Home Prosthetics and implantation Mendeleev's joint gymnastics. Joint gymnastics - a set of exercises for beginners and seniors

Mendeleev's joint gymnastics. Joint gymnastics - a set of exercises for beginners and seniors

Many have heard about joint gymnastics, but not many put it into practice. To maintain the overall health of the body, as well as perform complex multi-joint exercises, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises for the joints. Over time, the joints wear out, their ossification leads to the inability to perform physical activity. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the joints, along with contraction and.

Why do you need joint exercises?

Joints are the main link of the musculoskeletal system; they serve for flexion and extension of the limbs and torso, especially in sports; their proper functioning affects the results and productivity of each workout. Focusing on the work of the muscles, they remember the joints only when they feel discomfort, pain, immobility of the joints and stiffness of movement.

Over time, intense loads can wear down the joints, causing joint tissue (cartilage) to become deformed and become inflamed. A sedentary lifestyle, on the contrary, leads to ossification and impaired mobility. All these factors affect the health of every person. They can be prevented with the help of joint gymnastics exercises.

Joint gymnastics as a direction in fitness

Joint gymnastics is considered one of the safest. The training involves the development of mobility of all joints, positively affecting the condition and functions of the musculoskeletal system.

Exercises from joint gymnastics are aimed at dynamic or static impact on all joints of the body, including the spine, ligaments and small muscles. Thus, by performing gymnastics regularly or at least once a week, joint mobility significantly increases, which prevents various joint deformities, stiffness and deterioration of blood supply.

In general, this direction is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical activity. Joint exercises are necessary for everyone, including a child who leads a sedentary lifestyle or is in a period of active growth, athletes of all sports, especially those prone to injury, and older people whose joints and ligaments become stiff and subject to degeneration due to age-related changes. risk of dislocations and fractures.

Also, in addition to its healing properties, joint gymnastics increases flexibility for aesthetic purposes, for example, improves the quality of yoga asanas, which is why joint gymnastics is more often practiced in yoga centers.

Despite the fact that the direction is practically harmless, it is necessary to understand that joints are a fragile mechanism that is easily damaged and more difficult to restore, and sometimes the echoes of joint injury accompany a person throughout his life. Therefore, you need to treat your joints with care and never cause acute pain.

If you want to start working in this direction, it is important that the joints are initially healthy or at least recovered from injuries and the like. You should not start training with inflammatory processes and pain in the joints, this will only provoke a worsening of the condition.

At first, perform the exercises at half strength, or better yet, under supervision, who will correctly dose the load. But don’t expect quick results - joints take a long time to develop, so sudden movements and large amplitudes are inappropriate.

Benefits of joint exercises

  • Increases mobility of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Loosens joints, ligaments, improves blood circulation and general condition.
  • Has a beneficial effect on well-being.
  • Suitable for any age.
  • Prevents the development of joint diseases.
  • Restores joint mobility after injuries in remission.


Joint gymnastics is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of all diseases of the joints, spine, as well as sprains and ruptures of ligaments. It is not yet recommended to exercise after injuries or surgeries; you need to fully recover and start training only on the recommendation of your doctor.

A set of joint gymnastics exercises

Gymnastics for leg joints

Foot exercises

Exercise 1

While standing, rise onto your toes and roll smoothly onto your heels, perform the movement slowly, working through the full range of motion. Do 8-10 repetitions.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, hold the other one above the floor. Perform circular movements with your feet in one direction (5-10 circles), then in the opposite direction. Change your leg.

Exercise 3

The next movement is performed while sitting on the buttocks, with the legs straightened as much as possible at the knees. The movement is performed in 4 stages:

  1. pull your feet towards you as much as possible, hold for 4 seconds;
  2. leave the joints of your feet motionless, bend only your toes as much as possible (pause 4 seconds);
  3. Stretch the toe as much as possible (knuckles and toes), hold for 4 seconds.
  4. with a tense joint, lift only your toes “towards you”, pause.
  5. Repeat the movement cycle 5-10 times.

For knee joints

Exercise 1

While standing, lift and hold the thigh of one leg overhang, make circular movements with your shin, rotating your knee joints as much as possible. One way and the other 5-10 laps. Change your leg.

Exercise 2

While standing, sweep one leg back towards the buttocks, hold the foot with the same hand, pressing the heel as much as possible against the buttock. The knees are pressed together. Switch legs and hold the position for 15-30 seconds on each leg.

