Home Wisdom teeth Payments to military veterans for May. Monthly cash payments to federal beneficiaries

Payments to military veterans for May. Monthly cash payments to federal beneficiaries

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Recipient categoryAmount of EDV for 2018, rub.EDV while maintaining NSO, rub.
disabled war veterans, WWII;5180,46 4105,27
  • WWII participants
  • parents and wives of military personnel who died defending the USSR;
  • former child prisoners of the Nazis
3885,33 2810,14
  • military personnel, but who did not fight during the Second World War;
  • defense workers, builders of military facilities during the Second World War;
  • families of dead prisoners of war, missing in action during the war, war veterans, WWII participants and combat veterans
1555,13 479,94
  • citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • combat veterans
2850,26 1775,07
disabled people of group 13626,98 2551,79
  • disabled people of group 2 and disabled children;
  • disabled people due to radiation in Chernobyl;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the accident in the period from 1986 to 1990 (military, medical workers);
  • disabled children due to radiation;
  • citizens from special risk units
2590,24 1515,05
  • disabled people of group 3;
  • victims of radiation in Chernobyl;
  • children sick from radiation
2073,51 998,32
living and working in the resettlement zone518,37 -
children living in the resettlement zone1295,13 219,94
Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory and members of their families, in the event of their death61081,74 -
Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory45038,77 -

You can refuse a set of social services completely, or you can partially, maintaining some services and at the same time, have a minimal impact on reducing the amount of payment.

Citizen Stepanov is a disabled person of group 2, assigned to him as a result of the Chernobyl accident. nuclear power plant. Stepanov received a monthly allowance of 1,515.05 rubles and used social services, but chose to partially refuse some services due to lack of use. Thus, when applying to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, which was assigned a monthly cash payment, the citizen refused some services, retaining only the right to Spa treatment. The payment amount was already 2590.24 rubles.

Pension Fund specialists informed citizen Stepanov that his application to refuse certain services will be valid until he himself wishes to resume using them.

Indexation of EDV in 2019

According to the pension legislation of the Russian Federation, indexation of pensions and social benefits takes place once a year based on the inflation rate in Russia established in the previous year. In 2018, on January 1, insurance pensions for non-working pensioners were indexed by 3.7%, after which on February 1 increased by 2.5% the size of the EDV, and at the same time the cost of the NSO increased.

Thus, the cost of NSO for federal beneficiaries from February 1, 2019 was 1121.42 rubles per month, of them:

  1. Providing medications - 863.75 rubles;
  2. Spa treatment - 133.62 rubles;
  3. Travel by railway transport - 124.05 rubles.

The procedure for assigning and paying social assistance

To assign an EDV, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the pensioner or legal representative. WITH 14 years a minor child entitled to payment may apply on one's own.

As a rule, a decision is made on appointment or refusal within 10 working days, then another 5 days to convey information about this to the applicant. After which, EDV is prescribed from the date of application(however not before the occurrence right to payment), and for the entire period of compliance with the category for which the payment is assigned.

Pay Money is received for the current calendar month.

  • If a citizen receives a pension, the EDV will go along with it.
  • If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he will need to select a delivery method and submit an appropriate application.

If circumstances arise that affect the change in the amount of payment or lead to its termination, the citizen obliged in a timely manner notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about this.


The meaning of monthly social assistance from the state in the form of EDV is to provide material support to citizens in need and their families who have distinguished themselves by special services to the country. Also, the state offers social services that could provide a decent living, and if they are not needed, the opportunity to receive them in monetary terms.

To clarify questions about the appointment, payment and termination of payments, it is recommended to contact specialists at the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia.

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Citizens receiving monthly social payments are also entitled to receive set of social services(NSO), which is integral part EDV in its natural form. NSU is a list of services provided to disabled people free of charge.

In this case, citizens can choose: either to receive a set of services in kind, or by replacing it with money. Such replacement can be carried out in whole or in part. In case of refusal of the in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of the services to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) before October 1.

