Home Smell from the mouth Dry loud cough in a child. Causes of nonproductive cough in a child

Dry loud cough in a child. Causes of nonproductive cough in a child

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to exercise, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • Child's cough - alarming symptom for parents. If it occurs due to damage to the respiratory tract by a viral or bacterial infection, then untimely treatment is fraught with its spread to nearby tissues, the transition of inflammation in the respiratory organs to chronic form and the development of other complications. Treatment for dry cough is prescribed after determining its cause. In most cases, it appears at the beginning of an acute respiratory infection, gradually turning into a wet one. Allergies, whooping cough, gastroesophageal reflux, asthma, and disorders in the central nervous system can also cause such a symptom in a child.


    Principles of treatment

    Coughing is one of the unconditioned protective reflexes of a person, the function of which is to clear the respiratory tract of various kinds of irritants ( foreign bodies, viruses, bacteria, allergens, mucus, sputum). A dry or nonproductive cough is a cough that does not produce sputum due to its absence or too thick consistency. Unlike wet, it is quite painful, debilitating, does not allow the child to sleep normally, and disrupts his psycho-emotional state and does not bring relief. In children, due to an annoying dry cough, irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is possible with the appearance of bleeding wounds or cracks.

    The main cause of dry cough is colds, acute respiratory viral infections, or more precisely, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract that arise against their background (pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). With pharyngitis, the child experiences irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, a feeling of dryness, raw pain and soreness; with tracheitis, pain behind the sternum and in the throat, increased coughing attacks with deep breaths, crying, laughing, and changes in air temperature. With bronchitis, a dry cough is loud, chesty, in initial stage accompanied by the release of a scant amount of sputum, pain in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and behind the sternum.

    If a child has a dry cough, parents should contact their pediatrician to find out the cause and choose treatment. This is especially true if there is no certainty that a dry cough is associated with an acute respiratory infection, that is, when, in addition to a cough, the child has neither a runny nose, nor a sore throat, nor other characteristic symptoms. clinical signs this group of diseases.

    The principle of combating a dry cough that occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections is to soften and relieve inflammation in the throat cavity and create conditions to prevent further spread of the inflammatory process down the respiratory tract. If the infection has entered the bronchi and bronchitis has developed, drugs are used to help the dry cough turn into a wet one, which will effectively clear the cough. Airways from accumulated mucus and sputum.

    In some children, a dry cough may occur only in the morning and not be a sign of any pathology. Its cause in most cases is the incorrect temperature and humidity level in the room where the child sleeps.

    For dry cough, as well as for its prevention great importance has an organization proper care for the child. It includes:

    • plenty of warm drinks (alkaline non-carbonated mineral waters, warm compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas);
    • walks in the open air;
    • frequent ventilation and wet cleaning of the house;
    • maintaining humidity in the apartment at a level of at least 50%;
    • temperature control (no more than 20°C) in the room where the child is and sleeps.

    It is with the organization of proper care that cough treatment in children, especially young children, for whom the use of many medicines may pose a potential threat to the child's health due to the development of severe side effects. According to foreign doctors, drinking plenty of fluids is no less effective in diluting and facilitating the evacuation of sputum than taking mucolytic drugs, which pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to.

    Medicines for children

    A doctor should prescribe medications for a child’s dry cough based on an examination of the throat, auscultation of the chest and the results of general clinical tests. Depending on the cause of the disease that provokes a dry cough, the following are prescribed:

    • local medications for the treatment of sore throat;
    • antitussives;
    • mucolytics;
    • expectorants.

    In addition, the complex treatment of dry cough in children includes antispasmodics, antihistamines, sedatives, antibiotics.

    It is particularly difficult to prescribe medications for dry cough for children under two years of age. This is due to the fact that due to the weakness of the respiratory muscles, their cough reflex is still poorly developed, so the child is not able to cough effectively.

