Home Hygiene Occupational safety instructions for the veterinary animal treatment operator. Veterinary animal treatment operator Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

Occupational safety instructions for the veterinary animal treatment operator. Veterinary animal treatment operator Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for veterinary animal treatment operators.


1.1. A specialist with appropriate qualifications who has passed medical checkup and has no medical contraindications for health reasons, has completed introductory and initial workplace safety training, and has preventive vaccinations, who has undergone training in safe work practices, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.2. The operator, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo repeated training in labor safety at least once every six months; in case of violation of labor protection requirements by the operator, as well as during a break in work for more than 60 calendar days, he must undergo unscheduled instruction.
1.3. The operator, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once a year.
1.4. An operator who has not undergone timely training and knowledge testing on labor protection will independent work not allowed.
1.5. An operator allowed to work independently must know: the basics of veterinary and sanitary rules and veterinary legislation. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of animals. Principles of technology for the production of livestock products in industrial complexes. Basic information about the most common diseases of animals and poultry and the principles of their diagnosis. Measures for the prevention and treatment of sick animals. The most commonly used drugs, their effects and methods of administration to animals. Rules for storing and using medications, biological products, disinfectants and tools. The procedure for organizing and conducting mass vaccinations and other veterinary treatments of animals. Vaccination instruments, devices and devices, including for aerosol vaccination. Personal safety rules when working with animals and toxic substances. Rules, regulations and instructions on labor protection and fire safety. Terms of use primary means fire extinguishing Methods of providing first aid in case of accidents. Internal labor regulations of the organization.
1.6. The operator must also know the rules for storing chemicals and the rules for group storage of various materials, taking into account their compatibility.
1.7. In order for the operator to be allowed to work independently, he must undergo an internship under the guidance of a more experienced worker to acquire practical skills in veterinary treatment of animals.
1.8. An operator who has demonstrated unsatisfactory skills and knowledge when performing veterinary preventive measures and safety requirements when working with medicines, biological products, and disinfectants is not allowed to work independently.
1.9. An operator sent to participate in work unusual for his profession must undergo targeted training on the safe performance of the upcoming work.
1.10. The operator is prohibited from performing work for which he is not authorized in accordance with the established procedure, as well as using tools and equipment that he does not have the skills to handle safely.
1.11. During work on veterinary treatment of animals, the operator may be adversely affected mainly by the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
— exposure to animals and their waste products;
- microbes and viruses carried by sick animals;
- harmful chemical substances, included in chemical reagents;
- electric current, the path of which, in the event of a short circuit, can pass through the human body;
low temperature air when working outdoors;
elevated temperature air;
— insufficient illumination of the working area;
- psycho-emotional overload (for example, when aggression is shown by animals).
1.12. To prevent adverse effects on the operator’s health from hazardous and harmful production factors, he should use sanitary clothing and other means personal protection.
1.13. To prevent the possibility of a fire, the operator must comply with fire safety requirements himself and prevent other workers from violating these requirements.
1.14. The operator is obliged to comply with labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations.
1.15. If an accident occurs with one of the employees, the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to the manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others.
1.16. The operator, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid and use a first aid kit.
1.17. The operator must be aware of the danger harmful substances used in work, and therefore, to prevent the possibility of diseases, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, including, before eating, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap; Food should not be stored or used in work areas, nor should smoking be allowed.
1.18. An operator who violates or fails to comply with the requirements of labor safety instructions is considered a violator of production discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and, depending on the consequences, to criminal liability; if the violation is associated with causing material damage, then the perpetrator may be held financially liable in the prescribed manner.


2.1. Before starting work, the operator should put on sanitary clothing, check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment (for example, safety glasses, a respirator, etc.), and a first aid kit.
2.2. Sanitary clothing must be of the appropriate size, clean and not restrict movement.
2.3. If electric heating devices are used in the work, then it is necessary to check their grounding, the integrity of the insulation of the connecting cord, and the serviceability of the electrical plug and socket.
2.4. Before starting work, you should check the condition of the workplace; if necessary, cleanliness and order should be restored and clear passages should be ensured.
2.5. Before starting veterinary treatment of animals, the operator must prepare necessary medications, tools and fixing means, check their serviceability.
2.6. Before starting work, you need to make sure that there is sufficient lighting in the workplace, especially at night.
2.7. The operator must personally ensure that all necessary safety measures have been implemented.
2.8. The operator should not begin work if he has doubts about ensuring a safe workplace for the work to be performed.
2.9. Any malfunctions of equipment or devices must be reported to the supervisor and work must not begin until they have been corrected.


