Home Oral cavity Expectorants for children with a wet cough - folk recipes. The best drugs for removing phlegm in children Herbal expectorants for children

Expectorants for children with a wet cough - folk recipes. The best drugs for removing phlegm in children Herbal expectorants for children

Among the expectorants and phlegm-thinning agents one can find herbal and synthetic drugs. It is recommended to use any antitussive drug for children only after examination by a pediatrician, since cough may be caused by various diseases respiratory tract, which can only be established by a competent specialist. And everyone medical drug has its contraindications, and also has many side effects. It's not just about synthetic products, but also about plants. Although many parents have a common misconception about the absolute harmlessness of drugs made on a natural basis.

Particular attention should be paid to children under one year of age, since due to their young age they cannot cough and get rid of phlegm on their own. Young patients can be helped with mucolytic and expectorant medications. Anti-cough medications for infants should be selected based on the causes of its occurrence. Most often, the culprits are ARVI infections, which cause damage to both the upper and lower respiratory tract. Other causes are heart defects, abnormal development digestive system, as well as various external factors, such as dry indoor air, the presence tobacco smoke etc.

For colds, viral lesions the body in children usually experiences a dry cough, but only during early stage diseases. After one or two days, abundant sputum appears, which accumulates in the respiratory system and causes anxiety in the baby, sleep disturbances and feeding problems. This condition requires examination of the child by a pediatrician and the appointment of an effective medicine. Absence timely treatment can lead to disastrous consequences for the child.

The main function performed by expectorants medical supplies- This is the liquefaction and removal of accumulations of sputum, which is a source of infection for the entire body. It is important to understand that such drugs do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but are the main component in complex therapy, which was prescribed by the pediatrician. For infants under one year of age, you should choose the most gentle and effective means to prevent negative impact on their health.

In most cases, doctors recommend the following medications for children under one year of age:

  1. Gedelix is ​​available in the form of syrup or cough drops. It consists of ivy leaf extract and does not contain any harmful impurities or preservatives, alcohol or dyes. This medicine can be given to babies without fear from birth, but for very young children it is better to dilute it with a small amount of boiled water before use.
  2. Ambroxol in the form of syrup is effective against viscous, difficult to separate mucus. This drug perfectly dilutes and removes mucus from the respiratory system. To help your baby recover faster, it is recommended to often give him warm drinks along with Ambroxol.
  3. Lazolvan is approved for use in children from six months. The course of treatment should be no more than five days.
  4. Bronchicum contains thyme, the medicine is effective for both dry and wet cough. Can only be given from six months of age.
  5. Ambrobene syrup is suitable for use in children from the first month of life. Copes well with viscous and thick sputum.
  6. Linkas not only thins and removes mucus from the child’s bronchi, but also has an analgesic effect and relieves sore throat. This drug can be used to treat babies from the age of six months.
  7. A good expectorant for children under one year of age is a dry cough mixture, which comes in the form of a water-soluble powder.

What to do if your baby does not cough up sputum

Problems with expectoration in young children are very common and require special attention. Parents must understand that the respiratory muscles of a child at such an early age are imperfect, which is why difficulties arise with the removal of mucus accumulated in the bronchi.

The first step is to visit a doctor to find out the exact cause of a wet or dry cough.

Treatment with the prescribed drug should be started immediately in order to prevent complications for the child’s health. Situations often arise in which the effects of medications on children's body turns out to be insufficient. Then you need to take additional measures to alleviate the child’s condition and speed up his recovery. We are talking about the following auxiliary methods treatment:

  • drainage massage;
  • folk expectorants.

Drainage massage is indicated only in the absence of fever. This is a very effective and proven way to combat wet cough in children.

Concerning traditional medicine, then there are many effective natural remedies that have a positive effect on the child’s body. With help this method in combination with drug therapy You can quickly cure a child’s cough by eliminating excess phlegm from his respiratory organs. These include medicinal herbs, milk and honey, as well as various natural juices and syrups, compresses or applications, etc.

Another danger for a child is the likelihood of an allergic reaction to one or another expectorant, since the majority modern medicines cough medicine has a very complex composition, which includes a large number of both natural beneficial and artificial, sometimes toxic components.

Expectorants for children over 2 years old

Treatment of cough in children is very serious and responsible. And if in infants it is preferable to avoid using medicines without obvious need, then starting from the age of two, many medications can be used with less danger. But this does not mean that it is possible to treat your baby on your own without consulting a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable in any case, since only a doctor can prescribe the most effective remedy, based on the causes of cough, test results, the age of the small patient and the characteristics of his growth and development.

