Home Prosthetics and implantation Stop cystitis for a cat when you can give it. Stop-cystitis for the treatment of urological diseases in cats

Stop cystitis for a cat when you can give it. Stop-cystitis for the treatment of urological diseases in cats

The main thing for a caring owner is a healthy and cheerful pet. If suddenly your pet has difficulty going to the toilet and does not allow you to touch his hard, ball-like tummy, then you should quickly contact a veterinarian. These are signs of cystitis in a cat. Many pets are susceptible to this disease; it mainly occurs in cats. Relieve inflammation, pain, speed up the process full recovery will help unique remedy new generation Stop cystitis.

Stop-cystitis is a combination drug. It contains not only chemically created components, but also herbs. One milliliter of medication contains the following types of components:

  • Nitroxaline – 12.5 mg. It helps fight various pathogens of urinary tract diseases and is active against both fungi and bacteria.
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride – 6 mg. It helps not only relieve spasms and relax smooth muscles, but also relieve pain.

Another type of components are medicinal plants that help fight microbes, relieve inflammation and spasms:

  • Extracts of nettle leaves – 5 mg.
  • Extracts of lingonberry leaves – 5 mg.
  • Licorice root extract – 5 mg.
  • Knotweed herb extracts – 5 mg.
  • Juniper fruit extracts – 5 mg.


Stop cystitis for cats has a wide spectrum of action:

  • Nitroxaline – active substance, which is part of it. It has an antimicrobial effect. Nitroxaline is effective against the following microbial and fungal pathogens: staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, enterococci, candida.
  • Another active substance, drotaverine hydrochloride, removes spasms, relaxes smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels, and reduces blood pressure. Drotaverine hydrochloride reduces increased tone blood vessels due to a decrease in the flow into muscle cell body calcium. Because of this it decreases pain syndrome during urination in cats.
  • Thanks to the plants included in its composition, stop cystitis has antimicrobial, diuretic and antispasmodic effects. Medicinal plants help eliminate genitourinary system cats' bodies contain small stones and toxins.
  • Extracts from plants that make up the medicine include saponins, flavonoids, vitamins, essential oils, mineral components and tannins. This is good for regenerative kidney function and urinary tract. It also has a beneficial effect on sexual function pets

Stop-cystitis for cats is well absorbed in the animal’s stomach and is easily tolerated by adults, pregnant cats and small kittens. It can also be used as a prophylactic for cats prone to urological diseases.

Indications for use of the drug

Stop cystitis is widely used to treat diseases such as:

  • Cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • As a prophylactic agent used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

In addition, stop cystitis is often used before procedures such as:

  • Cystoscopy.
  • Catheterization for diagnosis.
  • Carrying out planned operations on the bladder, kidneys, and ureters.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

This medicine is related to low-hazard substances. It was assigned the fourth hazard class. It is quite easily tolerated by animals. Instructions for use describe the following negative aspects when using the medicine:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • An allergic reaction may occur to any component of the drug because the tablets contain a large amount of herbs. When using the medicine for the first time, you need to observe your pet. If a pronounced allergic reaction occurs, the cat should be given antihistamines.
  • The drug is contraindicated in cats suffering from acute heart failure.
  • Not recommended for use by animals with pathological changes kidney
  • It should not be used without the advice of a veterinarian for preventive purposes, since it is possible to reduce pronounced symptoms if the condition of the organ worsens.
  • Caution should be exercised when using the drug in pregnant cats.

Release form and dosage

Stop cystitis is available in two forms - suspension and tablets:

  1. The suspension is sold in dosed bottles of 30, 50, 100, 150 ml. The drug in this form is presented in the form of a viscous mixture, light brown or dark green in color, with a pleasant taste. Along with the suspension, a measuring cup and syringe are available to accurately determine the dosage of the drug.
  2. Tablets of 200 mg are packaged in jars of 15 pieces each.


  • If the animal's weight is less than 5 kg, then it is recommended to give 2 ml 2 times a day.
  • If the weight is more than 5 kg, then use 3 ml 2 times a day.


