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National bibliography of foreign countries. Key problems of the current national bibliography: interpretation of their solutions at the International Congress on National Bibliography (1977)

higher educational institutions students studying in the specialty “Journalism”

3rd edition, revised

Iris Press Rolf Moscow 2001

BBK 81.2-5 G62


Doctor of Philosophy prof. MSU N. N. Kokhtev; prof. M. A. Telenkova.

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G62 Stylistics of the Russian language. - 3rd ed., rev. - M.: Rolf, 2001. - 448 p.

ISBN 5-7836-0360-0

Tutorial intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Journalism”, as well as for general philologists, teachers of Russian language and literature, and for press workers.

The manual is written in accordance with the stylistics program and covers all sections of the course “Russian Language Stylistics” - Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; Syntactic stylistics. The presentation of theoretical material is supplemented by examples of stylistic editing of texts and detailed analysis speech errors at all levels of language.


The book is written in accordance with the course program " Practical style Russian language", studied at universities, pedagogical institutes, as well as at the Moscow state university print. The presentation of theoretical material is subordinated to the goal of teaching future journalists and editors, linguists, bachelors of philological sciences a stylistic approach to the use speech means; to develop in beginning philologists a linguistic sense, a love for good, correct Russian speech and intolerance for deterioration of the language, addiction to cliches, false pathos, and unjustified reduction in style.

The book shows vivid examples skillful use of linguistic means by writers, publicists and speech errors arising from the author's negligence or ignorance of literary norms. Analysis of examples of auto-editing by classic writers, as well as stylistic editing of manuscripts by experienced editors, allows us to penetrate into the creative laboratory of masters of words, from whom we should learn, mastering the basics of literary editing.

The author of the book consistently solves the problem posed in it - to give a typology of speech errors in the study of lexical, morphological, syntactic stylistics, as well as phonics; teach future editors and journalists stylistic analysis of the language of manuscripts; clearly show how language resources are used in literary editing of works; to instill the skills of stylistic text editing, based on a clear definition of the nature of speech errors and skillful elimination of them; develop professional intolerance to stylistic shortcomings in word usage, sound organization of the text, word formation, form formation, use of parts of speech and syntactic structures.

This “Stylistics of the Modern Russian Language” presents the materials of textbooks published in different years in the publishing house "Higher School" (Stylists of the modern Russian language. Lexicon. Phonics. - M., 1976; Opinion. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. M., 1986; Grammatical stylistics of the modern Russian language. - M. ., 1989), as well as textbooks published by Moscow State University (Stylistical editing of the manuscript.-M., 1988; Problems of syntax simple sentence when editing the manuscript. M., 1990).

The theoretical course in stylistics was created and supplemented by the author in the process of many years of work with students of the Moscow State University and students of advanced training courses for editors at the Moscow Printing Institute.

The author takes this opportunity to express gratitude to his listeners and colleagues who showed a keen interest in the problems of stylistics and collected funny examples speech errors and stylistic editing of texts.



In the system of linguistic means the word plays vital role. Russian writers, admiring the beauty, strength, and richness of the Russian language, first of all noted the diversity of its vocabulary, which contains inexhaustible possibilities for conveying the most varied meanings. S. Ya. Marshak wrote: “Man found words for everything that he discovered in the universe. But this is not enough. He named every action and state. He defined in words the properties and qualities of everything that surrounded him.

The dictionary reflects all the changes taking place in the world. He captured the experience and wisdom of centuries and, keeping pace, accompanies life, the development of technology, science, and art. He can name any thing and has the means to express the most abstract and generalizing ideas and concepts.”1

The leading role of a word in the system of linguistic means determines its place in the stylistics of a language: the word is the main stylistic unit. Lexical stylistics studies the correlative lexical means of a language, assessing the use of a word in a specific speech situation and developing recommendations for normative word usage in various functional styles.

Using the achievements of modern semasiology, lexical stylistics studies the word in all the variety of systemic connections that exist in the language. This approach brings to the fore the study of synonyms, antonyms, ambiguous words, paronyms, which serve as a means of the most accurate transmission of information. At the same time, stylistics pays attention to such phenomena as homonymy and paronomasia, which sometimes interfere with the correct perception of speech. The focus of lexical stylistics is the stylistic stratification of vocabulary, the assessment of archaisms and neologisms, words limited use, analysis of patterns of use of stylistically significant lexical means in various areas of communication.