In some cases, you can get rid of unfavorable symptoms with the help of drinking plenty of fluids, traditional methods and massage.

Medicines are divided into expectorant medicines, consisting of natural herbal ingredients that increase the volume of sputum, and mucolytic medicines, which have thinning properties. Mucolytics are permissible for use only in children over two years of age. The most common drugs:

All of these drugs are inexpensive but very effective. They dilute viscous sputum well and promote its better removal naturally. Almost all medicines for children are produced in the form of pleasant-tasting fruit-flavored syrups, which greatly simplifies the difficult treatment process.

Expectorant herbs for children

Various products give good results medicinal plants, from which you can independently prepare decoctions or teas. The following herbs are famous for their excellent healing and expectorant properties:

  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • liquorice root;
  • coltsfoot;
  • anise;
  • chamomile;
  • marshmallow root;
  • plantain;
  • wild rosemary;
  • elecampane, etc.

All these plants not only help to cope with adverse symptoms in children and eliminate wet coughs, but also have an overall positive effect on the body and strengthen the immune system.

But herbal treatment should be carried out only on the recommendation of a pediatrician in the dosages indicated by him. In other cases there is high risk development of an allergic reaction, or the occurrence of a reverse effect and deterioration of the child’s health.

Other folk methods

Efficiency alternative medicine has been tested repeatedly in the treatment of a large number of diseases. Compared to medications folk remedies have many advantages, among which are a fairly mild and gentle effect on the child, a minimum number of restrictions and contraindications, the absence of side effects, etc.

The most popular recipes for expectorating phlegm and eliminating cough:

  1. Boil one fig in 500 ml for ten minutes. milk. Give the resulting mixture hot to the child.
  2. Boil a few crushed cloves of garlic in a small amount of milk, strain, cool and take one large spoon every two hours.
  3. Mix juice black radish with natural honey.
  4. Prepare an infusion of several herbs, for example, chamomile, thyme, anise, wild rosemary, etc.
  5. In the absence of fever, it is useful to apply compresses to chest using boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, honey, alcohol, mustard powder etc.
  6. For older children, you can do inhalations using a nebulizer, or let your baby breathe in the vapors of boiled potatoes. Such procedures can only be carried out if the body temperature is not elevated.

Despite the fact that alternative methods of therapy are quite safe, you should not rely on them completely and neglect drug treatment. The pediatrician must be aware of all measures taken to improve the child’s health, and without his permission, using this or that folk expectorant is strongly not recommended.

In order for the results of complex therapy to be positive, it is necessary to comply drinking regime, because drinking large amounts of warm liquids speeds up the process of liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi. It is also necessary to support normal level humidity in the room, periodically ventilate the rooms, carry out wet cleaning daily.

Already from the very early age kids need to be tempered, strengthened immune system, consult a doctor in time. Preventing colds will help avoid serious consequences for the child’s health.

Finding an expectorant for children under 1 year of age on pharmacy shelves is not difficult. Manufacturers offer drugs with the most various compositions and mechanisms of action on the body. The assortment also includes completely natural medicines made on the basis of plant extracts and extracts. Young mothers and fathers pay attention to them most often, because it is generally accepted that if the composition does not contain chemical components, then they will not be harmful to the child’s body. Is this really so, let's try to figure it out.

Why do infants experience bronchospasm?

The most a big problem modern parents is that they try to attribute a disease to their child even when it does not exist. This is especially true when the first baby appears in the family. However, it is worth considering that very young children react to environment not like adults. Their organs are still underdeveloped respiratory system, because cough can mean not only illness, but also natural physiological processes. Causes of bronchospasm:

As you can see, inflammatory processes occupy only a small part list. Under no circumstances should you purchase mucolytics or expectorants at the pharmacy unless you have consulted a pediatrician and found out the exact cause of the cough.

The child can get more harm than the benefits of incorrectly selected treatment.

Types of expectorants

Drugs called expectorants have their own specific task - to thin out too thick mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. There are several ways to cope with this task. Depending on what mechanism of action the agents have, they are divided into two main groups: stimulating and diluting. Let's look at them in more detail.


They must stimulate the discharge of sputum and are divided into two types: reflex and resorptive.

