Home Pulpitis How tuberculosis is treated in Europe. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in clinics abroad: principles, methods, prices

How tuberculosis is treated in Europe. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in clinics abroad: principles, methods, prices

Tuberculosis – chronic infection, the cause of which is microbacteria (tuberculosis bacilli). Most often, the disease affects the lungs (80% of cases), but other organs can also be infected: the brain, eyes, skin, bones, intestines, genitourinary system. Today, tuberculosis is successfully treated, but it can cause complications of varying severity, which in some cases (for example, with weakened immunity) lead to fatal outcome.

Infection usually occurs through airborne droplets, so the pulmonary form is the most common form of tuberculosis. Less commonly, the infection enters the body through gastrointestinal tract(for example, milk from infected cows) or through cuts in the skin.

Approximately a third of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis. But only in 5-10% of cases the disease enters the active phase and requires treatment. Almost all deaths (95% of the total) were recorded in developing countries with the bad ones social conditions(Asia, Africa, India).

Risk factors for tuberculosis are: HIV, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, severe chronic diseases, diabetes, treatment with medications that suppress the immune system.

The incubation period for tuberculosis is 6 to 8 weeks. But sometimes the infection exists latently in the body for decades.

Symptoms are nonspecific: cough, profuse sweating at night, slight fever(less often fever). In some cases, there may be no symptoms.

Sometimes the infection can spread through the bloodstream or through lymphatic system to other organs. In such cases, the disease affects the kidneys, brain and spinal cord, intestines, lymph nodes, bones and joints.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis in Germany

If tuberculosis is suspected, the doctor takes a detailed medical history. For staging accurate diagnosis may need different diagnostic methods. To test for the presence of tuberculosis bacilli, sputum, gastric juice, urine, etc. can be taken.

  • Must be appointed bacteriological research . The polymerase chain reaction method shows high reliability (95-100%).
  • Blood analysis helps to identify organs affected by the disease and identify inflammatory processes in organism.
  • Radiography chest helps to find foci of inflammation, as well as track the course of the disease. If x-rays not enough - carry out CT.
  • Quantifiron test determines interferon gamma in blood plasma. Due to more accurate results this analysis almost completely replaced Mantoux reaction in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in adults.

If necessary, extended diagnostics are carried out, which may include thoracoscopy, tracheobronchoscopy, bronchoscopic lavage, transthoracic needle and transbronchial biopsy, pleural puncture and etc.

Modern diagnostic methods available in German clinics, help to choose suitable treatment and avoid radical therapies.

Treatment methods for tuberculosis in Germany

Drug treatment

Today, tuberculosis is most often treated with medications that are selected individually. While there remains a risk of infection for others, the patient remains in the hospital. After 2-3 weeks of intensive treatment, the patient is usually no longer infectious.

Modern drugs make it possible to effectively treat even severe forms diseases.

The standard treatment for tuberculosis is drug therapy for six months.

In the first months, a combination of the following drugs is prescribed:

  • isoniazid
  • rifampicin
  • pyrazinamide
  • ethambutol (alternative - streptomycin)

After two months, pyrazinamide and ethambutol are discontinued and treatment is continued with isoniazid and rifampicin. Additionally, cough suppressants are prescribed.

In this case, there is a possibility of side effects, primarily affecting the liver, kidneys and eyes. In addition, some patients develop meningitis, pericarditis, or peritonitis due to tuberculosis, which require additional treatment corticosteroids.

During treatment you should abstain from alcohol and smoking.

If you are intolerant of the above medications, their analogs are prescribed, which may be less effective. Then treatment takes longer (more than a year).


In some cases drug treatment not enough. Indications for surgical treatment are large open cavities, pleural empyema, scars on the bronchi, lung collapse, and drug-resistant bacteria. During surgery (if possible, minimally invasive), parts of the organs affected by the infection are removed.

In addition, in the pulmonary form of tuberculosis, surgery may be required if there are pockets of infection in the lungs that cannot be eliminated with medication. In extreme cases, lung resection is necessary.

Surgical treatment is also complemented by drug therapy.

If the correct therapy is prescribed in time, tuberculosis can be completely cured. However, in some cases (if the patient has a weakened immune system or has severe chronic diseases), there is the possibility of complications: pulmonary hemorrhage, lung collapse, blood poisoning with organ damage.

