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Worker errors in execution job responsibilities can have serious consequences, cause material damage to the employer, harm to the health of employees. The employer may apply disciplinary sanctions to the employee for mistakes made, up to and including termination employment contract at the initiative of the employer.

You can download a sample order to impose a penalty in the form of dismissal.

The employer’s task is to make every possible effort to objectively assess the employee’s mistake. It is necessary to obtain a memo from the head of the department and an explanatory note from the employee.

The guilty employee must write an explanatory note about the error in work and the reasons for it. There are no strict requirements for document execution, however, you need to understand that this official document, intended for the head of the organization, and therefore it is necessary to state what happened without unnecessary emotions, the style should be official and businesslike.

You should not blame others for your mistake; it is better to think through the reason why it could have been made. Three samples of writing an explanatory note about an error in work are presented for free download below.

Many workers do not pay due attention to this document, however, it has important to make the right decision about the possibility of punishment.

Minor errors in work may result in reprimands or reprimands. If the errors are systematic or their consequences caused serious harm to health, caused significant damage to the organization’s property, or resulted in significant losses to clients, then the employee may be dismissed under Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to write an explanatory note about an error in your work?

Error in filling out documents

The note is usually handwritten on a piece of paper by the offending employee.

In the right corner you should write the surname and initials of the person to whom the employee’s explanation is addressed. Below you should indicate the author's surname and initials, as well as his position and place of work.

Any document must have a title and title, this case is no exception - “an explanatory note” is written at the top, and just below “about an error in the work” or another heading.

The text is the main part of the form; in it you need to write the date when the mistake was made, as well as its essence - what exactly happened, what mistake was made by the employee - what rules and requirements were violated, what exactly was done or not done.

After the situation has been consistently and briefly outlined, the consequences should be written - for other employees, for the employer, his clients, and the employee himself.

Information must be presented as truthfully as possible; it is better if the employer learns the truth from the employee himself than from his boss.

Possible causes of the error

An important point in drawing up an explanatory note is indicating the reason for the error. You should choose a reason that will minimize the possible punishment and at the same time be as close to the truth as possible. If the reason is truly valid, then you should try to confirm it with documentation.

As a rule, the actual cause is a violation of instructions, requirements and rules established in the organization, as well as inattention and haste in performing any action. You can explain an error in your work by your illness, fatigue, workload, or the performance of duties of other absent employees.

If guilt is admitted

A sample explanatory note about an error in the work of an accountant, when the accountant admits his guilt, but tries to mitigate its degree, is given below.

Explanation of the accountant's error

If guilt is not admitted or there is no guilt

Sometimes the employee is not to blame for what happened. If the employee is confident that he is right, then the explanatory note must clearly state his position, without admitting guilt in the mistake. A sample of such a note

Hello! Today we’ll talk about what an explanatory note is, how to write it, and we’ll give many examples and samples for all occasions: for work, for a child in kindergarten, school, university, etc.

Types of explanatory notes

Explanatory letter - a document that explains the reasons for any fact (absence from work, tardiness, violation of official duties, and so on).

The most common types:

  • Explanation of any provisions (reporting, etc.);
  • Explanation of circumstances.

The explanatory note is written by hand, and the addressee will be the person who requested it. It can also be typed on a computer, according to the form that is accepted in a particular organization. The method by which the note must be made is not fixed in any way in the legislation, as well as, accordingly, the use of both handwritten and typewritten options is allowed.

How to write an explanatory note

You need to understand that this is not a report or a statement, so it just needs to reflect the fact that has already happened.

The rules are simple:

  • There should be no colloquial vocabulary, the text of the explanatory note should be in an official business style;
  • The information presented must be reliable;
  • Always written on behalf of the employee;
  • Contains signature and date of issue.

The explanatory note is written in free form. But for more correct writing, you should familiarize yourself with the samples below.

Explanatory note for work

Sample :

As can be seen from the presented sample, the document is drawn up clearly on the case, the reason for the delay is indicated, and there is no unnecessary information.

After writing, an explanatory note about being late for work is sent to official, to make a decision regarding the latecomer. If a decision is made to take measures disciplinary action, then this note will be attached to the collection order as evidence.