  • liquorice root;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • Eucalyptus oil.
  1. Resorptive agents have a different principle of action: they thin out mucus, increase the secretion of the glands that secrete it, and promote the free removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. Main active ingredients drugs are:
  • potassium iodide;
  • ammonium iodide;
  • sodium iodide.


From the name it is clear that these products are aimed at thinning mucus that is too viscous. Their mechanism of action is based on the fact that disulfide bonds in sputum are cleaved. This leads to an increase in the volume of surfactant secreted by the lungs.

The main active ingredients of the drugs can be cysteine ​​derivatives or microregulators.

How to choose a drug for a baby

The list of expectorants for children under one year of age is very large; now almost every pediatrician in our country can advise you on one of the drugs designed to dilute and remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Let's take a closer look at what the clinic can prescribe for you.

Drug name Mechanism of action Side effects
"Althea" Marshmallow root stimulates bronchiole peristalsis, relieves inflammation and thins mucus. Allergies, vomiting, nausea.
"Liquorice root" Liquefies mucus and promotes its active removal from the body. If you do not drink plenty of fluids during treatment, it can cause dehydration and mucus stagnation in the respiratory tract and spread of infection.
"Pertussin" Softens and soothes severe coughs and promotes expectoration. Nausea, heartburn, urticaria, skin rash, itching, angioedema.
"Gedelix" Reduces the viscosity of sputum, promotes its removal from the body. Shortness of breath, redness, swelling and itching of the skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
"Stoptussin-Fito" Relieves inflammation of mucous membranes, improves expectoration. Allergic reactions.

Also, other medications may be prescribed for the child, which, according to doctors, will contribute to a faster recovery.

The choice of remedy should be based on the diagnosis, the characteristics of the little patient’s body, and the presence of personal intolerance to drug components. The composition should not include alcohol, chemical dyes and other harmful substances.

Concerns and Cautions

European doctors categorically do not recommend giving expectorants to children under 2 years of age. This is due to the imperfection of the baby’s respiratory system; it is not yet fully developed, therefore, from the use medications You may end up doing more harm than good. In addition, the effectiveness of most drugs in this group has not been proven.

In France, back in 2010, it was officially prohibited to use expectorant drugs to treat children under 2 years of age, since side effects they provide more than real help. Following France, Italy also abandoned these funds.

In Russia, despite all the warnings, children under 1 year of age are still prescribed medications of this type. In most cases, they only worsen the cough and contribute to the spread of infection in different departments respiratory tract and cause a lot of unpleasant complications.

What is the treatment?

In fact, a child under one year old who develops a wet cough with thick mucus, you need to provide the most comfortable conditions for recovery, and not treat it with medications. In order for the mucus to become more liquid and cleared well from the respiratory tract, the following measures must be taken:

The benefits and harms of folk remedies

When parents realize that pharmaceuticals contain substances harmful to the child, they begin to turn to folk remedies. However, they can also negatively affect the condition of babies up to 1 year old. The fact is that to improve coughing, the following ingredients are most often used:

  • honey and other bee products;
  • animal fat;
  • raspberries, viburnum and other berries;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • boiled potatoes for inhalations and compresses.

All of these components are strong allergens, therefore they are not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age, and some, even after this age, can be hazardous to health.

Warm potato compresses can damage the delicate skin of the baby, as it protective functions are not yet fully formed, one harmless procedure - and the child can get burned. Inhalations over steam are completely prohibited; they can lead to burns of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, since the child does not yet understand how to breathe correctly during the procedure.

Rubbing with alcohol, animal fats and honey can cause severe allergies, so they should be avoided.

Procedures to relieve the condition

List therapeutic measures for babies under one year old it will be quite narrow, if you do not take into account dubious options. A special massage will help relieve a wet cough. By pressing on reflex points, you can increase expectoration and help your baby cope with a cough. These can be special areas on the back, feet, etc. Your doctor will tell you more about techniques that are beneficial for your child.

Another safe method of improving expectoration is soda inhalation. You need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of warm water and place the glass as close as possible to the child.

Under no circumstances should you cover your baby with a towel; only inhalations at a distance will be safe. Please note that when elevated temperature the body is prohibited from performing such procedures.

The truth about pharmaceuticals

Expectorants, no matter what they contain, cannot influence the cause of cough; they only reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. In order to cure the disease itself, you need to select special therapy. It is for this reason that the use of drugs that thin and remove mucus from the respiratory tract is considered inappropriate for children under 1 year of age.

