Home Wisdom teeth Electric medical comb. Hair treatment devices

Electric medical comb. Hair treatment devices

Very often, the techniques that are used to treat skin problems also help to treat curls or the body. We suggest considering how darsonval is used for hair, its prices, where the procedure can be performed, as well as instructions and contraindications for darsonvalization.

What is darsonval and how is it useful?

Darsonvalization of hair has great reviews doctors, both trichologists and dermatologists. This technique is based on the principle of treatment various diseases the famous doctor Darsonval, in whose honor it was named. Initially, he used the technology only to treat bedsores, problem skin, dermatitis, various neurology, etc.

Indications for use:

  1. Dandruff;
  2. Alopecia (regular, seborrheic);
  3. Sensitivity of the scalp;
  4. Elimination of gray hair.

Experts say that the effect of the procedure occurs after three sessions. But the facts prove that a little later - after 4-5.

It should be noted that the Darsonval comb for hair loss has its own contraindications:

  1. It cannot be used to treat children;
  2. This remedy is not suitable for the treatment of fungal diseases, including lichen;
  3. If you have blood vessels close to your skin, we do not recommend using this technique;
  4. It is better to avoid the method during menstruation, pregnancy, or any other hormonal surges in the body.

Video: using darsonval for hair growth and against hair loss

Operating principle of darsonval

The professional Darsonval apparatus for hair growth works in the same way as the procedure for the skin. The principle is based on the use of high-frequency currents (from 110 to 400 kHz) of low power (0.01 mA). Through a vacuum glass electrode, current pulses act on the skin; this process improves microcirculation, causing short-term vascular spasm and, as a result, increased blood flow.

Darsonval affects pain receptors, reducing their sensitivity to external irritants, this can be clearly seen in the before and after photos of hair. Consequently, the device has a strong antipruritic and analgesic effect. Improving microcirculation causes acceleration of biochemical processes in subcutaneous adipose tissue, the epidermis is better supplied with oxygen.

Darsalization modes

Treatment-darsonvalization for thick hair can be carried out in several modes. The “spark” discharge uses ozone. This explains the strong bactericidal effect of the Ultraton and Ultratek devices. If, after mechanical cleaning of the surface (washing your hair), the darsonvalization procedure was performed, then, as a rule, the skin is not inflamed. Ozone oxides help “sterilize” the skin.

Darsonval in this mode activates germ cells hair follicles ov. This effect is used to accelerate hair growth and strengthen.

In the “low” discharge mode of the device, Darsonval is used to increase turgor and reduce wrinkles. This method normalizes the work sebaceous glands. Darsonval glow with low currents helps to activate metabolic processes, the device is used for better penetration of medicinal and cosmetic products into the skin.

Family darsonval with medium currents and infrared glow is used to normalize the growth and density of curls. This method is heated, so when used you may feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

Photo - Darsonval against alopecia

How to use the device

The scheme for using darsonval for hair is very simple. It is advisable to work on clean, completely dried strands. Step-by-step instruction application of the device:

  1. As with the face, you must first select the desired mode;
  2. Afterwards we comb the strands, divide them into separate curls;
  3. Many trichologists advise pre-applying a nourishing lotion to your partings to saturate the skin with beneficial microelements and vitamins. You can also use nourishing masks oil-based (for serious hair loss, use any professional hormonal composition, ampoules with protein extract, etc.);
  4. Next, we begin to apply darsonval over the head. We act quickly, without staying in one place;
  5. The procedure lasts on average about 20 minutes, depending on the scalp: length and thickness of the hair;
  6. It is most convenient to work through hairline heads with attachments that come with the comb;
  7. Conduct sessions two to three times a month. All this time you need to use a special restorative shampoo.

Photo - Darsonval nozzles

Before using Darsonval, you need to consult your doctor, who will help assess the condition of your hair and choose correct application devices. To be effective, a course of 5-7 procedures is required.

The following devices for Darsonval at home are now in greatest demand: Japanese Gezatone massager sd199, domestic DE-212KARAT, Super Wet Cleaner, Elard, Corona. They are sold by any pharmacy in Russia and Ukraine (in Moscow - VDNH, Krasnodar, Chernigov and other regions) or a professional online store.

