Home Pulpitis Wheezing in a cat. Why does a cat wheeze when breathing - is this condition dangerous? What to do if your cat wheezes and has difficulty breathing

Wheezing in a cat. Why does a cat wheeze when breathing - is this condition dangerous? What to do if your cat wheezes and has difficulty breathing

Cat has breathing problems

An attentive owner will immediately notice that something is wrong with his pet. Not only her breathing can tell about this. If it is rapid or weak, it may indicate alarming symptoms in the body. And today we will tell you about how to determine if your pet is healthy by its breathing, what to do if your cat is wheezing, and what this dangerous symptom may indicate

How cats breathe

First, let's figure it out, how cats breathe and how their respiratory system works. In order not to go into details and details that are not needed by a veterinarian, let’s just say that

The feline respiratory system is similar in many ways to the human respiratory system.

First, the cat swallows a portion of air, from there it enters the pharynx through the larynx, then goes through the trachea to the bronchi, and then into the lungs. From there, oxygen is delivered to every cell of the cat's body.

When a cat exhales, its diaphragm relaxes and the waste air is expelled from the body through the bronchi into the trachea, from there into the larynx and pharynx.

The breathing rate of a cat is not a constant value and depends on the state in which the animal is. When a cat is calm, it can take up to 30 breaths in 1 minute. Kittens breathe more often - up to 50 times per minute. By the way,

cats have more rapid breathing than cats, this is also worth taking into account.

What can affect a cat's breathing rate?

A cat's breathing rate may change if the animal is scared, angry, surprised, happy... However, these changes are not long-lasting and soon the cat's breathing rate is restored to the normal range. If you notice that your pet is breathing quickly and shallowly, he is most likely scared. Such breathing can be observed in a cat during childbirth, during veterinary procedures. During sleep and at rest, the cat breathes less frequently...

Cat's breathing problems

However, changes in breathing are not always so harmless. If, along with this symptom, you notice that your cat has dilated pupils, it’s time to sound the alarm. Something has happened to your pet, and it is important to figure out what it is.

  • If a cat is overheated, it will elevated temperature body, no movement of the ribs is observed during inhalation and exhalation.
  • For diseases internal organs and failure of entire systems, abdominal breathing can be observed when the ribs move quite noticeably.
  • If the ribs, muscles of the sternum, spine, or lung diseases are damaged, the cat will breathe with its stomach, since every breath for it is accompanied by pain.
  • At high temperature, bronchitis - the cat is breathing heavily.
  • If there is swelling of the larynx or a foreign body in the mouth or larynx, the cat may breathe through the mouth and wheeze.
  • With heart disease, pneumonia, edema, wheezing and hoarse breathing is observed...

What to do if your cat wheezes and has difficulty breathing

If you find that your pet is breathing heavily or wheezing, do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian. While someone close to you prepares to transport your pet, carefully inspect the animal, including oral cavity and larynx, for the presence of foreign objects. Sometimes a cat can swallow a part of a toy while playing (more on this), and it will interfere with its normal breathing. If you were unable to discover the cause on your own, only a good veterinarian can help you. And the sooner you get to him, the better for the cat.

What to do if the cat is not breathing

If your pet has stopped breathing, there is a change in the color of the mucous membranes (when the supply of oxygen to the body stops, they turn blue or pale), time passes by seconds. You need to restore the cat's respiratory function, and then take it to the veterinarian. To do this you will need to do artificial respiration pet.

Modern owners treat their pets with love and care. Respiratory diseases in mustachioed pets are quite rare. For this reason, if a cat is coughing and wheezing, then such symptoms should not be ignored. The reasons for this condition of the animal can lie not only in a cold, but also in the development of various pathologies. Information about the main factors leading to coughing in cats will help in providing assistance.

Main reasons

You can understand the reason why a cat wheezes and coughs, and whether this symptom should be treated or not, if you correctly assess the condition of the pet. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms, record the duration of attacks and the time of day at which they most often occur.

