Home Dental treatment Lifestyle diseases and their prevention. Human health factors

Lifestyle diseases and their prevention. Human health factors

Basic concepts of population health; factors determining health

Objective indicator state of human health - his physical development, which is understood as a complex of morphological and functional characteristics body: size, shape, structural and mechanical qualities and harmonious development of the human body, as well as the reserve of its physical strength.

Basics physical development laid down during the period intrauterine development, however, natural-climatic, socio-economic, environmental factors, life stereotypes that occur in subsequent periods of life determine differences in the physical development of people of different nationalities living in different economic-geographical zones.

Basic indicators individual health person:

Harmony of physical and neuropsychic development;

The presence or absence of a chronic disease;

Level of functioning and reserve capabilities of organs and systems of the body;

Level of immune defense and nonspecific resistance of the body.

The following components of health are distinguished: person.

1. Physical component of health- the state of organs and systems that ensure the vital functions of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous, digestive, genitourinary, etc.), as well as the state of the body’s bioenergy.

2. Psycho-emotional health- the ability to adequately assess and perceive one’s feelings and sensations, to consciously manage one’s emotional state, thanks to which a person is able to effectively withstand stressful loads and find safe outlets for negative emotions.

3. Intellectual development a person determines the level of creative activity in various fields of scientific and creative activity.

4. Social component of personal health is determined by a person’s place in society, the nature of his interaction with society, family and friends.

5. Professional component of health determined labor activity. The higher the level of professionalism of a person, the higher the requirements for work.

6. Spiritual development a person determines a person’s life values.

However, optimal health requires optimal relationship between man and the environment. In particular, it is important for a person to know the conditions in which he lives, works and rests (electromagnetic radiation, levels of air and drinking water pollution, the presence of geo-anomalous zones), and to be able to reduce their adverse effects. That is why the expediency of determining the ecology of each home, workplace, region of residence and markers of environmental distress based on condition assessment data is obvious.

Health is formed under the influence the following factors:

Endogenous (heredity, intrauterine influences, prematurity, congenital defects);

Natural and climatic (climate, terrain, rivers, seas, forests);

Socio-economic (level economic development society, working conditions, living conditions, food, recreation, cultural and educational level, hygienic skills, upbringing).

At the same time, the weight of various factors in the overall structure individual image life is unequal (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Proportion of factors affecting health

The health of each individual person is largely determined by his way of life.

Under the influence of long-term unfavorable factors, the level of physical development decreases, and, conversely, improvement of conditions and normalization of lifestyle contribute to an increase in the level of physical development.

Human self-preservation behavior is of great importance - people’s attitude towards their health and the health of their loved ones, which involves following the principles healthy image life.

Concept "healthy lifestyle" covers the main forms of human activity. Yu.P. Lisitsyn, based on the classifications of I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, identifies four categories in lifestyle (Fig. 2.2).

Concept "the quality of life" directly related to self-assessment of one’s own health level. In modern medicine, the term “health-related quality of life” is widely used. Currently, WHO has developed the following criteria for assessing health-related quality of life:

Physical (strength, energy, fatigue, pain, discomfort, sleep, rest);

Psychological (emotions, level of cognitive functions, self-esteem);

Level of independence (daily activities, performance);

Social life (personal relationships, social value);

Environment (safety, ecology, security, accessibility and quality of medical care, information, training opportunities, everyday life).

Category Standard of living Definition The degree to which a person’s material and spiritual needs are satisfied Characteristics Depends on the income of a person (family), the quantity and quality of material goods and services consumed, living conditions, accessibility and quality of education, healthcare and culture, level social payments and benefits
Life style The set of patterns of behavior of an individual Determined by historically established national and religious traditions, professional needs, as well as family foundations and individual habits
Way of life Established order, structure of social life, everyday life, culture It implies the satisfaction of a person’s material and spiritual needs for communication, recreation, and entertainment; directly depends on the level of culture, climatic and geographical conditions
The quality of life A person's perception of his own position in life in accordance with goals, expectations, norms and concerns Determined by the physical, social and emotional factors of a person’s life that are of significant importance to him and influence him (level of comfort, work, his own financial and social situation, level of performance)

A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, motivated human activity aimed at preventing adaptation failure by eliminating or reducing the impact of harmful environmental factors and increasing the specific and nonspecific resistance of the body, increasing the body’s reserves through training.

Currently, a healthy lifestyle is becoming an increasingly important way to preserve and strengthen the health of the individual and his offspring, and, consequently, the entire population as a whole.

Elements of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Regular physical and physical activity.

2. Exception bad habits(tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, substance abuse).

3. Psychological comfort and prosperous family relationships.

4. Economic and material independence.

5. High medical activity.

6. A nutritious, balanced, rational diet, adherence to a diet.

7. Job satisfaction, physical and mental comfort.

8. Active life position, social optimism.

9. Optimal work and rest regime.

10. Good rest (a combination of active and passive rest, compliance with hygienic requirements for sleep).

11. Competent environmental behavior.

12. Competent hygienic behavior.

13. Hardening.

Questions for self-control

1. List the groups of factors influencing the formation of health.

2. Formulate a definition of the concept of “healthy lifestyle” taking into account the new terminology.

3. Describe the concept of “way of life”.

4. Describe the concept of “standard of living”.

5. Describe the concept of “lifestyle”.

6. Describe the concept of “quality of life”.

An individual's level of health is determined by exposure to the most various factors, among which the most important are nutrition, physical activity, proper rest, the ability to withstand stress, the absence of bad habits, a reasonable work schedule and active rest, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and the use of natural factors for healing.

