Home Orthopedics Game programs for school-age children. Game programs for children are aimed at unleashing creative potential

Game programs for school-age children. Game programs for children are aimed at unleashing creative potential

Children are invited to solve the riddles different ways words and objects.

Leading. I invite you to play riddles with me. I will guess words in different ways, and you will guess them. Do you agree? Begin!

First riddle!

In front of you is a board that will help you guess the word I have in mind. The numbers indicate the order in which the letters are opened. Under each circle is hidden a letter from the guess word.

So, let's start with the number 1. What letter is hidden behind it? Let's solve the riddle and find out the answer:

1. Ser, not a wolf,

Long-eared, not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

The answer begins with O. Let's check whether the letter is hidden on the board under the number 1. (The letter O opens.)

We continue to solve riddles.

2. This is an old friend of ours,

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

3. Children's animals are those

Carry in a bag on the stomach. (Kangaroo)

4. I thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Scram!”

It turned out to be... (lynx).

5. Like a royal crown,

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss,

Loves snowy meadows. (Deer)

6. Lives in hot countries,

And in cooler ones - in zoos,

And he is arrogant and boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful

He admires them himself

And shows us. (Peacock)

7. A horse is drawn,

It's like a school notebook. (Zebra)

So, we discovered the word zoo. It is there that you can see all the listed animals.

Riddle two!

I think of a word and begin to hint. You have three attempts, each of which makes the picture clearer and clearer. If you get it right on the first try, then you're a prodigy! If from the second - good guys! Well, if the third one is good too! Begin.

a) IT is in almost every apartment. HE can have a different voice - pleasant, melodic or harsh, disgusting, b) Of course, HE is necessary, but sometimes you think: it would be better if HE didn’t exist. However, you can turn it off, but then no one will come to you.

c) HE warns about the arrival of guests with his voice, and we go to open the door. (Call)

a) IT may or may not exist. IT can be good or bad.

b) When IT is good, everything around is good. If IT is bad, everything around is bad. And if your parents’ IT is bad, then it’s better not to approach them!

c) IT can be raised or lowered. Some people are good at this. If, for example, I get an A or they give me a gift, IT immediately rises by itself. But if I get two or get punished, IT will go down immediately. (Mood)

a) IT is eaten, but not always. They say about HIM: neither fish nor fowl.

b) IT HAS many names. They are looking for him. IT can be fried, boiled, salted and dried.

c) IT HAS a hat and a leg. It grows well after rain. It can be edible or inedible. Sometimes MI can cause poisoning and even death. (Mushroom)

a) At work SHE drives around the roads all the time and communicates with people.

b) SHE makes sure that there are no “hares” in the cabin.

c) If you have just entered, SHE will sell you a ticket or ask you to show your ID. (Conductor)

a) HE lives in an apartment. HE has his own corner. HE is looked after and not allowed outside.

b) The cat often looks at HIM. HE lives a very long time, longer than a person. There is even a cartoon about HIM.

c) HE loves to imitate people by repeating their words. HE is often called Kesha. (Parrot)

a) There are many of them. THEY are meant to be played. Children and adults play them.

b) Some mothers and fathers forbid their children to play THEM. And grown-up guys often play THEM for money.

c) You can play “the fool” in THEM. And also on

THEM can tell fortunes and show tricks.

THEY are in the deck. (Cards)

Leading. Riddle three!

Let's play. We will choose a driver, whom we will ask to leave the room for a few seconds. I will make a wish for one of you and announce it to everyone. The driver will come in and ask no more than 5 questions regarding the appearance of the person I have chosen. For example, about what color his hair is, his eyes, what his hairstyle is, what he is wearing. You will answer these questions. If the player I have in mind is solved after five questions, he becomes the driver. If it’s not solved, then we choose another driver and I guess the next player. (The game is repeated several times.)

Leading. Attention, riddle four!

Now fairy-tale heroes will tell about themselves in their letters. And you try to name their names.

♦ “Hello, boys and girls, my young friends. I'm sure we know each other. My adventures began when a cunning wizard learned from his magic books that I, your humble servant, could open a great treasure. The evil sorcerer wanted to take possession of countless treasures. He came to our house, introduced himself as my uncle and persuaded my mother to let me go with him, promising to take care of my future.

The sorcerer gave me a ring (I later found out that it was magical and with its help you can summon a genie) and made me go down into the dungeon and bring a lamp from there, because the one who owned this lamp became a powerful wizard.

The main thing is that I got a servant - a genie who lived in a lamp. He helped me become the richest man in the world and marry the beautiful daughter of the Sultan, whom I fell in love with at first sight.

