Home Pulpitis Educational and methodological material (grade 9) on the topic: Conversation on the topic: “Culture of behavior.” Conversation on the topic "culture of behavior and communication"

Educational and methodological material (grade 9) on the topic: Conversation on the topic: “Culture of behavior.” Conversation on the topic "culture of behavior and communication"

We are teachers!!! And our task is to raise “people with a capital “P”. And we do not stop fighting the problem of communication between students, between students and their parents, students and teachers. I try to convey to students that communication is the beginning of everything. After all, the proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” What does it mean??? This is your ability to correctly express your thoughts..., speak correctly, paying attention to intonation..., etc.



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"Average comprehensive school No. 3 named after I.A. Flerov"

Preventive conversation with students in grades 9-11

Subject: Communication culture

Progress of the conversation:

Can you communicate?

According to statistics, among those surveyed, 80% of the answers were “yes”, 20% - I think, yes or I don’t know.

Why do you need to be able to communicate?

If we want to be understood correctly, it is necessary that the form, content and thoughts of what we want to communicate harmoniously merge.

The culture of communication, as you may have guessed, includes not only verbal forms of expressing politeness and sympathy. Words and actions should not conflict with a person’s appearance or clothing. In other words, etiquette is not completely observed if - despite all the correctness and politeness of behavior - young people come to the theater in jeans and colorful T-shirts. It is even worse if someone wearing bright, extravagant clothing joins the funeral procession.

“They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their mind,” says Russian folk wisdom. In other words, both your appearance and the words you say are important in communication. In other words, even when dressing, one must keep in mind that clothing, gait, manner of standing, sitting, even laughing form a kind of sign system; a person dressed in one way or another declares something, communicates something about himself to others. For example, Wedding Dress, festive costume - signs of the upcoming celebration; a tracksuit, a tennis racket in his hands “say” that the person is an athlete; a careless hairstyle and unkempt jeans indicate that a person neglects the aesthetic feelings of others. Dirt under the fingernails and soiled clothes do not at all signal that a person belongs to the working class. These are simply signs of sloppiness. This means that neither the rules of personal hygiene nor the concept of aesthetics are available to a person. appearance. Loud negotiations during a film show, a hat not taken off indoors are signs of bad manners and selfishness.

Communication culture regulates communication and interaction between people. You need to take etiquette and the ability to communicate seriously and wisely. The rule is quite simple: what is unpleasant for you in a given situation is most likely unpleasant for those around you.
So, what is still needed to communicate correctly? We must, first of all, respect the interlocutor, listen to him with as much attention as possible, without interrupting and allowing him to speak, and not “noise” the communication channels. It is also necessary to look appropriate so that there is no mismatch, try to say only what we think, so as not to cause dissociation.
All these, if not universal methods of cultural communication, then they will at least help to communicate more correctly and find mutual language with people.

What does it mean to be sociable?

This means being able to easily contact other people, communicate with them, and enter into communicative relationships.

To be sociable in the narrow sense of the word - to be inclined to communicate with people, to be proactive in this communication, to be able and willing to speak.

Sociable people who willingly and proactively enter into communication are called - extroverts . Not sociable - introverts.

Sociable in the broad sense of the word can be called a generally responsive person who actively reacts to the world around him, striving for knowledge and activity together with others. Such people love not only to talk, but also to read and think about what they read. Their communication skills may be wider than usual.

There is evidence that many introverts among veterinarians and pediatricians treating young children. According to many observations, artists and composers are not very often extroverts; they prefer to express their thoughts and feelings through their works. Strange as it may seem, there are also writers, these great masters of words, who are also everyday communication not very talkative, often silent and self-absorbed. There, in “themselves,” they conduct silent dialogues with their heroes, which we later learn about from books.

Special communication abilities are discovered by trainers who teach animals all sorts of things, often externally. human actions. Trainers have their own methods of communication, their own “language” that animals understand.

Our entire life, personal and social, industrial and scientific-theoretical activities, is built on communication and communication. You communicate by turning to the cashier with money, and get a ticket for a train or a movie theater. You ask and answer questions.