The benefits of darsonvalization are undeniable: the amount of hair that falls out is significantly reduced, blood begins to rush to the head, and curls begin to grow faster.

From this article you will learn:

  • Darsonval apparatus: indications and contraindications,
  • Darsonval - reviews of use for face and hair,
  • how much does the Darsonval device cost – price, rating 2020.

Darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic method of influencing the skin and mucous membranes with a weak pulsed alternating current of high frequency. Under the influence of current pulses, blood microcirculation increases, which leads to better saturation of tissues with oxygen, nutrients, to activate metabolism.

Darsonvalization also improves lymph circulation, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of cellulite. It increases the tone of the venous walls, improves the outflow of venous blood from tissues, which makes it useful for treatment varicose veins veins Normalizes the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, which is important for patients with acne (blackheads and pimples).

In this article, we focus on the use of darsonvalization in cosmetology - to improve the condition of facial skin and hair, as well as on how to choose the right device for use at home.

Darsonval: indications and contraindications

Darsonvalization is most suitable for skin that has only the first signs of aging. It will make such skin more elastic and radiant, especially if you simultaneously use high-quality anti-aging cosmetics. The latter will work better - after all, darsonvalization promotes deeper penetration medicinal components cosmetic products into the skin.

Darsonvalization: indications for use in cosmetology

  • to increase skin elasticity (by stimulating collagen production),
  • to improve appearance, skin color,
  • improves the penetration of cosmetic products into the skin,
  • to improve skin condition,
  • to stimulate lymph flow in case of cellulite,
  • accelerates hair growth,
  • activates dormant hair follicles, and therefore can be used for non-chronic forms of baldness.

In general, darsonvalization is considered a safe method. However, there are a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account if you decide to carry out the procedures yourself at home.

Darsonval: contraindications for use

  • fever, ARVI,
  • nervous disorders,
  • Darsonval is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy,
  • heart disease, blood pressure problems,
  • presence of a pacemaker,
  • hemophilia, thrombosis, bleeding,
  • metal fillings, inlays and crowns on teeth,
  • plates and other metal objects in the body,
  • sunburn of the skin,
  • The procedure cannot be performed if there are rashes, cuts and abrasions, or infectious skin lesions on the treated area, spider veins, burst capillaries, symptoms of rosacea.

What causes changes in the skin?

If you bring the electrode of a working device closer to a distance of 1 mm from the skin, you will see how electrical discharges form between the electrode and the skin. You will also feel the tingling sensation they cause. Spark discharges lead to the appearance of foci of micronecrosis in the skin, invisible to the eye.

How does the body react to the appearance of micro-areas of skin damage? Enhanced regeneration. Cell division increases and their functional activity increases. An increase in the division of epidermal cells (keratinocytes) leads to an increase in the thickness of the deep layers of the epidermis, which means thin skin will become slightly thicker and more elastic. In addition, an increase in the thickness of the epidermis leads to an increase in the hydrophobic properties of the skin, which means less moisture will evaporate from the surface of the skin.

In the thickness of the dermal layer of the skin, the function of fibroblasts is activated - cells that produce collagen, elastin, as well as their own hyaluronic acid. As a result, the content of these components increases in the area of ​​microdamage. Because the damage zones are very close to each other - this leads to a uniform increase in the content of collagen and elastin (subject to long-term course use of darsonvalization).

Important: This principle of “skin trauma - increased regeneration” is used everywhere in hardware cosmetology, and in addition, it is generally one of the few truly working methods. Skin tightening occurs using almost exactly the same principle.

This laser leaves microscopic columns of coagulated tissue (foci of micronecrosis) in the skin, the appearance of which causes a sharp increase in tissue regeneration and leads to an increase in the proportion of collagen and elastin in the tissue (Fig. 4). Naturally, the effectiveness of Fraxel procedures is incomparably higher, but Darsonval, although much weaker, is still much cheaper than this expensive salon procedure.

Darsonval device for the face: reviews

Almost all users who used the Darsonval device - reviews showed that their facial skin began to look a little more elastic and toned. Above, we explained how collagen production increases and skin elasticity increases. However, you should not overestimate this method: with long-term course use, you can improve the condition of your skin by no more than 10-15%.