Some bacteria that cause tuberculosis may be resistant to medications. In Germany, in 12% of cases the bacteria do not respond to treatment with one of the following necessary antibiotics. In 2% of cases, resistance to several drugs is detected. Then doctors prescribe alternative medications. Treatment in such cases can last from six months to two years.

Over the course of several years, the patient must undergo regular preventive examinations. In rare cases, the disease may recur. In this case, the bacteria will already be resistant to medications that were taken before.

In most cases, tuberculosis is successfully treated.


In Germany great attention is given to rehabilitation. After completing the course of therapy, the patient is prescribed various procedures, promoting a speedy recovery of the body: massage, electrotherapy, inhalations, iontophoresis, cryotherapy physiotherapy, special diet, etc.

Treatment of tuberculosis in Germany: prices

The cost of treatment for tuberculosis in Germany depends on the form, stage and severity of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Prices in different German clinics may differ from each other and range from five to twenty thousand euros. An operation for pulmonary tuberculosis will cost approximately eight thousand euros. It is also worth considering that treatment, depending on the specific case, can last from several months to two years.

"Yunisa" will organize tuberculosis treatment for you in the best clinics Germany.

Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease that can affect any organ or system. Even taking into account high level development of medicine, tuberculosis is still an infection with high risk for life. If the disease is diagnosed on time, then the consequences and possible complications will be minimized. Treatment of tuberculosis on an outpatient basis, as well as in a hospital setting, requires integrated approach and strictly control the intake of necessary medications.

Features of the disease

The first stage of the development of the disease is characterized by the penetration of Koch bacilli into the body followed by infection. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the pharynx, larynx, mediastinum and beyond appears. At the site where mycobacteria settle, a lesion forms. Next, some of the cells, together with macrophages, penetrate into the nearest large lymphatic plexuses (nodes). Others spread through the blood or also lymphogenously to other organs and form new tuberculous foci.

If re-infection occurs, mycobacteria are activated and begin to multiply. This is how it develops.

Where and how to get treatment

Currently, TB doctors use standardized regimens to treat tuberculosis. drug therapy. Anti-tuberculosis therapy includes two successive stages:

  • intensive with mandatory stay in a specialized hospital;
  • supportive, which is carried out in outpatient setting(day hospital).

During the first stage, a person is required to go to an anti-tuberculosis dispensary and be under daily supervision by doctors.

The duration of treatment for tuberculosis in a hospital is individual; how many days it will take for the open form of the disease to transform into a closed form cannot be predicted in advance.

Upon completion of the course drug therapy The attending physician has the right to transfer the patient to outpatient treatment. The patient carries out the outpatient treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis at home.

Today it is possible to receive treatment for tuberculosis abroad, for example, in Europe or Korea. When choosing this type of therapy, you must first decide private clinic and an affordable price range, since the duration of hospital stay is calculated in weeks. Then contact a representative who will give detailed information O necessary documents. After receiving confirmation, you can buy tickets and prepare for your trip.


The success of tuberculosis treatment depends on early detection and a well-chosen course of primary drug therapy. Modern chemotherapy programs for patients take into account a wide variety of manifestations of the disease. They are highly effective and can reduce the duration of the treatment period.

The results of tuberculosis treatment studies over the past ten years have shown that inpatient therapy is necessary for only 25% of initially diagnosed patients. For others, treatment in an outpatient clinic is possible, the important advantage of which is the prevention of psycho-emotional exhaustion and personal degradation.

This quite often develops against the background of forced hospitalization of tuberculosis patients.

Drug therapy for tuberculosis

Primary treatment in hospital, as well as subsequent maintenance therapy, is based on a standard drug regimen:

While undergoing outpatient treatment, the patient is required to take medications strictly according to the prescribed regimen and not skip them. The speed of recovery will depend on this.

Folk remedies

Today you can find a lot of information on the Internet regarding traditional methods treatment of tuberculosis. Phthisiatricians recommend adhering to standard medication regimens. Otherwise, the likelihood of a sharp deterioration in the condition with destruction of lung tissue increases. It is then very difficult for doctors to correct the course of the disease and save the patient’s life. Using home remedies, it is possible to treat and eliminate mild forms of respiratory diseases.

Surgery for tuberculosis

If ineffective conservative treatment focal pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as cavernous and fibrous-cavernous forms are prescribed surgery. Contraindications to surgery to remove tuberculoma are severe organic disorders of the lungs, kidney and liver failure.

