Home Oral cavity What do a person's eyes say? What does the color of his eyes say about a person’s character? What does big eyes say?

What do a person's eyes say? What does the color of his eyes say about a person’s character? What does big eyes say?

Know how read a person's eyes- women or men, can be a big advantage. The pupils especially, not only serve as internal receptors, but can also indicate that it is passing through the mind.

It is often said that the eyes “are the window to the soul” and that they can say a lot about a person. So much is the importance of the eyes when interacting with others that according to a University of Miami study, 43.4% of the attention we give to another person is focused on their eyes.

“A person’s thoughts can be determined by looking into their eyes - “England, Regiment of Life,” 1545.

How to read people's eyes

  • Social: from eyes to mouth, shows comfort.
  • Intimidation: from mouth to lower parts bodies.
  • Strength: Focused on the forehead and eyes.

Especially in Western culture, some eye contact:

If it is too persistent, it is considered intimidating or aggressive and makes the person to whom the gaze is directed feel uncomfortable.

This even happens to animals different types. If you find aggressive dog, you'd better not look her directly in the eye as she will feel threatened and may attack.

On the other hand, constant contact may be a sign of attention to the interlocutor’s speech. On the contrary, he avoids eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact with another person can be a sign of embarrassment for some reason. Additionally, avoiding eye contact with another person often means getting angry at them.

On the other hand, maintaining eye contact interferes with mental calculation operations. Scotland's University of Stirling found that children who performed mental operations while maintaining eye contact with other children scored worse than those who looked elsewhere.

You should also keep in mind that contact times vary by culture. For example, in New York, 1.68 seconds is perceived as an acceptable time.


Emotions towards another person can change your blink rate. Blinking more than 6-10 times per minute can be a sign that the other person is attracted to you.

Additionally, blinking may indicate that a person is feeling nervous. Since 1980, in presidential debates, the person who blinked the most has lost.

View direction

Much has been written about the direction in which the eyes look since NLP became known. According to this communication model, looking to the left indicates that you remember something.

On the other hand, looking to the right indicates that thoughts or visual memory have been generated.

Squinting indicates suspicion or mistrust, and is a gesture that is often unconscious.

Raising eyebrows

People raise their eyebrows when they want to understand themselves. It also indicates sympathy, empathy and a desire to get along with the other person.


Rich people who have high status or want to show superiority tend to make less eye contact. Elsewhere in the conversation there is another way to express superiority.

Keys to Seduction

In flirting and seduction, the consensus seems to be that:

  • If you initiate eye contact, the other person is likely to feel welcome and respond positively.
  • If you initiate contact and the other person doesn't respond, you may not be interested. If you continue to look at her after he looks away or refuses to look, you will make her feel uncomfortable.

Boys may want to consider the following:

  • If a girl looks into your eyes, then look down and finally return to her eyes. This is interesting.
  • If you break eye contact and look away, there is nothing dangerous about it.
  • If you look up after making eye contact, you're probably not interested.

For girls who want to seduce with their gaze:

  • It takes an average of three looks from a girl for a man to begin to realize that she is interested in him.


Since pupil size cannot be voluntarily controlled, you can learn, or at least infer, what another person is thinking by observing them. Regarding the pupils, there are several interesting points:

Eckhard Hess discovered in 1975 that pupils dilate when someone is interested in something. Likewise, our pupils constrict when we perceive situations that we don't like. Dilatation: The size of the pupil increases. Contraction: Pupil size decreases.

The more complex the mental activity, the more the pupils dilate. However, if there is too much mental activity, the pupils become constricted.

They expand when we experience pain.

Some drugs, such as alcohol or opioids, cause the pupils to constrict. Others, such as methamphetamines, LSD or cocaine, cause them to expand. The police usually check this and if they have experience they will know when they are less than 3mm or dilated by more than 6.5mm.

How to read the iris of the eye

This may seem strange to you, although it was demonstrated in a study conducted by Larsson and others in 2007.

If you look at the iris, the colored part of the eye, you can see some characteristics of a person's personality.

In the image, the lines that move away from the eye (1) indicate that he is a warm and affectionate person. In contrast, grooves (3) represent impulsivity.

The Pax 6 gene appears to be responsible, affecting areas of the brain that affect behavior and in turn cause changes in the iris.

Trusting your instincts

You are able to check that pupil dilation usually has a positive meaning, and its contraction is negative. However, it is very important to consider the situation, such as the brightness of the lighting.

According to research, changes in pupils are very difficult to control.

Thus, changes in pupil size could be experienced unconsciously along with other nonverbal behaviors.