Many note that darsonvalization of the face has an advantage over laser resurfacing, collagen injections and other invasive anti-aging procedures. But this, to put it mildly, is not true. The only advantage of Darsonval over these methods will be -

The products listed above are best applied immediately after the procedure, because... micro-damage to the skin will facilitate their better penetration into the depths of the skin. You can also apply cosmetics immediately before the procedure, but in this case you should not use the products listed above, but exclusively oil-based moisturizers (natural oils).

Conclusions: The Darsonval facial device can be used every day or every other day for 4 weeks (after which you need to take a break for 2 weeks). As for improving the elasticity and appearance of facial skin, most reviews agree that the method requires a very long period of use and a large number of procedures before you see the first results. But, darsonval for the face against wrinkles - reviews real users generally only negative ones.

But there are also advantages to using the Darsonval device for the face. This is, for example, its use to reduce or relieve puffiness under the eyes. An increase in blood microcirculation, lymph flow, and venous outflow of blood leads to a rapid reduction in dark circles under the eyes. Also a big plus is that darsonvalization promotes deeper penetration into the skin medicinal components cosmetics(website).

Very important: Darsonval can be used for the face only along massage lines (Fig. 5). Otherwise, the flow of lymph will be disrupted, and there will be lymphostasis, leading to swelling of the face and a change in the configuration of its soft tissues. Your face will look absolutely terrible later.

Method of use
The glass electrode used in the Darsonvalization hair procedure is called a Darsonval comb. It is specially designed in the form of a comb to make Darsonval's head easier.
This comb moves over the entire scalp, along massage lines (from the forehead to the back of the head).

One procedure usually lasts about 10 minutes. The choice of device power settings during the procedure usually depends on your feelings, as well as on the power of the device itself. The sensations should not be painful. You should just feel a slight tingling sensation. Gradually, the scalp will become accustomed to the Darsonval currents; accordingly, in parallel with this, you should increase the current power on the current control knob of the device.

The Darsonval comb also has reviews for treating dandruff. Users note that Darsonval for the head copes with it perfectly if used every day (10 minutes) for 2-3 weeks. Moreover, after the first week, results are still, as a rule, absent, but already during the second week the peeling noticeably decreased. In general, after 2-3 weeks the problem was completely resolved for most people. However, to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to repeat the procedure once every 3 days.

Darsonval for hair: video

Darsonval for acne: reviews

In terms of treating acne, Darsonval for acne has quite positive reviews, but only how additional method as part of complex therapy rather than as a primary treatment method. Darsonval currents reduce the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and it is the increase in secretion production by the sebaceous glands that is one of the two main factors in the formation of .

People with dry skin should use darsonvalization with caution, because... it will dry out further. For dry skin types, it is best to simultaneously use skin moisturizers without a comedogenic effect (do not contain a fatty substance). It is also undesirable to use the method if there are active inflamed pustules on the skin.

The method will be very effective in preventing the formation of acne and pimples. This is due not only to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands, but also to the fact that ozone is actively formed during the procedure, which has a bactericidal effect on the skin. Thus, ozone sharply reduces the content of bacteria on its surface, causing the development of inflammation in the area of ​​the hair follicles (i.e., the formation of acne). This “ozone therapy” will also allow you to use courses of antibacterial therapy for acne less often.

Important: Darsonval for acne and pimples has only moderate effectiveness. You should not believe numerous before and after photos posted by device sellers, or blogs with hidden advertising. These photos were simply downloaded from the Internet, and they depict people after professional drug therapy, and not after darsonvalization procedures...

Darsonval device for home use –

The Darsonval device, used for darsonvalization at home, has compact dimensions. It consists of a central block into which one of 4 glass electrode tubes is inserted various shapes(included), as well as an adapter for connecting to an electrical outlet. The choice of electrode type depends on the application.

