Home Hygiene 5 outdoor games for camp. Games for children in a summer health camp

5 outdoor games for camp. Games for children in a summer health camp


Properly organized outdoor games have a positive effect on the condition and well-being of students; They study more productively, perceive the material better, listen attentively to the teacher, and behave more calmly in class. Games are played during big breaks (preferably during fresh air) under the guidance of a teacher or one of the students. As a rule, children participate in all games voluntarily, at will. For games of elders and junior schoolchildren It is better to have separate places. It is good to have several games at the same time, which gives children the opportunity to choose. A game played during recess must meet the following requirements: allow for the possibility of changing the composition of participants; be well known to children; have simple rules; reply physical fitness students; be interesting. It is necessary to encourage children's desire to play independently.

Games forI- IVclasses (Fig. 99)

1. “Sparrows” and “crows”

4 parallel lines are drawn on the ground: two middle ones - at a distance of 1-2 m from each other and two extreme ones - at a distance of 10-15 m from them. The players (20-50 people) are divided into 2 teams and positioned along the middle lines with their backs to each other, taking a low start position. The players of one line are “sparrows”, the players of the other are “crows”.

The teacher names one of the teams - for example, “sparrows”. At the same time, the “sparrows” quickly turn and catch the fleeing players of the other team - the “ravens”. You can only catch those who have not reached their end line. When the teacher whistles, the teams return to their places. Caught players are “captured”, that is, they move to the opposing team.

The teacher calls one or the other team in any order. At the same time, he pronounces the first two syllables drawn out, and the last one abruptly: “vo-o-o-ro-o-ny”, “vo-o-o-ro-o-bye”. Until the leader finishes the word, players do not have the right to run away or turn around. The team that captures the most players wins.

2. Dashes

The players stand in a circle, at a distance of three steps from each other. One of them becomes in the center. Each participant marks their place by drawing a small circle on the ground around their feet.

At the command “Change!”, given by the person standing in the center, all participants change their places, crossing the circle. The person standing in the center must take advantage of this dash to take someone else's empty place.

3. Passing the ball

The players are divided into 2 or several teams, located at a distance of several steps from each other, and stand in a column one at a time. The head players are at the same distance from the intended line drawn on the ground; each of them holds a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the ball is passed from hand to hand over the heads of the players until it reaches the last player. He quickly runs forward, stands at the head of his column, and the transfer of the ball begins again. When the first player is last and receives the ball, he runs to the target line and places the ball on the ground beyond it. The one who does this before others ensures victory for his team. Note. The ball can also be passed between the players' legs or alternately: over the heads of odd-numbered players and between the legs of even-numbered players. You can also roll the ball between the players' legs from one end of the column to the other.

4. Change of numbers

The players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

5. "Wolf" and "lamb"

The players stand in a column one at a time, holding each other tightly by the waist. The first depicts a shepherd, the last a lamb; the rest are sheep. The player representing the wolf stands a few steps ahead of the “shepherd” (facing him). At the teacher’s signal, the “wolf” rushes to grab the “lamb”. The “Shepherd”, with his arms stretched out to the sides, tries not to miss him. "Sheep" run in the least dangerous direction. When the "lamb" is captured by the "wolf", the teacher assigns a new "wolf", "shepherd" and "lamb" and the game resumes.

6. Relay race with skipping rope

The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. The first and second players separate from the column and take the rope by the ends. At the teacher’s signal, they walk along the entire column, and the players jump in place, trying not to touch the rope. Then the first player stands at the end of the column, and the second and third players continue the game in the same way. The game continues until the first player is again at the head of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. Who came first

The players are divided into 3 teams and stand in a column, one at a time, at the intended line. The leading players hold flags in their hands. At a distance of 30 m from the line, opposite each column, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn. 4 clubs (or other objects) are placed in the circle. At the signal, the leading players run to the clubs, place them on the ground and, returning to their team, pass the flag to the second player. He places the clubs again and, returning, passes. flag to the next player, etc. The first team to finish the game wins.

Games forV- VII classes (Fig. 100)

1. Circle chase

The players stand in a circle close to each other. The driver sits behind the circle and holds a tourniquet in his hands. At the teacher’s command, he runs in a circle and, without stopping, puts the tourniquet behind him.

one of the players. As soon as the player discovers this, he grabs the tourniquet and rushes in pursuit of the driver, trying to hit him with the tourniquet before he takes the vacant seat. If this succeeds, they change places and the chase continues until the free space is occupied. If the driver manages to make a full circle and again take the assigned tourniquet, then the missing player becomes the driver.

2. Fishing

To play the game, a rectangular area measuring 15 (20) x 30 (40) m is marked out. “Houses” are located behind the smaller sides of the rectangle. Two designated players (“fishermen”) stand in the middle of the court (picture above). At the command of one of them “Into the water!” the remaining players (“fish”) must run out of the “house” and “swim across” to the opposite side, avoiding the “fishermen” along the way and dodging them. The salted “fish” form a chain, on both sides of which there are “fishermen”. Game continues. Those standing in the chain help the “fishermen” catch the “fish”, but only the “fishermen” can salt (pic. below). "Pisces" are allowed to break the chain; in this case, the “catch” does not count. Then the “fishermen” count their “catch” and choose two

vyh "fishermen". As a result of the game, the luckiest “fishermen” are determined.

3. On one leg in a circle

The players are divided into 2 teams, stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other and are calculated in numerical order. At the command of the leader, the first numbers, jumping on one leg, “run around” successively each player in front and behind, stand in front of the second numbers, etc. etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

4. Counter relay

The game involves two teams. Players on each team are counted in numerical order. The teams, in turn, are divided into 2 groups, which line up opposite each other in columns one at a time at a distance of 30-40 m: even numbers on one side, odd numbers on the other. At the teacher’s signal, the first numbers run to the column opposite, pass the baton to the first number, and themselves stand at the end of the column. Having received the baton, the second numbers run and pass it on to the third numbers, etc. Running can begin only after receiving the baton. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

5. Throwing the ball

A square of 25 x 25 m or 30 x 30 m is marked on the site. A circle with a diameter of 3 m is drawn in the center of the square. The players (20-40 people) are divided into 4 teams. Each team lines up on one side of the square (facing the center). The first players (right wing) of each team stand in a circle (facing their team), holding the ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, each of them throws the ball to a player of his team standing with right side. As soon as he catches the ball, the player from the circle runs to his team and stands in line on the left side. The player who caught the ball runs into the circle and throws the ball from there to the next player on his team (standing on the right), etc. The team in which the first player returns to the circle faster wins.