For the hip joint

Exercise 1

Rotate your pelvis, starting in a small circle, gradually increasing the range of motion. 5-10 laps in one direction, and in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, lift one hip towards you. Hold your shin with your hands, press your thigh as close to your stomach as possible, and bring your knee toward your chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds, change sides.

  1. Sitting on the buttocks, one leg is extended straight in front of you, the second foot is pressed against the inner thigh of the straight leg, with the heel closer to the groin.
  2. The knee of the bent leg reaches as far as possible towards the floor; you can gently press with the force of your hand.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides.

To make it more difficult, you can tilt your body forward along your straight leg.

  1. Sitting on your buttocks, bring your feet together as close to your pelvis as possible.
  2. Use your palms or elbows to press down on the berm, pulling your knees toward the floor.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Gymnastics for hand joints

Exercises for hands

Exercise 1

Extend your arms to your sides. Perform rotation with your hands, fingers in a fist, in one direction 5-10 times, and in the other.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise your right hand forward, with your palm facing away from you, and with your left, press on the palm of your right hand (fingers pointing down) and pull your hand toward you as much as possible, hold for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Unfold the same hand and press on the back of it, pause for 10-20 seconds.
  3. Same for the left hand.

For elbow joints

Keep your arms hanging by your sides, hands in fists.
Perform inward rotation only at the elbow joints - 5-10 laps, then in the opposite direction.

For shoulder joints

Exercise 1

Rotate straight arms from the shoulder in a full circle in one direction (5-10 laps), then in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise your right arm straight in front of you, clasp your right elbow with your left hand.
  2. Pull your straight right arm as close to you as possible, the movement comes from the shoulder joint, keep the tension for 10-30 seconds


    Performing high-quality joint gymnastics before strength exercises will help prolong the health of your joints, as well as improve the range of motion in exercises. First you need to warm up your muscles, or for 10 minutes, then begin exercises for the joints. Warming up will not take much time; it can also be done in addition to strength training, but only after warming up.

    Joint gymnastics in video format

Joint gymnastics is a set of specific movements that stimulate the production of joint lubrication and make tendons and muscles elastic. It does not involve heavy loads; the main effect is achieved through systematic training. Joint gymnastics is designed for the elderly, people with diseases of the joint tissue, as well as those who want to make their body more flexible.

The benefits of joint gymnastics are undeniable. As a result of physical inactivity, which affects not only older people, but also young people, it is the joints that suffer first. The amount of lubricant produced is reduced, the joint becomes inflamed and begins to deteriorate. This leads to arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, which doctors diagnose at an increasingly earlier age. Every year the number of cases is growing, but almost everyone can avoid troubles with joints. Joint exercises will help maintain health and restore joint tissue after viral diseases and injuries, which most often lead to various joint diseases.

Joint gymnastics - basic exercises

Joint gymnastics can be either included in a complex of physical therapy or performed separately. It can be done at home or in a club, and it brings the greatest effect if performed in the fresh air. Blood filled with pure oxygen quickly carries beneficial substances to muscles and joints. They become elastic and restore lost flexibility.

Joint gymnastics includes exercises for all groups of joints - from the neck to the feet. The minimum time allotted for it should be at least 30 minutes. The frequency of execution is every other day. The peculiarity of joint gymnastics is that it does not require strong muscle tension. These are cardio exercises, the effect of which depends on the repetition frequency and regularity of training.

Joint gymnastics begins with a warm-up. The time to complete it is 10-15 minutes. All joints are warmed up one by one. The first exercise is for the feet. While standing or sitting, place your feet together and wiggle your toes. Then step from heel to toe. Rotate your foot clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the exercise first with your left leg, then with your right leg.

Warm-up for the knee joints. While sitting or standing, bring and spread your legs slightly bent at the knees. You should feel tension in the thigh muscles - then the exercise is done correctly.

Warm-up for the spine- tilts and deflections. Exercises should be done with great caution. They are contraindicated for people suffering from spinal diseases. They can do a set of back exercises only after consulting a doctor.

If there are no problems with the spine, then the following joint exercises are performed: tilting the body in different directions, rotating it clockwise and counterclockwise, the “cat” exercise - standing on the floor, emphasis on the palms and knees, the back bends down and arches up. These are the main warm-up exercises for the spine.

Warm-up for the neck and shoulder joints- rotation of the arms clockwise and counterclockwise, tilting the head and rotating the neck.

Warm-up for elbows- relaxed arms are lowered along the body, fingers slightly clenched into fists. The arms are bent alternately at the elbows, rising to the forearms.

