Home Prosthetics and implantation What date do we celebrate Animal Protection Day? World Animal Day

What date do we celebrate Animal Protection Day? World Animal Day

When conservationists and their supporters gathered at an international congress in Florence, Italy in 1931, they, among other issues, decided to establish World Animal Day on October 4th. Everyone liked this idea, and this is confirmed by the fact that in 2008, various actions and events dedicated to animals were held on this day in 66 countries.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. On this day, Catholics honor the memory of St. Francis of Assisi, who is known among them as the patron saint of animals. And members of the International Society for the Protection of Animals and their followers are trying to reach the consciousness of every person, then our little brothers will be safe. Every third Russian family quite legally celebrates this holiday because they have a beloved pet in the house.

We are not alone on this planet,
The earth is our mother, and we are her children,
Animals are our family too
They are little brothers, friends to people,
So let the birds sing everywhere,
And nearby animals live peacefully,
And so that beauty does not disappear from the Earth,
We will always protect her!

Celebrating World Animal Day
And we congratulate all our little brothers,
We wish the owners happiness and goodness,
So that your animals always make you happy.
We love animals very, very much
They are like that only for us - alone.
We will take care of them and always love them,
Cherish, groom them, water, feed them.

Happy World Animal Day. May our beloved animals bring us joy, peace, tenderness and kindness. I wish you to sincerely love animals, take care of them whenever possible, and take care of them. And in return they will give us healthy nature and their love.

Love for animals is inherent in us by nature.
One of the reverent stories that is simple -
There would be livestock in the house. In modest languor
Waiting for stroking - from muzzle to tail.

World Neighborhood Appreciation Day
People, animals, affection and kindness,
Which we consider the best way
Treatments for stress and loneliness.

So let a person rush to give
Warmth to the sweetest creatures.
Realizes responsibility, which only means -
To be close: from birth to departure to heaven.

Our younger brothers
This day is yours today!
Let's shake your paws
We give you any whim!

Take care of your ears
Fur, whiskers and tail, of course!
Well, we give care
Ready for you endlessly!

Happy World Animal Day!
Let harmony reign on the planet.
Let people protect animals
Let everyone do good.

Our smaller brothers, of course,
Let them also be obedient and smart.
Everything will be successful for everyone,
If we are together.

How much harm do people do?
Killing animals for fun
That kindness has left the heart,
And there is no government for such anywhere.

They are also killed for their skins,
And for the sake of tusks, even for the sake of feathers,
For the sake of coins and green bills
Birds, fish, and animals are dying in the world.

Come on people, let's take care of them
From the bloodthirsty, evil and cruel,
From very scary and deadly encounters,
So that we don't live alone in the world...

Behold, World Animal Day
The whole planet celebrates
More loyal and defenseless
After all, there are no creatures in the world.

I wish you and your tailed
Be sure to be in harmony
They will help you relieve stress,
Pain and misfortune will be driven away.

Take care of them, of course.
Always help them
Plus for this it’s only karma
You are ahead for all the years.

To everyone who loves and cherishes our smaller brothers,
Whoever hits them does not know how to offend them,
Congratulations to those today, many wishes,
In life, joyful, cheerful, bright road!

May all pets be healthy,
Cats, pigs and dogs, goats and cows,
And let the animals who are without a home find food,
And life is good in the big, bad world!

World Animal Day has arrived
Let's remember at this hour,
That all animals need care,
A piece of warmth from us.

Take care of your pets.
Why scold over trifles?
Always feed them tastier food,
They give us joy!

Without animals it would be boring in this world,
Little brothers bring joy to our lives!
Who would wait for us faithfully in the apartment,
Who would value our care and work so much?

I wish all animals to have a wonderful life,
So that they are loved and fed to the limit!
So that the owner is the kindest and coolest,
Allowed to be naughty to the point of chaos!

Well, for those who are in the wild jungles and forests,
I wish everyone to conclude a truce,
So that no one in the forest knows what fear means,
So that you can all live together in harmony!

Congratulations: 23 in verse, 7 in prose.

