Home Hygiene Symptoms of lung cancer at different stages of the disease. Lung cancer - symptoms and first signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Symptoms of lung cancer at different stages of the disease. Lung cancer - symptoms and first signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Among oncological diseases Lung cancer has long occupied a leading position. Is it any wonder if the environmental situation in the world is getting worse year after year, and the number of smokers is constantly growing? But lung cancer is incredibly insidious. Starting with a banal cough, it completely unexpectedly turns into a deadly one. dangerous disease, which is characterized by increased mortality. In order to prevent such fatal consequences, every person should know why cancer appears, what its signs are and what stages of oncology are treatable.

general information

Lung cancer is a serious oncological disease, which is based on impaired air exchange and degeneration of the epithelial tissue of the bronchi. The appearance of the tumor is accompanied by rapid growth and the appearance of numerous metastases in the early stages of the disease.

Based on the location of the primary tumor, lung cancer is divided into:

1. Central cancer. Located in the lobar and main bronchi.
2. Peripheral cancer. Originates from bronchioles and small bronchi.

Besides, this type Oncology is divided into primary cancer (if the malignant tumor appeared directly in the lungs), and metastatic (when malignant cells penetrated the lungs of other organs). Most often, metastases to the lungs occur in the kidneys and stomach, mammary glands, ovaries and thyroid gland.

Statistics say that in 70% of cases, lung cancer affects men aged 45–80 years. However, oncologists note that last years The disease is increasingly found in young people, and more and more women are among the patients.

According to some research centers, the incidence of lung cancer depending on the patient’s age is as follows:

  • 10% of cases are under 45 years of age;
  • 52% of cases were aged 46–60 years;
  • 38% of cases are over 61 years of age.

To understand why the disease develops, it is enough to study the causes of this deadly phenomenon.

Causes of lung cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the main cause of lung cancer is tobacco smoking, accounting for 90% of all cases of the disease. This is understandable, because tobacco, and especially its smoke, contains great amount harmful substances, which settle on epithelial tissues bronchi, lead to the degeneration of columnar epithelium into multilayered squamous epithelium, which leads to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Typically, the mortality rate from lung cancer in smokers is significantly higher than in non-smokers. Moreover, the likelihood of a tumor increasing with smoking experience, as well as the number of cigarettes smoked during the day. The quality of cigarettes also plays an important role, which means that those who smoke unfiltered cigarettes made from cheap types of tobacco are most at risk.

Important! Cigarette smoke threatens not only the smoker himself, but also the people around him. Family members of a smoker experience malignant tumors 2–2.5 times more often than people whose families do not smoke!

Other factors influencing the development of lung cancer include occupational hazards. In this regard, people who work with arsenic and nickel, chromium and asbestos dust, cadmium and synthetic dyes are more likely to encounter this type of oncology. They are diagnosed with cancer 3 times more often. Smoke should also be included here. major cities exhaust gases, and therefore street residents living in megacities have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who live far from cities and large enterprises.

The occurrence of a tumor is also influenced by the condition of the respiratory system. Tumors are more likely to occur in people who face inflammatory processes in the pulmonary parenchyma and bronchi, had tuberculosis in childhood or have foci of pneumosclerosis.

Other dangerous factors for the development of this disease include prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun, regular visit saunas, as well as decreased immunity and diseases associated with immunodeficiency.

Stages of lung cancer

According to the international classification (TNM), lung cancer has 4 stages. They are determined depending on the size of the primary tumor (T 0-4), the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes (N 0-3), as well as the penetration of metastases into other organs and tissues (M 0-1). The digital designations of each indicator indicate the size of the tumor or the degree of involvement of other organs in the pathological process.

Stage I (T1). The tumor is small in size (no more than 3 cm in diameter) and is localized in one of the sections of the bronchus. Lymph nodes are not affected (N0), and there are no metastases (M0). Such a neoplasm can be noticed only on x-rays and other complex visualization techniques.