If the ball does not reach the player, the thrower picks it up and, standing in a circle, throws it a second time.

If the ball is not caught, then the player who did not catch it runs after it.

Games forVIII- IXclasses (Fig. 101)

1. Here and there

The players line up on the starting line (at a distance of 3-4 steps from each other). Everyone places 3-4 small objects at their feet. At the teacher’s signal, players draw three small circles along a line parallel to the start line (at a distance of 9-10 m from it); then they return to the starting line. At the signal, each player takes one of the objects lying at his feet and runs to his first circle to put the object in it; then he returns for the second item, etc.

When all the items are placed in the circles, the player, without stopping, returns to each circle in turn and, taking one item at a time, brings them back and puts them at his feet. The first one to finish carrying objects back and forth is considered the winner.

2. Pulling to your side

Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 7-8 m from each other. Teams (10-20 people each) line up opposite each other in the middle of the distance between the lines. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to drag the opponent standing opposite him beyond his team’s line. The game lasts 1 minute.

The team that outlasts the most opponents during this time wins.

3. Push out of circle

A circle is drawn on the ground. The players sit inside the circle, holding their hands behind their backs. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to push one of his neighbors outside the circle, pushing him with his back, shoulders and elbows (grabbing and pushing with a hand is prohibited). The one who remains in the circle is considered the winner.

4. Relay

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is located in random order at its starting line, drawn between two flags. The flags are 20 m apart. Players in teams are counted in numerical order. The first numbers, holding the baton in their left hand, stand behind their starting line. At the teacher’s signal, having run around 2 of their flags, the first numbers pass the baton to the second, go to the players of their team, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

5. Relay race with towns

The players are divided into 2 teams and line up in columns one at a time (at a distance of a large step from each other). The first players each have 2 towns in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, they turn their torso to the right (without lifting their feet) and pass the town with their left hand to the player standing behind them. Then, turning to the left, they pass it to him right hand another town. The second players, having received the towns, pass them on in the same way. The last player, having received the towns, runs around in turn (“snake”) each player on his team and, standing at the head of the column, again passes the towns back, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Games forX- XIclasses (Fig. 102)

1. Consecutive relay

The game involves 2 teams. The distance is divided by lines into 4 segments: three of 10 m and the fourth of 5 m (to the flag). One player stands at each line; the fifth are behind the last line. At the signal, the first numbers of both teams run to the second and pass the baton to them, the second to the third, etc.

After passing the baton, the first to fourth numbers turn in a circle. The fifth numbers run around the flag and pass the baton to reverse order. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

2. Leapfrog

The players are divided into several teams and line up in columns. The first number of each column takes one of the positions shown in the figure. At the teacher’s signal, the second number in each column jumps over the first and stands 3 steps away from him in the same position. Subsequent numbers do the same as quickly as possible. When the first number is last, he, in turn, jumps over everyone standing in the column,

returning to his place. The team whose first number finishes the game the fastest wins.

3. Circle relay

They draw on the ground big circle(10-20 m in diameter) and mark its center. The players (from 20 to 100 people) are divided into several teams. Each team lines up in a column along the radius of the circle (with their backs to the center). The first players of the teams stand on the line of the circle, holding some object in their hands (flag, tourniquet, etc.).

The teacher stands in the center of the circle. At his signal, the first team players run around the circle in a given direction. As soon as they run away, the next players move onto the circle line. Having run around the entire circle, the lead player passes the flag to the second player, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The player who received the flag also runs around the circle, etc. The last player runs around the circle and passes the flag to the teacher. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

4. Tug of war

The players (10-30 people) are divided into 2 teams and located on opposite sides of the court. At a distance of 10-15 m from the location of each team, two parallel lines are drawn. Inside the resulting square, a rope 15 m long is placed, rolled into a ring (the ends of the rope are free and extended 1 m to the sides). At the teacher’s command “Attention - march!” everyone runs to the center of the site and, holding the rope, tries to drag it to their side.

The game lasts 1-2 minutes. The team that pulls the entire rope (or most of it) over its line wins.

What to do with children on summer holidays at a children's camp? Of course, new fun games. In this selection you can find different camp games for children. Cheerful, active and calm Interesting games for children in summer camp. Choose your favorite ones, play, come up with new rules, or try playing new great games.
We hope that this selection will help counselors and educators in organizing children’s leisure time.

Outdoor games for summer camp

Most outdoor games in nature are related to relay races, but in our selection we will introduce you to different games for a large number of participants. As is already clear from the description, these games are best played on a large area: a meadow, a beach, a children’s playground with a special coating.

Mobile relay games in the camp

Running in sacks

Children are divided into teams, each team is given its own “bag” (this can be a sewn bag or any plastic bag made from sugar, flour, etc.).

The team that wins it will pass faster relay race

Each participant must run the required distance in the bag (jumping, sliding or crawling).

Flying on a broom

Again, a relay race, with the passage of a given distance for a time. It differs from the sack race in that each team is given a broom. 3 participants “fly” on a broom.


Team game for speed. Each participant must jump a specified distance while holding an inflated balloon between their legs.
The analogy of this game is fun Suitcases. In this variation, a suitcase is tied to the participant's leg.


Before the start, each team of players is tied together with a rope like firewood. In this position, players run to a given place. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

A similar but simpler game is Siamese twins . In this game, participants are tied in pairs, back to back.

Slippery object

Participants in the game must run a given distance with the ball as quickly as possible. Players run in pairs, each with 1 stick in their hand, with which the player holds the ball (balloon). It is important to bring the ball to the finish line and not drop it. If the ball is dropped, the players return to the start.

