Home Oral cavity Excessive body hair growth in women. How to get rid of excessive hairiness in a girl? What hormone tests should I take if I have increased hairiness? Causes of facial hair growth in women

Excessive body hair growth in women. How to get rid of excessive hairiness in a girl? What hormone tests should I take if I have increased hairiness? Causes of facial hair growth in women

The problem of hirsutism is relevant both for specialized gynecologists and endocrinologists, and for doctors general practice. Patients come to see their family doctor with complaints about increased body hair and the question of how to deal with it. Specialists begin to look for a problem in the state of a woman’s hormonal background, but it often happens that the problem is not detected, hormone levels are within normal limits and pathology is not detected, but the complaints persist. How in the 21st century, in a world where women see perfectly smooth bodies on TV screens and magazine pages, can one distinguish the far-fetched problem of hirsutism from normal hair? To do this we need to go back to the roots of the problem.

Hirsutism and hypertrichosis - features of increased hair growth

Hypertrichosis is usually called general excess hair growth in all parts of the body, which does not depend on the hormonal state of the body. The causes of hypertrichosis can be both congenital, genetically determined characteristics of the body, and the influence of other factors, for example, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Hirsutism is excess hair growth in women in hormone-dependent areas. Excessive hair appears not only in places familiar to women - in the groin, armpits, arms, legs, but also in places where hair is typical for men: on the face, chest, back, around the nipples, on the ears.

The main causes of hirsutism

The main and most common cause The development of hirsutism is caused by a high concentration of male hormones androgens in a woman’s body. There may be several reasons for their excess quantity:

  • pathology of the ovaries themselves (polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian hyperthecosis, etc.);
  • pathology of other endocrine organs (congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • oncological endocrine pathology (prolactinoma, ovarian and adrenal tumors, etc.);
  • reception medicines(anabolic steroid).

Under the influence of male sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in those areas where it is normal for women hair follicles give rise to the growth of thin and light vellus hair, initiation of the growth of terminal hair - dark, long and coarse. The conversion of testosterone into the more powerful hormone dihydrotestosterone is catalyzed by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is located primarily in the skin.

Hormonally independent idiopathic hirsutism

The diagnosis of idiopathic hirsutism is established if the laboratory confirms the normal concentration of androgens in a woman’s body, but hair growth remains male-patterned. The cause of idiopathic hirsutism may be an isolated increase in 5-alpha reductase activity or an increase in female body number of androgen receptors. But it is important to remember that excluding pathology of other organs and anamnestic data on normal cycle may not be enough, since about 40% of women with hirsutism have regular cycles, in which, however, ovulation does not occur. To exclude ovarian pathology, it is necessary additional methods studies such as folliculometry.

There is also genetic hirsutism - increased hair growth in certain ethnic groups. For example, among the peoples of the Caucasus, hirsutism is quite common and is a variant of the norm, while among Asian women, increased hair growth is extremely rare.

Assessment of the degree of increased hair growth

At the initial stage of diagnosis, the Ferriman-Galwey scale can be used to determine the degree of hair growth in women of the Slavic ethnic group. The intensity of hair growth is determined in nine androgen-dependent zones and is assessed in points from 0 to 4, after which the number of points is summed up and the hirsute number is determined.

Hair growth area


Upper lip

Isolated hairs on outer edge

Small mustache

Whiskers extending half the distance to the filter

Whiskers reaching the filter


Individual hair

Scattered hair

Continuous coating

Individual hair

Scattered hair

Continuous coating

Small of the back

Tuft of hair on the sacrum

Bunch on the sacrum, diverging to the sides

Hair on 2/3 of the lower back

Continuous coating

Hair around nipples

Hair around the nipples and between the mammary glands

Merging of these zones from ¾ of the surface

Continuous coating

Upper abdomen

Cover half or entire surface


Individual hairs along the midline

Hair path along the midline

Wide band of hair along the midline

Hair growth in an inverted V shape

Continuous coating

Sparse hair, no more than ¼ of the surface

More extensive but incomplete coverage

Continuous coating

The hirsute number is determined by the sum of points. The maximum number is 36 points.

  • up to 7 points – normal hair growth;
  • 8-12 points – borderline hair growth;
  • more than 12 points – hirsutism.

