Home Pulpitis The role of iron in the human body. Iron in the human body and its most important properties

The role of iron in the human body. Iron in the human body and its most important properties

Iron is an important trace element that takes part in many biochemical reactions.

The body of an adult contains about 3.5 grams of iron, of which 75% is the main active element of hemoglobin in the blood (it is iron that gives the blood its red color), the rest is part of the enzymes of other cells, catalyzing the respiration processes in the cells. Anemia occurs when there is a lack of iron.

The important role of iron for the human body was established back in the 18th century. Iron is indispensable in the processes of hematopoiesis and intracellular metabolism. The human body contains 3-5g of iron. Almost 70% of all iron found in the human body is part of the respiratory pigment in the blood, called hemoglobin. It is iron that determines the ability of this pigment to bind oxygen entering the lungs and transfer it to all cells of the body. An interesting fact is that in hemoglobin, iron binds with oxygen 100 times more actively than in any other biologically active compound. Even just this function alone is enough to appreciate the importance of iron for maintaining metabolic processes and energy.

Iron deficiency, as well as excess, negatively affects human health. Iron deficiency causes development iron deficiency anemia, which is based on the reason associated with the lack of iron ions for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Another important biologically active compound that includes iron atoms is called myoglobin, a respiratory protein of the cardiac and skeletal muscles. This compound is actively involved in providing oxygen to intensely working muscles. Iron in myoglobin helps maintain the performance of muscle fibers during long periods of physical activity when oxygen supplied from the blood is consumed at a very rapid rate.

Iron plays an important role in energy release processes, enzymatic reactions, immune functions, and cholesterol metabolism.

Inorganic iron compounds are found in some bacteria and are sometimes used by them to fix air nitrogen.

Iron in food

Iron enters the body of animals and humans with food; liver, meat, eggs, legumes, bread, and cereals are richest in it. Apples, beets and other plant foods are rich in iron, but iron is practically not absorbed from them.

Iron requirement

As a rule, iron from food is sufficient, but when exercising bodybuilding and other sports, it is advisable to occasionally drink vitamin-mineral complexes with iron.

An excessive dose of iron (200 mg or higher) can have a toxic effect. An overdose of iron inhibits the body's antioxidant system, so take iron supplements healthy people Not recommended.

The amount of iron in 100 grams of food

Taking into account 10% absorption, the daily intake of iron is 10 mg for men, 18 mg for women (for pregnant women - 20 mg, for breastfeeding - 25 mg). It should be borne in mind that the degree of iron absorption from different food products different. It is large in diets rich in animal products (meat, fish, etc.), and smaller in diets consisting mainly of plant products. The need for iron increases during intense activity physical work, in athletes, when working with substances that have a toxic effect on hematopoiesis (aniline, benzene, etc.), in conditions of oxygen deficiency (climbers, caisson workers, etc.), with blood loss, intestinal diseases, helminthic infestations.

Iron and sports

The main function of iron is to join proteins to produce hemoglobin, a special protein, which gives red blood cells their color. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the blood from the lungs to the tissues of the body. Iron is also necessary for the formation of myoglobin, which is found only in muscle tissue. Myoglobin delivers oxygen to muscle cells to provide chemical reactions promoting muscle contraction.

As a strength athlete or bodybuilder, you are constantly tearing down and rebuilding damaged muscle tissue. This process may require additional amounts of iron, a mineral that is essential for human health. Moreover, it has been observed that when performing aerobic exercise or participating in sports that involve stress on the legs, such as running, dance aerobics and step aerobics, there is an increase in iron loss. Also at risk are those women who exercise more than three hours a week, who have carried a child within the last two years, or who consume less than 2,200 calories per day.