    Excessive mucus in the respiratory tract, which is formed when taking mucolytics and expectorants, is in this case dangerous for the baby. The resulting cough can provoke bouts of vomiting in the child and lead to the baby choking on the resulting mucus. Moreover, the list is relative safe drugs approved for use in children of the first years of life is quite limited.

    Local preparations for the treatment of throat

    If the cause of a dry cough is irritation of the throat mucosa, then for its treatment it is recommended to use local therapy, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effect. Depending on the age of the child, he may be prescribed rinses with water-salt solutions, herbal decoctions, inhalations, irrigation of the throat with sprays, lozenges, lozenges or lozenges with extracts medicinal herbs.

    Medicines approved for children for sore throat and their dosage depending on age

    Drug name



    Lizobact (tablets)

    from 3 to 7 years

    1 table each 3 times a day

    from 7 to 12 years

    1 table each 4 times a day

    2 tables each 3-4 times a day

    Inhalipt (spray)

    2-3 injections 3-4 times a day

    Tantum verde (tablets)

    1 table each every 3 hours

    Strepsils (lozenges)

    1 lozenge every 3 hours

    Septefril (tablets)

    1 table each 3-4 times a day

    Septolete (lozenges)

    1 lozenge up to 4 times a day

    1 lozenge – up to 8 times a day

    Hexoral (spray)

    1 injection twice a day

    Faringosept (lozenges)

    1 table each three times a day


    This group of drugs is given to children only as prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of a painful cough accompanied by pain, sleep disturbances and other unpleasant consequences. The mechanism of their action is to suppress the child’s cough due to the inhibitory effect on cough center, reducing irritation of inflamed mucous membranes, reducing the susceptibility of peripheral cough receptors to irritating factors. They also have moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, bronchodilator and expectorant effects. With a dry cough while taking them, the child may experience stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract, so medical supervision is necessary.

    Preparations for the treatment of dry cough

    Drug name



    Sinekod (drops, syrup, dragees)

    syrup from 3 years

    three times a day, 5 ml

    syrup from 6 years

    10 ml three times a day

    syrup from 12 years

    three times a day, 15 ml

    drops from 2 months to 3 years

    according to instructions

    Libexin (tablets)

    ¼ table each 3–4 times a day

    ½ table each 3–4 times a day

    1 table each 3–4 times a day

    Bronholitin (syrup, combination drug)

    5 ml three times a day

    10 ml three times a day

    Glauvent (tablets)

    10 mg 2–3 times a day


    Mucolytics are medicines, changing physical properties And chemical composition sputum, which leads to a decrease in viscosity and dilution of bronchial secretions, or promoting the production of a more liquid part of it.

    Mucolytics for dry cough in children

    Drug name



    Ambroxol and its analogs ambrobene, lazolvan, ambrohexal (available in the form of syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and internal use)

    syrup up to 2 years

    2.5 ml twice daily

    syrup from 2 to 5 years

    2.5 ml three times a day

    syrup over 5 years old

    5 ml 2–3 times a day

    ACC and its analogues mucobene, fluimucil ( dosage forms– syrup, effervescent tablets, granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration)

    syrup from 2 to 5 years

    5 ml 2–3 times a day

    syrup 6–14 years

    5 ml 2–3 times a day

    syrup over 14 years old

    10 ml 2–3 times a day

    Bromhexine (tablets and syrup)

    daily dosage – 12 mg

    from 6 to 14 years

    daily dosage - 24 mg

    over 14 years old

    daily dosage - 24–48 mg

    Long-term use of mucolytics by a child is fraught with hyperproduction of sputum; they are usually used until the dry cough becomes wet, and then discontinued.


    For dry coughs, syrups based on medicinal herbs are often prescribed, which dilute accumulated mucus and accelerate its elimination by irritating the cough center and increasing the production of liquid bronchial secretions. They contain plant extracts that have not only an expectorant, but also an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and healing effect. These products are relatively safe for health, but in children prone to allergies they can cause urticaria, dermatitis or other allergic reactions during treatment.