New times require new solutions and approaches. Fashion for studying psychology, non-verbal signals, physiognomy, palmistry and applying the acquired skills in practice in last years have become firmly established in the lives of many people. Not only ordinary people, but personnel service workers try to use unconventional psychology when hiring people.

One of the most popular destinations in Lately became the definition of a person’s character by his eyes, because everyone knows that eyes can speak, and even more than a person’s words and actions. So what do the eyes say to a person who knows how to “hear” them?

Eyes say a lot: by the eyes you can determine a person’s mood, character, inclinations and even some diseases. This method does not provide one hundred percent accuracy, but the right approach you can get good results.

For example, people believe that if a person has cloudy eyes, then this may be a consequence of various infectious diseases; red eyes occur with conjunctivitis and colds; yellowing of the whites of the eyes indicates liver disease (jaundice, hepatitis, etc.); sunken eyes indicate exhaustion; frequent blinking is one of the signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.

What are your eyes telling me?

Eyes say more about a person's character than most people psychological tests. Eye color has a great influence on the formation of character, because if you look closely, you can notice significant differences in the behavior of light-eyed and dark-eyed people.

What are the dark eyes talking about?

For example, owners of black and brown eyes, are energetic, powerful, active, impulsive, gambling, quick-tempered, witty, charming, enterprising and resilient people who always strive forward to new heights. Most of them are leaders by nature.

Also dark eyes They talk about the passionate nature and love of their owner. It is widely believed that brown-eyed people are capable of driving anyone crazy, which they often use to get what they want or to bring their plans to life. Astrologers say that brown eyes indicate a combination of the energies of the Sun and Mars, which reward their owners with amorousness, sociability and friendliness.

What does cool eye color mean?

According to astrology, cool shades indicate a combination of the energies of Venus, the Sun and Saturn. This combination gives its owners attractiveness, sensuality, a sharp and insightful mind, a good sense of humor, temperament, and sociability. They often fall in love, but quickly cool down towards the object of their recent affection; light-eyed people are also quick-tempered.

Blue-eyed representatives are different strong will, decisiveness, truthfulness, justice, a tendency to conflict, romance. It is very difficult to predict their further behavior and trace their train of thoughts. TO negative traits character includes rancor and arrogance.

O holders blue eyes- persistent, strong-willed, courageous and dreamy. Nature has endowed them with a good imagination, rich fantasy and vulnerability, which is why many artistic people have bright eyes. In their love affections they are fickle. Blue-eyed people have a tendency to rapid changes in mood and various whims.

Gray-eyed people are decisive, intelligent, inquisitive, sympathetic, kind, reserved, practical and patient. Among them there are many philosophers, intellectuals and thinkers. Despite their non-conflict nature, they sometimes lack flexibility in communication.

To sum up what the eyes of a person of a cold color say, we can say that, despite a penchant for romance, their owner lacks warmth and is not fully capable of showing tenderness and love.

What do green eyes mean?

For green eyed people characteristic strong will, stubbornness, assertiveness, endurance, accuracy, rigor, developed imagination, good organizational skills. Green-eyed people almost always know what they need and how to achieve it.

Always think through your options carefully before making a move. possible consequences, never act impulsively. By nature they are good psychologists, which, if necessary, they use to manipulate people. They can be cunning and insidious.

According to astrology, green color- this is a combination of the energy of Venus and Neptune. This combination gives its owners gentleness, constancy, generosity, responsiveness, reliability and tenderness, which they are able to show towards family and friends. In antipathy, green-eyed people can be cruel and merciless.

The character of green-eyed people can be compared to that of a cat: at first they behave arrogantly, arrogantly, independently, proudly, reservedly and unapproachably, but once you lure them with something tasty, it becomes clear that this is a mask, and in fact they are very cute, friendly, gentle and vulnerable.

Your eyes say a lot
And they discover a lot about life...
Your eyes keep the warmth of the soul
And love is answered with love.

Remember the song “Because of my green eyes you call me a witch...”? Have you ever wondered why it is sung about green eyes? Perhaps there is some connection between green eyes and magic? Of course, the skeptics, grinning, will answer: “Because it rhymes!” We hasten to offer our own answer! You can replace “green” with “beautiful”, for example. But they still sing about the green ones. And this raises the question - is there really any connection between a person’s character, abilities and the color of his eyes? Let's figure it out.

His manners, gestures, gait, and facial features can tell us a lot about a person’s character. But it turns out that the most informative source of information about a person is his eyes. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the “mirror of the soul.” And this eloquent definition of eyes was given many centuries ago. All ancient treatises on physiognomy advise starting to study the face with the eyes, since most of the information through which a person develops is perceived by them.