Types of electrodes and their purpose
professional Darsonval devices in physiotherapy clinics can have up to 20 different types of electrodes. Portable professional devices for home use, as a rule, they come with only 4 types of electrodes:

  • Mushroom electrode (Fig. 7) –
    Used on the face or other areas of the body.
  • Neck electrode (Fig. 8) –
    originally used to treat goiters, but can also be used on any curved surface of the body.
  • Darsonval comb electrode (Fig. 9) –
    used to treat baldness or other hair problems.
  • Cavity electrode (Fig. 10) –
    used for procedures in the nasal cavity, rectally, etc.

Glass electrodes are filled with a special gas (neon or argon). When the electrode touches the surface of the body, the gas inside the electrode becomes brightly colored due to many micro-discharges of current. The procedure looks especially beautiful in the dark.

Darsonval device: which one is better to choose

When buying a device, you must first pay attention to the following key characteristics device...

  • Impulse voltage strength
    This is the most important thing when choosing a device, because... the larger it is, the greater the variety of procedures you can do. Required tension for different facial procedures:

    → facial skin – from 2 to 7 kV,
    → scalp problems – from 7 to 12 kV,
    → treatment of acne and acne – from 12 to 15 kV.

  • Number of electrodes included
    Most often, the kit includes 4 main electrodes: mushroom, stick electrode (cavity), neck and comb electrode. But there are other types of electrodes for treatment ear diseases, urological diseases, throat and others.
  • The versatility of the electrode holder
    Keep in mind that if in the future you decide to purchase other types of electrodes or replace a broken one, then check that they fit the electrode holder on your device. The cartridge holder should preferably be universal, i.e. Suitable for all types of nozzles.

Darsonval devices – price, rating 2020

You can buy Darsonval in Moscow or the regions on the Internet, chain pharmacies, stores selling products medical purposes. For the Darsonval device, the average price will be only about 2,000 rubles.

Darsonval SparkST117 reviews have the best of all the listed devices. The only drawback of the device is the lack of a switch. Therefore, in order to change one electrode to another, you need to unplug the Darsonval SparkST 117 from the outlet. But this is not very important.

Darsonval Ultratek SD 199 reviews are generally positive and the device copes with its tasks. Among the shortcomings, reviews note the inconvenient storage box - the electrodes lie in a heap and there is a high probability of breaking them. In comparison with Darsonval Karat DE212, this device is, according to reviews, weaker, although the stated voltage is the same.

Darsonval Corona has more negative reviews due to its low power, as well as an inconvenient switch. In general, reviews of the Corona device note the unsightliness of the device, the flimsy design and the uncomfortable handle of the device. Darsonval Corona reviews sometimes note that due to the bulkiness of the adapter, the latter often falls out of the socket and is very inconvenient to use.

Conclusions: So, we looked at the most common Darsonval devices for home use. Most devices Russian production, and therefore the design and packaging leave much to be desired, but this will not affect the quality of the procedures. Therefore, which Darsonval device is better to choose will mainly depend only on your budget.

We hope that our article: Which Darsonval device is better to choose was useful to you!

Tried it various ways to eliminate problems with hair growth, but nothing helps? Then try the Darsonval hair growth device. With its help, you can grow the locks of your dreams, eliminate hair loss, and improve them appearance, general state. Today we will try to figure out what are the features of its use and the cost of the device.

The essence of the procedure

The process of restoring hair using the Darsonval device is called darsonvalization. The device was invented by French physiotherapist Jacques-Arsene D'Arsonval.

The basis of the technique is a current pulse, which, acting on the skin and hair follicles, activates the work of hair follicles, provokes the growth of curls, and restores their structure. Blood circulation is activated, cells are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, and microelements.

After the course of treatment, the skin becomes healthy, the hair grows back faster and becomes thicker.

Important! Before you decide to use the device, you must carefully study the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications.

So, by purchasing the Darsonval device, you will receive the following:

  • stimulation of the skin allows it to absorb more actively useful material from masks, balms, shampoos for hair growth;
  • helps saturate skin cells with oxygen;
  • hair growth accelerates, hair takes on a healthy, well-groomed appearance;
  • sebaceous glands secrete less sebum;
  • has a disinfecting, healing, drying effect;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • The device is safe for home use if safety precautions are followed.

