Home Stomatitis Benefits to the family of a deceased combat veteran. Receiving monetary compensation by children whose parents participated in the Second World War and died

Benefits to the family of a deceased combat veteran. Receiving monetary compensation by children whose parents participated in the Second World War and died

1. Measures social support established for the families of fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War, combat veterans (hereinafter also referred to as the dead (deceased)), are provided to disabled family members of the deceased (deceased), who were dependent on him and receiving a survivor's pension (having the right to receive it) in accordance with pension legislation Russian Federation. These persons are provided with the following social support measures:

1) benefits for pension provision in accordance with the law;

2) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

3) priority when joining housing, housing-construction, garage cooperatives, priority right to purchase garden land plots or vegetable plots of land;

4) providing, at the expense of the federal budget, housing for family members of deceased (deceased) disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and participants of the Great Patriotic War in need of improvement living conditions, family members of deceased (deceased) disabled combat veterans and combat veterans in need of improved housing conditions and registered before January 1, 2005, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Federal Law. Family members of deceased (deceased) disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and participants of the Great Patriotic War have the right to receive social support measures to provide housing once. Family members of deceased (deceased) disabled combat veterans and combat veterans registered after January 1, 2005 are provided with housing in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation. Family members of deceased (deceased) disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants of the Great Patriotic War are provided with housing regardless of their property status;

5) - 6) are no longer valid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

7) maintaining the right to receive medical care V medical organizations, to which these persons were attached during the life of the deceased (deceased) during the period of work until retirement, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in medical organizations subordinate to federal bodies executive power, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in medical organizations under the jurisdiction executive bodies state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, - laws and other normative legal acts subjects of the Russian Federation;

8) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

9) compensation for expenses for living quarters and utilities in the amount of 50 percent:

rent and (or) fees for the maintenance of residential premises, including fees for services, work on managing an apartment building, for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in apartment building, based on the total area of ​​residential premises occupied, respectively, by tenants or owners (in communal apartments - occupied living space), including family members of the deceased (deceased), who lived with him;

contribution for major repairs of common property in an apartment building, but not more than 50 percent of the specified contribution, calculated on the basis of the minimum amount of contribution for major repairs per one square meter of total living space per month, established by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the occupied total area residential premises (in communal apartments - occupied living space), including family members of the deceased (deceased), who lived with him;

fees for cold water, hot water, electrical energy consumed during the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, as well as for the disposal of wastewater for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building;

payment for utilities, calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by meter readings, but not more than consumption standards approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of the specified metering devices, fees for utility services are calculated based on standards for the consumption of utility services, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

payment for the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel - when living in houses that do not have central heating. Providing fuel to the families of the deceased (dead) is carried out as a matter of priority.

Social support measures for paying for residential premises and utilities are provided to persons living in residential premises, regardless of type housing stock, and do not apply to cases of application of increasing coefficients to utility consumption standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Social support measures for paying utility bills are provided regardless of which family member of the deceased is the tenant (owner) of the residential premises;

10) has become invalid. - Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ;

11) is no longer valid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

12) in the presence of medical indications, priority provision at the last place of work of the deceased (deceased) with vouchers to health resort organizations;

13) - 14) are no longer valid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

15) priority admission to the organization social services, providing social services in a stationary form, in a semi-stationary form, extraordinary services by social service organizations providing social services in the form of social services at home, the spouse of the deceased.

2. Regardless of the state of working ability, being a dependent, receiving a pension or wages social support measures are provided:

1) parents of a deceased (deceased) disabled war veteran, participant in the Great Patriotic War and combat veteran;

2) the spouse of a deceased war invalid who did not remarry;

3) the spouse of a deceased participant in the Great Patriotic War who did not remarry;

4) the spouse of a deceased combat veteran who did not remarry and lives alone, or with a minor child (children), or with a child (children) older than age 18 years old, who became (have become) disabled before reaching the age of 18, or with a child (children) who have not reached the age of 23 and are studying (studying) in educational organizations full-time education.