Features of joint gymnastics

Joint exercises for the elderly are less intense than for people under 50 years of age and trained athletes. At the same time, the benefits of joint gymnastics specifically for older people are great. Therefore, it is necessary to do the exercises. You can start with a warm-up, gradually adding movements from the main complex.

Joint gymnastics for beginners is designed for people suffering from joint diseases and also for those who have suffered an injury. It can also be performed by those who are just starting their journey in sports. It is very important to prepare the joints and tendons for serious training, since if these tissues are not elastic, a variety of injuries can occur under stress.

Joint gymnastics for the elderly - basic complex

Exercise 1: Lying on your back with straight legs, bend one at the knee and place the other on your knee. Tilt your bent leg left and right. Repeat with the other leg. Perform 5 approaches for the first two or three sessions, gradually increasing their number to 20.

Exercise 2: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, spread your legs to the sides, bringing them as close as possible to the floor (like a butterfly flapping its wings).

Exercise 3: standing with your hand against the wall, or lying down, rotate your straight leg at the hip joint. The amplitude is not very large, the main thing in the exercises is the work of the joints, and not the tension of the muscles.

Exercise 4: lying on your back, without bending your knees, alternately lift your left and right legs. To enhance the effect, fix your leg at the top for a few seconds.

Exercise 5: lying on your stomach, put your hands under your head. Stretch your arms back, lifting your body. The more you lift it, the deeper you arch your back, the better.

Exercise 6: Lying on your stomach, lift your left and right legs alternately. The arms are bent at the elbows and lie under the chin.

Exercise 7: lying on your left side, swing with your right leg. Up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. The left leg can be bent at the knee or straightened to enhance the effect. Repeat the same with the other leg, turning over onto your right side.

Exercise 8: lying on your back, using your hands, alternately pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chin.

Exercise 9: joint gymnastics for the neck. While sitting, place your head alternately on your left and right shoulder, trying to reach it with your ear. Gently tilt your head back and forth, touching your chin to your chest.

Exercise 10: while sitting on a chair, twist your body, trying to reach as far as possible with your arms.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system have become a very pressing problem in our time. In most cases, these diseases are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, and in recent years, similar problems have begun to arise in very young people. An increasing number of people are complaining of pain in the lower back, back and joints. Of course, you can continue the same sedentary lifestyle, relying on the competence of doctors and pills, or you can solve everything differently by using joint exercises for treatment.

Joint gymnastics by Norbekov

This well-known technique is a set of exercises that involve restoring every joint of the patient’s body. This is not a completely ordinary system of exercise therapy and not just an unconscious repetition of certain movements. It is based primarily on creating a positive psychological attitude before starting classes. In addition, the patient is focused on working with his own internal state.

Norbekov's complex for joints is used for the prevention and treatment of such diseases. Diseases treated by it:

  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Osteochondrosis, etc.

Judging by the reviews of people involved in such gymnastics, the method is really effective. What does it give:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Eliminates pain.
  3. The motor activity of the joints increases.

Probably, before starting his gymnastics, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctors:

  • Arthrologist
  • Therapist
  • Orthopedist

In any case, the choice always remains with the patient.

Consultation is also offered in the very center of Norbekov.

Before starting Norbekov classes, you need to do the following:

  1. Try to completely relax your body - even your facial muscles.
  2. The internal organs should also receive this relaxation before languor appears.
  3. The attitude should be the most positive - you need to approach the matter with some humor.
  4. Massaging the ears is, according to the author of the technique, activating the body. You need to pull your ears in different directions.
  • For hand joints
  • For leg joints
  • For the spine

Gymnastics of Doctor Bubnovsky

Back and joint pain is a real scourge of our time. In addition, a person may experience unpleasant sensations such as neuralgia or muscle spasms.
It is not always necessary to treat this with medication - you can and should use exercise therapy. In addition, drug treatment relieves pain to a greater extent than eliminates the problem itself.

Considerable success in the field of therapeutic exercises has been achieved and tested by Dr. Bubnovsky. What his gymnastics gives:

  1. Prevents abrasion and pinching of intervertebral discs.
  2. Joints gain greater mobility.
  3. Blood circulation in tissues and muscles improves.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the joints and back are significantly reduced.

The essence of Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is that it is aimed not only at improving the mobility of joints and the spine, but also at restoring the body’s reserve capabilities.

With the help of special exercises selected by the doctor, patients fight physical inactivity, as well as diseases associated with this harmful phenomenon. Any lesson from Dr. Bubnovsky is available on the Internet.