  • If you weigh less than 5 kg, take 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • If you weigh more than 5 kg, take 2 tablets 2 times a day.

Unless directed by a veterinarian, use of the drug should not exceed 7 days with an interval of 2 months.

Storage method

After the recommended expiration date, use of the drug is strictly prohibited. The medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place out of reach of animals and children. After opening the package, the validity period is reduced to six months.

Stop cystitis is a new generation medicine with a broad spectrum of action, but use without the recommendation of a veterinarian can lead to disastrous consequences.

Instructions for use of Stop Cystitis tablets for treatment and prevention
inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract
And urolithiasis in cats and dogs
(organization - developer: API-SAN LLC, Moscow)

I. General information
Trade name of the drug: Stop-cystitis® tablets (Stop-cystitis tabulettae).
International generic name: nitroxoline, drotaverine, knotweed extract, nettle leaf extract, birch leaf extract, horsetail herb extract, lingonberry leaf extract, licorice root extract.
Dosage form: tablets for oral use.

Stop-cystitis tablets are available in two modifications:

name of raw materials Number of mg of active ingredients in 1 tablet
Stop cystitis tablets for cats (120 mg) Stop cystitis tablets for dogs (200 mg)
Active ingredients
Nitroxoline 12,5 25,0
Drotaverine hydrochloride 10,0 30,0
Horsetail extract 10,0 10,0
Knotweed extract 10,0 10,0
Nettle leaf extract 10,0 10,0
Licorice root extract 10,0 10,0
Lingonberry leaf extract 10,0 10,0
Birch leaf extract 10,0 10,0
Carboxymethylcellulose 23,65 61,9
Sodium starch glycolate 7,2 12,0
Calcium stearate 1,2 2,0
Polyvinylpyrrolidone 4,2 7,0
Opadry shell 1,25 2,1

By appearance The drug is a round tablet, covered with a green film.

Stop-cystitis tablets are produced in 15 or 20 pieces, packaged in polymer jars, sealed with plastic lids with first opening control. Cans are packed individually in cardboard boxes. Each packaging unit is accompanied by instructions for use.

Store the drug in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, separate from food and feed, in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays place at a temperature from minus 10°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of Stop-cystitis tablets, subject to storage conditions in the manufacturer's closed packaging, is 3 years from the date of production.
Do not use Stop Cystitis tablets after the expiration date.

Tablets should be kept out of the reach of children.

Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

II. Pharmacological properties
Stop-cystitis tablets belong to the group of combined antimicrobials medicines. They have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic and saluretic effects.
Nitroxoline, which is part of the drug, is a derivative of 8-hydroxyquinoline, is active against a wide range of gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and some fungi, causing infections urinary tract, including Staphylococcus spp., Ureaplasma urealyticum, Corynebacterium spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. High concentrations of nigroxoline are detected in the urine.
Drotaverine hydrochloride has a long-lasting antispasmodic, myotropic and vasodilating effect, eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary tract and tenesmus Bladder. The maximum concentration in the blood serum after oral administration is recorded at 45-60 minutes. Metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver. Biological half-life is 16-22 hours. Within 72 hours, it is practically eliminated from the body, approximately 30% in urine, and 50% in feces. It is mainly excreted in the form of metabolites and is not detected unchanged in the urine.
Complex biologically active ingredients medicinal plants (flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, vitamins, mineral compounds) has antiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the removal of stones in urolithiasis.

Stop-cystitis tablets, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, are classified as low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.07-76); in recommended doses, the drug does not have a local irritant or sensitizing effect.

III. Application procedure
Stop cystitis tablets are prescribed to dogs and cats for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis) and urolithiasis, prevention of infections after diagnostic procedures and in postoperative period after removal of urinary stones.

Contraindications for use are acute heart and liver failure, increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.
Pregnant and lactating animals should use the drug after consultation with the attending veterinarian.