Line or find out your color

For this fun game need to prepare a sheet points by number of players. The leaves are divided equally and one part remains white, and the second is colored dark color(black or blue). All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver goes around the players in a circle and attaches a piece of paper to the back of each.
The participants’ task is to line up in two lines: white or black. But it’s not so simple, because the player doesn’t know which piece of paper is attached to his back, and you can’t tell him. All players run around the court and look behind the backs of others to find out which piece of paper is attached to their own back. To do this, you need to count the number of participants with black and white pieces of paper - which ones are smaller, then the player belongs to those.

Relay races

All kinds of speed games, complicated in a certain way: running with a glass of water, with an egg in a spoon, with a book on your head, with a bucket between your legs, etc.

Options for games of Tag or Catch-up for camp

Game Sorcerer

Players choose a leader - the Sorcerer (this player puts on a scary mask). The driver must catch (salt) the running players. The caught player stops at the place where the Sorcerer caught him. Another player can free a player caught by a sorcerer if he manages to crawl between the legs of the captured one.

Zombie game

The driver is selected by counting or drawing lots - he will be the First Zombie. The zombie runs after the “living” players and insults them. Those touched by the Zombie also become Zombies and continue to pursue the surviving players. The winner is the one who remains the last “living” person.

The game can be complicated by giving “live” players water pistols to stop the zombies. You can mark Zombie players with bandages or paint (the first zombie plays with his hands smeared in (gouache or mud).

Game Cossacks robbers

Standard version of the game with two teams: Cossacks and Robbers.

Cat and mouse

A version of the game of catch-up with a large number of players and 1 driver. The cat must catch the mouse, and it can hide by standing in front of any pair of players - in this case, the third player becomes the “mouse”.

One, two, three, catch it!

Players choose a driver. The driver's task is to catch the players. Two lines are marked on the ground. Wada can only catch players when they run across the space between two lines. Players can run on the command: One, two, three, catch!

A complicated version of this game -

Game Feet Off the Ground

For this game you need a platform with a large number of shells on which you can jump, climb, or hang. Players choose a driver by drawing lots. The purpose of the wada is to catch fleeing players while they are on the ground. If a player climbed onto the bench, hung on the crossbar, or climbed onto the ladder, then it is no longer possible to insult him. You cannot remain in a position with your legs raised for a long time.

Game Ali Baba or Forged Chains

Game with 2 teams. The task of the selected player is to break the chain (closed hands) of the opposing team with a running start.

Tea, tea, help out!

Using a counting machine, a driver is selected from among the players. His task is to piss off all the players.

Vada counts to three and the other players scatter. The caught player stops, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts loudly:

Tea, tea, help!

Any other player can free it by running up and touching it.

Funny and cool outdoor games for summer camp

A fun game of changing shoes and running at speed.

A fun circle game with jumping. It's fun to play this game with as many kids as possible.

The game is basically similar to catch-up, but with protective bells and whistles in the form of colors on clothes. Read about the rules in the corresponding article.

Wonderful old game with the leader - the Monk and the Paints - players who are trying to escape from the Monk.

Ball games

Most ball games are suitable for big company, which means they are also suitable for children in summer camp. The most famous games are: , ,

Dodgeball game

In this game, two players - Bouncers - try to knock out other players by hitting them with a ball. The most dexterous player remaining on the court wins.

Hot potato

Another one popular game with a ball. Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Whoever fails to hit the ball sits in the center.


Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. One player, the dog, is in the center of the circle and tries to catch the ball.


Children's variation of Volleyball. Children play in teams. The ball is thrown over a stretched net, but unlike volleyball, the ball is caught with both hands and not returned.

I know five names...

Calmer ball play. Girls play it more often. You need to hit the ball with your palm on the ground, while naming objects of the chosen topic. Whoever gets lost passes the ball to the next player.

A wonderful game for teenagers. It can be played by many children and even adults together with children. Children can draw cards for the game themselves.

Game Twister

On the site, draw a given amount of chalk in a circle different colors- imitation playing field Twister. The driver spins the spinner and names the colors - players must place their foot or hand on the color named by the driver. Those who fail or fall become vada.

We hope you find the game you're looking for and have fun!

Summer camp games

1. “Exchange glances”. The group stands in a circle. In the center is a presenter who is trying to take someone’s place. The one whose place the leader took is the one who leads. People agree by looking at who is changing with whom.
2. "Brain-ring". The group is divided into several teams. From each team, a person approaches the leader and he says a word in their ear, which they must convey with gestures to their team. Who is faster. You cannot point to the object itself. Option: convey words not with gestures, but draw or sculpt from plasticine.
3. The tape is unfolded from toilet paper, you need to run along it without slipping even once.
4. "Relay". The group lines up in several columns. In front of each is a row of pins. The first person closes his eyes and tries to weave around them, and the group tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when all groups start shouting at the same time, it is extremely difficult to isolate the teams of your group from the general noise.
5. "Ogre"
The “ogre” sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him one by one; the one he manages to grab by the hand becomes the “cannibal.”
This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. With your right hand, point to the floor and say: “Floor.” Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.” Take your time. Let the guys show with you, and you will call. Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly. It’s good if you cheerfully comment on what’s happening: “I see that someone in the fourth row’s nose fell to the floor and is lying there. Let's help find the fallen off nose." The game can be repeated several times at a faster pace. At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the “highest nose in the world” to the stage.
This Magic word we speak when we ask for something. Ask the guys to follow all your commands, but on condition - you will be extremely polite - after the command you say the word “please”. If you do not say this word, the command will not be executed. If we agree, then we can start. So, “Raise your right hand up, please... Raise your left hand too, up, please. Please clasp your hands... and now unclasp them together..." Have you seen how many inattentive people there are in the hall? Have fun commenting on the results of the game. You can repeat it with other teams several more times.
Standing in a circle, several players settle down in numerical order. Participant number one takes a gymnastic stick and goes to the middle of the circle. Having placed the stick vertically and covering it with his palm on top, he loudly calls a number, for example 3, and runs back to his place. The one who is named runs forward, trying to catch the falling stick. If he manages to do this, then participant number one again takes the stick and, placing it vertically, calls out a number, etc. If the stick falls to the ground, then the driver becomes the one who failed to pick it up. The game lasts 5-7 minutes. The winner is the one who played the role of driver less than others.