Children receive more benefit from creating ideal conditions for their recovery. Sufficient fluid intake, high air humidity and optimal room temperature give results better than using pharmaceuticals. In addition, the child will be protected from negative influence drugs.

Do not rush to use syrups and drops to thin the mucus; as soon as you notice a cough in your baby, it is better to consult a doctor, get examined and select safe measures to eliminate the problem and alleviate the little patient’s condition.

Let's sum it up

Children under 1 year of age should not be given expectorants. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the remedies do not have a direct effect on eliminating the cause of the cough.

Also keep in mind that the effectiveness of not all drugs presented in pharmacies has been proven in our time, but they have more than enough side effects. Take care of your children, choose only safe and effective treatment.

Many colds contribute to the baby’s cough, attacks of which torment the child throughout the day and night. For treatment children's cough Expectorants have been used successfully. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups, suspensions and drops, which are intended for the treatment of children different ages. Expectorants are prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and bronchitis, which occur with a wet cough and poorly produced sputum.

It should be remembered that medications for children must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment may lead to complications.

Expectorants are prescribed to the child if there is wet cough with poor mucus discharge. If you have a dry, unproductive cough, these medications should not be given.

Expectorants are usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Sinusitis;
  • ARVI;

Expectorants for children with a wet cough promote the natural release of mucus that is in the respiratory system. Along with sputum, pathogenic bacteria are released, which provoke inflammation in the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

The health of a sick child improves due to the fact that medications cause a change in the consistency of sputum. In some diseases, there is viscous mucus in the child’s bronchi, which cannot come out on its own due to its thick consistency.

Types of medications

All medications that are prescribed for the treatment of wet cough are divided into two types.

Mucolytic agents.

For viscous sputum with a thick consistency, doctors usually prescribe mucolytics, which thin the mucus and promote its removal from the respiratory tract. If a child has a productive cough with copious sputum, mucolytic agents are not prescribed. The main feature of the drug is that while liquefying sputum, mucolytics practically do not increase its volume.

Medicines can be administered orally or used as inhalations.

The most popular mucolytic drugs:

The medicine thins sputum and has a weak antitussive effect. Prescribed when acute bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. Bromhexine is prescribed to young children in the form of syrup. From the age of six, a child can be given the drug in tablet form. Bromhexine solution is used for inhalation.

ACC 100 and ACC syrup.
The medicine is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system that cause cough with highly educated viscous mucus that is difficult to come out. For children under two years of age, the medication should be prescribed only under the strict supervision of the treating pediatrician. Available in the form of granules, which must be dissolved in water, or syrup (for children over 2 years old). For inhalation treatment, the drug is prepared in the form of a solution.

This medicine is intended to treat a cough with sticky sputum that hardly comes out naturally. The drug can be prescribed for expectoration of sputum in children from 1 year of age. It increases the volume of mucus and helps it come out. The release form is granules that dissolve well in water. The medication is also available in ampoules, which are intended for inhalation.

. This is a new generation medicine that effectively treats cough. It can even be given infant. The drug is taken for acute bronchitis and pneumonia. It is available in the form of a solution, which is given to children to drink before meals or used for inhalation.

Refers to mucolytic drugs with a pronounced expectorant effect. Lazolvan is used for expectoration of sputum in children from 1 year of age.

Important! For children under one year of age, medications are prescribed whose main active ingredient is ambroxol. Bromhexine-based drugs are used to treat cough in older children.


These are medications that facilitate the removal of phlegm from the bronchi and lungs when coughing by diluting the mucus formed in the respiratory system. They are appointed when acute diseases, which are not accompanied by a large amount of mucous discharge. Expectorants are mainly medicines based on the components plant origin:

Medicines that promote expectoration are prescribed for oral administration. Also, for wet coughs, hot inhalations using decoctions of expectorant herbs or essential oils are useful. However, these procedures are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

They are also used to treat wet and dry coughs. homeopathic medicines(for example Stodal syrup).

To treat productive cough, hot rubbing with various medications is used.

The composition of ointments for rubbing includes special essential oils, which help increase blood flow to the pulmonary lobes, stimulate the bronchial glands and irritate skin covering. The preparations are rubbed into the skin of the child’s chest and back. Hot rubs can be used to treat children from six months of age.

Additional Treatments

There is a large number folk remedies, which have long been used to eliminate unproductive and wet cough in children. These include:

Many parents prudently prepare medicinal herbs for decoctions and teas on their own in the summer.