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In medicine, healthcare, and demography, since their inception, thousands of theoretical generalizations have been used and improved - teachings, concepts that study the most diverse aspects of human life that determine human health and illness, and risk factors for diseases. Sanology – This is a science about health and its protection. In table 6 shows the most famous and widespread theories of sanology.

Table 6

General theories of medicine, healthcare, population

Table 1 gives an idea of ​​general concepts about the essence of health, diseases and medical and demographic phenomena. 6.

At the heart of any of these scientific theories research lies disease risk factors.

Disease risk factors – These are factors that increase the likelihood of a particular disease occurring. The main risk factors are given in table. 7.

Table 7

Grouping of risk factors that determine health

From the table 7 it is clear that more than 50% of risk factors are related to a person’s lifestyle. The same trend persists when studying the effects on individual chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, metabolic, allergic, endocrine, oncological, neuropsychic and other disorders (Table 8).

Table 8

Distribution of risk factors for various chronic diseases and injuries

The composition of lifestyle factors (see Table 8) corresponds to such large health risk factors as smoking, alcohol consumption, psycho-emotional stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, etc. It is these factors that make up unhealthy image life, or rather, a way of life that is unfavorable for human health in conditions created by him, his activities or activities. Lifestyle acts as a collective sociological concept or category.

By their nature and origin, risk factors are primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. The category of primary risk factors includes those that usually act primarily, causing the disease.

There are also various pathological conditions, which are diseases in themselves and have their own primary risk factors. They are secondary factors in relation to various diseases For example, arterial hypertension is a secondary factor for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

In table Table 9 shows WHO data on primary and secondary major health risk factors (taking into account their “rating”).

Table 9

Big risk factors

In addition to individual risk factors, there are also risk groups, i.e. population groups, to a greater extent than others, predisposed to various diseases. These may include the elderly, children, pregnant women, people working in hazardous industries, etc. (Table 10).

Table 10

Main risk groups of the population, their classification

Table of contents
Health and lifestyle.
Health as a universal human value
Health as an indicator of population development
Factors affecting health
Statistics of health, morbidity, fertility, longevity and mortality
Definition of the concepts of “health” and “disease”
Assessment of individual and public health
Physiological health criteria
Socio-biological conditionality of health and disease
Concept, basic provisions and categories of eugenics
Medical genetics

The mutation process in humans and its role in hereditary pathology are characterized by the following indicators. 10% of human diseases are determined by pathological genes or genes that determine a predisposition to hereditary diseases. This does not include some forms of malignant tumors that result from somatic mutations. About 1% of newborns become ill due to gene mutations, some of which are new.

The mutation process in humans, like in all other organisms, leads to the emergence of alleles that negatively affect health. Absolute majority chromosomal mutations, ultimately leads to one form or another of pathology. Currently, more than 2000 hereditary human diseases have been discovered. This also includes chromosomal diseases. Another group of hereditary diseases is caused by genes, the implementation of which to one degree or another depends on the adverse effects of the environment, for example, gout. A negative environmental factor in this case is poor nutrition. There are diseases with a hereditary predisposition (hypertension, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, many forms of malignant tumors).

Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by changes (mutations), mainly chromosomal or gene, according to which chromosomal and actually hereditary (gene) diseases are conventionally distinguished. The latter include, for example, hemophilia, color blindness, and “molecular diseases.” Unlike so-called congenital diseases, which are detected from birth, hereditary diseases can appear many years after birth. About 2 thousand hereditary diseases and syndromes are known, many of which are the cause of high infant mortality. Medical genetic counseling plays an important role in the prevention of hereditary diseases.

2. Hereditary diseases caused by poor environmental conditions:

1) the influence of heavy metal salts on heredity.

Heavy metals are highly toxic substances that retain their toxic properties for a long time. According to the World Health Organization, they already rank second in terms of danger, behind pesticides and significantly ahead of such well-known pollutants as carbon dioxide and sulfur. In the forecast, they should become the most dangerous, more dangerous than nuclear power plant waste (second place) and solid waste (third place).

Poisoning with heavy metal salts begins even before a person is born. Heavy metal salts pass through the placenta, which, instead of protecting the fetus, poisons it day after day. Often the concentration of harmful substances in the fetus is even higher than in the mother. Babies are born with developmental defects genitourinary system, up to 25 percent of babies have deviations from the norm during kidney formation. The rudiments of internal organs appear already in the fifth week of pregnancy and from that moment on they are influenced by heavy metal salts. Well, since they also affect the mother’s body, disabling the kidneys, liver, and nervous system, is it any wonder that now you practically don’t see normal physiological childbirth, and babies come into this life with a lack of weight, with physical and mental developmental defects? .

And with every year of life, heavy metal salts dissolved in water add to their illnesses or aggravate them. congenital diseases, especially the digestive organs and kidneys. Often, one child suffers from 4-6 systems in the body. Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are a kind of indicator of trouble, and they are now found even in preschool children. There are other warning signs too. Thus, exceeding the level of lead leads to a decrease in intelligence. A psychological examination showed that we have up to 12 percent of such children.

What measures should today ensure the protection of human health and the environment from harmful influence technogenic metals? We can outline two main ways here: sanitary and technical reduction of the content of metals in environmental objects to maximum permissible (safe) levels through the introduction of architectural, planning, technological, technical and other measures; hygienic scientific development of acceptable levels of their content in external environment, requirements and recommendations, combined with constant monitoring of the condition and quality of this environment.