Stop-cystitis tablets are administered to animals individually with food or administered directly to the root of the tongue for therapeutic purposes twice a day, for prophylactic purposes - once a day for 5-7 days, in the following doses:

Type and weight of the animal Single dose of Stop cystitis tablets per animal
"for cats" "for dogs"
cats up to 5 kg 1
from 5 kg 1 1/2
dogs up to 10 kg 1
from 10 to 20 kg 1 1/2
from 20 to 30 kg 1 1/2 - 2
from 30 to 40 kg 2-3
over 40 kg 3-4

The duration of the course of drug use is determined by the treating physician. veterinarian depending on the physiological state animal and the course of the disease.

No overdose symptoms have been identified in animals.

When using the drug for the first time, the animal may experience profuse drooling.

You should avoid missing the next dose of the drug, as this may lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. If one dose is missed, the use of the drug is resumed at the same dosage and according to the same regimen.

As a rule, there are no side effects or complications when using the drug in accordance with these instructions. In case of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and the appearance allergic reactions Use of Stop Cystitis tablets should be discontinued.

The drug is compatible with other medications, feed and feed additives.

Stop-cystitis tablets are not intended for use in productive animals.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with Stop Cystitis tablets, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications. After finishing work, wash your hands with warm water and soap.
In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes of the eye, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.
People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with the tablets. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact medical institution(bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

Empty medicine cans must not be used for household purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

Manufacturer: LLC NPO "Api-San", Moscow region, Balashikha district. Poltevskoe highway, possession 4.
The instructions were developed by Api-San LLC (117437, Moscow, Academician Artsimovich St., 3, building 1, apt. 222).

With the approval of this instruction, the instructions for use of Stop-cystitis tablets, approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on August 22, 2013, become invalid.

Urolithiasis manifests itself with particular force in domestic furry cats. This disease is difficult to treat. A cat owner faces a number of questions: how to keep the animal safe and what needs to be done to ease the course of the disease? One of the effective medicinal drugs- this is “Stop cystitis” for cats.

“Stop cystitis” instructions for cats: detailed description of use

A veterinarian can sometimes treat any condition affecting your pets. But in some cases, an irreversible process may occur in the animal’s body, which is difficult to treat. Taking precautions, caring for and maintaining the animal correctly is the principle of a responsible cat owner.

Urolithiasis The disease is one of the most dangerous, which is difficult to diagnose and treat. Therefore, in order to avoid any manifestations, including cystitis and genetic predisposition, you need to take preventive measures.

The anatomical feature of any cat breed is such that it is susceptible to urolithiasis. In order to avoid the risk of disease, it is recommended to choose the right diet. Nowadays, they produce a series of special dry foods that are supposed to protect this animal, which is predisposed to cystitis. In addition, it is recommended to carry out prevention with effective dosage forms.

You can use Stop Cystitis for cats at the same time. This drug serves effective a means of preventing inflammation of the bladder. Active composition medicine allows you to ease the course of the animal’s illness and speed up the process of its recovery.

“Stop cystitis” for cats: description of the drug

"Stop Cystitis" is a prophylactic agent that has medicinal properties urological diseases of various origins in cats. The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops. The tablets are packaged. One cardboard tube contains 15 tablets. Bottles with the suspension are available in 50 milliliters and thirty.

  1. Stop cystitis drops contain drotaverine, nitroxoline, hydrochloride. As well as an extract of bird's bitter herbs, juniper fruits, licorice root, nettle leaves, lingonberry leaves and auxiliary components. The first basic components help cure the disease. The remaining natural ingredients will help carry out a number of preventive measures.
  2. Stop Cystitis tablets contain the same components, but in a lower dosage. Depending on the breed of the cat, its weight and age, a suspension or tablets can be used. Both drugs have the same effectiveness.

“Stop cystitis” tablets for cats: instructions

Drops in the form of a suspension and tablets are packaged in cardboard boxes. Each box must contain instructions in the form of an insert. There may be two options for administering medicine to a cat.