Issues for discussion:

1.Why does a person need to be able to communicate?

2.How to properly establish contact with people?

3.What rules do you know to win people over?

4.Why is it necessary to be able to communicate not only at work, but also at home?

5. Why do you think one of the most severe punishments is considered to be loneliness?

6.What is an important condition genuine communication?

7.Why do people communicate?

8. Do you think communication for the sake of communication is important? Why?

Lyudmila Novikova
Conversations with older children preschool age to develop cultural behavior skills


"Rules table manners» .

Program content. Teach children to answer questions, ask questions to friends. Pin skills. Introduce children to the correct use of a fork.

Preliminary work. Over a period of time, children were introduced to the rules cultural behavior at the table, taught how to use a spoon and napkin correctly, and paid attention to the fact that the plate should not be tilted.

Material: dinnerware.

Methodological techniques. Invite children to remember the rules table manners, will ask:

1. What should you do before you sit down at the table? (wash your hands with soap, comb your hair).

2. How to do it right sit at the table during meals? (lean slightly over the plate, do not put your elbows on the table, keep your feet under the table, without disturbing your friend).

3. What service can you provide to a friend? (you can serve salt, napkin, bread).

4. How to eat and drink correctly? (eat and drink calmly and silently, chew food with your mouth closed, take food little by little).

5. How should you behave at the table so as not to crumble or spill?

The children, Tanya and Olya, will show us how to use the devices. Introduce children to the rules of using a fork.

Speech communication between children and each other to reinforce the rules cultural behavior at the table. Having finished "dinner", the children place the plates on the edge of the table, wipe their lips and fingers with a napkin, and thank them for lunch.

Vocabulary work. Activation of words - actions: eat, chew, thank.


"Be polite".

Program content. Bring up Children have a sense of respect for people. Reveal before children essence of the concept"politeness" (polite is one who is attentive to people).

Preparation. Reading works about being kind to people. Conversations about good and bad deeds, looking at pictures-situations, etc.

Methodological techniques. Questions for children:

1. What kind of people are called polite? Invite children to give examples of polite actions.

2. Which of our children can be called polite and why? Offer the children a few situations: "A guest has entered the room" etc.

3. How do you feel when someone addresses you politely? (you want to smile). Always be polite and bring joy to people.

Conversation on the topic"Always help people".

Program content. Learn to analyze works of art, express your attitude to the actions of the heroes. Bring up desire to help others.

Preliminary work. Reading works by V. Axial: "Just old lady» , "Sons", "Three Comrades", "Help is coming".

Methodological techniques. What works do you know about good people who help each other.

Recall works with the help of illustrations. Find out children's attitude to the actions of the heroes using questions. For example. Which of the sons did you like? Why didn't you like the first and second boy? What would Kolya, Sasha, etc. do?

Children, be attentive to people, offer help to adults and friends.

Aesthetic conversations may be individual.

For example:

Let's study the rules of politeness. The teacher selects 2-3 children. One of them learned the rules well behavior.

Tell Vova, what do you do when you meet familiar adults or children?

I'm talking "Hello".

When greeting, we wish the person health and all the best.

Show me how to greet.

Well done. You have to bow your head.

What other polite words can you use to greet? (Vova is silent. Lena helps Vova).

Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning.

And saying goodbye?

Say "Goodbye" And "all the best".

Vova, do you know any help words?

Lena helps Vova:

- "Please", "Thank you", "Sorry".

Vova, repeat.

Now Vova will also use helper words.

Target: help students realize the importance of preserving the rules of behavior accepted in society, the need to comply with them.

Progress of the conversation

I. Organizing time. Creating an emotional mood. Teacher's opening speech.

Friends, you and I have spoken many times on one of important topics in our lives: about politeness, about good manners. A lot of cool hours devoted to the culture of speech, the culture of communication, visited guests, and received guests themselves. The girls set the table in anticipation of guests. We held such meetings and conversations in every class, but the more mature and older you become, the more demanding you should be of yourself, the more educated and disciplined. Let's call it this: "Politeness for every day." Today we are sort of summing up the cycle of our conversations with you. I think that you will be attentive and actively take part in our conversation.