Prevention of chronic intoxication with metals and their compounds should be ensured, first of all, by replacing them, where possible, with harmless or less toxic substances. In cases where it does not seem realistic to exclude their use, it is necessary to develop such technological schemes and structures that would sharply limit the possibility of them polluting the air of industrial premises and the outside atmosphere. With regard to transport, which, as mentioned above, is one of the significant sources of lead emissions into the atmosphere, environmentally friendly fuel should be introduced everywhere. A very radical means is the creation of waste-free or low-waste technologies.

Along with the above measures, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of metals in the body. For this purpose, when medical examination workers and the population in cases of their contact with technogenic metals should be determined in biological environments body blood, urine, hair.

2) the influence of dioxins on heredity.

Dioxins remain one of the main dangers threatening our and future generations. Numerous studies show that extremely toxic and persistent organochlorine poisons, which include dioxins, are found everywhere - in water, air, soil, food, human body. At the same time, the federal authorities have not yet made a single real attempt to somehow protect the population from the “dioxin danger.”

Dioxins and dioxin-like substances are invisible but dangerous enemies. The power of their impact on humans is such that the issue of preserving life on Earth in general is already on the agenda. Dioxins are universal cellular poisons that affect all living things in the smallest concentrations. In terms of toxicity, dioxins are superior to such well-known poisons as curare, strychnine, and hydrocyanic acid. These compounds do not decompose in the environment for decades and enter the human body mainly with food, water and air.

Dioxin damage provokes malignant tumors; transmitted through mother's milk, lead to birth defects such as anencephaly (absence of the brain), " cleft lip", and others. Among the more long-term consequences of dioxins is the loss of the ability to reproduce offspring. In men, impotence and a decrease in the number of sperm are observed, in women there is an increased frequency of miscarriages.

The effect of dioxins on humans is due to their influence on the receptors of cells responsible for the functioning of hormonal systems. In this case, endocrine and hormonal disorders, the content of sex hormones, thyroid and pancreatic hormones changes, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, the processes of puberty and fetal development are disrupted. Children lag behind in development, their learning becomes difficult, young people develop diseases characteristic of old age. In general, the likelihood of infertility, spontaneous abortion, birth defects and other anomalies. The immune response also changes, which means the body’s susceptibility to infections increases, and the frequency of allergic reactions, oncological diseases.

The main danger of dioxins (which is why they are called super-ecotoxicants) is their effect on the immune-enzyme system of humans and all air-breathing creatures. The effects of dioxins are similar to the effects of damaging radiation. According to American scientists, dioxins play the role of a foreign hormone, suppressing the immune system and enhancing the effects of radiation, allergens, toxins, etc. This provokes the development of cancer, blood diseases and hematopoietic system, endocrine system, congenital deformities occur. Changes are inherited, the effect of dioxins extends over several generations. Women and children are especially susceptible to the damaging effects of dioxins: in women, all reproductive functions, children develop immunodeficiency (lowered immunity).

3) the effect of pesticides on heredity.

It is known that pesticides caused considerable harm to the health of people - both those who participated in their use and those who had nothing to do with it. Below is a small section from the book by L.A. Fedorov. and Yablokova A.V. “Pesticides are a dead end of civilization (a toxic blow to the biosphere and humans).”

Since all pesticides are mutagens and their high mutagenic activity has been proven in experiments on animals, including mammals, there is no doubt that in addition to the immediate and quickly noticeable consequences of their exposure, there must also be long-term genetic effects.

The duration of accumulation in humans is much longer than in experimental animals in which the mutagenic activity of pesticides was shown. It doesn't take a prophet to confidently predict a surge hereditary disorders in all pesticide-intensive agricultural areas of the world. As the world abandons the use of pesticides, the consequences of the pesticide strike on the gene

I. Mutation process in humans .

The mutation process in humans and its role in hereditary pathology are characterized by the following indicators. 10% of human diseases are determined by pathological genes or genes that determine a predisposition to hereditary diseases. This does not include some forms of malignancies that arise as a result of somatic mutations. About 1% of newborns become ill due to gene mutations, some of which are new.

The mutation process in humans, like in all other organisms, leads to the emergence of alleles that negatively affect health. The vast majority of chromosomal mutations ultimately lead to one form or another of pathology. Currently, more than 2000 hereditary human diseases have been discovered. This also includes chromosomal diseases. Another group of hereditary diseases is caused by genes, the implementation of which to one degree or another depends on the adverse effects of the environment, for example, gout. A negative environmental factor in this case is poor nutrition. There are diseases with a hereditary predisposition (hypertension, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, many forms of malignant tumors).

Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by changes (mutations), mainly chromosomal or gene, according to which chromosomal and actually hereditary (gene) diseases are conventionally distinguished. The latter include, for example, hemophilia, color blindness, and “molecular diseases.” Unlike so-called congenital diseases, which are detected from birth, hereditary diseases can appear many years after birth. About 2 thousand hereditary diseases and syndromes are known, many of which are the cause of high infant mortality. Medical genetic counseling plays an important role in the prevention of hereditary diseases.

2 . Hereditary diseases , caused by poor environmental conditions :

1) influence of heavy metal salts on heredity .

Heavy metals are highly toxic substances that retain their toxic properties for a long time. According to the World Health Organization, they already rank second in terms of danger, behind pesticides and significantly ahead of such well-known pollutants as carbon dioxide and sulfur. In the forecast, they should become the most dangerous, more dangerous than nuclear power plant waste (second place) and solid waste (third place).

