Home Gums Get out of the house: daily rental housing in apartment buildings will be prohibited. Ban on renting apartments daily

Get out of the house: daily rental housing in apartment buildings will be prohibited. Ban on renting apartments daily

If previously property owners could fearlessly make a profit from daily rentals, the state may soon ban this type of transaction. Since 2016, the State Duma has been considering.

This bill applies primarily to hostels and mini-hotels located in apartment buildings. But it can also affect owners of ordinary residential premises.

According to the bill, the homeowner has the right to dispose of property at his own discretion However, these actions must take into account the interests and rights of neighbors. The law has not yet come into force, which means that it is possible to rent out an apartment for daily rent in a residential building.

But even after the adoption of this project, owners will not be prohibited from settling in short term tenants, if the neighbors do not mind, and the tenants do not disturb the silence and interfere with the living of those who are behind the wall.


Renting an apartment for several days is beneficial from the client’s point of view. Unlike hotels, such housing is affordable and meets all necessary requirements for accommodation. Having a kitchen is its significant advantage.

If, while living in a hotel, you have to spend money on cafes and restaurants, then in an apartment you can save on food by preparing it yourself.

What are the advantages of the owner? Is it profitable to rent out an apartment daily?

Disadvantages of this type of business

Possible risks

How to rent an apartment daily and where to start?

First of all, you need to decide on the cost. When determining the price, it is important to consider the following points:

  • infrastructure;
  • location of the house;
  • repairs and furnishings;
  • condition of furniture and equipment.

IMPORTANT: The apartment should have everything for comfortable stay person. The absence of any property, for example, a washing machine, will be an obstacle to renting out the property for a short period of time.

One of the fundamental points in determining the price is monitoring similar offers in your city. Take a look at free classified ads on the Internet and find out how much owners are renting out their properties for.

Don't bet too much low price wanting to overtake competitors in hopes of a large influx of calls. At best, you will earn pennies, at worst, nothing at all. You shouldn’t inflate the cost either, since many people appreciate an adequate ratio of price and quality of service. Stick to the golden mean.

Don't forget that you will have to pay for utilities, so include these costs in the price.

Place advertisements in all newspapers (it is better to choose free publications), as well as on advertisement sites - avito.ru and irr.ru. In the text, describe the object in detail and indicate the price. Attach a reliable photo. If you want to attract more visitors, then give a small discount for concluding a contract for a week or more.

How to conclude a contract correctly?

An important role in the question of how to properly rent out an apartment for daily rent is played by a document such as an agreement. A correctly drawn up contract will save you from possible risks and dangers.

A sample document can be downloaded from the Internet and adjusted to suit your personal requirements and conditions. What must be present in the document:

  • Full names of both parties, as well as passport details;
  • subject of the agreement – ​​apartment;
  • Date of preparation;
  • the period for which the property is provided;
  • amount of payment;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • penalties for violation of contract and damage to property;
  • signatures of the parties with transcripts.

When concluding a document, it is necessary to check the person’s passport details. It would also be a good idea to draw up an inventory of the property. When you receive money, you can make a receipt so that no one has any unfounded claims later.

The agreement is drawn up in simple written form and does not require notarization. This concludes the process of renting out an apartment daily.

Through an agency

By running such a business through a realtor, you save your time and also get more guarantees that your offer will be in demand. Most of the responsibilities are transferred to the shoulders of the agent:

  • searching for clients;
  • negotiation;
  • drawing up and concluding contracts;
  • check-in and check-out;
  • checking the premises.

This way, all you have to do is clean up and collect the money from the agent. For that, To rent out an apartment daily through an agency, you must write a power of attorney for the realtor. According to Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney can be written in free form, indicating the passport details of the intermediary and the principal.

In the video below, experienced notaries share their tips on how to rent out an apartment without hassle.

The agency's service is paid - you will have to give it about 15-25% of the profit received. However, in return, you can get a large flow of clients, transaction security and time saved on negotiations, viewing and submitting advertisements. Such a deal is beneficial not only to the agent, but also to the owner himself.

If you approach daily rental As a real business, you can earn a good income. The main thing is not to disturb the peace of your neighbors, actively search for clients and prepare documents correctly.

America's largest city hits service Airbnb, prohibiting him from posting advertisements for apartments for less than 30 days. This could deprive the company lion's share income in the largest market, and also set an example for other capitals. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are now experiencing a boom in the hotel business. After all, Airbnb has already become a sworn competitor of hoteliers in the West.