When determining the degree of hair growth using the Ferriman-Galwey scale, it is necessary to continue further examination of the patient using laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics, since the hirsut number allows only an approximate determination of the degree of hirsutism.

About methods to eliminate the problem of increased hair growth

The most popular causes of excess body hair growth in women is a pressing question. Many girls dream of thick and beautiful hair, but only on the head, because any appearance unwanted vegetation on the body cause aesthetic discomfort. Thin hair on the body are the norm, but if increased growth is observed, especially in the so-called male zones, then this may indicate serious disorders in the body that need to be immediately diagnosed and treated.

The reasons for the growth of hair on the chest in women, as well as in other places on the face and body, can be very different:

  • hypertrichosis is a disease that can be congenital (as a result of gene mutation) and acquired (due to cancer diseases, anorexia nervosa). Hair may begin to grow in atypical places, for example, on the shoulder blade, asymmetrically;
  • hirsutism is a disease manifested by excessive male pattern hair growth (on the face, chest, back);
  • heredity or ethnicity - it is known that an Oriental girl is more predisposed to hair growth than an Asian girl;
  • pregnancy - during fetal ripening, a woman experiences a hormonal explosion, which leads to an imbalance, which may result in hypertrichosis, but in mild form. Fine hair, fluff, becomes denser and pigmented, very rarely the appearance of vegetation in atypical places is observed. Usually, after childbirth, the hormonal levels stabilize and the problem ceases to exist.

Female hirsutism is a disease caused by increased production of androgens and testosterone (these are male sex hormones).

The most common cause of excessive secretion of male hormones is a malfunction of the ovaries - observed in 90% of cases. The most common disease is polycystic disease. It is the ovaries that produce sex hormones, such as:

  • gestagens;
  • androgens.

If the amount of androgens produced increases sharply, the following reactions of the body can be observed:

  • rapid growth of facial hair;
  • change in the size of the genital organs;
  • enhanced growth muscle mass;
  • growth of laryngeal cartilage, and as a result, deepening of the voice.

Among other causes of hirsutism, the following are the most common:

  • diseases of the adrenal glands - this organ is involved in the production of male hormones, so disruption of its normal functioning also leads to excessive hairiness;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland can lead to excessive testosterone production, which will contribute to hirsutism;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pregnancy, menopause, puberty– provoke changes in hormonal levels;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs.

Symptoms of hirsutism, diagnosis, treatment

Except increased hairiness, symptoms of hirsutism may include the following:

  • increased greasiness of hair and skin;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • baldness begins in men from the temporal part of the head;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • infertility;
  • development of signs of virilization - a woman looks like a man - there is an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in mammary glands, and an increase in libido.

The appearance of such symptoms causes discomfort in a woman, but it should be understood that this also indicates a malfunction internal organs which could lead to more serious problems. If there is at least one such symptom, this is a reason to contact a specialist:

  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • therapist.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, a diagnosis will be made and a prescription will be prescribed. adequate treatment– elimination of the primary factor in the manifestation of hirsutism:

  • removal of a tumor in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland;
  • removal of cysts in the ovaries;
  • adjustment of reception hormonal drugs.

After the main problem is solved, you can begin to treat increased hair growth:

  • prescribe antiandrogenic drugs that reduce the level of male hormones;
  • following a diet that normalizes metabolic processes in organism;
  • Cosmetological methods of combating unwanted hair:
    • lightening;
    • hair removal with wax, creams, sugaring;
    • photoepilation;
    • laser hair removal.

Before starting treatment, you need to understand that this process will be long - at least 6 months, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of unwanted hair. It would be useful to visit a psychologist.

Other causes of excess hair growth

Excessive hair growth can be caused by hormonal drugs, such as:

  • cortisone;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • streptomycin;
  • drugs of the penicillin group;
  • cephalosporin antibiotics;
  • psoralen.

If for treatment various diseases If such drugs are prescribed, you should not immediately worry - they do not always provoke excess hair growth on the body of women, but it is necessary to control the level of secretion of testosterone and androgens.

There is such a concept - idiopathic hirsutism - this is a disease the exact cause of which has not been established.

