Home Hygiene Infrared heating. Infrared heating: reviews of various devices

Infrared heating. Infrared heating: reviews of various devices

Any other heating options either heat the coolant, which transfers energy into the air, or directly heat the air masses in the room. Infrared heating technology involves transferring heat to people and objects in the room without heating the air.

Types of infrared heating

Infrared heating systems are divided into two types by design - infrared panels and film heaters. Depending on the application, one or another type of infrared heating is used. Film or panels are suitable for installing ceiling heating, but only film heaters can be used for the floor.

There are no fundamental differences between these types of IR emitters. They are designed for installation in various locations. Depending on where in the room the heaters are located, they are divided into the following types:

  • Ceiling
  • Floor-standing
  • Wall mounted

When installing infrared heating on the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account its height. The distance from floor to ceiling should be between 2.5m and 3.5m. A distinctive feature of this type of heaters is the need to direct the radiation flow to specific points. For example, if a sleeping area is heated, then it is necessary to direct the radiation to the legs or torso, but in no case to the head area.


N It is not recommended to install IR heaters in the window area - this can lead to significant heat loss.

In terms of their location in an apartment, wall-mounted IR heaters can be compared to conventional radiators, which are installed under windows and along walls at a level of about a meter from the floor level. These heaters function as a complete heating system and can cope with heating even at very low ambient temperatures.

Infrared heating of a home using floor devices is one of the most common heating methods. IR panels are quite heavy, therefore, as in the case of cast iron radiators, they require strong fastening to the walls. The radiation direction is adjusted using the remote control.

It is very comfortable and convenient to be in a room with heated floors. The IR heating system is no exception, which is why many people use this type of heater in living rooms and bedrooms. There are practically no restrictions on the finishing materials used. Floor-mounted IR systems can be installed under the following coatings:

  • Tile
  • Laminate
  • Linoleum
  • Parquet
  • Stone coverings
  • Carpet


TO Each of these coatings blocks infrared rays to a greater or lesser extent. In this regard, carpet and linoleum are better suited for maximum efficiency.

Before installing heaters under the floor covering, you should plan in advance the placement of all the furniture in the room. It is better not to place a film heater under heavy cabinet furniture that is not intended for frequent movement - this is at least irrational from an economic point of view.

If you install furniture on working heater elements, this can lead to more serious problems than unreasonable energy costs - wooden furniture can dry out and fail.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR heating

The infrared heating system at home has the following advantages:

  • Not subject to damage due to mechanical stress. Even with strong impacts and failure of some elements, performance is not lost.
  • Economical. Electricity consumption in an average-sized room will be no more than 60-70 W/h.
  • High power. These heaters can operate completely autonomously; it is enough to occupy 70% of the floor or ceiling with infrared film heating and it will be able to completely heat the room.
  • No unpleasant odors or dry air. The heating process from IR sources eliminates oxygen burnout, and the air in the room remains fresh.
  • The heating installation process is quite easy, and you can handle it on your own, with minimal knowledge in the field of connecting IR heaters.
  • Immune to electricity surges
  • Works absolutely silently
  • According to some Japanese scientists, radiation from IR heaters has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological and physical well-being

But, unfortunately, like any other type of heating, IR heaters are not without drawbacks. These include:

  • Ceiling heating systems sometimes look very awkward and do not fit into many interior design solutions
  • Installation of such systems in office premises requires approval and verification by fire services. These activities are quite expensive and time consuming
  • If IR heaters are turned on in several rooms at the same time, then energy consumption increases sharply. However, these figures still do not exceed the costs for water heating or electric
  • The main drawback that discourages most buyers from purchasing this system is its price.


For a general idea of ​​the prices for infrared heating, we present the cost of several heaters of various capacities and models:


Power, W)

Price, rub)

When building a house, the issue of heating is at the forefront. Today, several heating systems are known, namely gas, wood, and electric. However, each type requires a large amount of energy resources. This is the reason why many find an alternative in innovative heating of a private home - infrared. This article will focus on how to make infrared heating with your own hands. We will look at the principle of its operation, features, advantages and disadvantages. If you are looking for alternative heating methods, then this information will be useful to you.

