Home Hygiene Do they check for cigarette smoking at the military registration and enlistment office? Nicotine addiction test

Do they check for cigarette smoking at the military registration and enlistment office? Nicotine addiction test

Dr. Karl Fagerström studied at Uppsala University and received his higher education as a licensed clinical psychologist 1975. He then began working at a nicotine addiction clinic. In 1981, he received his PhD and defended his dissertation on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation. K. Fagerström is one of the founders of the Society for the Study of Nicotine and Tobacco.

Take a nicotine addiction test

Please leave your results in the comments to the test.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

The principle of the NRT method is to replace nicotine from cigarettes with nicotine from various dosage forms. This helps prevent or minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking and increases the chance of successful quitting. In our country they are registered by the Pharmaceutical Committee and admitted to free sale nicotine replacement therapy drugs: nicotine-containing chewing gum, inhaler, nasal spray and patch.

Basic principles of NRT:

  1. Provide sufficient nicotine to reduce withdrawal symptoms that occur soon after smoking cessation.
  2. Consistently reduce the intake of nicotine into the body, facilitating a gradual complete withdrawal from it.

Indications for NRT:

  1. Complete smoking cessation.
  2. Gradual cessation of smoking by gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked daily.
  3. Prevention of withdrawal syndrome during prolonged stay in places where smoking is prohibited.

Text and transcript of the Fagerström test

The test itself

  1. How soon do you reach for a cigarette after you wake up?
    1. within the first 5 minutes.
    2. after 6 - 30 minutes.
    3. after 31 - 60 minutes.
    4. after more than 60 minutes.
  2. Is it difficult for you to refrain from smoking in places where it is prohibited?
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
  3. Which cigarette would be the hardest for you to abstain from?
    1. From the morning.
    2. From the subsequent one.
  4. How many cigarettes per day do you smoke?
    1. Up to 10.
    2. From 11 to 20.
    3. From 21 to 30.
    4. More than 30.
  5. When do you smoke more - in the morning or throughout the day?
    1. In the morning.
    2. Throughout the day.
  6. Do you smoke when you are sick when you should be on bed rest?
    1. Yes.
    2. No.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Points are awarded according to following diagram: 1a -3 points, 1b - 2, 1c - 1; 2a - 1; 3a - 1; 4b - 1, 4c - 2, 4d - 3; 5a - 1; 6a - 1.

The maximum score is 10.

Interpretation of test results

From 0 to 3 points - low level dependencies. When deciding to quit smoking, the main focus should be on psychological factors.
. 4-5 points - average level of dependence. It is advisable to use nicotine replacement drugs.
. 6-10 points - high level dependencies. Quitting smoking abruptly can cause discomfort in organism. Nicotine replacement drugs will help you cope with them.

People with nicotine addiction make up almost 20% of the world's population. The figure is very large and it is increasing daily, due to the addition of smokers from among teenagers who go to school. The desire to be fashionable, to appear more mature – these are the reasons that push young people to smoke cigarettes.

Unfortunately, information about the harmful effects on a growing body, the likelihood of developing blood vessels, as well as the possibility of getting cancer, does not stop teenagers on the path to smoking. Not every parent knows that their child is addicted to a cigarette, and because of this they cannot take timely measures.

What is a nicotine test?

Pharmaceutical science has developed a system of immunochromatographic studies - a “test for nicotine addiction.” The system allows you to relatively quickly and easily determine whether a person smokes. Important point: The test determines the likelihood of smoking not only on the day of the test, but also 36 hours ago. And some types of tests can detect the fact of use two or three weeks ago.

The nicotine test is a special strip, similar to a home pregnancy detection system. They need to be placed in freshly collected urine and analyzed.

The test is based on the determination of cotinine, a special substance that is a breakdown product of nicotine and is necessarily present in the smoker’s body. It is found in organic liquids, its half-life ranges from 8 to 40 hours, while nicotine completely disintegrates after an hour. Cotinine acts as a kind of marker that reveals traces of nicotine in the urine.