3. Social support measures established for family members of killed (deceased) disabled combatants apply to family members of military personnel, private and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies, national guard troops, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system and bodies state security who died in the performance of military service (official duties). The specified social support measures are provided to family members of military personnel who died in captivity, recognized as missing in action in areas of combat operations in accordance with the established procedure, from the time of removal of these military personnel from the lists military units.

4. Members of the families of persons killed in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as members of the families of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad, are provided with social support measures established for family members of deceased (deceased) disabled people of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War.

The provisions of Article 21 of Law No. 5-FZ are used in the following articles:
  • Expenditure obligations for social protection and social support for veterans
    1. Social support measures established by Articles 14 - 19 and 21 of this Federal Law and the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it are expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation.

How can family members of veterans receive benefits? This question is now generating interest in society. On the territory of Russia there is legislation on social security veterans. What should family members of veterans do to receive benefits, and how are they applied for?

What rights does the owner of the ID have? Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations have the right to use social services. support, and if a person is no longer alive, the families of deceased war veterans are entitled to benefits if they receive their certificate.

How to get benefits for veteran family members

According to a decree adopted in 2013, the families of deceased combat veterans receive a new type of certificate.

The ones preceding them are valid until replaced. Those wishing to replace their certificate with a new one will not have to pay any money: this obligation is fulfilled by the Ministry of Labor.

Within the state framework, benefits for families of combat and WWII veterans do not apply to all persons. The list of eligible benefit categories includes:

  • those who have not married or have not married after the death of their ex-husband (wife) and live alone, possibly with a minor child, a disabled child (including those over 18 years old), or with children studying full-time at an educational institution;
  • parents of the deceased (deceased);
  • persons who have not received a survivor's pension for any reason and disabled relatives.

At the expense of the federal budget, family members of deceased (dead) veterans of the Great Patriotic War or military operations enjoy the following list of privileges:

  1. Annual holidays for children in nurseries health centers, camps and sanatoriums. The discount on this service is 50%, and the vacation period is no more than 21 days.
  2. Minor children lose their breadwinner. Therefore, they are entitled to a pension for its loss from social services provided by the regional Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. All family members receive a monthly cash payment with additional social services. Its size is regulated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
  4. Funeral of a veteran with full honors, transportation of the deceased, burial, as well as the installation of a monument for him. These services are paid for by the state.
  5. Compensation in the form of half of the total amount for the use of occupied living space and utilities: gas supply through pipes or in cylinders, drainage, electricity, drainage and water supply, heating.
  6. If the living space is heated with coal or wood, the state provides compensation or a subsidy for the purchase and delivery of fuel. Those who cannot wait for subsidies purchase fuel and provide receipts and delivery notes for fuel and its delivery. government agencies, on the basis of which costs are compensated.
  7. Improving living conditions. This benefit can only be used once. Those who joined the queue before January 1, 2005 have the right to priority provision of real estate. Those who joined the queue after this do not have this right.
  8. Provision of plots for a dacha association + an advantage when joining a garage cooperative.
  9. Extraordinary admission to a nursing home.

Some benefits due to parents, wives and children state level, regional Pension Funds do not provide. Such actions are illegal, they preferential category the population can appeal. The benefits provided by the regions complement the main list of state ones.

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What benefits are provided to the families of deceased veterans?

If it can be proven that family members of the deceased were dependent on him, they are entitled to receive additional compensation. In some regions it is equal to 500 rubles. Before his death, the veteran received this amount through a tax deduction. Tax exemptions on transport and real estate are also possible.

In many regions, relatives of a deceased veteran do not pay a state fee to go to court. The nature of the claim does not affect this privilege. Also, in some regions, dependents of a deceased veteran have the right to free travel within the city and throughout the region on all types of transport except route or company taxis and the metro.

Many identical social benefits are also enjoyed by the immediate relatives of those killed in the line of duty by personnel of the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal inspection and military personnel of any rank, those who died in captivity or missing military personnel participating in operations in hot spots. Families of employees of air defense emergency teams and medical institutions in Leningrad also enjoy benefits identical to those for close relatives of deceased combat and WWII veterans.