For example, in ancient times, people were very wary of unfriendly looks, believing that if they came face to face with an evil person, you can become “infected” with its negative energy and adopt information that will subsequently have a bad effect on your character. Psychics recommend that sensitive and vulnerable people wear dark glasses to protect themselves from negative energy. Astrologers are convinced that the eyes reflect the entire color palette of the planets in birth horoscopes, which, in turn, indicate certain preferences and inclinations of people. The importance of eye color in the study of character is confirmed by modern scientific research.

It turns out that each person's eyes are unique in color.

But, despite the fact that the eye color of each of us is unique, it is still possible to divide colors into several categories and determine what their owners are like. So, are you ready to learn a little more about yourself and your friends? Then go ahead! And let's start, perhaps, with brown eyes. After all, it is known that throughout the world brown eye color is the predominant one.

Owners of brown eyes They are naturally endowed with attractiveness, sensuality and wit. These are very temperamental people. We can say about them that they are extremely hot-tempered, but they easily forget insults. The disadvantage of people with brown eyes can be considered frequent whims. Astrologers say that people with dark brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus with an admixture of Saturn) are extremely sociable and easily get along with people. People with such eyes are very amorous. However, as quickly as they light up, they sometimes cool down just as quickly.

People with light brown eyes shy, prone to solitude, dreamy. They can be considered pragmatists, but it is worth noting that pragmatism makes them hardworking and diligent. You can always rely on them. Rest assured - they will definitely not let you down! A characteristic feature of the character of people with light brown eyes is their individualism, the desire to do everything on their own. They usually achieve great success. These people absolutely cannot stand pressure from outside. Astrologers add that owners of light brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus) are very impressionable, they can, unnoticed by others, very much worry about the insult inflicted on them.

Eye color

Owners of black eyes- energetically strong people, they have great resilience, initiative and a restless character. Black eyes indicate a person's passion. Black-eyed people are very loving.

Such people are practically unable to be stopped by any obstacles on the way to their adored object. Although their obsession can bring them not only the joy of victories, but also the bitterness of hasty decisions. Therefore, as advice, the proverb “measure seven times, cut once” is appropriate here.

Blue-eyed(color of the planet Venus) - absolute romantics. These are very emotional and sensual people. They are capable of not only falling recklessly in love with a partner, but also captivating him with their passionate impulse. Their train of thought can often be completely unpredictable. By the way, such people, among other things, have a very developed sense of justice; they are ready to defend the truth, sometimes even to their detriment. Their main drawback is arrogance and arrogance. Such people are very conflictual, like to argue, rush things and are not always able to understand someone else’s problem.

People with dark blue eyes(the color energy of Venus is diluted with the color energy of the Moon) they are characterized by persistence, but at the same time they are very prone to sentimentality. Those with dark blue eyes easily give in to their whims, and their mood is reminiscent of an unpredictable spring breeze. Blue-eyed natures tend to remind people of their grievances, even when in their hearts they have long since forgiven them.

Blue eyes are far from being as innocent and pure as they seem, and often conceal deception. That's for sure - it's such a whirlpool... Owners of blue eyes are purposeful and not at all sentimental people. You can't pity them with tears. Sometimes they experience bouts of severe anger or causeless depression. But such mood swings are extremely rare. More often blue eyed people have a calm character and very rarely enter into conflict situations, preferring to step aside. The owners of eyes “the color of the sky” are quite self-centered natures, aimed at creating comfort for themselves and thinking, first of all, about themselves. A distinctive feature of such people is constant desire to everything new, since the monotony in life depresses them terribly.

In 2008, employees of the University of Copenhagen established: all owners of blue eyes descended from one ancestor who had the corresponding genetic mutation and lived 6000-10000 years ago. Before this, everyone only had brown eyes.

Holders gray eyes very determined and smart. They do not resort to the "ostrich method" and do not retreat into a corner when any problems arise. On the contrary, they strive to solve them immediately. But at the same time, they sometimes find themselves helpless in situations where the mind is powerless.

Gray eyes are a sign of sensitivity and curiosity. Such people are interested in everything. That’s why these are the eyes of lucky people: they are lucky both in their careers and in love.

Dark gray eyes(gray color is inherent in Mercury, and its darker color indicates a slight admixture of Saturn) speak of the stubbornness and courage of their owners. These people are selfless, have a strong will and a decisive character. They are often jealous, although they try not to advertise this quality. But the most distinguishing feature people with dark gray eyes is that they are monogamous. So if your companion has eyes the “color of wet asphalt”, you are lucky and you don’t need to worry about his going “to the left”!