IR home heating – what is it?

Heating your home with infrared heating is a practical option, however, it is a rather complicated process. The operating principle of such heating is based on special heating elements, which, emitting infrared rays, heat the objects and surfaces they affect, for example, furniture, floors, walls. Once they heat up, they begin to give off heat. The most appropriate comparison for this heating method is the light that the sun emits. This technology is unique of its kind. The air does not take away heat from a device that gives off heat. Thus, during heating, heat loss is minimal. This energy reaches objects, as well as people, who are in the area of ​​​​action without any difficulty.

Infrared heating does not allow irrational temperature distribution. At the moment when heated air rises, cold air falls down. This happens because objects and hard surfaces heat up, and not the air itself. Accordingly, the temperature of the ceiling and floor is equalized, and the air itself does not overheat. This allows you to save up to seventy percent energy. Moreover, infrared heating can have not only spot heating, but also zonal heating.

Because of this, there are differences in its installation, for example, on the ceiling or on the floor. As for installing infrared heating on the ceiling, they are installed on average at a height of 2.2 to 3.5 meters from the floor. This indicator will be directly affected by the height of the ceilings in a particular room. It is not recommended to point this device directly at a person’s permanent location, namely the head. For example, if the heating is above the bed, then the heat should be directed to the legs or torso. It is not recommended to install infrared heating above window openings. In these places, the heat will simply dissipate, and accordingly, it will not reach its destination. If the ceiling is made of PVC panels, then the use of this type of heating is prohibited.

If IR elements are used to install heated floors, then such heating can be combined with a variety of types of coating, for example:

  • stone and composite materials,

Preparing for its installation

Before starting the installation of infrared heating, it is important to carry out a number of preparatory and computational work.

You will need to collect some information:

  1. It is important to know exactly the state of the insulation of the entire house.
  2. What power in kW is allocated to the house.
  3. Know the area of ​​each room where equipment is planned to be installed. In this case, the exact dimensions of the rooms are needed.
Note! It is extremely important to first measure the total electrical voltage in the entire house. To do this, turn on all electrical appliances at the same time and measure the voltage. A slight deviation is allowed, up to a maximum of 20%, and the indicator should be at the level of 220-230V. If the mains voltage has a greater deviation, it is recommended to use a voltage stabilizer.

After these calculations, you just have to familiarize yourself with the house plan and correctly calculate the infrared heating system. At the same time, decide exactly where the heater will be installed, as a rule, these are the following rooms:

  • Bedroom,
  • kitchen,
  • living room,
  • bathroom,
  • bathroom,
  • hallway,
  • utility room,
  • pantry,
  • garage.

The width of the film heating elements can be 50, 80 and 100 cm. The number of heaters is considered by footage.

Installation work for IR heaters

As mentioned above, such a heater is mounted at a certain height. There is also another important limitation. It is not allowed to install it at a height of half a meter from a person’s head. The minimum height of its location in this case should be 2.4 meters, but this is for a person’s height of 1.9 m.

This rule also applies directly to work areas, namely a desk, kitchen table, and the like. Note that it is not necessary to mount the IR heater directly above your head. The device itself can be slightly shifted to one side or the other. Based on this, you should accurately calculate all these nuances, and only then install infrared heating.

It is also important to perform load balancing. This is an automated process that allows you to regulate and even control infrared heaters, namely the load on the system itself. Management can be carried out according to different parameters. Which one to choose is up to you. Let's consider the principle of balancing the heater load.

To maintain a normal temperature, it is sufficient to operate the heater for 20 minutes per hour. This period of time is considered ideal provided that the thermal insulation is normal. In this case, the peak load should be no more than 1.8 kW. To conduct the wire, a box is pre-made. If you want to make a hidden system in the wall, then you need to use corrugation. If the house is built of wood, then you can use corrugation and box at the same time. When the box is ready, a corrugated wire is laid in it, the cross-section of which should be 1.5 mm 2 or 2.5 mm 2. Take care to install a general automatic machine that will turn on and off the entire heating system.