To understand what types of compensation and social privileges are available to widows, children and parents of deceased veterans, you should contact the Social Security Administration at your place of residence.

Benefits for family members of veterans

Disabled family members of a deceased (deceased) disabled war veteran or combat veteran, who were his dependents, have the right to benefits. In order to receive a survivor's pension and benefits, family members of the deceased must prove with documents that they were dependent on him. Children under 18 do not need proof of dependency. Dependents and children of combatants are entitled to the following benefits (Article 21 of the law):

1) pension benefits;
2) an advantage when joining housing, housing-construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, gardening and dacha associations;
3) providing, at the expense of the state, housing for family members of veterans who were registered as needing improved housing conditions before January 1, 2005;
4) maintaining service in medical institutions, to which they were attached during the life of the deceased, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care under state guarantee programs for the provision of free medical care in federal and municipal medical institutions;
5) payment in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​​​housing and utilities (water supply, sewerage, waste removal, gas, electricity, heat - within the established consumption standards);
6) preferential provision at the last place of work of the deceased (deceased) with vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations if there are medical indications;
7) priority admission to boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, social service centers, priority admission to service by social assistance departments at home of the spouse of the deceased.

Regardless of being a dependent and receiving any type of income, social support measures are provided to family members of war disabled veterans and combatants:

1) parents;
2) a spouse who has not remarried;
3) a spouse who has not remarried and lives alone, or with a minor child (children), or with a child over the age of 18 who became disabled before reaching the age of 18, or with a child under the age of 23 - full-time student.

Benefits for family members of killed (deceased) disabled combat veterans apply to family members of military personnel, private and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies, State Border Guard Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system and state security bodies, who died in service or in captivity, who were declared missing in combat areas, since their exclusion from the lists of military units. Benefits also apply to family members of those killed in the Second World War from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased workers of Leningrad hospitals and clinics.

In addition to federal benefits, there are also regional ones. Regional beneficiaries: labor veterans, military veterans, home front workers, victims of political repression - have the right to apply for monthly benefits cash payments in exchange for the unrealizable right to free travel in transport: urban and suburban. Moreover, citizens can refuse the right to free travel both in both categories of transport, and in one of them. But only regional benefit recipients have the right to replace benefits in kind with cash compensation, federal beneficiaries it is not distributed.

To find out about the procedure for providing benefits in your region, contact your local administration with a request.

Many people are interested in whether benefits are provided to combatants, as well as war veterans? If Russia provides some kind of bonuses from the state, what exactly? What can a military man and his family count on? What conditions must be met? To understand all this, it is enough to study the current legislation of the Russian Federation well. Citizens in Russia can receive many benefits. And you don’t have to be a pensioner to do this. It is enough to have a certain status. Are combatants and war veterans considered beneficiaries?

Are they entitled to benefits?

Veterans are people who in Russia have their own bonuses, so combat veterans are 100% beneficiaries. They will receive certain support from the state for their special status. The families of such people will not remain in the shadows either. They will also receive some bonuses.

But what about the direct participants in the hostilities? In fact, they are also provided with benefits to one degree or another. Moreover, veterans and participants, as a rule, are provided with approximately the same opportunities. Families of military personnel, especially widows, are applicants for certain benefits in the Russian Federation. But to obtain and preserve them, approved rules must be followed.

What benefits are given to combatants? What are they entitled to and are there any specifics that should be taken into account first?

Free lands

The first thing that attracts many is the so-called free land. Some point out that among all the benefits provided, there is an opportunity that allows you to get a plot to build a house absolutely free of charge. And free of charge.

This statement is not entirely correct. What benefits are given to combatants? Previously, it was possible to obtain land ownership from the state without any problems. The only exceptions were areas in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But due to some changes, combatants and their families lost the opportunity free receipt plot. Since 2005, citizens can acquire land on a general basis - by purchasing it from the municipality, as well as by participating in auctions.

There are exceptions

But don't despair. Benefits for combatants are still provided for obtaining land for building a house. There are certain categories of veterans who have reserved this right. These are holders of the Order of Glory, as well as Heroes of the Russian Federation or the USSR.

