Home Pulpitis A theatrical event at a preschool educational institution. Joint entertainment for children of older and younger groups - “At Grandma’s in the Village”

A theatrical event at a preschool educational institution. Joint entertainment for children of older and younger groups - “At Grandma’s in the Village”

Elena Provotorova
Entertainment "At Grandma's in the Village." Junior group

Target: create a joyful mood in children, encourage active action in play, foster goodwill, emotional responsiveness.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to pets, expand children’s knowledge of what they eat, how to care for them and what benefits they bring. Develop a caring attitude towards pets. Cultivate a love for animals.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met the postman. We received a letter from villages, from grandmothers. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my place village. I have many pets. Come visit me, I’m waiting for you!”

Well? Let's go to grandma to the village?

What can you use to go to grandma?

That's right, you can go by car or by bus. And we will go by train!


Well here we are (the teacher changes into grandma) grandmother Arina leaves her house.

Grandmother: Hello, guys!

(Children greet grandmother) .

I am so glad that you received my letter and came to visit me. I have many different animals living with me. I want to introduce you to them.

Look guys, who is it? (children's answers). This is my cat Murka.

How does she meow? What do cats like to eat? (children's answers)

Grandmother: Murka the cat wants to play with you.

A game "Cat and Mice".

Cats love to chase mice. Now we are going to play with the cat. You guys will be mice. The cat sleeps, and the mice walk on their tiptoes, the cat wakes up and catches the mice.

Grandmother: Well done boys! You run so fast, my cat didn’t catch you, she’s very tired and wants to rest.

Let's tell the cat "Goodbye!" (children say goodbye to the cat)

Grandmother: Guys, look who's barking? (Children's answers).

This is my dog ​​Zhuchka.

How does a dog bark? What do dogs eat? (children's answers)

Grandmother: My dog ​​lives in the yard and guards the house.

Do you know the song about the dog Zhuchka? Let's sing a song together "Dog Bug"

Well done boys!

Let's tell the dog "Goodbye!" (Children say goodbye to the dog)

Grandmother: Guys, look who it is? (children's answers)

That's right, this is my goat, cow, horse.

How does a cow moo? Goat? Horse? (children's answers)

What does a cow and a goat give us? delicious milk. How does a horse help a person? What do you think these animals eat?

Grass, hay, let's feed them (pour hay into the feeder)

Grandmother: Well done boys! Today you met my animals, we live together together. The cat catches mice, the dog guards the house, and the goat and cow give milk. Animals that live with me, I look after them looking after: I feed them, sing. What are these animals called? (domestic)

Guys, thank you for coming to me, come again, I’ll be waiting for you! Goodbye!

Educator: It’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Get on our train (children stand one after another, imitation of riding a train) So we arrived at the kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, where have you been? What did you arrive on? Did you like it in village? What animals live in grandmothers? Animals that live next to a person and a person takes care of them, what are these animals called? (children's answers)

Publications on the topic:

Hello, dear colleagues! Every year in our garden there is a competition for the best vegetable garden on the window, and this year we took part in it again. Criteria.

Arkhangelsk region, city of Severodvinsk. Teachers of kindergarten No. 15 "Cheryomushka" Tatyana Pavlovna Gerasimova and Natalya Bronislavovna Pozdeeva.

Final lesson in the middle group “Visiting grandma in the village” Visiting my grandmother in the village of Lopushki. Tasks. 1. Fix the types of transport with children: land, water, air. 2. Continue teaching children.

Lesson summary “Visiting grandma in the village” (first junior group) Goal: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Objectives: 1. Learn to distinguish the voices of domestic animals. 2. Learn to answer.

Presentation “Layout “In the Village at Grandma’s” Slide 1: Nurturing a caring and caring attitude towards animals has great importance during the preschool period in a child's life. Animal world.

Mini vegetable garden on the windowsill. Marina Mukhamatshina. There is still snow outside, but in our group, on the windowsill, it’s real spring. We are with the kids.

ECD for cognitive and speech development “Pets and birds in the village” (second junior group) Goal: development of all components oral speech children, generalization of children's knowledge of domestic animals and their cubs. Educational objectives: consolidate.