Having heard about my happiness, the insidious sorcerer took possession of the magic lamp by deception, but we found a way to outwit him. Say my name! (Aladdin)

♦ “Hello, guys. You have probably heard about me, because I am the hero of one of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s fairy tales. This fairy tale was created based on Russian folk tale, which was told to Pushkin by his beloved nanny Arina Rodionovna.

I was never afraid of work, which is why I hired myself to serve a priest who needed a worker - at the same time a cook, groom and carpenter. The priest was so greedy that he didn’t want to pay me any money and was delighted when I agreed to work for three “clicks” on his forehead a year. When the year of my service began to approach the end, the priest became worried: he did not want to receive “clicks”. And he decided to give me a task so that I could not cope with it. And if I hadn’t coped with the work, then they wouldn’t have to pay me. He told me to collect rent from the devils for him. But the priest hoped in vain: I quickly dealt with the devils. I brought the money to the owner, and he had to pay me as agreed. I felt sorry for the poor priest, but he should have been punished for his greed. I flicked him on the forehead and said: “You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest.” Now this phrase has become a proverb. Although my name is offensive and I myself seem like a simpleton, after reading the fairy tale, you will understand that I am very cheerful and smart. So what is my name? (Bolda)

♦ “My little friends, moms and dads, teach you to always tell the truth. Indeed, it is very ugly to cheat. However, it’s even more offensive when you honestly tell how something happened to you. amazing story, but they don’t believe you and consider you a deceiver. For example, I came to your wonderful Russia. It was winter, there was frost, a blizzard howled. The roads became completely snowy, and soon my horse and I were so tired that I decided to rest. I saw some kind of peg in the middle of a snowy field, dismounted, tied my horse to it, and I lay down next to it, right on the snow, covered myself with a cloak and fell asleep. I wake up - well, well! - I’m on the street of a completely unfamiliar town, and my horse is missing! Suddenly I heard a familiar neigh. I raise my head and see: my horse is hanging at the very top of the church bell tower. It turns out that the day before the whole city was covered with snow, and what I took for a peg was the top of the cross on the bell tower. In the morning the sun melted the snow. And I sank down with him, and the poor animal found himself between heaven and earth. How I saved the horse is a separate story, like all my other adventures. I am the only person who rode in a sleigh drawn by gray wolf! No one but me has flown on cannonballs, and even with a transfer! I was a famous hunter, I defeated a mad fur coat and was the first man to walk on the moon. Do you recognize me? (Baron Munchausen)

Leading. Riddle five!

Guys, I need helpers - pantomime masters. Because now I will make wishes for objects. The assistants will portray them using gestures and facial expressions, and your task is to guess.

Hidden items: fishing rod, telephone, computer, mirror, candy, bouquet of flowers, handkerchief.

Leading. Riddle six! There is a box in front of you. There is an object in it. Who would dare to guess what this item is? (An interested person is called.) You can ask me any leading questions, but only so that I can answer: “yes” or “no.” For example: “Is this a school thing?”, “Is it made of plastic?”, “Can you write with it?” etc. The one who guesses takes the item for himself. Hidden items: washing machine, bouillon cube, button.

Leading. This was the last riddle. Thanks to all.

This fun program, which can be organized at any children's party, because its theme is universal - sweets. If you hold it at a birthday party, then you definitely need to add a game and congratulations especially for the birthday person, if New Year's holiday, then turn on the pair New Year's competitions and the arrival of Santa Claus (let him be the one handing out prizes at the end), etc. Parents may well act as animators, so game program for children "Merry Sweet Challenge" You can also arrange it as a home party..

Game program script.

Competitions for teachers stniks of the Sweet Fight.

After the refreshments, the animators move on to competitionsenAndy.

To do this, one by one, the children are called in twos and the task is announced to them. The winner is given a lottery ticket. Those who lost are seated at the table again in the second round. However, so that the children do not feel like losers, in other cases it will be necessary to declare a draw, then both players will receive tickets.

The tasks are as follows:

1. Using a fork, unwrap the candy and eat it.

2. Without using your hands, catch three caramels from a plate of soda and eat them.

3. eat a glass of fruit puree through a straw.

4. Without using your hands, you need to turn over the cup, under which there is a chocolate candy on the saucer. Eat candy.