New York says no to Airbnb

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday, October 21, signed a law banning short-term rentals to tourists, The New York Times reports. The document provides for a fine of $7,500 for owners who have posted such advertisements on the site.

It is believed that this measure is aimed primarily at the activities of the popular home rental service Airbnb. According to city laws, since 2010 it has been prohibited to rent out an entire apartment for a period of less than 30 days, but some landlords and tenants ignore this rule and use the service to rent out housing for a much shorter period.

According to The New York Times, lawmakers and affordable housing advocates around the world are concerned that Airbnb is making it easier for travelers to rent short-term apartments, thereby taking these properties out of the market for long-term city residents and driving up rental rates. Officials say it undermines their efforts to keep prices affordable by allowing the apartments to be used as unregulated hotels.

But behind all the statements about caring for citizens, another interest is discernible - the protection of hotels that bring real money to the city budget. Airbnb representatives also say this. On the same day, the company's management filed a lawsuit against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Mayor Bill De Blasio and the City of New York.

Airbnb can't afford to lose largest market for service in America. Last year, apartment owners in New York generated about $1 billion in profit, which brought significant commissions to the service.

Other cities are preparing for action

Airbnb, founded in 2008 in San Francisco, began having difficulties with regional officials several years ago. According to newsru.com, earlier this year the company sued the city of San Francisco, trying to challenge a new requirement according to which, as of August 1, property owners not registered in the city cannot post advertisements for their rental.

Among European capitals, dissatisfaction with the impostor from overseas is also brewing. Thus, Berlin recently passed a law banning most short-term rental services. Barcelona and Amsterdam have imposed large fines on landlords who advertise in violation of local laws.

Hoteliers in Prague interviewed by the site's correspondent in August of this year also advocate limiting the activities of Airbnb or strictly regulating it. Thus, the owners of a number of Prague hostels and mini-hotels complained about the inequality of the tax burden between their business and the owners of apartments on Airbnb.

Will come from taxes

Lawyers note that we currently have legislative framework There are no such services to limit the activities of such services. But if desired, it can easily be accepted - if the need arises to bring this market into the tax base.

“The issue here is transparency of tax collections and declaration of income of owners. If they want to limit it, they will go through taxes. For example, they can force homeowners to buy a patent. It doesn't matter if it's a short-term or long-term rental. The main thing is how the deal is finalized. If the state pays attention to this, a year will be enough to introduce standards for the purchase of a patent and appropriate sanctions for violations of the rules,” said the founder of the legal agency.

But, in his opinion, Airbnb currently does not have a large market share in Russia. The place of this service is still occupied by a significant segment of serviced apartments. Previously, they were called apartment hotels. These are large hotels in the center with cleaning and good repairs. They are mostly occupied by corporate tourists who come to attend seminars and exhibitions.

Hoteliers won't be upset

And it seems that if the authorities do turn their spotlight on Airbnb, hardly anyone will stand up for the service. Moreover, there is something to complain about.

“I like New York’s initiative, I hope Russia will follow it. Firstly, this is good from the point of view of the safety of citizens - their housemates will no longer be able to rent out apartments to everyone every day. This is also beneficial for hotels - Airbnb accounts for them unfair competition. In our country it is difficult to control the taxation of people who rent out property for a short period of time,” said Sergey Kolesnikov, Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia.

In addition, the expert believes that apartments must meet all the requirements for hotels. First of all, this is a rigid system fire safety, which is absent in the housing stock. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, apartments are housing stock, but a hotel is not, so it pays all taxes as a legal entity.

“I would pay attention to this problem now. Airbnb is already creating serious competition for hotels in the urban segment and should not be underestimated. What kind of investor will come to a city hotel if, in addition to competition with other hotels, there is also a threat from these services? In the resort - no, private owners have always existed there,” said Sergei Kolesnikov.

The site correspondent was unable to contact representatives of the service itself.

The people will not protect

It is worth noting that New Yorkers themselves react ambiguously to innovations. A demonstration in front of City Hall during a hearing on the terms of short-term rentals in January 2015 brought out both supporters and opponents of the service's expansion in the metropolis.

But hotel industry tax revenue outweighs arguments ordinary citizens who may lose additional income. With such interest on the part of the state and business around the world, it is possible that the screws regarding this “advertising platform” will continue to be tightened.