Cough is a companion to many diseases. In cats, as a rule, it does not act as an independent disease, but manifests itself as a symptom of any illness:

  1. If you had to observe how an animal stretches its neck, coughs heavily and at the same time breathes heavily, then we can talk about asthma. Most often it affects animals older than two years. The attacks are first rare character, but subsequently become more frequent and intensified.
  2. Similar symptoms can develop in case of an allergic reaction to dust or odors of human food. In this case a pet sneezes and coughs a lot. You should not self-medicate. It is better to show the furry animal to a veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  3. Pinworms and other worms, which almost every animal has, can cause painful coughing and wheezing.
  4. A reflex spasm can also be triggered by a foreign object entering the Airways. This happens when the pet's owner allows him to eat food with bones or play with small toys that the pet may accidentally swallow. In such a situation, you cannot do without urgent contact with a specialist, since an independent attempt to remove a foreign object can harm the cat.
  5. The kitten may choke on its own fur in its throat. This is completely harmless; subsequently, the pet will vomit the lump on its own. A similar phenomenon is most often observed in representatives of long-haired breeds.
  6. Pneumonia is difficult for pets and causes severe coughing. The animal's body temperature rises and vital energy noticeably decreases. Pneumonia usually results from hypothermia.
  7. At cardiovascular diseases wheezing in the chest is observed, and treatment at home is contraindicated.
  8. Oncology in the respiratory tract provokes severe coughing attacks.
  9. Acute respiratory disease, viral or bacterial infection the respiratory tract also causes this reflex.

There are also a large number of reasons that provoke coughing. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Foreign object

It is necessary to learn to distinguish situations when a cat coughs and wheezes a lot not because of any illness, but because he is simply choking and thus trying to get rid of a foreign object stuck in the pharynx or esophagus. Signs of cough due to mechanical damage are as follows:

  1. Such a condition in a pet usually does not arise out of nowhere. It is preceded by playing with small objects or eating. An insect, toilet filler, particles from plastic bags, ropes, threads and much more. There are even more serious situations when, without qualified assistance not enough. For example, if a kitten swallows a sharp bone, which, stuck in the throat, interferes with normal breathing, then it may suffocate or die as a result of bleeding resulting from damage to soft tissues.
  2. There is coughing, wheezing, wheezing and increasing vomiting.
  3. The cat often rubs its muzzle with its paw, as if it is trying to independently remove a stuck object, while it tries to stretch its neck.
  4. The pet opens its mouth wide and sticks out its tongue tensely, as if it is suffocating.
  5. Begins profuse salivation. The animal is not able to swallow the secretion, for this reason saliva flows out of the mouth.

If you suspect that an animal has choked, you first need to carefully examine its throat. If you couldn’t find it yourself foreign body in the mouth pet, then you should visit a doctor who will try to push the object or, if necessary, perform an operation.

Respiratory diseases

A common cold can easily provoke coughing, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes, and discharge of pus from the nasal passages and eyes. During this period, it is difficult for the pet to swallow, which is why he stops eating and even drinking. Inflamed airways, fortunately, are easy to treat.

The disease is eliminated with the help of antiviral, antibacterial medications, as well as expectorants or antitussives, which are prescribed depending on the type of cough. To restore and subsequently strengthen the animal’s immunity, the veterinarian prescribes a vitamin complex. As a preventive measure should you take your cat for vaccination? which will reduce the risk of serious illness.

Helminths or allergies

A large number of worms can provoke a similar condition in pets. Helminth larvae irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, which causes wheezing and coughing. Suspicious of a cat helminthic infestation possible based on the following criteria:

  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • dull coat;
  • presence of dandruff.

Once the diagnosis is established, the cat is prescribed antihelminthic drugs in the form of a suspension or tablets. After a week, a second course of therapy should be carried out if the invasion was severe. It is not recommended to delay treatment, since a large number of worms can cause intoxication of the body, cause damage to the kidneys, liver, or cause the death of the animal.

Allergies are another reason that causes coughing. It is necessary to identify the allergen and protect the furry animal from it. In advanced cases it is used drug therapy, which is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Asthma attacks

Bronchial asthma is chronic illness respiratory tract. She has allergic nature and is not associated with bacterial growth. The nature of development is most often genetic, but sometimes acquired pathologies occur. The signs of the disease are as follows:

  • severe coughing attack;
  • dyspnea;
  • restless state;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • pronounced cyanosis is visible on the mucous membranes;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • refusal of food;
  • the pet takes a forced position - lowers its head and stretches its neck, trying to cough up phlegm;
  • in severe cases, eye rolling and loss of consciousness may occur.

To accurately establish a diagnosis, tests are taken from the animal, a hardware examination of the abdominal and chest cavity is performed, and then treatment is prescribed. It includes taking antispasmodics, antibacterial drugs, and vitamin complexes, especially vitamins C and E, which are natural antioxidants. It is also recommended to purchase an inhaler that will help relieve the attack and prevent your pet from suffocating.