The stylistic aspect of vocabulary learning requires a thoughtful assessment of the word from the point of view of its motivation in the context. Stylistics opposes the use unnecessary words, and against unjustified omission of words, considering various manifestations of speech redundancy and speech insufficiency.

1 Marshak S. Ya. Collection. Op.: In 8 volumes - M, 1971. -T. 7. - P. 254.

The word is studied in stylistics not only in its nominative, but also in its aesthetic function. The subject of special interest of lexical stylistics is lexical figurative means of language - tropes.

Problems of lexical stylistics are closely related to problems of speech culture. By characterizing the use of certain lexical means of language in speech, stylistics guards the correct use of words. The normative-stylistic approach to the study of vocabulary involves the analysis of frequently made speech errors: the use of a word without taking into account its semantics; violations of lexical compatibility; incorrect choice of synonyms; incorrect use of antonyms, polysemantic words, homonyms; mixing paronyms; unmotivated combination of stylistically incompatible lexical means, etc. Elimination of lexico-stylistic errors in speech, selection of the optimal option for expressing thoughts acquires vital importance in literary editing of texts.

Semantic accuracy of speech. Word choice


Working on the style of a work means, first of all, working on its vocabulary, since the word is the basis for understanding speech. Lack of clarity of speech is an invariable sign of lack of clarity of thought, argued L. N. Tolstoy; Jokingly, the writer remarked: “If I were a king, I would make a law that a writer who uses a word whose meaning he cannot explain will be deprived of the right to write and receive 100 blows of the rod.”1

The stylistic approach to the study of vocabulary puts forward the most important problem of choosing a word for the most accurate expression of thought. Correct usage words by the author represents not only the dignity of style, but also necessary condition the informational value of the work, the effectiveness of its content. The wrong choice of word distorts the meaning of the statement, generating not only lexical, but also logical errors in speech.

Words should be used in strict accordance with their semantics, i.e. meaning. Each significant word has a lexical meaning, naming phenomena and objects of reality, which in our minds correspond to certain concepts. With a clear presentation of thoughts, the words used by the authors fully correspond to their subject-logical meaning. V. G. Belinsky wrote: “Every word in a poetic work should

"Tolstoy L.I. Complete collected works: V90t.-M., 1963.-T.62.-P.438.

exhaust the entire meaning of the whole work required by thought so that it is clear that there is no other word in the language that could replace it.”1


The search for the only necessary word in the text requires the writer to exert creative forces and tireless work. This work is sometimes reflected in manuscripts, allowing us to familiarize ourselves with the lexical substitutions that the author made, polishing the style of the work. For example, in the draft of A. S. Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” we find the following correction: Members (of the court) met him (Troekurov) with expressions of deep respect [deep devotion; deep servility] - the last word most expressively described the behavior of the officials bribed by Troekurov, and the writer left it in the text.

N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Goncharov, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin and other Russian writers worked a lot on their manuscripts. Search the right word reflects their auto-editing. It is interesting to compare the original and final versions of some of the texts of our classics. Let us give examples from N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”.2

Initial version

1. Rising

there was a breeze

1. A rushing breeze gave

know that there is little left

time until dawn.

time until dawn.

2. The Cossacks made a noise and at once

2. The Cossacks made a noise and at once

felt their strength.

felt their strength.

3.... Laughed at the Orthodox

3. They mocked the Orthodox

4. - “Good!” - repeated suddenly -

4. “The Koschevoi also said a kind word” -

Dah Cossacks.

echoed in the ranks of the Cossacks.

5. “Well, well, tell me what the-

6. These words penetrated like lightning.

6. These words flew by like lightning.

The desire to find exact words encourages writers to edit the text many times, comparing possible options expressions of thought. In N. A. Nekrasov we find the following stylistic correction in the description of the scene “at the front entrance”, which so amazed the poet, who later wrote the famous poem:

“There’s nothing to do, [let’s go, let’s go, head out, stretch] turned into a tavern.” As we can see, it was not so easy for the author to choose a verb of motion that conveyed the mood of the offended peasants.