5. Race to drink a glass of soda, scooping the drink with a spoon from a toy set.

6. With our left hand we hold on to the seat of the chair, and with our right hand we peel the tangerine and eat it!

7. Holding the waffle with only your little fingers, you need to eat it quickly!

8. The apple cut into slices should be devoured using a tablespoon.

9. But we eat a banana divided into 15 parts, using only dessert skewers.

10. We put a cookie on the crook of our right elbow and try to eat it, but without our hands!

11. Using only your little fingers, eat 7 candied nuts.

12. We eat three peaches strung on skewers in a race.

13. Ten Montpassier dragees should be eaten with a fork.

14. Dissolve five pieces of chocolate in hot tea using a teaspoon (it is not necessary to drink - the main thing is to bring it to complete dissolution)

15 eating chocolate again: taking it to right hand, put your hand behind the back of your head and in this position bite off the tile!

16. Bite five times from an apple that is suspended on a ribbon (the ribbons are held by clowns).

17. We hold a can of Coca-Cola between our knees and try to drink it.

18. Without using your hands, you need to crunch three sweet straws standing in a glass.

19. Using small cups as spoons, pick them up from the plate and eat five strawberries!

20. From a deep bowl, without touching with your hands, eat ten corn sticks

21. Hold the sweet straw between your elbows and manage to eat it!

22. Eat condensed milk from a saucer using one cookie.

23. eat a handful of cornflakes using only a fork.

24. eat three marmalades with a knife and fork!

25. Using a tablespoon, eat half a bar of chocolate.

26. Try to bite into an apple floating in a bowl of water three times.

27. Use your thumbs (no more!) to peel and eat the banana.

28. eat ice cream from a bowl without the help of cutlery.

29. drink a glass of cocktail, pouring it from a glass into a saucer, like hot tea

30. eat the jam, sipping it with a thick cocktail straw.

When the Sweet Fight ends and all the children have lottery tickets in their hands, these tickets need to be played. Prepare a drum in advance where you will put pieces of paper with ticket numbers, or use ordinary lotto barrels.

Each number includes a small present, try to keep them different, but approximately equal in value.

After the drawing, it is best to continue the holiday program, include in it (possibly related to the holiday, for example, on a New Year's theme), arrange fun dances with parents and separately with children - any animation will be a great success and, of course, don’t forget again invite you to refresh yourself.

Especially for the site

The game program will be of interest to anyone involved in organizing leisure activities for children. It works well both indoors and in large areas of the park. Can be used at summer camp and birthday parties. It takes very little time to prepare. Music can be used as you wish. Don't overload the program too much additional tasks, it is calculated from 30 minutes to 1 hour.20. (depending on the venue). Good luck in your noble cause!



municipal autonomous institution additional education

center for aesthetic education of children "Youth Theater"


game program for summer camp

"In search of adventures"

Tbilisskaya station, 2016

Program summary

During the summer holidays, the problem of leisure for children and adolescents is especially acute. Summer camp– this is a place where children can not only relax, but also spend their time profitably. Vivid impressions, new acquaintances, a change of scenery - this is what this game program is aimed at. It can be carried out both outdoors and indoors. A more interesting program is obtained using route sheets (or a map) in the form of a station game.


comprehensive development of the child through play activities.

tasks of the game program:

Forming in children an interest in learning about the world around them;

Development of attention and memory in children;

Development of creative abilities in children.

Uniting the children's team, developing the ability to work in a team.

Age of game participants:students in grades 1-4

Location: school area, (in case of rain - in any room).

Decoration: stations are decorated in the style of "Pirates or

uninhabited island"

Musical arrangement:

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean";

Mysterious music from the film “Children of Captain Grant”;

Fast music for moving competitions;

Background music of water splash, sea.

Props: deep bowls of water, matches or sticks, 2 glasses, 2 tablespoons, an apple, a scarlet flower, pies, a pot, a thermometer, an arrow, a shiny shoe, a boot, 2 clotheslines or thick threads (twine) 10 m, 4 pencils or sticks 15-20 cm, 4 swamp hummocks cut out of cardboard, letters on leaves for making words, tokens.

Progress of the program

(Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" sounds)

Ved: Hello guys! Do you love adventure? What is an adventure? Thunderstorm in the middle clear skies– is this an adventure? What about a vacation trip to visit grandma, or reading an interesting book, or searching for a lost treasure? I suggest you all now go in search of adventure, and for this we now need to create 2 teams and launch our All-terrain vehicle.

Game "Running the All-Terrain Vehicle"

(using gestures and sounds under the command of the presenter, we imitate the launch of the Vezdelet)

Everyone put on their helmets together.

We have set up the antennas.

Everyone's got their seat belts fastened

(Children say: “Whack, whack” and clasp their fingers on their stomachs)

and smiled at each other.

It's time for everyone to turn on the devices

(Children point with their fingers at imaginary buttons and say: “Chick, chick”)

We need to start the engines

(Children stomp their feet and buzz)

Let's take flight, begin our countdown!