Surgeons use several methods of performing surgery to remove foci of tuberculosis, depending on the volume of the lesion:

  • partial resection of a segment or lobe of the lung;
  • complete excision of the entire lung;
  • removal of changed lymph nodes.

The operation does not exclude anti-tuberculosis therapy. Her in mandatory prescribed in the preoperative and postoperative period.

In order to achieve the most effective and rapid rehabilitation in adults after treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, it is necessary to completely change their lifestyle and reconsider their diet.

Diet for tuberculosis

The nutritional style and diet during therapy and the rehabilitation period must meet the main requirement - strengthening internal protective properties. As a result, it will be easier for the body to tolerate specific anti-tuberculosis therapy.

A sufficient daily intake of calories is about 4000 kcal, which contributes to the formation of natural immunity.

Spa treatment

Treatment in sanatoriums is intended to consolidate the achieved results of therapy with conservative and operational techniques. During the rehabilitation period, patients are required to continue taking necessary medications. While in the sanatorium, medical workers will strictly monitor this.

Sometimes tuberculosis is accompanied by other somatic diseases, which can, in some cases, limit sufficient independent care. Therefore, the sanatorium organizes special care for patients with tuberculosis.

Prevention of secondary tuberculosis

An important part of treating tuberculosis is prevention reinfection. To do this, you need to radically change your lifestyle, adhere to healthy image nutrition.

You will have to constantly monitor your immunity, because as it weakens, the likelihood of infection increases.

Cleaning features should take into account constant household contact with the carrier of the disease. It is necessary to carry out disinfection more thoroughly.

Living conditions and personal hygiene are what must undergo changes. Low levels of these parameters are considered by phthisiatricians to be the first risk factors for the development of tuberculosis.

Today pharmacy offers wide range various drugs aimed at treating tuberculosis at all stages of therapy. The patient’s task when visiting outpatient departments of dispensaries is to strictly and strictly follow all medical recommendations.

Until recently, the United States was one of the countries “free” in terms of tuberculosis incidence. The main place was (and is) occupied by the problems of combating cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. What was the reason for the unrest that has not subsided since May of this year? Why did tuberculosis suddenly attract such close attention from doctors, the press, and even legislative bodies our country?

At first glance, it seems that the impetus for this was a personal, almost Detective story young American lawyer Andrew Speaker, who eluded federal agents in an attempt to independently return from honeymoon to Greece, where he wanted to marry his bride. For some reason, Andrew Speaker flew around 5 countries (!) One could laugh at this story, if not for one “small” circumstance. It turns out that the groom was infected rare species dangerous tuberculosis bacillus (bacillus), which can lead to death for the patient. Medical services received information about an infected patient flying from Atlanta (USA) to Paris, and they were able to examine 160 of the 292 passengers on the same flight. Fortunately, those examined included all 26 passengers who were in five rows of seats in close proximity to E. Speaker, which poses the greatest risk of infection. All of them are registered and will be monitored.

The attention that has been focused on this is not accidental. It is associated with the danger of spreading tuberculosis among surrounding people. After all, tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases.

Tuberculosis primarily affects the lungs. Every year, about two million people die from tuberculosis around the world. Tuberculosis is a very common contagious (infectious) disease. Currently, about 1/3 of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis. Every second (!) one person in the world becomes infected.

Tuberculosis is not a new disease. Signs of human tuberculosis were discovered in Egyptian mummies about 5 thousand years ago.

Today, despite advances in treatment, tuberculosis is a global pandemic. Its spread is facilitated by poverty in a number of countries, wars, AIDS, and poor medical care. Behind last years The cause of tuberculosis was also the emergence of species of tubercle bacilli resistant to anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Tuberculosis pathogens spread through the air through droplets of saliva and sputum when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. Fortunately, short contact with an infected person is not enough to become infected. This usually takes quite a long time. An advanced disease can be fatal. However, when proper treatment in most cases, the outcome of the disease is favorable, and patients recover.

If the human immune system is in good condition, it is usually able to prevent the development of the disease in a person who has been in contact with a tuberculosis patient. Depending on the state of the immune system, doctors divide all those in contact with tuberculosis patients into two categories:

1. Infected with tuberculosis. This condition is sometimes called latent tuberculosis. There are no symptoms of the disease and the person is not contagious.

2. Active tuberculosis. A condition in which an infected person develops clinical picture diseases, and he is capable of infecting others.

Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs, but in some cases any other organs can be affected.

Cases of tuberculosis that are resistant to one of the drugs taken are quite common, and doctors select other drugs. More dangerous are the types of tuberculosis bacillus that are resistant to at least two active anti-tuberculosis drugs (in English - multidrug - resistant TB, abbreviated - MDR-TB).

Patients who cannot be cured of this form of tuberculosis are the most dangerous source infection. Such cases can also be treated, but it is much more difficult than with ordinary forms of the disease, and requires a longer time - up to two years, as well as the use of drugs that more often cause serious side effects.

Risk factors. A person of any age, race or nationality can become infected with tuberculosis, but certain factors can increase the risk of the disease. These factors include primarily:

- Decreased immunity. This is primarily due to the presence of AIDS, the use of corticosteroid hormones and chemotherapy drugs, silicosis, and diabetes.

— Close, prolonged contact with a patient who has active tuberculosis and who has not been treated. This applies primarily to contacts with family members of the patient.

- Place of residence. People living in regions where tuberculosis is especially common and, accordingly, coming from there are at greatest risk of infection. This primarily concerns countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the former Soviet Union(CIS).

- Age. Elderly people with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. This category of people especially includes those who live in nursing homes, where outbreaks of mini-epidemics of tuberculosis sometimes occur.

- Alcoholism. Alcohol weakens immune system and makes the alcoholic more vulnerable to infection.

- Malnutrition. (It is appropriate to remind all those who are overly keen on the desire to lose weight about this risk factor).

— Professions (primarily doctors) where people have the most close and constant contact with tuberculosis patients. For them, protective masks and frequent hand washing are especially important, which reduces the risk of infection.

— Disadvantages in treatment.

— International flights (illustrative example with Mr. E. Speaker).

The case of this unfortunate traveler exposed shortcomings in the American health care system regarding the monitoring of the health of citizens entering the United States from other countries. IN in this case We are talking primarily about tuberculosis. The latest case has caused many officials in the United States to take this important issue more seriously. This was pointed out, in particular, by Congressman Al Green, who spoke at the National Security Committee. He said that many people are entering the United States uncontrollably, infected with tuberculosis. Suffice it to say that more than half of tuberculosis cases in the United States are detected in people born abroad. They are 10 times more likely to develop tuberculosis than people born in the United States. And this number continues to grow. It is among them that the majority of cases of tuberculosis are resistant to anti-tuberculosis drugs (80%!). And this form is the most dangerous.

A large number of arriving immigrants are not tested to identify (exclude) infection. And those who come to long term for work or on a student visa, are not examined at all, even if they come from countries where half the population is infected with tuberculosis.

In addition, it is not known which of the 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants is sick or infected with tuberculosis. Naturally, those who seek help with an active form of tuberculosis are treated.

The current immigrant health screening system does not require skin test(Mantoux method). However, the absence of such verification leads to the fact that some immigrants who arrive, even with an inactive latent form of the disease, can become a source of infection, since in approximately 10% of cases the inactive form of the disease becomes active.

The director of the state program for controlling the incidence of tuberculosis, Dr. Reeves, points out the need for targeted testing of population groups at high risk of infection and subsequent treatment of identified patients. National Institute medicine demands an end to negligence in this problem, calls for speeding up diagnostic tests and treatment of patients in necessary cases. The Institute's program points out the urgent need to create new drugs that can overcome resistant forms of the disease, create effective vaccine against tuberculosis. The document points to the need to strengthen measures to prevent tuberculosis in the United States and to globally strengthen the fight against tuberculosis in the most vulnerable regions of the Earth.

We can only hope that these calls will turn into concrete actions in a not too distant time frame.

Here in America, also exactly as you write, by the court, they imprison in a ward with guards similar to a prison, a person who refuses treatment when he is infected with a tuberculosis resistant to many antibiotics. Not long ago, such a case was reported on television and in newspapers. The guy, like you, ended up having part of his lung removed and then treated for a long time. He, like you, recovered remarkably well... but unlike you, he doesn’t know how to write so well, but he’s also very handsome...
There is tuberculosis in America, but, thank God, not much. Basically, this is an infection of patients with AIDS. And very often the wand sleeps and often wakes up among illegal immigrants from Mexico. Legal immigrants from the USSR are also, almost all, infected. It is difficult to say about the children now adapted from Russia - they are all vaccinated from birth and therefore they all have a positive “button” and, as a result, the diagnostic value of the mantoux test for 5-7 years after the BCG vaccination is extremely low. This is one of important factors Why is there no BCG vaccination in the USA?