The place where the players stand is selected. All players have their socks down to their ankles and must kneel. The goal of each is to take the other's socks off, making sure to keep theirs on. The one who loses both socks is out of the game. Be careful, whoever hits another player loses one sock as a penalty.
The players stand in a circle, settle in order of numbers, remember their numbers and mix. In the center is the driver. He names any two numbers that must change places, after shouting: “Where to where?” The driver's task is to take the place of one of the defectors. He who is left without a seat is the one who drives.
11. Shaman ritual
Equipment: rugs, outfit for a shaman.
Players are divided into 2 teams. The teams sit on either side of the shaman. They sit in such a way that each player holds the hand of another player. The players' eyes are closed, except for the first ones. A shaman sits at the head of the players, and a sacred “totem” stands next to him. The players' task is to get this sacred "totem". At the shaman’s signal (this can be anything: scratching an ear, winking, etc.), the guys begin to transmit the signal by shaking hands. The last player, having received the signal, runs to the sacred “totem”. The winner is the team in whose hands the sacred “totem” ends up.
12. Take a seat
Equipment: chairs.
Participants sit on chairs arranged in a circle - one free. The driver is in the center of the circle. The person sitting to the left of the empty chair hits it with his right hand and calls the name of one of the players. The one who was named runs as quickly as possible to the empty chair. The player, who now finds himself near the vacated seat, must have time to hit the chair and call the name of the next participant. The driver's task is to take this place faster. Whichever one of them doesn't make it in time becomes the driver
13. Place here
Two groups of the same number of players stand at opposite walls of the room back to back. At the leader's sign, they try to reach the opposite wall of the room and at the same time they try to prevent the players of the other team from reaching their wall.
Option: determine before the game who is the “attacker” and who is the “defender”.
14. Newspaper fight
Material: one newspaper.
Equipment: chairs.
All players sit in a circle. There should be one fewer chairs in the circle than there are participants. The leader - player A, starts the game, he walks in the middle of the circle with a newspaper rolled into a roll. When he touches another, for example, player B (shoulder or knee), then this is a call to follow him. After this, player A puts the newspaper on a chair that is in the middle of the circle and tries to occupy the vacant chair as quickly as possible. Player - B quickly grabs a newspaper from a chair, runs after player - A and tries to touch him before he sits down on the chair.
If he succeeds, then he puts the newspaper back on the chair and tries to take an empty seat on the chair, while player A again quickly takes the newspaper and tries to touch player B.
If he fails to touch the opponent, then he takes on the role of player A and walks inside the circle, choosing a new partner.
15. I'm a snake, snake, snake
Participants stand in a circle, one after another - a boy, a girl. The counselor begins by approaching someone with the words: “I am a snake, snake, snake, do you want to be my tail?” If the answer is yes, then the person being asked crawls under the leader’s feet, gets acquainted and takes it with his right hand. left hand asked through the legs. If the answer is negative, the phrase sounds: “But you have to!”, and the clutch begins. Thus, each time the snake grows larger and larger. The game continues until all participants join each other.
16. Pursuit - hunting
Materials: cards, felt-tip pens.
The presenter distributes cards with the name of a player. Music is playing. Everyone moves around the room. This player is pursued, if possible, unnoticed while the music is playing. When the music stops, each player must try to grab the player he was chasing. And he, in turn, tries to catch his player. (you can clap the presenter if there is no music).
17. Liberation action
Equipment: blindfold, rope, chair.
Game duration: 10 - 15 minutes.
Estimated number of players: any.
The fully restrained participant sits in a circle with a blindfolded guard. The rest of the game participants are trying to free him.
All players form a circle with chairs. In the middle of the circle sits a player whose hands and feet are tied with scarves, shawls or bandages. A guard sits next to him, blindfolded.
Players try to free the tied player, i.e. trying to untie him. This must be done so that the guard does not notice anything. If the guard touches one of the players while trying to free the prisoner, then this player must leave the circle.
The player who manages to free the prisoner becomes a guard the next time the game is played.

18. Spoon
Equipment: coin, spoon.
Game duration: 10 minutes.
Estimated number of players: any.
Players are divided into 2 teams. Both teams line up opposite each other at some distance. There is a spoon in the middle between the ranks. The leader, standing at the beginning of the ranks, tosses a coin. If the coin comes up heads, the first player sends a signal along the chain with a handshake. After the last player has received the signal, he grabs the spoon. If it lands on heads, everyone stands still. If the first participant makes a mistake, he goes to the end of the line.
Participants stand in a circle, hold hands and sing, following these movements:
Four steps forward
Back four steps
They stomped their feet,
Hands patted
They blinked their eyes,
Now let's jump around (around ourselves)
With each repetition the pace accelerates.
20. Many of these games are based on the fact that the leader says some words and shows the corresponding movements, and the children repeat these words and movements after the leader.
21. "The king rode through the forest"
The king rode through the forest, through the forest, through the forest
He met the princess - 3 r
Let's jump with you - 3
We kick our legs - 3
Let's clap our hands - 3
Let's stomp our feet - 3
Let's spin around with you - 3
And you and I will become friends - 3

22. "How are you".
How are you? Like this
Are you swimming? Like this
Are you waiting for an answer? Like this
Are you waving after me? Like this
How are you running? Like this
Do you sleep in the morning? Like this
Are you looking into the distance? Like this
How are you being naughty? Like this
"Bank and River"

Part of the group sits on chairs in a circle facing each other, leaving one chair empty. The rest of the participants stand behind the backs of those sitting. The one who stands behind the empty chair - the driver - is given the task of winking at those sitting on the chairs in a circle. The one who received the signal from the winker must get up from his chair and move to an empty chair. The task of those standing is not to let go of those sitting on the chair in front of them; for this, they, just like those sitting, must carefully monitor the driver. After some time, it is advisable to change groups so that those sitting have the opportunity to fish, and those standing sit and try to run away.
*After completing the exercise, it is worth discussing the successful moves of the driver and other participants, praising the especially “tenacious” ones standing and the especially attentive ones sitting. Although the exercise takes place in a game mode and does not require particularly deep discussion, if the group is determined, you can consider the question of who liked what role more and why.
The chairs are placed in a circle, with their backs inward. While the music is playing, the children run, when the music stops, everyone stands in front of their chair and takes off one thing. They run further. Stop. They leave their second item on another chair. Then the third. After this, the command is given: “Fire”, everyone must collect their things as quickly as possible. It's good to play on the beach.
The players sit in a circle facing inward, with the driver standing in the center. Seating must be precisely defined, and their number must match the number of players. The driver forces some of the players to randomly change places, saying: “Swap places those who have ...” and names some feature, for example, striped pants. After which, all players corresponding to this sign stand up and change places. The driver’s task is to manage to sit in one of the empty seats in the general chaos. The one who ultimately does not have enough space becomes the driver.


