Home Stomatitis Phraseologisms with the word “head” and their meaning (with examples). Phraseologisms with the word “head” and their meaning (with examples) The meaning of the expression turned my head

Phraseologisms with the word “head” and their meaning (with examples). Phraseologisms with the word “head” and their meaning (with examples) The meaning of the expression turned my head

My head is spinning from whom, whose. Express Has anyone lost the ability to soberly assess themselves and their capabilities. - Be careful not to let those praises turn your head, like that crow that sat on the oak tree.(S. Babaevsky. Knight of the Golden Star).

Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    2008. See what “Head turned” in other dictionaries: my head is spinning

    - Cm … Synonym dictionary

    My head is spinning- who. Razg. Disapproved Who l. I thought too much about myself, about my capabilities. FSRY, 111 ...

    My head spun with joy and my spirit sank.- My head turned with joy, my spirit was overcome. See LAUGHTER JOKE FUN... The praise made my head spin.

    - The praise made my head spin. See HUMILITY PRIDE... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people HEAD- Adam's head (chapter). 1. Jarg. corner., Alt. Joking. iron. Skull, image of a skull. BSRG, 131; F 1, 116; BTS, 29; SRGA 1.19. 2. Kostroma. Joking. About a man with a big head. SRNG 1, 206. 3. Jarg. corner. Joking. About a bald man. BBI, 17. 4. Arch., Don...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings head

    Big dictionary- noun, f., used. max. often Morphology: (no) what? heads, what? head, (see) what? head, what? head, about what? about the head; pl. What? heads, (no) what? heads, what? heads, (I see) what? heads, what? heads, about what? about heads 1. The head is... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary- y, wine. head; pl. heads, fishing, am; and. 1. Top part human body, the upper or anterior part of the body of a vertebrate animal, consisting of cranium

    and faces in humans (or muzzles in animals). Raise, lower, turn your head. Shake...- y, wine. head, plural heads, fishing, am, w. 1. The upper part of the human body, the upper or front part of the animal's body, containing the brain. My head hurts. Shake your head. Hanging your head. □ The scarf fell to the back of the head and revealed a wonderfully beautiful... ... Small academic dictionary

    Big dictionary- ы/, wine; fishing; pl. go/fishing, lo/v, a/m; and. see also head, head, little head, head 1) a) The upper part of the human body, the upper or front part of the body p ... Dictionary of many expressions

    my head turned- whose, from whom About the one who got carried away, having lost the ability to reason sensibly, evaluate himself and those around him, his surroundings. * Veshhunin’s head was turned by praise (Krylov) ... Dictionary of many expressions

The brain, which is located in the head, is responsible for human thinking and memory. And it’s no wonder that in many phraseological turns in which we are talking about thought processes and the ability to remember, the word “head” is used. The head is our brain center, it must be protected. The examples given in the text will help you understand the meaning of a particular phraseological unit.

Have a head on your shoulders
Be smart, quick-witted, reasonable.

You just need to have your head on your shoulders and the result will not be slow to show.

Puzzle over
Think intensely about a problem or task.

No one has the opportunity to carry out for a long time in the laboratory, and no one is eager to puzzle over this complex phenomenon, which in the end may turn out to be nothing.

Golden head
An intelligent, useful person for society.

“Golden head,” the collective farm director said about the veterinarian Petukhov.

Losing your head
To be in a state of confusion or confusion is often said about a person in love.

Because of this little-known person, he completely lost his head.

Daring head
This is what they say about a brave person, prone to risky actions.

As you wisely noted: a daring head!

Get it out of your head
Stop thinking about something, usually about some problem.

Yegor Ivanovich could not get out of his head the image of that beauty who dashingly pranced on a horse in the morning.

Get out of my head
Completely forget about something.

It completely slipped my mind that lectures start today.

Go over your head
Negative feedback about the actions of a person who, when achieving his selfish goals, does not take into account the people around him. This is often said about careerists who rise up the ladder. career ladder, “pushing aside” their competitors.

To achieve the desired result, Vasily Kondratievich will stop at nothing. Going over the heads is his principle.

I answer with my head
Take full responsibility for something, even at the risk of losing your life.

For the successful implementation of the project, you, Kastryulkin, are responsible with your head.

Garden head
About a stupid, “empty” person. The expression comes from gardening terminology - a garden scarecrow was called a “garden head”.

What to take from her? Garden head.

Head is spinning
About the human condition, when the ability to think clearly is temporarily lost due to many activities and worries.

My head is spinning from the number of things to do.

Mess in my head
Lack of clarity of thought or confusion when comprehending large amounts of information.

Before the physics exam, I had a mess in my head.

Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences or hoping for protection higher powers. In ancient times, before a fight, warriors drew a circle around their head with the end of their sword, believing that they were thereby protecting themselves from blows.

You should never rush headlong into a task that you only know about by hearsay.

Sprinkle ashes on your head
Express extreme despair or sadness. In ancient times, there was a tradition when people, in case of grief or misfortune, poured ashes or earth on their heads.

Hiding your head in the sand
About a situation when a person hides from problems and does not want to notice them. It is believed that ostriches bury their heads in the sand in case of danger, naively believing that in this way they are completely hidden.

Hiding your head in the sand is the lot of ostriches, pull yourself together, show character, and everything will work out.

About a stupid person who doesn't think well.

Banging your head against the wall
Be in a state of great despair.

If you fail, don't bang your head against the wall.

Out of the blue
About some unexpected, sudden event.

Fame overtook me unexpectedly, fell out of the blue; this happened when I published the last part of the epic.

Fool your head
Confuse, fool, obscure. From old word“trouble”, that is, darkness.