Stage II (T2). The tumor is single, with a diameter of 3 to 6 cm. Regional regions are involved in the pathological process The lymph nodes(N1). Metastases in neighboring organs may be absent or present with equal probability (M0 or M1).

Stage III (T3). The tumor is large, more than 6 cm in diameter, extends beyond the lung, moving to the chest wall and diaphragm. Distant lymph nodes (N2) are involved in the process. Signs of metastasis are found in other organs outside the lungs (M1).

Stage IV (T4). Tumor size in in this case does not matter. The malignant tumor extends beyond the lungs, affecting neighboring organs, incl. esophagus, heart and spine. An accumulation of exudate is observed in the pleural cavity. There is total damage to the lymph nodes (N3), as well as multiple distant metastases (M1).

By cellular structure Oncological tumor in the lungs is divided into:

  • Small cell cancer. This is an aggressive type of malignant tumor that quickly metastasizes to other organs. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in experienced smokers.
  • Non-small cell cancer. This includes all other forms cancer cells.

The first signs of lung cancer

The first symptoms of a newly emerging tumor, as a rule, are not associated with the respiratory system. It could be:

  • low-grade fever, which is not controlled by medications and is extremely exhausting for the patient (during this period the body is exposed to internal intoxication);
  • weakness and fatigue already in the first half of the day;
  • itching of the skin with the development of dermatitis, and possibly the appearance of growths on the skin (caused by the allergic effect of malignant cells);
  • muscle weakness and increased swelling;
  • Central nervous system disorders, in particular dizziness (even fainting), impaired coordination of movements or loss of sensitivity.

Obvious signs of lung cancer associated with the respiratory system appear later, when the tumor has already engulfed part of the lung and has begun to rapidly destroy healthy tissue. Effective in this regard preventive method Aimed at preventing lung cancer is annual fluorography.

Symptoms of lung cancer

As the pathological process the patient has a lot characteristic symptoms oncology.

1. Cough. At first, a dry cough that appears at night begins to torment. However, even painful coughing attacks do not force the patient to visit a doctor, as he attributes them to a smoker’s cough. Such patients are in no hurry to sound the alarm even in cases when purulent mucus with a foul odor begins to be released with a cough.

2. Hemoptysis. Typically, a meeting between the doctor and the patient occurs after blood begins to come out of the mouth and nose with sputum. This symptom indicates that the tumor has begun to affect the blood vessels.

3. Chest pain. When the tumor begins to grow into the membranes of the lung (pleura), where many nerve fibers are located, the patient begins to feel severe chest pain. They can be aching and sharp, intensifying in case of stress on the body. Such pain is localized on the side of the affected lung.

4. Temperature. For a long time stays around 37.3–37.4°C, and in the later stages it can increase significantly.

5. Shortness of breath. Lack of air and shortness of breath first appear in case of exertion, and as the tumor develops, they bother the patient even in a supine position.

6. Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. With the development of a malignant tumor, the patient develops pink stripes on the skin, hair begins to grow profusely, and he rapidly gains weight. This is due to the fact that some cancer cells can produce the hormone ACTH, which provokes these symptoms.

7. Anorexia. In some patients, when a tumor develops, weight, on the contrary, begins to rapidly disappear, up to the development of anorexia. This happens in cases where the tumor provokes the production of antidiuretic hormone.

8. Disorders of calcium metabolism. In the second and third stages of tumor development, the patient may experience lethargy, constant vomiting, decreased vision and weakened bones due to osteoporosis. This is due to the fact that cancer cells produce substances that disrupt calcium metabolism in the body.

9. Compression of the superior vena cava. The neck begins to swell and the shoulders begin to ache and swell saphenous veins, and on late stages problems with swallowing appear. This set of symptoms accompanies the rapid progression of the tumor.