Pros and cons of infrared heating at home

Unlike electric heating, infrared heating is forty percent more economical. Its very first advantage is that it does not burn oxygen. If you use a different heating system, the project will imply the mandatory use of a boiler room and a pipe system with radiators. But if you perform good thermal insulation, or build a so-called “passive house,” then you can clearly save money. After all, heating a home with infrared heating is considered innovative and effective.

Some people decide to use infrared heating as an addition to the main heating system. If we talk about the disadvantages of this type of heating, then here we can highlight the main disadvantage, namely the fire hazard. For this reason, it is important to take all these nuances into account during the design process of infrared heating. Such heating also limits the choice of finishing materials. The use of PVC materials is not permitted.

An important plus should also be noted. Infrared heaters do not have any negative effects on humans, but only positive ones. There are even some treatment methods where infrared saunas are used to prevent colds. In most cases, cabinet infrared heaters are mounted on the ceiling; accordingly, such heating will not in any way affect the location of the furniture in the room. Moreover, if you have small children, then this type of fastening can prevent burns.

As for heat loss, it is minimal. On average they range from five to ten percent. If you want to regulate a stable temperature, you can install thermostats. Heating is carried out only on the surface that you yourself want to heat. You will not heat extra square meters.

Special mention should be made of practical application. At the beginning of this article we talked about the floor type of infrared heating, which is a special film. There are some characteristic features to consider here. The same heat transfer will not always occur. If you use carpet or linoleum as a covering, then the radiation will be delayed the least. Such coatings require more energy consumption due to the fact that they do not accumulate heat. As practice shows, the most optimal and practical finishing material is ceramic tiles. Laminate has less of an advantage. When using infrared floor heating, it is important to arrange the furniture correctly. There is no point in laying film in those places where there will be a closet or other furniture. Its use will reduce heat transfer and can also lead to drying out of wooden furniture.

So, from this article we learned what infrared heating is, on what principle it works, and how to install it correctly. By following all the rules and regulations, you will be able to create an economical heating system that will allow you not to freeze in winter. If you have any questions during your work or calculations, you can ask our experts, who will provide objective and verified information.


See how film heaters are installed on the ceiling:

Today, more and more people prefer to use not central heating, which consists of bulky and not always effective radiators, but lighter, more reliable and long-lasting equipment in the form of infrared heating devices, which can be quickly and easily installed with your own hands.

Manufacturers offer us a large number of different designs, some of which are special panels for installation under ceilings and floors, and some are ordinary portable equipment that can be easily moved around the room. Such heating works on a completely different principle than conventional water heating. Let's consider the main systems that can be used at home, their pros and cons, types of systems, and installation methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing infrared heating

Heating with IR heaters has many advantages, among which it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • heaters are not at all afraid of mechanical damage, even an accidental blow is unlikely to damage the heating elements;
  • electricity consumption is lower than when using cable heating, which often plays a decisive role in the choice;
  • you can install heating elements with your own hands only on part of the surface; 70% coverage is enough to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the apartment;
  • such heating does not make the air dry, does not burn oxygen in the room, and there is also no noise during operation;
  • voltage drops in the electrical network do not have any negative impact on the system;
  • Using your own hands, you can easily and very quickly install a heated floor without resorting to the services of professional builders.

The infrared heating system has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • Infrared ceiling panels are not suitable for a classic interior, since it is quite difficult and expensive to disguise them;
  • for offices and industrial premises, infrared films require permission from the fire department, which is often very expensive and time consuming;
  • electricity costs when installing such IR equipment are less than for cable or water, but still amount to significant amounts, but if you decide to install ceiling heaters, be prepared that electricity consumption will increase sharply;
  • the cost of infrared equipment is quite high, although installation can be done with your own hands.

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Operating principles of IR heating

IR heating is one of the most effective options for heating various areas; such devices are used for shops, industrial workshops, offices and residential premises. The equipment is completely safe, can be used for installation on ceilings, and is suitable as underfloor heating systems.