NSU consists of several parts:

  • Providing necessary medical drugs and products.
  • Providing free travel on suburban and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.
  • Providing vouchers to a sanatorium if such treatment is necessary.

Please note that to register a refusal to receive NSO in full or any part of it in 2020, it was necessary to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia until October 1, 2019.

The amount of money allocated to pay for social services from February 1, 2019 is:

  • 863 rubles 75 kopecks for security necessary medications;
  • 133 rubles 62 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • 124 rubles 05 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • Full cost of NSO from 1.02.2019 - 1121 ruble 42 kopecks.

It is worth noting that current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of the NSO in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a group II disabled person, received EDV in full, refusing the full set of social benefits. services. In 2018, Ms. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician regarding the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. Fund social insurance provided her with the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2019 in accordance with her treatment profile and the date of arrival. In order for gr. Ivanova was able to take advantage of the right to treatment in a sanatorium in 2019; she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2018 with a request to refuse the provision of necessary medications and travel by railway transport, while retaining the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2019, the amount of EDV accrued to her was reduced by the cost social services for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment.

We calculate the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2019, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2701.62 - 133.62 = 2568 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the size of the EDV was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. This increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the forecast of the inflation rate established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

This procedure for indexing the size of the EDV was changed from January 1, 2016 - now it is indexed in February. In 2019, one of the most massive social payments is indexed taking into account the inflation level of the previous year (2018).

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. Therefore, indexation was carried out precisely by this value.

From February 1, 2019, the monthly cash payment was increased by 4.3%. Simultaneously with the increase in this social benefits The amount of funds allocated for the provision of social assistance in kind has also increased, namely.

Assignment of monthly payments to pensioners

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens entitled to it in accordance with Russian legislation, you need to contact the Pension Fund office with a corresponding application at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the lack of a place of residence confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants already receiving a pension should contact the Pension Fund of the area where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in the institution social services, you must contact the district office of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The assignment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen or his representative who has applied necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, a number of documents must be submitted:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and powers of his legal representative.
  2. Documents confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents that allow you to establish the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another preferential category.

The application for the appointment of EDV must also contain information about the choice of the basis for establishing EDV if there are several such grounds and the citizen’s obligation to promptly inform the Pension Fund about changes in circumstances affecting the amount of social benefits.

Appointment decision monthly payments are accepted within ten working days from the date of application. The applicant must then be notified within five days of the decision taken.

EDV is established from the day you apply for it, but not before the right to it arises. Such social help is appointed for the time during which the person belongs to the category entitled to social benefits.

Procedure for providing monthly cash payments

The citizen receives a monthly cash payment simultaneously with pension if he is a pensioner. In this case, the delivery of the EDV will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit organizations.

If the citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses the payment option that is convenient for him and submits an application for the delivery method.

If a citizen wants to change the payment method, he will need to apply to the district office of the Pension Fund. For citizens living in a social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of EDV can be transferred to the account of the specified institution.


  • A monthly cash payment is assigned to certain people, including disabled people, disabled children, citizens, and former minor prisoners of fascism.
  • EDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen entitled to such payment has reached retirement age or not yet.
  • Amount of monthly cash payment for everyone different. The amount of EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • Indexation of the size of the EDV is carried out every year based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen contacts the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of an EDV, he automatically has the right to receive. The applicant may refuse the NSO or its individual component in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa at his own request.

In addition to standard forms of state support, certain groups of residents of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a special type of social support - a monthly cash payment. A monthly cash payment is assigned to citizens and pensioners who have an additional preferential status, duly confirmed.

What is EDV and to whom is it paid?

EDV is compensation payment, which is paid to citizens from the federal budget and does not depend on the fact of establishing pension provision.