At the fourth stage of the oncological process, metastases can reach the patient’s brain. In this case, he develops severe neurological disorders, edema, muscle paresis and paralysis, as well as swallowing disorders, ultimately leading to fatal outcome.

Diagnosis of lung cancer

Having identified a decrease in lung volume, an increase in lung pattern, or a specific neoplasm on fluorography, the specialist prescribes additional images with an increase in a certain area and in different phases of the respiratory cycle.

To clarify the condition of the lungs and lymph nodes, such patients are prescribed computed tomography (CT).

Another effective method for examining the bronchi for a malignant tumor is bronchoscopy. True, it is not carried out for all types of tumors (for peripheral cancer this method is useless).

In the case of peripheral cancer, transthoracic targeted biopsy (through the chest) is used to clarify the diagnosis.

If the methods described above do not help establish an accurate diagnosis, doctors perform a thoracotomy (open the chest). In this case, a histological examination is immediately carried out and, if necessary, the tumor site is removed. This is an example of a case where diagnostic test immediately proceeds to surgical treatment.

Unfortunately, today cancer is not uncommon. Quite a large number of people suffer from malignant tumors. One of the most common is considered to be Na early stage the symptoms are already becoming pronounced, although many people do not pay due attention to them. And in vain, because the neoplasm can be defeated. Well, we should talk about this in more detail.

Important information

What is the first thing you should say about lung cancer at an early stage? Many people do not perceive the symptoms of this disease as something scary or unusual. In general, cancer of this body very rarely detected randomly (for example, after fluorography). Only 1/5 of all cases were detected through this procedure.

It is also worth remembering that many symptoms are, in fact, similar to other pathologies not related to oncology. They are often similar to those that accompany a person with tuberculosis, during acute infectious diseases(or chronic) bronchial asthma, pneumonia or even pleurisy. So if a person feels strange, then complaints alone will not be enough. But how to detect lung cancer at an early stage? CT ( CT scan) - this is the way out. The procedure is expensive, but it is better than any x-ray. Sometimes a tumor can be detected by examining fluid from the pleural cavity. But today CT is the safest and most effective method.

Cough is a reason to worry

Indeed, often it can be a kind of “beacon”. A cough always accompanies early stage lung cancer. The symptoms are different, but this is the main one. So, the cough is usually frequent and very debilitating. Accompanied by sputum of an unpleasant yellow-green color. If a person is in the cold for a long time or engaged in physical labor, then the amount of these waste secretions increases.

There may also be blood discharge when coughing. They usually have a scarlet or pink tint. Clots are often visible in the sputum. Even when a person coughs, he feels severe pain both in the throat and in the area chest. This is often a symptom of a strong virus, the flu, for example, but if there are other suspicions and signs, you should not ignore it. In addition to coughing, there is shortness of breath and wheezing. These are all also symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage.

Pain and other sensations

Oncology can also be accompanied by too much fast fatiguability, apathy and eternal fatigue. Significant weight loss is often observed. These lungs at an early stage are a warning sign. It is necessary to listen to this if a person, with the same diet, suddenly began to lose weight.

General malaise is also one of the signs of the disease. An increase in body temperature that is not associated with viral diseases. Often a person’s voice also changes. Hoarseness appears - this is due to the fact that the tumor affects the nerve that controls the larynx. By the way, if we talk about how to recognize lung cancer at an early stage, then, perhaps, the main answer here is the following - listen specifically to breathing. It is important. On initial stages a person has to make a lot of effort to breathe fully. This is due to the fact that the tumor is an obstacle to the usual air flow.


Pain in the shoulder area can often occur. If the neoplasm has affected the nerve endings, then sensations will appear from the affected organ. Swallowing function is also impaired - also a common sign by which lung cancer can be recognized at an early stage. Symptoms of this kind appear when the tumor enters the walls of the esophagus. In this case, the airways are simply blocked.

