsequent children- fourth, fifth, etc. It is planned to allocate additional funding in the amount of 9 billion rubles for relevant purposes.


A new program of preferential housing loans for families with two children and large families was developed on behalf of President V. Putin. Document regulating the operation of the preferential mortgage program - Government Decree No. 1711 dated December 30, 2017, which approved the rules for the provision of subsidies.

The essence of preferential mortgages for families with two and three children

According to the rules approved by the Resolution, families who purchase housing on the primary market(or have already purchased and are paying off a loan) from the developer under a purchase and sale agreement or under an equity participation agreement. In this case, the main condition is the birth of a second or third child. during the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. Thus, families with children born before 2018 are not covered by the new program!

To receive a 6% mortgage subsidy, a loan agreement must be concluded no earlier than January 1, 2018. To receive benefits on a previously taken out housing loan, you need to refinance (that is, enter into a new agreement for the balance of the debt on new terms).

For participants in the state program, the state will subsidize the interest rate in excess of 6 percent per annum. However, mortgage subsidies will not be indefinite - that is, the program’s effect is calculated not for the entire term of the mortgage payment, which can be decades, but only a few years from the date of registration of the subsidy:

  • for three years - upon the birth of a second child from 2018;
  • for five years - at the birth of the third child.

However, if a family received a subsidy in connection with the birth of a second child, but during the validity of the benefit a third child is born, then the subsidy for the family extended for another 5 years after the expiration of the first subsidy (that is, in total for such families, subsidies will be provided for 8 years), and the date of birth of the third baby is important - no later than December 31, 2022. In addition, if the subsidy provided for the second child has expired, and a third child appears in the family before 2023, then its validity will be renewed for 5 years from the date of his birth.


That is maximum term, for which a subsidy will be provided - 8 years (if a second and third child is born in the family during the program). After the grace period ends, the loan will need to be repaid at an interest rate that is equal to the refinancing rate at the time the loan was received plus 2%. For example, at the beginning of 2018 this value is 9.75%.

Mortgage conditions at 6 percent in 2018

According to the rules developed by the government, as well as information posted on the website of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (Dom.rf website, product "Family mortgage with government support") to be eligible to receive a home loan or refinance an existing one at 6 percent, the following conditions:

  • after January 1, 2018 a second or third child was born in the family (the program does not apply to fourth and subsequent children);
  • housing must be purchased on the primary market under a contract of sale and purchase from legal entity(developer) or under a share participation agreement;
  • housing (mortgage) loan (or loan) issued (or refinanced) by Russian credit organizations(by banks) or JSC “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending” in rubles (AHML) no earlier than January 1, 2018, it provides for an annuity (equal shares) repayment schedule;
  • minimum and maximum home loan amounts- 500 thousand rubles - 8 million rubles for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, for other regions of Russia - 500 thousand rubles - 3 million rubles, while at least 20% of the cost of housing must be paid as a down payment on the loan;
  • Necessarily registration of insurance: personal and property;
  • when refinancing previously taken out mortgage at a preferential six percent, it is necessary that at least six months have passed from the date of its registration, and there should be no current late payments, delays of more than 30 days, and no restructuring has been carried out;
  • deadline loan - from 3 to 30 years, the age of the borrower - from 21 to 65 years (at the time of loan repayment), a package of documents, as when applying for a regular mortgage loan with the only difference that it is necessary to confirm the birth of the second and/or third child (provide a certificate about birth).

Mortgage rate reduction in 2018 - latest news

The head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men, said that despite the fact that mortgage subsidies are provided only for a period of three or five years, starting from 2018, there is a high probability that after this time the market interest rate on mortgage lending in Russia will itself approach the same 6%, as is observed in last years. So, in the long term, families with children will benefit from the new program, despite its limited duration, if they also take advantage of the opportunity to refinance the loan in the future.

According to Rosstat and VTsIOM, many families in Russia express a desire to take out a mortgage if the interest rate is no more than 6 percent. That is, as Dmitry Medvedev noted live on November 30, 2017, such a rate would be feasible for the majority of Russians who want to purchase an apartment or house with a mortgage loan, while current market rates are still not suitable for everyone, especially in the context of falling real income!

It should be noted that the mechanism for subsidizing mortgage interest rates was already worked out in 2015-2016. At the same time, the role of the borrowers themselves is reduced to a minimum: the preferential rate is issued by the banks themselves, which then receive government support in the form of subsidies. The state program of preferential car loans for Russian families works in a similar way - the Family Car program.


To apply for a mortgage under the state program at 6% or to refinance an existing loan, you will need to contact directly the bank where it was issued or where you plan to apply for a mortgage. VTB Bank announced the start of accepting applications for preferential mortgage loans

State social politics The Russian Federation in the housing field is aimed at helping categories of the population who, for one reason or another, are not able to independently resolve the issue of purchasing personal housing. The country has developed comprehensive programs assistance to young, low-income and large families, military personnel, public sector employees, including at the regional level. Among such programs is a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, which has been available to applicants since 2005.

Basic Concepts

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan – special program housing loans for special conditions, implemented under the control of the State Housing Fund (hereinafter referred to as the State Housing Fund) within the Republic of Tatarstan.