II. Main part.

Teacher. Our age is called as many names as possible - atomic, cosmic, cybernetic! But our time has important feature, which allows us to call it the century of communication. We study, work, go to the cinema, attend concerts, play sports, go to the cinema...

Each of us has dozens, or even hundreds of contacts within one day, with other people at school, on the street, in a store, in a library... Contact is touching a person. This could be lessons at a desk with a friend, hours of hard work with a partner at the machine, a minute conversation in the corridor, a glance exchanged between passers-by. And every time, people’s mood, well-being, and performance largely depend on whether they are friendly or irritated and rude, and whether they have found the right line of behavior. It is very important to find the right line of behavior. After all, people are all different. The Italian writer Gianni Rodari has a tale about the traveler Giavannino Perigorno. This Giovannino, in his travels, once came to the country of the Straw People. They flared up not only from fire, but even from a hot word. The inhabitants of the country of the Wax People were soft, pliable, and agreed with everything. And the Glass People were so fragile that they could die from a careless touch.

What do you think: what did D. Rodari want to tell us, the readers? (Children express their opinions, after which the teacher summarizes.)

You don't have to travel to meet people like this. Each of you has acquaintances who can flare up, flare up from one word, there are comrades who agree with you on everything or, on the contrary, are always ready to argue. You have met people who are offended over trifles, guys who are self-righteous and boastful. Among your friends there are probably calm, balanced, impatient, unrestrained ones. Of course, each of them requires, as we say, its own line of behavior. A braggart, for example, is easily upset by a joke or even ridicule. But if your friend is not confident in himself or is new to your company, it is better to refrain from making jokes about him.

What are we like? Everyone probably had some idea about themselves. How does it match up with what people think of you? Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

What methods can you use to find out in what light you appear in the eyes of others?

Game "School of Opinions".

Not only children, but even adults play it. A list of important human qualities is compiled. Each participant rates himself for this quality, and then invites other people to rate themselves using the same parameters. When both scales of opinions are ready, you can compare your own self-esteem with the assessments of others. Based on such a comparison, we can draw a conclusion about what needs to be worked on. Try to evaluate yourself on the following qualities:


Good manners;

A culture of speech;



Ability to dress with taste;

Sense of humor;

Knowledge of etiquette rules.

Analysis of situations.

Observing the behavior of others is very useful. An ancient eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” “The ill-mannered ones,” answered the sage. “I avoided doing what they did.”

Have you ever observed situations in which people showed their bad manners? Give examples.

Children give their own examples.

III. Final part.

There is, perhaps, no people or tribe on Earth that would not recognize the laws of hospitality. There are many examples that can be given. And all these laws were deeply humane and helped people live.

Among the rules of etiquette there are those whose meaning and origin are now, in our time, difficult to understand. Why, for example, do they take bread from a dish with their hand and not with a fork? Why do people say their name first when meeting people? Why should a girl walk to the right of her companion? Why do men take off their hats when meeting and greeting? For example, the emergence of the last custom is explained differently. Some books say that it originated in Ancient Rome, where slaves, when they met a free citizen, had to bare their shaved heads. Other authors believe that it originated in the Middle Ages, when knights removed their helmets, leaving their heads unprotected as a sign of trust.

It is difficult now to establish which of these assumptions is more correct. Most often, to different “whys” we get the same answer: “It’s customary.”

That's how it is! A well-educated person must know customs, respect the wisdom of ancestors, and follow traditional norms of behavior.

Lesson with elements of the training “Let’s talk about the culture of communication.”

Participants: students in grades 8-11.

Number of participants: groups of 10-15 people.

1. Development of mutual understanding and mutual respect when communicating with peers and adults.

2. Development of communication skills.

3. Formation of the ability to “listen” and “hear” the interlocutor.

4. Prevention antisocial behavior.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: a song about friendship is played. Students sit in a circle, the teacher is among them.