And of course, muscle weakness. Many people take it for granted - maybe it was due to heavy work or there was an excessive force load. But often this alarm signal, which you need to pay attention to.

What can cause cancer?

This topic also needs to be noted with attention when talking about how to recognize lung cancer at an early stage, the photo of which is provided above. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons. The most common is, of course, smoking. But it is not only because of this that a malignant neoplasm appears. There are two factors - constant (unchangeable) and modifiable (that is, changing). And a person cannot change the first of these in any way. Firstly, this is the person’s age - more than 50 years. Secondly, genetic factors (conditioning). Thirdly, pollution environment. Severe disruptions may also affect endocrine system(especially in women) and the presence chronic diseases lungs (pneumonia, etc.). Because of these ailments lung tissue becomes deformed and scars appear on it. This often becomes an excellent breeding ground for cancer.

As for smoking... Hundreds of scientists are developing this topic, they talk about it in all the media, and all over the world they are trying to solve this problem so that as few people as possible buy cigarettes and other tobacco products. We can talk about the dangers of smoking and tobacco addiction forever. But the fact remains - in the process of absorption tobacco smoke harmful carcinogenic substances enter the lungs and settle on the living, soft pink epithelium, which over time becomes a dead, scorched, blue-black surface.

Oncology degrees

So, how to detect lung cancer at an early stage at home? The answer is simple - no way. If even fluorography reveals a malignant neoplasm in only 20% of cases, then what can we say about “folk” methods.

The first stage of oncology is a small tumor, the size of which is a maximum of three centimeters. Or is it a completely “screening out” from the main tumor of another organ. It is extremely difficult to detect it - only through computed tomography, which was mentioned at the very beginning.

The second stage is when the tumor is more than 3 centimeters and blocks the bronchus. The neoplasm can grow into the pleura. At the third stage, the tumor spreads to nearby structures. Atelectasis of the entire lung appears. And the fourth stage is when the tumor grows into nearby organs. This is the heart, large vessels. Metastatic pleurisy may occur. Unfortunately, the forecasts in this case are disappointing.

Is it really possible to cure?

This question arises for all people who have discovered cancer. All of them, regardless of the stage, hope for a positive outcome. Well, everything is possible in this life! There are people who claim that they managed to overcome cancer, and it has receded. Of course, the prognosis will be much more positive if the stage is early. This form is amenable to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. And in general, the percentage of recoveries in such cases is very high. But unfortunately, if you catch it in the final stages, it may not be easy for the patient. In these cases, the survival rate is 10%.


So, when talking about how to recognize lung cancer at an early stage in adults, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of prevention. It is very important because it helps fight the disease. Well, the most important thing is to quit smoking, follow a special diet and, of course, quit your job if it requires you to be present in a place where there is a high content of harmful substances.

It is worth giving up spicy, fatty and fried foods and instead eating high-fiber foods, lean fish and always white meat. It would be a good idea to include dried fruits, nuts, cereals and natural, real chocolate in your diet.

Medical measures are extremely important. These are routine examinations and treatment. If the patient is at particular risk, he is sometimes prescribed special drugs, which replace tobacco. Due to this, the need for smoking is reduced to a minimum, but the dose harmful nicotine replaced by medical. Gradually, step by step, following all the recommendations and not neglecting your health, you can get better and start enjoying life again.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm developed from the glands of bronchioles, alveoli and bronchial epithelium. Its occurrence is due to environmental influences, tobacco smoking, frequent diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and heredity.
Smoking is the main enemy of the lungs. A smoker's length of service and the number of cigarettes he smokes per day increase the risk of developing a tumor.

The classification of cancer is presented in several forms, each of which has its own characteristics:
- central, developed from large bronchi;
- peripheral, developed from bronchioles or affecting the lung parenchyma;
- atypical forms, represented by mediastinal, brain, bone, liver varieties, miliary carcinosis, etc.

What health changes indicate lung cancer?