Target: Create a cheerful mood from playing together;

consolidate knowledge about vegetables

Material: Masks of cabbage, tomato, beets; fake turnip;

rope; juice according to the number of children; audio recording of music.

Progress of entertainment:


We'll go visit now

The bus will take us

We're going to visit grandma in the village

The harvest is just ripe!

In the garden, in the garden bed, the berry turns red

The cabbage is growing, the onion is turning green

Cucumber, tomato, potato, zucchini

That's what grandma's garden is like!

(To cheerful music, the teacher and the children take the steering wheel and imitate

bus ride)


So we arrived at the garden

Let's see what's growing here

(The child comes out senior group in a beet mask)

Child st. groups:

I am a healthy beet

The soup turns red on me

And they put me in the salad

They call it Vinaigrette!

(A child from an older group comes out wearing a cabbage mask)

I am cabbage, bunnies love me

They always gnaw on the stalks!

(A child from an older group comes out wearing a carrot mask)

Child st. groups:

And don't forget about carrots

In the garden they are plucking from the garden beds!


Sweet carrots

Kids love it too

Jumping and jumping like bunnies

(Children imitate the movements of a bunny to cheerful music)

(A child from an older group comes out wearing a tomato mask)

Child st. groups:

Children love tomato in salad

And also - healthy juice tomato


Vegetables in the garden - healthy and flavorful

In soup, salad, pies and juice

They improve the health of children!

We'll all have fun playing now

Let's guess where the vegetables are hidden!

(Children junior group choose vegetables from the basket and name them)


And now we all need

Pull the turnips together!

(Children of the junior and senior groups stand one after another

and tug of war)


Okay we played

We visited the garden

Vegetables found in the garden

They pulled out a sweet turnip!

Now it’s time to refresh yourself - drink some delicious juice!

(Children are treated to juice)

Title: Theatrical event at a preschool educational institution. Shared fun for children of the older and younger groups - “At Grandma’s in the Village.”
Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 44
Location: Berezniki, Perm region, Russia

Entertainment “Visiting grandma in the village” for middle group children

Program tasks:

1. Continue introducing children with domestic animals and their young, with the peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition (cow, horse, rooster, chicken, cat, dog).

2. Learn how to properly handle pets.

3. Teach children distinguish different types transport.

4. Expand and activate lexicon children, teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher, listen and understand asked question, answer it correctly.

5. Develop onomatopoeic abilities and speech hearing.

6. Foster a cognitive interest in pets, caring and careful attitude to them.

Equipment: Panorama of a village yard, a letter in an envelope, a magpie costume with a postman's bag, a sign with an inscription « Sosnovka village » , flat animals: cow, rooster, chicken, dog, cat, pig, goat; animal feed - hay, milk, millet, bone (dummy); shawl for grandma , baked pancakes, audio recording of animal voices, song by E. Zheleznova "Bus".

Progress of entertainment

Children under cheerful music enter the hall. They sit on the chairs.

Magpie postman runs in (child) and hands over the letter.

Magpie: Hello, you have received a letter from the village of Sosnovka from Varvara’s grandmother . Receive and sign.

The teacher takes the letter, Magpie flies away.

The teacher reads the letter children:

"Hello guys! I, Grandma Varvara, invite you to visit me . I'm in trouble, I need your help. I really hope for you. Thanks in advance.

Grandmother Varvara»

Educator: Shall we accept her invitation? (Yes)

Educator: Guys, for our grandmother

We will collect a gift

We'll take a painted shawl for her

So that her scarf will warm her on a cold evening!

Educator: How will we go to the village? ? There are so many of us! (by train, by bus)

Educator: Great, let's go by bus.

There's a song playing"Bus" .

Educator: Here's the stop « Sosnovka village » .

The children and the teacher approach the house.

Grandma Varvara lives here. You guys wait here, and I'll go call her.

The teacher goes behind the screen, puts on a shawl, and comes out dressed as a grandmother. .

Grandmother : Hello my dear! I'm so glad to see you! Thank you for the gift, for this wonderful shawl, you tried very hard .

Children ask grandma , What's happened.

Grandmother: I'm in trouble. At night there was a wind, so strong that it broke the fence, and my house is next to the forest, and all my pets got mixed up with the forest animals. Forgot what they are called? (answers children0.