As of 2019-2020, monthly cash payments are provided for social security of the following groups of beneficiaries:

  1. subjects having one of three groups;
  2. citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at;
  3. persons with status in certain categories;
  4. subjects who have special merits in the form of state awards, etc.;
  5. former minor prisoners of fascism;
  6. other groups of beneficiaries directly specified in regulatory legal acts.
Note! EDV for old-age pensioners can be established only if recipients of pension payments can additionally confirm the presence of a special status.

Legislative regulation

Since there is no unified law on EDV, monthly cash payments in 2019-2020 will be assigned and transferred according to the norms of the following legal acts:

  1. in relation to certain groups of veterans - the federal law No. 5-FZ;
  2. for persons with a confirmed status of one of the disability groups - Federal Law No. 181-FZ;
  3. for entities with preferential status of Chernobyl victims - RF Law No. 1244-1;
  4. for citizens who have received certain state awards or noted for special merits - Federal Law No. 5-FZ and RF Law No. 4301-1.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Payment terms

EDV in 2019-2020, as in previous years, is accrued when applying to the territorial departments of the Pension Fund. The assignment of this social benefit will be carried out regardless of the establishment of pension payments. To qualify for payments, it is not necessary to meet the conditions regulated for applying for a pension.

To exercise the right to apply for a benefit, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • within the framework of one specialized law, which provides for the possibility of a beneficiary to receive EDV simultaneously on several grounds, the payment is established on the basis with a higher monthly payment amount;
  • if a beneficiary has the right to receive benefits under several laws at once, he is obliged to make his own choice when contacting the Pension Fund department;
  • an exception to the above rules is contained only for Chernobyl victims; they have the right to simultaneously establish social benefits on two grounds.

For example, the establishment of EDV for disabled people who simultaneously have the status is carried out by officials of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by comparing the final amount of payments that the citizen will receive. In this case, there is no right to choose; the EDV will be established by the Pension Fund department according to a more advantageous option.

The procedure for paying EDV to federal beneficiaries

If a citizen is included in the list of persons entitled to receive social benefits of this nature, he must contact the local Pension Fund department to assign a payment.

When applying, you need to fill out an official application form, as well as submit documents, the composition of which will depend on the category of the beneficiary:

  • monthly cash payment will be assigned;
  • when a citizen submits an official certificate from the MSEC authorities regarding the establishment of a certain disability group;
  • monthly cash payments are assigned to combat veterans and other categories if their preferential status is confirmed by an official ID;
  • social payments for residents of besieged Leningrad are established on the basis of an appropriate certificate confirming residence in the besieged city;
  • monthly cash payments to survivor pensioners will be assigned by the Pension Fund of Russia department automatically upon confirmation of the right to a pension payment.
Note! If the applicant’s preferential status requires periodic confirmation (for example, in case of disability), a valid certificate is submitted to the Pension Fund department ITU certificate confirming disability..

For example, for disabled Chernobyl victims, the re-examination period is five years; for other disabled people, this procedure can be carried out annually. Establishing a monthly cash payment to the Pension Fund also requires the presentation of a civil passport and a SNILS certificate. It is possible to contact the authorized body through a representative; for this you need to have a notarized power of attorney.

Purpose monthly payments pensioners will be implemented simultaneously with the establishment of state support. Further confirmation of eligibility will be carried out by general rules.

Indexation and recalculation of EDV

The amount of the EDV is established by federal legislation and is subject to indexation according to the general rules of state social security.
This means that the amount of the EDV will be indexed simultaneously with the publication of the act on increasing pensions.

The amount of EDV assigned to disabled people is recalculated when another disability group is established. Moreover, it takes place without a declaration on the basis of an extract from the inspection report received by the Pension Fund of Russia from the ITU authorities.

In the direction of increase - from the date of establishment of the disability group giving the right to a higher monthly allowance.

Towards a decrease - when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a lower monthly allowance, it occurs from the 1st day of the month following the month for which the previous disability group was established.

Recalculation of the amount of EDV for family members of deceased (deceased) Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory are issued if the number of family members has changed. Such recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which these circumstances occurred.