Indications for use

  • in men with baldness, focal or generalized hair loss. The only exception is baldness associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • loss of curls after stress, metabolic disorder;
  • if the skin is damaged by seborrhea;
  • if your hair is dry, lifeless, dull, the strands are thin and brittle.


Like any physiotherapeutic drug Darsonval has restrictions for use, contraindications:

  • you have a pacemaker, the operation of which may be disrupted by the influence of current pulses emitted by the device;
  • individual intolerance to current;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases in the body;
  • if you are preparing to become a mother;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • if any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • combined use with alcohol;
  • chronic venous insufficiency lower limbs, thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • if you have sensitive skin or increased growth body hair;
  • the presence of tumors of various kinds;
  • disturbance of psycho-emotional state.

Price issue

The cost of Darsonval ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. It is worth understanding that a high-quality, certified device cannot be cheap. You can purchase the device in online stores and specialized retail outlets.

You can undergo darsonvalization in the salon; it will cost 300–500 rubles per session. Whether you buy a device for home use or go to a hairdresser is up to you, but once purchased, the device will serve you for many years.

Photos before and after

Instructions for use

Before the procedure, you need to prepare. To do this you need to do the following:

  • wash your hair as usual, dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer;
  • do not apply any care products to the skin, as their components can cause burns;
  • hair should not contain any metal-containing objects: hairpins, clips, etc.;
  • During darsonvalization, you should not come into contact with devices powered by electric current.

Remember! The device cannot be used on wet, damp hair, since water is an excellent conductor of electric current.

Having carried out all the necessary preparatory actions and taken all safety measures, you can proceed to the procedure itself.

  1. During the first sessions of use, choose a low power that will increase.
  2. Comb your hair with a regular comb, then with a special attachment resembling a comb with sparse teeth, comb the strands from the forehead to the back of the head if your curls are long. On short haircuts, it is better to go over the hair in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Darsonval is used to make hair follicles work. This helps nourish and strengthen the strands. To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to apply specialized oils to your hair. The duration of one session is 5–10 minutes.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the nozzle is wiped with a degreasing compound, dried, and put into a box.

Application results

The result of use becomes noticeable after 5–7 procedures. To activate hair growth and eliminate hair loss, 15–30 sessions are needed. You can do darsonvalization every day or every other day. It is recommended to undergo treatment three times a year.

Did you know that regular combing of hair improves blood circulation, stimulates growth and internal processes in the scalp and hair follicles.

Post-procedure care

In order to maximize the benefits of treatment, it is advisable to do a head massage, use masks, and balms with a nourishing effect. After darsonvalization, the skin and hair literally absorb everything useful from the cosmetics applied to them.

IN during the session there may be some discomfort: tingling, tingling from electric current, appearance in oral cavity metallic taste.

Darsonval is a fairly popular drug that has earned universal love and recognition. Numerous positive reviews speak about the benefits and effectiveness of this technique. The main advantage, besides the obvious result, is that the device can easily be used at home.

Useful videos

Darsonval for hair.

How to grow hair quickly. Review of the Darsonval device.

As practice shows, you can increase hair growth using a regular, simple combing procedure. You just have to follow some recommendations and choose the right comb. You can learn more about how to choose the right comb that promotes hair growth and what types there are, further in this article.

Principle of operation

A comb that stimulates hair growth works on the principle of affecting the scalp in different ways. We all know that combing hair is an important procedure for the health of hair, because when smoothing:

  • the strands are saturated with oxygen;
  • curls are cleaned of external contaminants;
  • blood circulation in the head is stimulated;
  • the appearance of the hair improves.

The hair growth comb is presented as a brush with sparse long teeth in order to maximize the effect on hair growth. skin covering.

Attention! Regular, proper combing of your hair will very soon show good results in the form of luxurious thick hair.

Types of combs

The choice of hair comb has great importance to achieve strand growth. Ideally, it is better to have several combs that perform a specific role. The varieties are as follows:

  1. The best option is considered comb made of natural materials , for example, made of wood. It is wooden ones that are most effective in activating the growth of curls. Such tools are not electrified, have a pleasant effect on the scalp, and are environmentally friendly. As a rule, they are made from beech, birch, oak or juniper trees.
  2. There are also combs made from horns. They, like wooden ones, do not electrify curls; their properties are similar to the composition of the hair shaft. However, the disadvantage is the limited service life of such combs.
  3. There are also metal combs, but they are quite traumatic when applied.
  4. The most popular are considered massage brushes, which, in addition to the main function of smoothing strands, perform light massage heads. This stimulates blood flow and improves nutrition of hair follicles. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with how massage affects hair growth, its types and techniques.