Oh-oh-oh, what should I do? (optionschildren) .

Grandmother: Guys, do you really want to help me? Can you?

Do you know which animals are domestic and which are wild?

Help me put the animals in their places.

(Children take flat animals from tray: households are placed on a drawing depicting a village , and wild ones - to a drawing depicting a forest. At the same time, they explain why the animal is wild and why it is domestic).

Grandmother: Well done, guys, we put all the animals in their places! I'm very pleased with you!

Do you know what baby pets are called? ?

Let's play game"Name cub» .

The grandmother shows a picture of a domestic animal, the children name the cubs in units. number and in plural.

Grandmother: Guys, I invite you to my yard, I want to introduce you closer to my friends - pets.

Grandmother: Guys, do you find out whose voice this is?

Everyone approaches the cow together.

Who knows a poem about a cow?

Children recite poems.

1.A cow is eating in the meadow

poppies and chamomile,

milk will be delicious

to cook us some porridge!

2.At my cow

red head,

Warm, moist, soft nose.

I brought her some grass

And two buckets of water.

I'll stroke her sides.

Be generous cow

Give me some fresh milk.

Grandmother: Yes, this is my Burenushka, the nurse. Do you know what benefits a cow brings?

Grandmother: Milk is healthy. Do you like milk?

The soundtrack sounds - a rooster crow.

Grandmother: And who is meeting us?

Who knows the poem about the cockerel?

Children recite poems.

1.The cockerel wears an important look

Bright red scallop.

He gets up earlier than everyone else in the morning.

Shouts to everyone: - It's time to get up!

Crows, sings,

It prevents the village from sleeping.

He calls everyone to work.

Morning awakens.

2.Not an alarm clock and not a mother

Gets up early in the morning.

Petya the Cockerel wakes up -

To welcome the sun,

We rose with the sun.

Grandmother: What benefits do roosters and hens bring? (They lay eggs and make pillows from feathers).

Grandmother: Let's play a game with you.

Children's outdoor game"Cockerel" .

The driver-blind man's buff is seated on a chair or bench. Then all the children, coming close to the bench, in unison They say: “Goodbye, crooked rooster!”. Zhmurka or the adult leader counts to five. During this time, the children should disperse around the room and stop.

After this, the blind man's buff looks for players. As soon as he finds someone, he tries to make the person he found laugh and guess from his voice who it is. You cannot touch a caught player with your hands! A caught child, if recognized, becomes a new blind man's buff.

Grandmother: Look who else lives in my yard?

Grandmother: This is my dog, Buddy. Why do you think there is a dog in the yard?

Who knows a poem about a dog?

Children recite poems.

1.I have a dog,

Cute little puppy.

Smile and bite,

And a fluffy little ball.

Lots of questions with him different:

And walks and food -

But it's a wonderful holiday

He always brings it to us!

I love him guys

And I want to give you advice:

If there is a dog in the house,

You - happy man!

2.Among all the animals, however,

People's best friend is a dog.

There are many breeds of them.

The dog lives in his booth.

He knows how to guard the house,

It's fun to wag your tail.

He barks loudly at strangers,

And protects the owners.

Grandmother: Who meowed at the door?

Open it quickly!

Very cold in winter

Murka asks to go home!

Host: Guys, do you know what benefits pets bring to humans? Let's take a look and find out now.

Showing the fairy tale “Dispute”animals".(children of the older group participate in the fairy tale show)

“One day the animals went out into the meadow for a walk, and suddenly a dispute arose between them: who is the most useful animal? . Each of them proved that he was the most useful. Now together we will remember what benefits each animal brings , and watch the fairy tale “Animal Dispute” .

Leading: One day, domestic animals gathered in the owner’s yard and began to argue about which of them was the most necessary for a person.”

The dog said : "Bow-wow. I protect the house, the owner and the owner, the yard and all the animals in the yard. I make sure that hooligans don’t get into the garden, and that the fox doesn’t sneak into the chicken coop. I am the most needed pet .

The cat did not agree : "Meow meow. My most important job. I catch mice in the basement and attic. I am the most needed pet .