It’s difficult for those who don’t like children, don’t know how to manage time, who are overly irritable and touchy, who try to do too many tasks at the same time. After all, you have to work 25 hours a day - and there is always something not done, not completed, not in order. Everyone takes attention: children, leaders, other counselors. The counselors are threatened with responsibility and responsibilities, but their rights and salaries are meager. The counselors are very young - in fact, this is another senior squad. The head of which (deputy director or senior counselor) is also responsible and reports to the director. If you don't maintain a certain level of discipline, the whole job will fall apart. On the one hand, a counselor is the most insignificant position. On the other hand, he is the leader of a large team, a mentor to young people, educating individuals. Dozens of families entrusted him with their most valuable possessions. But that's not really what you need to think about. A significant part of the responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the camp administration, and counselors are usually punished only for gross intentional violations. However, the counselor bears a great moral and ethical responsibility: to the children's team, to the child's soul, to the parents. Finally, he is responsible to his clients (and the children in his squad are not “small fry”, but dear guests and clients) - for the quality of their stay in the camp. It is more convenient for some to imagine themselves in relation to their squad as a leader, guru, supreme judge, older brother or pop idol. But we should not forget that the counselor is also a manager who provides clients with access to all opportunities for recreation, health improvement and development in this camp.

Undoubtedly, the organization summer holiday is of great importance for young children school age. Every adult understands that the cold season, constant mental stress and the life of a child within the walls of home and school for 9 months greatly deplete the psychological, physical and emotional strength of children junior classes. Therefore, summer holidays are, first of all, a time for relaxation. However, in the summer a different, additional educational program, which, in addition to mental relaxation and improvement of children, would ensure the development of their self-determination, would contribute to their creative self-realization, and would also provide them social adaptation. That is why the most serious requirements are imposed on such health-improving and educational summer-type children's institutions. Children's summer camps must decide a number of important and significant tasks. Their activities are aimed primarily at the positive socialization of children, as well as their physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development.

A special form of existence for all these aspects of human life is play. Play is the most important process of cognition and learning for a child’s development. Therefore, games for children in summer camp cope perfectly with the tasks listed above, assigned to additional educational institutions summer camp type.

The age of a child - 6-10 years - is the period when he is already more or less independent. At this age, children are interested in the world around them and actively interact with their peers and with adults. They already know how to think critically, reason and organize their thoughts. They have already developed basic life values ​​and skills. At this age, children are quite active, curious, open to communication and learning. new information. They gladly agree to any experiments, to everything new and unusual. Therefore, for children aged 6-10 years, outdoor games that teach collective interaction, develop reaction, strength, endurance, imagination, memory and dexterity are acceptable. Games for children in summer camp are creative activity where they express their vision of life, they reveal their thoughts, dreams, aspirations and feelings. This independent activity children, where they are united by a common goal and joint efforts. Therefore, individual and computer toys fade into the background at this time, freeing up the entire field of activity for active and role-playing games.


When choosing a game, you must take into account the following circumstances:

1. Age of the players. When selecting games, one must proceed from the need for a gradual transition from simple games to more complex ones.

It is impossible to determine for each game what age children it is intended for. There are games that generally cannot be attributed to a certain age. For example, games such as “Fishing Rod”, “Odd Man”, “Squirrels, Nuts, Cones” can be played with equal success both with children and with older schoolchildren or even with adults.

Small children, for example, will happily clap their hands and stomp their feet in song games, but, as experience has shown, students in grades 7-8 do all this with no less pleasure. Of course, this does not apply to all games. In their games, older schoolchildren will not imitate bees or bunnies, imitate the voices of animals, etc., which first-graders do with pleasure.

2. Game room . When choosing games, you always have to take into account the size of the room. If the games are held in a large hall, there are no restrictions on the choice of one or another outdoor game. You can play circular and linear games, with running, jumping, a ball, and most of the relay races. You can combine two or three groups for games and hold a competition between them.

In a small space, options are limited. If there are a lot of children, you have to select only sedentary or quiet games, games for attention, observation, etc. Active games can also be played (for example, competitions-fights), but only with a very small number of players, provided that everyone else children are spectators, fans. In these cases, the participants in the game should be changed as often as possible. The room in which the games are held must first be ventilated and thoroughly cleaned so that there is no dirt and dust in it.

3. Game equipment . Many games require equipment: balls, clubs, skittles, hoops, jump ropes, relay sticks, sandbags, flags, ropes of different lengths and thicknesses, chalk, etc. When drawing up a game program, it is necessary to take into account , what equipment they will need, prepare everything you need in advance.

In some games, individual participants must be blindfolded. For this purpose, caps or bandages are usually used. The caps can be glued together from colored paper; they should be of such a size that they cover the face. If headbands are used in games, then each time the headband passes from one player to another, a clean sheet of paper must be placed under it.

The choice of game depends on the type of activity of the children before and after the games. If children have been sitting for a long time or doing mental work, they need relaxation. We need games with running, jumping, throwing and catching a ball or other movements. After engaging in physical labor, it is better for children to play calm, sedentary games, games to test attention, intelligence, etc. If, after engaging in outdoor games, children have to engage in mental work again, they must first calm down. Games with singing and round dances are very suitable for this.