Celebrated on October 4th, it is classified as an environmental holiday. The Russian version of the name of the holiday is World Animal Day. The main purpose of the event is to make people think about the fact that the planet is common house for the living creatures inhabiting it, where all living things are connected by the strongest bonds. Man is stronger than the most formidable representatives of the fauna, as he is endowed with reason. For this reason, he is responsible for the weaker inhabitants of the Earth. It doesn't matter if they are domestic or wild. By helping his smaller brothers, he saves the planet: every animal is unique, it has a certain role in the ecosystem, and it is very important not to disturb it.

history of the holiday

In 1931, an international congress of supporters of a movement passionately defending animal world. It was decided to celebrate Animal Day every year. Humanity has come a very long way before making this important decision. Many representatives of the fauna (animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish) were exterminated cruelly and senselessly. Unfortunately, some species have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. We will never see a sea cow or a woolly mammoth again. Initially, the attitude towards pets was not humane. They were considered only as domestic helpers.

The number of countries celebrating the holiday increases every year. Today there are about 70 of them. Russia first celebrated it in 2000. He contributed to the unification of the efforts of ecologists, simply caring people. During the period of its existence, the laws were supplemented with articles providing for the protection of lesser brothers.

The holiday has a religious history. Its date coincides with the day of remembrance of the Catholic Saint Francis of Assisi, considered the patron saint of the animal world. According to legend, he loved all living creatures and could talk with birds and animals. The saint called for compassion for living nature. He conveyed to the Christian world the idea of ​​the equality of all God's creatures.

World Animal Day

Every year October 4th is celebrated international holiday– Animal Protection Day, or simply Animal Day. The decision to create this holiday in 1931 was made at International Congress on the protection of nature, held in Florence, Italy. Supporters of the movement chose this particular date because October 4 is known as the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the Catholic saint most revered by Catholics, the patron saint of animals, who died on this day in 1226. Saint Francis of Assisi, who lived in the 12th century, founded a mendicant monastic order. He provided help to all persecuted and suffering, preached that animals are also God's creatures, they must be treated with love, just like people. He urged to leave space in gardens for both flowers and wild herbs, whose beauty glorifies the power of the Creator. Francis also spoke out in defense of animals kept in captivity. He bought the birds that were being sold to fairs and released them. According to one legend, when the Saint died, his soul was accompanied to heaven by a flock of larks.

In many countries around the world, on this day - October 4, or on a day close to the date, services are held, dedicated to the Day animals. This day is intended to draw the attention of humanity to “our little brothers” - the rest of the inhabitants of the planet and their problems.

Animal Welfare Society in different countries world declared their readiness to organize various public events annually. In our country, the holiday has been celebrated since 2000. The initiator was the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Today, according to world statistics, Russia firmly holds second place after the United States in terms of the number of domestic animals. Every third Russian family contains a pet. In most Western European countries, pets are considered part of the family and have equal rights with other members of society. On this day in our country, many schools conduct bioethics lessons for students, during which children are introduced to the basics of the relationship between humans and animals: kindness, care and responsibility. The children are told how they can help four-legged animals.

The purpose of creating this holiday was, firstly, the need for public awareness of the need to protect animals and environment, and secondly, increasing activity in the field of animal protection. According to statistics, over the past 25 years, the biological diversity of our planet has decreased by more than a third. The statistics are very depressing; some species of fauna and flora are irretrievably disappearing from the face of the Earth. A person can stop this process.

or World Animal Day, celebrated throughout the world every year on October 4, was established at the International Congress of supporters of the movement for the protection of nature, held in 1931 in Florence (Italy), calls on humanity to pay attention to the problems of our smaller brothers.

October 4, this day is known as the day of remembrance of the Catholic Saint Francis of Assisi (Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, 1181/1182 - October 4, 1226), who is considered the patron saint of animals. His image is the embodiment of compassion, mercy and humility. A man who strictly followed Christian teaching founded an order (brotherhood) and named it after himself.

This is a very important day, because we must protect animals and protect them. Animals die not only from natural death or from an attack by another animal (which is quite natural), but they also die from changes in natural conditions and poachers. Natural conditions We cannot change it, but we can punish poachers, because because of them, entire species are dying out, many animals are listed in the Red Book.