If you suspect nicotine addiction in a teenager or adult, take a test and get a reliable result.

What to do if your nicotine test is positive

Parents who never felt cigarette smoke from a child, are perplexed when they receive a positive test result. Don’t get upset right away; there is a possibility that in a family where tobacco smoking is rampant, the child is often in a cloud of smoke and his body simply absorbs nicotine through the respiratory system.

There is a fact proven by experts: if adults in an apartment smoke more than 2 packs of cigarettes per day, their children become... And per day, their body receives a dose of nicotine comparable to 3 smoked cigarettes. Testing immediately gives a positive answer.

An active smoking test is done only if it is certain that the person being tested is not acquiring nicotine passively.

If the nicotine test result is negative

Negative test results, of course, will please parents; this is not a reason to relax their vigilance. The result may turn out to be incorrect (due to a combination of circumstances or the teenager’s “active” preparation for taking it). It is important to conduct several more tests after a period of time without warning your child.

Is it possible to cheat a nicotine test?

Determination of cotinine in urine does not always give reliable results. There is a lot of advice on online forums on how to avoid a positive outcome. The most effective methods are:

  • the older brother may well take biomaterial for analysis from the younger brother, whose body is free of nicotine;
  • bypass the test, you can add salt to the urine, it will not allow you to truly determine the presence of cotinine, due to increasing its acidity;
  • if a person is not a heavy smoker, then after 2 days no traces of nicotine will be found in his body - in this case, temporary abstinence from smoking helps;
  • experienced smokers can interrupt the process for a week, after which the test is highly likely to be negative;
  • in order to prevent nicotine from remaining in the body and ruining excellent performance, you need to drink a lot of water (from 2 liters per day);
  • a mixture of lemon, garlic, ginger and leek, chopped and mixed in warm water, cleanses the body well;
  • natural cranberry juice has a diuretic effect, which helps remove traces of nicotine from the body and avoids deception;
  • excellent response to a positive test result: the likelihood of obtaining nicotine through passive smoking, this option can save the situation.

What are the most reliable nicotine tests?

Tests are purchased strictly from pharmacy chains. It is important to follow the expiration date indicated on the package; an expired test will not give the correct answer.

The most effective tests today are from the manufacturer MedExpressDiagnostics, which allows you to obtain reliable results even after 36 hours of abstinence from cigarettes.

The approximate price of such test systems depends on how many test strips are included in the package:

  • 1 strip costs about 40 rubles;
  • set of 10 pieces – no more than 400 rubles;
  • set of 20 pieces – about 800 rubles;
  • set of 50 pieces – 2000 rubles.

Instructions for using the nicotine test

To get an adequate test result, you need to take it in accordance with the instructions. A test that allows you to accurately determine the degree of nicotine addiction does not require the use of blood or saliva, only urine is needed:

  • collect a portion of urine in a special sterile container;
  • let it cool to room temperature;
  • then place the express strip in the liquid, without lowering it lower than shown on the mark;
  • keep the strip in the urine for no more than a minute;
  • now place the strip on a horizontal surface and leave it until completely dry;
  • After 5 minutes, evaluate the result.

Testing for the use of electronic cigarettes

It is equally important to conduct a smoking test for middle-aged schoolchildren, which allows them to determine the likelihood of them using electronic cigarettes, the use of which is very popular among teenagers today.

An important point: if a person uses mixtures without nicotine, the test will give a negative answer. If mixtures containing nicotine are used, then, if all conditions are met, the test will give a positive assessment.

Smoking test for schoolchildren

In order to prevent teenage tobacco smoking from developing, curb its growth rate and draw the attention of parents to their own children, the Ministry of Health is actively promoting the implementation of the new law. The latter proposes to introduce mandatory testing for nicotine levels in the body among schoolchildren over the age of 10, which will be carried out free of charge at school.