When selecting games, the counselor should know the children's favorite games. For this purpose, you can interview all the children and write down the answers of each according to the following scheme: where they play (at home, on the street, in the garden, in the park), when they play and how often, with whom they play (with parents, brothers, sisters, comrades, girlfriends living in the same house), what games (list names), which of them are the most favorite (list 5-6 names), whether there are houses Board games, toys (what kind).


When talking with children, the counselor must stand so that all the children can see him and he can see all the children. The best way to do this is to stand in a circle with the children (but not in the center of the circle, so as not to have your back to anyone). The explanation of the game should be brief, clear, but understandable, vivid and imaginative. Whenever possible, it should be accompanied by a demonstration of individual stages of the game.

If the game has a lot of rules that are difficult to grasp right away, you can deliberately omit some of them and provide additional information as the game progresses. You can not start the game immediately after the explanation, but conduct a rehearsal first, warning the children that the results will not be counted for now.


The correct choice of driver has great importance in many games. His activity and ingenuity often determine the course of the game. The role of the driver is especially great in amateur games that children start without the participation of adults. The counselor, when organizing a game with the children, in which much depends on the driver, can appoint him himself. You can offer to choose a driver for the participants in the game, suggesting at the same time what qualities he should have (the one who runs well, who will not miss the ball, the most fun, etc.). This method is especially good because the chosen driver always tries to justify the trust of his comrades as best as possible.

But there are games where anyone can become a driver, especially since he will often change during the game. In these cases The best way- resort to counting. The process of choosing a driver using a rhyme is a game for children.

Counting books are always rhyming, sometimes the children themselves come up with them, but most often children use those specially written by poets. They can be instructive, humorous, and funny. Children like the latter the most.

The procedure for selecting a driver using counting rhymes is not the same. Sometimes someone reads a funny rhyme and, as they say each word, points to the participants standing in a circle. The one of the children who falls the last word, goes to drive. For example:

The bees flew into the field, They buzzed and hummed, The bees sat on the flowers, We are playing - you lead.

But there are also counters in which the player who had the last word leaves the circle, and the calculation is made from the beginning. They count until one participant remains, who becomes the driver. (This method is used only when there are few participants.) For example:

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys, a hundred good October kids, everyone sat down for lunch, everyone ate a hundred cutlets, and then went to bed. Start counting again.

Here are examples of several rhymes:

Tara-tara - tara-ra! We went out into the tractor field! They began to harrow the arable land, We should run, you should lead!

I'll go buy a pipe, I'll go outside. Louder, pipe, pipe, we are playing, you drive!

Where have you been so far? The traffic light was delayed. Red - clear - The path is dangerous. Yellow is the same as red, And green is ahead - Come on in!

A vitamin named Marinka was rolling. Didn't study my lessons And I got a bad grade. And when I went for a walk, I received the number “five”.

The month came out of the fog, He took a knife out of his pocket: “I will cut, I will beat - You’ll still have to drive!”

Scenarios of some games:

  1. Dating games

"And I'm a hare." The players sit in a circle on chairs, one of which is unoccupied. The person who sits to the left of this chair changes to it with the words: “And I’m going”, the next one - in his place: “And me too”, the third: “And I’m a hare”, the fourth - “And I’m with...” ( pronounces any name of a person from a given circle, who moves to an empty chair). The game starts again from the place where there is an unoccupied chair.

"When I was a child". The presenter invites you to remember and tell an incident from early childhood that happened to you, and could claim to be the most amusing. A baby's pacifier is passed around the circle, and the players take turns telling funny childhood stories. The game can be played on one of the lights.

“How can you say hello?” Everyone is walking chaotically. The driver says how to greet each other and everyone begins to greet each other in this way, learning each other’s names. After a few seconds the task changes. You can greet with your knees, little fingers, ears, backs, etc.

"It's me!". The presenter quickly says some statements: “movie lover”, “food lover”, “lazy person”, etc. If the player agrees, then he answers “That’s me!” The players answer in unison and quickly. You can catch the player: name something for a long time, to which he will answer “It’s me!”, and then unexpectedly ask a provocative question and the child, without hesitation, can answer the truth.


"Fishing rod". A group of children should stand in a circle. In the center of the circle stands the leader, who, holding the end of the rope, twists it, and there is a tied ball on it. He must spin it so that the ball hits the other players' legs. They must jump up and not let the ball hit their feet. Whoever is hit by the ball loses and leaves the game. And the winner is the last one remaining.

"The Crow and the Sparrows." A circle is drawn on the asphalt or scratched on the ground. The driver enters the center of the circle - he is a “crow”. All the other children stand in a circle - they are “sparrows”. The "sparrows" jump into a circle, and the "crow" catches them. The caught "sparrow" becomes a "crow".

"Hold the ball." The guys stand in pairs in a circle whose diameter is approximately 1 meter. They take the balloon. And they hold it above them without using their hands. They must blow on it without touching the line of the drawn circle and trying not to go beyond it. The pair of children who holds the ball longer wins.

"Clap." All children have serial numbers. They stand in a circle and then take turns clapping their hands twice and their knees twice. When a person claps his hands, he says his number, and when he hits his knees, he says any other number. The player whose number was named claps. If he did not react and did not have time to continue the game or named a number that had already been said, he loses. Thus, the last two people are considered the winners.


"Bulldogs". It is simple, but quite mobile and fun game. 2 “bulldogs” are selected. They stand guard and catch all the other players who must run from one side of the conditional field to the other side. If a child who was trying to run across is caught by a “bulldog”, he himself becomes one. The game continues until the bulldogs catch all the players. The last one wins.

"Homeless Hare." It is necessary to choose a “homeless hare” and a hunter. All the other children are hares, each in their own house. A house is a circle drawn on the ground or asphalt. One hare is running, and the hunter is trying to catch up with him. A “homeless hare” can hide from a hunter in a house he likes. But the hare, into whose house a “homeless man” has run, becomes homeless himself and runs away from the hunter. When the hunter finally catches the "stray hare", they switch roles and the game continues.

"Sardines." This is a game of something like hide and seek in reverse. First one person hides, and everyone else looks for him. Then the one who finds the first one hides with him. And so every single one of them hides in one place, and the last one is considered the loser and then hides first.