Low iron levels in the body can reduce muscle performance. Lack of iron can lead to iron deficiency anemia, last stage loss of iron, characterized reduced level hemoglobin in the blood. Strength training does reduce iron stores for a variety of reasons, including physical stress and muscle tissue damage. Another reason for low iron levels and iron deficiency anemia is inadequate dietary intake. A study of the diets of female athletes who required additional iron per day (18 mg) to compensate for exercise-induced losses found that the daily iron intake was approximately 12 mg. Others possible reasons low level There may be losses of iron in the body that occur in the gastrointestinal tract, loss of iron through sweat and during menstruation.

Iron (Fe) capsules

Some people can have iron deficiency without anemia. This condition is characterized by normal hemoglobin levels, but a reduced amount of ferritin, a special form of iron stored in the body. When iron deficiency occurs, body tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation. This can manifest itself in increased fatigue and a slower recovery process. Several studies conducted at Cornell University found that when untrained, iron-deficient women took an iron supplement during exercise, they experienced increased blood oxygen levels and increased endurance. This once again demonstrates to us how the presence of iron in the body affects the quality of work in the gym. However, taking iron supplements will not improve your athletic performance if you have normal level hemoglobin.

The best sources of dietary iron are liver and other organ meats, lean meats and oysters. Iron is also found in green leafy vegetables, although iron from foods plant origin is absorbed worse than iron from animal products.

Iron in food

Strength athletes and other active people typically tend to avoid iron-rich meats due to their higher fat content. But you can increase the amount of iron in your diet by consuming moderate amounts of beef or animal fat. If you don't eat meat at all, you should be especially careful to get the required amount of iron. Here are some tips.

  • Eat fruits, vegetables and grains rich in iron. You certainly won't get the same amount of iron as you would from consuming animal products, but plant-based foods contain minimal fat. Green leafy vegetables, such as kale and kale, dried fruits - raisins and dried apricots - and iron-fortified breads and grain dishes are all good plant-based sources of iron.
  • Achieve better iron absorption by combining iron-rich foods in your diet with foods that are good sources of vitamin C, which improves iron absorption. For example, for breakfast you can drink orange juice and eat iron-fortified cereal with raisins. Or sprinkle the cabbage with lemon juice.
  • Try not to mix high-fiber foods with iron-rich foods in the same meal. Fiber interferes with the absorption of iron and many other minerals. Do not drink tea or take antacids at the same time as iron-fortified foods; they also interfere with iron absorption.
  • Whenever possible, include some meat in your diet. Lean red meat and dark meat chicken and turkey contain high amounts of iron. Eating 85-113g of meat three times a week will significantly increase your iron levels. And if you combine meat with vegetable sources of iron, you will further increase your iron stores.
  • You may need an iron supplement. 8 mg for men and 18 mg for women aged 19-50 years per day will be just right. But don't try to take high doses of iron. The more you take at one time, the less your body can absorb. Additionally, excess iron can lead to hemochromatosis, a disease that causes iron to accumulate in major organs of the body and subsequently impair liver function.

Because women are more likely to lose iron, the US Olympic Committee (USOC) recommends that female athletes have periodic blood tests to check their hemoglobin levels. If you think you may have an iron deficiency, talk to your doctor or qualified dietitian. sports medicine. Self-medication with large doses may cause big problems and potentially dangerous.

What is the role of iron in the human body? An insufficient amount of this microelement can affect general condition health and well-being. Iron has one of the most important values, because it is responsible for the production of hemoglobin in the blood, which supports the nutrition of organs, tissues and systems.

Why does the body need iron?

The role of iron in the human body can be briefly described - it is one of the main chemical elements that is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire body. This is a microelement that introduces oxygen into tissues and removes carbon from them.

Without iron, red blood cells will not be able to function properly, which will lead to oxygen starvation. All these processes have the most negative effect on the body; the heart and brain suffer most from the lack of oxygen.

Functions of iron

What is the role of iron in the human body? is contained in the body in small quantities, but it performs the following functions:

  • supports the immune system;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • supports the functioning of the pancreas;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases physical activity;
  • supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Iron enters the body with food. In products of animal origin, the microelement is contained in an easily digestible form. Iron is also present in plant products, but the body does not absorb it well from such sources.

