Home Prevention Scenario of a competitive game program when everyone is having fun. Original scripts for summer camp

Scenario of a competitive game program when everyone is having fun. Original scripts for summer camp

Often from parents, teachers, teachers, organizers, counselors health camps holiday, the question arises: “How to arrange an interesting, memorable holiday for children?”

What does this question have to do with children of very different age categories - from toddlers - kindergarten students, students primary classes, teenagers to already matured boys and girls.

Carrying out game program- the most suitable remedy to solve this problem. As a rule, game programs have a specific theme and focus. It could be New Year's party, game disco, stage performance with the participation of spectators, sports festival etc. Carry out festive event animators are actors dressed in costumes familiar to children, characters from fairy tales, cartoons, and feature films. Games held at the holiday can be various types physical, intellectual and emotional activity: entertaining competitions, educational games, outdoor competitions, role-playing games.

As a rule, the action develops under conditions determined by the script of the game program. Games fit harmoniously into storyline holiday. In general, this is a performance among spectators, involving them in participating in games and competitions with the presentation of prizes.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is very difficult to create a good game program without a pre-written script. To facilitate the work of animators (they can be parents, teachers, and older children), a section “” has been created. Here you will find scripts on various topics and tastes, for small and large children.

All that remains is to wish you good luck and a creative approach to bringing the chosen scenario to life!

Scenario of the game program "Matroskin the Cat in Prostokvashino"

Scenario of a competitive game program for children “Gatherings with Friends” (primary school teacher Bezbabnykh V.I.)

Objectives of the event:

Educational: enrich children's knowledge.

Developmental : develop creative thinking, interaction skills

Educational : involving children in active activities in organizing children's leisure time.

Form of conduct : competitive program.

Props : prizes, tokens, newspapers, pencils, buttons, balloons, felt-tip pens, cardboard plates, cards with the names of ingredients, cards with words from songs, scoreboards, markers, sheets of paper, a layout of a flower - seven flowers.

Musical and technical equipment : tape recorder and audio recordings. Introduction.

The music "The Lonely Shepherd" plays.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests, children!

Today we have gathered for our competitive game program"Gatherings with Friends" When friends are nearby, we never get bored and we are in a good mood. Smile at each other and may the good mood never leave you. We are a small school family.

What is family? Family is a home, it is father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, it is work and care, happiness and sorrow, habits and traditions. In our school life There are also traditions, holidays, our main work is studying, we take care of comfort in our classroom in order to feel at home. I'll tell you one legend.

In ancient times, there lived one family, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other?” the elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet - “understanding.”

We will now check with you how well our participants understand each other.

And the seven-flowered flower will help us with this. Each petal represents the tasks that the teams will receive. But who wrote this wonderful book about the seven-flowered flower? (show book) (- Kataev wrote this instructive tale back in the year.). Let's remember what words the girl Zhenya said every time she took off and made a wish?

Each time we tear off a petal, we will say the following words:

Fly - fly, petal

Through joy and delight

Just touch your hand

Give us a task.

Each team will take turns tearing off a petal. So, let's begin!

    "Musical" petal.

The task is to guess who or what the song is about.

1. If you went on the road with him. (Friend.)

2. She still lies and looks at the sun. (Turtle.)

3. They are so wonderful - with a book, with friendship, with a song. (School years.)

4. Imagine: he was green. (Grasshopper.)

5. He didn’t go through anything, he wasn’t asked anything. (Antoshka.)

6. They are made of flowers and bells. (Girls.)

7. They run clumsily. (Pedestrians)

8. He runs and swings. (Blue carriage.)

9. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces with her. (Song.)

10. It will make everyone warmer. (Smile.)

Well done. You completed this task, but it was just a warm-up.

I'll give out cardswith the name of cartoon characters., You need to remember the song as quickly as possible. which these heroes sing., and sing a few lines from the song.

Antoshka Cheburashka

Winnie the Turtle - Pooh

Water Pinocchio

Wolf Little Red Riding Hood

2. “CULINARY” petal

1 Presenter: We all love to eat delicious food, but do you know how to cook it? Do you help mothers?

Assignment – ​​the names of the dishes are written on the plates: “Olivier” salad,

salad “Herring under a fur coat”,

soup “Rassolnik”,

Borsch soup,


Each team is asked to select cards with the names of the necessary ingredients for preparing the dishes that are indicated on the plates (each team needs to “cook” lunch from soup, salad and compote).


Boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, sausage, cucumbers, onions, boiled eggs, sour cream, mayonnaise, green peas.

Herring, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, mayonnaise, boiled beets, onions.

Boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, cucumbers, onions, vegetable oil

Boiled beets, green peas.

Bread, mayonnaise, sausage.

Bread, butter, fish, garlic.

Bread, mayonnaise, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Meat, potatoes, pickles, carrots, onions, cereals.

Meat, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, tomatoes.

Meat, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes.

You can invite the teams to put the cards on plates.

3. “INTELLIGENT” petal

Now, let's see who is the smartest and in which school family,

For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Answer the questions:

1. What are the people of Kursk and the Kursk region called? (Kuryans)

2. What can you see with your eyes closed (dream)

3. What kind of grass does a blind person know (nettle)

4. A fairy-tale creature in the form of a woman living in the water (mermaid)

5. How many wings does a flea have? (the flea has no wings)

6. What is smaller, a virus or a bacterium? (virus)

7. What is the closest star to Earth? (Sun)

8. What piece of music is discussed in the song “Why do you walk alone all night?” (about the accordion)

4. “HANDMADE” petal

I invite one participant from the team and propose to “build a house.” Inflate as quickly as possible balloon(this will be a house), then “populate” it with residents, draw the figures of four people on the ball with a felt-tip pen. Who will do it more beautifully, not faster? This will bring the team a winning point.

In the meantime, our participants compete, you and I will play a game. I will tell you the parts of the body, and you must show them to me. For example: “Ears, nose, shoulders.” Whoever showed it incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

5. Theater petal "Gait"

Ved: If you observe people, you will notice that each of us has his own individual gait. One has a proud gait, another has a stooped, hasty gait, the third has an imposing, lazy gait. Dear players! Try to depict the gait of a person, which is described on the cards.(those who wish )


    a person who has just had a good lunch;

    a man whose shoes are too tight;

    the man who kicked a brick unsuccessfully;

    the person who started acute attack radiculitis;

    a man who found himself in the forest at night.

6. “SMART” petal

1 Presenter:


Teams take turns being asked to complete the proverbs:

1. When the sun is warm…..(and mothers are good).

2. There is no better friend…..(than my own mother).

3. You don’t need a treasure……….(if there is harmony in the family).

4. It’s good when visiting…….(but at home it’s better).

5. The hut is not red in its corners... (but red in its pies).

6. What’s it like at home……..(it’s like that myself).

7. Lead the house….(don’t shake your beard).

8. The baby’s finger will hurt….(and the mother’s heart will hurt).

9. The bird rejoices in spring….(and the baby is mother).

7. “ART” petal

You need to collect the petals of a seven-flowered flower and put them in the correct order, in accordance with the desired color. Remember your art lessons! Who can remind me of the proverb about how the colors of a flower are arranged?


The middle of the flower “Magic chest.”

We still have the middle of the flower, there is also a task on it. With eyes closed, touch. Identify the items in the magic chest.

(perfume, pen, candy, repair, telephone, mirror, tape, book.)

Description of work: This development is intended for organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children of senior preschool, junior and middle age. school age in summer in kindergarten, in yard clubs, in school camps, in children's holiday camps. To carry it out, I suggest using a large number of multi-colored caps from plastic bottles and colored crayons

Target: organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children
- develop attention, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;
- develop imagination and creativity;
- develop children’s activity, desire to achieve success, and sociability;
- provide an opportunity to spend your free time well and usefully.

Equipment and props: phonograms of funny children's songs, 2 easels, 2 sets of colored crayons, 2 markers, 2 Whatman paper, multi-colored caps from plastic bottles (7 colors, 30 pieces each), 2 sets of multi-colored caps, 30-40 pieces each, 2 rings with three colored silk ribbons , 2 rainbow mazes, 3 sets of colored cards.

Progress of the event.

The soundtrack of the song “Box of Pencils” plays.

Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have gathered for the final event of the summer season of the “Guys in Our Yard” project. It's called "Colorful Game". As you may have guessed, all of our competition tasks will be dedicated to paints. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world bright, colorful, colorful and interesting. And today we will try to get the largest portion of this energy.