"Empty place". All children stand in a circle, and one remains behind him. He is a driver who walks around and touches any person, which means a challenge to a competition. They should both run in opposite directions, and when they meet, say hello and race to take the vacant seat.


"Yes-No-ka" One of the children is the leader. He asks a few simple questions that the rest of the participants must answer without using the words “Yes” or “No.”

"Dispute". It is necessary to divide into 2 groups. Group 1 claims and proves something. And the 2nd group opposes them and proves the opposite.


"I know five names." Children take turns hitting the ball on the ground and at the same time say: “I know five names of boys” - and list what names they know, with the words: one, two, and so on up to 5. Can be increased to 10. And so one by one. Then, girls' names, cities, animals, plants and whatever. The one who takes a long pause and cannot remember loses.

“Say that again.” First you need to choose a theme for the game - anything. For example, animals. Then, one player says some kind of animal, the second must repeat what the first said and add his own animal, the third player must repeat the animals that have already been named before him and come up with his own, and so on. The one who forgot what was said before him or cannot come up with his own loses.

Most of these games involve not only physical, but also mental stress for the child. A child, participating in a particular game, develops his imagination, logic and attention. He reveals himself as a person and shows his individual traits. Therefore, such games help identify children with organizational skills. They liberate children and help everyone express themselves, join an unfamiliar team and find friends.


Physical education in a summer health camp is one of the means of today’s education of the younger generation and is one of the most important areas of working with children. It has a number of features that are due to the relatively short period of stay of children in the camp, the diversity of the contingent of children by age, health status, level physical development and physical fitness, greater opportunities for swimming, hiking, outdoor games and outdoor games. Material of this term paper selects sports events that correspond to a certain age of children, and the remaining free time fills in with other activities from general plan camp activities (work of various clubs, preparation for competitions, etc.)

In each camp, the organization of mass sports work will have its own properties, depending on the location of the camp, the sports base, and the abilities, knowledge and skills of the physical education director. It is important that a plan for organizing mass sports work is drawn up in the first days of the children’s stay, and that the entire team fights for its implementation. During the work process, some activities cannot be carried out, and some will have to be postponed from one date to another. Deviation from the plan is permissible depending on the current situation.

Physical education and mass work in a summer health camp, on the one hand, is integral part physical education of schoolchildren and adolescents, and on the other hand, has a very strong influence on the formation of morality in children, their intellectual and spiritual qualities, instills in them readiness for the future labor activity and in this sense, it is a means of comprehensive and harmonious development of adolescents.

Kite and hen

Children line up in a column one after another, holding the person in front by the belt. The first person in the column is the hen, and the last is the smallest chick. The kite is hunting for him. The kite's task is to catch the chicken. In this case, the chain should not fall apart, that is, the hands cannot be separated. When the kite catches the chick, you can choose another kite and hen.

Snake (by analogy)

Children line up in a column, each holding the belt of the person in front. Last Man in the column is the tail, and the first is the head. The head's job is to catch the tail. In this case, the snake’s body should not fall apart, that is, the arms should not be separated. When the head catches the tail, you can choose a new tail and a new head.

Fishing rod

Fishing rod

To play you will need a rope 2-3 m long and a bag of sand - a fishing rod. You can also use a regular jump rope. The bag is attached to the end of the rope.

A driver is selected from the participants. All players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the middle of the circle with a rope in his hands. He rotates the rope with the bag so that it slides along the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players.

Tulking (catching up)


A site without dangerous obstacles is determined. The driver is selected - the “molecule”. All players are “atoms”. They scatter around the court in a random order, and the driver begins to catch up with the players. The one who was insulted takes the driver by the hand, and the two of them catch up with the others.

The game ends when all the players and the driver hold hands, that is, everyone is caught.

Freezing (by analogy)

A site without dangerous obstacles is determined. The driver is selected - “Morozka”. Everyone runs for their lives, scattering around the site in random order, and the driver begins to catch up with the players. The one who was insulted freezes in place, saying “Unfreeze me, a black horse.” Those who did not have time to “freeze” can help by touching the “frozen” player and thereby freeing him from the ice captivity, the game continues.

You can complicate the game by choosing two drivers.

Cross the road

The players run away from the driver, who is trying to make fun of them. But any player can save his friend from pursuit by crossing the driver’s path.

The driver does not have the right to continue the pursuit and must catch up with the new player. The upset player becomes the driver.

Tags with ball

The players run around the court, escaping from the driver, who is trying to harass them, and pass (or throw) the ball to each other. You cannot kick the player with the ball.

The players' task is to pass the ball to the person being pursued before the driver hits him, and also to protect the ball from the driver.

The driver can touch the ball in the player's hands. In this case, the player becomes the driver. The driver can also spoil the ball by intercepting it on the fly. In this case, the player responsible for losing the ball becomes the driver.

Squat tag

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. The players run away from the driver, and he catches up and shoots down the players who did not have time to sit down with emphasis on their hands. Saled becomes the new driver, and the game continues. The squat can be replaced with another pose (for example, “swallow”).

Shtandr, stop!

This game can have quite a lot of participants, you need an open spacious area, a ball, preferably not very heavy, maybe a volleyball.

The players stand in a circle. The driver hits the ball on the ground several times, saying: “Stander, stander, stander...”, keeping the players in suspense. Unexpectedly for the others, he throws the ball high into the air and shouts the name of one of the players.

At this time, everyone scatters, trying to move to a safe distance. The player whose name was called (now he is the driver) must catch the ball. When the ball is in his hands, he shouts: “Stop!”, and everyone freezes in place. The driver looks around, selects a “victim” and estimates the distance by eye and says: “To (name of the “victim”), six giant steps, three human and five Lilliputian!” And starts counting steps.

You need to calculate the distance so as to get as close as possible to the so-called “victim” in order to hit it with the ball. The players stand motionless, and the driver must walk strictly in a straight line. And, having counted the steps, he also does not have the right to lift his feet off the ground, but must fall into the victim from the position in which he stopped. The victim can dodge, crouch and catch the ball without leaving his spot.