Poisoning with heavy metal salts begins even before a person is born. Heavy metal salts pass through the placenta, which, instead of protecting the fetus, poisons it day after day. Often the concentration of harmful substances in the fetus is even higher than in the mother. Babies are born with malformations of the genitourinary system, and up to 25 percent of babies have abnormalities in the formation of kidneys. The rudiments of internal organs appear already in the fifth week of pregnancy and from that moment on they are influenced by heavy metal salts. Well, since they also affect the mother’s body, disabling the kidneys, liver, and nervous system, is it any wonder that now you practically don’t see normal physiological childbirth, and babies come into this life with a lack of weight, with physical and mental developmental defects? .

And with each year of life, salts of heavy metals dissolved in water add to their illnesses or aggravate congenital diseases, primarily of the digestive organs and kidneys. Often, one child suffers from 4-6 systems in the body. Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are a kind of indicator of trouble, and they are now found even in preschool children. There are other warning signs too. Thus, exceeding the level of lead leads to a decrease in intelligence. A psychological examination showed that we have up to 12 percent of such children.

What measures should today ensure the protection of human health and its environment from the harmful effects of technogenic metals? We can identify two main ways here: sanitary and technical - reducing the content of metals in environmental objects to maximum permissible (safe) levels through the introduction of architectural, planning, technological, technical and other measures; hygienic - scientific development of acceptable levels of their content in the external environment, requirements and recommendations in combination with constant monitoring of the condition and quality of this environment.

Prevention of chronic intoxication with metals and their compounds should be ensured, first of all, by replacing them, where possible, with harmless or less toxic substances. In cases where it does not seem realistic to exclude their use, it is necessary to develop such technological schemes and structures that would sharply limit the possibility of them polluting the air of industrial premises and the outside atmosphere. With regard to transport, which, as mentioned above, is one of the significant sources of lead emissions into the atmosphere, environmentally friendly fuel should be introduced everywhere. A very radical means is the creation of waste-free or low-waste technologies.

Along with the above measures, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of metals in the body. For this purpose, during a medical examination of workers and the population in cases of their contact with technogenic metals, they should be determined in the biological media of the body - blood, urine, and hair.

2) the effect of dioxins on heredity .

Dioxins remain one of the main dangers threatening our and future generations. Numerous studies show that extremely toxic and persistent organochlorine poisons, which include dioxins, are found everywhere - in water, air, soil, food, and the human body. At the same time, the federal authorities have not yet made a single real attempt to somehow protect the population from the “dioxin danger.”

Dioxins and dioxin-like substances are invisible but dangerous enemies. The power of their impact on humans is such that the issue of preserving life on Earth in general is already on the agenda. Dioxins are universal cellular poisons that affect all living things in the smallest concentrations. In terms of toxicity, dioxins are superior to such well-known poisons as curare, strychnine, and hydrocyanic acid. These compounds do not decompose in the environment for decades and enter the human body mainly with food, water and air.

Dioxin damage provokes malignant tumors; transmitted through mother's milk, they lead to birth defects such as anencephaly (absence of the brain), cleft lip, and others. Among the more long-term consequences of dioxins is the loss of the ability to reproduce offspring. Men experience impotence and a decrease in sperm count, and women experience an increased rate of miscarriages.

The effect of dioxins on humans is due to their influence on the receptors of cells responsible for the functioning of hormonal systems. In this case, endocrine and hormonal disorders occur, the content of sex hormones, thyroid and pancreatic hormones changes, which increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, and the processes of puberty and fetal development are disrupted. Children are lagging behind in development, their education is hampered, and young people develop diseases characteristic of old age. In general, the likelihood of infertility, spontaneous abortion, congenital defects and other anomalies increases. The immune response also changes, which means the body’s susceptibility to infections increases, and the frequency of allergic reactions and cancer increases.

The main danger of dioxins (which is why they are called super-ecotoxicants) is their effect on the immune-enzyme system of humans and all air-breathing creatures. The effects of dioxins are similar to the effects of damaging radiation. According to American scientists, dioxins play the role of a foreign hormone, suppressing the immune system and enhancing the effects of radiation, allergens, toxins, etc. This provokes the development of cancer, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system, the endocrine system, and congenital deformities occur. Changes are inherited, the effect of dioxins extends over several generations. Women and children are especially susceptible to the damaging effects of dioxins: in women all reproductive functions are impaired, in children immunodeficiency (lowered immunity) appears.

3) the effect of pesticides on heredity .

It is known that pesticides caused considerable harm to the health of people - both those who participated in their use and those who had nothing to do with it. Below is a small section from the book by L.A. Fedorov. and Yablokova A.V. “Pesticides are a dead end of civilization (a toxic blow to the biosphere and humans).”

Since all pesticides are mutagens and their high mutagenic activity has been proven in experiments on animals, including mammals, there is no doubt that in addition to the immediate and quickly noticeable consequences of their exposure, there must also be long-term genetic effects.

The duration of accumulation in humans is much longer than in experimental animals in which the mutagenic activity of pesticides was shown. It doesn't take a prophet to confidently predict a surge in hereditary disorders in all pesticide-intensive agricultural areas of the world. As the world moves away from the use of pesticides, the impact of pesticides on the human gene pool will become increasingly important.

To confirm this, let us present some of the already known facts in this area. As of 1987, the frequency of chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of people professionally exposed to pesticides had been studied for only 19 of them (this amounted to 4.2% of the total number of pesticides studied for mutagenic activity, and 6.5% of number of pesticides classified as potential mutagens) and in 12 groups of workers who were in contact with a complex of several pesticides. Thus, an increase in the level of chromosomal aberrations was established during a cytogenetic examination of a group of women exposed to toxaphene poisoning (in the USSR it was used under the name polychlorcamphene).