Sample explanatory note about absence from work


In general, in accordance with the law, absence from the workplace without a valid reason for more than 4 hours is considered absenteeism, which may be followed by dismissal or other disciplinary action.

The reasons for such absence can be serious and valid, so an explanatory note in this case will help the employee justify himself to the manager.

Before you start writing this kind of explanatory note, you need to carefully analyze the rationale for your absence.

Explanatory note about an error in work

Not even the most pedantic and attentive employee is immune from mistakes in work. But when a manager is faced with the fact that such mistakes were made, most often he wants an explanation about this.

We will consider the format of such an explanatory note below.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the situation should be described briefly, at the same time as completely as possible. It is necessary to indicate what the mistakes were, why they were made, and what consequences this entailed.

Mandatory details for the document:

  • Last name, initials and title of the manager's position;
  • Company name;
  • Title;
  • Direct explanation;
  • Date of;
  • Signature.

Main: Not turn the document into an essay!

In the text, indicate a valid reason why the mistakes were made, but do not shift your blame onto others; management is unlikely to like it that the employee does not want to admit shortcomings in the work that he himself made.

If you admit guilt, be sure to indicate how sorry you are and explain that you will not allow this to happen in the future.

Sample :

From the example it is clear that this explanatory note to the director was drawn up competently, without excesses.

Sample explanatory note about failure to fulfill official duties

The job responsibilities of each employee are recorded in job description, one copy of which is kept by the employer, the other by the employee.

Each employee must be familiar with it, which is confirmed by a personal signature, only then can they demand execution of the instructions.

In an explanatory note, the employee sets out his vision of the situation, and the manager decides whether to accept this point of view or make a decision on penalties.


Example of an explanatory note to kindergarten

Explanatory note addressed to the manager kindergarten parents usually write when the child misses several days for reasons not related to illness.

Sample :

Explanatory note to the class teacher

Parents often have to write such notes, since situations where a student misses classes for various valid reasons are not uncommon.

An explanatory note from parents (or guardians) about missing classes is documentary evidence of a valid reason for the student’s absence from classes.


As such, the format of the note is not particularly important for the class teacher; what is important is that parents know about the child’s absence from classes on a certain day.

Explanatory note for a child to go to school

Attached class teacher for the attendance report, which is compiled every month.

Explanatory note to school about absence from parents' meeting

As lawyers explain, no one has the right to demand such an explanatory note from a parent. Presence on parent meeting— the matter is voluntary and is not regulated by any legal acts.

Explanatory note to the university

Students are people who love to sleep a couple of extra hours, being late for classes because of this, or even not wanting to go to lectures at all. But there are situations when the reasons for absence are valid. The main thing is to correctly convey this to the teachers and the dean.

Sample :

The above samples and examples may be required in different life situations. The ability to draw up such a document correctly will not be superfluous.

As can be seen from the examples, there are serious differences between different types no notes.

What the law requires

According to current legislation, only the employer can demand an explanatory statement from an employee. This is either the manager himself or a person authorized by order for a specific period.

Thanks to the explanatory note, it becomes possible to clarify all the circumstances due to which the offense was committed and what the fault of the employee was.

At the same time, the employee may refuse to write an explanatory note. Especially if she confirms his guilt, directly or indirectly. After all, no one is obliged to testify against himself, as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states.

But sometimes it’s better to write it anyway in order to avoid dismissal from work or other serious penalties.

If within 2 days the employee does not provide an explanatory note, or does not declare a refusal to write an explanatory note, an appropriate act is drawn up, and the employee is subject to disciplinary punishment.

Archival storage periods for explanatory notes

Explanatory notes are placed in the employee’s personal file and are accordingly stored with him for 75 years.

What would you like to say in conclusion? No matter how much pressure the manager puts, before you start writing a memo, it is important to calm down and, in a calm atmosphere, after analyzing all the facts, draw up this document.

Writing an explanatory note allows the employee to express his vision of the situation, does not allow management to interpret everything at their own discretion and impose an unreasonable penalty.

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