Leading: First, you and I will play and shout a little. And we will do it this way: who has in his clothes green color, clap and shout together...And now those guys who have red color in clothes... And who wears blue ones things?... Great!
Leading: Well, let's see how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poems. As soon as you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

The sky is rainy and gray
I'll quickly turn it blue.

The sun is burning in the clear sky, So hot, so red!

Beautiful flowers of unusual beauty in the garden! We will be pleased with foliage and green grass.

In winter everything is covered with frost
And the cheeks become... red.

I'll go for a walk in the meadow
I'll wear a cool dress.

I'll braid my hair
The ribbon is bright... green.

I’m bringing a bouquet to my sister Alena
And there is a flower in it. It's... blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outsmart you. You are all very friendly and attentive.
Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call “Pencils” and “Paints”. For winning each competition, teams will earn one point, which means you need to try hard to win.

Leading: I suggest you start with a small relay race.

Teams line up in columns one at a time.
The first players are given a piece of chalk. At the leader’s signal, they must run to the finishing point and draw a triangle on the asphalt near it. Then, the player must run around the finishing point and run back to the team. Pass the chalk to the next player and stand behind the column.

On the asphalt in front of each team, it is necessary to draw 8-10 flowers with chalk in advance.
The first player, at the leader’s signal, must jump from flower to flower without opening his legs. Run around the finish point and run back. With a clap of your hand, pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is a bucket with colored lids.
The first player, at the leader’s signal, must run to the finishing point, lay out a flower from the lids and run back. With a clap of your hand, pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins.
Each player on both teams is given one colored card from the set. One set of cards remains in the hands of the presenter.
The presenter randomly raises a colored card up and loudly calls the color. Players in teams who received a card of the same color must run up to the leader and take the card from him, whoever is faster. The player who takes the card earns one point for his team.
The team with the most cards and, accordingly, points wins.
An assistant stands in front of each team at a certain distance, holding a ring with multi-colored ribbons in his hands.
At the leader’s signal, the first player runs up to the assistant and begins to braid a braid from ribbons. At the second signal, he returns back to the team, with a clap of his hand he passes the baton to the next player, who runs and continues weaving until the next signal.
The team whose braid is longer wins.

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is an easel with a sheet of Whatman paper attached.
At the leader’s signal, the players of each team must take turns running up to the easel and drawing parts of the portrait of a cheerful clown.
The team that completes the task faster and more beautifully wins.

Leading: Guys, which of you can correctly name all the colors of the rainbow without a special hint?... And what clues do you know?...

Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits
- How the Zhek-Ringer Once Knocked Down a Lantern with His Head
In front of each team, at a certain distance, there are buckets with multi-colored lids.
Exercise: Each team needs to lay out a rainbow of caps. Each player is allowed to lay out two caps in one go.
The speed and correctness of laying out the rainbow is assessed

Game with the audience “Picture”

Poem with a collective response:
If you see a river painted in the picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture is sure to be called...
If you see - in the picture there is a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all the objects at once, know what it is...
(Still life)
If you see someone looking at us from a painting: either a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka - your neighbor, - The painting is sure to be called...
(Portrait)Leading: Guys! We have all the letters mixed up in the words denoting colors, we urgently need to decipher this abra-kadabra:

LOAYSYVAT – light green
VINEYRSE – lilac
DOYRYOVB – burgundy
NYLOYMIV – raspberry
VOYILIL – lilac
TOYFIOYEL – purple

Teams take turns drawing out pieces of paper with an encrypted color. They deliberate for a minute and give the correct answer.
For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.
Team captains participate. Each player is given a rainbow maze and a lanyard to go with it.

Leading: Your task is to carefully sew a labyrinth using a rope using the colors of the rainbow. The team whose captain completes the task faster and correctly will win.
In front of each team, a circle with a diameter of approximately 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt. All team players are given crayons. In 1 minute, teams must “land” as many as possible more colors to the "flowerbed".
The team that draws the most flowers wins.

In front of each team, 15 circles with a diameter of approximately 50 cm are drawn in advance on the asphalt. All players are given colored chalk.
Teams must turn the circles into drawings. The team with the largest number of original drawings (images of objects that are not found in other teams) wins.