Not all apartments are available for preferential lending within the project. Contracts are concluded for housing specially built under the state program and for individual real estate selected by a commission. The largest selection of “social meters” is provided in two cities: Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. In smaller populated areas supply is very limited.

Conditions for granting a preferential loan:

  • rate 7% per annum;
  • loan term up to 28.5 years;
  • a one-time gratuitous provision of funds to repay part of the mortgage in the amount of 200 thousand rubles upon the birth of a child;
  • making a down payment by the borrower, forming savings.

Under what conditions is a preferential loan provided?

7% per annum

Free issuance of funds to repay part of the mortgage

200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child

Credit term

up to 28.5 years

* - the borrower makes a down payment

When implementing the state program, a targeted approach is used, which implies an assessment of the applicant based on his or her existing life situation. In severe or in case of emergency There are options for obtaining a mortgage without a down payment in an accelerated manner.

Requirements for program participants

To receive a mortgage loan on preferential terms, the applicant must be a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan and meet one or more requirements:

  • be an employee of the public sector or an enterprise that finances a state housing program;
  • are in dire need of such support;
  • be a parent raising a disabled child;
  • have a housing supply of less than 18 square meters. meters per family member.

A related requirement for a potential participant is the presence of an official income not lower than the subsistence level established on the date of application, as well as initial savings.

Important! The applicant has the right to take advantage of the preferential mortgage lending program once in his life, regardless of subsequent circumstances (bankruptcy, divorce).

How to register a personal page and receive a social mortgage

State aid provided on an application basis. Initially, a citizen submits an application of the established form to the regional administration. The period for reviewing the document is three days, after which a decision is made on assigning the status of a person in need and on the citizen’s participation in preferential social services. program.

  • participant questionnaire;
  • ID cards of all family members;
  • certificates of marital status (marriage, divorce);
  • data about work experience and current employment ( employment history, certificates, etc.);
  • information about income (work certificates, account statements);
  • originals SNILS, TIN;
  • data on the occupied housing (area, type of ownership, etc.).

The period for reviewing the package of documents is up to one month. Next, a social mortgage lending agreement is concluded. Citizen registers Personal Area participant on the GZhF portal (kooperativrt.ru). The opening process is simplified to a minimum. After clicking on the link “Receiving a login and password” in the first window, you must enter your TIN and full name, date of birth and ID number, then a password will be automatically created.

The functionality of the page will become available after entering the generated password and account number in the “Personal Page” item. This section allows you to track the fate of applications, the process of drawing up contracts, dates of registration and re-registration, etc. Mortgage borrowers will find the “Contractors”, “Competitions” and “Ratings” tabs useful. You can make mortgage payments or register as a needy person on the portal uslugi.tatarstan.ru.

Registration of the obligation implies the beginning of the accumulation of funds and rating points. The minimum required loan payment amount is 11% of the cost per square meter of subsidized housing. In 2019, the price of a preferential meter is 4034.47 rubles.

The applicant tracks the rating, formed from existing financial savings, on his personal page. The longer a participant stays in the project, the more points he has and the higher the opportunity to conclude a preferential loan agreement.

As points accumulate, the participant can go in two ways - wait for a direct offer from the State Housing Fund for specific housing, or independently select the desired apartments and take part in the competition. The commission reviews the documents of the participants in the mortgage auction and selects the one who optimally meets all the requirements for the future owner. In case of winning, the participant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of apartment.

Important! The state housing fund in each case sets the end date by which the contract must be signed and all other documents must be completed. If this does not happen, the citizen is excluded from the civil society register.

Features of the program and its advantages

The process of providing social mortgages is regulated by a number of legislative acts, including Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 847 of October 12, 2011, No. 321 of May 14, 2013.

The advantages of social mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan are obvious - residents of the republic have the opportunity to purchase inexpensive housing in an affordable time, while paying feasible contributions. The offer is especially relevant for young childless couples, because in case of replenishment they receive financial support.

An interesting nuance - you can pay fees not only with money, but also with products of your own production.
However, there are also limitations. A person who has received a social mortgage does not have the right to terminate his labor activity for all reasons except:

  • by agreement with the employer;
  • due to inability to perform work due to health reasons;
  • upon reaching the retirement age established by law.

That is, resign from the public sector for at will he can not. At the same time, you need to work for at least 10 years after signing the contract.

To obtain a mortgage, you must have your own funds and replenish your mortgage savings account every month. The starting payment amount is very small; the minimum payment in 2019 is less than 500 rubles. However, the principle of accumulating points is simple - more money, more points, therefore, the faster savings are formed and the rating grows, the sooner the family will receive the desired apartment. The order in which applications are submitted is of secondary importance.

After determining the parties and the subject of the contract, the applicant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of housing, which indicates the location and characteristics of a specific apartment. But it’s too early to rejoice - after delivering the document, it is important to comply with all the requirements for the borrower. Lack of monthly transfers to a savings account, replenishment of less than the recommended amount, leaving the public sector - all this can become a reason for inclusion in the list of fines, lead to the revocation of the protocol and deprivation of the right to purchase the apartment. If the benefit continues, the participant will have to start all over again.

Federal government programs, effective in 2019: and.

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