Home Stomatitis Example: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student. Example of typical characteristics of students

Example: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student. Example of typical characteristics of students


Student (graduate) of the class of municipal educational institution "Secondary school No."

Full name

Ivanov Ivan, ( Date of Birth ) born, living at the address: (home address ), studied at school no.1 class. Has established himself as (diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive student ). During the training he showed (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory ) knowledge on ( Name) objects. Has the ability to study (title, humanitarian, exact ) items. Studies ( to the fullest extent of one's abilities, not to the fullest extent of one's abilities, needs constant supervision, does not show interest in studying, studies poorly , with more effort I could only study for “good” and “excellent”) . Has an arbitrary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed ) memory, ( beautiful, good, fast, slow) works (remembers training material) . Detects ( logical, figurative, concrete, creative) thinking. Horizons (wide narrow ) speech ( developed, poorly developed ). Always in class (attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps friends ). It has general development. Reads a lot. Interested in acquiring new knowledge from different fields of science and culture.

Carrying out public assignments includes (conscientiously, carefully, carelessly ). Was elected ( indicate public position ). Actively participated (in the social life of the school, class, in the work of student government, in cultural events, in sports life) . Was a participant (school, city, regional) olympiad/competition/tournament, awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal ). Behavior rules (always consciously performs, does not always perform, performs at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, is prone to illegal behavior) .

His health is good, the young man loves physical education and sports. Engaged in (kind of sport ). He is neat and keeps his things in perfect order.

Character ( modest, cheerful, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, susceptible to the influence of others , impulsive , sociable, friendly, responsive, cheerful, cheerful. Constantly lively, very active). Enjoys ( respect among teachers). It has (many friends, maintains friendly relations with many, has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Always willingly comes into contact with people. Enjoys authority among friends and classmates).

Leads healthy image life. Has no bad habits. (Inquisitive, apathetic, reacts emotionally to life events) . In judgments ( independent, not independent, subject to the influence of others ). (Shows or does not show concern for acquaintances and strangers, indifferent to others, tries to provide help and support to anyone ). Always ( with attention, indifferently ) listens to fair criticism,persistent in correcting his own shortcomings. Truthful towards his parents, teachers, comrades. All his actions and words demonstrate respect for other people. .

Raised in (complete family, where all conditions for study and recreation are created, single-parent family, with one mother ). Parents pay proper attention to raising their son (do not pay attention, neglect education, have a bad influence).


Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No."

Classroom teacher


Burov Nikolai Alexandrovich,

Born in 1996,

graduate of class 10A

Moscow region

Burov Nikolay has been studying at this school since the first grade. During his studies, he showed himself to be a diligent and responsible student. Mostly he only gets excellent grades. Completes homework regularly. Doesn't miss classes without a good reason. Disciplined, active, has excellent logical thinking. Attends an elective in mathematics.

Took part in the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in geography, history, English language, basics of life safety (winner). Participant of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety. Finalist of the “Student of the Year 2011” competition.

Nikolai is friendly and responsive in his communication, he supports his classmates a good relationship. He has authority in the class.

He has a calm, balanced character and is active in intellectual activity. Conscientious in carrying out any tasks and assignments. Gets carried away exact sciences, participates in the intellectual life of the school, educational and educational events.

The student has adequate self-esteem, which has a positive effect on the learning process. Shy. The level of aspirations is high and corresponds to self-esteem.

He systematically takes part in community cleanups, is diligent, hardworking, and neat. Has a business-oriented personality. Independent in judgments and conclusions.

He was brought up in a complete family, where he received a good upbringing. Respectful and polite towards elders, reacts adequately to comments.



Moleva Natalia Alexandrovna,

Born in 1995,

graduates of class 10A

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 20"

Voskresensky municipal district

Moscow region

Natalya Moleva has been studying at this school since the fifth grade. Has excellent learning abilities. He studies mostly only with “5” grades. He completes his homework regularly and does not miss classes without a good reason. Strives to improve his level of education: attends electives in mathematics.Shows special interest in the Russian language and chemistry.

Participated in the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography, chemistry, life safety, biology, Russian language, and in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety. As part of the school team, she took second place in the regional game “The Fascinating World of Chemistry.”