You should give preference to tools with natural bristles and avoid plastic ones. They have the following disadvantages:

  • electrify the strands;
  • remove the protective layer of keratin from the curl;
  • When using a hair dryer, hazardous substances are released.

Today you can also find types of combs such as electric or laser. We will consider the most popular of them below.

We have also prepared for you a selection of the best hair growth activators. They will complement the action of the comb.

Laser comb

A laser comb looks little different from a regular massage comb, however, it is equipped with light and vibration functions. The effects of lasers have long been studied by scientists and are completely safe for human health. Thanks to this comb, you can improve hair growth, get rid of baldness, eliminate dandruff, and improve the condition of your skin and curls.

The benefits of regular use are:

  • the saturation of hair follicles with oxygen and micronutrients improves;
  • Thanks to the presence of special laser emitters, energy is transmitted through the skin, which subsequently regulates blood circulation and cell renewal of the epithelial layer.

The principle of operation of the comb is based on the effect of laser beams. To achieve good results, it is very important to adhere to the basic rules of use. To do this, every week you need to carry out at least 3 procedures lasting 15 minutes, after washing and drying your hair. You need to apply it against the hair growth along the scalp, starting from the frontal lobe and linger for 3-4 seconds on each area.

Important! The duration of the course is one month. However, before use, it is recommended to consult a trichologist.

The most popular laser devices are:

  1. Power Grow Comb combines different ways treatment. Among them are the following: laser exposure, LED radiation of red color, LED radiation of blue color, vibration.
  2. Comb Tianshi Ishoukan It has vibration massage functions and low laser impact.
  3. Gezatone Laser Hair also combines vibration massage and exposure to laser beams.

Electric comb

An electric hair growth comb also promotes hair growth. There are several varieties of them: some work through massage, others have special containers into which you can add various medicines, affecting the growth of curls.

There are also brushes with ozone therapy function, which is aimed at combating hair loss. The curls are supplied with nutrients, cleaned, and become soft and silky.

The method of its use varies depending on the tasks at hand. For example, to cure hair loss, you need to comb your hair every day for 15–20 minutes, and for prevention purposes, it is enough to perform this procedure 2–3 times a week for 10 minutes.

  1. It is better to start the procedure from the back of the head, with the head down.
  2. The frequency of combing depends on the type of curls. For example, it is better to comb dry hair frequently; oily hair should be combed twice a day.

Among electrical appliances, the development of Japanese technology is highlighted. It consists in the fact that the massage brush has a water container; when you press a button, fine water dust is released, which helps to cope with unruly hair.

Aroma combing

Aroma combing for hair growth is a simple combing procedure with the addition of special essential oils. This service is now gaining popularity among girls; it can easily be done at home.

This procedure has the following advantages:

  • The condition of the scalp improves thanks to massage;
  • oils enrich and nourish hair follicles with useful elements;
  • The growth of curls increases and their condition improves.

To select the required oil, you should consider the following basic rules:

  1. Each oil has a different effect on a person’s well-being.
  2. When combining oils, it is better to choose ones with similar properties.
  3. For the morning procedure, it is recommended to use tonic compositions; for the evening, soothing compositions are better suited.

Aroma oils can transform lifeless, brittle strands into luxurious, shiny curls. It is enough to carry out aromatherapy once a week. Ylang-ylang, rosemary, basil, pine, orange, and lavender oils are better suited for curl growth. Do not forget about the type of hair, so for oily strands it is better to opt for pine, rosemary, lavender, and for dry strands - chamomile, orange oils.

Important! When combing your hair with scent, it is better to choose natural brushes. Products made of metal and plastic are not suitable. Wooden ones with natural bristles are considered the most suitable.