The number of specimens of animals and plants on Earth is in the hundreds of thousands. But quite a few cease to exist every year due to various reasons. It would seem that one more species, one less – not a great loss. However, the statistics are simply terrifying: a great variety of flora and fauna are under threat of absolute extinction.

Every hour, 3 species of animals disappear from the face of the Earth irrevocably

Daily – more than 70 species of flora and fauna

Over the past 25 years, the Earth's biological diversity has decreased by a third.

International Animal Day concerns not only animals that live in the wild, but also pets. Pets often suffer at the hands of people, so Animal Protection Day also applies to our domesticated pets.

Animal protection societies in many countries around the world annually organize a variety of public events and promotions dedicated to the Day. On October 4, environmentalists organize educational events. Seminars, conferences and exhibitions are organized on this holiday. There are reports talking about important role animals in the life of the planet. Measures to protect endangered species are being proposed and bills are being discussed. Misconceptions about healing properties body parts of creatures. Their death is largely connected with such speculation.

In Russia, this date has been celebrated since 2000 on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Everyone involved in environmental protection activities takes part in the events. Among them are ecologists, veterinarians, public organizations, government agencies, members of the World Fund wildlife(WWF). Owners organize a party for their pets with treats. Teachers and students consider this holiday educational institutions, specializing in environmental protection.

In many countries there are similar events: World Stray Animals Day, which is celebrated on the third Saturday of August, as well as World Pet Day, which is celebrated annually on November 30.

Strive to protect animals
They are our brothers!
Strive to become a little kinder,
Make this world more beautiful!

Their friendship is strong and true,
Animals are like people!
And we need their kindness
What would we be without goodness?

For the 86th year in a row, World Animal Day is celebrated on the fourth of October to draw attention to the problems of the animal world.

The decision to introduce such a date was made by conservationists at a congress in Florence in 1931, but in Russia it began to be celebrated only in 2000 on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). WWF Russia is engaged in the protection of such rare species like the Far Eastern leopard, bison, Atlantic walrus, snow leopard, Amur tiger, polar bear. This year, the Foundation draws attention to the need to take urgent measures to save the only remaining steppe ungulate species in the country, the saiga, from complete destruction.

The saiga is an ancient animal that massively inhabited the arid plains of Eurasia until the 20th century. However, today the species is on the verge of complete extinction due to poaching (the horns of males are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine), habitat fragmentation and habitat degradation. In the territory Russian Federation Only one group of saiga has survived - the Caspian ( Astrakhan region and the Republic of Kalmykia). For another 20–30 years, its range included vast territories on the right bank of the Lower Volga, and its migration routes reached the Rostov region and Dagestan.

In the early 1990s, the population declined sharply, primarily due to the rise of poaching. Inclusion in the International Red Book in the category of “endangered species” in 2002 did not help save the species. Today, on the black market, the cost of 1 kg of horns (3-5 pairs) reaches about 25 thousand rubles, in China - several thousand dollars. Hunting for the horns of males has led to their share in the population dropping to 3-4%, sharply reducing the chances of its self-restoration.

Pavel Arylov

“If radical measures are not taken to save the saiga, we will soon lose this species. First of all, it is necessary to direct resources to combat poaching and preserve the remaining animals, and then develop measures to restore the population,” said Vladimir Krever, head of the biodiversity conservation program at WWF Russia.

The main role in the conservation of this antelope species is played by the Federal State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Black Lands" (Kalmykia) and the Stepnoy Nature Reserve (Astrakhan Region) - this is where the saigas population of the North-Western Caspian region lives. The activities of these protected areas are also supported by WWF Russia: in 2016, with the financial support of WWF supporters, as part of a project to assist anti-poaching teams in saiga habitats, inspectors were able to patrol the territory more often and for a longer period of time, avoiding violations of environmental legislation.

Wild Wonders of Europe Igor Shpilenok WWF

In the summer of 2017, WWF staff visited Chernye Zemlya and Stepnoy to assess and analyze the ongoing conservation measures. To preserve the species, it is necessary to take a number of further measures, in particular, to expand security zone reserve "Black Lands", conduct a one-time numerical and age census of saigas, support the fight against steppe fires, poaching and trade in derivatives.

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