There is a special MTB machine invented by a famous doctor, which also helps in this process.

The basis of the Bubnovsky method is the use of kinesitherapy (motion therapy). There are two types of gymnastics:

  • Adaptive - for beginners.
  • Articular – for a patient who is already physically prepared after the first type of gymnastics.

An individual program is selected for each patient, if the classes are conducted by the doctor himself or his assistants.

Joint gymnastics by Olga Yanchuk

This gymnastics is based on various exercises. Exactly:

  1. Pilates
  2. Industrial gymnastics
  3. Stretching

The exercises specially chosen by Olga Yanchuk are aimed at normalizing the function of the spine. Purpose of the lesson:

  • Improve the mobility of joints and the spinal column.
  • Strengthen large joints.
  • Stimulation of joint fluid production.
  • Improved flexibility and stretching.
  • Getting rid of salt deposits.

Olga Yamchuk’s gymnastics treats the body as a whole. Perfect for the weak and elderly, for children. Advantages:

  1. The complex, consisting of simple exercises, provides the body of the practicing patient with the necessary daily physical activity.
  2. The body after such regular training will become more flexible and resilient.
  3. Strengthens the muscles of the back, legs, arms, and abdomen.
  4. Helps normalize weight.
  5. Gets rid of salt deposits.
  6. Strengthens the nervous system.
  7. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

For those who have just started or are about to start training, you should start with the simplest exercises.

  • It would be more correct to train after a meal (two hours later).
  • It is imperative to monitor your breathing - it should be calm and even. You should breathe through your nose.
  • Maintain correct posture during exercise - a straight back, plus the neck and back of the head should form a straight line.

The results of the exercises directly depend on the personal qualities of each person. Here it is appropriate to show some persistence and perseverance.

Only daily training (if possible in the morning) will bring the expected success. The minimum time spent on muscle-joint gymnastics is 20 minutes. As a result, not a single joint will be missed that is not affected by the load from this workout.

Children's exercises should be carried out with less intensity and duration.

  1. Muscles and joints of the neck.
  2. Next, everything is descending (in order)
  3. The end of the workout is exercises for the feet.

In this type of gymnastics, considerable attention is paid to the knees and spine.

Completing Olga Yanchuk’s complex will allow you, if desired, to master yoga, and its most complex elements. Lessons can be learned using video materials that are accessible to anyone.

In this system, as in yoga, great importance is attached to the psychological aspect. When performing this or that exercise, you need to concentrate your own consciousness on exactly that part of the body that is being trained at that moment. You need to imagine that things are getting better in every way:

  • More flexible
  • More beautiful
  • More perfect

Joint gymnastics by Valentin Dikul

Valentin Dikul’s joint gymnastics for the spinal column gained not just popularity, but also the love of patients, whom she literally put on their feet. However, it did not bypass those who simply monitor their health and do this gymnastics for preventive purposes. It helps against the following diseases:

  1. Kyphosis
  2. Lordosis
  3. Osteochandrosis
  4. Scoliosis
  5. Intervertebral hernia
  6. Cerebral palsy

Reference. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that its creator was able not only to recover from a serious injury thanks to it, but also to return to normal life.

Of course, the results will not come on the second day of classes - it will take months before the sick person experiences this for themselves. The secret to training is low-impact exercise. It is they who will return the joints to their former mobility.

Advantages of Dikul gymnastics:

  • Perfectly works muscles and ligaments.
  • The range of joint movements increases.
  • The spine becomes strong and flexible.

Exercises are done both for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and the spine.

Suitable for both trained athletes and elderly people.

Any technique requires some subtleties and proper execution. If everything is done correctly, then the person gets the following results:

  1. Metabolism is activated.
  2. The body is simply filled with energy.
  3. Blood circulation improves.

During classes you need to remember the following:

  • There should be an even distribution of loads on all muscles of the spine.
  • The muscle corset can be restored using a suspended rope ladder.

This technique is based on restoring the previous ability through labor-intensive and patient work.

Dikul doesn’t tell anyone that it will be easy. You need to follow the recommendations without retreating a single step. And the result is worth it - his technique brought many thousands of people back to life. And the patient’s general condition certainly improves. This once again confirms that many people constantly turned to Dikul for help and are now turning to him.
Science has proven that spinal cord neurocytes are able to regenerate (recover). Academician Dikul’s methodology confirms this fact.

In addition, these classes do not deny all kinds of therapies:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Aquatherapy
  3. Acupuncture
  4. Physical therapy
  5. Manual therapy
  6. Therapeutic gymnastics

In specialized medical centers of Valentin Dikul there are special simulators, many of which the academician invented himself.