    Some of the syrups used for dry cough and their dosages

    Drug name



    Dr. MOM

    three times a day, ½ tsp.

    three times a day, ½–1 tsp.

    three times a day, 1–2 tsp.

    Herbion with plantain

    from 2 to 7 years

    1 measuring spoon three times a day

    from 7 to 14 years old

    1–2 scoops three times a day

    after 14 years

    2 scoops 3–5 times a day

    Bronchicum S

    from 6 to 12 months

    2.5 ml twice a day

    from 1 year to 2 years

    2.5 ml three times a day

    from 2 to 6 years

    5 ml twice a day

    from 6 to 12 years

    5 ml three times a day


    from 2 to 4 years

    2.5 ml three times a day

    from 4 to 10 years

    2.5 ml 4 times a day

    over 10 years old

    5 ml three times a day


    IN complex treatment dry cough good therapeutic effect give inhalations. They are performed by inhaling vapors or using a nebulizer. When using a nebulizer, the child is inhaled with solutions of medications (lazolvan, ambrobene, ACC, fluimucil, sinupret, dekasan and others), saline, and buffer soda. The advantage of this method of treating cough is that the drugs get directly into the respiratory tract.

    For steam inhalations for dry coughs, use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs (sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus, coltsfoot), ready-made herbal cough remedies (ingafitol, eucarom), solutions baking soda, mineral water. The temperature of the solution when a child performs inhalations should not be higher than 40°C to avoid burns to the nasal mucosa, oral cavity and respiratory tract.

    Folk remedies for cough

    When treating dry cough in children, one should not forget about simple folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been tested for decades. They include massages, compresses, herbal infusions and teas. Herbs that help in the fight against dry cough include licorice, marshmallow, coltsfoot, elecampane, wild rosemary.

    For a dry cough, it is effective to give your child warm compresses at night. Good results are obtained by using the following compositions:

    Tea with currants, raspberries or honey can help a child with a dry cough due to ARVI. A well-known folk remedy for treating sore throat and cough is warm milk with honey or soda and butter. This drink has a softening and warming effect, and antiseptic properties honey helps the child’s body fight pathogenic microflora. It should be borne in mind that honey is a highly allergenic product, so it should be used with caution, especially in babies and children prone to allergies.

    Most often, cough in children and adults is a consequence of ARVI. If a child has a dry cough, then how to treat it is decided solely by the pediatrician, based on a thorough diagnosis, since there can be many reasons for this phenomenon at a young age.

    Contents of the article:

    Description of the problem

    Any cough is a reflex phenomenon, the purpose of which is to cleanse the airways ( bronchial tree and trachea) from products of inflammatory processes: sputum, mucus or pus. When a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, a frequent cough also occurs, which can result in vomiting.

    But the most common reason why severe coughing attacks can occur is acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, the appearance of the cough reflex almost always coincides with the onset of a cold. If other symptoms are present, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, and after a few days the dry cough turns into a wet one, which indicates an ongoing recovery process. When the flu or acute respiratory viral infection subsides, the disease again ends in a dry cough, since the production of sputum stops.

    A cause for concern for parents is a prolonged, strong, dry cough in a child without fever. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • poisoning chemicals(in this case, a burn of the respiratory tract occurs);
    • allergy;
    • sinusitis, adenoiditis or chronic rhinitis (including allergic);
    • tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or cancer of the respiratory organs (more often diagnosed in adults);
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    Pathologies such as diphtheria, whooping cough or measles may also be accompanied by a similar symptom. False croup, for example, gives a barking cough without fever. With whooping cough, the baby coughs constantly. In this case, a slight increase in temperature may be observed.

    In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about cough and medications for it:

    Coughing attacks significantly worsen a person’s quality of life, and we can’t even talk about children. Children who cough refuse to eat, since unnecessary irritants can provoke an attack, have difficulty falling asleep, because it intensifies just before bed, and often wake up at night. Whatever the reasons, parents should immediately consult a doctor who will collect anamnesis and prescribe the necessary studies for a correct diagnosis.