Prolonged, debilitating cough that cannot be treated is the first alarming symptom. Initially dry, over time it is accompanied by the release of sputum of a mucous or mucopurulent nature.

In addition, the patient complains of increased fatigue caused by general weakness of the body, sudden and causeless loss of weight and voice. Frequent disease pneumonia is explained by the overlap of large respiratory tract tumor and infection of an area of ​​the lung.

Drug treatment for lung cancer in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs and expectorants is prescribed to relieve symptoms. Special narcotic substances help relieve severe pain in the final stages.

Signs of lung cancer on an x-ray

The central form of cancer is not recognized by an increase in the root of the lung. Thanks to x-rays, the oncologist is able to see the blurred contours in the root area, from which wavy shadows radiate.

If the root of the lung has decreased in size, but the transparency of the pulmonary pattern is increased, the doctor can conclude that the tumor is developing peribronchially. Bronchial blockage is determined by swelling.

At lung cancer, occurring in a peripheral form, the image shows heterogeneous shading with jagged contours and specific uneven rays. WITH root of the lung they are connected by a distinct shadow.

Danger of lung cancer

Cancerous lymphangitis causes disruption of the pulmonary circulation. In turn, it becomes the cause respiratory failure, the appearance of recurrent thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

On appearance At first, the pathology does not affect the patient, and only towards the last stage does the body become depleted. After diagnosis, the patient lives from 1 to 3 years, and he dies from metastasis of cancer cells, various complications and intoxication.


Lung cancer is considered a common disease among all cancers. The basis for identifying a diagnosis of lung cancer is the appearance of cancer cells in this organ and the formation of a malignant tumor.

This disease complicates the patient’s air exchange and also severely affects the lung tissue. A feature of this disease is its high mortality rate.

Most of the group at risk of developing lung cancer are men aged 50 to 80 years who abuse smoking. Experts conduct statistics and claim that over time, more and more women are dealing with this problem, and the disease is becoming younger.

How long can you live with lung cancer?

The disease refers to dangerous form cancer, and the mortality rate from lung cancer is high. The thing is that the respiratory function of the body is important for the continuation of normal life support of the human body.

Education cancerous tumor or the appearance of cancer cells makes it difficult for a person to breathe.

The life support of the human body can continue even after the destruction of the kidneys, liver or any other organs except the heart and lungs. Even doctors prescribe the time of death only after breathing or heartbeat stops. This is why there are so many deaths from lung cancer.

Cancer ( malignancy) develops quickly, so at a certain stage in the development of the disease, breathing problems begin. The main problem is that it is impossible to repeat or compensate for the process in the human body; air exchange is a unique process.

Over the years, scientists have compiled estimated survival rates for lung cancer patients. Of course, a large percentage of survival rate falls on identifying the disease in the early stages, and also depends on timely and proper treatment. In addition, a doctor must predict the development of cancer, since this is an exclusively individual disease that can take an unexpected turn at any time.

Doctors note that important role plays a role in the location of the source of the disease. In particular, if the disease forms in the central part of the lung (where the main airways, nerve connections and blood vessels are located), then the disease can be quite severe and fatal.

Thus, patients with peripheral lung cancer have a fairly high chance of surviving lung cancer. lung damage. Experts say that there are cases where lung cancer patients lived for ten years after the disease was diagnosed. The thing is that the peculiarity of peripheral lung disease is the slow progression and development of cancer.

For a long time, the body may not give any reaction, and patients do not feel pain and show good physical performance. Once the disease reaches a critical point of development, the patient may begin to experience standard symptoms for cancer: high fatigue, weight loss, paleness and severe pain. This all happens after metastases have spread throughout the body.

The formation of a tumor in the central part of the lung indicates a low chance of survival for the patient. Often, patients diagnosed with lung cancer do not live more than 4-5 years. With this form, tumor formation is quite aggressive. Pain syndrome very high, especially in the last stages of development. In the final stages of lung cancer, which develops in the central part of the respiratory tract, any treatment known today is not effective enough.