Typically, a microelement enters the body with food and is affected by gastric juice in the digestive tract. Its complete absorption occurs in duodenum. This is how iron enters the blood and binds to protein, and then, together with the blood, it is sent to the necessary parts of the body.

What foods are high in iron?

What is the role of iron in the body? In fact, it is very significant, but for this it is necessary that the microelement stably enters it with food.

Foods that are rich in iron should be present in a person’s diet constantly. Most trace elements are found in food of animal origin. Iron is poorly absorbed from plant foods.

For better absorption it helps: ascorbic acid, sorbitol and fructose. Tea and coffee have an adverse effect on the absorption of iron, so it is better to drink fruit juices immediately after a meal. This will help the microelement to be absorbed faster.

Animal sources of iron:

  • meat (beef, pork, turkey and rabbit);
  • liver;
  • mackerel, pink salmon;
  • egg yolk;
  • snails, oysters.

Plant sources:

  • oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • beets, celery, tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins;
  • walnuts.

These foods are the source of iron, which is so important for the body to function properly.

Daily requirement of iron in the body

Let us consider in detail what the role of the iron element is in the human body. Of the total quantity chemical element, entering the body with food, only a tenth is completely absorbed. This is due to the fact that foods containing iron are absorbed differently. Animal products are considered the main source of microelements. The amount of iron required is set separately.

For a child’s body, this dose is 5-15 mg, but with age the required amount of the microelement will increase.

The female body needs 20 mg, during pregnancy the figure rises to 30 mg.

For male body The daily norm is 10-15 mg. With heavy physical work, drinking alcohol and smoking, the need for iron increases.

Signs of iron deficiency

What is the biological role of iron in the human body and signs of microelement deficiency? The importance of iron can hardly be overestimated; insufficient amounts of it can cause problems in the body.

Signs of iron deficiency include:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • serious changes in taste preferences - constant intake of spicy foods, marinades, pickles;
  • feeling of dry mouth, cracks around the lips;
  • depression;
  • weakening of the immune system.

The risk group includes: pregnant women, athletes, children and adolescents during the period of growth of the body. These categories of people are subject to constant monitoring of the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Excess iron in the body

We have already found out what role iron plays in the human body, and how a lack of microelement manifests itself. Despite the need for sufficient iron intake in the body, its excess also negatively affects health. These are the signs higher level trace elements can be observed:

  • the skin becomes jaundiced;
  • skin itching is felt;
  • liver size increases;
  • body weight decreases;
  • heart rhythm disturbance occurs;
  • pigment spots on the palms and armpits.

Similar symptoms can appear in very rare cases, or in people dependent on alcohol. Excess iron poses a danger in the form of impaired brain function and damage to the liver and kidneys.

Why is insufficient iron in the body dangerous?

What is the role of iron in the human body and what are the consequences of microelement deficiency? Excess and deficiency have a negative impact on human health.

If the level of microelement in the blood is not replenished in time, the following may develop:

  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • depression;
  • permanent infectious diseases due to decreased immunity.

These are not all the consequences that occur when there is a lack of iron in the body, but these changes in health are observed quite often.

What to do if iron deficiency occurs?

Many people wonder: what is the role of iron in the human body and what to do if there is a deficiency of this trace element? Yes, iron is a very important component for human health, but before replenishing its losses, it is necessary to establish how significant its deficiency is.

In some cases, in order for a microelement to enter the body in the appropriate amount, you need to change your diet; in others, you need to take vitamins and medications.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist prescribes the following medications:

  • "Aktiferin".
  • "Sorbifer durules".
  • "Ferrum Lek".
  • "Totema".

These medications have some contraindications and should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. During treatment, “Ascorbic acid” and “Pancteatin” are necessarily prescribed, which will help improve the absorption of iron by the body and protect the stomach from the effects of aggressive chemical components. The duration of taking the drugs is at least 2 months.