Holders gray-brown eyes are contradictory. They are maximalists in everything, so they are often disappointed in others. Such people, more than others, need a life partner who unconditionally accepts their difficult nature and frequent mood swings. They have well-developed creative abilities, be it music, painting or dancing. And it is by devoting themselves to their favorite work that these people restore the energy they spent on disappointments.

Horoscope by eyes

If you are the owner of gray-green eyes, then we can say about you that you are a person with enormous willpower. You can handle any peak. Intuition, emotions, analysis - all these are your qualities. It happens that you are considered an intractable person, but often this is what helps you achieve your goal. People with this eye color are obstinate natures, who often show rigidity and sometimes cruelty in dealing with issues that are important to them. However, we should not forget that cruelty does not go unpunished.

Green-eyed people– this is tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose. Green eyes are often characteristic of real knights. Friends value them for their reliability and kindness, their enemies hate them for their integrity and firmness. They are good listeners and conversationalists. In general, people with green eyes are the most prosperous category. They are stable, but not unimaginative, and cope well with leadership positions. And here, returning to the very beginning of the article and trying to find a connection between green eyes and witchcraft, it should be noted that owners of green eyes (especially women) are indeed distinguished by a predisposition to magical abilities.

Remember who was burned and why in the Middle Ages? Women with green eyes. Moreover, they tried to get rid of absolutely all green-eyed representatives of the fair sex, being confident that they were the ones who possessed witchcraft powers. So, men, beware! The likelihood of plunging into a green-eyed pool is very high! True, falling into such a gentle and faithful pool is far from the worst option.

People with green-brown eyes– wise and calm natures. For them, the most important thing is comfort and peace of mind. What distinguishes them is high level efficiency and perseverance. They almost always achieve their goals. They are sociable, tactful, and know how to make friends, and therefore people turn to them for advice and help. They love their chosen one and do not betray him if he responds in kind.

Gray-green-brown eyes(or “Central Russian”) are most often found among people who doubt and are indecisive. Indecision prevents them from doing right choice and achieve success, but this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that they always hope for a miracle, never give up and are able to easily adapt. They exhibit unique flexibility. Therefore strong and strong-willed people owners of “Central Russian” eye color are ideal as business partners and life partners. They will always follow them, never betray them and will surround their partner with care and affection.

Tiger eyes(or yellow) are extremely rare in humans. It is believed that owners of this color have highly developed intuition and, as astrologers say, they can read the thoughts of others. Most often, yellow-eyed people are found in creative environments, since their distinctive feature is artistry and a creative approach to any business. If there is nothing bad on your mind, then communicating with such people is a pleasure.

Have you drawn a parallel between what was written and what you have already noticed in yourself or in your friends earlier? Found any similarities? Of course it is general description, and eye color, as we already know, everyone has their own - unique. However, it is impossible to deny the fact that a person’s character depends on eye color. I would like to say one thing... Whatever the color of the eyes, each of us has the opportunity to improve, take the best from what nature has endowed and increase it. And then the “mirror of the soul” will shine even brighter, reflecting all the most rainbow colors that exist in the world!

You may have met people with attractive eyes who seemed to have power over you and over entire groups of people. To recognize a person’s character by their eyes, take a closer look at them: they have this very spark, and the stronger their magnetic attraction, the brighter their eyes shine and sparkle.

How to tell a person's character by their eyes

First of all, look for sparkle in your eyes. The look, which is usually called radiant, seems to say: “I have the joy of life.” For each of us, this radiance can change depending on the state of awareness, because it is a reflection of what the ancients called “God's spark.”

Perhaps you have noticed that when you are truly in love, when you are interested in expanding your horizons, or when you strive for self-improvement and greater awareness of the world around you, your life ceases to be boring, and there is a sparkle in your eyes precious stones. By studying a person's character through the eyes, you can learn a lot about him.

A person's eyes reflect his sensitivity to life in all its varied and exciting manifestations.

Dull, “without sparkle” eyes healthy body reflect a lack of enthusiasm for life and love.

When we are truly interested in improving our consciousness, we become interested in health. We begin to realize that the body is truly the temple of our soul.

This newfound respect for one's body is immediately manifested in an increased shine in the eyes. If you want your loved one to be not only the life of the party, but also happy man- a source of inspiration for you and those around you, look for someone whose eyes sparkle.

What does a person's gaze tell you?