Proposed option annual medical examination, including mandatory research in order to clarify the necessary indicators:

  • the level of carbon monoxide in the air exhaled by a person;
  • blood test for carboxyhemoglobin levels (compound carbon monoxide with hemoglobin, which increases after smoking);
  • test for nicotine content in urine.

Research is being carried out using special equipment, which is already beginning to be equipped with health centers in Russian cities.

Fagerström test to determine the degree of nicotine dependence

To specifically determine the degree of nicotine dependence on a cigarette, the Fagerström test is performed, which can be passed by both schoolchildren and adults.


  • the test system has 6 questions, the answers to which are given points;
  • the study allows us to determine the effect of smoking on the human body;
  • the Fargström method allows you to develop tactics for treating addiction;
  • a result of 3 points or less indicates initial stage, which can be overcome quite easily with a reasonable approach. A person will be able to quit smoking on his own;
  • from 4 to 7 points characterizes middle stage, where there is a certain psychological attachment to the ritual of smoking. To refuse bad habit it is important to find the right motivation;
  • more than 7 points – the body’s extreme dependence on nicotine use. Already present side effects a smoker (for example, a cough), and professional help is required to quit cigarettes.

The Fagerström test to determine the degree of nicotine dependence, in combination with urine testing, can give a complete picture of the presence or absence of psychological dependence on smoking in a person.

Instructions. Answer the questions and add up the number of points indicated in brackets.

  • How soon do you reach for a cigarette after you wake up?

1. during the first 5 minutes (3)

2. after 6 – 30 minutes (2)

3. after 31 – 60 minutes (1)

4. after more than 60 minutes (0)

  • Is it difficult for you to refrain from smoking in places where it is prohibited?
  • Which cigarette would be the hardest for you to abstain from?

1. From morning (1)

2. From subsequent (0)

  • How many cigarettes per day do you smoke?

2. From 11 to 20 (1)

3. From 21 to 30 (2)

4. More than 30 (3)

  • Do you smoke more often in the first hours after waking up than during the rest of the day?

1. In the morning (1)

2. Throughout the day (2)

  • Do you smoke when you are sick when you should be on bed rest?

Interpretation of test results

The maximum score is 10. Degree of dependence:

  • 0-2 points: Very low
  • 3-4 points: Low
  • 5 points: Average
  • 6-7 points: High
  • 8-10 points: Very high

From 0 to 3 points. When deciding to quit smoking, the main focus should be on psychological factors.

4-5 points. It is advisable to use nicotine replacement drugs.

6-10 points. Abruptly quitting smoking can cause discomfort in the body. Nicotine replacement drugs will help you cope with them.

Horn's test to determine the type of smoking behavior

Another well-known test was developed by Horn in 1976: it is a questionnaire that collects questions to determine the type of behavior of a smoker.

Features of the questionnaire:

  • passing the test helps you take a big step towards getting rid of a bad habit;
  • it is used by specialists to select correct tactics patient assistance;
  • if up to 7 points are scored, they speak of the initial stage when quitting smoking is not too difficult;
  • from 8 to 10 points - the result of an active smoker, you will have to work hard to get rid of the habit;
  • more than 11 points – a very high degree of dependence; assistance from qualified specialists is required.

Research to determine the presence and type of nicotine addiction is needed by the smoker’s loved ones (so that they understand the problem) and by the person himself. Only a thoughtful approach, with comprehensive measures, allows you to take your own health into your own hands and give up cigarettes forever.

According to statistics, the ranks of smokers are growing every day, and today people with nicotine addiction constitute approximately 17% of the world population. This is a real problem that is being discussed by the world community, however, the number of nicotine addicts is not getting smaller. The terrible thing is that nicotine has a destructive effect on organic structures and provokes pulmonary oncology and other life-threatening pathologies, claims the lives of even young people. Smokers know this, but they don’t want to give up their addiction and don’t even try. The propaganda of nicotine harm does not prevent teenagers from taking up cigarettes. Even especially attentive parents will not always be able to detect the presence of nicotine addiction in their beloved child. But if such suspicions still exist, then they can be confirmed or refuted using specialized rapid tests for nicotine.