Amount of payments in 2019-2020

The next indexation of the EDV amounts was carried out in February 2019, based on the actual consumer price growth index at the end of 2018.

Amount of monthly cash payment for certain categories of citizens in 2019 with a complete refusal of a set of social services compiled:

  • for disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 5403.22 rubles;
  • for citizens who took part in the Second World War, prisoners with disabilities - 4052.40 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 1 - 3782.94 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 2 - 2701.62 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 3 - 2162.67 rubles;
  • for residents of besieged Leningrad and combat veterans - 2972.82 rubles;
  • disabled Chernobyl victims, as well as - 2972.82 rubles;
  • subjects who have been awarded the title Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families in the event of the death of heroes - 63,708.25 rubles.

It must be taken into account that the full composition of EDV recipients is much wider than the indicated categories. Full list EDV recipients are presented in the table.

Category nameEDV from 02/01/2019, indexation amount 1,043 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/24/2019 No. 32 “On approval of the indexation coefficient of payments, benefits and compensation in 2019”)
taking into account NSOexcluding NSO
1 Invalids of war5 403,22 4 281,80
2 WWII participants who became disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
3 Military personnel and private and commanding personnel who became disabled during service5 403,22 4 281,80
4 WWII participants4 052,40 2 930,98
5 Combat veterans2 972,82 1 851,40
6 Military personnel from 06.22.41 to 09.03.45 are not included in the active army1 622,00 500,58
7 Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”2 972,82 1 851,40
8 Family members of fallen (deceased) IVOV and UVOV and BD veterans1 622,00 500,58
9 Family members of those killed in the Second World War from self-defense and air defense groups1 622,00 500,58
10 Family members of those killed in the line of duty1 622,00 500,58
11 Family members of military personnel who died in captivity1 622,00 500,58
12 Parents and wives of deceased servicemen, eq. to the participants of the Second World War4 052,40 2 930,98
13 Persons who worked during the Second World War1 622,00 500,58
14 Disabled people (III group)2 162,67 1 041,25
15 Disabled people (II group)2 701,62 1 580,20
16 Disabled people (I group)3 782,94 2 661,52
17 Disabled children2 701,62 1 580,20
18 Citizens who suffered radiation sickness as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
19 Disabled citizens due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
20 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-87.2 701,62 2 701,62
21 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-90.2 162,67 2 162,67
22 Citizens living (working) in the territorial residence zone with the right to resettlement540,66 540,66
23 Citizens living (working) in the territorial residence zone with preferential social-ec.status540,66 540,66
24 Citizens living (working) in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other districts540,66 540,66
25 Citizens evacuated (including those who left the exclusion zone) in 1986.2 162,67 2 162,67
26 Children (others) under 18 years of age, children of 1st and 2nd generations living in the zone1 350,82 1 350,82
27 Children (others) under 18 years of age, permanently residing in an area with preferential social-economic status811,88 811,88
28 Children (other) - disabled, suffering. diseases due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
29 Children (others) suffering from illnesses due to the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
30 Disabled citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 701,62 2 701,62
31 Citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 162,67 2 162,67
32 Citizens who received a total effective radiation dose of more than 25 cSv (rem)2 162,67 2 162,67
33 Citizens who received a total effective dose of radiation from 5 to 25 cSv (rem)677,14 677,14
34 Children under 18 years of age, 1st and 2nd generation, obtainable effect. radiation dose over 5 cSv677,14 677,14
35 Citizens who suffered radiation sickness as a result of the Mayak accident in 1957.2 162,67 2 162,67
36 Citizens who became disabled as a result of the accident at Mayak in 1957.2 701,62 2 701,62
37 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1957-58.2 701,62 2 701,62
38 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1959-61.2 162,67 2 162,67
39 Citizens living in settlements where the radiation dose is more than 1 mSv (0.1 rem)540,66 540,66
40 Citizens, evacuees, resettlers, who voluntarily left the Mayak and Techa loading zone2 162,67 2 162,67
41 Children of the 1st and 2nd generations suffering from illness due to exposure to radiation in the birth.1 350,82 1 350,82
42 Citizens without disabilities from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
43 Disabled citizens from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
44 Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos - disabled people5 403,22 4 281,80
45 Former minor prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos4 052,40 2 930,98
46 Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, full Cavaliers and members of their families since 01/01/2006.63 708,25
47 Heroes of Socialist Labor, full Cavaliers since 07/01/2006.46 975,44

In addition, the size EDV amounts depends on many additional factors (for example, when abandoning the NSO, etc.).

