Home Pulpitis How to cure children from bronchitis. How to treat bronchitis in a child: primary and auxiliary therapy

How to cure children from bronchitis. How to treat bronchitis in a child: primary and auxiliary therapy

When a child is sick, Special attention focuses on the effectiveness and safety of treatment. Traditional methods of treatment often combine these two requirements, and therefore are widely used for children.

How to quickly cure bronchitis in a child at home? What products can be used, and can similar products be used to treat pneumonia?

The inside of the bronchi is lined with a mucous membrane, which is extremely important for normal functioning. respiratory tract. If the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, bronchitis occurs. This can be facilitated by the ingress of various particles into the air:

  1. Dust.
  2. Allergens.
  3. Viruses.
  4. Bacteria.
  5. Toxins.

Normally, trapped particles accumulate on the mucous membrane and are expelled from the body with a cough. When the concentration of infectious agents exceeds the norm, the following occurs in the bronchi:

  1. Edema.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Excess mucus production.

According to the nature of the course, the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. Spicy. Symptoms of the disease increase quickly and subside within a week. In acute bronchitis, the immune system copes well with infection and inflammation, and complications rarely occur.
  2. Chronic. The symptoms last quite a long time, but are less pronounced than with acute bronchitis. This form is rarely diagnosed in children.
  3. Obstructive. Often occurs in children under 7 years of age. Severe swelling of the mucous membrane and difficult to separate sputum narrow the lumen of the bronchi, leading to respiratory failure. The drug is prescribed in cases where a coughing attack causes suffocation.

Treatment of bronchitis in children with folk remedies is most effective at the first symptoms of the acute form. To get rid of obstructive cough, as a rule, folk remedies are not enough. The same applies to the treatment of pneumonia. Acute bronchitis, on the contrary, is a condition when the body can cope without medications, and help from folk recipes will be very helpful.

The first symptoms of bronchitis

Most often, bronchitis is a consequence of ARVI, which could not stay in the nasopharynx. The first symptoms may include:

  1. Irritability or fatigue in the child.
  2. Dry cough that later becomes wet.
  3. Possible increase in temperature.
  4. Sore throat, runny nose.
  5. Increased sputum production, coughing in the morning.

At the first symptoms, it is not recommended to immediately run to the pharmacy for medications. It's better to use one of folk recipes which are given below. Such procedures will help quickly eliminate symptoms and will be absolutely safe for the child.

If pneumonia is suspected, on the contrary, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe the right drug . As a rule, this is complex therapy, which includes an antibiotic (Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Amoxiclav) and drugs that help cleanse the respiratory tract (Erespal, Lazolvan).

Rules for parents

Parents need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. That's right (virus and runny nose or the child is frozen).
  2. Even if the child is in good general health, his physical and emotional stress should be reduced. Bed rest or quiet walks outside are recommended.
  3. Maintaining optimal climatic conditions– air temperature about 20 degrees, humidity 60%.
  4. When you have a fever, you cannot do warming procedures.
  5. Antitussives are more dangerous than expectorants. The cough should not be stopped, but its cause should be eliminated.
  6. You can lower your temperature without medications using recipes made from diaphoretics - linden, raspberries, elderberries, raisins.

If you cannot identify the cause yourself or are in doubt, do not risk your child’s health - call a doctor! A competent specialist will tell you how to cure bronchitis as quickly and safely as possible.


Often folk remedies help get rid of infection at the very beginning of the disease. Complex composition useful substances, which are found in foods of plant and animal origin, contribute to recovery in several ways:

  1. Raises the body's own defenses.
  2. Reduce the inflammatory process.
  3. They have a detrimental effect on the cause.

Regardless of whether the child is 12 years old or 2 years old, most folk recipes have only a positive effect on the body, unlike pills. The most effective folk remedies are:

When treating a baby, it should be taken into account that the sensitivity of the skin is much higher. Massage should be done with minimal effort, and external products should be spread in a thin layer.