Presumably, a woman begins to produce enzymes in excess, which increase the sensitivity of hair follicles to male hormones. As a result, of all the symptoms of hirsutism, only hair growth, thickening and pigmentation are observed, menstrual cycle, reproductive function- fine.

Other reasons:

  • Stress is the cause of increased hairiness. If a woman needs masculine qualities to work in certain areas of activity, then her psyche can be restructured, and the body will react with increased production of testosterone. There is such a term - masculinization of women - it is applicable in this case.
  • Nervous exhaustion, anorexia, and nervous system defects can also lead to the appearance of unwanted facial hair.
  • Local hypertrichosis - can occur as a result of injury, on scars, moles, in places where hair is frequently pulled out.
  • Age-related changes in a woman’s body lead to a natural attenuation of the activity of the ovaries, and they begin to produce androgens to a greater extent. Hair growth may indicate the onset of menopause.
  • Oddly enough, many anti-aging face creams that are recommended for women over 50 can enhance hair growth. You should be wary if the composition contains a large amount of lanolin, hormonal substances and biostimulants.

How to stop hair growth on women's bodies

If the main problem that led to the occurrence of hirsutism has been solved, then you can proceed directly to eliminating its consequences. Treatment of the severe stage is carried out with medication, and hormone therapy is most often prescribed:

  • Janine;
  • Diana-5;
  • Spironolactone;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Medroxyprogesterone.

These drugs are available in tablet form, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. If the dynamics are positive, but the result is insufficient, the attending physician may extend the course for another six months.

If congenital hirsutism is observed, then other drugs are prescribed:

  • dexamethasone;
  • prednisolone.

If hypertrichosis is diagnosed, then it cannot be treated, and hair can be removed using any accessible ways. The most effective is laser hair removal, the action of which is aimed at destroying the hair follicle, as a result of which nothing will grow in this place.

If a woman has a metabolic disorder, then a diet must be prescribed.

There are a few folk recipes, but they are aimed only at bleaching facial hair in women or removing it:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with ammonia, the mixture is applied to the hair. To improve the effect, wrap the area with cling film. Leave for 15–25 minutes, rinse with warm water. As a result, the hair becomes almost colorless and is no longer so noticeable to others. As a side effect, burning and redness of the skin is observed, so it should not be applied to a large surface for the first time;
  • hair lightener, which can be bought ready-made, it is often sold together with dye. The action is similar to a mixture of peroxide and ammonia;

ash or sifted ash, also used as a clarifier, only it should be added to laundry soap, grated on a fine grater. The mixture is applied to the hair, left for 15 minutes and washed off. This procedure is more gentle, but will require several repetitions.


  1. Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. Makarov O.V., Ordynsky Moscow 2010 P.127.
  2. Emergency conditions in obstetrics. Sukhikh V.N., G.T.Sukhikh, I.I.Baranov et al., Publisher: Geotar-Media, 2011.
  3. Kozlova V.I., Puhner A.F. Viral, chlamydial and mycoplasma diseases of the genitals. Guide for doctors. Saint Petersburg 2000.-574 p.
  4. Rakovskaya I.V., Vulfovich Yu.V. Mycoplasma infections of the urogenital tract. – M.: Medicine, 1995.
  5. Emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology: diagnosis and treatment. Pearlman M., Tintinally J. 2008. Publisher: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory.

Often girls face a problem increased growth hair on the arms and legs, but, despite the apparent unaesthetic appearance, this is not a disease, but a predisposition. Hirsutism in women is considered a rather severe malfunction of the hormonal system and is one of the primary signs of virilization.

Symptoms of hirsutism

It should immediately be noted that there are several types of hair on the human body. As many people know, all skin covering dotted with the finest non-pigmented hairs or fluff. If, for some reason, instead of fluff, hard pigmented processes begin to appear on the back and stomach - this is a sure signal of an increase in testosterone in the body.

First of all, male pattern hair appears in young girls in the form of thickets on the face. The temporal processes begin to lengthen, and the line of the antennae becomes more noticeable. It is noteworthy that this hair is not “female”: it is short and does not curl, has a dense structure and resembles overgrown stubble.