Advice! The exact amount of the EDV can be found out when submitting an application to the Pension Fund department and indicating what composition additional services and benefits will be used by the applicant.

In 2019, the UDV indexation was carried out in February in the amount of 4.3%. The range of benefits in kind has been similarly increased. After the events, the cost of social services reached 1121.42 rubles, which includes: provision of medicines - 863.75 rubles, provision of vouchers to sanatorium institutions- 133.62 rubles, free travel to public transport city, suburban, intercity communication (to the place of treatment and back) - 124.05 rubles.

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If citizens are assigned a pension and they receive EDV, the indexation provided for by law will be carried out simultaneously by the Pension Fund of Russia.

Receipt procedure

For consideration of an application for the appointment of the specified measure of social support from officials The Pension Fund has 10 working days.
During this period, the grounds for the application are checked, as well as the compliance of the submitted documents with legal requirements. After a decision has been made on the merits of the application, the response must be sent no later than five days to the applicant’s address.

Attention! The monthly payment is established from the day the citizen applies, but not before the right to this benefit arises.

The decision must necessarily indicate the period for which the payment is established, or establish the unlimited nature of the transfers.

Receiving a monthly payment is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • when receiving one type of state pension, the monthly additional payment will be transferred simultaneously;
  • if the subject does not have the right to receive state pension benefits, the applicant himself chooses the method of receiving the monthly payment;
  • the specified social payment will be paid for the current calendar month.
Note! If, during the period of receiving the specified social payment, a citizen loses his preferential status (for example, the disability group is cancelled), the recipient is obliged to notify the relevant Pension Fund department about this.

If such notification is not made, an overpayment of budget funds will be recorded, which will be recovered voluntarily or judicially. A similar requirement is established when there is a change in preferential status, which affects the amount of the monthly social benefit. The recipient is obliged to immediately notify the territorial department of the Pension Fund of this fact in order to avoid overpayment.

Watch the video about EDV

June 30, 2017, 22:32 Oct 5, 2019 23:31

Last news, concerning payments to citizens with disabilities, concerned the determination of the amount of the monthly allowance. The state classifies such people as the most vulnerable segments of the population, so people with disabilities are provided with various measures social support in the form of benefits, discounts and other preferences. In addition to assistance provided in kind, we are talking about material support for citizens with disabilities.

The most famous and popular form of providing financial assistance in Russia is the payment of monthly allowance. Any person who has been officially declared incompetent can receive a single cash payment. In this article we will talk about what types of benefits people with disabilities receive different groups, and also consider the issue regarding the amount of assistance offered in monetary terms.

Before finding out in what amounts EDV is paid to disabled people of group 3 in 2019, as well as to persons with the status of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, you will need to find out what EDV is, which groups of citizens are entitled to such a payment and in what amount it is calculated.

EDV is a cash benefit that is provided to certain categories of citizens in exchange for refusal to receive benefits due by law. For example, if a disabled person does not want to use benefits, but wants to receive an increase in his pension benefit, then he can visit the Pension Fund and apply for a payment.

The procedure for registering EDV is specified in detail in Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” In Art. 28.1 names are written government agencies involved in calculating EDV for citizens with disabilities. The Pension Fund is responsible for providing benefits without taking into account the citizen’s disability category.

How is the payment amount determined?