With propolis. Frozen propolis should be grated and heated in a water bath with butter. The mixture is filtered and taken three times a day, adding 1 teaspoon to warm milk.

Coniferous. The chopped pine needles are poured with boiling water, infused, sugar is added and cooked until thickened. The result is a very tasty syrup, which is taken several times a day in a tablespoon.

With chocolate. A very effective and tasty mixture for the treatment of bronchitis consists of: aloe, badger fat, chocolate, honey. The ingredients are heated and mixed until smooth. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Onion syrup. 100 g of onion are covered with sugar and left overnight. In the morning, the mixture is pounded into puree and filtered. Take several times a day in small portions.

Onions and honey. A mixture of onion juice and honey has a good bactericidal effect. Children under 8 years old mix 1 teaspoon of each ingredient, over 8 years old - a dessert spoon. The mixture can be further diluted with 50 ml of water.

Honey cake. Prepare a mixture of flour, honey and mustard, and form two flat cakes. Then they are placed on the chest and back, wrapped in something warm. The compress warms up the bronchi well and effectively fights infection.

Potato flatbread. You need to boil and crush 4 potatoes, add soda and form 2 cakes. One is placed on the chest, the second on the back. You need to hold it until the cakes have cooled, and then wipe the skin dry and put the child to sleep.

Honey-vodka compress. The child's chest is smeared with honey, covered with a cloth soaked in vodka and water, cellophane is placed on top and dressed warmly. Leave it overnight.

Mustard plaster with oil. Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan to 50 degrees, mustard plasters are dipped into it and applied to the chest and back area. The child is insulated from above and the compress is left until the morning.

Castor oil. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil and 1 tbsp. spoons of turpentine. The mixture is heated and rubbed onto the child’s feet, chest and back.


Bronchitis can be easily avoided by maintaining local and general immunity at a high level.

Optimal climate and air humidity will help avoid drying out of the mucous membrane and accumulation of sputum. Cool and moist air helps well with spasms of the respiratory tract, eliminating the need to take Berodual for bronchitis

The main causes of bronchitis:

If you decide to treat your child yourself, first create a calm regime for him that would promote treatment and recovery.

  • Do not force your child to bed. Let him spend time in quiet games.
  • Ventilate the room often and regularly, and also carry out wet cleaning.
  • The child must wear warm clothes.
  • The diet, during the period of illness, remains unchanged for age. Add more vegetables and fruits to your child's diet.
  • In order for the process of liquefaction of sputum and its removal to be at the proper level, the child needs to drink more fluids (juices, fruit drinks, etc.).
  • Along with taking medications, use other treatment methods: foot baths, general; mustard plasters; inhalations, etc.

Symptoms and course of bronchitis

— Beginning of bronchitis

  • The first symptoms of bronchitis, like a common cold, are a runny nose and cough. The cough is usually dry and hacking.
  • An increase in body temperature may occur.
  • Pain and wheezing occur behind the sternum.
  • Sometimes shortness of breath may occur.
  • A dry cough changes after a few days wet cough and sputum production begins.
  • The type of bronchitis can be determined by the type of sputum produced. At acute form- the sputum is transparent; in the chronic form, the sputum contains purulent inclusions.

— Acute form of bronchitis

Acute form of bronchitis, usually lasts 3-4 days. If you start treatment in a timely manner and carry it out correctly, the acute form will be cured within 10 days. Otherwise, the disease may gradually develop into chronic form.
When diagnosing bronchitis, first of all, they are interested in the nature of the cough, the color and consistency of the sputum. The doctor listens to the child for the presence of wet or dry wheezing, prolonged exhalations. In addition, they are required to undergo a chest x-ray and a general blood test.

How to protect your child from bronchitis?

Young children and preschool age most often suffer from bronchitis. To protect them from this disease, it is necessary to prevent prolonged runny noses, protect the child from hypothermia, and provide him with adequate nutrition. healthy eating, ensure optimal sanitary and living conditions and do not allow the child to be in a smoky room.