And we can’t stop there. Only in 2005 did citizens lose the opportunity to register land plots as their property if they had the status of a combat veteran or participant thereof. People who queued up for the issuance of land before the specified period reserve this right. That is, if citizens registered land before 2005, but their turn has not yet come, the plot will be issued. And on a free basis. Therefore, this benefit has been partially retained. Not everyone can count on it, but it does happen.

Who is eligible

Before studying the rest of the bonuses provided by the state, you should figure out who can even be called a veteran of combat operations or a participant in them. What categories of people belong to this layer of society?

There is a separate military action." It clearly regulates who exactly is called a veteran or participant in combat operations and has the right to a certain list of additional opportunities:

  1. Military personnel (including those transferred to the reserve or retired) who were called up to At the same time, it is important: people had to take part in certain military operations while performing duties on the territory of the USSR or the Russian Federation.
  2. Military personnel and police chiefs. To receive benefits, these categories of persons had to participate in mine clearance activities in the USSR in the period 05/10/1945-12/31/1951. This also includes those who destroyed mines before 1957.
  3. Citizens who served or participated to one degree or another in military operations in Afghanistan, as well as in the Chechen Republic.
  4. People serving Russian military units on the territory of foreign states.
  5. Persons who worked in Afghanistan from 1979 (December) to 1989 (December). At the same time, military personnel must serve a certain period of time or be dismissed early for compelling reasons.
  6. In 2016, combat participants and veterans are considered to be military personnel who were involved in the operation in Syria.

There is nothing complicated. Families of the previously listed categories of citizens are families of military personnel. They also have certain benefits. But what can these persons count on? What bonuses from the state are they entitled to legally?


For example, they will be assigned increased pension. Benefits for children of combatants, widows and veterans themselves are usually provided mainly in the form of cash payments. If we are talking about a direct participant, then he has the right to receive a special pension. She doesn't need to reach retirement age.

The same, as already mentioned, is due to the families of military personnel. For example, widows or children. They will receive cash from the state, but only if the participant in the hostilities died. This is perhaps the most common benefit.

Important: the pension for the wife of a serviceman who participated in hostilities may be terminated. This will happen if the woman enters into a new marriage. Until this point, she is assigned the right to receive financial support from the state. Again, the recipient does not need to be of retirement age. After all, according to the rules established in Russia, you can only claim one pension payment. The citizen himself chooses one or another option.

Regarding land

Despite the fact that citizens were deprived of the opportunity to receive a plot of land free of charge, military veterans still had one right in relation to land. We are talking about joining various garden communities and cooperatives. The fact is that veterans and members have priority rights to this.

That is, first of all, housing, gardening and dacha cooperatives will accept participants and combat veterans. A small one, but still a bonus. Some people will find it extremely useful. Although this is far from the most common and favorite benefit. What else is due to the category of citizens being studied? What features are they entitled to?

Health care

The same benefits are provided to participants in combat operations in Afghanistan, as to everyone else. For example, special attention is paid to the medical field. Why? There are a number of benefits that may be of interest to the population.

For example, a participant or veteran of combat operations is assigned the right to medical care where citizens were observed before retirement. And we are talking about free help. No one is capable of collecting or requesting money from veterans or combat veterans.

Also, these categories of persons have every right for preferential service. They must be allowed through without queuing. Typically, such a bonus is provided not only in public, but also in private clinics. Veterans and combatants, if they have the appropriate ID, should be served in the front row.

But that's not all! What benefits are provided to combatants in the field of medicine? The next opportunity that is offered to the population is payment for any prostheses and rehabilitation equipment. There is only one exception when it comes to teeth. Dentures are not paid for by the state. However, there are certain regions in which regional benefits have been established for them.


In Russia there are a lot of opportunities that are associated with certain beneficiaries. What can a veteran or combat veteran qualify for? The 2015-2016 benefits include some bonuses regarding transport.