Rules for taking iron supplements:

  • take the drug with a small amount of water;
  • do not take with iron containing calcium, tetracycline, chloramphenicol;
  • do not increase the dose of the drug, even if a single dose is missed.

Adverse reactions of the body to the use of drugs can manifest themselves in the form of: nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence.

In some cases, to replenish the amount of iron, it is enough to take a vitamin complex that contains this trace element. There are the following types:

  • "Multi-tabs."
  • "AlfaVit Classic"
  • "Complivit."
  • "Vitrum".
  • "Elevitprenatal".

Usage vitamin complexes convenient because their composition is completely balanced, and therefore iron is completely absorbed by the body. Their use makes it possible not to worry about food products that contain this microelement.

Before taking vitamins, you should consult a specialist in order to choose a complex that is appropriate individual characteristics body.

Prevention of iron deficiency

Knowing the information about the role of iron in the human body, it is worth thinking about prevention. According to WHO, iron deficiency conditions are the most common reasons metabolic disorders in humans. About 60% of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency.

To prevent anemia, it is necessary to include foods containing iron in sufficient quantities in the diet. Only a balanced diet will reduce the risk of such phenomena.

When the body does not receive the required amount of iron from food, a person can resort to taking a special vitamin complex. And only when specialists diagnose anemia, it is necessary to start taking iron-containing medications.

The role of iron in the human body cannot be underestimated, therefore, if a deficiency is detected, you should undergo an individual examination, and only in this case take medications that contain this trace element.

Iron in the human body is responsible for the production of red blood cells. It is these red cells that carry oxygen throughout all tissues and organs, are responsible for oxidation and help systems “breathe” in the literal sense of the word.

Since iron is a component of hemoglobin and is directly involved in all body processes, it is important to monitor its levels and ensure sufficient iron intake from food. This must be done throughout life, because in different age periods indicators change. Let's find out what the daily requirement of iron is for each person.

What affects the body's need for iron?

It is difficult to give a complete and accurate answer to this question without knowing the key parameters, namely:

  • age;
  • state of the body (regular donation, large blood loss, postoperative period, pregnancy, lactation).

Unfortunately, many people, before a health crisis arises, do not think about what the norm of iron consumption is, what foods contain the mineral. Preventative measures are much simpler and easier to follow than active treatment accompanying illnesses, as well as systematic diseases that begin to appear with Fe deficiency.

First you need to understand how much the daily intake of iron is for different categories of people.

How much iron is required per day for men

On average, the daily iron requirement for men is up to 10 mg. But this indicator is quite conditional, since in case of problems with blood supply, low hemoglobin, anemia different stages The daily iron requirement for men may increase. Among the basic factors that increase daily norm iron intake for a healthy man over the age of 30, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • extended working hours;
  • taking certain medications, such as sexual stimulants.
  • What determines the daily iron requirement for women?

    Representatives of the fair half of humanity need a larger amount of the mineral than men. Therefore, it is important to know the daily iron requirement for women in mg.

    The fact is that women have a more active metabolism, regular menstruation, and it is necessary to replenish the body with useful microelements for an established blood metabolism process. For a girl, starting from puberty, daily norm iron intake is from 18 mg. After menstruation or surgical intervention the dose is increased to 20 mg.

    Girls who often “go on a diet”, along with the extra pounds and centimeters in volume, literally “wash” the mineral out of the blood. Therefore, if you are planning long-term fasting days, you should leave foods rich in Fe in your diet and first consult with a nutritionist or a specialist in healthy nutrition.

    Why does the body's need for iron increase during pregnancy?

    For those ladies who are planning to become a mother, the daily iron intake can be increased to 25 mg. During pregnancy, in particular in the first trimester, when the fetus is developing organs, especially an independent circulatory system, as well as during lactation, the rate of iron consumption per day increases almost 2 times.