When treating a child at home, you need to know that the room temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees, and the humidity should not be lower than 65%. Along with medicines, traditional medicine methods are widely used to treat bronchitis.
If there is the first suspicion that the child is sick, place onions and garlic on plates in the children's room. You need to give your child something to drink that will help him sweat well. For this, teas or decoctions of dry raspberries, mint, sage, linden, and elderberry are used. It is advisable to use antipyretic decoctions that cause heavy sweating, drink in the evening.

How to cure a child's bronchitis quickly: 14 simple ways

1. Milk with honey

In the morning, it is good to give your child hot milk with honey, goat fat and a pinch of soda. Boil the honey first. At least this partially neutralizes it beneficial features, but the drink will not cause coughing attacks.

2. Black radish juice

Finely grate the black radish and squeeze out the juice. Combine it with liquid honey and give it to the child for coughing - 2 tbsp before meals. spoons. Warm serum will help the release of phlegm.

3. Compress on the chest

Compress for infants. Grate 1 radish, add 2 tbsp. spoons - flour, honey and mustard powder. Mix the ingredients and make a cake. The chest under this mustard plaster must be lubricated with sunflower oil. Wrap the baby in a woolen scarf. Do it every evening - 7 days.

4. A mixture of honey and melted fat

Treatment of bronchitis in infants - boil honey (50 g), add goose or goat rendered fat (100 g). Stir and cool. Add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture to your baby's milk or porridge. It is advisable to give the baby this dose twice a day.

5. Warm milk with cocoa butter and massage

To treat bronchitis, let's drink warm Borjomi or warm milk with cocoa butter. To remove phlegm from the body, children undergo chest massage, in the collar area, and in the back area. You can do a honey massage in these parts of the body.

6. Aromatherapy

If the child is not allergic to aromatic oils, you can use fir, cedar or eucalyptus oil using an aroma lamp.

7. Inhalations

After one year the child can do steam inhalation from thyme, drops fir oil and potato peelings.

8. Ointment with lard

An ointment made with pork internal fat helps treat bronchitis very well. Melt the inner lard, drain and cool it. Add turpentine to pork fat and make an ointment. Use this ointment to rub your chest.

9. Onion tincture

Chop 0.5 kg of onion, squeeze out the juice and combine with 0.5 kg of sugar. Leave in the sun for 15 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

10. Tea made from coltsfoot, elderflower and asparagus

Coltsfoot leaves, black elderberry flowers, asparagus herb - take 5 g of each. Pour boiling water (200 g) over the mixture. Leave in a thermos for 1 hour. Drink the infusion like tea - three times a day.

11. Bran infusion

2 l. Boil water and add 500 g of bran. Boil for 10 minutes, add sugar to taste. Drink warm instead of any drinks: tea, juice, compotes.

12. Herbal decoctions

Decoctions of marshmallow root, plantain leaves, and black currant are used in the treatment of bronchitis.

13. Badger fat

Bronchitis can be cured very well with badger fat. Its consumption helps improve protein metabolism and improves immunity. Badger fat is used both internally and for rubbing. 8 teaspoons of melted badger fat, 6 teaspoons of cocoa, 100 g of good butter, a bar of dark chocolate (without additives). Make a homogeneous mass, spread on bread and consume 3 times a day. Badger fat is also used for preventive purposes.

14. Breathing exercises

If the child is active enough, then you can cleanse the lungs using breathing exercises that will help the process of sputum discharge and coughing. Be sure to ventilate the room before classes. If your child already knows how to inflate balloons or has the opportunity to blow soap bubbles, combine a useful activity with pleasant entertainment. These are peculiar breathing exercises, which will help cleanse the lungs and recover faster.

With bronchitis, infection or allergic reaction affects the respiratory canals. Inflammation leads to swelling of the mucous layer, narrowing and clogging of the bronchi. If bronchitis occurs in children, treatment at home can be carried out only after visiting a doctor. The pediatrician includes complex therapy pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

When the bronchial mucous membranes are damaged, sputum is formed in the respiratory tract. Pathological exudate accumulates if viruses, bacteria or allergens enter the lungs.