Heart problems

Many people do not know what to do if a cat coughs and wheezes, for what reason this reflex occurs. A serious reason to see a doctor is the occurrence of heart problems. Most often, this disease occurs in old and overweight animals. At first, coughing rarely bothers the animal, but later it inevitably becomes more frequent.

The disease is diagnosed by tactile and visual examination. The pet's blood pressure is measured, electrocardiography and radiography are performed. Such a disease requires lifelong care for the animal and maintenance therapy. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian based on the research results obtained. Giving medications at your own discretion is strictly prohibited.

The cat needs to be given peace proper nutrition and follow your doctor's orders. For animals with this pathology, special dietary foods are sold in pharmacies.


This disease most often affects individuals who are weakened due to a recent respiratory tract infection, as well as elderly, malnourished pets. Pneumonia usually becomes a complication acute bronchitis. The symptoms of this disease coincide with the symptoms of other respiratory diseases. For this reason correct diagnosis extremely important.

Signs of pneumonia are as follows:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • wheezing;
  • hard breath;
  • temperature increase;
  • purulent discharge from the nasal passages;
  • cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the dewlap and supporting parts of the paws.

Immediate treatment is required, which includes vitamin therapy to better combat the disease, and antibiotics, expectorants, and immunoglobulins are also prescribed.

If coughing attacks occur repeatedly and are simultaneously accompanied by other alarming symptoms, then you must definitely visit a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment and will help restore the health of your beloved animal.

The cat wheezes when breathing various reasons, many of them are associated with diseases. You need to be able to distinguish danger signs in order to difficult situation save the animal.

Sometimes cats wheeze for a long time. Occasionally, wheezing occurs in the form of an attack, but then after a few minutes breathing returns to normal. It is important to distinguish the difference between wheezing and choking.

Brachycephalic cat breeds: when shortness of breath is a consequence of illness

In some cat breeds, shortness of breath is very common. These are breeds with skulls affected by brachycephaly.

Brachycephaly - genetic disease, which results in difficulty breathing, snoring, snorting, snoring and others accompanying illnesses, such as lacrimation. Brachycephalic cat breeds are artificially bred, and many owners find the flattened face to be an attractive feature, despite Negative consequences for good health.

There are 5 common breeds of flat-faced cats:

  • Persian cat;
  • exotic cat;
  • Scottish;
  • British Shorthair;
  • manul

All the negative components of brachycephalic syndrome are aggravated by stress, obesity, respiratory infections, physical activity and overheating. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect the animal from these factors whenever possible.

Due to the structural features of the trachea and larynx, such cats develop respiratory failure and, as a result, fainting. All breeds with a short muzzle require increased attention from the owner, regular examinations and constant monitoring by a veterinary specialist.

Feline viral rhinotracheitis

An infectious disease that affects not only the respiratory system, but also the eyes. Is one of the most important diseases things to consider when caring for your cat.

Symptoms of rhinotracheitis include:

  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • runny nose and cough;
  • wheezing and sneezing;
  • temperature increase;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • breathing with open mouth
  • general weakness.

The cat stops eating and drinking, which causes weakness and dehydration. The eye problem leads to corneal ulcers and blindness. As soon as viral rhinotracheitis in cats is suspected, you should consult a veterinarian.

The disease is mainly caused by the herpes virus and calicivirus infection. Feline herpes causes serious illnesses, especially in young cats, and poses a great threat to kittens.

To treat rhinotracheitis, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, injections, and painkillers. Since a weakened immune system causes loss of appetite, it is advisable to find ways to encourage your cat to eat.

There will be no complete recovery. Symptoms of rhinotracheitis appear due to stress, weakened immunity, poor living conditions, and contact with a sick animal.

Feline asthma

Bronchial asthma - chronic inflammatory disease respiratory tract. But if with bronchitis the respiratory tract infection is bacterial in nature, then with asthma the narrowing of the bronchi is based primarily on allergic mechanism, and the infection is secondary.

Cats suffering from asthma breathe hoarsely and wheeze. If breathing is difficult, the pet sits up, stretching its neck, and takes quick breaths in and out with its mouth open.

No one knows what causes feline asthma. However, it is better to minimize the animal’s contact with irritants, dust, smoke, and aerosols.


Pleurisy is the accumulation of fluid in the space between cat lungs and the walls of the chest. Occurs mainly due to heart failure, infectious peritonitis, neoplasia. The latter involves the accumulation of pus in pleural cavity. In these cases, the animal develops serious problems with breathing, and a wheezing sound occurs due to the inability of the lungs to expand properly.