By the way, there are already enough ordinary users on the RuNet about the work of Airbnb. At the same time, the service in Russia does not yet have such distribution and recognition as in the United States, which means that no one will come out onto the street with posters in defense of Airbnb.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, on the eve of the second reading of the bill, which was dubbed the “Hostel Law,” representatives of the tourism industry. Hosteliers claim that, if it comes into force, it will affect all Russians - because it is intended to prohibit the provision of temporary accommodation services for citizens in residential premises (including apartments).

To bookmarks

On May 13, the State Duma introduced a bill amending Article 17 of the Housing Code. According to the deputies, paragraph 3 of this article should look like this:

3. Placement in residential premises is not allowed industrial production, as well as hotels and other accommodation facilities, provision of hotel services and other accommodation services.

Bill No. 876688-6

The bill caused controversial and mostly negative reactions. Almost all professional associations spoke out against its adoption. with a statement, noting that “The proposed mechanism does not take into account the balance of interests of homeowners - residents apartment buildings and small businesses. It is too inflexible and therefore ineffective... if it comes into force in its current form, it will deprive the mass tourist available funds placements in Russian cities."

The Russian Hotel Association responded to the bill, in which it specifically stated that this type Accommodation facilities are especially common in resort and tourist areas. “It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this segment for the development of primarily youth tourism, especially in the current economic conditions.”

The Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia is negative about the new ban, noting that the problem is that the provision for a separate entrance has disappeared from the hotel classification system. “When there is a separate entrance, no one disturbs the residents, and hostels exist separately and operate according to their own standards.”

Promotion "Funeral domestic tourism" in Moscow

They are not interested in anything except business, which they want to protect by all means, and we are fighting for our voters, from whom we constantly receive complaints. Hostels operate around the clock, the crowd is constantly changing, life turns into a nightmare, and the cost of neighboring apartments is falling. Reportedly internal organs, petty crime is on the rise, which is natural, since everyone is a stranger and there is nothing stopping people who stay for a few days

Galina Khovanskaya

The reaction of government officials to the proposed changes was also negative. Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, speaking at an extended meeting of the Federation Council Committee on social policy, that the bill, which prohibits the placement of hotels and hostels in residential premises, needs to be finalized so as not to deprive citizens traveling in Russia available ways placement.

Deputy Legislative Assembly St. Petersburg Vitaly Milonov on the problem, noting that hostel is different from hostel. Decent hostels that are included in the “booking” (that is, booked through a specific website) and in which all standards are met are acceptable for residential buildings, according to the deputy.

We need to fight not with hostels, but with advertisements like “dormitory for 170 rubles per day.” This is where the real migrant workers are unsanitary conditions, these are creepy hangouts! But there is no need to fight with civilized hostels.

Vitaly Milonov

Campaign “Funeral of Domestic Tourism” in Yekaterinburg

However, how will the law (if it is adopted) prevent Russians from renting out their apartments? The answer lies in the interpretations of the concepts that are disclosed in the document called “”. Prohibited “accommodation facilities” state standard understands, among other things, “apartments, rooms in apartments, houses, cottages for rent” - if they provide hotel or “other accommodation services”.

And, if what hotel services are is more or less clear to us, then what these mysterious “other accommodation services” are is unknown. There is no such definition in current laws or standards.

Yana Okuneva, president of the Interregional Association for the Development of the Hostel Industry, that such a gap is actually aimed at limiting ownership rights to apartments - because, if the bill is adopted, any interested and powerful person can point to any apartment/room that is rented for rent as an accommodation facility.

Thus, after the adoption of the new law, you will not be able to rent out an apartment or even simply accommodate a relative from another city - either for a fee or for free.

Campaign “Funeral of Domestic Tourism” in Tyumen

Galina Khovanskaya with this opinion, specifying that “If an apartment is rented for long term, according to the contract, there are no complaints; only apartments that are rented daily are subject to the ban.”

True, the deputy does not comment on how exactly the law will distinguish between such apartments.

Let us remind you that recently in State Duma a second reading must take place.

In Russia, it may be prohibited to place mini-hotels (hostels) in multi-apartment residential buildings. Such amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation were approved by State Duma deputies in the first reading last week. As experts told Primorskaya Gazeta, these amendments will automatically prohibit Russians from renting out their apartments on a daily basis. In addition, changes to the Housing Code will lead to the disappearance of hostels as a type of business activity.