Game program « Journey to Fairytale Town" for children of primary and secondary school age

Target: Activate children's existing knowledge about fairy tales.



· Consolidate knowledge about fairy tales.

· Teach children to identify types of fairy tales.


· Development of children's cognitive abilities.

· Developing the ability to work in a group and interact with friends.

· Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


· Cultivate a sense of teamwork, diligence, and patience.

· To instill in children a love of folk tales.



Game program script

"Journey to Fairytale Town"

Target: Activate children's existing knowledge about fairy tales.



  1. Strengthen your knowledge of fairy tales.
  2. Teach children to identify types of fairy tales.
  3. Draw children's attention to the authors of the books they read.


  1. Development of children's cognitive abilities.
  2. Developing the ability to work in a group and interact with friends.
  3. Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


  1. Cultivate a sense of teamwork, diligence, and patience.
  2. To instill in children a love of folk tales.


  1. Laptop, music
  2. Balloons, 2 buckets, hockey sticks, brooms

Dear guys, hello!

Today we will take an unusual journey...

Behind these curtains is a magical room of fairy tales. But to get into it, you need to solve literary riddles:

Quiz (presentation) based on Andersen's fairy tales.

Leading: Well done boys! And now we’re going on a trip to Fairytale City.

The fairy-tale world is great and varied. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and merman, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. And whose heart will not tremble at these enchanting and alluring words: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, once upon a time…”

Who among us has not soared into the sky in a dream, not the Little Humpbacked Horse, who has not tried to reach the magical feather of the Firebird.

A journey game will help us continue this wonderful dream, on which we will go on a magical Booklet. We will visit the city of Skazkograd and bring back new knowledge about fairy tales.

On the magical Booklet

Skazkograd is easy to get to

Close your eyes tighter

We're flying high!

The landing will be soft -

Now we can see our city.

Finds yourself in a fairy tale city

Nice, friendly crew.

Now, crew, let's get acquainted. (Pick up a ball or toy, pass it around, everyone who picks it up says their first and last name).

Questions for children:

Everyone loves fairy tales, why do you think?

What fairy tales are your favorite?

What fairy tale would you like to play a role in?

What fairy tales have you read?

General warm-up.

Doctor Aibolit's sister? ( Varvara)

Crocodile Gena's strongest desire? ( to find a friend )

How many piglets outwitted the evil wolf in S. Mikhalkov's fairy tale? ( Three )

What were the names of the three bears in L. Tolstoy's fairy tale? (Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle)

The name of Papa Buratino in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Buratino”? ( Papa Carlo)

What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? ( Murka)

What words usually begin Russian folk tales?(“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived...")

1 competition game: After the leader’s words, if the players agree with him, they must say “And we too”

I went to the fairy forest

I was very happy

I walked along fairy-tale alleys

I saw little bunnies

I rode in a hut on chicken legs

I ran after Baba Yaga

I was going to have lunch

I ate Ivanushka

I defeated Zmey-Gorynych

I love fairy tales!

2 competition: Which magic words we know and constantly use? (question for everyone)

3 competition game: Well, since you are all so familiar with polite words, then in my opinion polite team, complete tasks. Ready? Please pick up right hand up, and now left, please clap..... pinch the neighbor on the left. (Shout, please sing the note C, jump, etc.)

4 competition: Now, let's remember some more words:

Only kind ones

only alarming ones

only sweet ones

air only

only cold ones

only loved ones

5 competition : “Wonderful story”

Rules of the game. On a piece of paper, the presenter writes down adjectives from the children’s words. The presenter reads a pre-written story, inserting adjectives in the order they are written.

One _______ day we decided to go to _______ forest. And they began to prepare for this in advance. We collected_________ food, took________ water. And _________ in the morning we went out on the ____________ road. Walking through the meadow, we saw many ________ flowers, ________ butterflies fluttered over them, and a ________ smell. We were all very tired of walking into the _______ sun and tried to quickly reach the edge of the _________ forest. Having entered the ________ coolness of the forest, everyone was very happy and began to look around. Look what __________ trees, _________ bushes grow here, _________ birds sing. ________, we sat down in a clearing to rest. At the rest stop, we ate all the _________ food, rested and went back. We will not forget this ____________ excursion for a long time.