Teacher: (or psychologist)

We have gathered today in such a friendly atmosphere to talk about the culture of communication. Last week we conducted a survey to find out how well you feel at school, how each of us develops relationships with classmates and adults at school. Using the questionnaire you can find out personal characteristics. Let's listen to the results of the survey.

Psychologist talks about the results of the survey.


So, based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that our class is generally friendly, that the students in our class are comfortable at school, and all students have a positive and friendly attitude towards teachers and strive to improve the results of their studies. But we also have students, although there are very few of them, who, without experiencing negative emotions to the school and its inhabitants, nevertheless they are removed from relationships with classmates, from participation in public affairs, etc., and enter into arguments with teachers. Why they do this is not important. It can be psychological characteristics or flaunting a teenage desire to express their independence, or maybe this is a desire to attract attention and an inability to communicate. We are not here to scold or blame anyone, but to find out why such behavior is dangerous for these students, to learn the basics of communication, this will be useful to everyone.

I will now tell you Leo Tolstoy’s story “Father and Sons” about unity and the power of unity.

The father ordered his sons to live in harmony, they did not obey. So he ordered to bring a broom and said:

Break it!

No matter how much the sons fought, they could not break it.

Then the father untied the broom and ordered them to break one twig at a time. They easily broke the bars one by one. The father says:

So it is with you: if you live in harmony, no one will defeat you; and if you quarrel and everyone is apart, everyone will easily destroy you!”

There are many fairy tales. Fables, stories and songs about friendship, about joint work, camaraderie, about helping each other.

Give examples. (“Teremok”, “Swan, crayfish and pike”, “Straw, bubble and bast shoe” and many others.

Life is difficult for one person! Why! Why can a person be left alone? How can he make friends?

So let's learn to find friends. Let's play the game “Find Friends!”

Psychologist conducts the game “Find Friends”. Sitting in a circle, children pass each other a ball of thread, while complimenting each other. At the end of the game, a web is formed that connects the entire class. Then the guys return the ball, and with it they thank you for Nice words.


Have you figured out how to find friends? Was it difficult? What is better: to say good words to each other or to show your cynicism and disdain for people?

With the help of the game “Yes – Dialogue” we will try to improve our relationships with teachers and all teaching staff.

Psychologist conducts the game “Yes – dialogue”.

Students and teacher sit in a circle and begin a dialogue. The teacher pronounces a phrase on a given topic, the student must respond, expressing his agreement with what the first one said, and continue the dialogue. The main thing is to agree on everything, always reflecting your partner’s thoughts. Other students ensure that the participants in the dialogue do not go beyond the given operating mode, i.e. They did not contradict each other or stray from the given topic.

The following topics for dialogue are suggested:

- during a lesson, the teacher has the right to expect discipline, since the teacher needs everyone to hear and understand the explanation of the new material;

- during extracurricular hours, the teaching staff of the school can make demands on students related to studies, social affairs and work, since the task of the school is not only study, but also education;

- school employees may ask someone for help, because there is a lot of work at school and they cannot cope alone;

- the school administration may require compliance regime moments, because failure to comply with them disrupts the work of the school;

- higher demands may be placed on high school students, since their capabilities are greater than those of younger children.


Will relationships with teachers be more positive if students follow school rules? Will your health change? Will you be able to establish relationships at work with older and more experienced people, having the communication skills acquired at school?

We know each other well, and together we can give each of the children in the class good advice which will help them in later life.

Psychologist plays the game “Wish to a Friend”.

Wishes are posted on the board, the guys decide together (or one at a time) who should wish what and hand out cards with advice.

Be polite to teachers.

Don't call your classmates names.

Don't be late for classes.

Don't disturb the class while doing their homework.

Don't smoke - it's harmful to an unformed body.

Don't get hung up on electronic games - there are more interesting things in life.

Choose a profession.

Learn to communicate.

Have a positive attitude towards life.

Don't play your phone in class! You're missing out on new knowledge!

Wake up to life! Don't skip your studies.

Look for worthy friends.

Don't be shy in class. Answer more. You know more than you think.

Do not express your disdain for people, they may answer you in kind.

You can come up with your own wishes.

Psychologist sums up the lesson.

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