The infectious form of the disease is caused by:

  • colds;
  • flu;
  • ARVI.

Allergic bronchitis is caused by:

  • aerosols;
  • aggressive volatile substances;
  • smoky air;
  • other irritants.

Based on the duration of progression, the disease is divided into 3 types:

  1. Spicy. The exacerbation period lasts 2-3 weeks.
  2. Chronic. It replaces the acute form of the disease. The disease does not disappear for 3 months or more.
  3. Recurrent. The child experiences the disease at least 3 times a year.

The classification of a disease is influenced by the causes that cause it. Childhood bronchitis is divided into 4 types:

  1. Viral. The inflammatory process in the respiratory canals is caused by viruses.
  2. Bacterial. In this case, bacteria are the causative agents. Colonies of streptococci and staphylococci form in the bronchi.
  3. Allergic. The disease is caused by various irritating substances entering the respiratory tract. The pathology resolves after the allergen is identified and eliminated.
  4. Obstructive. With this type of disease, blockage of the bronchi occurs in children under one year of age and older.. The canals become clogged if the lumen in them is too narrowed, spasms appear, and sputum separation is difficult. The passage of air into the lungs through clogged airways is complicated. The often occurring obstructive form leads to bronchial asthma.


When bronchitis develops, a child experiences the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • severe runny nose;
  • debilitating cough accompanied by sniffling, squelching and gurgling;
  • heat;
  • complicated wheezing breathing;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • poor appetite.

TO danger signs include:

  • temperature reaching 38 degrees or higher;
  • increased breathing (more than 70 breaths/min);
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath;
  • pale skin.

If aggravated symptoms appear, the child should be seen immediately by a doctor. He needs emergency medical attention.

Drug treatment

If bronchitis occurs in children, treatment at home is agreed upon with the pediatrician. Only a doctor is able to determine the type of pathology, identify the pathogen and prescribe adequate therapy.

To choose from medicines The type of bronchitis and the severity of the disease are affected by:

  1. For the bacterial form, antibiotics are prescribed, even if the child is a newborn. Without them, it is impossible to suppress inflammation, and the danger of disease is excessively great.
  2. Viral bronchitis is treated with immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.
  3. Mucolytics and bronchodilators are used to liquefy and accelerate the discharge of sputum.
  4. To combat difficult breathing, a nebulizer is used - a device for inhalation, and medications that can expand the lumen of the respiratory canals.
  5. At allergic form immunostimulants, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If bronchitis develops in an infant or a child of a different age, you should:

  • Monitor the humidity in the room. If the air in the home is dry, it is humidified using special devices, containers with water, and wet towels.
  • Do massages, compresses, inhalations and other physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Adjust drinking regime. Give fruit drinks, compotes, and herbal teas to a sick child without restriction.
  • Balance your diet. The baby needs meat and seafood dishes, chicken broth, fruits, and vegetable salads.

Newborn babies continue to be breastfed. With mother's milk, the baby receives nutritional and immune-boosting substances, vitamins and minerals.

During the first 5 days of illness, children are prohibited from walking. The home where the sick baby is located is disinfected, periodically turning on a quartz lamp. The radiation emanating from the lamp destroys bacteria and viruses.

Traditional methods

Herbal medicine is used to treat childhood bronchitis in early stages. Home remedies are used in addition to medications. Children are treated with medications recommended by the doctor.

Bronchitis often occurs due to untreated colds. In a child 3 years of age or younger (especially in infants), sputum accumulates in the respiratory canals, because babies are not able to completely cough up the mucous exudate.

The release of mucus is facilitated by giving the child a simple massage.

The baby is placed on his stomach so that his head is lower than his body, and his back is tapped with his fingertips. Vibrations clear the airways from exudate.