Makes it easier general state massage also promotes a speedy recovery of the child. It improves drainage function tissues and glands of the bronchi, helps remove phlegm and mucus from them.

These methods are great for auxiliary method treatment of cough or in its initial stages.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

Autumn and winter are the traditional season for children's colds. Cough is a common manifestation of this disease. It may be viral or bacterial nature. Dry ones are especially painful. nonproductive cough. When it turns into a wet state, it continues to bother not only the child, but also parents who are concerned about his health. To deal with this problem you will need serious treatment. for children occupy a central place in therapy.

Indications for prescribing an expectorant

Expectorants should not be used for a dry cough; this will only cause harm to the child’s health. With a non-productive manifestation, viscous sputum accumulated in the bronchi is not expelled. It fills the lumens of the bronchi, preventing them from functioning normally. The microbes that have settled on their walls continue to multiply, and the child’s condition worsens. There are several recommendations to alleviate the condition of a small patient:

  • Remove all objects that collect dust from the apartment or room where the child is.
  • Ventilate the room frequently.
  • The room temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees.
  • The air in the apartment should be humid; you can hang a wet towel on the radiator in winter or use a special humidifier.
  • Give the child enough liquid: water, cranberry juice, currant and raspberry jelly, tea with honey, if there are no allergies.
  • Use drinking and inhalation with mineral alkaline water, after releasing the gas.
  • If there is no allergy, give decoctions medicinal herbs: , .

Common reason cough - accumulation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum in the respiratory tract. Healthy respiratory organs secrete up to 100 ml of liquid secretion called mucus per day. It is necessary for their proper functioning, normal gas exchange, protection from various pathogens, dust, dirt and others. harmful substances. When a large number of bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the secretion of mucus increases sharply, and its consistency changes - it becomes viscous and difficult to separate.

Diseases that cause coughing:

  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract of an infectious nature: pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis.
  • Inflammation caused by external factors or internal processes: bronchospasm, allergies, bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which viscous sputum appears: sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis.

With all these pathological conditions expectorants must be used. They can be of plant origin and synthetic. Parents should not choose them themselves. Even the most harmless herbal remedy can cause an allergy in a child and only worsen the condition. Expectorant drugs should be prescribed by a doctor: pediatrician, pulmonologist, otolaryngologist.

Type of expectorant drugs

Cough relievers are divided into the following groups:

  • suppressing irritation of cough receptors;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

Antitussives suppress dry, nonproductive cough. And the action of expectorants is aimed at reducing a productive cough with well-discharged thin sputum.

Mucolytic drugs alleviate the condition with a productive cough, but with viscous and difficult to separate sputum due to its dilution.

According to the mode of action and the effect obtained from expectorant drugs, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • reflex;
  • resorptive;
  • mucolytic.

The first two types of expectorant drugs irritate the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract, thereby producing an increase in the amount of mucus, diluting it, and facilitating its removal into the trachea by improving the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles. Mucolytic expectorants help thin sputum by disrupting the structure of mucopolysaccharides, but do not increase its quantity. Due to the high risk of bronchospasm, the use of all these medications is prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

All expectorant drugs are selected by the doctor, guided by the diagnosis, the age of the child, taking into account accompanying illnesses. It takes into account drug compatibility and possible allergic reaction. As a rule, treatment begins with the appointment of mucolytics. If the child’s condition is not serious, the doctor limits himself to the use of herbal preparations. They act gently and cause less adverse reactions. Many of them have a triple effect:

  • thins mucus;
  • improve mucus evacuation;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties.

Mucolytic drugs

The table shows herbal expectorants.

Name Active substance Features of the action
Prospan, Gedelix, Gerbion Syrups with ivy leaf extract. Relieves bronchospasm, thins mucus, and facilitates its removal.
Dr. Theiss Syrup with plantain extract.

Lollipops with sage extract.

Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bronchospasmolytic agent.

Pronounced bactericidal effect.

Bronchipret, Bronchicum Extracts of thyme herb and primrose roots. Good for thinning mucus. Do not take with antitussive medications.
Marshmallow syrup


Marshmallow root extract.

Tablets based on marshmallow root extract.

It thins mucus, accelerates its secretion, reduces inflammation, and has an enveloping effect.

The effect is the same as that of syrup.