The benefit amount is determined every year on April 1. From this date, the current benefit is indexed taking into account the level of current inflation. To date, payments for disabled people are the following amounts:

Certain categories of citizens also have their own payment amounts. For WWII veterans who have become disabled, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 5,054.11 rubles, and for disabled children, the payment once a month is 2,527.06 rubles.

The size of the social package for disabled people is next year not yet known great importance will have the inflation rate used for recalculation at the beginning of April 2019. If a person cannot obtain funds on his own, then he must entrust this right to a third party.

If there is a revision of status and the group is given with a decrease or increase, then the amount of payment must be revised. The basis for payment may be a medical report drawn up at the relevant institution.

Procedure for obtaining the right to payment

Right to registration of EDV arises when a disabled person wants to receive monetary compensation instead of the required government benefits and privileges. It is important to remember here that you cannot just start receiving payments. A citizen is required to go through a special transfer procedure, which is mandatory for every person.

First, a citizen who has expressed a desire to receive EDV must contact the Pension Fund office at the place of his registration to submit an application in the prescribed form. If the payment is made in relation to a child, then one of the parents (legal representatives) of the child must contact the Pension Fund.

Sometimes there are situations in which the baby’s parents do not live together. In this case, the parent who is the official guardian of the child and with whom the child lives applies for payment.

The application must be submitted at the place of registration of the minor and the parent. A child has the right to visit the Pension Fund on his own only after reaching 14 years of age. summer age, and the presence of parents or other official guardians is not required.

In this case, deadlines are also not set. This means that a disabled person can apply any day after receiving the group. Along with the application, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • confirmation of the right to assign and pay EDV;
  • certificate from the place of residence confirming registration;
  • passport or other identity card confirming the right of a child’s representative if he is under 14 years of age.

The application is submitted to the Pension Fund office and reviewed by fund employees within 10 days. If a positive decision is made, the payment begins to accrue from the moment the person has all the grounds for this.

The funds are transferred to a special personal account with the Pension Fund, however, if the person who submitted the application is already registered with the Pension Fund, then such an account will not need to be opened. In case of refusal to pay, an appropriate response is sent to the applicant within five days.


If you think that you do not need the benefits provided by the state, then you can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of registration and apply for monetary compensation in the amount established by the state. The procedure for obtaining benefits consists of submitting an appropriate application and a mandatory package of documentation and further use of the presented right.

Good day everyone!

The topic of pensions, their payments and increases is always quite acute and painful. Until we reach the age of 45, we don’t really think about it.

However, the closer we get to retirement, the more often retirement thoughts begin to visit us and we are already interested in everything connected with it.

In this article we will talk about pensions, which are not intended for everyone, but only for a special category of citizens, namely disabled people.

For them, our country provides three types of disability pension payments.

— Disability insurance pension.

The pension is assigned based on the results medical and social examination. It is assigned to those citizens who have work experience. Moreover, she will be appointed even if the length of service is only one day. The reason for the disability does not matter. In addition, a person can continue to work.

What must be provided to receive this pension: application, certificates of disability and group, and work book, indicating length of service.

— Social disability pension.

This type of pension is assigned to disabled people who have no work experience. Moreover, this includes people with disabilities since childhood and disabled children. To receive a social pension, you will need to provide: an application, a passport and an extract from the ITU act, which indicates information about the disability group and its duration.

However, there are restrictions on place of residence and registration. Only those citizens who permanently reside in the Russian Federation will receive it.

— State disability pension.

This pension is intended only for military personnel who participated in the Second World War. In addition, it can also be received by those citizens who have become disabled as a result of various man-made and radiation disasters and astronauts.

Whether the person applying for such a pension works or not is also irrelevant.

For those disabled people who receive an insurance pension, indexation will be carried out from January 1, 2018. Moreover, the increase rate will be 3.7%. Thus, the additional payment will be 300-500 rubles.

Recipients of social pensions will be indexed from April 1 by 4.1%. Since the amount of payments is calculated differently for different groups of disabled people, on average the size of pensions will increase by 175-500 rubles.

The size of pensions for disabled people of group 3 varies depending on whether they receive an insurance pension or a social pension.