The fact is that in most regions of the Russian Federation free travel is provided for the category of people under study. Or you can buy a ticket at a discount. Typically, this benefit is not available to the families of military personnel. But a direct participant in public transport can ride for free. It is recommended to find out exact information about this in each region separately.

We can say for sure that route and regular private taxis do not provide any travel benefits. This rule applies throughout Russia. Therefore, you should not expect that you will be able to travel for free using the specified transport if you have the status of a war participant.


More important point is the payment of taxes. As a rule, no one can be exempted from them. But at the same time, tax benefits are given to combatants. Which ones exactly?

Firstly, when officially employed, you can do the so-called tax deduction. For ordinary participants it is 500 rubles, for disabled people - 3000. It allows you to reduce the amount of income tax paid.

You should also pay attention to the fact that these categories of persons are completely exempt from property penalties. This means that annual payments in the form of taxes for this or that property owned by a citizen will not have to be paid.

Provided for combatants. The fact is that often they are simply released from it. Or citizens pay transport tax with a large discount - up to 90%. Sometimes even more. It all depends on the region of residence.

Benefits for participants in ATO combat operations or any other operations do not end with the above list. In the Russian Federation, no one is exempt from land tax. Therefore, you should pay attention to it. Veterans and war participants are offered to reduce the amount of land tax they pay. How exactly? Citizens are entitled to a kind of deduction equal to 10,000 rubles. The value of the land is reduced by this amount when calculating the tax. Accordingly, the final payment also becomes smaller.


Russia offers various benefits to combatants. And in different areas. Great attention is paid to the so-called housing bonuses. What exactly are we talking about?

For example, these categories of citizens (as well as all those living with a veteran or war participant) are able to apply for the installation of a home telephone out of turn. And on a completely free basis.

There are also utility benefits. Participants in hostilities, as well as their families (if they live together), are paid half of the invoices received. That is, citizens must pay only 50% of the total amount monthly for utilities.

For employed people

What else? Employed combat veterans are entitled to some job-related benefits. Which ones exactly? There aren't that many of them. In practice, rarely anyone knows about them. Benefits for combatants are provided if they have the appropriate certificate. This fact must be taken into account. Otherwise, the employer has the right to refuse bonuses.

On this moment in Russia, veterans and war participants have the right:

  1. Take paid leave in accordance with the rules established in the Russian Federation. But at the same time, the time of legal rest is chosen by the beneficiary. While regular employees go on vacation on schedule.
  2. Also, the employer pays for advanced training courses, trains the employee and provides him with appropriate education, if it is needed to perform certain duties.

There are no more special rules. Otherwise, combatants are the same employees as everyone else.

For families

What about military families? After all, under certain circumstances, they are also entitled to certain opportunities, as well as support from the state. What benefits are provided to the families of combatants in 2016?

Among the most common are:

  • part payment funeral services for the funeral of a veteran/war participant;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • financial support in case of death of a military man.

The first point requires special attention. The fact is that payment for funeral services only includes the burial itself, transporting the body to the place of future burial and making a monument. No further benefits are provided to the families of combatants in this area. The state does not pay for the funeral in full.


Widows of military personnel who had the status of a combat participant or veteran require special attention. Moreover, as already mentioned, we are not necessarily talking about a pensioner. What benefits are available to widows of combatants? There are not many of them, but they still exist. The main thing is not to remarry, otherwise bonuses from the state will be lost.

What are the rights of wives of combatants? The Law “On Veterans” clearly establishes the following list:

  • discount on utilities and rent;
  • preferential right to join cooperatives and communities;
  • payment of pensions in the amounts established by law;
  • service (primarily) in medical institutions to which the deceased spouse was attached;
  • right to social assistance at home out of turn;
  • advantage when admitted to nursing homes and boarding schools.

These are the benefits that widows of combatants were entitled to in 2015-2016. There are no plans to cancel them yet. To take advantage of certain opportunities, you will have to present appropriate evidence. For example, submit an application of the established form to the Pension Fund for the assignment of a pension. And as proof, attach to the document an identification of a veteran/war participant, as well as a marriage certificate.

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