Structurally, an IR heater consists of an emitter and a reflector that focus heat rays in a given direction. Quartz, halogen, carbon lamps or special panels are used as emitters in such devices.

When using such heating, it is necessary to take into account that heating occurs not from air masses, but from objects that are in the room, and from them the air itself is heated.

Installation of ceiling IR heaters.

In this case, it does not dry out, as with traditional heating systems for the home.

For many who decide to install infrared heating, the issue of its safety for humans is important. Let us hasten to reassure you: infrared heaters are completely safe, they can even be installed in children's rooms. But when purchasing, you need to take into account the radiation intensity. The optimal value would be from 60 to 100 W per square m. If the package says a value of over 150 W, then you should not buy such equipment (like any other low-quality heating device).

It is not recommended to use short-wave IR heaters, the radiation of which can penetrate the body tissues, but long-wave ones are absolutely safe, but they must be placed at a height. Diesel infrared devices should only be used in open spaces.

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How to choose the right infrared heaters?

Are you afraid to use infrared heaters, considering them an unreliable new product? But this is a misconception: infrared heating devices were used back in the USSR; they were a round bowl, that is, a concave deflector, in the middle of which a ceramic cone with a heating coil was installed. Such devices have not been produced for a long time; there are safer and more efficient ones that heat the apartment perfectly.

Today, manufacturers offer us a wide range of various devices that you can install even with your own hands. Such heaters are very convenient, their panels are securely hidden under the surface of the floor covering, and they are distinguished by high reliability and performance.

But how to choose the right infrared heater for your home? Useful tips from experts, which are given below, will allow you to choose a high-quality and effective device.

  1. The first thing you need to check with the seller is the thickness of the anodizing layer. You will not be able to check this value yourself, but the manufacturer must indicate such characteristics in the passport. This value should not be less than 25 microns, since otherwise the service life will be very short and the plates will quickly burn out.
  2. Find out what the heating element is made of, since stainless steel can be used for any room, and ferrous metal can only be used for dry rooms.
  3. Inspect the body from the inside; it should not have a layer of paint; often unscrupulous manufacturers hide traces of rust under the paint.
  4. Find out how thick the reflector foil is. The minimum thickness of the heater can be 120 microns. If the value is less, then most of all infrared rays will simply go “to the ceiling”. If the heaters contain 100 micron foil, such devices are not worth buying, although their price may be temptingly lower.
  5. The presence of a fan in IR equipment indicates its low quality; you can immediately choose another model that will provide better heating.
  6. The packaging must contain all the required stickers and markings, data on the manufacturer and technical characteristics of the equipment.

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Types of IR heaters and their features

Modern infrared heaters are available in various types, but two large groups can be distinguished:

  • long-wave instruments;
  • light heaters.

Light devices differ from others in that the temperature of their emitter is more than 600 degrees; they are used for large rooms. But long-wavelength ones have a lower surface temperature, they are excellent for heating small rooms, they are often installed for greenhouses in country houses.

In addition, all IR heaters can be divided into gas, electric, and liquid fuel devices. For apartments it is best to use electric ones; other infrared devices are used for large industrial premises. Typically, these industrial heaters are large ceiling panels that do not take up much space but provide heating to the required temperature.

Among the advantages of such IR equipment, it is necessary to highlight the fact that it is capable of heating the entire room or spot heating, which is impossible for other heating devices.

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Installation work: installing ceiling heaters

Ceiling heaters are mounted under the ceiling surface. When installing them, it is recommended to take into account the height in the room; only specialists can perform such work. The maximum height of the suspension can be 3.5 m, the minimum – 2 m 20 cm. Such infrared devices should not be placed directly above the area where beds, sofas, tables are located, since directed radiation is not recommended for long-term use. Ceiling heaters should not be placed near a window as there will be significant body loss. Such heating cannot be used for PVC ceilings.