    It is especially important to ensure adequate iron intake during pregnancy. A low level provokes the development of anemia, which is critical for the expectant mother and child. The daily iron requirement for anemia in pregnant women usually increases. Lack of oxygen in tissues can cause irreversible consequences: abnormal development of the nervous and circulatory system in the baby, oxygen starvation, swelling, shortness of breath in the mother. To prevent this from happening, the woman is prescribed special medications containing iron.

    Even in the absence of diagnosed anemia during pregnancy, gynecologists recommend revising the daily iron intake for women by adding foods that contain it in the proper quantities to the diet: boiled beef and liver, apples, walnuts. Vitamin complexes with this mineral are often additionally prescribed.

    It is extremely important for pregnant women to remember that iron is absorbed more quickly and fully by the body along with vitamin C, which is abundant in seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as in fortified complexes in the form of tablets and syrups.

    After the baby is born, the daily iron intake continues to be 40-50 mg, since blood loss during childbirth can cause rapidly developing anemia. This is why it is so important to follow the daily iron requirement for women with anemia.

    It is also necessary not to forget that during lactation it is important to maintain the levels of minerals, trace elements and vitamins necessary for humans not only at normal levels, but also to increase the dose so that mother’s milk is beneficial for the child and is produced regularly. A properly balanced diet will help with this, which will fully meet the nursing mother’s need for iron and other vitamins and minerals and will not harm the baby.

    Daily Fe requirement after 45 years

    After 45 years for men and women, provided there is no chronic diseases there is no need to increase the dose of the mineral.

    It is most important to calculate the norm in the period after surgery, or when donor blood. This will help rapid recovery body and will protect tissues from a situation where they are not supplied with oxygen and vascular necrosis begins.

    Children's daily iron intake

    The baby receives the first doses of iron with colostrum and continues with breast milk. Starting from birth, the baby needs up to 4 mg of iron per day, and in the second half of the first year of life the dose increases to 7-12 mg. Gaining weight increases blood volume in children's body. Therefore, parents need to make sure that their diet includes crumbs. healthy foods, and in case of additional prescription by the pediatrician, also vitamin complexes.

    Indicators of daily iron intake for children:

    • from 1 to 6 years, 10 mg is required;
    • period from 7 to 11 years - 10 -12 mg.

    After 11-12 years, the indicators for boys and girls diverge, which is associated with the restructuring of the body and preparation for puberty. Until the age of 17, boys need 15 mg of iron, and for girls - up to 18 mg. Adolescents are the most vulnerable category to iron deficiency anemia, especially girls during the onset of menstruation.

    If a child does not regularly receive the proper amount, a delay may develop. mental development and anemia, the consequences of which are difficult to treat.


    How to understand that the body does not have enough iron

    It’s not enough to know what the daily requirement of iron for women is in mg or how much of the mineral a schoolchild needs in primary school, you need to learn how to choose foods, prepare them properly, and also respond to the body’s signals that it gives when there is a mineral deficiency. Typical signs iron deficiencies are:

    • chronic fatigue,
    • the impossibility of proper rest even after 10 hours of sleep;
    • dullness, brittleness, severe loss hair;
    • peeling of the skin;
    • heavy menstruation;
    • frequent mood changes.

    Some everyday habits cause “leaching” of the mineral, so in this case the norm should be increased. Among these “dangerous” points that can cause iron deficiency in the body are:

    • drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day;
    • physical passivity or, conversely, high activity;
    • rare consumption of red meat and fish.

    As a rule, having coordinated the diet, supplementing it with beef, legumes, fish, buckwheat porridge, rye bread you can adjust the daily norm. If taking vitamin complexes is unavoidable, you should not take tablets or pills with tea, as it activates the removal of iron from tissues. Only clean, warm water.

    It is forbidden to independently increase the daily norm of the mineral in order to “feed the body” by increasing blood volume and increasing the speed of red blood cell movement without prior examination and consultation with a doctor. This use of drugs can cause poisoning characterized by vomiting, elevated temperature, severe headaches, increased blood pressure, diarrhea, sometimes even with bleeding.