    Diagnostic measures

    High fever and other symptoms characteristic of viral infections in mandatory They will bring mothers of sick babies to a pediatrician, who will prescribe, along with antiviral drugs, antitussives for dry coughs, because in this case the most important thing is for the cough to become wet and thus clear the airways. If there is a lot of mucus, then an expectorant will replace a cough remedy for children.

    But what to do when it is caused by other reasons and does not go away after two weeks. In this case, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, namely:

    • general blood analysis;
    • blood test for immunoglobulins and PCR of mucus from the throat (if there is a suspicion of whooping cough);
    • X-ray examination (it is prescribed to a child with great caution if pneumonia, pleurisy or tuberculosis is suspected);
    • sputum culture (if changes are visible on x-ray);
    • spirography with samples (if there is a suspicion of bronchial asthma);
    • scratch tests, swabs from the throat and pharynx (if allergies are suspected);
    • bronchoscopy, MRI and CT (exclusively according to indications, if previous diagnostic methods did not make it possible to establish the causes of a dry cough).

    It is much easier to cure it if you know exactly what caused it.

    Drug treatment

    Medicines are prescribed with caution to children in the first year of life and only in extreme cases - from one to two years. This is especially true for expectorants, which provoke intense sputum production. In infants, a coughing attack that ends in vomiting may in this case have death, if mom is not around. Any drugs that block the cough reflex are prescribed at this age in extreme cases. Most often, the pediatrician prescribes an antiviral medication that fights the underlying disease. If the cough is still painful and does not go away, then medications for dry cough for children in the first year of life will come to the rescue:

    • Ambrobene (useable from the first month of life, it thins and removes mucus well);
    • Bronchicum (prescribed from 6 months, the drug is plant based- thyme herb);
    • Gedelix ( herbal preparation, which can be given from birth).


    All parents probably know why they should not give their children early age any pills, including cough pills. Firstly, a child will never swallow a pill, even if he is forced. In addition, when drugs are forcibly administered in this form, the pharynx is subject to additional irritation, which can result in even more intense coughing or even vomiting. Syrups help resolve the dilemma of what to give a child for a dry cough if he is between one and three years old.

    Action medical supplies can be strengthened or, if the disease is mild, they can be completely replaced, improving the living environment of the sick baby. For whooping cough, for example, it is very important that the air humidity in the room does not exceed 50% and the temperature does not exceed 16°C. In the absence of contraindications, the patient should stay in the fresh air as long as possible.

    When an attack begins, the child should be seated, calmed and distracted. You can lightly hold the baby's head until the attack ends. All these measures are acceptable even if painful cough accompanies other diseases.

    Take your baby out into nature in a coniferous forest more often, and if he has a fever, you can hang spruce or pine branches in the apartment.

    For older children, the range of cough medications expands significantly. These include:

    • medications that suppress cough by affecting the central nervous system(Butamirat, Glauvent);
    • combination medications that improve sputum discharge and reduce body temperature ((Glycodin, Grippostad);
    • peripheral cough medicines (Levopront, Libexin)


    All drugs are used for children only as prescribed by a doctor, adhering to required dosage. Should not in any way exceed medicinal doses, suggesting that in this way it will be possible to get rid of the reflex faster.

    Folk remedies

    The child will recover faster if he has a viral or cold, and therefore will stop coughing if he is provided with plenty of fluids. It will help quickly remove germs from the body and moisturize the throat, which is very irritated by the reflex production of phlegm.

    Suitable drinks for drinking include cranberry juice, various jelly (from currants or raspberries, which will also help reduce the temperature), warm tea with lemon and honey, warm mineral water, from which gases are released. Concentrated fruit juices are not recommended because they irritate the throat. If there is no fever, you can give warm milk with honey. An older child can also drink milk and soda. Especially useful goat milk, but in the absence of an allergy to it.