3.1. To prevent the possibility of overwork, the operator must adhere to the established work and rest schedule.
3.2. During work, the operator must be polite to workers, behave calmly and with restraint, and avoid conflict situations, which can cause nervous and emotional tension and affect occupational safety.
3.3. The operator must remember that if safety requirements are not followed, animals can pose a danger to personnel and this can lead to an accident.
3.4. Animals should be treated kindly, but at the same time firmly and confidently.
3.5. Timid and hesitant handling of animals can lead to their disobedience.
3.6. Rough treatment of animals during their examination, care, treatment and processing causes them to develop a ferocious temperament and the development of a defensive reflex.
3.7. To calm and immobilize animals in order to ensure safety, it is necessary to use (depending on the indications) neuroplegic, analgesic, muscle relaxant drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use.
3.8. Medicines used in the treatment of animals should be used only if there are labels and accompanying documents certifying their name, quality and terms of use.
3.9. When carrying out veterinary procedures, the animal must be secured, and restraint machines or special splitters should be used.
3.10. When group veterinary treatment of pigs, fixation should be carried out in groups in split pens or in a group pen, pressing the animals against the wall with wooden shields.
3.11. Fixation large cattle should be done in the following way:
- secure your head by holding it nasal septum or according to the method of Sh.A. Kusieva - with a rope to a post;
chest secure with a twist of soft rope placed on the forearm;
- pelvic limb when trimming hooves and rendering medical care, you need to fix it with a pole and a soft rope. For this it is necessary, above knee joint Secure a pole with a sliding loop, at the ends of which you need to lift the limb and move it back.
3.12. When working with medical instruments that have sharp cutting and piercing surfaces (scalpels, ligature needles, needle holders, scissors, forceps, etc.), the operator must be careful and take precautions to avoid cuts and damage to the skin. All manipulations with medical instruments must be clear and measured.
3.13. When assisting veterinary specialists during an operation, it should be remembered that all surgical procedures must be agreed in advance and synchronized with the personnel who take part in the operation.
3.14. Disinfection and vaccination using aerosol generators must be carried out with personal protective equipment.
3.15. An operator who has minor wounds, abrasions, or skin diseases processing of animals is not allowed.
3.16. In order to protect yourself from infection through skin and mucous membranes the operator must:
— after working with infected or suspected animals, hands should be disinfected with a 0.5% chloramine solution, and then washed with warm water and soap;
— after a working day, during which there was contact of hands with chlorine preparations, the skin is treated with a cotton swab moistened with a 1% solution of sodium hyposulfite to neutralize residual amounts of chlorine.
3.17. To avoid falling, the operator must ensure that passages and stairs are clear, non-slip, and in winter cleared of ice and snow.
3.18. To prevent cases of electrical injury, electrical consumers with damaged insulation of the power cord or plug body should not be connected to the electrical network.
3.19. Do not pull the plug out of the socket by the cord; force must be applied to the body of the plug.
3.20. While walking, do not step on electrical cables or cords of electrical consumers.
3.21. To ensure fire safety, the operator must comply with the following requirements:
— electric lamps must not be secured with ropes and threads, or lamps should be hung directly on electrical wires;
— electrical appliances connected to the network should not be left unattended, with the exception of appliances designed for round-the-clock operation;
— you cannot use electric heating devices outside a specially designated room;
— it is prohibited to use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices for heating the premises.
3.22. The operator, if necessary, must be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as provide first aid in the event of an accident.