"Belinsky V. G. Complete collected works: In 13 volumes - M., 1954. - T. 4. - P. 545. 2 Variants and drafts of 1835.

The stylistic editing of the writers in the manuscript reflects the last stage of work on the text, and what kind of work preceded this, how many drafts were written and then destroyed, how many times the author uttered this or that phrase “to himself” before writing it down on paper - you can talk about this just guess.

A. P. Chekhov spoke about his work like this:“...I’m busy, up to my neck: I’m writing

And I cross out, write and cross out" 1 . He advised his brother: “You have to smudge it fiercely,” noting: “...I don’t want to admit stories without blots.”2 Reproaching one of the young writers for negligence, A.P. Chekhov reminded: “The manuscripts of all real masters are dirty, crossed out along and across, worn and covered with patches, which in turn are crossed out and spoiled.” And he recommended working like this: “You need to write a story for 5-6 days and think about it all the time... It is necessary that each phrase, before being written down, lies in your brain for two days...”3. This enormous work of the writer on the word is hidden from us, because we see the finished work. The researcher, by comparing drafts and the white version, comparing different editions of works, partially penetrates into the writer’s creative laboratory and can judge by lexical substitutions how he worked on the word.

A. I. Kuprin made many lexical substitutions while working on the article “In Memory of Chekhov.” Here are examples of a more precise choice of words in the process of stylistic editing of a manuscript by the writer himself4:


1. But no one knows that

1. But no one guesses

my main thing is in this person.

What is the most characteristic thing about this person?

2. He could be kind and generous,

unloving, affectionate, gentle... not ras-

not loving, affectionate and sympathetic... not

gratitude is read.

expecting gratitude.

3. ...It seems the main one came

3. ...I came, it seems, with the exception

the purpose of showing the patient then A.P.-chu as a readable purpose...

production of his play.

An interesting edit by M. Gorky in the novel “Mother”:

Variants (edition 1907)


1. It suddenly seemed to her that her son

I. She suddenly thought...

exaggerated the danger of the meeting.

2. Mother knew that all this noise

2. The mother understood that this noise

raised by her son's work.

raised by her son's work.

3. He raised his shoulders and lowered them.

3.He shrugged.

Chekhov A.P. Letter to E.M. Shavrova // Complete. collection cit.: In 20 volumes - T. 17. - P. 7.

Chekhov A.P. Letter to Al.P. Chekhov // Complete. collection cit.: In 20 volumes - T. 16. - P. 62.

Chekhov A.P. Letter to A.S. Lazarev-Gruzinsky // Poly. collection Op.: In 20 volumes - Vol. 15.

See: Aidarova V.N. Kuprin’s work on the text of the article “In Memory of Chekhov” // Russian

speech. - 1974. - No. 3.

Typically, writers correct lexical errors themselves during the editing process. The editor can also make stylistic edits to the manuscript. Authors for whom literary work is an unusual activity need the help of an editor, although literary text editing is not prerequisite his publications.


During the process of literary editing of a manuscript, the editor often has to note errors in word usage. The wrong choice of word makes the speech inaccurate, and sometimes distorts the meaning of the statement: The weather was favorable for a good holiday(instead of favored); Martens will soon have inheritance (meaning offspring)", I want to continue the family dynasty and therefore decided to become an officer(instead of tradition) 1. In such cases, they talk about using a word without taking into account its semantics. Such lexical errors arise as a result of the author’s stylistic negligence, inattention to the word or poor knowledge of the language. So, in a newspaper article we read: New railways will arise in difficult to develop areas. The word “emerge” means “to appear, begin, form, originate”; it is not suitable for naming an action that requires significant efforts. May arise suspicion, anxiety, doubt(conditions are spontaneous), arise difficulties, obstacles...

Railways cannot arise; they are built by people.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics changes the meaning of the statement:

The beginning of 1992 was marked by worsening climatic conditions - snowstorms and a sharp drop in temperature. The author meant, of course, weather conditions (bad weather), the climate could not change in one year.