6 competition: " Answer me please"

What types of fabulous transport do you know? (Stove, hut on chicken legs, boots, Sivka-burka, Gray wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, self-propelled sleigh, flying ship, flying carpet, mortar, broom, etc.)

Name fairy tales where grandmothers participate (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Snow Maiden”)

Name the films that were based on fairy tales(“Finist – Clear Falcon", "Vasilisa the Wise", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Golden Key")

Name the numbers most common in fairy tales. Name these fairy tales as well.(“Three Fat Men”, “The Tale of dead princess and the seven heroes", "12 months", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs")

7 competition: "Puzzles fairy-tale heroes" Guys, let's try to guess who they are based on the stories of the fairy tale heroes themselves?

“I decided to just travel around the world and didn’t know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandmother and Grandfather. But it turned out that evil, cruel, and cunning people live in this world...” ( Kolobok)

“I knew it would end like this. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone had settled inside me... But there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed..." ( Teremok)

“What a tail this mouse has! Can't compare with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me..." (Egg from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”)

“It feels good to be on this girl’s head. I like to go with her to visit my grandmother. But here’s the problem: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her..." ( Little Red Riding Hood )

“Honestly, it’s unpleasant when the Cat puts you on your feet. He has claws! Of course, I understand that all this running around is for the sake of the owner, but it hurts..." (Boots, fairy tale "Puss in Boots")

“We didn’t want to let her down. We could have fallen behind, and the whole story would have ended there, at the ball. But we have no right to rush or lag behind.” (Clock, fairy tale "Cinderella")

“It’s very harmful for me to be in the water. Thanks to this curious boy. If it weren’t for him and the Turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom?” ( Golden Key )

“I am, of course, ready to fulfill any of her wishes. After all, her husband saved my life. But what more to a person you give, the more he wants. So such people have to stay with nothing.” (Fish, "The Tale of the Goldfish")

“I stayed alive only thanks to this little, fragile girl. She warmed me, fed me, gave me water. What a wonderful life! Enjoy the sun and warmth!” (Swallow, fairy tale "Thumbelina")

I also suggest turning into fairy-tale heroes yourself. Shall we try?

8. “Fairytale relay race”(children are divided into teams)

First: The Little Humpbacked Horse.

Participants bend at the waist. Place the ball or inflated balloon on your back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hand, while remaining in a half-bent state.

Second: Baba Yaga.

Question: what did Baba Yaga use to fly?

Each participant stands with one foot in a bucket and holds a mop with the other. In this position, you need to cover the entire distance. (Option: run the distance “riding a broom”)

Third: Cinderella

Participants with a broom and dustpan walk the distance, collecting candy wrappers or specially “scattered” pieces of paper along the way.

Fourth: Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat

Question: which of them pretended to be blind, which was lame?

Two pairs: the Fox bends his leg, holds it with his hand, the cat is blindfolded. They go arm in arm.

At the end of the event, an improvisational performance is staged.


(based on the fairy tale “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Sergei Kozlov)

The roles are distributed between the children: mosquito, moon, cow, dog, hare, hedgehog, star, grass. The presenter reads the text, the children portray the heroes of the fairy tale.

Komarik ran out into the clearing and played a squeaky violin. The moon came out from behind the clouds and, smiling, floated across the sky. “Mmm-oo-oo-oo,” sighed the cow across the river.

The dog barked and the hare ran along the path. The hedgehog sat on a hill and looked at the moonlit valley. It was so beautiful that from time to time he shuddered: was he dreaming of all this. And the mosquito never tired of playing his violin, the hare danced, and the dog howled.

“I’ll tell you, they won’t believe it!” – thought the Hedgehog and began to look even more carefully in order to remember all this beauty. “The star has fallen,” he noted, and the grass tilted to the left. The hedgehog went and fell into the river. He began to beat with his paws in all directions. Then he took a deep breath and went with the flow. When he got ashore, he thought, “This is the story.” He shook himself off and went into the fog.

Presenter: Well done guys! Thank you for attention.

Who is not familiar with the situation when a good, interesting, exciting script for an event is written, an exhibition of drawings or crafts is organized, but the name cannot be thought of... But often it is a well-chosen name of the event that can arouse interest in the audience and a desire to attend it.