By nature, she is friendly, polite, not always restrained, and sometimes does not know how to cope with her emotions. Sociable, talkative, hardworking.

Performs public assignments responsibly. Participates in many extracurricular activities school events: KVN, subject weeks, sports competitions for the honor of the class, DZD, concert for March 8, evening in memory of S. Markin. Active during cleanup days general cleaning. The class is headed by the cultural sector.

Persistent in achieving goals. She has been studying in the folk dance group “Edelweiss” at the Yubileiny cultural center for ten years. She achieved considerable success by performing at various competitions.

Relations with classmates are smooth, without conflicts. Enjoys authority among classmates. Her opinion is listened to. Reacts adequately to adults' comments.

He was brought up in a complete large family.

Class teacher _____________ T.V. Murashova

Basic requirements that a student’s characteristics must meet:
the student’s characteristics should reflect his individual psychological characteristics, manifested by him in the learning process and behavior;
divide students according to the level of predominance of certain characteristics;
show the attitude of the teacher to the student;
the student's characteristics must be drawn up according to a standard scheme;
should be easily “readable” and understandable for teachers who are not familiar with the students being characterized;
The characterization process should not be labor-intensive.

The text of the characteristic consists of four parts:

1. Personal details of the person for whom the profile is being written (placed in the center of the sheet or in a column on the right).
2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he has been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery of skills, or knowledge of educational material).
3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about encouragement (discipline): relationships in the team.
4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

Examples of Student Characteristics.

Characteristics of Pyotr Vasilievich Ivanov
19.. year of birth
student...-A class, secondary school No.. city......

Ivanov Petr has been studying at school No. ... in the city ..... since the first grade. Has established himself as a (diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive) student. Knows educational material at a good level. Studies (to the full extent of his abilities, not to the full extent of his abilities, needs constant supervision, does not show interest in studying, studies poorly). Has voluntary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed) memory, (beautifully, well, quickly, slowly) works (remembers educational material). Detects (logical, imaginative, concrete, creative) thinking. Has the ability to study (specify subjects). At work (lessons) always (attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps friends). Has good general development. Reads a lot.

Performing public assignments refers to (conscientiously, carefully, carelessly). Was elected to (specify public position). Actively participated (in the public life of the school (class, in the work of student government, in cultural events, in sports life). Was a participant in (school, city, regional) Olympiad/competition/tournament, awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal).

(Modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, susceptible to the influence of others). Rules of conduct (always complies, does not always comply, complies at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, is prone to illegal behavior). He is respected among teachers. Has authority among his comrades. He has many friends and maintains friendly relations with many colleagues.

Parents pay proper attention to raising their son (they do not pay attention, they neglect upbringing, they are a bad influence).


Characteristics of Irina Anatolievna Petrova
19.. year of birth,
students of ...-A class, secondary school No. .. of the city ......

Irina Petrova has proven herself to be a diligent, disciplined, hardworking student.
It has logical thinking, has the ability to study mathematics, literature, history.
Performs public assignments conscientiously. She took part in the regional Olympiad in mathematics, where she took… a place, she is fond of chess.
Reads science fiction and historical literature with interest.
In his free time, he writes poems, sings, and bakes cakes.
Irina is respected among teachers.
He has authority among his comrades and maintains friendly relations with many students.

School Principal: (Signature)

per student...A class
Municipal educational institution "Secondary secondary school №…»
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,
… the year of birth,
Living at:...

Studies: he studies well, slightly above average, is almost not interested in studies, reads little, has no specific academic interests.

Behavior: frequent violations of discipline; conflicts with teachers arise very rarely, but with fellow students often;

Has very high motor activity, restlessness.

Social activity is of average intensity, as are organizational skills and initiative. The student occupies an intermediate position between leaders and followers.

Communication at school: in terms of popularity in the class, the middle position, but there are no enemies. He is extremely sociable, constantly tries to be in public, in the thick of things, looking for new experiences and acquaintances.

Lack of shyness. Responsive. Differs in independent judgments.

Personal characteristics: not anxious, self-confident, self-esteem is high and not inflated, ambitious, rather arouses the sympathy of the teacher who filled out the card.

Communication in the family: lives in a friendly family, relationships with parents are trusting, he is given greater independence, but they try not to weaken control over behavior. There are no conflicts in the relationship between the teacher and parents.