Effective recipes

The following methods help to quickly cope with bronchitis:

Methods for treating chronic bronchitis

If the disease has developed into a chronic form, the main therapy is supplemented with home treatment methods. In this case, the following folk remedies for bronchitis for children are used:

The risk of developing bronchitis is reduced if the cold is treated in a timely manner, periodically given multivitamins to the child, strengthened immunity and hardening. At the first signs of pathology, treatment should be consulted with a doctor.

Acute bronchitis in a child is a fairly common and dangerous disease. Although bronchial inflammation is mild and responds well to treatment, the pathology causes serious complications. The disease should be treated immediately, but do it wisely.

But a dry hacking cough can be alleviated with the help of freshly squeezed lingonberry juice and adding sugar or melted natural honey to it.

For acute bronchitis, it is useful for children to drink infusions or decoctions of healing herbs. This Linden blossom, leaves of viburnum, coltsfoot, black currant. When making, brew a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water.

If the child’s temperature does not exceed normal, it is useful to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Oil chest wraps(except for the heart area).
  2. Compress treatment. It is better to use boiled potatoes with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine and vegetable oil. You can use any vegetable oil. It is heated, soaked in cotton fabric and applied to the body. The compress is secured on top with wax paper.
  3. Put your baby to bed with two heating pads on the chest and back. Do not forget to change the water in them promptly and do not allow the heating pads to cool down.
  4. Soar your feet every evening(you can use mustard powder) and put mustard plasters (but not homemade ones). Provided that the child has reached the age of 3 years.

Acute bronchitis is dangerous due to its complications. To prevent the development of dangerous situations, when treating in mandatory Preventive measures should also be taken.

Prevention of acute bronchitis in children

If the disease has visited a child at least once, there is a high probability of its recurrence. To prevent returns dangerous situation, arm yourself with the following tips:

  1. Stick to a good daily routine.
  2. Take daily walks, but in good weather.
  3. Vaccinate your child promptly in anticipation of an impending flu epidemic.
  4. Balance your children's diet by including plenty of fruits and vegetables in the menu.
  5. Introduce your child to the basics of hardening, pave the way to the pool or sports sections.
  6. Spare your child the sight of their parents smoking. Passive smoking - common reason acute bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis in children under one year of age - how are infants treated?

In a baby acute bronchitis becomes a consequence of an incompletely cured acute respiratory infection or flu. How to treat pathology in infancy? After all, the baby’s immunity is still weak, and most medications contraindicated. The first thing parents should do is contact a pediatrician and carefully follow all his recommendations.

Often used to treat disease in infants as complementary therapy use massage. Parents can do it, but subject to the following rules:

  1. Before the session, the baby should be given medicine prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Give the child a warm drink. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and promote the removal of sputum.
  3. The best time for a massage is day or morning. If you massage your baby in the evening, he will cough at night and have trouble resting.
  4. To prevent overload of the gastrointestinal tract, conduct sessions 2 before meals or an hour after.
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed half an hour. It is better to massage 2-3 times a week.

First, warm up the baby's body with baby oil and begin stroking the chest. Movements should be soft with a gradual increase. After the chest, move on to the upper back. After stroking, proceed to intense rubbing.

Important! When massaging, avoid the area of ​​the heart, hypochondrium and kidneys. Movements should be smooth and not cause pain to the baby.

In addition to medicines and home massage When treating acute bronchitis in infants, drinking plenty of fluids is important. Let your baby drink warm water, baby teas or juices more often. Make sure there is good humidity in the house. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky also advises this.

Tips for treating acute bronchitis in children from Dr. Komarovsky

The main advice that Dr. Komarovsky gives when treating acute bronchitis in children, the mucus produced by the bronchi should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, maintain the correct microclimate in the nursery: air humidity within 50-60% at a temperature of +18-22⁰ C.

Advice! This can be achieved by regular good ventilation, using air humidifiers, or simply hanging wet sheets on radiators.