    Cranberry juice
    Cranberry jelly
    Tea with lemon
    Milk with honey
    Milk with honey
    Goat milk

    Decoctions of medicinal herbs (licorice root, sage, plantain, coltsfoot, rose hips) well complement the effect of medications, but their use should also be brought into line with the doctor’s recommendations, since allergic cough they can only make the situation worse.

    A good effect can be achieved if you supplement the treatment of dry cough in children with compresses, but they are also contraindicated at fever. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, vodka and honey. Heat the mixture in a water bath, apply to a clean linen or cotton cloth and secure with a layer of cotton wool and cellophane between the shoulder blades using a soft scarf. The compress is applied once every 2 days at night. It is better not to use alcohol: it can burn the baby’s delicate skin.

    IN Lately Massage has proven itself to be a good treatment for the painful reflex. It is prescribed in the absence of fever. It's best to start like this therapeutic measures when the cough just turns into a productive one, in order to speed up the discharge of sputum. The massage should be preceded by a warm bath, and after the procedure the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket for half an hour.

    Do not forget that if the reflex only intensifies from the measures taken, they should be stopped immediately.

    The video contains the most effective folk recipes for dry cough:


    Cough in a child 2 years of age and older can be treated by inhalation. It all depends on the drugs that are used for this event. Inhalations help even in the most advanced cases of respiratory tract diseases; they are used both independently and in complex therapy. In addition, if used for inhalation healing fees, then they are the safest and effective method treatment.

    There are special funny inhalers for children's inhalation.

    For inhalations, you can use pine oils if you are not allergic to them, soda with a few drops of iodine, herbal infusions. The main thing is not to forget that inhalations are contraindicated at fever. In addition, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in a child are more sensitive than in adults, so the steam temperature should be several degrees lower than you would do for yourself.

    You can also resort to special medications. To do this, you will need a nebulizer. It is very easy to use, and inhalation of a dry cough with a nebulizer for children can be turned into an exciting activity.

    The following drugs are used for the procedures:

    • to reduce the viscosity of mucus (Atrovent, Berotek, Salgim);
    • to relieve the inflammatory process (Rotokan, Malavit);
    • with an antibacterial effect (Dioxidin, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt).


    All medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    It is difficult to argue with Komarovsky’s opinion: when colds accompanied by such a symptom, any drugs are powerless. You can help your baby only by turning the cough into a wet one.

    To do this, the air in the room where the sick baby stays must be constantly humidified. Walks in the fresh air are canceled only when it is not possible general state child. If the cough has dampened a little, but has intensified, we do not stop, but continue all activities: drinking plenty of fluids, moist air, inhalations. You can also use a nasal rinse, if available. copious discharge, because snot often penetrates the respiratory tract when the child does not yet know how to blow his nose.

    Dr. Komarovsky, in his own blog, categorically opposes the treatment of children in the first two years of life with mucolytics. He considers massage to be an effective remedy even for infants. If the reflex does not go away long time, and returns even if there is no cold, then the child should be examined for the presence of helminths, since they are the ones that can provoke such a condition.

    With frequent acute respiratory viral infections, prevention is very important: increasing immunity, hardening, and physical exercise.

    An unbearable dry cough in children often appears without signs of fever, but treatment must be carried out after examining the patient. Determine the disease factor by hoarseness and the presence of nasal discharge. The doctor will prescribe if necessary drug treatment, inhalation procedures.

    Before starting treatment, you should determine the reasons why the symptom occurs. Infants may have illnesses without fever, so it is imperative to visit a doctor to rule out the seriousness of the illness.