Hostels in Russia may still be banned from operating in residential buildings. The long-debated bill that introduces such restrictions was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading. Experts warn that if the new rules come into force, about 80% of home hotel owners will leave the legal market.

The developers of the bill in explanatory note note that current legislation allows the opening of hotels or hostels in houses only after the premises are transferred to the non-residential category. The Housing Code clearly states: an apartment in a high-rise building can be turned into “non-residential” only if it is located on the first floor of the building or above the first floor, if the premises (located on the first floor) are already non-residential. However, at the same time, GOST R 56184-2014 is in force, approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation, which establishes General requirements to hostels and the services provided in them. It is this that now makes it possible to organize hostels in residential premises.

According to parliamentarians, apartment owners can dispose of their housing only within the framework established by the Housing Code.

Any residence in an apartment by people who are not related to it is a sign of commercial activity, which is prohibited under the Housing Code, said First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Sergei Katasonov, who presented the bill at a meeting in the State Duma.

According to the deputy chairman of the committee, about five thousand so-called small tourist accommodation facilities are currently operating in Russia. And 80% of them are located in residential buildings.


Hostels are also popular in Primorye. In Vladivostok, more than 30 companies provide mini-hotel services. Cost of accommodation in the simplest room inexpensive hotel and hostel may differ by 5–10 times

Experts believe that if amendments to the Housing Code are approved by parliamentarians in the current version, then hostels in Russia will practically cease to exist. This will automatically be reflected in a decrease in tourist flow.

If the law is adopted, then this type of business will not exist in Russia at all,” Roman Ivanishchev, president of the Far Eastern Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers, told Primorskaya Gazeta. - This market segment covers almost 80% of the needs of the economy tourism flow. These are the people who are not willing to pay about $100 for a night’s stay in a hotel. Russians will simply stop traveling within the country, and most foreigners will prefer other countries to Primorye and Russia. For example, Thailand or Paris.

The expert clarified that tourists today also help many restaurants, cafes, and taxi companies “stay afloat.”

I don’t know who benefits from the adoption of the amendments, but if hostels stop operating in Russia, then the flow of tourists into the country will automatically decrease significantly, many cafes will close, and this will affect the economy,” Roman Ivanishchev clarified.

It should be noted that in 2015, Primorye was visited by almost half a million foreign citizens. The leaders in the number of tourists in Primorye in 2015 were Chinese People's Republic and the Republic of Korea. According to the director of the tourism department of the regional administration, Konstantin Shestakov, this is facilitated by the development of tourism infrastructure, the emergence in the region of such large-scale and significant objects as the integrated entertainment resort zone "Primorye", the sports and tourist complex "Primorskoe Ring" and others, as well as holding events in the region major international events.

Alexandra Popova

When engaging in rental business, you must not violate the rights of neighbors in an apartment building. The owner rents out his living space, makes a profit, and the tenants get the opportunity to live. But there is a third party, namely neighbors, who should not be disturbed by strangers living behind the wall. If the tenants turn out to be asocial elements, then this headache will affect neighboring owners, which is fundamentally wrong.

Quite often, property owners do not pay income taxes and enter into rental agreements with dubious individuals. IN Lately Renting an apartment by the hour or day has become popular. Such conditions often increase the criminal component, since living space is rented not for living, but for entertainment. If neighbors rent out an apartment by the day, then this additional disturbance must be stopped legally.

Only the tenant can examine the evasion of an apartment owner from paying taxes by submitting an agreement to the tax office. Testimony from neighbors about illegal residence can be sent to the local commissioner, who has the right to check documents and talk with the owner. If the tenants are migrants, then the issue is resolved much easier. The application is written to the migration service, after which the apartment is checked.

If the residents are indeed foreigners who do not have temporary registration, the owner will receive a significant administrative fine. But short-term rentals are difficult to prove and are the most criminal act. If conversations and calls from the owner do not bring visible results, residents change constantly and disturb neighbors, then an appeal to regulatory and executive authorities will be required.

What can you do if your neighbors rent out their apartment by the day and by the hour? The required result is difficult to achieve, since the law does not say anything specifically about such sharing. According to existing regulations, anonymous messages to the tax and migration services are not considered. People are afraid to provide their personal information so as not to increase the conflict with the real owner of the bad apartment.