In addition to wheezing and coughing, the cat may experience restlessness and blue mucous membranes of the tongue. Treatment of pleurisy should begin immediately, immediately after detection of any of the clinical signs and confirmation of the diagnosis.

If the cat is breathing heavily and wheezing, then this indicates serious illness. It is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the symptoms. For example, when a cat breathes normally, it rises and falls rib cage animal. In this case, the process occurs calmly, without jerks or convulsive movements.

However, if the cat begins to breathe from the stomach and sides, this means a disruption in the functioning of the respiratory tract. It is painful for the animal to exhale and inhale, as it does in a normal state. Even more anxiety syndrome– when, against the background of the above, wheezing is added to the symptoms.

Causes of wheezing with heavy breathing

This is noisy bubbling breathing. It can occasionally be caused by a cold, and also accompanies most diseases of the respiratory system. A cat often wheezes for reasons:

  • foaming of accumulated liquid (blood, trans- or exudate);
  • the gaps in the respiratory tract narrow.

When the animal loses its voice, it wheezes for a long time. This indicates a violation of the vocal cords, their incomplete closure. The animal will wheeze until they are fully recovered. This phenomenon occurs when mucous fluid accumulates in crevices or with laryngitis.

Changes in a cat's breathing may be a consequence of obesity. In this case, even after a small physical activity the animal is breathing heavily. Sudden wheezing may indicate that the cat has swallowed a foreign body that is stuck in the throat. You can't try to pull it out on your own. Why can't pet owners do this? Without qualified help, the object can be pushed even further and the animal will die.

Types of wheezing

Wheezing is a combination of sounds and noises. Each disease has its own variants. Wheezing may be:

  • with a whistle;
  • wet;
  • crepitant;
  • dry.

If moist wheezing is heard, the cat is suffering from mucus accumulated in the bronchi. Sputum is formed in large quantities against the background of inflammation, colds, which affected the broncho-tree. The inhaled air seeps through the mucus in the form of bubbles, which then burst. As a result, the cat wheezes when he breathes. This combination of sounds refers to the wet version. There are several types of wheezing:

  • Fine bubbles, when small balloons formed by phlegm collapse. They appear with bronchitis, pneumonia and pulmonary infarction.
  • Medium bubbly - like the sound of air being blown through a straw. Such wheezing appears during bronchitis, accompanied by excessive mucus production, pneumosclerosis, or pulmonary fibrotic changes.
  • Large bubbles can be heard without medical device. Wheezing appears due to the accumulation of exudate in the lungs. This occurs due to swelling of the organ or with a weak cough.

Dry, heavy breathing with wheezing may be the result of obstruction due to narrowing of the bronchi. Also, the reason may be an allergic reaction or compression of the airways by a neoplasm. It is difficult for air to penetrate through narrow gaps, which creates a certain noise. Then it develops into a wheezing wheeze as it moves along the unevenly narrowed bronchi.

If they also contain viscous mucus, then membranes are created that block the path of air. As a result, breathing takes on a buzzing sound. It is very difficult for air to penetrate through the narrowed and partially covered lumen.

The appearance of wheezing due to illness

The causes of wheezing are divided into 2 groups. Each of them has its own characteristics. Symptoms can appear in both a kitten and an adult.


The pulmonary group of causes is caused by diseases of the respiratory system. The appearance of wheezing can be a consequence of inflammation, including an allergic nature. Sometimes the airways become injured by foreign bodies accidentally entering them.

In this case, they get stuck in the larynx, pharynx, bronchi or trachea. This interferes with normal breathing, it becomes heavier and more difficult. The cat begins to wheeze, sniffle and cough. Foamy fluid is discharged from the nostrils, sometimes with blood clots. The cat does not drink or eat and can easily suffocate.

ARVI or influenza is not scary for these animals; they do not get sick from them. However viral infections They may well catch it. For example, a cat wheezes and sneezes when sick:

Mild wheezing and heavy hissing may occur due to congenital pathologies– with elongation of the palate, polyps, narrowing of the passages in the nose. Symptoms worsen after any physical activity.


The extrapulmonary group of causes is caused by a disorder in the functioning of internal organs and systems that are not associated with the respiratory system. Diseases:

  • Pulmonary edema is caused by various diseases of internal organs and their inflammation. At the same time, the cat breathes with great difficulty, with wheezing, the sides become very swollen, and pinkish foam appears from the nose.
  • A diaphragmatic hernia is very similar in symptoms to asthma. The animal is also breathing heavily and hoarsely.
  • The same symptoms are characteristic of heart failure, but in this case the animal does not cough. Myocardosis and carditis, and arrhythmia lead to disruption of the respiratory system.