If your doctor suggests adding antibiotics to your treatment, ask about the advisability of using aggressive agents. According to Komarovsky, in 99% of cases acute bronchitis is the result viral infection, and only 1% of the disease actually requires antibiotics.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in children should include traditional ways: drink plenty of warm fluids, take antipyretics at fever and bed rest. But as soon as the child’s condition returns to normal, get him out of bed and go for daily walks.

If cases of inflammation recur, think about what leads to relapses of the disease. Do the parents smoke, does the child have allergies, what is the air like in your area. With long-term residence in areas with unfavorable ecology, it develops.

The most important thing is to prevent recurrence of the disease (very dangerous) and not to engage in self-treatment. After all, a successful recovery depends on timely therapy, which can only be prescribed by an experienced pediatrician.

Useful video

From the video below you will learn some more tips on treating acute bronchitis from Dr. Komarovsky:

– nonspecific inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, occurring with damage to bronchi of various sizes. Bronchitis in children is manifested by a cough (dry or with sputum of various types), increased body temperature, chest pain, bronchial obstruction, and wheezing. Bronchitis in children is diagnosed on the basis of auscultation, chest radiography, general blood test, sputum examination, respiratory function, bronchoscopy, bronchography. Pharmacotherapy of bronchitis in children is carried out antibacterial drugs, mucolytics, antitussives; physiotherapeutic treatment includes inhalations, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, cupping and vibration massage, exercise therapy.

General information

Bronchitis in children is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree of various etiologies. For every 1000 children, there are 100-200 cases of bronchitis annually. Acute bronchitis accounts for 50% of all respiratory tract lesions in children early age. The disease develops especially often in children in the first 3 years of life; It is most severe in infants. Due to the variety of reasons significant factors, bronchitis in children is the subject of study in pediatrics, pediatric pulmonology and allergology-immunology.

Causes of bronchitis in children

In most cases, bronchitis in a child develops following previous viral diseases- influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial infection. Somewhat less frequently, bronchitis in children is caused by bacterial pathogens (streptococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and coli, Klebsiella), fungi of the genus Aspergillus and Candida, intracellular infection (chlamydia, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus). Bronchitis in children often accompanies measles, diphtheria, and whooping cough.

Bronchitis of allergic etiology occurs in children sensitized by inhaled allergens entering the bronchial tree with inhaled air: house dust, household chemicals, plant pollen, etc. In some cases, bronchitis in children is associated with irritation of the bronchial mucosa by chemical or physical factors: polluted air, tobacco smoke, gasoline vapors, etc.

There is a predisposition to bronchitis in children with a burdened perinatal background (birth injuries, prematurity, malnutrition, etc.), constitutional anomalies (lymphatic-hypoplastic and exudative-catarrhal diathesis), congenital defects of the respiratory system, frequent respiratory diseases (rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis), impaired nasal breathing (adenoids, deviated nasal septum), chronic purulent infection (sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis).

Epidemiologically highest value have a cold season (mainly autumn-winter), seasonal outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, children staying in children's groups, and unfavorable social and living conditions.

Pathogenesis of bronchitis in children

The specifics of the development of bronchitis in children are inextricably linked with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory tract in childhood: abundant blood supply to the mucous membrane, looseness of the submucosal structures. These features contribute rapid spread exudative-proliferative reaction from the upper respiratory tract into the depths of the respiratory tract.

Viral and bacterial toxins suppress motor activity ciliated epithelium. As a result of infiltration and swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as increased secretion of viscous mucus, the “flickering” of the cilia slows down even more - thereby turning off the main mechanism of self-cleaning of the bronchi. It leads to sharp decline drainage function bronchi and difficulty in the outflow of mucus from the lower parts of the respiratory tract. Against this background, conditions are created for further reproduction and spread of infection, obstruction of smaller caliber bronchi with secretions.

Thus, the features of bronchitis in children are the significant extent and depth of damage to the bronchial wall, the severity inflammatory reaction.