Symptoms of the first signs of hirsutism:

  1. Changing skin type. Excessive production of testosterone by the ovaries provokes hyperactivity sebaceous glands. They begin to produce more oil and sweat, which can result in the formation of blackheads and pimples;
  2. Hair growth in the nipple area, inner thighs, stomach, back, buttocks;
  3. Increased hair growth on the arms and shoulders.

Photo: woman's hand with a large number hair

Further, as the disease develops, it is divided into types on a scale from 0 to 4. Accordingly, 1 is primary signs (slight dimming hair, visible mustache line), and 4 are the main signs of androgen. After the fourth stage, symptoms of virilization in women may develop, which is a consequence of hirsutism.

  1. An audible deepening of the voice, the appearance of hoarseness;
  2. Often – an increase in muscle mass, much less often – a decrease in fat mass. By the way, this is the main side effect many sports fat burners;
  3. More pronounced masculine characteristics may emerge. This is a reduction in the visible labia and an enlargement of the clitoris, which in women is the “analog” of the male genital organ. In the future, in the absence of treatment, attraction to the opposite sex ceases, and various neurotic conditions may arise.

For girls who have been diagnosed with this hormone imbalance, big problem is to get pregnant and give birth normally.

Causes of hirsutism in women

The causes of hirsutism in women can be different, from predisposition to taking oral contraceptives or special medications. The main factors for the appearance of this disease can be divided into external and internal.

  1. External are influences medicines. For example, oral contraceptives, which affect the production of antiandrogenic hormones, are “fire” contraceptives. This also includes various types of corticosteroids, fat burners, dietary supplements for building muscle mass;
  2. Internal. The organs that are responsible for the normal amount of androgens in the body are the adrenal glands. Accordingly, with any disruption of their work, the hormonal levels immediately change. Likewise, if testosterone is not normal, then the ovaries need to be checked. Their function is the production of hormones with antiandrogenic properties (estrogen and others).

There is another type of signs. This is an idiopathic syndrome. The signs of this type of hirsutism are similar to the previous ones, but the causes have not been studied. But doctors believe that this particular type of disease is the most insidious. There are no primary noticeable symptoms: the cycle is not disrupted, there are no signals of virilization. Because of this, it is difficult to detect early stages and will provide effective treatment.

Video: I am a woman and I shave - all about hirsutism

In medical practice classification according to clinical signs diseases:

  1. Dermatological (also idiopathic, less often hereditary);
  2. Exogenous. Dependent on medications, supplements, occasionally, poor diet, or bad habits. A little less often, the cause of the disease can be a “starvation” diet;
  3. Neuroendocrine is hirsutism that occurs against the background of deviations in the normal functioning of the ovaries and adrenal glands.
  1. Deal with such disruption endocrine system very difficult, because the disease has been little studied and is rare. Naturally. The first thing patients do if they suspect excessive hair growth of this kind is to get tested by a doctor. Based on their results, it is determined whether it is indeed hirsutism and virilization, or simply hypertrichosis.
  2. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it becomes clear possible reasons the appearance of the disease and its type. Based on the information received, the specialist can prescribe effective treatment. At its core, this disease is not independent, but consequential, i.e., arising against the background of some other disease. Therefore, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor if you experience any of the described symptoms.
  3. When female neuroendocrine hirsutism is detected, the adrenal glands and ovaries are examined first. First, they begin to treat the causes of hormone failure. And then the body itself is rebuilt and the growth of hair follicles is normalized. In the event that the reason for increased hair growth lies in the intake hormonal pills, then canceling their use is not enough.
  4. These drugs have an effect on the body similar to drug intoxication. They affect certain systems in the body of women even after complete withdrawal. For example, birth control pills remain effective even after cancellation for 3 to 6 months.
  5. Here, treatment involves special antiandrogenic drugs for women against hirsutism. They can be taken only after consulting a doctor, because reviews claim that they are extremely severe consequences reception. In particular, this is the development of female genital organs in male embryos, uncontrolled desire, swelling and soreness in the mammary glands and labia.
  6. If you are faced with the problem of idiopathic hirsutism, then you can try to treat it with homeopathy - it is safest for women. For example, this is a regular intake of mint decoctions. She not only calms nervous system and normalizes blood pressure, but also helps reduce testosterone.
  7. Take two tablespoons of herb for a glass of boiling water. The plant is filled with water and then infused for 40 minutes. You need to drink the product three times a day, 1/3 of the container, for three months. Often traditional methods also include the use of poisonous plants, such as datura. Recipes with such dangerous ingredients are always infused with vodka.
  8. To cure hirsutism with Datura, you need to pour 100 grams of fresh grass with 0.5 vodka, moonshine or alcohol. Infuse for two weeks in a dark container and a cool room. The tincture should be shaken every day. The resulting product should be applied to acne and areas with increased hairiness.
  9. Although this plant is very effective, Datura should not be used for eye diseases. Among the analogues we can highlight horse chestnut, young walnuts and even a mixture of sugar and water.
  10. Homeopathy will not help to significantly reduce excess hair growth, but it contributes to the overall health of the body. In addition, please note that herbal remedies the effect cannot be achieved earlier than 3 months. If you need to reduce body hair growth faster, then it is better to choose other methods.