- In Russia There is also a lot of controversy about BCG.Can you tell us more about the situation with tuberculosis in America?
- The state very carefully monitors its epidemiology as an infectious and very dangerous disease, especially in the face of the emergence of a pathogen resistant to routine treatment. We know where tuberculosis comes from in America and how and by whom it is spread. We carefully inform and regularly check people with known risk factors for developing this infection and try to help those who are sick with the same efforts as your doctors.
People with HIV infection, prison inmates, people receiving immunosuppressants, people who have been in direct contact with TB patients, etc. are subject to special, very regular monitoring.

It is very difficult with illegal immigrants entering the United States through the southern border with Mexico. There, like in Russia, there is a huge level of TB infection and poverty and hard life...
Over the past 20-plus years of working as a pediatrician in a New York hospital, I clearly remember 4 teenagers with pulmonary TB infection. They were all from Mexico and lived illegally in America for 3-7 months.

The department has 24 rooms for two and one room for a child or teenager, intended for very dangerous infections, capable of infecting others through close contact and in particular by air (meningitis, TB, chickenpox). The air in this room is changed 10 times per hour and is specially actively removed through disinfecting filters outside the hospital. The diagnosis of TB is sometimes made already at the level of the first radiograph in emergency room(a typical picture known all over the world), but most often based on the fact that after 48-72 hours of treating pneumonia (and almost all of them are treated as if they were dealing with ordinary pneumonia), we do not see the effect of standard treatment pneumonia. Then a skin test (button test) is done and the sputum is sent to the laboratory. After 2-3 hours the answer - this is how a quick diagnosis is established, but it only says that the patient has an open form of TB and nothing more. We immediately prescribe 4 antibiotics - so better effect and less opportunity to develop resilience and look at clinical result, the first goal of which is to stop the sick child from secreting the stick as soon as possible.

Discharge for outpatient treatment occurs on condition 3 negative tests sputum. If we do not see this (this usually takes 10-14 days), then the patient will wait in the hospital for the final result of the bacteria’s sensitivity to all anti-tuberculosis antibiotics (6 weeks) and then a decision will be made on his drug treatment regimen. At the same time, a molecular analysis of the DNA of the grown bacillus is carried out to understand exactly what kind of TB bacteria the child has.
At the diagnostic stage in difficult cases a special immunological blood test of exceptional sensitivity and specificity for tuberculosis infection is used, the result of which is not affected at all BCG vaccination as with a skin test.

- Z and after 20 years of working in a children's hospital, you only came across 4 cases of pulmonary TB or were there more non-pulmonary ones?
- I described “my” 4 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is true. I also had 2 children with non-pulmonary tuberculosis, not so long ago, with cervical lymphadenitis- we also found a TB stick in their inflamed node, but of a slightly different kind. They both recovered well too.

- If a person voluntarily agrees to be treated? What are the conditions there? Are people afraid of illness?
- Americans are afraid not of treatment, but of isolation from all people, and it is very strict for harmful resistant forms. But, basically, people here are law-abiding and they rarely need a judge whose decision will be very quick and understandable. There will be a trial with lawyers for both sides, evidence of the patient’s social danger, etc. The “cell” ward will be guarded around the clock and the patient will have everything there, with the exception of his relatives.
In America, the so-called so-called Directly observed therapy. This is when you no longer excrete the stick, but you need to take the pills for a long time and they recommend that you come to a certain place for the whole day and you get medicine, food, school lessons, entertainment... It is very expensive, but cheaper and more comfortable for the patient than in a hospital. Government programs everyone pays because These people, as a rule, are very, very poor and they have no insurance or cash at all. Sometimes such treatment is necessary daily, and sometimes 2 times a week...

We do not carry out mass BCG vaccination. There are many reasons; here is the lack of proof of the effectiveness of the vaccine (look, everyone in Russia is vaccinated, but there is a lot of TB infection), confusion with reading the result after vaccination, in general low level TB incidence in the USA and many other special boring details. At the same time, in some developed countries, for example, Japan, France, BCG exists, but the main rationale there is not protection from the pulmonary form, but prevention tuberculous meningitis. Maybe they are right - it is a complex, very special issue and a huge topic for discussion and research among TB infection specialists.