An increase in the frequency of chromosomal disorders has been established in people who have undergone acute poisoning organophosphorus pesticides, as well as in industrial workers exposed to chronic exposure such pesticides, and from agricultural workers who used them. For these same population groups, a significant increase in the level of embryonic mortality and the number congenital anomalies in the offspring.

An increase in the frequency of chromosomal disorders has already been found in many different examples - among workers in the production of zineb in Ukraine and hexachlorobutadiene and dactal in Russia (Ufa), among residents of cotton-growing areas of Uzbekistan, among children living in agricultural areas of Azerbaijan and Moldova, among greenhouse workers in Simferopol ( Ukraine) .

Due to the problem overall influence pesticides on human heredity, the issue of the impact of not only significant, but also small doses is extremely important. Unfortunately, the experience of genetic monitoring of persons constantly in contact with pesticides at work or due to pollution environment, is not very significant yet. Works devoted to genetic monitoring have already been mentioned above. professional groups due to the influence of pesticides. However, in general, there is an obvious discrepancy between the overall body of research on chemical mutagenesis and the negligible number of genetic surveys of people exposed to pesticides - potential mutagens.

Thus, a full assessment of the impact of excessive use of pesticides is ahead. However, the first results are already available.

The blood of practically healthy adolescents 14-17 years old, who had lived all their lives in one of two localities, was studied. In Ukraine, the pesticide load of the experimental and control zones differed by 3 times, although the content of pesticides in food products drinking water, air and soil in the experimental zone did not exceed, in the author’s opinion, hygiene standards those years. In Azerbaijan, experienced and

control zones differed in the level of pesticide use by 100 times, and pesticide contamination of environmental objects and food products in the experimental zone was 2-50 times higher than permissible levels.

In Ukraine, adolescents in the experimental zone have a tendency to exceed the population average level of spontaneous chromosomal mutations, but the differences between the main cytogenetic indicators of the experimental and control zones are still statistically unreliable. In Azerbaijan, the average frequency of metaphases with chromosomal aberrations differed significantly from the control and average population values. Here, strongly pronounced cytogenetic effects were discovered associated with the intensive use of pesticides, which should inevitably lead to genetically determined pathology in the next generation.

It is characteristic, however, that in Azerbaijan the frequency

cytogenetic disorders in the control group also exceeded the level characteristic of the natural mutation process in human lymphocytes. In other words, in Azerbaijan at the time of the study there were essentially no pesticide-free zones, that is, there were no territories at all without a genetically “colored” pesticide load on people.

Accordingly, it is unlikely that even today the population

is aware that the intensive use of pesticides, accompanied by environmental pollution, seriously affects the spontaneous mutation process and is genetically dangerous for children and the entire population of the country.

II. Prevention and treatment of hereditary diseases .

It should be noted that until recently, all hereditary diseases were considered fatal and incurable. However, it has now been shown that this is not so. It is possible to alleviate the suffering of people, and sometimes even get rid of them completely, but for this it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to diagnose these diseases early. Genetics has developed many express methods: immunological, biochemical tests and etc.

Prevention and treatment can go in different ways depending on the metabolic disorders that occur in the body: substances that bind and deposit harmful product exchange; give drugs that will replace abnormal products and normalize the chain of metabolic reactions; cause inhibition or stimulation of certain reactions.

A clear example illustrating the capabilities of modern medicine in the fight against hereditary diseases, may serve as polio. Poliomyelitis is a disease with a hereditary predisposition, however, the direct cause of the disease is infection. Carrying out mass immunization of children against this pathogen made it possible to rid all those hereditarily predisposed to it from severe consequences of this disease.

At present, a person has not yet learned to control heredity, but the unfavorable effect of many genes that determine his ailments can be largely overcome now with the help of preventive and therapeutic medicine.

III. Human lifestyle .

To be healthy person must lead a healthy lifestyle. This will help him prevent many diseases, maintain efficiency and simply always be in a good mood, because as the ancient Romans said - Mens sana in corpore sano (A healthy mind in a healthy body). At a minimum, for this it is necessary to follow sleep and nutrition regimes, as well as exercise.

Sleep is one of the main means of restoring performance. During sleep, the processes of accumulation of energy reserves and regeneration occur, body temperature drops, breathing becomes slower and more even, heart rate decreases and decreases. arterial pressure, the muscles relax. Control of your body is transferred to the subconscious, for which the main thing is to bring the body into a state of biological norm. Everyone knows: the deeper you sleep at night, the higher your subsequent daytime tone. However, almost half of people are not satisfied with the quantity and quality of sleep. It turns out that you also need to be able to fully relax while sleeping. The main thing is not how much you slept, but how rested you feel after waking up.

For many adults, 7-8 hours of sleep is enough, others need 9 hours, and some only 5 hours. The individual need for prolonged sleep is hereditary and often depends on age. Much more important for the quality of your sleep is the atmosphere in which you sleep and the processes that precede falling asleep. A heavy meal before bed, eating vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic and laxative effect can serve as a hindrance. Alcohol consumption especially interferes with sleep. It is important that the room is ventilated: sleeping in a stuffy, smoky room leads to early wrinkles and neurosis.

Many people cannot fully relax because of the pillow. The pillow size of 80 x 80 cm, which is common in many countries, is harmful to health. Such a pillow unnaturally arches the cervical vertebrae, leads to overstrain of the neck muscles and shoulder girdle. It is best to use a small rectangular pillow that only fits your head, or a cushion under your neck.

The blanket should be as light as possible so as not to sweat under it, but also not to feel cold. What we sleep on also plays a role. You cannot sleep on a foam mattress for a long time: it does not allow air to pass through well and retains moisture. It is better to use latex mattresses covered with wool or horsehair and linen made of natural materials, not electrified during sleep.