Increased hairiness in women: how to fight?

Increased hairiness in women: causes First, we will talk about the reasons that cause the appearance of unwanted hair on the body and face in women.

hypogonadism- polyetiological syndrome, accompanied by a decrease/insufficiency of the functions of the gonads and a violation of the synthesis of hormones ( sexual).

In other words - this ovarian pathology (congenital or acquired), as a result of which the latter lose the ability to produce hormones. To compensate for this deficiency, the body begins to produce pituitary hormones - gonadotropins. As a result: a large amount of gonadotropins accumulates in the blood, and the concentration of estrogen ( female sex hormones), on the contrary, falls.

From here:

  • Menstrual irregularities,
  • Amenorrhea ( absence of menstruation),
  • Atrophy of the mammary glands and genital organs,
  • Moderate obesity
  • Excessive hair growth on the face and body,
  • Depressive disorders.

In itself, increased hairiness in women is not a factor dangerous to health and life, but it can manifest itself as a consequence of a serious illness ( those. as in your case, Maria) and even tumors!

In medicine, there are the following definitions of increased “hairiness” in women:

1. Hirsutism- excess hair growth upper lip, on the cheeks, chin, ears, chest, back, inner and outer thighs, nipple area, lower abdomen. As a rule, it appears due to increased production of androgens ( male sex hormones). But there is also other reasons:

  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • prolactinoma;
  • ovarian hyperthecosis;
  • neoplasms (tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries);
  • hereditary hirsutism ( family);
  • taking certain medications.

2. Hypertrichosis - excessive growth of vellus ( fine hairs covering almost the entire body) and terminal ( pigmented thick and long) hair in normal, i.e. designed for this by nature itself ( taking into account age and nationality) places.

Therefore, ladies, before you start getting rid of excess hair, Be sure to get advice from relevant specialists (endocrinologist, gynecologist, cosmetologist, neurologist). Only comprehensive examination will help you establish the root cause of increased hairiness and begin the right treatment. Don't risk your health, don't put off going to the doctor! After all, you are alone - the most beloved and the most dear ( I hope you understand where I'm going with this! ).

And further (this concerns you, Maria, first of all): Do not expect instant results and complete removal of excess hair. As a rule, therapy takes a long time ( from six months or more) and does not provide 100% guarantees. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointments, be patient and tune in long-term treatment. And even if the growth of new hair simply slows down, this will be an excellent result

Well, now we’ll talk about how to get rid of them below.

Increased hairiness in women: what and how to remove

Before I talk about methods for removing excess hair, I want to talk about what it is NOT recommended to do under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will cause irreparable harm to your face and body.

Hanging hairiness in women: what NOT to do

  • Do not remove hair mechanically(pulling tweezers and nails, shaving) - this may cause damage to the skin ( hair follicles are damaged) and cause even more intense growth (already after a short time hair grows back, and is coarser, thicker and darker).
  • Do not use bleaching agents (ointments containing mercury, paraffin masks) And exfoliants(badyaga) for face - They irritate the skin, causing blood flow to it, thereby promoting hair growth.
  • Avoid direct and prolonged exposure sun rays , unless absolutely necessary, do not expose your face to a quartz lamp or UHF.
  • Do not apply nourishing creams containing hormones and biostimulants for the lower third of the face ( top part lips and chin) - they enhance hair growth by nourishing the skin and hair follicles.