- That is, if a person has a closed form, he is not strictly isolated and he can see his relatives?
- You are absolutely right: if the patient stops excreting the bacillus as a result of treatment or tuberculosis is obvious, but the diagnosis was not confirmed by isolating the bacillus from the sputum of the child or his gastric juice, such a patient does not pose a danger to others and can be in contact with any person.
Isolation of the patient with open form and an “ordinary” stick occurs until he stops excreting it, but the child can be in this special ward with one of the parents - they are wearing special masks + the air exchange in the ward is good.

Isolation of patients with a bacilli resistant to routine antibiotics is absolutely strict - no loved ones, including parents - is very, very difficult, but there is no other way out.

- Is it a shame to have tuberculosis in America? Or is there no such factor, just fear of isolation?
- No, in America there is no shame in being sick, because they are a very understanding, educated and compassionate people and very religious. People support a person in trouble and it makes him feel better. No, anything but shame... Isolation is a huge inconvenience and discomfort, but not a shame.

Answer from Elena[guru]
Tuberculosis (tuberculum) is an infectious disease that can affect both humans and animals, mainly a large cattle. The outdated name for pulmonary tuberculosis is consumption (from the word to waste away), in ancient Rus' was called dry. For a person, the disease is socially dependent. Until the 20th century, tuberculosis was practically incurable.
Tuberculosis has been known to mankind for a long time, and even then people assumed that this disease was contagious. For example, the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi established the right to divorce a sick wife who had symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. India, Portugal and Venice had laws requiring the reporting of all such cases.
In the 17th century, Francis Sylvius was the first to associate small dense nodules found in various tissues during autopsy with consumption. And Rene Lannec, a French doctor, in 1819 proposed a method of auscultation of the lungs, which had great importance in the development of methods for diagnosing tuberculosis. The Englishman James Carson first proposed treating pulmonary tuberculosis with artificial pneumothorax in 1822, although his experience was unsuccessful. 60 years later, in 1882, the Italian Carlo Forlanini introduced this method into practice.
In Russia, artificial pneumothorax was first used in the treatment of tuberculosis in 1910 by A. N. Rubel. In 1882 In Germany, Robert Koch, after 17 years of work in the laboratory, discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis, which was named Koch's bacillus. He discovered the pathogen during a microscopic examination of the sputum of a tuberculosis patient after staining the preparation with vesuvin and methylene blue. Subsequently, he isolated a pure culture of the pathogen and used it to cause tuberculosis in experimental animals.
In 1882, Fanz Ziehl and Friedrich Nelsen (Germany) proposed an effective method for staining acid-fast Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In 1890, R. Koch first obtained tuberculin, which he described as “a water-glycerol extract of tuberculosis cultures.” In 1904 A. I. Abrikosov published works in which he described the picture of focal changes in the lungs during the initial manifestations of tuberculosis in adults.
In 1907 Austrian pediatrician Clemens Pirquet proposed a skin test with tuberculin to identify people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and introduced the concept of allergy. Since the mid-1930s, the use of surgical removal part of the lung affected by tuberculosis.

At the beginning of the 20th century in the United States, tuberculosis patients were evicted into separate houses so that they would not infect their family members and other people. Photo: George Grantham Bain Collection from the archives of the US Library of Congress
Source: -

Answer from Zanfira Yagudina[guru]
Tuberculosis was treated with PASK, FTIVAZID, STREPTOMYCIN! Many were treated with KOUMYS, BADGER fat!

Answer from Elenya[guru]
..enhanced nutrition, fats.... Just people died and that’s it....

Answer from Gleb A.[guru]
Tuberculosis began to be treated only after the discovery of antibiotics (streptomycin in 1944) Before that specific treatment there was no one, no one knew him. There has been only prophylactic vaccination with weakened strains since 1918.

Answer from Tootsie cutie[guru]
And at the beginning of the century this was actually how they were treated (in most cases). Therefore, people often died from consumption. Mostly, patients were sent to the steppe to be treated with kumis, fresh butter, rich sour cream and air. By the way, if the disease was not too advanced, it helped.

Answer from David Davydov[guru]
and he didn’t even see himself in the first half of that century! AP Chekhov died from it, Kafka... The first cure for this disease was invented in 1943...

Answer from Azer Ramazanov[guru]
probably with isoniazid

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