Pertussin Syrup based on thyme extract with potassium bromide. Transforms a dry cough into a wet one, thins sputum.
Bronholitin Syrup with basil oil, ephedrine and glaucine. Antispasmodic and antimicrobial drug.
Licorice root syrup Treats dry and wet cough.

There are combined herbal preparations based on several means at once:

  • – contains 11 medicinal plants;
  • Amtersol – contains extracts of licorice and thermopsis herb;
  • Linkas – contains 10 medicinal herbs.
A drugPhotoPrice
from 156 rub.
from 144 rub.
from 172 rub.

Synthetic mucolytics

Sometimes the child’s condition requires additional use of synthetic mucolytics. Of the variety of synthetic expectorants that have a mucolytic effect and are intended for children, 4 groups of drugs can be distinguished:

  • based on acetylcysteine ​​- Flymucil;
  • based on bromhexine hydrochloride - Bronchosan, ;
  • based on carbocisteine ​​– Libexin-Muco, Fluicort;
  • based on ambroxol - , .
A drugPhotoPrice
from 141 rub.
from 249 rub.
from 380 rub.
from 121 rub.
from 173 rub.

There are also combined agents, consisting of several active ingredients both synthetic and plant-based. They have not only antitussive, but also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The table shows synthetic mucolytics.

A drug In what form is it produced? How to use Peculiarities
Bromhexine Syrup and tablets. Regardless of food intake. Strengthens the effect of antibiotics. Do not combine with antitussive medications.
ACC 100 Granules. After eating. For inhalation, dilute in saline solution. Do not drink along with antibiotics; there should be a 2-hour gap between taking them.
Fluimucil Granules, solution for inhalation. Diluted in water. Dissolve only in glass containers.
Rinofluimucil Nasal spray. Do not use for more than a week.
Solution for inhalation and internal administration. During meals, dissolve in a small amount of liquid.
Syrup, tablets. During meals, add to any liquid. Mucolytic and expectorant drug.

Reflex and direct action expectorants

After mucolytics, and sometimes together with them, drugs that promote the removal of sputum are prescribed - expectorants. They produce increased secretion liquid sputum in the bronchi due to increased work of the bronchial glands, irritate ciliated epithelium bronchi and enhance peristalsis of bronchioles. All this stimulates the expectoration process and improves mucus removal. Many of the mucolytics have an expectorant effect to one degree or another.

Among the reflex-action drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby reflexively enhancing the work of the bronchial glands, the most herbal remedies. They are prepared from the following medicinal plants:

  • thermopsis herbs and;
  • marshmallow and licorice roots.

Among the direct-acting drugs that directly stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands, essential oils from anise, fennel, etc. are often used.

Traditional methods of treating cough

The arsenal of folk remedies is quite large. They can be divided into 3 groups:

  • for oral administration;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses and ointments.

Black radish is most often used for oral administration. Medicine can be prepared from it in different ways. The easiest way is to remove some of the pulp from a washed root vegetable with a whole tail and put honey there. The resulting juice is drunk 1 tsp. 5 to 6 times a day. You can cut it into pieces and bake it in the oven, sprinkled with sugar. Take the resulting juice in the same way as in the first case.

Warm milk, to which a teaspoon of honey is added, also helps. Drink this remedy at night. You can mix a third of a glass mineral water“Borjomi” at room temperature (from which gas has been released) and the same amount of hot milk. Drink in one go. The mixture is prepared fresh each time.

It is not always possible to persuade children to drink or eat tasteless medicine. You can choose other means for them. They have no less effect, and children will take them with pleasure.

Delicious medicines for little patients

It can be taken with water or added to tea. The dosage rate is a teaspoon several times a day.

For four figs you will need 3 glasses of milk with a high percentage of fat. Boil in milk until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Cover and let it brew. Drink half a glass of the decoction before meals. You also need to eat figs.

In fruit juice prepared according to traditional recipe, add honey - a teaspoon per glass. Drink 3 times a day.


Inflammatory and colds in newborns are often accompanied by painful cough causing anxiety to parents. Expectorants can help remove viscous secretions that interfere with normal breathing. From the moment of birth, infants can take safe medications approved by pediatricians.


The natural components in the composition of the drug act not only on the symptom, but also on the cause of the disease in the newborn. The expectorant property of the drug helps prevent severe cough. Improvement after taking the medicine occurs within two days.

Ivy extract, anise, essential oils

Release form


Bronchospasm, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, bronchiectasis


expectorant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory

Mode of application

Add half a teaspoon of water, enter into mouth using a syringe without a needle.