A set of exercises is selected individually for each patient - this is done based on the diagnosis and general condition of the patient.

In addition, joint exercisers are also used at home as an addition to the main treatment.

Valentin Dikul has developed a so-called basic set of exercises with the help of which motor activity is restored.


All of the above systems of joint gymnastics have been tested by time and by numerous recovered people. V. Dikul, for example, experienced a lot himself. The choice of one of the above methods largely depends on the disease and the general condition of the patient.

An important role in choosing one or another technique, which will be the best in a given situation, is played by personal preferences, as well as the notorious trial and error method, which it is advisable to avoid after consulting with your doctor.

In any case, you need to set yourself up for long, hard work and an undoubted victory over the disease!

Some health problems are associated with pathology of the spinal column, which contains the spinal cord, which controls the functioning of internal organs. With spinal pathology, compression of the spinal nerves occurs, as a result of which the body as a whole may suffer. That's why it's so important to take care of the health of your spine. Massage and other types of external therapeutic interventions are also useful, but can only eliminate symptoms and provide temporary relief.

In the classes you will learn how to perform, which will systematically affect the body as a whole and help eliminate the cause of the problem.

In kung fu, the force of a blow is directly related to the stretching of the tendons. Accordingly, stretching muscles and tendons, as an essential component of kung fu training, is a significant step on the path to health.

The purpose of the classes joint gymnastics is to improve mobility and increase the range of motion of joints, stretch muscles and ligaments, strengthen the muscular corset of the body, and thus improve the overall physical health of the practitioner. Also, one of the main tasks is to consciously work with one’s own body, the ability to listen and hear it. Through awareness comes the ability to control the body without tension and any negative traumatic consequences.

The lesson begins with warming up the body, followed by a series of exercises to open the joints, after which we move on to stretching the muscles and ligaments. The classes also include exercises for static loads and strengthening the muscle corset. Much attention in the lesson is paid to working with the spine. The final part is the implementation of the taijiquan complex (Yang 24 forms), aimed at improving the functioning of the lower back.

This lesson is suitable for people with any level of training and will be useful both for those who go to regular kung fu and taijiquan groups, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of the complexes, and for those who want to keep their body in good physical shape. The exercise has a pronounced therapeutic effect and is a good prevention against diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Result of the lessons:

  • formation of correct posture,
  • relief from back pain,
  • improved mobility of all joints of the body,
  • healing of the spine during diseases and after injuries,
  • no headaches,
  • better concentration,
  • proper blood supply to the heart, pelvic organs and normalization of blood pressure.

The exercise has a pronounced therapeutic effect and is a good prevention against diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Many people are familiar with joint problems. Some diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis) are now rapidly “getting younger.” Therefore, it is necessary to think about the health of the joints in advance, since it is almost impossible to cure them. The simplest and most effective way of prevention is joint exercises. It can also be performed if there are already any problems. Regular exercise will help, if not get rid of the disease forever, then it will certainly alleviate the condition.

What it is?

reading information

The term “joint gymnastics” means complex exercises aimed at preventing and healing joints. There are many training methods that are popular among the population.

Joint gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed specifically at warming up and strengthening joints.

Important. All movements are performed in a comfortable manner and without weights. Nobody forces you to put too much strain on yourself. As a rule, these are gentle rotational, twisting or pulling movements.

What does joint gymnastics give?

The human body needs regular exercise. Movement is the basis of everything. What does regular exercise for joints give a person:

  • With constant exercise, the production of synovial fluid is normalized and its composition improves. Thanks to this, the range of motion increases and pain disappears. We can say that the joints are being developed.
  • Simple exercises warm up all the muscles and ligaments; as a result, the whole body becomes more mobile, not just the joints.
  • Often simple complexes are used before significant physical activity, since such a warm-up well prepares the body for training, lifting weights, and high-speed efforts.
  • Gymnastics for joints is an excellent means of preventing various diseases, especially arthritis and arthrosis.
  • There is no deposition of salts in joints that are worked every day.
  • Blood circulation and supply of joints with nutrients improves. And good nutrition is the key to their health.
  • A pleasant bonus is a good mood and a charge of vivacity and energy, since physical activity stimulates the production of happiness hormones.

Important! Regular exercise for your joints will help keep them mobile and healthy for a long time.

What complexes exist

Attention! In fact, there are a huge number of sets of strengthening exercises for joints and proprietary techniques. Everyone brings something different. Typically the authors are doctors and athletes.