A number of experts believe that the cause of restless sleep may be incorrect orientation of the bed relative to the power lines magnetic field Earth. A more rational body position for magnetically sensitive people is to head north.

It is generally accepted that people sleep sweetly on feather beds. However, a flat, fairly hard bed is best for the spine. And finally, the cause of poor sleep is hypokinesia - a sluggish lifestyle that does not allow the amplitude of the waking rhythm to increase, and therefore leads to a decrease in the depth of sleep.

Diet mode is a characteristic of nutrition, including the frequency, time of food intake and its distribution according to caloric content and chemical composition, as well as human behavior while eating.

A wisely chosen diet contributes to a person’s optimal emotional state, performance, and disease prevention.

In ancient times in warm countries limited to 1-2 meals a day. Information about this is contained in the works of Hippocrates and in the treatise of ancient Indian doctors “Ayurveda”. Nowadays, doctors recommend that most people eat 4 times a day, not counting a small portion of kefir or milk before bed. People who are prone to obesity need to eat food often, but little by little. Eating one meal a day can lead to excess food intake and blood pressure-related full stomach disruption of the heart, and also cause constipation.

People are not the same, and therefore it is useful for everyone, without neglecting the advice of hygienists, to develop their own diet, in accordance with general routine of the day, the rhythm of the body’s activity, the time of awakening and going to bed.


1. Follow the rhythm of your body - this will allow you to find the optimal diet.

2. Do not rush to eat, chew your food thoroughly, without, however, bringing chewing to the point of absurdity (some nutrition systems recommend chewing each piece 50 or even 100 times - you should not follow this advice).

4. It is better to leave the table with your appetite not completely extinguished - it will soon disappear: after all, the person has already received a sufficient amount of food, but his regulatory systems are somewhat delayed in transmitting the signal of saturation to the brain; Thorough chewing of food contributes not only to its absorption, but also to the extinction of appetite, that is, it prevents us from eating excess food that the body does not need.

5. Remember that snacks that stimulate the appetite not only promote the absorption of food, but sometimes force us to eat excess that the body does not need, which will then force us to worry about getting rid of excess body weight.

6. Monitor the temperature of the food you eat. It should not burn the organs of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. Burns caused by food, if they occur systematically, can result in serious illness.

7. Do not eat heavily before bed; it is better to have dinner 2 - 2.5 hours before bedtime.

8. A glass of milk or kefir before bed helps you fall asleep.

9. There is no need to drink stimulating drinks before bed (coffee, tea, drinks containing ginseng, lemongrass and other stimulants).

Jogging, or slow running, has attracted the attention of millions of lovers with its life-affirming effect and universal accessibility.

No matter how difficult it is to take the first steps towards regular running and overcome one’s inertia, but a person, having tasted the indescribable feelings of flight, lightness, joyful self-overcoming, “gets sick” of running for the rest of his life. Running gives rise to an irresistible thirst for movement; stopping running causes its fans to feel lethargic, weak, and unwell. It turns out that giving up running is just as difficult as starting to run regularly.

Every person can benefit from regular classes run.

If your work requires monotonous sitting, concentration and mental stress, which leads to increased irritability or apathy at the end of the day, run! And you will not be overcome by neurasthenia and overwork.

If you are solving complex problems in business, politics or in your personal life - run! And you will get the necessary energy release from stress and avoid a heart attack.

If you do not suffer from poor appetite and are concerned about your waist size, run! AND excess weight will not create excessive stress on the heart.

If the first signs of atherosclerosis and excess cholesterol in the blood appear in your life, run! And the walls of your blood vessels will be cleansed of cholesterol and salt deposits by increased blood flow.

If you are worried about intestinal problems, run! And mechanical vibrations will improve the outflow of bile, enhance intestinal motility, relieve constipation and increase your vitality.

If you are overcome by hypertension and headaches - run! Vasodilation after running normalizes blood pressure and oxygen supply to the brain.

You have covered two thirds of your life’s journey, but you don’t want to part with your youth - run! Regular training will slow down the aging process by 10-20 years and help rejuvenate the body.

If you want to get rid of frequent colds, sore throat, acute respiratory infections - run all year round and in any weather! Your body will receive the necessary hardening and resistance to infections.

Learn the ABCs of healthy running.

2. Tune yourself to the joy of unity with nature, go out to training cheerful and cheerful.

3. Choose a speed, pace, step length that is convenient for you, move easily, coordinate the rhythm of running and breathing.

4. Don't compete with younger and stronger runners, run on your own.

5. Start your workouts with fast walking and slow running to provide your muscles with adequate oxygen consumption.

6. At the first stage of health training, alternate walking and running at a distance of 1600-2000 m, randomly varying the length of the walking and running segments, focusing on the feeling of comfort in breathing and heart rate.

7. Minimum functional load on cardiovascular system is a steady run for 15-30 minutes. with a pulse of 120-130 beats per minute.

8. Run every other day to ensure full recovery of the body before the next load.

You should immediately prepare yourself for many years of training, since the morphological restructuring of the heart and blood vessels requires 2-3 years of systematic exercise. But motor qualities will begin to improve in the first months of training.

To avoid injuring or overloading your muscles, joints and ligaments, run along forest paths, park alleys or stadium dirt paths, and wear light sneakers on your feet.

Hygienic gymnastics at home is carried out in the morning and prepares the body for active work or household activities: increases neuromuscular tone, enhances brain biorhythms, speeds up circulation and its distribution between active organs, adjusts the emotional sphere, creates a favorable basis for intra-family relationships, if all family members spend 10-30 minutes daily. morning exercises.