If the ball is caught, the victim must knock out the driver. If the driver misses, then while he is running after the ball, everyone runs away. Having caught the ball, he shouts again: “Stop!”, and everything repeats.

Against each other

Ali Baba

It is better to play this game on a flat clearing. You will have to run, and sometimes fall.

The players are divided into two teams. Teams stand in two lines opposite each other at a distance of 5-6 meters.

Teams are negotiating:

- Ali Baba!

- What is a servant for?

- We're fixing the sleeves!

— To what numbers?

- On the fifth, tenth, we... (name of the player of the opposite team) here.

The player chosen by the opponents runs with all his might towards the opponent’s line, they hold hands tightly. If the running player manages to break a number of opponents, he takes one of the players of this team and takes him to his place, if not, he becomes a player of the other team. The dialogue is repeated (now the team that got a new player starts it). The game continues until a certain number of players remain in one of the teams, most often one, but this depends on the total number of participants.

Shackles (the rules are similar to the game "Ali Baba")

Words that players shout:

- Shackles!

- Shackled!

- Unwind!

- Who do you want?

- Player name...

Take the ball
Two teams of players line up opposite each other in ranks, counting in numerical order. The distance between the ranks is at least 10 m. A ball (pin) is placed in the middle. The presenter calls a number.

Players from both teams with this number run out, trying to be the first to grab the ball and return with it to their place in the line. The player who did not get the ball tries to catch up (to catch) the opponent. If the player with the ball manages to get into place unspotted, the team receives two points, if he is spotted, one. You can't take the ball away. Then participants run out with other numbers. The presenter counts the points. The team with the most points wins.

Participants are divided into two teams, lined up in two lines facing each other at a distance of 10-12 m outside the “cities”. The distance between participants in ranks should be no less than the width of outstretched arms. At a signal, they run towards each other, trying to occupy someone else's city and turn around to face each other. The team that does it faster wins. You can diversify the game by jumping on one leg.

From among the players, a driver is chosen - a cat. All other players are little sparrows. A circle with a diameter of 5-6 m is drawn on the site. The cat sits in the circle, and the sparrows stand outside it. At the leader’s signal, the sparrows jump into and out of the circle. The cat catches the sparrows that have not jumped out of the circle. The caught sparrows remain in the circle. After the cat catches several sparrows from among the uncaught ones, she chooses new cat. Sparrows jump on one or two legs by agreement. A sparrow that runs across the circle is considered caught.

Wolf and kids
It is necessary to draw two parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 m. This will be the ditch in which the wolf lives. Then a wolf is chosen. The rest of the players are goats. The goats stand on one side of the platform. At a signal, they run to the other side of the site, jumping over the ditch. The wolf is trying to catch (precipitate) the kids without running out of the ditch. The kids that are caught are counted and released. After several runs, a new wolf is chosen.

What kind of people are these?

The children stand in a round dance, the leader asks questions, and everyone answers them in unison.

- Well, guys, let's follow the order:

We are not just conducting a round dance,

And the round dance is exercise!

— Are you guys standing in a circle?

- Get up!

— Did you take each other’s hands?

- Are you ready to repeat after me?

- Ready!

- Repeat word for word!

They ran and ran, only their heels sparkled!


You can play anywhere: on the field, in the yard, by the river... And how romantic it is at a disco or at a farewell bonfire.

The number of players can be anything ((the more, the longer the stream) the main thing is odd: everyone is divided into pairs, join hands and stand one after another. Hands are raised, a corridor is formed. The leader walks along the formed corridor, chooses a pair from among the players , takes you by the hand and leads you, becoming the last couple. The freed player becomes the driver. The game is fun and soon there are more and more drivers, and the corridor becomes longer. This is how sympathies are discovered!

Ball games

Duck hunting

The participants of the game are divided into two teams, one of which is the hunters, the other is the ducks. The hunters form a large circle, the ducks occupy the center of this circle.

At the signal, the hunters begin to knock the ducks out of the circle with the ball. The hunter can throw the ball himself or pass the ball to a teammate to throw.

The ducks run inside the circle to escape the ball, dodge and jump. The downed duck leaves the circle. The ducks are allowed to catch the ball, in which case one of the ducks that left the circle returns. Which of the eliminated ducks is returned is decided by the one who caught the ball.

The game ends when there are no ducks left in the circle, after which the teams change roles.


Two teams line up in columns one at a time. A flag is placed in front of them at a distance of 10 m. The first numbers in the teams receive a ball. It is necessary, holding the ball with your knees, reach the flag, go around it and return to the team. The ball is then passed to the next player. The team that completes the task first wins.

Ball in a circle

The participants of the game stand in a large circle and count on the first or second. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. The two players standing next to each other are captains. They are given a ball. After the signal, the balls are passed in a circle through one player of their team. Each team tries to pass the ball as quickly as possible so that it returns to the captain. If the balls collide and fall, they must be picked up and the game continued from the point where they fell. The team whose ball returns to the captain first wins.

Driver's choice

The counselor can appoint a driver. You can invite the children to choose a driver, suggesting at the same time what qualities he should have (the one who runs well, who doesn’t miss the ball, the most fun, etc.). This method is especially good because the chosen driver always tries to justify the trust of his comrades as best as possible.

But there are games where anyone can become a driver, especially since he will often change during the game. A counting game will help. Whoever gets the last word gets to lead.

The bees flew into the field,
They buzzed, they buzzed,
The bees sat on the flowers,
We play - you drive.

But there are also counters in which the player who had the last word leaves the circle, and the calculation is made from the beginning. They count until one participant remains, who becomes the driver. (This method is used only when there are few participants.)

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys
One hundred good Octobers,
Everyone sat down to lunch
Everyone ate a hundred cutlets,
And then they went to bed.
Start counting again...

They sat on the golden porch

Tsar, prince, king, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be?

Choose quickly!

Don't detain good and honest people!

Tara-Mara went to the forest,

She ate cones, she told us to.

But we don’t eat pine cones,

Let's give it to Tara-Mara!

I made jam

I boiled my finger,

I won't tell anyone

That I'm missing a finger.

Peas are rolling on the dish,

You drive, but I won’t!

One two three four,

We live in a large apartment,

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