The above cannot be applied to all forms and methods of spread of cancer, since the disease develops differently in each person. Oncologists say that the degree of aggressive behavior of lung cancer depends solely on the microscopic component of the cells.

What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Lung cancer has been studied by oncologists for many years. In the course of research and ongoing research, it was revealed that lung cancer is difficult to determine in the initial stages of development, in particular this applies to its peripheral form.

What mistakes can be made when diagnosing lung cancer? In lung cancer, the density of normal cells and those mutated into cancer cells is very similar. They are well camouflaged from detection by doctors and immune system, which allows them to remain undetected for a long time and continue to develop. Another reason may be the location of the tumor formation. It is difficult to identify cancer when it is located under bone tissue chest.

Due to the fact that there are no lymph nodes near the skin in the chest area, the disease may not immediately manifest itself, since they are the first to react. In addition, a person may develop weak pain activity in the extreme (peripheral) regions of the lung.

For complete and correct definition To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to collect a sufficient amount of information and analyzes about the patient; the disease can have different development paths depending on the individual factors of the person.

All people may experience symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Possible coughing up of blood coughing and fatigue, weight loss, unpleasant smell when breathing and many other facts related to primary manifestations lung cancer disease. As soon as you discover one of these signs, you must immediately consult a doctor for advice and testing.
  • Manifestation common symptoms consists in ordering analyzes and studies of the body. Determined by a doctor.

A screening method is used to detect lung cancer. It can detect the disease in the early stages. This procedure in itself represents a large-scale medical examination.

What is a cough like with lung cancer?

What is a cough and why does it occur during lung cancer? To answer these questions, you need to understand that coughing is a kind of protective reflex of the human body to strong irritation of the respiratory tract and receptors. Cough can occur both from exposure to internal and from exposure to external factors to receptors.

With any type of cough, it is best to consult a doctor, since the cough itself indicates problems in the lungs or respiratory system generally. At your appointment, you will try to accurately describe the type of cough you have. Even though coughing in lung cancer is the primary symptom, it can be used to determine the presence of pathology. The doctor will not make a diagnosis based on one cough; for this you need to go for an x-ray and take blood tests. All these studies can play a serious role in the process of diagnosing the disease.

Pathological types of cough include: frequent or rare; loud and hoarse; both strong and weak; painful, both dry and wet; long and short. There are types of cough that characterize damage to the larynx or esophagus.

Doctors note that a sudden cessation of cough may be a dangerous sign. Since, in this case, the reflex was suppressed and rapid intoxication of the body began.

After identifying a cough, you should not think that you can diagnose the disease, much less diagnose lung cancer. Remember that a doctor can do this if additional tests are available.

What can be the prognosis of the disease?

It was previously written in the article that if cancer is detected in time, a positive treatment outcome is possible. But the problem is that lung cancer is difficult to detect at the first stage.

It is possible to detect stage 3 or 4 cancer without difficulty using standard diagnostic algorithms. But at these stages treatment surgical method is no longer effective, and metastases can spread beyond the respiratory organs throughout the body. Using modern technologies, the prognosis of diseases can be improved.

We pay attention to the costs of diagnostics and the quality of treatment received. The costs of detecting lung cancer using high-tech methods are justified in the early stages of the disease, if the doctor offers a wide range of treatment methods.

But the costs may not be justified or may be questionable if the process of tumor initiation and development is at a detectable stage of the disease. In this case, a routine diagnostic test can be performed.

There are two effective methods to detect a tumor in the lung, this is multilayer spiral computed tomography (MSCT) and positron emission tomography (PET-CT).

Using the first method, you can examine the breast in about 8-10 seconds, and also conduct an examination of the entire human body in order to detect the presence of tumors in other parts of the body.