You should first talk or write official letter signed by several neighbors to the owner himself. In the absence of the necessary measures and the continuation of scandals, residents have the following ways to respond:

  • appeal to the district police officer in writing with a description of the violations, supported by documents if possible;
  • supervisory authority, that is, the prosecutor's office, if the police officer does not take action and ignores the requests of the neighbors of the problem apartment;
  • an application to Rospotrebnadzor, the tax or migration service in writing or by calling a hotline.

According to existing rules, a response to citizens' appeals should be provided within a month. In the absence or disagreement with the conclusions of the authorities, you can complain about inaction to higher authorities. If tenants cause material damage to neighboring apartments, they will have to go to court.

The claim is sent to the owner of the apartment, who will be responsible for his tenants. Only then, after a court decision, the owner will have the opportunity to recover the resulting loss in court. A citizen, renting out an apartment by the day, understands his risks and provides them with increased rent. In this case, the rights of other residents of the apartment building are infringed, which requires a legal assessment in court or other authorities.

The court should be provided with as much evidence as possible of the guilt of the landlord and his tenants. This may be a copy of the appeal to the district police officer, other official acts and certificates.

The more neighbors sign the statement of claim, the faster the issue will be considered. To win the case and punish the negligent neighbor financially, it is recommended to contact lawyers with experience in such cases.

If the tenants are constantly changing, then most likely the apartment is rented for short terms. The use of a residential apartment as a hotel is not allowed sanitary standards. First, you will need to register and obtain official permission from the municipality and the management of the HOA (MC), pay taxes, and open an individual entrepreneur according to the established rules.

This issue is being dealt with by the SES and the prosecutor's office, where you will need to contact. Citizens who rent out an apartment by the day count on the indifferent attitude of their neighbors, although they are well aware of the illegality of their actions.

Application to the tax office

Neighbors concerned about noise and other disturbances in a rental apartment can file a complaint with the tax office.

You will need to indicate:

  • personal data of the applicant;
  • essence of the issue: the requirement to verify tax revenues and the presence of individual entrepreneurs;
  • demand for punishment for illegal actions.

Due to the threat of terrorism, the possibility of a gas explosion or other dangers to the lives of other people, authorities are required to respond promptly to such statements. In the application, you can indicate the requirement to verify the owner’s payment of income taxes and provide your evidence.

Constant noise, violation of living conditions and conflicts with other residents can lead to a call to the police. The application is written to the district police officer, who will be obliged to respond to this request. The data specified in the document must be real and represent verified facts. It is better if the appeal to the district police officer is signed by those around you, other neighbors.

A police representative will tell you how to deal with it and what else can be done in in this case. For example, call the squad immediately at the moment of scandalous behavior, so that the guests are checked immediately at the moment of the violation. In this case, the owner of the apartment may be summoned, who will be issued an administrative fine in case of repeated cases of violation of the order. Living next to such apartments can really be dangerous, so it is necessary to unite and resist the bad apartment.

If measures are not taken, then after contacting the police, you can complain to the prosecutor's office. A statement from several people indicating that strangers come to the apartment and bring various objects should alert the police and lead to a thorough check.

If illegal immigrants of foreign origin are found during the inspection, representatives of the Federal Migration Service will evict them immediately after identifying this fact. Tenants who have a Russian Federation passport will have to be evicted in court and the claim will be filed with the owner of the rented apartment. In order for the application to be accepted by the court for consideration, it must not be unfounded, but contain facts and evidence of violations of the passport regime. The more detailed the argument is presented, the easier it is to achieve eviction.

  • on patrol calls, which can be received at the duty station;
  • copies of appeals and violations identified by the SES;
  • a collective statement by the residents of the house with a petition to evict the violators;
  • spills, fires or other emergencies must be reported to the court and presented with documents.

It is impossible to prohibit a citizen from disposing of legal property, but it is possible to demand compliance with the law. According to Art. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to dispose of the property at his own discretion, if this does not contradict the law. The actions of the owner of an apartment in an apartment building should not infringe on the interests of other owners. Therefore, it is impossible to prohibit renting out an apartment, but setting up a hotel without necessarily obtaining permission and opening an individual entrepreneur is impossible.

Currently, legal transactions in which an apartment is rented have become widespread. legal entity, then subletting to third parties is carried out. The hotel business in residential buildings, when living space is rented out for a day and not by the owner, but by a tenant who has several dozen objects for occupancy, is not always legal. The presence of permits is valid as long as there are no violations and no complaints from neighbors.