Rapid tests for nicotine

Nicotine tests are essentially an immunochromatographic test. This fairly simple procedure, accessible to any average person at home, can determine the presence of nicotine metabolites. Moreover, nicotine will be detected even if more than a day and a half has passed since the last cigarette was smoked. There are also tests that detect tobacco use a few weeks ago.

Rapid tests are strips similar to pregnancy tests. For diagnosis, they also need to be placed in urine. To avoid counterfeiting, you need to purchase test strips from pharmacies.

Particularly popular are similar products produced by the Med-Express-Diagnostics company, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

The approximate cost of such tests depends on the number of test strips in the package:

  • Immunochrome-Cotinine-Express 1 strip ≈ 40 rubles;
  • Express test for detecting cotinine 10 strips ≈ 400 rub.;
  • A set of nicotine detection tests consisting of 20 or 50 strips will cost approximately 800 rubles. or 2,000 rub. respectively.

Operating principle

When using the test, cotinine is detected. This is an alkaloid substance present in tobacco and is a product of its metabolism. Cotinine is used as a biomarker to detect nicotine use. Cotinine is stably present in organic liquids for a long time human body. The half-life of cotinine is approximately 8-40 hours, while nicotine disintegrates in approximately half an hour to an hour.

Cotinine is not dependent on exposure external factors and is formed only as a result of nicotine metabolism. Therefore, this alkaloid is used as the most significant indicator of tobacco use. Therefore, if you suspect nicotine addiction in a child or loved one, you can check it using this rapid test.

The determination procedure is based on the principles of immunochromatographic analysis. When urine is absorbed into the appropriate area of ​​the test strip, if there is cotinine in the test sample, a reaction occurs with monoclonal cotinine antibodies.

Features of use

For maximum reliability of the results, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The biomaterial under study must be brought to a temperature environment, like the test strip itself;
  2. Approximately 1.5 ml of urine is poured into a clean and dry container;
  3. Immerse the test strip to the desired level for about half a minute to a minute;
  4. Then put the test in a clean and dry place for 5 minutes;
  5. Evaluate the results.
  6. If the test shows one pink stripe in the control zone, this indicates the presence of an increased amount of cotinine in the urine, i.e. the result is positive;
  7. If two lines of any color brightness and clarity appear on the strip, then the result should be regarded as negative.

According to reviews from those who have used the tests, sometimes they can be wrong. If the test shows one line in the test zone without a control line, then the test is considered incorrect. You shouldn’t attack a teenager waving a test with positive results. The bottom line is that the presence of cotinine can be determined by the fact that someone smokes in the house every day, at least 1-2 packs a day.

Children living in such an atmosphere are found to have nicotine in their bodies equivalent to 1-2 smoked cigarettes. Therefore, it is worth considering that passive smoking does not go away without leaving a trace and is harmless to others, especially to children.

Especially smart teenagers can cheat the nicotine test, for example, by replacing the biomaterial with the urine of their younger sister/brother, so it is worth monitoring the collection of biomaterial. In addition, you can add some kind of detergent, salt, whiteness and other household chemicals that will affect chemical composition and ruin the rapid test. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the receipt of biomaterial.

If the result is negative, but doubts still remain, then nicotine can be detected using laboratory tests. diagnostic methods which are carried out in specialized medical institutions.

In general, the use of rapid tests not only helps to timely detect the presence of addictions in adolescents, but rather provides an opportunity to help get rid of an emerging addiction in a timely manner.

As for , the test will only show the fact of smoking those that are filled with nicotine, nicotine-free cigarettes, and do not leave visible “traces of a crime” in the urine.

