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How to make a presentation on the topic of pets. Presentation "pets"

Valentina Lipinskaya
Presentation "Pets"

I present to your attention presentation on the topic"Pets". The presentation contains riddles about pets. Riddles are good for the mind. Riddles about animals- these are the most favorite riddles of children. This presentation can be used as part of a lesson or independently for organization individual lessons with kids. In addition, it can be used by parents.

Target: Continue teaching children how to solve riddles.

Tasks:To consolidate students’ knowledge about pets in an interesting, entertaining, playful way;

Develop the mind logical thinking, the ability to imagine this or that animal;

Foster love and respect for the environment and animals.

It is proposed to play with children, to give children the opportunity to show the speed of thinking, reasoning, comparison, comparison of knowledge about the world around them, about those around them animals.

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FROM history The cat is a beautiful, elegant, amazingly intelligent creature with a bright personality. The oldest archaeological evidence of cat domestication was discovered in Cyprus, where archaeological excavations uncovered a joint burial of a human and a cat, which dates back to 7500 BC. uh

The meaning and etymology of the word “Cat” The word cat in Russian means a representative of a biological subspecies, regardless of gender, or a female cat of this subspecies. The male is called a cat, and the baby cat is called a kitten. Common in Russian diminutive form of pussy or pussy.

The cat is small predatory mammals, domesticated man. The average body length of a cat without a tail is 60 cm, the length of the tail is cm. As a rule, females are smaller than males, as in other mammals (the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism).

Book of records Lucy the cat, who lives in the UK, recently celebrated her 39th birthday. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records recognized her as the most old cat in the world. Lucy broke the record of a cat named Cream Puff from Texas, who lived to 38 years and 3 days. Lucy's first owner died in 1999, and the cat began to live with her godson Bill Thomas. The long-lived cat, despite the loss of hearing, leads a fairly active lifestyle and protects the garden from mice.

Domestic cats: facts from life Modern domestic cats originated from miacids that existed over 40 million years ago. They were small animals that lived in trees. The first representatives of cats of our time emerged approximately 12 million years ago. Isaac Newton, who is known as the discoverer of the law of attraction, invented a door for domestic cats. 95% of their owners talk to their cats. Cats are aliens! Even the most respected scientists who suspect these animals are natives of other planets unanimously repeat this. In their opinion, the main task of cats is to observe the creatures living on Earth, and proof of their alien origin is simply amazing abilities that other terrestrial animals do not have. The first cat in the world to receive a name from its owners was an Egyptian cat. She lived in Ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III (that is, in the years BC). The loving owner named her Nej, which translated into Russian means “pleasant, sweet.”

Cats love to sleep on paper - for them this rustling material is the warmest and softest, so when choosing a place for your pet to rest, you should take into account its taste. Cats sleep approximately 18 hours a day! The cat likes all the doors in the house to be open, because it cannot stand closed spaces. The cat loves Fresh air, so make sure that the windows in the house do not close. From time immemorial, people have respected cats. For example, in Japan, figurines of cats were specially placed at the gates of the house, which symbolized the warmth of the hearth, and in Russia, new house Until now, the cat is the first to be launched. Cats should not be considered picky just because they sniff their food for a long time before starting to eat. They do not sort through grub, but try to determine the temperature of the food with their nose so as not to get burned. Some people are afraid of cats, and this is not explained by ancient beliefs in the witchcraft abilities of animals, but by ordinary... phobia! In the presence of cats, such people sit motionless, fearing that otherwise this terrible beast will notice them. And this is exactly what the cat is interested in: she happily climbs into the arms of a motionless person! According to rumors, Napoleon Bonoparte himself suffered from such a phobia.

Pets Senior group Presentation by teacher Sukhanova M.V.

Our companions and friends Try to imagine our life without dogs and cats, cows and horses, goats, sheep and pigs. No, It is Immpossible! We are used to four-legged friends and assistants. For many millennia they live nearby, feed and water us, clothe us and put on shoes, give us their affection, warmth and affection, awakening gratitude and kindness in our hearts. Pets. I love pets very much: I feed them, take care of them and caress them. I consider a dog and a cat, a goat and a pig to be my friends. Cows and goats give us milk, There is no lush sheep's wool, A purring cat will give us comfort And catch all the mice. Our helpers are a cow, a ram, and a black horse with a dark mane. They live next to us, attached to us, trusting, peace-loving.

Dog, dog, puppy at the kennel. Who in childhood did not dream of a funny cute puppy? With his appearance, life changes, it becomes more interesting and fun! . Guess the riddle: I serve the master - I watch the master's house, I growl and bark loudly, And I drive away strangers. . They bought me a puppy. On the weekend, Dad bought me a puppy at the Bird Market. He brought it in a basket - The dog is still small! He is funny, clumsy, licked me right on the nose, made a puddle in the hallway and wagged his tail slightly. I scratched the puppy behind the ear, tickled his stomach. The puppy became my best friend, He now lives with us..

Who lives in a booth or kennel?