This technique allows you to identify a tumor with a diameter of up to 3 millimeters, as well as construct a 2- and 3-dimensional image with determination of the exact location. The second method is significantly better than computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. By using this method a tumor up to 7 millimeters in size can be detected.

Treatment options for lung cancer

There are several standard methods treatments for lung cancer, these include:

  • Surgical removal of the tumor.
  • Chemotherapy is a treatment chemicals, which slow down tumor growth.
  • Radiation therapy involves influencing the affected cells with harsher types of radiation.

These methods can be used once or in combination. There are forms of cancer that cannot be operated on and may be too sensitive to chemotherapy.

Mass chemotherapy can be used after determining the form of the disease and the stage at which the tumor is located. There are a number of drugs that can stop the growth of cancer cells, for example: carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, gemcitabine and others. These drugs should be used before surgery in order to reduce the size of the tumor.

Not long ago, hormonal and immunological methods of treating lung cancer began to be used. Such methods are used very rarely due to the complex hormonal correction of certain forms of cancer. If during an illness the immune system is very weakened, then the use of immunotherapy and terget therapy is prohibited.

Modern methods of treating lung cancer

Radiation exposure to an infected cell, under the supervision of specialists, or Image-guided radiation therapy technology. The purpose of the technique is to irradiate the infected cell, instantly correct it and transfer the load to the nearest damaged area of ​​​​tissue.

Brachytherapy technology, also called contact radiation. The method is to place special substances as close as possible to the tumor for a better effect on the infected cell.

There is a treatment method using smart knife technology. The essence of this method is to use a cyber knife to influence a cluster of infected cells. More modern method Lung cancer treatment is cancer cell tagging or PDT technology.

Labeling occurs using substances that increase sensitivity to laser exposure, which in turn eliminates damaged areas healthy tissue. The main disadvantage modern technologies is that they are aimed at destroying a developed tumor, but preventing development.


Rapidly developing, this terrible disease destroys the lives of men and women. Appearance clear signs just on later stages its development reduces the patient’s chances of recovery. It is important to know the symptoms of cancer so that treatment can begin earlier.

The first signs of lung cancer

The disease develops covertly for a long time. The tumor begins to form in the glands and mucous membrane, but metastases grow very quickly throughout the body. Risk factors for malignant neoplasm become:

  • air pollution;
  • smoking;
  • viral infections;
  • hereditary causes;
  • harmful production conditions.

Signs of the disease at first do not cause concern - they are similar to inflammation of the respiratory system. Symptoms of early stage lung cancer include:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dry cough;
  • slight weight loss;
  • fatigue;
  • temperature increase;
  • sweating;
  • decline in performance;
  • bad smell when breathing.

This organ has a peculiarity - there are no nerve endings, when exposed to which pain is likely to appear - at the beginning of the disease it is not observed. The difficulty of diagnosing this period is due to:

  • location of the tumor under the bone tissue;
  • similarity in the density of healthy and diseased cells;
  • the absence of visible lymph nodes signaling a problem.

Lung cancer stage 4 - symptoms before death

The tumor can grow at high speed and be fatal within a year. The reason lies in the lack specific signs in the early stages of the disease, when treatment is possible. If stage 4 lung cancer is observed, the symptoms before death are very pronounced. The period is characterized by:

  • cough at night;
  • depression;
  • chronic drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • great loss weight;
  • apathy;
  • rave;
  • lack of concentration;
  • purulent sputum with blood;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • severe headaches.

How does stage 4 lung cancer manifest? Its symptoms depend on the extent of metastases. The adult patient becomes frail and extremely emaciated. Signs of last stage lung cancer that lead to death are determined:

  • venous spots on the legs;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • unbearable chest pain;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of vision;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • thready pulse.

Symptoms at different stages

How to recognize lung cancer? The process of disease development is usually divided into 4 stages, which have their own characteristics. At the first stage, lung cancer - the symptoms and signs of which are mild in the initial stages - is concentrated in one place. The neoplasm is small in size - less than 3 cm, there are no metastases, the following characteristic manifestations are:

  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.