What should the name of the event be?

Firstly, it must be suitable.

For example, for an exhibition of decorative and applied arts such names as:

"City of masters",

"Skillful fingers ",

"Man-Made Miracles"

"Talent call".

If the exhibition is dedicated to a certain type of arts and crafts, this can also be emphasized in the title, for example:

- “Forge of Happiness”(exhibition of forged products),

- “Songs of the Potter's Wheel”(exhibition of clay products)

- “Poem about a tree”(artistic wood carving),

- “White Fairy Tale”(lace making).

If we are preparing a professional holiday, we can make sure that the profession is guessed in the name:

– for Medical Worker Day –“Emergency cult-aid”, “Recipe” Have a good mood»

– for Builder’s Day:“Foundation of Happiness”, “Home Fires”

– for Motorist Day:"Wheel of Fortune", "The Roads We Take"

– for Agricultural Workers Day:“Birch Tree Festival”, “Golden Wheat”, “Hands Smelling of Bread”, etc.

It is wrong to start working on an event with a name. At the beginning, you need to decide on a topic and idea, then it will be much easier to come up with a name. Let's give an example. Working on the script of a competitive game program for children's event dedicated to international day protection of children, you first need to develop an idea for the holiday, sketch out a scenario plan, and then, based on the plan, focus on the name. For example: the idea of ​​devoting an event to introducing children to culture different countries: with games, proverbs and sayings, symbolism, can be called “Around the World in One Summer”, “Journey to the Land of Childhood”, etc.

Secondly, it’s good if the name is figurative . Usually a person perceives an image most easily, so you can try to create a “picture” in your imagination using words. For example, in our country there is a festival called "Maypole", celebration of poetry "Chamomile Rus'", children's and youth creativity competition "Snowdrop".

Thirdly, you can create symbolic title: a symbol dictionary will provide an invaluable service here. For example, from it we learn that:

spark - symbolizes the soul;

labyrinth - mystery, mystery;

ray – creative energy;

crane - longevity, wisdom, honor;

dolphin - salvation, speed, power of the sea;

mountain – spiritual height, ascent, aspiration;

bridge - unification;

dawn - hope and youth;

candle - a lonely human soul;

lyre – poetic inspiration.

So, using the last symbol, you can select a name for a poetry competition, for example “Golden Lyre”, “I dedicated the lyre to my people” etc.

Fourthly, the name can be intriguing . In this case, it should be suitable for the event, but not “reveal all the cards.” An example would be the name of the program "Film, film, film», “It was a matter of...”

“Shake, hello!” etc.

Try playing with words, for example, replacing boring adjectives with nouns. So, if we are talking about an exhibition of lace-making masters, let it not be called “ Fabulous lace" and « Lace fairy tale"; if about an exhibition of pottery, then – not “ Wonderful clay" and "Miracles potter's wheel » ; about the exhibition of embroiderers – not “ Magical threads", and "Magic at the tip of a needle."

Important besides common name try to rename the event form itself so that it also arouses interest. Moreover, its content may not change. Remember how in Gerald Bezhanov’s film “The Most Charming and Attractive” the main character bakes a cake "Tea" but comes up with a romantic name for it "Maestro". Try to do the same instead of boring " competitive gaming programs" and "quiz" name the events fabulous cruise"Flying ship" or travel game"Around the world in one summer." Agree, this sounds more interesting.

Where can I find a name for an event?

1. Since the name consists of words, it is useful to seek help from word masters - poets, writers, journalists . Often a line from a poem can be used as a title. For example, for the holiday dedicated to March 8 - “And the ice melts, and the heart melts,” for Valentine's Day - “I am conquered, love, by your strength.” Line from a song "Where does childhood go" would be a good name for High school prom At school. Title of the film by Mark Zakharov "An Ordinary Miracle" suitable for a festival of amateur creativity for disabled people.

2. You will find many ideas in prose: fairy tales, novels, stories. It is useful to remember literary heroes or literary images, such as Scarlet Sails, Blue bird, Scarlet Flower, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, Lukomorye. Myths provide great scope for finding a suitable name: ancient Greek, myths of the ancient Slavs.

3. Journalists are experts at coming up with catchy headlines. Therefore, when reading articles on various cultural events, pay attention to the headlines and write down the most beautiful and interesting ones. They may be useful to you in the future.