Those who decide to use infrared heaters are sometimes limited to only a heated floor system. For this purpose, special film panels are used, which are extremely effective. Making such a floor with your own hands is very simple:

  1. First, the base of the floor is leveled for future heating, after which the underlay is laid.
  2. Elements of film panels are rolled out over the surface and connected to the electrical network. In this case, several requirements must be observed: heating cannot be installed where massive furniture and household appliances are planned; For effective heating, it is not necessary to install panels over the entire surface of the floor; it is enough to install heaters on 70% of the surface.
  3. Then a thin cement screed is applied and the floor covering is laid. In this capacity, you can use carpet, linoleum, parquet, laminate, ceramic tiles, and composite materials.

Film IR systems for heated floors are quite easy to install with your own hands; let’s look at this process in more detail.

First we need to prepare materials and tools for work:

  • special heat-reflecting material;
  • IR system film;
  • thermostat;
  • a special temperature sensor (usually comes with a thermostat, but some models are sold separately);
  • electrical cables for installation;
  • pliers, fastening elements to the base;
  • metal mesh for screed;
  • flooring (selected material).

The film itself can be of different power, for an average room with an area of ​​20 square meters. meters you can take a device with a power of 4 kW. The calculation formula is simple: the area is multiplied by 200 W. The current strength is calculated as follows: the power is divided by 220, from here you can easily calculate the cross-section of the wire.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • first, a substrate is laid, that is, a thermoreflective film, usually polyfoam, it is secured with foil tape;
  • The IR film is placed on the thermal reflector, the copper conductors should be at the bottom, overlap should not be allowed;
  • the thermostat is mounted near the electrical wiring for easy connection at a low height, all elements are connected to each other using a prepared cable;
  • The places where the film is cut with contacts must be insulated, the elements themselves are connected to each other, connection diagrams are provided by the manufacturer!
  • after checking the functionality of the floor, you can begin constructing a cement screed;
  • the floor covering is laid on top in accordance with the requirements placed on it.

All infrared heaters that are offered by manufacturers today are not like the traditional electric fireplaces, radiators and convectors we are used to. These devices do not heat the air in the room itself, but the objects in the room, that is, the principle of their operation is radically different. IR heaters release thermal energy that is absorbed by surrounding objects, which is why they are more efficient than others. Such devices can be easily installed in any room, they are lightweight, take up little space, and are quickly and easily connected. Caring for IR heaters is simple; their service life exceeds even that of electrical equipment.

Infrared heating is one of the home heating systems. Used both the main and auxiliary methods of heating a home.

Since thermal energy is not dissipated in the surrounding space and reaches people and objects directly. Infrared heaters are called “direct heating devices.”

Infrared heating at home

Infrared heating is gaining more and more popularity these days.

Operating principle

IR radiation is based on electromagnetic radiation, similar in physical properties and qualities to the sun.

The device consists of two layers:

  • metal, carbon or quartz layer, acting as a heating element, the material affects the heating power;
  • aluminum foil, heating up from the metal and giving off heat to the surrounding space.

Both layers are hermetically sealed into a dielectric that emits waves.

Modifications of infrared heaters:

  • Film— heated floors are installed only with film.
  • Panel- installation of ceiling, floor, and walls.

An electric current passing through a heating device is converted into heat waves with a frequency 9 µm, which heat surrounding objects and planes along their path. At this time, there is no displacement of cold air and no concentration of warm air above: the entire room is heated evenly.


  • economical - saves money compared to other types of electric heating up to 50% electricity, service life up to 25 years;
  • quick heating of the room;
  • preservation of area;
  • easy installation;
  • Ease of Management;
  • quiet operation;
  • environmental friendliness - promotes the disappearance of fungus, dust, does not dry out the air;
  • safety - heaters are installed in damp rooms;
  • allowed even when heating verandas and summer verandas.


  • high price of equipment;
  • duration of heating of large rooms;
  • prohibited use in rooms with ceilings below 2.5 m;
  • high cost of creating key conditions for effective work: insulation and waterproofing of the house, creation of heat shields;
  • low mobility;
  • maintaining the required distance to objects;
  • the likelihood of getting burned if you are too close to the heater;
  • low temperature control range;
  • smell from heated objects.