    These are not just numbers, they are a kind of hint on how to plan and compose your diet, saturating it with healthy food. A deficiency, as well as an excess of iron in the body, is harmful and can cause irreversible consequences, so everything should be approached competently and judiciously.


    The body needs iron the most various reasons. First of all, it is a catalyst for oxygen respiration processes. In hemoglobin cells it is found in a complex called heme. Thus, it ensures the transport of oxygen in the blood. Interestingly, it is iron, together with hemoglobin, that gives blood its red color.

    Of course, the functions of iron in the human body are not limited to its inclusion in this protein. It is also found in enzymes such as methane monooxygenase, which is directly involved in DNA synthesis. The role of iron in the human body is also related to the thyroid gland. Using this element thyroid produces hormones important for metabolic processes. Also, the described substance is involved in the creation connective tissue and brain transmitters.

    The effect of iron on the body is also broadly related to metabolism.


    From a metabolic point of view, this element has the following effects on the human body:

    • Takes part in energy metabolism.
    • With its help, the liver destroys toxic substances that enter it.
    • Iron deficiency in the body will lead to disturbances in the process of hematopoiesis.
    • This substance helps immune system respond in time to the emergence of viral or bacterial infections.
    • It is involved in various redox reactions.
    • Helps with cholesterol metabolism.

    This element not only helps other substances in exchange process, but the same thing happens to him. Iron metabolism in the body may differ depending on whether it is heme or non-heme.

    The body accepts non-heme iron quite easily. It is obtained from plant foods. By using gastric juice ionization occurs, and then substances are absorbed at the top small intestine, although this can also occur in the duodenum. After this, the substance binds to the carrier protein and travels through the blood to the liver, brain and any other organ.

    The iron content in the body is slightly different when it comes to the heme form. It is obtained from meat and other similar foods, but it must change to be absorbed. This can only happen in the presence ascorbic acid, vitamin B12, as well as pepsin and copper. However, even if the absorption of iron in the body has occurred successfully, it can leave the body very quickly if phytin is eaten along with it. You can find it in bran and some other fibrous foods.

    It is worth paying attention to. In itself, it is incredibly important and useful - this article will help make sure of this. However, a lack of iron in the body, the symptoms of which will be discussed below, may also be associated with this substance, because vitamin E and zinc interfere with absorption.

    Normal iron content

    The microelement iron in the body can be absorbed by about 10%. Therefore, it is necessary to get enough of this substance to meet the health requirement. Only properly selected food helps ensure that iron is absorbed in the body in optimal quantities. On average, you need to receive approximately 10 mg of the substance every day. However n The amount of iron in the human body can vary.

    For example, the need for this element increases during the height of menstrual cycle, because during this period a sufficient amount of blood leaves the body. If you do not increase the consumption of suitable foods, then a lack of iron may occur in a woman’s body. She needs to get 15 to 18 mg.

    Healthy foods

    It is unlikely that you will be able to saturate your body with such an important substance if your diet is full of refined and other far from healthy foods. It is best to take the course " Healthy eating“, then excess iron in the body, as well as its deficiency, will not appear in your life.

    • The largest number is in beef liver and kidneys. You can also get a lot of this substance from fish and eggs.
    • If you add vegetables to meat or fish, the digestibility increases two or three times.
    • Among meats, it is better to give preference to red or poultry.
    • In eggs, this element is concentrated in the yolk.

    You can replenish your body's iron supply with the following foods:

    • oysters,
    • Legumes,
    • Potato,
    • Nuts,
    • Oatmeal,
    • Buckwheat,
    • Beet,
    • Carrot,
    • Cabbage,
    • Pumpkin,
    • Mushrooms,
    • Apples,
    • Raisin,
    • Peaches,
    • Quince,
    • Figs

    It is obvious that for proper nutrition A wide variety of products are suitable. If there is a balance in the diet, then the body will have enough iron.