When reading a manuscript, the editor has to weigh every word, eliminating such errors. Stylistic editing in such cases often comes down to

Resistances work in difficult conditions and are used in difficult conditions.

3. Our main focus is 3. We care about improving and developing product quality. product quality.

However, sometimes, in order to achieve accuracy and clarity, you have to resort to more complex types edits, updating the lexical composition of the sentence, changing the wording, rebuilding the structure. Let's look at examples of such stylistic edits:

1. After the call, people find it difficult to

1. After the bell, people crowd around

come to the hall, it takes a long time

Le narrow door and for a long time they cannot enter

queuing behind a narrow door.

2. The sphere of formation of general

2. On the formation of social

human consciousness, his moral

th consciousness of man, his moral

spiritual qualities, spiritual life

principles, on his spiritual life

lies fiction,

artistic influence has a huge impact

national literature.

Using words without taking into account their semantics can cause illogicality and even absurdity in a statement.

IN one essay wrote:“...Our Far Eastern birches are standing

V in his wedding shroud"(the author confused shroud and veil).

Such errors arise under the influence of false associations. At the entrance exam to the Academy of Printing, the young man wrote in his essay: “I know that they are still alive ancestors of A.S. Pushkin” (of course, he meant the descendants of the poet). The absurdity of the statement in such cases gives the phrase a comical sound.

The inaccuracy of word usage is explained not only by low speech culture author; sometimes they deliberately do not want to use this or that word in order to veil the negative meaning of the statement. They write: fantasizes instead lies, accepted gifts instead he took bribes, etc. Let us recall an episode from the story “Inquiry” by A. I. Kuprin: “Ask him, did he take the boots from Esipaki?”

The second lieutenant was convinced of his inexperience and cowardice, because out of some bashful and delicate feeling he could not pronounce the real word “stole.” Words and expressions that soften the rough meaning of speech are called e v f e m i z m a m i (from gr. ei - good, pkemi - I say). The euphemism of speech is often explained by the author’s desire to dull the critical edge of the statement when describing the negative phenomena of our life. For example, in a local newspaper a correspondent reported: The collective farm board paid little attention to the protection of public property, while it should be admitted that The collective farm board was irresponsible in protecting public property (or turned a blind eye to the theft of public property). Inaccuracy of speech in such cases leads the reader away from the truth and distorts the meaning.

Wrong word choice can cause various speech errors. Thus, due to inaccurate word usage, an achronism may arise (violation of chronological accuracy when using words associated with a certain historical era): In ancient Rome, plebeians dissatisfied with the laws organized rallies (the word “meeting” appeared much later, and in England); In the 18th century in Leningrad several printing houses were closed

(the name of the city on the Neva, which the author used, was unknown in the 18th century, it should have been written: in St. Petersburg).

Incorrect use of words often leads to logical errors. Among them we will call a l o g i z m - comparison of incomparable concepts, for example: The syntax of encyclopedia articles is different from other scientific articles. It turns out that the syntax is compared to scientific articles. Eliminating the illogicality, you can write: The syntax of encyclopedic articles differs from the syntax of other scientific articles or: The syntax of encyclopedic articles has a number of features that are unusual for the syntax of other scientific articles. Often identifying illogicality does not cause difficulties; stylistic correction in these cases is simple:

1. The beak of the hazel grouse in color 1. The beak of the hazel grouse differs in color from the ordinary one and does not differ from the beak of the ordinary

However, sometimes the illogicalities are not so obvious, and in order to eliminate them, you have to significantly change the author's text. For example: Our knowledge of the riches of the earth's interior is only a small part of hidden, even greater riches. You can suggest the following options for stylistic editing of this phrase: We still know little about the richest deposits of minerals, the secret of which is kept by the bowels of the earth; Hidden in the depths of the earth enormous wealth, about which we still know so little; Our knowledge of minerals is still so incomplete! We know only about a small part of the wealth hidden in the bowels of the earth.