4.1. If there is a sudden manifestation of aggression on the part of animals, it is necessary to separate them from each other, and first of all, isolate the aggressive animal. You can pacify an individual animal (cattle) using a whip, a jet of water under pressure, or closing the animal’s eyes (the head as a whole) using improvised means (a robe or other clothing).
4.2. If malfunctions of the tools or equipment used are detected during work, work should be stopped immediately and reported to your immediate supervisor. It is not permitted to continue working using faulty tools or equipment.
4.3. In case of an accident, poisoning, or sudden illness, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the victim, call ambulance by calling 103 or help deliver the victim to a medical facility, and then inform the manager about the incident.
4.4. The operator must be able to provide first aid for injuries (injuries caused by animals); At the same time, he must know that any wound can easily become contaminated with microbes found on the animal, the skin of the victim, as well as in dust, on the hands of the person providing assistance, and on dirty dressings.
4.5. When providing first aid in case of injury, the following rules must be observed:
- do not wash the wound with water or even any medicine, cover with powder and lubricate with ointments, as this prevents the healing of the wound, causes suppuration and contributes to the introduction of dirt into it from the surface of the skin;
- you need to carefully remove dirt from the skin around the wound, cleaning the wound from the edges outward so as not to contaminate the wound; the cleaned area of ​​skin should be lubricated with iodine and a bandage applied.
4.6. To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open the dressing package in the first aid kit.
4.7. When applying a dressing, you should not touch with your hands that part of it that should be applied directly to the wound; if for some reason there is no dressing bag, then you can use a clean scarf, clean cloth, etc. for dressing; Do not apply cotton directly to the wound.
4.8. On the part of the tissue that is applied directly to the wound, you need to drip a few drops of iodine to get a spot the size of more wounds, and then place the cloth on the wound; the person providing assistance should wash their hands or lubricate their fingers with iodine; Touching the wound itself, even with washed hands, is not allowed.
4.9. First aid to the victim must be provided immediately and directly at the scene of the incident, immediately after eliminating the cause that caused the injury, using medications and dressings that should be stored in the first aid kit.
4.10. The first aid kit must be equipped with dressings and medications that have not expired; The first aid kit should be located in a visible and accessible place.
4.11. If a fire or signs of combustion are detected (smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), you must immediately notify the fire department by calling 101.
4.12. Before arrival fire department it is necessary to take measures to evacuate people, animals, property and begin to extinguish the fire.


5.1. At the end of the work, the operator must mechanically clean the fixation machines and operating tables from dirt and wash them with water.
5.2. Belts and ropes used to secure animals must be washed, dried and stored.
5.3. Wash the instruments used in work with warm water and sterilize them.
5.4. Sanitary clothing and other personal protective equipment used when working with animals must be removed and stored in an designated storage location, and, if necessary, washed and cleaned.
5.5. Any malfunctions and malfunctions of the tools and equipment used during work, as well as other violations of labor safety requirements, should be reported to your immediate supervisor.
5.6. Hands must be washed with warm water and soap, and when using the vaccine, they must be additionally disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution.

Characteristics of work. Carrying out mass therapeutic and preventive treatments, thermometry, vaccinations, introducing diagnostic drugs during mass studies of animals and poultry. Carrying out veterinary preventive measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals and poultry. Caring for sick animals in the isolation ward. Assisting veterinary specialists in treating animals.

Providing first aid to animals in case of traumatic injuries, poisoning. Treatment of wounds. Castration of animals. Assisting veterinary specialists during delivery and taking material for research.

Must know: fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of animals; principles of technology for the production of livestock products in industrial complexes; basic information about the most common diseases of poultry animals and the principles of their diagnosis; preventive measures in the treatment of sick animals; the most commonly used drugs, their action and methods of administration into the body of animals; rules for storing and using medications, biological products, disinfectants, instruments and disinfection equipment; the procedure for organizing and conducting mass vaccinations and other veterinary treatments of animals, vaccination instruments, instruments and apparatus, including for aerosol vaccination; fundamentals of veterinary and sanitary rules and veterinary legislation; personal safety rules when working with animals and toxic substances.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “ Veterinary animal treatment operator» serve for tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories in accordance with Article 143 Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above performance characteristics and requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for an operator for veterinary treatment of animals is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviews and testing when hiring. When drawing up work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this release of ETKS (see section “Introduction”).