Course duration


Bronchial asthma, intolerance to components, fructose

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions


If diseases of the upper respiratory tract are accompanied by a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate, pediatricians prescribe medications for infants that have an expectorant effect. Safe use guarantees the antitussive drug Prospan.


Laryngotracheitis, obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia

Release form

Drops, syrup


mucolytic, expectorant, bronchospasmolytic, antibacterial

Drops – ivy leaf extract, anise oil, fennel oil, peppermint oil

Syrup – ivy extract, potassium sorbate, lemon acid, liquid sorbitol, cherry flavor.

Mode of application

Dosage – 10 drops up to 5 times a day

Add to water, food

Course duration

Up to 10 days


Concomitant use of cough suppressants, liver pathology, central nervous system, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, fructose intolerance

Side effects

Stool liquefaction


Safe cough expectorant for infants Alteyka has plant based. The medicine stimulates the formation of mucus and improves coughing. Pediatricians prescribe it for a dry cough or a wet cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. Alteyka is recommended to be used only as prescribed by a doctor due to the possibility of side effects in infants.

Marshmallow root extract

Release form


Bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis


Softens mucous membranes, facilitates coughing, relieves inflammation.

Mode of application

Dosage – 2.5 ml twice a day, before meals

Course duration

Up to two weeks


Diabetes mellitus, sensitivity to components

Side effects

Rashes, itching

Liquorice root

The medicinal plant has an expectorant and antiviral effect. Licorice root is used to treat dry and wet cough in infants. Mucolytic drugs for children can only be taken as prescribed by a pediatrician. Licorice root for infants - safe medicine if the dosage is observed.

Licorice root extract, ethanol 96%, sugar

Release form


Pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute, chronic bronchitis


Immunostimulating, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic

Mode of application

Dose – 1 drop per spoon of water, three times a day

Course duration


Sensitivity to components, bleeding disorders

Side effects

Allergic reactions, increased urination


An expectorant for infants quickly thins viscous mucus, removes it from the bronchi, and relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Lazolvan relieves symptoms and prevents complications. Safe way the use of cough medicine for infants - inhalations, which can be done from the moment of birth. The dosage of the drug is calculated by the pediatrician.

Active substance

Ambroxol hydrochloride

Release form

Solution for inhalation, injection, syrup


Bronchitis, ARVI, pneumonia, influenza, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis.


Stimulates the production of sputum, reduces its viscosity, enhances excretion

Mode of application

Perform inhalations with added saline solution

Course duration


Pathologies of the kidneys, liver, heart, heat body

Side effects

Stool upset, vomiting, flatulence


Expectorants for children under 1 year of age are recommended to be taken only as prescribed by a pediatrician and under his supervision. For babies safe use Ambrobene products - in the form of syrup diluted with water. A convenient form of use is cough drops for children.

Active substance

Ambroxol hydrochloride

Pharmacy form

Drops, solution for inhalation, syrup


Respiratory diseases accompanied by a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate


Mucokinetic, expectorant

Mode of application

Dosage – 1 ml twice a day

Dilute with water and give after meals

Course duration


Convulsive syndrome, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys

Side effects

Stool upset, skin rashes, vomiting


Cough mixtures for infants often include plant components - herbal extracts. The safe expectorant Bronchicum in syrup form contains thyme, and primrose root is also added to the elixir. The medicine is approved for infants from the age of 6 months.

Pharmacy assortment

Elixir Bronchicum TP, syrup


Diseases of the respiratory system with cough, difficult to separate sputum.


Expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, bronchodilator

Mode of application

Dosage – 2.5 ml morning and evening

Dilute with water

Course duration

Up to 14 days


Epilepsy, intolerance to components, liver and kidney pathologies.

Side effects

Skin rashes, urticaria


A safe cough suppressant prescribed for the treatment of infants is often used in the form of syrup. The expectorant drug Ambroxol stimulates the functions of the villi located in the respiratory tract, which promotes the rapid removal of mucus. The drug helps activate metabolic processes, improving the condition of the baby.

Active substance

Ambroxol hydrochloride

Release form


Respiratory diseases accompanied by cough with viscous sputum, including cystic fibrosis


Expectorant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antibacterial

Method of use

Dosage – 2.5 ml twice a day

Take after meals, with plenty of water

Course duration


Diseases of the liver, kidneys, intolerance to components

Side effects

Bloating, increased excitability, skin rashes


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