The reason for the illogicality of a statement may be a substitution of the concept, which often arises as a result of incorrect use of words; It’s bad when all the cinemas in the city show the same film title. Of course, the film is being shown, but not the title. You could write: It’s bad when all the cinemas in the city show the same film. Such errors in speech arise as a result of insufficiently clear differentiation of concepts, for example: The theater staff is looking forward to the approach of the premiere with special excitement.(they are not waiting for the premiere to approach, but for when the premiere will take place).

In the case of substitution of a concept, stylistic editing can be different: sometimes it is enough to replace an unsuccessfully used word, in other cases, lexical replacement is combined with the use of new, clarifying words, and finally, sometimes it is necessary to redo a sentence in order to correctly convey the author’s idea.

M.: 2010. - 448 p.

The manual is written in accordance with the stylistics program and covers all sections of the course "Russian Language Stylistics": Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; Syntactic stylistics. The presentation of theoretical material is supplemented by examples of stylistic editing of texts and a detailed analysis of speech errors at all levels of language. The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Journalism", as well as for general philologists, teachers of Russian language and literature, and for press workers.

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1.1. Introduction

1.2. Semantic accuracy of speech. Word choice

1.2.1. The word is the basis for understanding the text

1.2.2. Finding the right word

1.2.3. Speech errors caused by incorrect word choice

1.2.4. Lexical compatibility

1.2.5. Violation of lexical compatibility as a stylistic device

1.2.6. Violation of lexical compatibility as a speech error

1.2.7. Speech failure

1.2.8. Speech redundancy

1.2.9. Repeating words

1.3. Stylistic usage in speech synonyms

1.3.1. Lexical synonymy

1.3.2. Types of lexical synonyms

1.3.3. Stylistic functions of synonyms

1.3.4. Stylistically unjustified use of synonyms

1.4. Stylistic use of antonyms in speech

1.4.1. Lexical antonymy

1.4.2. Stylistic functions of antonyms

1.4.3. Stylistically unjustified use of antonyms

1.5. Stylistic use of polysemantic words and homonyms in speech

1.5.1. Polysemy

1.5.2. Homonymy and related phenomena

1.5.3. Stylistic functions of polysemantic words and homonyms

1.5.5. Stylistically unjustified use of polysemantic words and words with homonyms

1.6. Paronymy and paronomasia

1.6.1. Paronyms

1.6.2. The relationship of paronyms to homonyms, synonyms, antonyms

1.6.3. Paronomasia

1.6.4. Stylistic functions of paronyms and similar-sounding words of different roots

1.6.5. Lexical errors caused by mixing paronyms

1.7. Stylistic coloring of words

1.7.1. Functional-style stratification of vocabulary

1.7.2. Emotionally expressive coloring of words

1.7.3. Using stylistically colored vocabulary in speech

1.7.4. Unjustified use of words with different stylistic connotations. Mixing styles

1.7.5. Stationery and speech cliches

1.8. Vocabulary that has a limited scope

1.8.1. Dialectal vocabulary. Penetration of dialect vocabulary into literary language

1.8.2. Dialectisms in artistic speech

1.8.3. Stylistically unjustified use of dialectisms

1.8.4. Professional vocabulary

1.8.5. Using professional vocabulary in literary language

1.8.6. Stylistically unjustified use of professionalisms

1.8.7. Slang vocabulary

1.8.8. Use of slang vocabulary in literary language

1.8.9. Stylistically unjustified use of jargon

1.9. Outdated words

1.9.1. The process of archaization of vocabulary

1.9.2. Compound outdated words

1.9.3. Stylistic functions of obsolete words in artistic speech

1.9.4. Errors caused by the use of outdated words

1.10. New words

1.10.1. Replenishing vocabulary with new words

1.10.2. Types of neologisms

1.10.3. Individual stylistic neologisms in artistic and journalistic speech

1.10.4. Errors caused by the use of neologisms

1.11. Stylistic assessment of borrowed words

1.11.1. Inflow foreign language vocabulary into the Russian language in the 80-90s

1.11.2. Stylistic classification of borrowed words

1.11.3. Borrowed words in artistic and journalistic speech

1.11.4. Stylistically unjustified use of borrowed words

2. Phraseological stylistics

2.1. [The concept of phraseological stylistics]