Aroma combing for hair growth is as follows: Apply 2-3 drops of oil to a dry brush and comb for 5-10 minutes. You need to comb from the roots smoothly going down to the ends.

The duration of the course is 1 week, then it is recommended to take a two-week break.

According to statistics, 70% of men and women have had or currently have problems with hair loss, impaired growth and deterioration in their quality. And this is not surprising, because hair growth is affected by many factors that can interfere with the performance of the hair follicles, and as a result there is less hair, it grows worse and looks lifeless and weak. Trichologists call the most common factor in hair loss a deterioration in the blood supply to the follicles, which can be caused by improperly selected cosmetics and coloring, regular temperature stress (curling and styling), stress, bad environment and other reasons. But the essence remains the same - the hair follicles receive less vitamins, oxygen and microelements that are transported through blood vessels, which means they cannot form full-fledged hair, or even simply “fall asleep.” That is why the darsonvalization technique is considered very effective, as it enhances local blood supply, improves the functioning of follicles and stimulates hair growth, stopping hair loss. Darsonval comb is effective method fight hair loss, enhance hair growth and improve quality!

Darsonval comb Biolift4 118 (BT-118) Gezatone for hair:

  • Affects the scalp and blood vessels weak pulse currents, improving capillary activity and increasing blood flow to the follicles
  • Saturates the skin and hair follicles with oxygen
  • Stimulates the work of follicles - “factories” for hair production
  • Effectively fights alopecia of any origin in men and women
  • Thanks to ozone, it helps fight dandruff.
  • Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduces oily skin and hair
  • Activates hair growth, helps awaken “sleeping” hair follicles
  • Improves hair quality, makes it denser and stronger.

Operating principle of darsonval

Darsonvalization is the effect on the skin of high-frequency pulsed currents, high voltage and low force. At the same time, ozone is produced from oxygen in the air. Thus, the darsonval comb affects the skin in two ways: currents and ozone, and both of these actions have their own effects on the scalp and hair. Darsonval currents stimulate blood circulation, fighting one of the main causes of hair loss - impaired blood flow to hair follicles. Also, thanks to the currents, metabolic processes are enhanced, the functioning of the follicles is improved - which means that hair grows better and falls out less. Ozone, in turn, stimulates skin respiration, enhances oxygen absorption, has a disinfecting and disinfecting effect, and effectively fights dandruff. This dual action of Darsonval Biolift4 118 (BT-118) gives quick and lasting results in courses to combat alopecia of any origin in both women and men.

Recommendations for carrying out darsonvalization procedures for hair:

  1. The procedure is carried out on dry, clean scalp.
  2. Before the procedure, comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Install the comb attachment into the device.
  4. Turn on the device and select the optimal power level (you should feel a slight tingling sensation during the procedure, but not discomfort)
  5. Comb your head according to the hair growth (if the hair is short, it is permissible to carry out the procedure against the growth).
  6. Total time The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, it is recommended to carry out the procedure daily.
  7. The course of procedures is 21 days, it is recommended to repeat 3-4 times a year.
  8. After the darsonvalization procedure, active serums and anti-hair loss medications are applied to the scalp, which are absorbed by the skin as actively as possible.

Darsonvalization is safe and effective technique, which has been used in world cosmetology and physiotherapy for more than 120 years. You too will appreciate the advantages of Darsonval currents, and the result will not disappoint you!
The device is designed both for combating hair loss (comb attachment) and for carrying out procedures on the face and body (fungus, petal and drop attachments).

Want to know more about darsonval?
Want to know more about hair loss problems?

  • Malignant oncological diseases.
  • The presence of benign oncological diseases in the affected area.
  • Cardiovascular diseases with disorders heart rate, circulatory failure above stage 2B, wearing a pacemaker.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Violations skin sensitivity in the affected area.
  • Individual intolerance to electric currents.
  • Severe forms of rosacea and telangiectasia (a network of dilated red vessels on the face).
  • Hirsutism (unwanted excess facial hair growth).
  • The presence of electronic or metal subcutaneous implants in the area of ​​influence.

Guarantee period: 2 years.
Manufacturer: GEZANNE I.T.C. /Gezanne, France.
Country of origin: Taiwan (PRC).

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