We draw your attention to the fact that the same and similar names of working professions can be found in different issues ETKS. You can find similar names through the directory of working professions (alphabetically).

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Veterinary Animal Treatment Operator” are required to determine the types of work, the tariff rate and the assignment of ranks according to Article 143 of the Labor Code Russian Federation.

Based on the specified characteristics of the work performed and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for veterinary animal treatment operator is drawn up, as well as personnel documents, including for interviews and testing when hiring.

When drawing up work (job) instructions, it is necessary to take into account general provisions and recommendations for release ETKS 70, if there is not enough information, refer to the profession search through catalog of professions and specialties alphabetically.

1. Animal veterinary treatment operator (5th category)

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out mass therapeutic and prophylactic treatments, thermometry, vaccinations, administration of diagnostic drugs during mass studies of animals and poultry. Carrying out veterinary preventive measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals and poultry. Caring for sick animals in an isolation ward. Assisting veterinarians in treating animals.

Providing first aid to animals in case of traumatic injuries, poisoning. Treatment of wounds. Castration of animals. Assisting veterinary specialists during obstetrics and taking material for research.

Must know: basic anatomy and physiology of animals; principles of technology for the production of livestock products in industrial complexes; basic information about the most common diseases of animals and poultry and the principles of their diagnosis; measures for the prevention and treatment of sick animals; the most commonly used drugs, their effects and methods of administration to animals; rules for storing and using medicines, biological products, disinfectants, instruments and disinfection equipment; the procedure for organizing and conducting mass vaccinations and other veterinary treatments of animals, vaccination instruments, instruments and apparatus, including for aerosol vaccination; basics of veterinary and sanitary rules and veterinary legislation; personal safety rules when working with animals and toxic substances.

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Document text:

I APPROVED Name of the organization Name of the position of the head of the organization WORKING INSTRUCTIONS __________ ______________ Signature Explanation _________ N ___________ signature Place of compilation ___________________________ Date OPERATOR FOR VETERINARY TREATMENT OF ANIMALS (5TH DIGIT)


1. An operator for veterinary treatment of animals is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon the recommendation of ____________________________.

2. The operator for veterinary treatment of animals reports to ____________________________.

3. In his activities, the operator for veterinary treatment of animals is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);

These operating instructions.

4. The veterinary animal treatment operator must know:

Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of animals;

Principles of technology for the production of livestock products in industrial complexes;

Basic information about the most common diseases of animals and poultry, methods of their diagnosis;

Methods for the prevention and treatment of sick animals;

Types and properties of the most commonly used medicines, the principle of their action and methods of introduction into the animal’s body;

Rules for the storage and procedure for using medicines, biological products, disinfectants, instruments and disinfection equipment;

The procedure for organizing and conducting mass vaccinations and other veterinary treatments of animals;

Types and rules for using vaccination tools, instruments and devices, including for aerosol vaccination;

Fundamentals of veterinary and sanitary rules and veterinary legislation.


5. The operator for veterinary treatment of animals is entrusted with:

5.1. Carrying out mass therapeutic and prophylactic treatments, thermometry, vaccinations, administration of diagnostic drugs during mass studies of animals and poultry.

5.2. Carrying out veterinary preventive measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals and poultry.

5.3. Caring for sick animals in an isolation ward.

5.4. Providing assistance to veterinary specialists in the treatment of animals, first aid to animals in case of traumatic injuries, poisoning.

5.5. Treatment of wounds.

5.6. Castration of animals.

5.7. Assisting veterinary specialists during obstetrics and taking material for research.


6. The operator for veterinary treatment of animals has the right:

6.1. Require periodic training on labor protection.

6.2. Have the necessary instructions, tools, individual means protection and demand that the administration provide them.

6.3. Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations and the collective agreement.

6.4. Make proposals for improving work technology.

6.5. _______________________________________________________________. (other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)


7. The operator for veterinary treatment of animals is responsible for:

7.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the work instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date


Working instructions developed in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (Issue 64, section: Livestock), approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Republic of Belarus dated January 27, 2004 No. 6.

These instructions are exemplary. It can be used as a basis for developing appropriate employee instructions, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

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