Your veterinarian may prescribe a second course of tablets. The drug can be used with vitamin supplements, any chemotherapy drugs, as well as feed additives. In addition, it can be used with herbal forms of medicine.

The suspension, just like tablets, can be given along with food and forcibly. In case of treatment of a disease, the drug may be given several times a day. For preventive purposes, it is given once a day for five or seven days.

The use of the Stop Cystitis suspension for cats is carried out as follows: instructions.

Indications for use of “Stop Cystitis”

“Stop Cystitis” is a preventive and therapeutic medicine. It can save a cat from inflammatory processes genitourinary system. In veterinary medicine, the medicine is used for the following diseases.

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Dosage if there is an existing disease, it can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. As a rule, for cats that weigh no more than five kilograms, 1 tablet per day or two milliliters of suspension is prescribed. And for animals that are seriously ill, 2 tablets in the morning and evening or three milliliters of medicine.

The therapeutic duration of taking “Stop Cystitis” is one week or seven days. As therapeutic purpose Prescribe two appointments per day.

Advantages, disadvantages, contraindications and storage conditions of “Stop Cystitis”

“Stop cystitis” can only be stored in a dark and dry place for two years. The drug can only be used if temperature regime from zero to twenty-five degrees. TO benefits the drug is worth taking.

  • Absence of any contraindications or complications for pets.
  • Safety for use in kittens.
  • Pleasant taste of medicine.
  • Convenient packaging - a syringe with a dispenser.

TO contraindications medications should include individual intolerance to any of the components. The drug is completely safe for kittens and cats, even during feeding or pregnancy.

Before you start taking the drug, you should consult your veterinarian. In rare cases, one in a million, possible allergic rashes. In this option, the drug is stopped and complex antihistamine therapy is carried out. As soon as the drug is stopped, the signs of allergy disappear.

To special conditions use of the drug should include heart failure, kidney pathology with pronounced disorders. In this case, it is highly not recommended to use the drug.

Most owners use the drug without consultations specialist This is not surprising, because its price is below the average threshold. But it is worth noting that without a comprehensive diagnosis of the animal, reception dosage form may be dangerous. It is worth noting that if the kidneys are impaired and cystitis is used, pyelonephritis may occur. The condition of the kidneys worsens, and cystitis disappears gradually. You should not rule out the presence of this contraindication, but still spend time diagnosing the animal.

Pregnant cats can undergo “Stop Cystitis” treatment. During treatment, the owner of the animal is obliged to monitor the presence or absence of manifestations of “Stop Cystitis”. If you notice any signs of a rash or itching or worsening of your cat's condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A suspension in the amount of thirty milliliters can be purchased for two hundred and thirty rubles, while the price of tablets can be no more than two hundred and forty rubles. You can buy the drug at any veterinary pharmacy and it is available without a prescription!

Every second family has furry pets. Cats need good care healthy eating and human love. Unfortunately, they often experience problems with the genitourinary system. In this case, stop cystitis for cats will be a real salvation from the disease. The drug is available in tablets and suspension form. He is able to remove severe pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect and actively kills microbes in the body

Composition and release form of the drug

Stop cystitis is produced in 2 versions. Veterinarians prescribe one or the other depending on the cause of the disease, the desired effect of treatment, the age and weight of the pet. Most often, experts recommend purchasing drops (suspension). This is due to ease of use, since the liquid can be added to the cat’s food or water.

The drug Stop-cystitis is available in the form of a suspension and tablets.

The suspension has a pleasant smell. Available in bottles of 30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml. Each package contains an enclosed measuring cup-lid and a syringe to help you apply the product correctly. The drops have a brown tint. There is always sediment at the bottom, so before use the bottle must be shaken well until smooth.

If you prefer to treat your pet orally, then stop cystitis tablets - best method. There are 15 pieces in one package. Each tablet weighs 200 mg. The packaging of each release form must indicate the series, release number, and manufacturer’s details. Inside the cardboard box there are instructions with all detailed information about the drug.