The nature of exercise, its quantity and focus can vary for family members in accordance with their age, inclinations, habits and even changing moods.

Each family member can choose the most convenient set of light gymnastic exercises that relieve sleep inhibition without unnecessary tension.

This complex can be started with exercises performed immediately after waking up in a lying position (remove the pillow):

1. Stretch your arms up behind your head, clasp your hands, bend your feet with your toes towards you and stretch your spine as much as possible for 2-4 seconds, repeat the stretch 3-4 times.

2. Bend your elbows, place them near your chest, slightly move your head back and, leaning on your elbows and the back of your head, gently bend in the thoracic part of your spine. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Lower your arms along your body, legs slightly apart. Perform circular movements in the ankle and wrist joints in both directions 2-4 times.

4. Perform circular movements in knee joints(“bicycle”) 8-10 times.

5. Bend your legs, place your feet slightly apart - alternately place your knees left and right, without lifting your feet. Repeat 2-4 times.

6. From the same position: straighten your legs up, reach your toes with your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. Lie on your right side, put your right hand under your ear, and rest your left hand near your chest. Take away left leg up and to the side. Repeat 6-8 times. The same - on the left side with the right foot.

8. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms and lean against your chest. Straightening your arms, bend your thoracic spine and raise your head. Repeat 6-8 times.

9. Starting position - the same. Straightening your arms, raise your torso and sit on your heels without lifting your arms. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Get up and walk around for 1.5 minutes. rhythmic deep breathing, accompanying the inhalation by moving the arms to the sides and up and returning them to their original position with an exhalation.

After the listed basic minimum exercises, you can perform water treatments, preferably including cold and hot shower- 1-2 min. warm (hot), then 0.5 min. - cool (cold) with simultaneous rubbing of the body with massage brush mittens.

The entire health and hygiene complex will require 10-15 minutes from you, but you will feel its effect throughout the day.

If “bed” exercises are not enough to tone you up, add a series of more dynamic exercises with different functional orientations in a standing position.

1. Light running and jumping in place.

2. Exercises joint gymnastics, beginning with small joints hands and feet and moving on to movements in the knees, elbows, shoulders and hip joints: circular movements, swings, flexion-extension, abduction-adduction.

These exercises increase joint mobility, improve blood supply to the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, and maintain the elastic properties of muscles and ligaments.

3. Tilts of the body forward, down, left and right, turns, bending. They help increase the flexibility of the spine and support correct posture and develop static endurance of the trunk muscles.

4. Using a hand-held roller massager, perform superficial self-massage of the back muscles (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), buttocks and lower extremities in a calm, uniform rhythm in order to increase skin bleeding, open capillaries, improve skin breathing and enhance the circulation of subtle vital energies.

As a type of active recreation, tourism, and aerobic training, cycling has advantages over running in that it significantly reduces the load of body weight on the bones, joints, leg muscles and heart.

Riding a bicycle helps you become resilient, patient, fast, energetic, develops the ability to navigate in space, maintain balance, show dexterity and resourcefulness.

Let's review the basics of cycling.

1. Do not be embarrassed by the years of mastering cycling skills: they, like swimming skills, are quickly restored, as reflex mechanisms of movement coordination are triggered.

2. When driving in a straight line, maintain balance by lightly balancing the front wheel and handlebars.

3. To hold the bike strictly vertical position increase your speed. The special gyroscopic (or lift) force will increase with speed and will help reduce the stress that occurs when holding the steering wheel.

4. To sum up the efforts of the thigh and lower leg muscles when pressing on the pedals, set the saddle to the height of full extension of the leg at the knee. Pedaling with bent legs will cause rapid fatigue.

5. When rotating the pedals, press them with the front of your feet and move your knees strictly parallel in vertical planes.

6. Choose safe routes in forested areas for cycling. On forest paths it is easier to master the skills of turns with a moderate radius.

7. Start your health training with accessible distances and speeds. For the first three weeks, young amateurs can cover approximately 8 km in 20 to 30 minutes. (increasing riding speed towards the end of each workout). Middle-aged people (30-45 years old) are recommended to train at a distance of 6.5 km for 18-20 minutes. People aged 50-59 years are recommended to start training with a three-kilometer distance with a gradual increase in time, starting from 6-12 minutes.

A noticeable healing effect is achieved at an optimal speed of about 25 km/h, when the body functions in a comfortable mode with a heart rate no higher than 50-60% of the maximum.

For those who cannot systematically train 3-4 times a week, great benefit will bring longer (1.5-2 hours) bike rides with stops and comfortable speeds.

The effect of open space, freedom, harmony with nature have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, psyche, and emotional tone.

There are many examples of excellent adaptation of the heart to cycling loads after cardiovascular diseases is explained by the physiological effect of the muscle pump - rhythmic alternations of contractions and relaxations of the leg muscles, which improve capillary circulation, regulate venous outflow of blood, facilitate the work of the heart and ventilation of the lungs.

Skis were born as a vital necessity for ancient nomads. For a person of modern technical civilization, suffering from inactivity, poor nutrition and stress, recreational skiing has acquired the significance of a stimulant of the vitality of the body.

Cross-country skiing and cross-country skiing are recognized as the most effective type of winter aerobic training, as they involve most of the muscles of the legs, arms and torso.

Thanks to the activation of great muscle mass the body develops a high capacity for oxygen saturation. If you have retained the skiing skills you acquired in your youth, then running and skiing will give you an excellent opportunity to strengthen and develop your cardiovascular system, increase your body’s resistance to colds, reduce excess weight and excess fat mass.