2.1.1. Features of the use of phraseological units in speech

2.1.2. Stylistic coloring of phraseological units

2.1.3. Synonymy of phraseological units

2.1.4. Antonymy of phraseological units

2.1.5. Polysemy of phraseological units

2.1.6. Homonymy of phraseological units

2.1.7. Stylistic use of phraseological units in journalistic and artistic speech

2.1.8. Phraseological innovation of writers Destruction of the figurative meaning of phraseological units Changing the number of components of a phraseological unit Transformation of the composition of phraseological units

2.1.9. Speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units

2.1.10. Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of phraseological units

2.1.11. Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit

2.1.12. Contamination of various phraseological units

2.2. Lexical figurative means

2.2.1. The concept of imagery of speech

2.2.2. Definition of trope

2.2.3. Boundaries of the use of tropes in speech

2.2.4. Characteristics of the main tropes Metaphor Personification Allegory Metonymy Antonomasia Synecdoche Epithet Comparison Hyperbole and litotes Periphrase

2.2.5. Stylistically unjustified use of tropes


3.1. Phonics concept

3.1.1. The importance of sound organization of speech

3.1.2. Phonetic means of language that have stylistic meaning

3.2. Euphony of speech

3.2.1. The concept of euphony

3.2.2. Combination of sounds in Russian

3.2.3. Aesthetic assessment of the sounds of the Russian language

3.2.4. Frequency of repetition of sounds in speech

3.2.5. Word length

3.2.6. The meaning of euphony

3.2.7. Violation of euphony when creating abbreviations

3.2.8. Elimination of cacophony of speech when stylistically editing text

3.3. Sound recording in artistic speech

3.3.1. Stylistic techniques for enhancing the sound expressiveness of speech Audio repeats Excluding words of a certain sound from the text Use of cacophony of speech Deviation from the average word length

3.3.2. Stylistic functions of sound writing in artistic speech Onomatopoeia Expressive and visual function of sound recording Emotionally expressive function of sound recording The semantic function of sound recording Compositional function of sound recording The concept of sound image

3.4. Stylistic shortcomings in the sound organization of prose speech

3.4.1. The role of phonics in various speaking styles

3.4.2. Random sound repetitions in prose text

3.4.3. Elimination of random sound repetitions when stylistically editing text

3.4.4. Inappropriate rhyme. Unjustified rhythm of prose


4.1. Creating evaluative meanings using word formation

4.1.1. Expressive word formation in artistic and journalistic speech

4.1.2. Stylistic rethinking of forms subjective assessment in modern Russian

4.1.3. Functional and stylistic consolidation of word-formation means of the Russian language

4.1.4. Stylistic use of book and colloquial word-formation devices by writers

4.2. Derivative archaisms

4.2.1. Occasional word formation

4.2.2. Elimination of shortcomings and errors in word formation when stylistically editing the text


5.1. Stylistics of a noun

5.1.1. Place of the noun in different styles speeches

5.1.2. Stylistic use of nouns in literary speech

5.1.3. Stylistic usage grammatical categories noun Stylistic characteristics of the gender category Stylistic characteristics of the number category Stylistic characteristics of variants of case forms

5.1.4. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using nouns

5.2. Stylistics of the adjective

5.2.1. Place of the adjective in different styles of speech

5.2.2. Stylistic use of adjectives in literary speech

5.2.3. Stylistic assessment of the categories of adjectives

5.2.4. Stylistic usage grammatical forms adjectives

5.2.5. Stylistic evaluation of short adjectives

5.2.6. Stylistic characteristics of variant forms of adjectives

5.2.7. Synonymy of adjectives and nouns in indirect cases

5.2.8. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using adjectives

5.3. Stylistics of the numeral name

5.3.1. Place of the numeral in different styles of speech

5.3.2. Stylistic use of numerals in artistic speech

5.3.3. Synonymy of quantitative-nominal combinations

5.3.4. Stylistic characteristics of variant forms of the numeral name

5.3.5. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using numerals

5.4. Stylistics of the pronoun

5.4.1. The use of pronouns in different styles of speech

5.4.2. Stylistic assessment of obsolete pronouns

5.4.3. Stylistic use of pronouns in literary speech

5.4.4. Stylistic characteristics of variant forms of pronouns

5.4.5. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using pronouns

5.5. Verb stylistics

5.5.1. Place of the verb in different styles of speech

5.5.2. Stylistic use of verbs in literary speech

5.5.3. Stylistic use of grammatical verb categories Stylistic characteristics of the category of time Stylistic characteristics of the type category Stylistic characteristics of the mood category Stylistic characteristics of the categories of person and number Stylistic characteristics of the category of collateral