Considering wide range With all kinds of drugs and techniques offered today to combat nicotine addiction, coping with such a problem is quite simple, especially in the initial stages of its formation. The main thing is to choose the right method and the necessary words to convince a novice smoker not to become like herd instincts, not to try to smoke like everyone else and to assert himself in this way among his peers.

How long after the last cigarette does a nicotine test show a negative result? and got the best answer

Answer from Andrey Vink[guru]
Are everyone like this in Ufa? =))
Mom will light it up even without dough, don’t give a damn))
Source: let's hope he gets a spanking)

Answer from Nebuzyatka[guru]
Theoretically, how long it takes for nicotine to be eliminated is very individual. U healthy people without kidney pathology - in a day or two, in patients and children longer - three to four days.
Cotinine, a breakdown product of nicotine and the main indicator of whether a person smokes, is eliminated from the body within a day and a half. Therefore, if a teenager manages to last this time without a cigarette, the analysis may show a negative result. There are more sensitive tests, but these are no longer the test strips that are offered in most clinics, but an immunochromatographic test that can track traces of cotinine even a week after the last cigarette.
How much nicotine is removed from the body
Can you tell me how long it takes for nicotine to be removed from the body? I tried smoking, my parents found out, my father said that he would take me for some kind of analysis. I'm afraid to even think what will happen if the analysis is confirmed.
In general, it is difficult to predict how much nicotine is removed from the body in each specific case. If your smoking was a one-time occurrence, then the analysis may not show anything. If you smoke heavily, then even after a week you can detect a smoking marker.
Let’s just clarify that they are looking for not nicotine in the analysis - it is eliminated very quickly, literally in a couple of hours, but a special substance formed in the liver - cotinine. It is also called a specific marker of smoking - a non-smoking person does not have cotinine in the urine, it is formed from nicotine that enters the blood from a smoked cigarette.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How long after the last cigarette will a nicotine test show a negative result?

The Russian Ministry of Health approves new order: Now all Russian schoolchildren, starting from the age of 10, will be tested annually for smoking.

Smoking check included mandatory procedures general annual children's medical examination. Testing consists of a breath carbon monoxide test and a blood carboxyhemoglobin test.

To conduct preventive examinations Funds in the amount of 35 billion rubles are provided for 26.7 million children in the compulsory medical insurance system. Thus, the examination of one child will cost the state 1.31 thousand rubles.

Doctors note that the Ministry of Health chose not the best effective ways analyze children's body for smoking. And representatives of education are convinced that such complex tests are not required to identify smokers at school, since teachers already know which of their students is susceptible to the bad habit.

“The proposed methods for identifying children who smoke will provide information whose diagnostic value is highly questionable. Carboxyhemoglobin is an unstable compound. The level of carbon monoxide in exhaled air will be increased only if the student smoked immediately before the measurement procedure,” says Alexey Shabashov, Chairman of the Board of the Healthy Regions Association, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

According to him, the analysis of exhaled air is carried out using a device called “Smokylyzer” or similar devices: the patient exhales into a special tube, and the blinking of indicator lights on the device shows sensitivity - the proportion of positive test results in the presence of the detected condition and specificity - the proportion of negative results - Without. These indicators, according to the expert, are only a certain algorithm incorporated into the devices by their developers. There is no data on how many “tubes” give false positive or false negative results. As for carboxyhemoglobin, it is difficult to detect if the patient has not smoked for several hours. According to Shabashov, more accurate data is provided by a urine test to identify nicotine breakdown products. But even with positive results Such an analysis cannot tell whether the child smoked himself or inhaled cigarette smoke as a passive smoker.

A schoolboy blows into the device, the light comes on, but what does this mean? Perhaps he smoked himself before school, or perhaps his father smoked in the kitchen and in the car in the morning while driving the child to school. And a schoolchild who occasionally smokes, having learned that he is undergoing an examination, can abstain from smoking for a couple of hours, says the doctor.

According to Rosstat, about 44 million people smoke in Russia, including children and adolescents. Every year, about 400 thousand Russians die from diseases caused by tobacco use.

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