At the second stage, the symptoms of lung cancer are more pronounced, which is associated with the growth of the size of the tumor, its pressure on neighboring organs, and the appearance of the first metastases in the lymph nodes. The disease manifests itself:

  • hemoptysis;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increased cough;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness.

At stage 3, the symptoms are more smoothed out, in this it differs from the fourth, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, ends fatal. The tumor is widespread, the metastases are extensive, the symptoms are more intense than in the second stage. Signs of cancer appear:

  • reinforced moist cough;
  • blood, pus in sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • hemoptysis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • epilepsy, speech impairment, in the small cell form;
  • intense pain.


Due to the destruction of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, damage to the blood vessels by the tumor, pieces of tissue begin to separate. Hemoptysis in lung cancer is characterized by the appearance of:

  • large clots with a bright red color;
  • individual small streaks of blood;
  • jelly-like form of raspberry color;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage - which will quickly lead to death.


The discharge looks like thick, clear mucus that is difficult to clear when this symptom first appears. As the tumor develops, the sputum in lung cancer changes. She may be:

  • foamy, streaked with blood - with swelling;
  • bright scarlet – accompanies the destruction of blood vessels;
  • with pus – with the development of complications;
  • similar to raspberry jelly - accompanies tissue decomposition.

Cough - what is it like?

This characteristic feature diseases - a response to irritation of receptors by an enlarging tumor. There is no such thing as lung cancer without a cough, but its manifestation changes as the tumor develops:

  • at first - causeless, dry, prolonged, causing breathing difficulties;
  • then - with the addition of sputum - viscous or liquid mucus;
  • further – the appearance of pus and blood in the discharge.


Since there are no nerve endings in the organ, the answer to the question - do lungs hurt with cancer? - will be negative. It all starts with tumor metastases to neighboring organs. The pain occurs due to compression of the nerve endings in them, can intensify with tension, inhalation, and have the following character:

  • pricking;
  • with burning;
  • compressive;
  • with numbness;
  • blunt;
  • encircling;
  • spicy;
  • local.

Symptoms of lung cancer in men

Since men are at risk, the disease is more often diagnosed in them. When cancer begins, the symptoms and early signs are blurred. Everything unfolds with the appearance of a prolonged, causeless cough. Signs of lung cancer in men begin to rapidly intensify and include:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased vitality;
  • whistling when breathing;
  • swelling of the face;
  • violation heart rate;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • increase axillary lymph nodes;
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • headache;
  • fatigue.

Among women

The difference from the disease in men is that the first symptoms of lung cancer in women - the urge to cough - begin earlier. They are also absent in the early stages. Symptoms begin with a dry cough, gradually turning into a wet cough with mucous discharge. Cancer is suspected when:

  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • worsening swallowing;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • blood in sputum;
  • fever;
  • temperature rise;
  • jaundice – with liver damage by metastases.
  • How to Diagnose Lung Cancer

    For early diagnosis of diseases, the adult population is required to undergo a fluorographic examination every two years. If darkening is detected, carry out additional procedures to distinguish between oncology and tuberculosis. How to diagnose lung cancer? There are several methods:

    • x-ray – the very first, accessible and informative at an early stage;
    • computed tomography - determines the size and position of the tumor, helps to see metastases far from the site of the disease.

    When X-rays are contraindicated for a patient, an MRI is prescribed. During the examination, small tumors are identified and the size of the internal lymph nodes is determined.

    Signs of cancer are clarified with additional studies:

    • blood test for tumor markers;
    • bronchoscopy – detects disturbances in the lumens of the bronchi, has the ability to take material for a biopsy, determines the presence of a tumor;
    • Tissue biopsy is an accurate method for detecting oncology, but after such an intervention, the growth of cancer cells is likely to accelerate.


    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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