    The causes of dry cough in children are as follows:

    1. ARVI is characterized by nasal congestion, so the baby may gasp for air, coughing up accumulated mucus.
    2. Pharyngitis is considered a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the pharynx and begins after an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane. Cough brings a lot of inconvenience - the inability to sleep and difficulties during conversation.
    3. Laryngitis often goes away without fever. In addition to coughing, there is a whistling sound when breathing. Coughing attacks are accompanied by vomiting.
    4. Whooping cough produces a powerful, annoying cough. At the same time, the baby’s saliva takes on a blue color.
    5. Bronchitis. The most common manifestation of the disease is a nonproductive cough. The nature of the cough is different in that it appears in the first couple of hours of illness, lasts about four days and is difficult to mitigate.


    When a baby coughs from time to time, but this does not cause inconvenience for him to carry out daily activities: play, eat, go to bed, there is no temperature or other signs that may indicate the onset of an illness - nothing should be treated! By the way, there is nothing to treat; this is precisely the moment when the release of foreign elements in the bronchi occurs.

    But, along with this, there are cases where the cough is painful and is considered an indicator of illness. IN in this case The child should definitely be shown to a doctor; only a specialist can determine the root cause and determine the appropriate treatment.

    Symptoms of dry cough in children are associated with respiratory tract diseases.

    If the cough in children is dry, barking, intrusive and the baby has a paroxysmal appearance, you should see a doctor. In addition, children should be shown to a specialist when coughing begins unexpectedly, and there is a feeling that there is a foreign object in the child’s throat, the cough does not allow the baby to sleep, it turns out to be a factor in vomiting, and in addition to the cough, there are signs of an allergy or other illness.

    Such signs indicate the presence of a disease, and the doctor is obliged to find out which one. During the first session, the doctor eliminates the penetration of foreign bodies and rules out allergies. Afterwards the doctor will eliminate inflammatory diseases.


    At the first sign of a cold, you should call a doctor. Treatment of dry cough when the child is one year old must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Drugs are determined as treatment, but they are considered an effective method folk remedies.

    Children are carefully prescribed medications for the treatment of dry cough, because they are unable to cough up mucus. Therefore, the doctor prescribes treatment in the form of suppositories to relieve inflammation. Massage of the sternum with plant-based balms is an excellent way to help remove phlegm. For older children, frequent dry attacks are treated with antibiotics. If the symptom is dry, Sinekod is prescribed, which suppresses the cough. Naturally based syrups are used - effective means for treatment.

    Treatment of dry cough when a child is 3 years old is much easier, because it is permissible to take a large list of medications.


    Today, treatment of dry cough in children begins with the doctor prescribing medications to clear mucus. The following drugs are distinguished:

    1. Ambroxol is a mucolytic, which is effective when coughing occurs with sticky mucus. The drug can be prescribed from birth in a dose: from birth to two years of age, two and a half mg after meals, up to two times. No need to consume more than 5 days.
    2. Lazolvan syrup works great for coughs with phlegm. From six one month old half a tsp. 2 times.
    3. Ambrobene is prescribed from an early age from nonproductive cough. The dose is calculated taking into account the release form. If this is a syrup, then the child is prescribed 2.5 ml, and if it is a solution - ml after meals up to two times.
    4. Bronchicum is produced on the basis of thyme herb. Prescribed at the age of six months, 0.5 tsp. up to two times during the day. You can use it for up to fourteen days.
    5. Fluimucil granules can be taken from 12 months. Also used for inhalation procedures.
    6. Bromhexine syrup is prescribed by a doctor up to the age of six, and for older children in the form of tablets.
    1. Gedelix syrup is prescribed for infants for persistent dry cough. The daily dosage is half a tsp.
    2. The doctor does not prescribe Mucaltin for up to 12 months.
    3. Syrup based on licorice root is prescribed by a doctor until the age of two.
    4. Linkas reduces the number of coughing attacks, helps thin mucus, and relieves sore throats. The dose from six months is half a tsp.
    5. Stoptussin drops are prescribed for six months after meals. The dose is calculated taking into account weight: if you weigh less than seven kilograms, eight drops are diluted; with a weight of up to twelve kilograms, nine drops per 125 ml of liquid. Can be taken up to 4 times.