Cat, cat, kitten in the house Predator or not? What does it eat? What does it look like? Where does he live? Guess the riddle: Even though I have velvet paws, They call me “scratchy”, I deftly catch mice, I drink milk from a saucer. Kitten Fluffy mother, furry son, rolled a ball on the floor together. The mother indulged the kitten in the game, handing him a ball with her paw. Why did the son run away from the ball? Baby asks mom for milk!

Horse, horse, foal at the stable Tell us about what kind of food the horse prefers. (The horse prefers oats, hay, fresh grass, you can treat it with sugar, black bread with salt). What can you call an animal that eats plant foods? (herbivore) Horse In this stall behind the fence, my horse sleeps and eats. I’ll comb it, and the mane will fall in beautiful waves. I'll give the horse sugar, the rider will be happy, and he'll carry me at a gallop along the shady forest paths. . Guess the riddle: The baby is long-legged, The baby is long-maned, Mom is happy: The son is handsome. He runs at a trot, He gallops, his hooves along the path, They knock: “Top-tap-tap.”


Cow, bull, calf in the barn What benefits does it bring? Guess the riddle: And sour cream, and kefir, Milk and delicious cheese, So that we are healthy, The motley will give us... Calf Mother cow caressed the calf, She licked her flat face all over. Maybe my son doesn’t like it, he asks his mother for something: “Mu-mu.” Mom gave her a milk udder - So, I understood what he asked for.

Goat, goat, kid near the stable. What does it look like? How does the voice sound? Where does he live? What does he eat? Guess the riddle: I’ll stand on my hooves and get the leaves. I will peel off aspen trees - I love to chew the bark. I am not tall, but I have enough milk. Thin-legged and horned, what's my name, guys? Little Goat A quick-footed mischief entered the garden, frolicking, gnawed all the cabbage, shouted: “Meh!” And running.

Pig, boar, piglet at the pigsty Name the family Guess the riddle: The fat one is running, The tail is a curl, The ears are like a pie, The snout is like a snout, There are hooves on the feet - Hurries to the trough. Piglet Khavrosh's mother loved the child and took her to swim in a warm puddle. Together they lay in a warm puddle, grunted merrily, and buried themselves in the mud. The fat son was very pleased, his son’s mother called him “Piglet”

Sheep, ram, lamb at the barn Here are woolen mittens - whose wool are they knitted from? A sheep picks grass in the field in the summer, And lives in a barn in the winter: They give it plenty of hay, And they expect a lamb for profit. Not horned, not alert, restless, fearful. The sheep's wool is sheared, knitted and woven from it. Guess the riddle: Gray curls, thin hooves... In the field next to his mother he frolics merrily: Pink porridge is good to chew, It’s sweet to wash down with sheep’s milk.

Animal Farm How can you name all the inhabitants of the animal farm? List the pets we talked about. All pets have barnyard have their own houses. Name them. Name the herbivores (cow, sheep, goat, horse). Do you think the cat is a herbivore or a carnivore? Why? Who else can be classified as a predator? Talk about the benefits of pets.

The game “Who Lives Where?” Name the homes of different animals. Cow-cow house - barn or stable. Dog - ...... booth or kennel Horse - ...... stable, stall. Goat - ..... barn, barn. Sheep -…. barn, manger. Cat -... house, apartment. The game “Who gives what voice?” Pig - grunts Dog - barks Sheep - bleats Goat - bleats Horse - neighs Cat - meows Game “Animal Family” Name the family members of various domestic animals Cow, bull, calf. Pig, hog, pig. Sheep, ram, lamb. Horse, horse, foal. Goat, goat, kid. Dogs, dog, puppy. The game “Who benefits what?” Game “Who eats what?” The dog loves to eat meat and bones. Cat - Cow - Game “Who looks like?” Tell us about what body parts domestic animals have. (horns, hooves, mane, udder)

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Rare pets

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Wildlife is amazing world and a special place in it is given to animals. People have long observed animals, acquired knowledge about them appearance, habitat, lifestyle, habits and passed them on from generation to generation. Over time, books about animals appeared, and the science of zoology arose.

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They say that a pet is the keeper of the hearth, who waits for us to come home, loves and pleases us.

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Domestic animals evolved from wild animals living in the wild. Many wild animals can be tamed, especially in at a young age, and even keep it at home. Sometimes it happens that wild animals are easily tamed.

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Rabbits became pets relatively recently. Dwarf rabbits are often kept as pets. Unlike ordinary rabbits, dwarf rabbits are very small in stature. The weight of a regular rabbit is 5-8 kg, while dwarf rabbits reach only 1-1.5 kg. Dwarf rabbits have a rounder face and much shorter ears than their larger brothers.
Simple rabbit
Dwarf rabbit

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Mink is an unusually enterprising and strong predatory animal. She has very fluffy fur. Mink is an excellent swimmer. These animals love to bathe, so organize this pleasure for them by placing a basin or bath with water. Minks, like cats, love to play with rope, cord or leash.

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1. An ungulate with a mane and tail 2. A very stubborn animal with long ears 3. A bird with a long beak and a red cap 4. A tail with a ring, sleeps under the porch, guards the house 5. A striped forest animal 6. A white-sided bird, a forest rattle, a gossip 7. Big, strong, with fangs, name is Pumbaa 8. Cunning red-haired cheat 9. Horned, curly-haired, gives us wool

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