(Everyone counts in unison reverse order: 5. 4,3.2,1, Start!)

It’s easy for us to get everywhere on the magical Uvedelet.

Close your eyes tight, we're flying high!

The landing will be soft

Now our island is visible.

Will end up on a fairy tale island

Nice friendly crew.

Ved: We are landing on a desert island. We need to explore the shore, and for this we urgently need to build a ship

(Teams build a boat or ship from themselves. The more original one is evaluated. There must be a captain at the helm. The presenter awards this team with tokens)..

Ved: Now the teams are assembled, everyone is ready. But how can you do anything on an empty stomach?

Competition "Catch a Fish"

(fast music while the competition is going on)

(Water is poured into 2 bowls, in which match-like fish swim. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team has a glass and a tablespoon. The children’s task is to catch more fish with a spoon in a certain time and put the caught fish into the glass)

Leading: Well done, you made good fishermen. Let's count how many fish each team caught.(children determine the winner of this competition. The presenter awards this team with tokens.)

(sea ​​music in the background)

Leading: Look guys, I found some kind of box on the seashore, let's see what's in it.

Competition “Whose things are these?”

(the presenter takes objects out of the box and asks the children to guess which fairy-tale character they belong to. The teams answer in turn. For each correct answer, the person who answers receives a token)

  • Apple (dead princess)
  • Potty (Winnie the Pooh)
  • Flower (Scarlet Flower)
  • Nuts (squirrel from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan)
  • ABC (Pinocchio)
  • Thermometer (Doctor Aibolit)
  • Pies (Little Red Riding Hood. Mashenka)
  • Arrow (Ivan Tsarevich. Prince Guidon)
  • Shoe (Cinderella)
  • Boot (flour walking boots)
  • Feather (Swan Geese)

Ved: These things may help us along the way. And ahead is a swamp, but there are hummocks over which you can cross.

Competition: "Swamp"

(fast music)

(2 bumpy leaves are given and the children relay the relay to the imaginary shore, shifting the leaves at each step. They reach the finish line and run back with the bumps, pass them on to the next ones. And so on until the whole team has passed. The winning team receives tokens).

Ved: Do you believe in miracles? How many of you have ever seen a miracle?

If any of you have never seen a miracle, do not be discouraged. Now I'll give it to you

I'll show you. After all, the main thing is that it is nearby, and sometimes we pass by

We don’t even notice him. Attention! Now you will see a miracle!

(The presenter takes 2 clotheslines (3-5 m) from his pocket.

Well, how? Do you know what this is? At first glance, this is just an ordinary rope. In fact, it's a miracle, it's greatest discovery humanity, a great invention. But why does a person need a rope, especially you, on an island or on a ship? I invite each team to come up with and show a skit on how to use the rope usefully and talk about it.

Competition: "Rope"

Ved: Well done. Thanks to this invention, cables and ropes appeared in the world for sailors, twine for sellers, a parachute line for parachutists, a sash for tying, a belt for clothes and weapons, a rope ladder, a bridle for...

(It is possible that the guys will continue: “Horses.”)

Ribbon for... hair, tie for... men, lace for... shoe,

threads for... embroidery, sewing, knitting; loop for... clothes.

Captains competition.

Ved: A lot depends on the captain. The next competition is for captains. And the team is sick.

(fast music)

(a pencil or stick is tied to the rope at both ends. Whoever is the first to wind the entire rope onto a pencil brings a token to his team).

Ved: We sailed on the ship. But you can try to fly by plane.

Competition "Airplanes"

(Each team is given 4 sheets of A-4 paper and a plane is made from it. They compete to see whose plane will fly farther).

Ved: We have already gone through so much together, only a little remains. You need to find out what treasure you found. You need to make a word from letters

Competition: “Treasure”

(sea background music)

Ved: The whole team needs to assemble a word from pieces of paper with letters.(For example, FRIENDSHIP, HAPPINESS, CANDY, COOKIES)

Leading: Now it’s time for us to go home, but first, let’s count who collected how many tokens during our journey.

(children count the tokens, the winner of the game is determined. The award ceremony is held to the music from the film “The Children of Captain Grant”).

Ved: Our fabulous journey is over. See you again, friends!


about conducting a game program for a summer camp.

Subject : "In search of adventures"

Target: Comprehensive development of the child through play activities

Conclusions (what worked/failed): The game took place on a high emotional level. The assigned tasks have been completed. Due to bad natural conditions, the game program was held indoors.

Organizer's name

Dremova N.G.


Game - a journey through the Planet of Childhood for the youngest school age

Game program with elements of a sports relay race.