    Traditional methods

    When parents want to treat dry cough at home, it will help traditional treatment, including inhalations. For infants, use a steaming bath option. To do this, you need to fill the bath with boiling water so that the baby can breathe hot air. Steaming lasts twenty minutes and for better effect add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil (when there is no allergy). The second treatment option is to add honey to breast milk based on half a glass, a teaspoon of honey. This tea can be drunk up to three times during the day.

    A simple massage of the sternum and feet is considered a useful procedure for treating dry cough in children at home. It is performed with light patting movements and tapping, which promotes the rapid removal of mucus. Massaging gives more effect when using balm.

    Let's consider the treatment of dry cough in children with folk remedies, specifically badger fat and pine buds.

    A good result is achieved by using a tincture of pine buds in milk or water. To make it, add tbsp to 500 ml of boiling milk. l. raw materials, turn off the heat, leave to brew for up to an hour. Children should be given 50 ml of warm tincture every two hours throughout the day. If there is no milk, you can use plain water, and pine buds can be replaced with spruce shoots.

    For infants and older children, badger fat is prescribed for external use - rubbing the back, chest, feet. Be sure to cover with a blanket after the rubbing procedure. When the baby starts to sweat, the underwear needs to be changed to fresh ones and wrapped warmly again.

    Children over three years old are often prescribed badger fat orally, half a teaspoon, a full spoon before meals, three times a day. If the doctor prescribed badger fat, but the child cannot drink it, then you can buy the fat in capsules.

    Cough prevention

    It is much better when parents monitor their health and well-being, preventing the occurrence of cough. Initially, you need to worry about the immune system so that the body counteracts illnesses of a viral and infectious nature. Prevention of dry cough in children is presented below:

    • Frequent walks outside and ventilation of the room where the child sleeps.
    • The temperature should not exceed 22ºС, humidity from 50% to 70%.
    • Don't wrap up your child! Watch him sweat.
    • Active forms of entertainment, sports, swimming in pools and lakes help strengthen immune system and healthy physiological development.
    • The correct daily routine also matters. The child must get out of bed, go to bed, eat, and maintain hygiene at the same time. The child should spend the day actively. As for children under the age of six, they must be put to bed during the day after lunch.
    • Food must be high in calories and include healthy products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat. You can always consult a specialist about nutrition.
    • Help maintain good hygiene: wash your hands, wear clean clothes, clean your room. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms will not be able to weaken your well-being.

    Dry cough in a child should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a pediatrician. Remember that self-treatment Without a doctor's examination, it can only cause harm. Not all over-the-counter medications are as safe as you might think. Certain means It is prohibited to take in combination with other drugs. There are also contraindications to taking medications. Therefore, take care of your children, monitor their health and contact the pediatrician for help in a timely manner.

    The child constantly coughs, the throat is red, irritated, annoying headache and general malaise? It’s good if sputum comes out along with the cough, because in this case we can say that the baby will quickly recover. But in the case of a dry cough, everything is more complicated, since it can be a symptom various diseases, including serious ones. In our article we will look at how to treat it.

    The main causes of dry cough

    Coughing is an important “signal” of the body, which is a reflex that helps remove mucus, germs and other foreign bodies. If the cough begins to “suffocate”, the sputum is not expectorated, it is called dry. This situation is especially dangerous in a child, since it indicates the presence viral infection, which can either last a long time in the body, or will go away in a couple of days with proper treatment.

    Many parents don't want to stuff their kids pharmaceutical products. In this case, you can resort to folk medicine, since in this case the influence of “chemistry” on the body will be minimal.

    We use herbs

    Treatment using various herbs helps get rid of dry cough. Let's look at the most famous options:

    Mustard plasters

    Mustard plasters must be used very carefully, as they can cause increased production of sputum, which can provoke inflammation in the bronchi. In addition, mustard plasters vapors are quite caustic - inhaling them can cause burns to the mucous membranes.

    You should also not use them when:


    If you persuade your child to do the procedure, you can get rid of a dry cough quite quickly, because this procedure much more effective than the most famous pharmaceutical drugs.

