Home Hygiene Medical equipment for sports medicine. Equipment for orthopedics and traumatology

Medical equipment for sports medicine. Equipment for orthopedics and traumatology

About the clinic

We often encounter the results of ineffective treatment. Thanks to the experience of our doctors and well-developed clinical tests, we carry out accurate diagnostics and prescribe correct treatment.

We often encounter the results of ineffective treatment. Thanks to the experience of our doctors and sophisticated clinical tests, we make accurate diagnoses and prescribe the correct treatment. People of different professions come to us, athletes especially often come to us. Their risk of injury is much higher than that of ordinary people. We do our job professionally, and these people return to the sport. Among our patients are hockey players, football players, rugby players, snowboarders, wrestlers, skiers, surfers; We work closely with the Federation figure skating. If you have suffered a sports injury, we will help you complex treatment for your complete recovery. Sign up for a consultation!

With us you can go through the necessary additional examination all types: X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT ( CT scan), 3D computed tomography, ultrasound ( ultrasonography), as well as conduct a full range of laboratory tests.

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About the hospital

The modern department of traumatology and orthopedics is designed for a comfortable stay for patients undergoing surgical treatment in the clinic. Endoscopic operations do not require long-term hospitalization. As a rule, people are discharged on the second or third day.

We study and take into account all the patient’s characteristics before offering inpatient treatment. During treatment and during rehabilitation period patients are under our direct supervision: we perform dressings, remove sutures, and monitor how recovery is progressing.

The hospital has single and double rooms with a bathroom (shower, toilet), LCD TV, refrigerator, table, mobile cabinet with folding table, wardrobe; There is a free Wi-Fi connection. Each room is equipped with a multifunctional orthopedic bed with additional consoles for calling personnel. Adjusting the position of the bed adds convenience while you are still on your feet.

The department is equipped with an operating room with modern, latest video endoscopic equipment from Linvatec, which, thanks to the high resolution optics, allows any endoscopic operations; a powerful mobile X-ray unit from General Electric; anesthesia device from Drager.

If you are going to be hospitalized, you must first do the necessary set of tests. The list of tests can be downloaded.

Equipment for traumatology should be selected with special care and seriousness. The services of specialists in this field are in great demand among the population. Help from an emergency room may suddenly be required in case of a sprained ligament, a broken bone, a dislocated joint, etc.

The work of an orthopedic traumatologist is closely related to the activities of other specialists. This branch of medicine studies pathological changes in musculoskeletal tissues. The doctor prescribes preventive measures that help avoid further development ailments, selects methods of treatment and rehabilitation after injuries and surgical interventions. Orthopedists regularly work with athletes. Specific equipment is also in demand in research complexes when developing new methods and means of treatment and recovery of patients.

Equipment for traumatology departments in the MedMart catalog

The traumatologist's arsenal should include the most different means for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Surgeons working in this field help people gain new joints, strengthen bones, and quickly recover from injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Such doctors need products for osteosynthesis - metal plates, bolts, wires for connecting fragments, reconstructing damaged areas of hard tissue, for example, crushed parts of bone after an accident.

The company's catalog presents different prices:

. Tires and bandages.
. Kinesio tapes.
. Equipment for disabled people.
. Means for osteosynthesis.

Some products are included in the list mandatory funds to equip the office of a traumatologist-orthopedic surgeon, others help expand the range of services private clinic or sports medicine center.

Why is it worth buying equipment for orthopedics in the MedMart online store?

We supply equipment for orthopedics and products for traumatology and sports medicine only from trusted manufacturers. All products are checked before shipping and come with the goods Required documents. The main advantages of purchasing from the MedMart store:

High quality. The company’s employees rely not only on reviews from third-party specialists and opinion leaders; each section of the catalog is assigned to experienced managers who independently assess the effectiveness and relevance of a particular device, product, or tool.
. Fast processing of applications. Requests are promptly processed when placing orders online. If it is convenient for clients to communicate with managers directly, you can call hotline or visit one of the company's offices.
. Profitable offer. Diagnostic and power equipment for traumatology and orthopedics can be included in a complex order for equipping rooms in preparation for licensing a clinic.

Call right now - order quality products at low prices at MedMart LLC.

Device for complex physiotherapy Ultrastim Galatea

Physiotherapeutic equipment for sports medicine

We all know firsthand what physiotherapy is. It makes it possible to effectively treat a large number of diseases without the use of medications And surgical intervention. This opportunity arose thanks to the use of all kinds of reliable and very effective equipment. It is used both to treat various diseases and to maintain the body in a certain shape.

Types of physiotherapy equipment

This class of equipment is presented wide range various devices. These are the devices:

  • magnetic therapy.
  • laser therapy.
  • pulse therapy, etc.

All of them have one important, valuable factor - when used, they have absolutely no harmful effects on the human body. And after use it doesn’t happen side effects And allergic manifestations. It is this circumstance that has made it possible to use such equipment in many areas of medicine quite widely, including sports.

In this area, physiotherapy equipment is used for:

  • accelerating the recovery period.
  • prevention possible relapses after injuries.
  • as an adjunct to drug treatment.

It allows you to achieve not just good results, but significantly increases the effectiveness of other treatment methods.

Laser physiotherapy is very popular, which acts as:

  • painkiller.
  • immunostimulating.
  • highly effective restorative agent.


  • strengthens the immune system.
  • improves metabolism.
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • painkiller.
  • maintains muscle tone.
  • restorative effect.

Phytotherapeutic equipment ESMA - sports and fitness

All offered devices operate on microprocessors and have additional software application, which contains a complete set of techniques for:

  • development of endurance.
  • rehabilitation of athletes.
  • recovery from injuries.
  • improving muscle relief.
  • pain relief.
  • strength development.
  • building muscle mass.

These are universal devices that have built-in programs and work as:

  • ultrasonic therapy.
  • light laser therapy, etc.
  • electrophoresis.
  • interference.

This equipment is actually used in sports medicine. high level since 1995. In particular, to serve athletes during preparation and participation in Olympic Games in Athens and Turin, sports doctors used physiotherapy equipment ESMA. It is effective, multifunctional, convenient and affordable. Among other things, the presence of all possible methods of influencing the athlete’s body is complemented by a unique innovative program of electrical pulse procedures, which is gaining popularity all over the world. Take care of your health and the health of those you care about!

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