The uniqueness of the composition of the drug lies in the combination chemical substances and natural. It uses extracts from beneficial plants.

Regardless of the form of release, the drug has the following composition:

  • nitroxaline – fights microbes and fungal pathogens;
  • drotaverine – relieves pain, normalizes the animal’s blood pressure, and relaxes the muscles.

Extracts from the following plants:

  • nettle;
  • liquorice root;
  • cowberry;
  • juniper;
  • common barberry;
  • birch;
  • Canadian goldenrod;
  • common knotweed.

Important! The manufacturer claims that all components from the “blood” of plants are obtained naturally. The extracts are treated not with alcohol, but with purified special glycerin. Neither the tablets nor the drops contain GMOs.

The main active ingredients of Stop Cystitis are nitroxaline and drotaverine.

Description of the drug and biological properties

Stop cystitis drops and tablets are suitable for both prevention and treatment acute diseases. They can be given to kittens as young as 2 weeks old. The drug is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach and excreted in the urine.

The medicine has a huge range of effects on the cat: restores kidney function, relieves pain, removes toxins and waste, promotes the passage of small stones out, improves metabolism, removes vascular hypertonicity, reduces blood pressure, and kills harmful bacteria. Active natural components of plants enrich the animal’s body with the missing tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals.

Indications for use

Inexperienced cat owners may not notice signs of illness in their pet. That is why you should monitor his stool, behavior and nutrition. Cystitis – frequent illness in animals. The first signs may be painful urination (the animal meows, purrs or actively moves in place), incontinence. At the same time, the furry animal constantly licks the genitals. Statistics show that males are more susceptible to the disease.

Important! If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe complex treatment depending on the severity of the disease.

Stop cystitis is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • cystitis;

The drug Stop-cystitis is prescribed for various diseases kidneys and genitourinary system.

The drug is also given to cats before planned operations on the organs of the genitourinary system.

Dosage and instructions for use for cats

Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system is prescribed by a specialist after examining the animal and necessary tests. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-healing, otherwise you may harm your pet. The dosage for prophylaxis is indicated in the instructions for the drug and is calculated based on body weight.

How to give the drug to a cat:

  1. Tablets: if the cat weighs more than 5 kg. give 2 pcs. 2 times a day. If the pet weighs less than 5 kg, then 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  2. Drops: if the cat weighs more than 5 kg. give 3 ml. 2 times a day. If the pet weighs less than 5 kg, then 2 ml. 2 times a day.

Important! The duration of treatment is determined individually by a specialized doctor. The maximum duration of treatment is no more than 10 days. Stop cystitis can be used no more than once every 2 months.

Side effects and contraindications

No serious contraindications for overdose have been identified.

  • before taking stop cystitis, you should give your pet an anthelmintic, it is advisable to do this a week before;
  • Do not give the medicine to animals with serious heart disease;
  • During feeding and pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cat's reaction. The fact is that against the background of hormonal changes, a minor allergic reaction is possible;
  • instructions for use and dosage must be carefully followed;
  • Make sure there is a reasonable expiration date.

During treatment, the dosage must be strictly observed.

Storage method

The drug is stored in the dark. Drops can be used for 2 years from the date of production, and tablets for 3 years. The storage temperature should not be below 10 degrees and above 25. It is important to hide it from direct sunlight and children. Once opened, the medicine is good for 6 months.

Representatives of the cat family often encounter various diseases urinary system, including cystitis. To treat this disease, it is necessary to use special medications, for example, Stop Cystitis, the effectiveness of which has already been experimentally tested. This medicine has already received high praise from veterinarians and positive reviews from happy cat owners who managed to save their pets with its help.


Basic information about the drug

Stop cystitis for cats provides complex action on the animal's body. It has diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Active substance– nitroxoline has wide range actions to neutralize many pathogens bacterial infections, and drotaverine hydrochloride has an antispasmodic and vasodilator effect. The extracts used to make the drug help restore the functions of the animal’s urinary system.