The policeman liked to fool people.

On your own head
To your own detriment.

Can't get it out of my head
About something or someone that remains in memory against desire.

I can't get this funny episode out of my head.

Don't lose your head
About a situation when a person will not be able to escape punishment or when he may even pay with his life.

Pay with your head
To die because of something.

He paid for his mistake with his head.

From head to toe
About some trait or ability of a person that characterizes him entirely, completely.

Then he stood opposite Krivtsov again, looked him up and down, and said: “You will play.”

Desperate head
About a dashing, daring, desperate man.

Empty head
About a stupid, frivolous person or about a situation where no sensible thought comes to mind.

Slava said: “I can’t understand what’s wrong with me? Feeling of detachment, uselessness. Empty head".

Has its own head on its shoulders
About a person who is able to think for himself and make independent decisions.

With your head
1. About a person who has good thinking abilities.
Our Petrovich is a man with a head!

2. About deep immersion in the process of solving a problem or task.
He plunged into solving this problem headlong.

From a sick head to a healthy one
A disapproving statement about a person who tries to shift the blame for something onto an innocent person.

Bow your head
Show your respect.

I bow my head to this poet.

Swiftly, quickly, with all your might.

Rushing headlong into the morning dawn was his hobby.

A person prone to taking desperate actions.

Grab your head
To despair, to be very upset about something.

Good headache
A rudely approving assessment of a person's good thinking abilities.

Pyaterochkin is lucky - his head cooks well!

Even with your head in the water
About a situation when a person is ready to risk his life for someone or something.

For you - even head into the water!

At least have a stake on your head!
An indignant remark about a situation where it is useless to convince a person of something, he will still do it in his own way.

I give my head to be cut off
Vouch for someone or assert something at the cost of your life.

“I bet you won’t earn even half of the amount you’re talking about,” Luganskaya told Ivanov.

clear head
About a person who is able to think clearly and clearly.

Without a king in my head
About a careless, short-sighted person who does not know how to set guidelines for himself in life.

Wind in my head
About a carefree, frivolous person.

Our new neighbor has the wind in her head.

My head is spinning
About a situation when you can’t remember something well known.

I can't wrap my head around it
About something that is difficult to believe or cannot be reconciled with.

I can’t imagine how you could come up with such a simple but fantastically convenient thing!

Don't hit your head
Do not take to heart.

Hold your head high
Be independent and proud.

Despite difficult situation, he held his head high.

hang your head
To be in despair, upset, upset.

- What, Ivanushka, aren’t you happy? Why did you hang your head?

Heads are flying
About a situation when someone is removed from their position.

About an ardent, passionate person.

The director said it right - he's a hothead!

Keep in mind
Constantly remembering someone or something.

To fill your head
Overload the brain with unnecessary information or excessive worries about something.

Get it into your head
Suggest something to yourself.

She got it into her head that she urgently needed to lose weight.

Turn your head
Fall in love with yourself. Also deprive the ability of sound thinking.

The dashing hussar completely turned her head.

Everything's a head
About something most important.

Bread is the head of everything!

Head two ears
A disparaging review of a narrow-minded, stupid person.

The head is full of holes
About an absent-minded, forgetful person.

- My head is full of holes, I forgot to buy bread!

My head is busy
About a situation when a person is focused on solving a problem or is busy with some activity.

My head is swelling
This is what they say in case of severe overwork or when there is a large number of tasks that need to be completed.

And after yesterday’s “walk” my head is so swollen that my hat doesn’t fit.

Turn your head

Turn your head

intoxicate, hit the head, rush into the head, fall in love with oneself, stupefy, intoxicate, excite, excite, win the heart, thrill, inflate, twist the head, entice, drive crazy, dizzy, captivate, enthrall, turn on, stupefy, excite

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what “turn your head” in other dictionaries:

    turn your head- someone to captivate, depriving them of the ability to reason sensibly, evaluate themselves and those around them, their surroundings. V. the head of a young girl. Success has gone to his head... Dictionary of many expressions

    To whom. Razg. To please someone, to captivate, to seduce someone. DP, 740; BTS, 160... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Turn your head- Turn someone's head around. TURN (TURN) someone's HEAD. Razg. Express 1. Deprive the ability to think clearly, reason sensibly, soberly, and evaluate the environment. Just the thought of her being in a direct relationship with a real millionaire... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Psychology terms

    Turn someone's head- to evoke in someone a feeling of love, sympathy. FSVChE... Psychology terms

    To turn (someone's) head (foreign) to make them dream and act recklessly, to inspire unrealistic hopes to make them fall in love with themselves. Wed. It is easier to turn the heads of a thousand women than to guide them alone. *** Aphorisms. Wed. The princess... knew how with the current... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    ROLL, eat, eat and eat; sovereign: to turn the head of someone, to greatly captivate him, depriving him of the ability to reason sensibly. Success went to his head. Turn a girl's head (by attracting, courting, making her fall in love with you). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ROLL UP, turn up, turn up (turn up obsolete), absolutely. only in the expression: to turn someone's head (colloquial) to arouse passion, to make someone unreasonable. She turned his head with her coquetry. Unexpected success turned my head... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (foreign language) to make one dream and act recklessly, to inspire unrealistic hopes; fall in love with yourself Wed. It is easier to turn the head of a thousand women than to direct it to one. *** Aphorisms. Wed. The princess... knew how easy it is with the current freedom of circulation... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    turn up- ROLL UP, owl. to whom what. Usually in combination. "turn your head" Cause a state of strong, unaccountable infatuation with someone or something, depriving you of the ability to reason sensibly. He could not stand the test of fame, success turned him... ... Big Dictionary Russian verbs


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