The Duma is considering a bill that would limit the possibility of opening mini-hotels in residential buildings. Even if everyone is there constituent documents, the ban will apply to the number of residents and passport rules. In other words, there should be no justified complaints from other owners of the apartment building.

For example, you cannot open an office in apartments; the area should be converted into non-residential premises. This will require permission from residents and administration, which is impossible to obtain on the second and subsequent floors. If an apartment on the ground floor becomes a business object, then after approval and approval a separate entrance will be required.

According to Article 293 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the property is not maintained in good faith, the owner receives an official notification of the need to bring the premises into proper condition. For example, the apartment was used as an industrial premises, which led to significant harm to the other residents of the house. The owner is given a period to eliminate the violations, after which he will receive an administrative fine.

Numerous violations can lead to legal action against the negligent owner. A positive decision on the municipality's claim will lead to eviction, sale of the apartment at auction and the issuance of the proceeds to the culprit for the purchase of another property.

Sometimes neighbors rent out an apartment by the day, do not pay taxes and violate the rules of the passport regime. If a violation is proven, tax service collects the amount of tax and 20% of it as penalties. Payment can be made as arrears from previous years and claimed at any time, not necessarily within 3 years after discovery. Then the question arises of violating migration rules, where no less severe penalties are applied to the violator.

Tax on profit received is charged at the rate of 13%; if the amount exceeds 300 thousand rubles, then the tax can be increased by court decision several times. According to existing rules, concealment of 1.5 million profits will entail a penalty of up to 3 years in prison. It is quite difficult to establish such violations; the tax office becomes aware only when a conflict arises between the parties to the transaction.

For example, after vacating an apartment, residents can provide the tax office with receipts received from the owner for receiving funds. Citizens of the Russian Federation can live without registration for up to 90 days; subsequent residence will be considered illegal and will entail a significant fine for the owner. Usually, renting out an apartment for a day is required for business travelers who come for treatment, entering educational institution or for other short-term purposes.

The second purpose is to organize parties, noisy intimate meetings, and criminal rental activities. It is this type of lease that becomes conflicting and dangerous for other permanent residents. You should try all the ways you can complain, but unregistered citizens can be evicted if they are not the owners. If there are problems in a municipal property, the issue is resolved more easily.

If there are numerous complaints, the administration terminates the social tenancy agreement and forcibly vacates the apartment. A municipal property can be rented out only after the issue has been agreed upon with the legal owner, that is, the administration. The issue is being resolved in court, it may take long time, but the resolution will be binding on all parties to the dispute.

It should be understood that the presence of a social tenancy agreement does not make it possible to rent out an apartment even with a well-drafted agreement. This is an illegal action that can be stopped at the first violations of behavior and complaints from neighboring residents.

Renting a mortgaged apartment

It will also be illegal to rent out a mortgaged apartment, which is the bank’s collateral. Standard contracts stipulate a ban on renting out an apartment. This is due to the emerging risks of reducing the value of the object as a result emergency situations. If the bank discovers that unauthorized persons have moved into the secured apartment, the citizen will receive significant fines and subsequent restrictions, including inclusion in the prohibition lists.

You should ask the bank and draw up a legal lease agreement if agreed. Otherwise, the transaction will be considered illegal with all the ensuing consequences, including termination of the mortgage agreement through the fault of the borrower.

If citizens have problems with a neighboring rental apartment, then it is necessary to warn the owner about upcoming inspections and complaints against him. A person must understand that he is immediately violating two important laws: the tax and migration codes. Sometimes it is enough to draw the attention of a neighbor to stop the outrages behind the wall. Nowadays, there are frequent cases of household gas explosions, which the owner should pay attention to.

The overwhelming majority of landlords do not pay income tax and do not issue temporary registration to their tenants. Neighbors are loyal to the appearance of tenants, but only as long as it does not affect their interests. Therefore, if a local police officer or neighbors call the landlord and demand that the tenants be forcibly evicted and not create inconvenience for citizens, he should immediately agree.

There are many legal ways For punishment for significant violations, neighbors can turn not only to the police, but to competent lawyers. The consultation will tell you how to punish the culprit and what should be done to evict tenants without breaking the law. The owner himself should not conflict with neighbors and, when moving in a detachment of foreign workers, even for a short period, he should warn the tenants about possible troubles.

Of course, you can feel calm if you pay 13% of the income received, then you won’t have to fear denunciations from neighbors or the tenants themselves, which is not so rare.

Apartment rental tax: what are the risks of tax evasion?

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