    Excess iron

    200 mg is considered a large amount of iron in the body. If the figure exceeds 7 g, it can lead to death . This causes iron to be harmful to the body. . It is worth finding out why it may appear and how to determine the beginning of this process.

    An excess of iron in the body can be caused by the consumption of poor-quality water, gastrointestinal diseases and endocrine system, as well as chronic alcoholism.

    An increase in iron in the body is usually accompanied by:

    • its clusters,
    • headaches,
    • lack of strength,
    • problems with the stomach and liver,
    • infectious diseases,
    • the appearance of arthritis, diabetes and heart disease,
    • development of cancer.

    The removal of iron from the body occurs only under the supervision of a doctor, in case of diagnosis of severe excess.


    Most people are concerned about the lack of this substance. Many people are interested in why iron is not absorbed in the body, because it is problems with absorption that cause deficiency.

    It will not be possible to obtain increased iron in the body even if you consume a lot of phosphates, calcium and tannins. That is, eggs, caffeinated drinks and red wine will interfere with absorption.

    Insufficient iron in the male body, as well as in the female body, manifests itself as follows:

    • Behavior changes, both mentally and in terms of preferred products.
    • The mucous membranes become dry.
    • Problems begin in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Children experience developmental delays.
    • Immunity deteriorates.
    • The temperature becomes lower.
    • Anemia occurs.
    • Problems with nails and teeth are possible.
    • The skin becomes pale.

    Anemia is the most shining example lack. It requires immediate medical attention. It is best not to bring the body to this point, and simply eat enough iron-containing food.

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    You will also be interested to know about its properties.

    Stay strong!

    Artem and Elena Vasyukovich

    Our life directly depends on vitamins and other beneficial enzymes. One of them is iron. And its role in the functioning of the body is invaluable.

    Our body functions thanks to the interaction of various vitamins, microelements and other enzymes. One of the most important substances needed for the development of the body is iron. This substance plays vital role in the creation of blood, immunity and oxidative compounds in cell function. Our blood is made up of iron, found in red blood cells. It is the amount of this substance that determines what kind of hemoglobin we have. Let's find out how iron deficiency in the body is determined, signs and possible Negative consequences for good health.

    This substance is not synthesized in the body on its own, but enters us with food. IN different products its quantity varies. This is why we so need a properly balanced diet to get the micronutrient. Otherwise, all life support systems fail.

    We need iron, especially women during pregnancy, as it is involved in such chemical processes, How:

    • energy storage;
    • supplying cells with oxygen;
    • protects the body from the harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide.

    The immune system and white blood cells kill foreign substances by releasing hydrogen peroxide, and this hydrogen harms healthy cells. Protective enzyme catalysis, which contains iron, converts chemical compounds into water, oxygen.

    Iron, as mentioned earlier, enters the body exclusively with food. The liver, spleen, and bone marrow accumulate it. For bone marrow it is necessary because this is where red blood cells are formed. Total The substance in the adult human body is about four grams. Almost half is spent on the creation of blood and hemoglobin.

    Why does iron deficiency occur?

    Compared to other vitamins and microelements, iron deficiency in the body is the most common. Women especially suffer from this during pregnancy and not only. The cause of microelement deficiency may be:

    • constant blood loss during menstruation;
    • pregnancy period;
    • feeding the baby;
    • diets;
    • vegetarianism;
    • puberty;
    • regular blood donation.

    During pregnancy, a woman loses the most iron, as the baby takes it for proper development. It is during this period that symptoms of anemia most often appear. It's especially bad if future mom does not eat animal meat during pregnancy. Every day our body loses this microelement, and therefore it needs to be replenished regularly. Daily consumption of the substance depends on the person’s age, degree of physical activity, and blood loss.


    Lack of a substance in the body, especially during pregnancy, helps determine the symptoms. The first signs are decreased hemoglobin. It is determined mainly during routine tests. In addition, anemia can be identified by visible symptoms:

    • fatigue;
    • nails break;
    • changes on the skin;
    • dry skin;
    • cracks on the heels, hands;
    • hair fall out;
    • little salivation;
    • reduced immunity;
    • frequent illnesses and colds.