5.5.4. Stylistic characteristics of variant forms of the verb

5.5.5. Stylistic use of non-conjugated verb forms Infinitive Participle Participle

5.5.6. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using a verb

5.6. Stylistics of the adverb

5.6.1. Stylistic aspect in the study of adverbs

5.6.2. Stylistic assessment of adverb categories

5.6.3. Stylistic use of adverbs in artistic speech

5.6.4. Stylistic assessment of degrees of comparison and degrees of quality of adverbs

5.6.5. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using adverbs

6. Syntactic stylistics

6.1. Stylistic usage various types simple sentence

6.2. Stylistic use of word order

6.3. Eliminating speech errors in the structure of a simple sentence

6.4. Stylistic assessment of the main members of the sentence

6.4.1. Expressing subject and predicate

6.4.2. Options for grammatical coordination of subject and predicate forms

6.5. Eliminating errors in grammatical coordination of the main parts of a sentence

6.6. Stylistic assessment of options for harmonizing definitions and applications

6.7. Troubleshooting Definition and Application Reconciliation Errors

6.8. Stylistic assessment of management options

6.9. Eliminating errors in choosing control forms

6.10. Stylistic usage homogeneous members offers

6.11. Elimination of speech errors when using homogeneous members of a sentence

6.12. Stylistic use of addresses

6.13. Stylistic use of introductory and insertion structures

6.14. Stylistic assessment different ways transmitting someone else's speech

6.14.1. Stylistic use of different types of complex sentence

6.15. Elimination of stylistic shortcomings and speech errors when using complex sentences

6.16. Stylistic assessment of parallel syntactic constructions

6.17. Eliminating speech errors using parallel syntactic structures

6.18. Syntactic means expressive speech

The book was written in accordance with the program of the course “Practical stylistics of the Russian language”, studied at universities, pedagogical institutes, as well as at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. The presentation of theoretical material is subordinated to the goal of teaching future journalists and editors, linguists, bachelors of philological sciences a stylistic approach to the use of speech means; to develop in beginning philologists a linguistic sense, a love for good, correct Russian speech and intolerance for deterioration of the language, addiction to cliches, false pathos, and unjustified reduction in style.
The book shows vivid examples of the skillful use of linguistic means by writers, publicists and speech errors that arise due to the author's negligence or ignorance of literary norms. Analysis of examples of auto-editing by classic writers, as well as stylistic editing of manuscripts by experienced editors, allows us to penetrate into the creative laboratory of masters of words, from whom we should learn, mastering the basics of literary editing.
The author of the book consistently solves the problem posed in it - to give a typology of speech errors in the study of lexical, morphological, syntactic stylistics, as well as phonics; teach future editors and journalists stylistic analysis of the language of manuscripts; clearly show how language resources are used in literary editing of works; to instill the skills of stylistic text editing, based on a clear definition of the nature of speech errors and skillful elimination of them; develop professional intolerance to stylistic shortcomings in word usage, sound organization of the text, word formation, form formation, use of parts of speech and syntactic structures.
This “Stylistics of the Modern Russian Language” presents the author’s combined materials in one book from textbooks published in different years by the publishing house “Higher School” (Stylistics of the Modern Russian Language. Lexicon. Phonics. M., 1976; Op. cit. 2nd ed. , revised and supplemented M., 1986; Grammatical stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1989), as well as textbooks published in the Moscow State Academy of Arts (Stylistic editing of the manuscript. M., 1988; Problems of the syntax of a simple sentence when editing a manuscript. M. ., 1990).
The theoretical course in stylistics was created and supplemented by the author in the process of many years of work with students of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and students of advanced training courses for editors at the Moscow Printing Institute.
The author is responsible for the correctness of the quoted texts.

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