For example: "See the world with your heart"(article about the festival of creativity for disabled children), "Fantasy Parade"(about the exhibition of decorative and applied arts), "A New Dawn of an Old Friendship"(about the holiday of national cultures),

"Heart to Heart"(about the international festival folk art) etc

4. Next source – quotes and sayings prominent personalities: writers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, etc. Quotes are usually long, so you need to select keywords from them for the title.

For example, from the statement of P. Beranger “A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles” a name for a holiday can be obtained, dedicated to the Day mothers - "An inexhaustible source of miracles." And from the saying of Pliny the Elder, “Home is where your heart is” - the name of an event dedicated to family.

5. Ordinary experts can help you find names dictionaries. We are not able to keep all the words in memory; many of them are forgotten due to the fact that they are used infrequently.

6. If you urgently need to come up with a name, and only have a telephone directory at hand, I suggest you use helper words. Unfortunately, they won’t produce an original name, but it’s still better than nothing.

7. Another option is to simply substitute a hero, object or some concept (from your event) into one of the words below.

ü Visiting(we substitute the hero depending on the theme of the event - “Visiting Santa Claus”, Lesovichka, Cinderella, etc.)

ü Holiday(Russian scarf, childhood, sun, friends, books).

ü Adventure(sunny bunnies, snowman, etc.)

ü In the kingdom(flora and fauna, fantasies, spring, love)

ü ABC(health, soldier, parents)

ü Journey(on an airplane carpet, to the country of childhood, etc.)

ü Gold(aya, oh) (“Golden Thread” - a competition for fashion designers, “Golden Pen” - for poets, writers, journalists)

ü Music, melody(summer, love, soul, heart, nature)

ü Fairy tale(s)(forests, seas, winter fairy tale)

8. If you have a lot of time, try using association method .

For example, you come up with names for the holiday of March 8th. What do you associate it with? Write down everything that comes to mind.

warm bouquet beauty heart care music

perfection feelings tenderness

When your imagination is exhausted, try to make up a name from the written words.

For example:

1. A bouquet of the most tender feelings

2. If spring lives in your heart

3. Oh, women, your name is perfection!

The more associative chains you create, the greater the choice of words for the name. During this work, you can ask various questions: “What do women like,” “What are their main qualities,” etc. Write down the answers.

Useful tips

1. Avoid cliched names such as

o “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

o “Bread is the head of everything”

o “My years are my wealth”

o “All ages are submissive to love”

o “Say no to drugs”

o "In healthy body– healthy mind”, etc.

These names themselves are good, but they are used so often that they have lost their novelty.

2. It is better if the name does not begin with prepositions. For example, in our region, theatrical and concert programs were held: “And the song also fought,” “And for the sake of life on earth.” The title should be short. Don't make it too long.

3. The title should contain some idea, avoid nothing talking names, for example, “At my Russia” (Russian Unity Day). This begs the question: “What exactly does my Russia have?”

4. Don’t forget to separate the titles with commas: “Walk , Cossack", "Hello , nice little village."

5. You should not use the well-known truths “Sport is health”, “Drunkenness is poison!”

6. Don't focus on negative word in the title, for example, “Narcotic dope.” In the title, good must triumph over evil - "I choose life."

Examples of successful and unsuccessful names

Good names:

o Children's fairy tale performance "Ice Fairy Fairy"

o Competition children's drawing“Frost draws patterns”

o Evening meeting with WWII veterans - Ogonyok “Through the eyes of those who were in battle”

o Literary and musical composition “No, the war has not gone into legend”

o Children's theatrical Easter program “Rejoice, O Earth!”

o Children’s gatherings “Children are walking during the winter holidays”

o Poetry evening “In the labyrinths of the soul”

Bad names:

· Thematic program“Touch the feat with your heart”

· Sports and game program “Family Duel”

· Game program for children “Snowy Winter”

· New Year's performance "Wrong Fairy Tale"

· New Year's entertainment"Sing with us"

· Children's game program "Epiphany Day"

· Theme evening “We are friends and we sing - we live without drugs”

· Competitive and entertainment program “My second mother”

· Children's entertainment program "Let's have fun from the heart"

· Oral journal “On beer alcoholism”

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