Dr. Wayne Brown, another master of physiognomy, points out something else important quality eyes, when studying a person’s character from the eyes, one should pay attention to their stability. How better person controls his ability to maintain a constant, penetrating gaze, the more reliable it is. We have all heard about people with “shifty” eyes and understand what the true meaning of this expression is.

Almost every cliché has its own truth, and this cliché is no exception. A shifting, unsteady gaze indicates that a person needs to develop confidence and reliability.

People with shifty eyes, even those who have that sparkle we're talking about, need to use their internal energy more constructively and avoid impulsive actions directed against others.

To find out a person's character by looking at their eyes, try to discern whether the sparkle in your loved one's eyes is controlled or uncontrollable. Controlled shine (with constant gaze) is ideal.

A completely uncontrollable shine (with a shifting gaze) can indicate a person who is a potential (or real) fanatic. Controlled shine radiates peace. It is possessed by those who probably have some wonderful secret. Eye size is the third important factor.

The shape of the eyes and pupils and the character of a person

Big eyes

The larger your loved one's eyes, the more sensitive they are.

Small eyes

Small eyes indicate determination and stability in your partner.

Pupil size is another sign of emotional difference. Under the same lighting conditions, the pupils different people differ in size.

What do the pupils say?

Large pupils

Such pupils usually speak of warmth, kindness, tenderness and devotion. A person with large pupils is more open to other people's feelings.

Small pupils

Such pupils indicate that a person’s actions towards others are based on primitive force and that he is dissatisfied with something.

Character of a person based on the iris of the eyes

The size of the iris - the colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil - says as much about a person's emotional capabilities as the pupils.

Large iris

It may indicate a lack of enterprise and courage, but it also suggests a sympathetic and conservative character. It is not easy to win the sympathy of this person by deception. Such people laugh and cry easily.

Small iris

This is a dry and prosaic person. He does not expect intense manifestations of feelings. Such a person requires a certain amount of approval or encouragement to show emotions, because putting himself out there confuses him.

Character of a person based on the distance between the eyes

When you look into someone's eyes, you can tell if the general view this person's life with yours, whether his eyes are located the same way as yours. Are your eyes close together or wide apart? What about your loved one? As a measure of the average distance between the eyes, we can conventionally take the length of the eye.

Closely spaced eyes

These people tend to be specific in their lives - they focus on the details of the material world in order to draw their own conclusions later. In extreme negative manifestation these may be limited and tendentious people.

Wide-set eyes

Do you and your loved one look into each other's eyes? In general, the wider the eyes are, the wider their horizons and views their owner has. Wide-set eyes may indicate that a person is able to radically expand his horizons without much effort.

Some rules for reading character by the eyes

To recognize a person’s character by their eyes, all of the above factors must be interpreted together.

But when you master the art of determining a person's character by looking at them, you can tell a lot about a person's personality and ability for the type of romantic relationship you're looking for.

Visual contact—the glance you give and receive in return—says much more than the words of greeting you exchange. A smile is also priceless in terms of its sociability, and you can smile not only with your lips, but also with your eyes.

To determine a person’s character by eye color, you need to look at them in bright light. At such a moment, the pupils narrow as much as possible, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the color of the iris.

Owners of brown eyes are, as a rule, overly self-confident people, capable of making their way “through the thorns to the race” at any cost. IN romantic relationships these people are hypersensitive. For the most part, brown-eyed men and women are monogamous, but they can search for their only love for many years.

People with green eyes are amorous people, experiencing every fleeting infatuation as love to the grave. But in terms of career, green-eyed people are more serious. They make very responsible and fair leaders who are loved by the entire team.

Those with gray eyes are characterized by calmness and prudence in everything. Family comes first for them. Most often, such people find it difficult to adapt to any kind of change. Almost all representatives of this eye color have analytical warehouse mind.

Owners of blue eyes, although they are romantic in nature, will never believe in such things as love at first sight. Better than other representatives, they understand the psychology of relationships between men and women. Professionally, they do not chase fame and awards, but simply do their work efficiently. In the service sector, employees have no equal.

In people with rare yellow The eyes are well developed, many of them have extrasensory abilities.

IN medical significance The color of the iris is not that important. Here the shades of protein are more interesting. In diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and hepatitis, the sclera acquires a yellow tint. With anemia, the tint of the proteins becomes bluish. If a person suffers high blood pressure, then this is evidenced by a large number of red veins and dilated vessels.

The shape of the eyes can tell about a person’s mental organization. Large almond-shaped eyes are characteristic of people with an open and broad soul. Small and closely planted, they characterize the owner as a suspicious and cautious person. The form in which they are observed deeply

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