As already mentioned, the pension amount will increase by 3.7%. And the cost of a pension point will increase from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles.

Moreover, the amount of payments depends on whether the pension recipient has dependents or not. If there are no dependents, then the pension amount will be 2,491 rubles 45 kopecks per month. With one dependent it will be 4,152 rubles 42 kopecks, with two – 5,813 rubles 48 kopecks and with three – 7,474 rubles 34 kopecks per month.

As for recipients of social pensions, for them it will be indexed by 4.1% and this will happen on April 1. The pension amount will be 4,454.78 rubles, which is 175 rubles more than in 2017.

Group 2 disability pension. Will there be a promotion or increase?

Just like disabled people of group 3, disabled people of group 2 receive both insurance and social pensions. We have already talked about the difference in receiving them. Now let's see how much it will be in 2018.

As for the calculation of the insurance pension, it is calculated as follows:

TPPI= PC/(T x K) + B, where

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account from the day when he was assigned a labor disability pension;

T - number of months of expected payment period labor pension by old age. If the pension was assigned in 2012, then this figure will be 216 months, and starting from 2013 - 228 months;

TO - ratio of standard duration insurance period(in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. So, this very standard duration up to 19 years of age is 12 months. After the disabled person reaches 19 years of age, it will increase by 4 months for each full year age, but not more than 180 months;

B - fixed basic amount of disability pension.

The social pension for this category is assigned for the period during which the citizen is recognized as disabled. If the disability is indefinite, then the pension can also be indefinite. Work experience also does not affect the payment of a social pension.

On a note.A disabled citizen can receive payment of only one of the specified types of pensions. At the same time, he decides for himself what type of pension he needs.

The monthly social pension is 4,959.85 rubles, and if it is assigned to a disabled person since childhood, then 9,919.73 rubles.

If a disabled person has work experience, then he insurance pension is accrued taking into account the fixed base part and the length of service he has developed.

Just as for disabled people of the third group, the size of the pension for group 2 depends on the presence and absence of dependents. If they are not there, the pension amount will be 4805.11 rubles. If there is one dependent, the pension amount will be 6406.81 rubles, two - 8008.51 rubles. and three - 9610.21 rubles.

Pension for disabled people of group 1. Latest news 2018

The first disability group is assigned to those people who are determined to be completely incapacitated. Such people need constant care.

When assigning this type of pension, age and length of service do not play any role. The size of the pension depends on the size of the consumer basket.

The size of the social pension for disabled people of the 1st category will be 9919.73 rubles, and for disabled people since childhood - 11903.51 rubles.

If a person had work experience before receiving disability, he will determine the amount of the insurance pension. You can apply for this type of pension if: following conditions:

— recognition by medical examination of category 1

– having a minimum work experience (even 1 day)

given disability not related to a crime committed intentionally

The basic amount of the insurance pension is 9610.22 rubles. in the absence of dependents, 11211.92 rubles. if there is one dependent, 12813.62 rubles. – with two and 14415.32 rubles. at three.

As for disabled children, of whom there are 617 thousand in our country, pension increases for them will take place in April 2018. The indexation coefficient will be about 2.6%. The payment amount will be 12,500 rubles. Also, from February 1, they will receive EDV in the amount of 2527.06 rubles.

Amount of EDV for disability in 2018

The monthly cash payment (MAP) established for disabled people is assigned after they apply to the local division of the pension fund. It is credited to a special account and paid along with the basic pension.

In 2017, the size of the monthly allowance for different disabled groups was: for 1 - 3,538.52 rubles, for 2 - 2,508.08 rubles. and for 3 - 2,022.94 rubles. From January 1, these amounts will also be indexed to 4.1%.

By the way. In 2017, pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles as compensation for the lack of timely indexation. No such payments are planned in 2018

Labor Minister Maxim Topilin assured that there will be no disabled people in the country whose income is below the subsistence level. Additional payments are provided for them for this purpose.

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