Hanging hairiness in women: what CAN be done

There are a number effective means, designed to combat increased hairiness in women. Among them:

1. Trimming excess hair manicure scissors. The simplest and safest method, shortcomings which is: short-term effect and large time costs.

2. Galvanic electrolysis - the most reliable and effective method combating increased hairiness in women ( hair follicles are destroyed by exposing them to a weak electric current). The duration and cost of treatment depends on the quantity and “quality” ( growth rate) hair.

Disadvantages of the method: high cost, pain and multiple repetitions.

3. Certain success ( quickly and efficiently) in the treatment of excess hair growth can be achieved using laser hair removal and photoepilation.

Disadvantages of methods: high cost, possibility of complications in the form of burns, scars and ingrown hairs.

4. Waxing- gives a fairly long-lasting effect, new hairs grow more slowly, gradually becoming thinner and softer. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in a beauty salon and only after consulting a specialist.

For waxing at home you will need special wax (sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets or tablets). The wax must be heated to a temperature of 37-38°C, then applied warm to the area with excess vegetation with a layer of 2-3 millimeters, after hardening, jerk it off from the surface of the skin.

Disadvantages of the method: short-term effect, pain, possibility of irritation on particularly sensitive skin.

5. Sugar hair removal, or sugaring - The principle is the same as that of wax hair removal. To carry it out you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons sugar,
  • 4 tablespoons of water,
  • Lemon acid ( on the tip of a knife).

The resulting mixture should be melted over a fire, then applied to areas of the face and body that require attention. Once the sugar has hardened, remove it with your fingers.

Flaw: the ability to repeat the procedure only after the hair has grown by 5 mm.

6.The use of special lotions and creams, slowing down hair growth.

7. Hair bleaching hydrogen peroxide - allows you not only to discolor your hair, but also to make it more brittle over time. Add 1 teaspoon to 30-50 grams of hydrogen peroxide ammonia and dilute soap powder or shaving cream with this solution. Apply the resulting mixture to the area of ​​skin covered with hair, after drying, rinse with warm water and powder.

For slight hair growth quite often lubricate skin areas with a 10-15% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Repeated and regular implementation of such procedures will allow you to achieve gradual thinning and lightening of your hair.

Hanging hairiness in women: traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes to combat increased “hairiness” in women - quite simple and time-tested

Note: If you decide to undergo treatment using “grandmother’s” methods, be sure to consult with your doctor!

Recipes against increased hairiness in women:

  1. Lubricate skin and hair green juice walnut (pre-cut).
  2. Ash, obtained after burning a walnut, grind in a spoon of water and apply to areas of excess hair growth.
  3. Walnut partitions (10-15 pieces) pour a glass of vodka, leave in the sun (2 weeks), strain. The tincture should be drink (1 tablespoon each) every day.
  4. Lubricate problem areas milkweed juice (2-3 times a day for 2 weeks).
  5. Datura grass with roots (150 grams) fill with a liter hot water, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Moisten a napkin in the cooled and strained broth, apply to the required places, and hold until completely dry. Do the procedure daily ( 3-4 times). The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
  6. Mix:
  • 100 ml green walnut juice.
  • 10-15 grams of tar.

Leave the container with the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks ( tightly closed lid). Apply the mixture to the skin 2-3 times a day.

And finally

We wish you, Maria, effective treatment, Get well soon, health and beauty. We hope that the problem will soon " increased hairiness in women"will be forgotten by you like your worst dream

Our expert - gynecologist-endocrinologist Elena Andriyanova.

Excessive hair growth on the face and body in women is not only a cosmetic problem, but also possible sign serious endocrine pathology. Therefore, before contacting a cosmetologist for hair removal, you need to pay a visit to a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

When it comes to excess hair growth, the words most often heard from experts are “hirsutism” and “hypertrichosis.” First of all, it is necessary to understand these terms, because the strategy for getting rid of unnecessary vegetation depends on what exactly we are dealing with.

Normal or pathological?

Hirsutism is a disease that affects only women. It manifests itself in the form of excess male-type hair growth, when excess hair appears in places atypical for the weaker sex (above the upper lip, on the chin, back, chest).