Types of IR heating

Differ by:

  1. Energy source:
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • electric gas.
  1. At the installation location:
  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • floor
  1. By wavelength:
  • Shortwave- for small rooms, with ceilings up to 3 meters, temperature up to 600 °C.
  • Medium wave- average area, ceiling height from 3 to 6 meters, temperature 600–1000 °C.
  • Long wave- for large spaces with high ceilings from 6 to 8 meters, heating temperature 1 thousand °C.

Ceiling heaters

Heating devices are mounted on the ceiling - infrared radiation diverges slightly to the sides and goes to the floor, the main heating surface. Because of this the temperature at the floor is higher than at the walls or ceiling.

Photo 1. Infrared ceiling heater for heating a house. The device is similar to a regular lamp.


  • the radiation diverges in a cone, capturing maximum space;
  • fasteners allow you to choose optimal direction of radiation;
  • can act as a “heat gun” when installed near windows or doors;
  • ceiling panels imitate designer coatings.

Attention! When connecting several devices, maintain parallel connections, and install a separate circuit breaker in the panel, to avoid overload.

Distance from heater to ceiling at least ten centimeters.

Heating with infrared film

Warm floor mounted only with film mats. Flat heating elements connected in series are sealed into the dielectric.

Matami the floor is covered under the finishing coating or mounted on the ceiling. The emitted waves heat the opposite surface and objects.

Film heaters are different several advantageous features:

  • the minimum thickness of the film mat does not eat up a single centimeter of area;
  • any finishing coating is laid on it;
  • installation can be carried out independently without special tools;
  • safe.

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Installation of film coatings requires the fulfillment of several conditions:

  • Ideally level base. Before installation, it is necessary to carry out work to level the hydro- and thermal insulation of the base.
  • Infrared bands laid with a gap of 0.5-1 cm to a space free from furniture and connected to each other with thermal insulating tape. From the wall the mats recede no less than ten centimeters.

Important! Heating strips can only be cut according to special markings. These places are covered with bitumen insulation, which comes with the floor.

  • bend heating elements more than 90 degrees is not allowed;
  • connect infrared strips in parallel copper multicore cables not less than 1.5 mm. sq. sections;
  • on the wall for temperature control The thermostat is hanging, and a heat sensor is placed under the mat in a special recess;
  • After installation, start-up work is carried out so that check serviceability mat.

The sensor is placed on thermal insulation, otherwise it will not show the real base temperature.

Reference. The area with film mats should be not less than 70% for heating efficiency.

Wall-mounted thermal IR panels

Infrared panels mounted on the wall with special brackets And heat the opposite wall and objects, located in the path of thermal waves.

Photo 2. Infrared thermal panels installed around the perimeter of the room. The appliances serve as the main source of heating.


  • Panels combine the properties of emitters and convectors.
  • The heater is made of metal ceramics. In this case, the device is a solid panel with a connected cable.
  • Wall panel models equipped with thermostats.
  • Quartz panels after switching off retain heat for a long time.
  • Quartz heaters replacing central heating in garages.

Infrared heating using baseboards

Infrared skirting boards or “warm skirting boards” - a type of wall-mounted infrared heaters.

Photo 3. Infrared baseboards for additional heating of the room. The appliances warm up the floors well.

Behind a special aluminum profile imitating a plinth is laid carbon-based fin heating element. Heat rises by natural convection.


  • warm baseboard is a low-power device, so it is used only as an additional means;
  • skirting boards heat the floors and part of the walls;
  • dries the walls, eliminates fungus and mold;
  • when placed on walls in special boxes - avoids injury from furniture, the laying area is not limited by free space.

Gas infrared heaters

Autonomous type of equipment that does not require electricity. This feature makes gas IR heaters suitable for places where there is no electrical connection or where there is a possibility of power surges. Heats up up to 800 °C, and quickly heats the area up to 60 squares. For work Requires propane or natural gas in cylinders.

Gas IR heaters are not intended for constant heating of a home.


  • Ceramic— a ceramic plate is used as a heating element. The gas cylinder is located in the metal base of the device. Most often used in dachas, gazebos and outdoor establishments.
  • Catalytic- uses both gas and electricity for operation. It is based on the principle of oxidation of substances. Used for heating residential and industrial premises. This is a safe look.
  • Street— designed for heating terraces, sports and playgrounds, cafes in the form of an open umbrella with a heating radius of six meters. Gas cylinders are located inside the heater.