Scenario of the game “Journey to the Planet of Childhood” for primary school age.

Author: Merinova Irina Vitalievna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD DTDiM, Topki.
Description of material: Game program script. Can be performed on an unfamiliar audience. The development may be useful for teachers primary classes, teachers, organizers, parents.
Target: Team building.
- involving children in play activities;
- organization of leisure activities;
- creating conditions for self-affirmation.
Equipment: balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.
Progress of the event:
Music “where childhood goes”
Leading. Dear Guys, today we invite everyone on a journey through the “Planet of Childhood”. On this planet you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun and generally have a great time.
First you need to get to know each other
Dating game “Say the name” Whose name I now name will be the one who will carry out the task.
Tanya raised her hands up.
Olya and Vicky screamed.
Nastya, Sveta waved,
Natasha clapped her hands,
Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,
And the Marinas all sat down,
Ksyusha and Dasha meowed in unison,
And the Maxims grunted a little.
Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout “Oh”
Lena, Yulia and Andryusha - shout “Ay”
Who didn't I tell you about?
And today I was silent,
Like one family
Let's shout "I" together!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a good journey)
Leading. Now we will pass the ball around in a circle with these words
You, fly, balloon,
Quickly, quickly hand over hand,
Who has the ball left?
He wishes everyone a happy journey.
Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.
Game "who loves to sing and play"(children answer questions)
Who likes to sing and play?
Who should skip lessons?
Who lives according to a schedule?
Do we do exercises in the morning?
Who takes care of clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears both books and notebooks?
Who helps mom at home?
And who is chasing the quitter?
Who doesn't offend friends?
Chasing cats by their tails?

Who loves jelly?
Who's the carousel?
Who loves to swim?
In the bathroom?
In the sea?
In the shower?
In a puddle?
Who would like to become a pilot?
Fly an airplane?
To become a good driver?
Fly from bed to floor?
Which one of you, say out loud,
Catching flies in class?
Which one of you is so good?
Did you wear galoshes to sunbathe?
Who loves cake and candy?
Who are the hot cutlets?
Who loves apples and pears?
Which of you doesn't wash your ears?
Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. We divide into two teams, and the competition is announced.
COMPETITION “FUNNY FRIENDS” 5 person relay race
In a certain amount of time you need to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1- eye, 2- nose, 3- mouth, 4- eyebrows, 5 ears.)

(Music plays) During the flight we will perform the movements

And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop on the island of “The Most Resourceful”.

At a signal, participants throw the ball up and try to hold it, chasing only with their nose. The winner is the one who keeps the ball in the air the longest.

-On signal you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.
-And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly the farthest?

COMPETITION “BALL FIGHT” choose the strongest
2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.
COMPETITION “RUN WITH BALLOONS” choose the fastest team.
Hold the ball on the racket, run to the pin, and return back.
(Music sounds)
One, two - they flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 everyone crouched down (squat)
5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoes, raise your arms.)
And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop at the Island of Unusual Animals. There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new residents here.
Given long balloons, you need to make them out of hot air balloon figure of an animal or bird and come up with an interesting name for it.
(Music sounds)
One, two - they flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 everyone crouched down (squat)
5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoes, raise your arms.)
And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop on the island "Topotushkino". On this island there live children who stomp loudest. Do you want to compete with them? The boys stomp, the girls stomp, and now they all do it together. Well done!
Two participants from each team receive a ball, you need to put the ball on the floor and stomp on it to see who will burst the ball faster.
(Music sounds)
One, two - they flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 everyone crouched down (squat)
5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoes, raise your arms.)
And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop on the African Island. There are many wild little monkeys living on this island. Say hello to them.
Relay race between teams, hold the ball between your legs and jump to the pin, run back and pass the ball to the next one.
(Music sounds)
One, two - they flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 everyone crouched down (squat)
5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoes, raise your arms.)
And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop on Fairytale Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? That's right, fairy-tale heroes, and which ones we will now find out.
1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)
2. Who are they? fairy-tale heroes I really loved the saying “One head is good, but three is better.” (Dragon)
3. Name the heroine French fairy tale, who got her nickname from her headdress. (Little Red Riding Hood)
4. Which hero really loved shoes and what was his nickname for it? (Puss in Boots)
(Music sounds)
One, two - they flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 everyone crouched down (squat)
5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoes, raise your arms.)
And we all hum loudly “Oooh”
There's a coup in the air
The flight stops.

Stop at Dance Island
A dance marathon is announced between teams to see who can out-dance who.
Summing up the game program.
Leading. Have fun, don’t be sad and take your time from the planet of childhood. After all, childhood will never return to you. Remain children as long as possible.

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