Currently, the following sets of exercises are especially popular:
  • Gymnastics of Doctor Bubnovsky, which is aimed at developing the musculoskeletal system. It combines feasible physical exercises with proper breathing. As a result, a muscle corset develops, the body becomes more mobile and flexible.
  • Methodology of M. S. Norbekov focuses on the condition and health of the spine.

  • Chinese sets of exercises (Tai Chi Qigong) allow you to heal the entire body. They place great emphasis not only on performing various exercises, but also on controlling your internal energy Qi.
  • Television projects. Oddly enough, TV can teach not only bad things, there are also channels that broadcast useful programs. You can look for such a program. Performing exercises for joints with an instructor is much easier, especially since the main mistakes are often sorted out. It also helps to organize yourself, since the programs are broadcast on schedule.

Many people believe that they have no idea what joint gymnastics is or how to perform it. However, this is fundamentally wrong.

It’s worth remembering physical education lessons at school. Each lesson began with a warm-up - performing warm-up exercises for all parts of the body. These are the simplest exercises for developing joints.

General rules when performing exercises

Important! Often people do not have enough time for the simplest and most basic things. And exercise therapy for joints is no exception: it is often forgotten until something hurts. However, this complex will take no more than 10-15 minutes, so you’ll definitely be able to find time for it.

First, a few general rules:

  1. The exercises are performed, so to speak, from top to bottom, that is, the warm-up always starts from the neck.
  2. All movements are made smoothly, gradually, without sudden swings.
  3. It is advisable to do gymnastics every day. But if it didn’t work out, the person forgot, there’s no need to reproach yourself. Otherwise, a persistent aversion to exercise will form.
  4. There is no need to overpower yourself or do anything through pain. After some time, the amplitude will begin to increase on its own; you should not force things.
  5. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 15.
  6. If you have problems with the spine, you must perform all twisting and rotation very carefully. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to avoid such exercises.

Set of exercises

Now you can start doing joint exercises at home.

  1. Neck warm-up. I. p.: standing, arms hanging freely along the body. Performing head tilts. First back and forth. The shoulders remain in one place. You can literally feel the neck muscles and vertebrae stretching. Then perform movements from side to side. The tendons and muscles stretch well. Rotate your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Movements are smooth. If you have cervical osteochondrosis, you need to perform the exercise extremely carefully.. During periods of exacerbation, it is better to refrain from this exercise. In conclusion - “copybooks”, that is, they “write out” some words or simply the alphabet with their chin in the air. You can start with your first and last name.
  2. Fingers. I. p.: standing, arms extended in front of you. You need to clench and unclench your fists. Then, as it were, give a click to someone invisible with each finger - from the index finger to the little finger and in reverse order.
  3. Wrists. I. p.: the same. You need to move each hand up and down. Then - rotation in the wrist joints.
  4. Elbow joints. I. p.: standing, arms to the sides. The arms are bent at the elbow joints and rotated first in one direction, then in the other. You can try multidirectional rotations, this improves coordination.
  5. Rotation of straight arms in the shoulder joints forward and backward.
  6. Back. Exercise "cat". I. p. standing on all fours. The back should be arched up and down, just like a cat does.
  7. Small of the back. I. p.: standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Rotation of the body first to the right, then to the left. At each stage you need to feel how the spine is stretched.
  8. Hip joint. I. p.: standing. One leg is raised so that the thigh is perpendicular to the body. Hold onto something with one hand so as not to lose your balance. Rotations of the hip are performed forward and backward. The same is done with the second leg.
  9. Knees. I. p. is the same as in the previous exercise. Rotate the shin clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat with the second leg. Then the feet are placed side by side, parallel to each other, and squatted a little. Palms rest on knees. The two legs are rotated at the knee joints in one direction, then in the other.
  10. Ankle joints. I. p. from exercise 7. The leg is raised, the foot is rotated to the right and left. I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform body rotations. In this case, the lower back is fixed and straight. Movement in a circle occurs due to the ankle joints. I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The foot is placed on the toe and movements are made as if crushing cigarette butts. Then repeat the exercise with the second foot.
  11. Toes, feet. I. p.: sitting on a chair. Clenching and unclenching fingers. You can try to walk, as if pulling yourself up with your toes. Imitation of movements in fins by feet. It’s like a wave passes through the leg. Toe rotations. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to rotate each toe separately. Therefore, you will have to do this “manually”, that is, take the foot in one hand, and with the other, twist each finger in different directions. This exercise prevents salt deposition.

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