Operating principle

Same as electric ones, only gas is used:

  • in the heater chamber gas mixes with air;
  • the mixture passes into the holes of the ceramic plates and burns, heating the ceramics;
  • heated plates emit heat waves.


  • Availability of a built-in sensor for monitoring the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. When the level is 1.5% will be exceeded, the sensor will turn off the heater.
  • The room is periodically ventilated.
  • If large-sized heaters are used, then it is necessary to additionally equip the room with a chimney.

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Those using infrared radiation have become especially popular today. Modern models are based on energy-saving technologies. Having carefully studied the pros, cons and price of infrared heaters, we can say with confidence that these devices are an excellent source of additional heating and may well act as the only source of heat in the house.

IR heating devices will create a comfortable room temperature

According to experts, it is an effective, durable and reliable means of heating.

The principle of operation of infrared waves and the equipment of the device

IR heating devices convert electrical energy into heat using heating. Infrared heat rays heat objects and living organisms.

Helpful information! Traditional heating systems spend almost all energy heating the air space of the room.

Objects heated by infrared radiation give off heat to the air. That is why heat loss during infrared heating is minimal.

The total surface of all objects in the room is much larger than, for example, the surface of a traditional battery. In this regard, IR irradiation heats the room four times faster. At the same time, the temperature difference between the ceiling and floor is minimal.

The infrared heating device consists of:

  • a housing having a control unit and a cord for connecting to a power source;
  • cylindrical or parabolic reflector;
  • protective mesh made of metal or transparent partition.

Types and types of devices

IR devices for heating a home are divided into types according to the principle:

  • energy uses are divided into electric, gas and diesel;
  • wave type - there are short-wave and long-wave;
  • mounting location - can be ceiling, floor, wall, mobile.

Infrared heaters: pros and cons, price

When choosing infrared heating devices for your home, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this type of heating.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of an infrared heating system:

Disadvantages of IR heating devices:

Prices and manufacturers

Before considering the list of the most popular models, it is worth dwelling separately on one type of infrared heating devices - gas. This relatively new technology makes it possible to increase the efficiency of conventional room heating using liquefied gas several times. These devices quickly heat the room and do not depend on the supply of electricity. Compact models can even operate on small gas cartridges. These are the pros and cons of infrared gas heaters. The price for such devices is very affordable and starts from 520 rubles for a small device that can heat, for example, a garden gazebo with an area of ​​40 square meters.

Table 1. The most popular models of infrared heaters according to user surveys

How to choose infrared heaters

When deciding which one to choose for heating a house or apartment, you should pay attention to the type of heating element of the device. They come in three types:

  • quartz;
  • metal;
  • ceramic.

Helpful information! It is not advisable to install halogen infrared heating devices in residential areas. They emit infrared waves in a short range, which can negatively affect a person’s well-being.

Quartz heating elements consist of a carbon spiral. Devices with such a heating element heat up quickly and have a high efficiency. Their disadvantage is their relatively short service life, about two to three years. In addition, they consume a lot of electricity and glow in the dark.

Ceramic heaters are more expensive, but last almost twice as long as quartz heaters. They consume from 50 kilowatts of energy and are considered one of the most economical heating elements.

Heaters based on micathermic metal elements are reliable and durable. During operation, they crackle a little, but otherwise have only positive reviews from users.

Pros and cons, the price of infrared heaters are not all aspects that are important for choosing a suitable device. You should pay attention to several more features of the infrared device:

  • Thickness of the anodizing layer on the heating element. A layer of less than twenty-five microns will lead to rapid failure of the device.
  • Appliances with a ferrous metal heating element cannot be used in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • The foil in the device must have a thickness of at least one hundred and twenty microns. To check, you can press on it with the shaft of a regular pen. The foil should not be deformed.
  • To heat ten square meters of space, at least one thousand watts of device power will be required. It is better to buy a device with a power reserve.

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