    The main thing is to use natural ingredients for the procedure, adding two drops of rosemary oil to the water or tea tree. This will not only relieve symptoms, but also relieve headaches.


    Compresses are a fairly effective folk remedy. When applying compresses to chest the tissues quickly warm up, they have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    They can be oil, alcohol, wet, dry or hot.

    Before using them, you should make sure that the baby does not have a very high temperature.

    What medications should I use?

    It is worth noting that folk remedies are not always as effective as we would like; for example, they are unlikely to cope with a disease that is too advanced. In this case, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs, and you should consult a doctor in advance.


    Thanks to the development of modern pharmaceuticals, you can buy any drug, choosing the most suitable one both in terms of cost and effect; dozens of different drugs are on sale.

    Before buying syrup, you should carefully study the instructions, which contain contraindications. The drugs have different effects:

    To get rid of an obsessive cough, doctors usually prescribe dry mixtures: they need to be diluted with water in the required proportion and taken orally. The advantages include: natural composition, wide range effects, convenient dosage.

    Remedies for allergic cough

    It is best to first remove the cause of the allergy. For example, dust, animal hair, the use of certain washing powders. If this does not help get rid of the cough, you should buy a suitable remedy at the pharmacy to suppress this reaction. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor; there is no need to self-medicate.

    Other drugs

    If your child has pneumonia, inflammatory process, laryngitis, your doctor may prescribe cough powders. The most famous is the ACC remedy, when taken, the effect will be visible already on the second day.

    Treatment methods according to Dr. Komarovsky

    Dr. Komarovsky is a famous doctor who is popular for his non-standard, but very in effective ways treatment.

    In his opinion, in the fight against dry cough it is necessary to influence the cough center. This is where drugs containing codeine will come to the rescue, but taking them without a doctor’s prescription is strictly not recommended.

    There are also more gentle means that are as safe as possible for the child. The most effective include:

    • Mukaltin;
    • Bromhexine drops;
    • Ambroxol.

    The regimen and period of their use should be prescribed only by a doctor.

    Should also be carried out preventive actions which will help the child recover faster. For example, according to Komarovsky, humid indoor air is one of the important conditions for recovery, since the composition of the air directly affects the amount of sputum excreted. But dry air in the apartment, on the contrary, leads to increased coughing.

    Hence the conclusion: constantly ventilate the room, or better yet, buy special air humidifiers. In addition, the room temperature should not be more than +20 degrees.

    Another one important recommendation- lack of dust in the apartment, because the more there is, the higher the risk of mucus drying out. This is why it is so important to regularly carry out wet cleaning, and without using household chemicals, as it can, on the contrary, provoke a cough.

    Don’t neglect other advice from Dr. Komarovsky:

    1. Drink as much fluid as possible - water, herbal teas, healthy drinks. Moreover, the water temperature should be the same as body temperature, this leads to rapid dilution of sputum. To understand whether a child drinks enough liquid, you just need to watch how he goes to the toilet - if the baby goes to the toilet once every 3-3.5 hours, then there is enough liquid.
    2. It is also recommended to keep your feet warm. If the temperature is low, you can make mustard baths, wear warm socks - you can even add a teaspoon of mustard to them. During this same period, it would be useful to make mustard plasters.

    To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to take walks - this is what Komarovsky believes. But only in case of absence high temperature. Folk remedies will also help:

    • a glass of milk and honey before bed;
    • raspberry tea;
    • cranberry warm drink.

    Mashed bananas can also help relieve symptoms: mash one fruit, add a small amount of warm water to thin the puree, and give it to your child. You can prepare decoctions or teas based on viburnum, since it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

    In the absence of fever, you can do light warming massages and apply compresses to your back and chest.

    Now you know why a dry cough may appear, how to treat it correctly, and what advice the famous doctor Komarovsky gives. By following the tips given here, you can quickly cure your child.

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