Fresh frosty air is an indispensable hardening agent. Winter air is saturated with ozonized oxygen, which carries vital energy. Low air temperatures promote more efficient absorption of oxygen by the blood. Such blood significantly increases the mental productivity of the brain, causes emotional uplift, and reduces the feeling of fatigue.

Cold air, combined with the work of most muscles, accelerates blood circulation. This cleanses the body of toxins, salts and cholesterol and improves metabolism and energy.

The beauty of the winter forest and healing pine phytoncides will help you accumulate vitality, increase your vigor and self-confidence. On the ski track you will forget about your age and minor ailments.

Learn the ABCs of healthy skiing.

1. Choose a practice route that suits your skiing skills. For beginners, a ready-made ski track in the urban forest park is more convenient. Suburban areas with more complex terrain will require skills in ascents, descents, turns, braking, and safe falling.

2. Using ointments improves your skiing technique, helps you glide well and saves your energy.

3. The simplest and most rational move on a flat surface is an alternating two-step move, which is a sliding step on slightly bent legs with a slight squat on the pushing leg and its extension, accompanied by a push.

4. The work of the hands should be free, as during normal walking, with the poles brought to the toes of the skis, parallel to them, with an energetic pushing movement.

5. Learn to breathe correctly: coordinate your breathing rhythm with an even number of sliding steps (2-4 steps - inhale, 2-4 steps - exhale). This mode is beneficial for the functioning of the heart.

6. If shortness of breath and unpleasant heartbeats appear, reduce the speed of movement, stop, relax your muscles, and take a few deep breaths.

7. If you lose your balance, squat and fall gently onto your hip. Falling forward is dangerous!

8. Warm yourself moderately, lighten your equipment on the ski slopes, but dress warmer after the walk.

9. The health benefits of ski training are possible when training 3 times a week for 30 minutes. or fulfilling the one and a half hour norm on weekends.

10. Supplement your health training with other types of aerobic exercise - running, fast walking, general developmental gymnastics.


Health as an indicator of the effectiveness of medical and preventive activities

Main directions and methods of promoting a healthy lifestyle

Any kind medical activities, a complex of health, hygiene and preventive measures in individual communities and on administrative territory should be assessed from the point of view of their social, medical and economic effectiveness.

The leading criterion for assessing effectiveness can only be health indicators over time:

Reducing morbidity, mortality, disability,

Increasing the duration of the working period.

In healthcare, the goal cannot be to save money on human health or to save money at the expense of health.

Economic justification treatment and preventive measures, analysis of the use of funds in healthcare are necessary to select the most optimal allocation options and achieve the best results in protecting the health of the population.

The main components of economic efficiency (or damage prevented) are as follows:

Increase in production by reducing the time lost by workers due to temporary incapacity, disability, and premature death;

Reducing losses from decreased productivity of workers weakened by illness;

Reducing additional costs for health improvement and safety in areas with harmful and difficult working conditions;

Reducing costs for additional training workers replacing sick and disabled people;

Reducing the cost of medical care in healthcare institutions due to a decrease in the number of patients;

Reducing costs for social insurance temporary disability.

If, after vaccinations (health measures, etc.), the incidence of workers has decreased by 800 working days, then economic efficiency will be the saved cost of these working days, multiplied by the cost of output for each of the 800 days.

Diseases caused by human lifestyle

The pathogenic effect of lifestyle factors on the human population, especially in economically developed countries in Lately intensifies.

This is tied

With progressive deterioration of nutrition,

With increasing physical inactivity,

With increasing stress in life.

Urbanization and mechanization of production are the direct causes of physical inactivity; refined nutrition with an increase in the proportion of animal fats in it is the cause of obesity. And the diseases associated with this have acquired another name - diseases of the modern lifestyle.

The prevalence of these diseases is increasing. According to the most approximate estimates, the incidence of obesity in the population of economically developed countries increases by 7% per decade. If this trend continues, then by the middle of the next century almost the entire population of economically developed countries will be overweight. Losses from diseases of modern lifestyle are becoming more severe, and treatment is becoming more and more expensive.

Lifestyle-related diseases include almost any human disease from infectious to tumor, because The occurrence and development of any disease, as a rule, is influenced by any of the factors that we combine into lifestyle factors.

For example:

Tuberculosis most often develops in people living in dilapidated, damp housing, leading antisocial image life;

Rheumatism often affects weakened people;

Venous diseases, as a rule, occur in people who are disorderly sex life;

Lung tumors are much more likely to develop in smokers than in non-smokers;

Breast cancer occurs more often in nulliparous women;

And cervical cancer occurs in women with a history of many abortions.

But, for the development of the same tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease, a very specific microorganism causative agent is needed, and in its absence, all other conditions, including lifestyle factors, can act for as long as desired and any diseases will develop, but not tuberculosis or syphilis.

But there are also diseases in the development of which lifestyle plays a leading role. For example

-Obesity. In 95 cases out of 100, this is a direct consequence of poor nutrition and decreased energy expenditure.

-Hypertonic disease in 60% of cases it develops in overweight individuals.

-Diabetes Type 2 also mainly develops with obesity. Among these patients, 70-85% are overweight and obese.

-Atherosclerosis- most common reason death is a direct consequence of impaired fat metabolism due to poor nutrition and physical activity.

And so we can conclude that lifestyle plays a more or less important role in the occurrence and development of almost all diseases, but in some diseases the role of lifestyle becomes largely determining and leading.

Diseases that are determined in their development as directly related to lifestyle include:


Hypertonic disease


Diabetes mellitus type 2

Metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis



Sexual disorders

Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Neuroses and sexual dysfunctions.

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