School principal, (Class teacher) number (signature)


Sometimes characteristics require filling out individual card student.

Psychological and pedagogical card of the student

"Psychological and pedagogical map of the student", uses the method expert assessments in graphical form (expert - class teacher). This map allows you to create a “graphic” characteristic of a student.
This card is recommended for filling out and drawing up for each student at the end of certain periods of study, to identify primary tasks in the process of teaching and educating the student, as well as to help a new teacher (in case of a change class teacher) in working with the class:
If a student is studying in an eleven-year program, then it is recommended to draw up a “Psychological and Pedagogical Student Card” in grades 4, 8 and 10.
The map looks something like this.

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. ___”, _________


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.__ since ___ year.

During his studies he showed poor abilities in many disciplines school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. It is almost impossible to convince a teenager of the need for systematic work, since he does not respond to all the teacher’s comments. He is systematically late for classes, motivating feeling unwell, leaves lessons whenever he pleases. School supplies doesn’t wear it, explaining it as forgetfulness. The teenager's health is unsatisfactory and he is often sick.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, discussion of behavior at crime prevention councils, meetings with the director positive results do not give. The teenager is registered with the school due to absenteeism without a valid reason.

Emotionally labile, tense, anxious, exhausted, rigid, irritable. The student repeatedly attended conversations with school psychologist. Relationships with peers are superficial. Good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is inadequate, does not notice the ridicule of classmates, and uncritically assesses one’s status in the team. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. In school and cool events participates mediocrely. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a single-parent family, his parents are divorced. Mother is a candidate of sciences and works as a teacher at a university. The relationship with the mother is conflictual. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and the principal. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. __”, _____


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.___ since the first grade.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. Misses school without a good reason. He doesn’t carry school supplies, explaining that he’s forgetful. The state of health is satisfactory.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, and discussions of behavior at crime prevention councils and meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is registered with the school.

At school the Student does not show aggression, there are no conflicts with teachers, and he is on friendly terms with his classmates. The student had multiple conversations with the school psychologist. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and class events is mediocre. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a complete family. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and administration. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

A student's characteristics are a document that reflects an assessment of the student's psychological, social, communicative and other qualities. A student profile may be required when transferring a student to a new educational institution or when enrolling in specialized clubs and sections. This document is also often prepared for new teachers who want to become familiar with the character of their students.

How to write a characteristic for a student

Since the student’s characteristics do not belong to the category official documents, it can be written in any form, according to general recommendations business letters. First, the name of the document is written on the sheet or form, followed by the main text, which should include the following information:

  • information about the student (full name, date of birth, class of study);
  • academic performance, preference in studying, degree of perseverance, favorite subjects;
  • health status, physical training whether the student attends sport sections or mugs;
  • hobbies and extracurricular interests (you can indicate which clubs, sections and studios the student is involved in);
  • the student’s family, relationship in the family;
  • student character, attitude in class;
  • signature of the class teacher;
  • date of writing the document.

If the reference is drawn up for the purpose of submission to other educational institutions, then in addition to the signature of the class teacher, the signature of the school director is also required.

The student’s characteristics can be drawn up as on company letterhead educational institution, and on a sheet of A4 format.



per student of grade 11-A

Secondary school No. 112 in Moscow

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich,

Born 1996

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich has sufficient and high level progress, acquires the necessary knowledge and skills. Studying in a specialized legal class. Takes care of constant increase your educational level. Has a well developed spatial imagination. Interested in computer science. He was the winner of the city and participant of the regional drawing tournaments. Winner of the city Olympiad in computer science.

General physical development Vladimir Vitalievich Sokolov is good. Vladimir is engaged in judo wrestling. Participated in competitions different levels. The highest achievement is third place in the European Championship. Constantly working on physical improvement.

There are no negative character traits or behavior. Non-conflict, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. Polite with teachers. Classmates respect Vladimir. Actively participates in the public life of the class and school, member of the student government council.

In everyday life it is characterized only with positive aspects. Respects parents and helps them. Leads a healthy lifestyle, bad habits does not have.

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich is being brought up in a complete family. Parents are private entrepreneurs. Parents are responsible for raising their son. The guy is instilled with the best moral qualities - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.

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