Indications for use

The veterinarian can prescribe such a remedy not only for treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention. In the latter case, the drug is used when the pet is scheduled for cytoscopy or is undergoing surgery. This remedy is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, urethritis and urolithiasis. To prevent the animal from encountering such problems, it is important to take preventive measures, as well as provide the pet with proper care and high-quality balanced nutrition.

How to give medicine to a cat?

Stop cystitis for cats is given with food or separately. Daily dose usually divided into two times. The method of use is described in detail in the instructions. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal.

When it comes to treatment, cats weighing up to 5 kg are usually prescribed 2 ml of the drug twice a day, and animals weighing more than 5 kg are prescribed 3 ml twice a day. If the medication is prescribed in tablet form, in the first case single dose is 1 tablet, in the second - 2. When prescribing a medicine for the purpose of prevention, it should be given once a day. Course duration is 5-7 days.

Getting a cat to take a pill or suspension is not so easy. If the owner cares about the health of his pet, he will need to show some persistence and ingenuity. Therefore, it is better to try to give the animal medicine along with meals or favorite treats. According to reviews, the easiest way to give a pill is to hide it in a piece of cheese or bread crumb.

If this method does not work, you will have to act from a position of strength. IN in this case the cat is picked up or placed on its back, then the owner or doctor opens the animal’s mouth with one hand, and with the other, places the medicine on the root of the tongue. After this, you should close your mouth and squeeze your pet’s jaws so that the tablet or mixture does not spit out. It would be useful to hold the cat's head back - this way the animal will have no choice but to swallow.

These manipulations are unpleasant for the animal, so one should not exclude the possibility aggressive behavior. Before performing the procedure, the owner must protect himself from bites and scratches. When the unpleasant moments are behind you, you should definitely wash your hands with soap.

Types of the drug Stop-cystitis

This product is produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. Suspension is a complex medicine that contains both synthetic and herbal components. This product is sold in 30 ml bottles, which are packaged in carton boxes. For ease of use of the drug, a dispenser is provided in each box. The tablets have the same composition as the suspension.

The appropriateness of prescribing one or another type of drug is determined by a veterinarian. For preventive purposes, and sometimes for treatment, cats are recommended to be given a Stop-cystitis bio suspension, the effect of which is based only on extracts medicinal herbs. Regardless of the release form, the box with the medicine contains instructions that you must read before use.


Some owners find it easier to treat their pets with this remedy in tablet form. Usually at production they are packaged in 15 units in polymer containers, after which they are packed in cardboard boxes. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the release date and shelf life. As for administration, it is known that many try to give medications in crushed form.

Stop cystitis bio

Stop-cystitis bio is feed additive, which is introduced into the diet of cats to improve the functioning of the urinary system. This dietary supplement stimulates metabolic processes in the kidneys, promotes the elimination of toxins, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes and prevents the formation of stones.

The product contains extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • lingonberries;
  • horsetail;
  • nettle;
  • birch leaves;
  • barberry;
  • licorice root;
  • knotweed;
  • Canadian goldenrod.

Glycerin, citric acid, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and purified water are used as auxiliary components. The suspension can be purchased in bottles of 30, 50, 100 and 150 ml. Before each use of this medicine, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly so that the suspension it contains becomes homogeneous. You should not skip a dose, as this will reduce its effectiveness. Despite the fact that this is a biological product, it can only be used on the advice of a doctor; under no circumstances should you treat a cat yourself, otherwise the pet may be harmed.

According to veterinarians, Stop Cystitis shows high effectiveness in complex therapy various ailments of the urinary system in cats. So that the treatment gives positive result, you need to protect the animal from hypothermia and drafts, and also provide it with dietary nutrition.

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In addition, doctors recommend paying attention to contraindications and refraining from using this drug if the animal has heart or liver failure in acute form. There are no such restrictions for the use of Stop Cystitis Bio suspension.

Video “How to give a cat a pill”

This video shows how to give medication to an animal using a little trick.

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