A cow intervened in the dispute : “Moooo. I give milk, cream, cottage cheese and sour cream to the hostess. I am the most necessary pet.

The goat was indignant : “Me-e-e. I also give milk, and also wonderful warm fluff. I am the most necessary pet .

The sheep bleated : “Bee. And I provide wonderful warm wool. I am the most needed pet .

The horse, having finished listening to the sheep, said: “Igo-go. And I drive the owner, help him do all the hard work. I am the most necessary pet" .

“At this time the hostess came out and said: “I really need all of you, bring me everything.” great benefit" And all the animals nodded their heads in unison.”

Grandmother: Guys, I’m a little tired, and my animals are hungry, help grandma feed them .

Didactic game“Who eats what?”

Children "fed" animals.

Grandmother: Thank you for your help, my pets really enjoyed the way you played with them and looked after them. I want to treat you to delicious pancakes that I baked myself.

Grandmother brings out pancakes on a platter.

He says goodbye to the children, goes behind the screen, takes off his shawl.

Returned by the teacher.

There's a song playing"Bus" , teacher with children"are returning" V group .

Educator: Guys, who we visited today ?

Educator: What kind of pets does grandma Varvara have? ?

Entertainment “Visiting grandma in the village.”

Program content:create a joyful mood in children, encourage active action in games, develop emotional expressiveness of movements, foster goodwill, and emotional responsiveness.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met the postman. We received a letter from the village, from my grandmother. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my village. I have many pets. Come to me, I’m waiting for you!”

Well? Shall we go to grandma's village?

How can you go to grandma?

That's right, you can go by car or by bus. And we will go by train! /There is an imitation of riding a train, where the teacher is the driver and the children are passengers/.

Educator: But here's the stop.

Who wants to get down?

Get up guys

Let's go for a walk.

Well, here we are. And here is Grandma Matryona leaving her house.

Grandmother: Hello guys! /Children greet grandma/.

I am so glad that you received my letter and came to visit me. I have many different animals living with me. I want to introduce you to them.

Look guys, who is it? /children's answers/. This is my cat Murka.

Educator: What is the cat's name? How does she meow?

Grandmother: Murka the cat wants to play with you.

Game "Gray Mice".

She loves to chase mice. Now we are going to play with the cat. You guys will be mice. /The cat is sleeping, and the mice are walking on their tiptoes/.

Grandmother: Well done boys! You run so fast, my cat didn’t catch you, she’s very tired and wants to rest.

Educator: Let's say "Goodbye" to the cat. /Children say goodbye to the cat/.

Grandmother: Guys, look who's barking? /Children's answers/.

This is my dog ​​Zhuchka.

Educator: What is the dog's name? How does a dog bark?

Grandmother: My dog ​​lives in the yard and guards the house. Don't bark, you dog, it's better to play with us.

Game "Feed the dog".

My dog ​​loves to eat bones. Let's help her bring them. /Children take turns crawling under the arch, pick up a bone and return back to the teacher/.

Well done boys! Now it’s time for the dog to go eat.

Educator: Let's say "Goodbye" to the dog! /Children say goodbye to the dog/.

Educator: Oh, guys, it looks like it's starting to rain, it's time to hide under an umbrella.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

Grandmother: Guys, look who it is? /children's answers/. That's right, this is my goat. She gives tasty milk. My goat also loves to play and butt heads.

Educator: Shall we play with the goat? /children's answers/.

Game "Horned Goat".

Grandmother: Well done boys! Today we had fun and played with my friends: a cat, a dog and a goat. We live together with them. The cat catches mice, the dog guards the house, and the goat gives milk. I call the animals that live with me pets because I feed them and take care of them. Guys, thank you, you came to see me, you keep coming, I’ll be waiting for you!

Educator: Guys, let's say "Goodbye" to grandma. /Children say goodbye to grandmother/.

Educator: Children, it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Get on our train. /There is an imitation of riding a train, where the teacher is the driver and the children are passengers/.

Educator: Guys, where have you been? What did you arrive on? Did you like it in the village? What animals live with grandma? What is the cat doing? /meows, catches mice/. What is the dog doing? /Barks, guards the house/. Did you like it in the village with Grandma Matryona?

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