Classification of bronchitis in children

Based on their origin, primary and secondary bronchitis in children is distinguished. Primary bronchitis initially begins in the bronchi and affects only the bronchial tree. Secondary bronchitis in children is a continuation or complication of another pathology of the respiratory tract.

The course of bronchitis in children can be acute, chronic and recurrent. Taking into account the extent of inflammation, limited bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi within one segment or lobe of the lung), widespread bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi of two or more lobes) and diffuse bronchitis in children (bilateral inflammation of the bronchi) are distinguished.

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory reaction, bronchitis in children can be catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, hemorrhagic, ulcerative, necrotic and mixed. In children, catarrhal, catarrhal-purulent and purulent bronchitis is more common. A special place among respiratory tract lesions is occupied by bronchiolitis in children (including obliterative) - bilateral inflammation terminal departments bronchial tree.

According to etiology, viral, bacterial, viral-bacterial, fungal, irritative and allergic bronchitis in children are distinguished. Based on the presence of obstructive components, non-obstructive and obstructive bronchitis in children is distinguished.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

Development acute bronchitis in children, in most cases, signs of a viral infection precede: sore throat, coughing, hoarseness, runny nose, symptoms of conjunctivitis. A cough soon appears: obsessive and dry at the beginning of the disease, by 5-7 days it becomes softer, moist and productive with the separation of mucous or mucopurulent sputum. In case of acute bronchitis, a child experiences an increase in body temperature to 38-38.5°C (lasting from 2-3 to 8-10 days depending on the etiology), sweating, malaise, pain in the chest when coughing, in young children - shortness of breath. The course of acute bronchitis in children is usually favorable; the disease ends with recovery on average after 10-14 days. In some cases, acute bronchitis in children can be complicated by bronchopneumonia. With recurrent bronchitis in children, exacerbations occur 3-4 times a year.

Obstructive bronchitis in children it usually manifests itself in the 2-3rd year of life. The leading sign of the disease is bronchial obstruction, which is expressed by paroxysmal cough, noisy wheezing, prolonged exhalation, and distant wheezing. Body temperature may be normal or low-grade. General state children usually remain satisfactory. Tachypnea, shortness of breath, and participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing are less pronounced than with bronchiolitis. Severe obstructive bronchitis in children can lead to respiratory failure and the development of acute cor pulmonale.

Chronical bronchitis in children is characterized by exacerbations inflammatory process 2-3 times a year, occurring consistently for at least two years in a row. Cough is the most constant sign chronic bronchitis in children: during remission it is dry, during exacerbations it is wet. Sputum is coughed up with difficulty and in small quantities; has a mucopurulent or purulent character. There is a low and variable fever. A chronic purulent-inflammatory process in the bronchi can be accompanied by the development of deforming bronchitis and bronchiectasis in children.

Diagnosis of bronchitis in children

Primary diagnosis of bronchitis in children is carried out by a pediatrician, clarification - by a pediatric pulmonologist and a pediatric allergist-immunologist. When establishing the form of bronchitis in children, clinical data (nature of cough and sputum, frequency and duration of exacerbations, course characteristics, etc.), auscultatory data, results of laboratory and instrumental studies are taken into account.

The auscultatory picture of bronchitis in children is characterized by scattered dry (wheezing in case of bronchial obstruction) and moist rales of various sizes.

IN general analysis blood at the height of the severity of the inflammatory process, neutrophilic leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and an increase in ESR are detected. Allergic bronchitis in children is characterized by eosinophilia. A blood gas study is indicated for bronchiolitis to determine the degree of hypoxemia. Of particular importance in the diagnosis of bronchitis in children is sputum analysis: microscopic examination, sputum culture, AFB examination, PCR analysis. If the child is unable to independently cough up bronchial secretions, bronchoscopy with sputum collection is performed.

X-ray of the lungs with bronchitis in children reveals an increase in the pulmonary pattern, especially in the hilar zones. When performing an FVD, a child may experience moderate obstructive disorders. During the period of exacerbation chronic bronchitis in children with

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