Hypertrichosis, unlike hirsutism, can occur in both women and men. And this condition is not a disease. Rather, it is simply a cosmetic defect, which many representatives of the stronger sex are even proud of, considering this sign to be an indirect confirmation of their sexual temperament (which, by the way, is not without reason).

They speak of hypertrichosis if “increased shaggyness” occupies those places where hair grows on a completely “legitimate” basis. For example, dense hair on the legs of women (especially brunettes) oriental type) or hairy back in men are considered manifestations of hypertrichosis and are not pathology at all. To fight such a feature of your body or leave everything as it is in this case is an individual decision. In the end, beauty is a matter of taste. But one thing is important to know: treatment of hirsutism requires the use of certain medications and even surgical methods, and it is impossible to get rid of hypertrichosis with the help of drugs, and it is not necessary. For this purpose, there are numerous manual and hardware methods of hair removal (depilation and epilation).

Risk group

Hirsutism occurs in 5% of women. It is caused by increased production of male sex hormones (androgens) or hypersensitivity hair follicles to these hormones.

The reasons for this anomalous phenomenon can be very different. Among the most dangerous pathologies– lung cancer, pituitary tumor, diabetes, hypothyroidism (reduced function thyroid gland), diseases of the adrenal glands and cystic changes in the ovaries, in which an increased release of precursor substances of male hormones occurs in the female body, which at the next stage are converted into testosterone.

You can suspect an illness by external signs. Typically, women suffering from excess male sex hormones have oily skin, acne, thinning hair, rough voice, masculine figure, often increased libido (sex drive). An unstable menstrual cycle and infertility may indicate ovarian pathology.

We treat one thing, and the other...

Excessive growth of unwanted hair can also be caused by taking certain medications that a woman may take during treatment for diseases that are in no way related to hyperandrogenism. For example, drug-induced hirsutism often occurs when taking corticosteroids (cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone), as well as streptomycin and other, mainly hormonal drugs. In this case, treatment consists of stopping the medications that caused increased growth of unnecessary hair. But for congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which can also cause hirsutism, cortisol, on the contrary, is indicated.

Some people can also have an undesirable hairy effect. oral contraceptives. But this applies only to first-generation drugs, whereas today, on the contrary, pills with an antiandrogenic effect are popular. By the way, for hirsutism, which is a consequence of polycystic ovary syndrome, such contraceptives are widely used as medicines.

If the cause of hirsutism is ovarian or adrenal tumors, then it is necessary surgery. Drug treatment prescribed only after excluding such diagnoses. Taking the drugs lasts at least 6 months, often up to a year. Once the circumstances that led to hirsutism are eliminated, the amount and density of unnecessary hair decreases.

However, the treatment will not completely get rid of excess hair, although it will slow down the rate of its growth. Therefore, in addition to medications, you will still have to use cosmetic methods.

It's time to lose weight!

However, the violent growth of unwanted hair is not always a symptom of some pathology. For example, hirsutism can be familial (hereditary) or idiopathic. Familial hirsutism is inherited. It is conditioned genetic reasons and is not a pathology.

The idiopathic form of hirsutism is the most mysterious. It is connected with something that came from nowhere hypersensitivity hair follicles to male hormones. It is believed that the reason for this phenomenon is increased activity in the skin of an enzyme that enhances the transition of testosterone to its active fraction - dihydrotestosterone.

For familial and idiopathic hirsutism, treatment consists of cosmetic hair removal.

Since diet can effectively reduce androgen levels in obese women, a diet low in digestible carbohydrates is recommended for obese patients.

We take tests

The cause of hirsutism is determined using blood tests for hormones. To establish a diagnosis, the following tests will be needed:

Serum total testosterone. Reduced levels of this substance are usually due to polycystic ovary syndrome. Increased - often occurs with tumors.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) serum– an indicator of the secretory activity of the adrenal glands. A high concentration of this hormone may indicate a tumor or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex.

Serum androstenedione. High level this hormone is a sign possible illness ovaries.

Serum 17-Hydroxyprogesterone. A large amount of this hormone occurs with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex.

Gonadotropins. This indicator is used to judge the possibility of polycystic ovary syndrome.

In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, you will also have to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT, and MRI of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

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