    With a severe deficiency, even the taste changes. When a person eats food, he feels in his mouth the taste of sand, earth, raw meat. The consequences of anemia are health problems. Concentration and perception of information are lost, and a person quickly gets tired. Long-term anemia can even lead to stomach cancer.

    Hormone production decreases in women thyroid gland. Why is it difficult to reset? excess weight, no diets help. What other symptoms are there during pregnancy and signs of anemia in general?

    1. The patient becomes nervous and hot-tempered. Frequent headaches and dizziness. My health is getting worse.
    2. Dental problems begin. They can deteriorate, the gums weaken, causing the teeth to become loose, and stomatitis affects.
    3. Anemia leads to decreased appetite, which further aggravates the situation. The body does not receive iron, the symptoms intensify.
    4. Possibly urinary incontinence if the person laughs or sneezes.
    5. Shortness of breath appears.
    6. Skin problems are noticeable, lips become Blue colour, the skin of the hands also becomes bluish in color.

    There are times when even a well-established diet does not help replenish the level useful substances in the body, in the blood.

    Rules of assimilation

    Iron may not be absorbed due to improper functioning gastrointestinal tract. Substances supplied with food are not absorbed, or are supplied in very small quantities. You can try to correct the situation with iron supplements. But even they require compliance with several rules, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

    1. You should take the drug on an empty stomach, preferably with fruit juice.
    2. For at least two hours after this, you should not drink coffee, tea, or consume any dairy products or whole grain bread.
    3. Before you start drinking pharmaceutical drugs iron, you need to get tested and consult with your doctor.

    You can compensate for the lack of microelements with products. Which ones?


    First of all, the treatment of anemia begins with the cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of iron deficiency associated with poor nutrition, women during pregnancy, treated with a new diet and various food additives. The recovery course lasts at least two months.

    Nutrition should be rich in not only iron, but also other microelements. Here is a list of products needed for consumption:

    • seafood;
    • liver;
    • red meat;
    • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal;
    • sprouted wheat;
    • beans;
    • dried fruits;
    • citruses;
    • kiwi;
    • greenery.

    The daily dose is about eighteen micrograms of iron.


    The diagnosis of anemia is not as scary as an overdose of this substance. The problem is that once it enters the body, it is not excreted, but accumulates in the internal organs until there is a shortage of the microelement.

    However, if there is too much accumulation, it can cause disease diabetes, breast cancer, heart and liver problems. Rheumatism is actively developing. Excess during development is especially dangerous cancerous tumors. This is where iron accumulates most quickly. An overdose of the substance is also directly linked to the development of cancer. The hormone estrogen accumulates iron.

    If we drink alcohol, for example beer, which contains a lot female hormone, which contributes to the release of accumulated substances into the body, and it, in turn, becomes sensitive to the effects of radiation.

    In most cases, women after menopause suffer from overdose. Consuming more than fifty micrograms of the element per day can lead to coronary disease hearts. Many elderly people suffer from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and due to Fe accumulations they occur with complications. As we can see, both deficiency and excess of this microelement are bad for us.

    Iron and small children

    Almost always, between six months of a baby’s life, the doctor prescribes iron drops. Hemoglobin in the body of such children is reduced. Why? Most often this occurs due to feeding with cow's milk.

    On the other hand, a lot of calcium intake stops the absorption of iron from other foods included in the child’s diet. Not worth replacing breast-feeding cow's milk.

    Symptoms of diseases

    Do not forget that a deficiency of a substance signals existing diseases. Here are their symptoms:

    • anemia;
    • avitaminosis;
    • infectious diseases;
    • any tumors;
    • blood loss;
    • problems with the stomach, intestines;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.

    Based on the level of Fe in the body, various pathologies are determined, since it is precisely because of it that malfunctions in the functioning of systems and internal organs. This element is very important for the life of a child and an old person.

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