Often the cause of wheezing and heavy breathing is renal failure. It leads to pulmonary edema. At the same time, the animal’s sides swell and a severe cough appears.


Among the causes, tumors should be specifically noted. They can be benign or cancerous, with metastases or not. Oncology often affects adult animals and is much less common than in dogs. A tumor can develop against the background of any disease, including respiratory diseases.

Neoplasms of any form grow, causing strong pressure. Wheezing occurs when the tumor has invaded any part of the respiratory tract. The tumor makes breathing significantly more difficult. If the tumor appears in or near the throat, the cat swallows heavily and wheezes when it breathes. At the same time, hoarseness of voice, squeaking, shortness of breath and coughing up blood appear.

In any case, when a cat is breathing heavily and this is accompanied by wheezing, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. Basically, these are symptoms of a disease. A lack of air is also indicated when a cat sleeps with its mouth open. If animals have respiratory diseases, there should always be a bowl of clean water.


If a cat coughs, as if it is choking and wants to vomit, this is not a reason to panic. You should not start treating the animal yourself. It is better to pay attention to what other symptoms are observed. You can make a video recording of your pet coughing and visit the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Types of symptoms

A cough means one thing - the cat’s body is trying to get rid of something. Muscles respiratory organs contract and make a push, at this moment the cat coughs. Such attacks are accompanied by other symptoms. The cat is sneezing or wheezing, breathing heavily, and his eyes are watering.

The natural microflora of the throat, esophagus and lungs is disrupted, so the cat develops a cough reflex. The immune system enhances the secretion of secretions, directs leukocytes to fight symptoms. Cough has different causes:

  • microbes;
  • foreign bodies;
  • viruses;
  • wounds.

But the essence is the same - discharge accumulates, and you need to get rid of it. The cat's body is designed in such a way that when severe cough from the outside it looks like the animal is about to vomit.

When your pet coughs, symptoms vary by:

  1. 1. Duration: sometimes the condition develops in attacks, in other cases it constantly torments the animal.
  2. 2. Intensity: light coughing or so strong manifestations that it hurts to look at a cat. The condition may be accompanied by vomiting and snot.
  3. 3. Sound: the cough can be painful and muffled or loud. In other situations, the cat is constantly breathing heavily.
  4. 4. Discharge from the mouth and nose: dry coughing is dangerous, but worse when purulent and bloody traces are noticeable.
  5. 5. Time of manifestation: respiratory disorders worsen either at night or after sleep. For diagnosis, it is important what time of year the cat got sick. Behavior also varies - the animal coughs after hissing or stretching out and pressing itself to the floor. All these points are important for diagnosis.

Causes of cough and how it manifests itself

When a cat coughs as if it wants to vomit, this indicates the following conditions:

If a cat develops such symptoms and coughs as if it is choking, there is no need to try to determine the reasons yourself - you could harm your pet.


If it's a foreign body or hairballs, the cat will usually cough them up. Sometimes they come through digestive system and come out during defecation. But if the object is stuck in the throat or esophagus, surgery will be required.

  • use phytomines for distilling wool;
  • try to pull out the foreign body yourself with tweezers (if it is really visible in the throat) - it is important not to rush, not to panic and not to make sudden movements;
  • try to help the cat vomit - you need to lightly press your finger on the root of the pet’s tongue.

If attacks occur frequently, consult your doctor.

So that the doctor understands what the problem is, film the cat coughing in advance. Just by the sounds, a professional will determine in which direction to look for the source of the disease. So, if there is a strangled cough and wheezing, the cat will be sent for a cardiological check.

The veterinarian will also pay attention to whether there is purulent, mucous and bloody discharge in order to exclude infectious inflammation respiratory tract. The necessary smears and tests will be prescribed to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms.

Can be assigned and medications for treating a coughing cat. Such drugs are needed so that an animal that is sneezing and coughing gets rid of excess mucus in the throat. Prescribed for dry coughing or weak natural expectoration. They will also suppress allergic reaction, reduce swelling, clear the airways. If you are concerned about asthma, the main emphasis on treatment is in the spring and autumn. Correctly selected by the doctor medications effectively suppress the inflammatory process.

If the prescription has not been received, do not purchase such medications yourself. They are selected only after careful analysis. For antibiotic treatment to be successful, you need to understand what type of microorganism caused the infectious infection so as not to harm the cat's health.

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